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Jan 31, 2024, 11:10:00 AMJan 31
While surfing the net i came across the following

The whole world is going on about the innocents being slaughtered in Gaza.....and maybe quite right too? But what about Armenia??


Jan 31, 2024, 1:48:49 PMJan 31
The Armenian Genocide, is relatively agreed upon, I believe. Albeit, I'm
ignorant on the matter other than superficial knowledge. I understand,
those that would've been committing the crime, will always deny.

The issue with Gaza is, the murder, oppression, and subjugation is being
aired on camera. Yet, you have the 'west' supporting Israel with
weapons, finance, political cover, military intelligence... While
telling others that international law needs to be adhered to.

This cover extends to the majority of 'western' media. CNN admitted all
their stories on the matter, first need to be approved by the IDF before
being aired.

Yet, you have people on this forum, stating that support today for
Israel, in 2024, in the murder of women and children, is due to their
and people like them, that had their feelings hurt in the 1950s. Also
insinuating that 'Muslims' need to pay political elite to sway their

Kendall K. Down

Jan 31, 2024, 2:38:49 PMJan 31
On 31/01/2024 10:30, hermeneutika wrote:

> The whole world is going on about the innocents being slaughtered in Gaza.....and maybe quite right too? But what about Armenia??

The genocide of the Armenians during WWI is still denied by Turkey but
the evidence is irrefutable. The present troubles in Armenia are not as
simple, as the Armenian majority in a part of a Muslim country tried to
rebel against the government and set up a break-away republic.

Given the history of Armenian v. Muslim relations I do not blame them.
Given international law, I find it difficult to support them.

God bless,
Kendall K. Down

Kendall K. Down

Jan 31, 2024, 2:48:49 PMJan 31
On 31/01/2024 18:45, Muhammad wrote:

> Yet, you have people on this forum, stating that support today for
> Israel, in 2024, in the murder of women and children, is due to their
> and people like them, that had their feelings hurt in the 1950s. Also
> insinuating that 'Muslims' need to pay political elite to sway their
> thinking.

Your famous inability to understand English comes to the fore again.

It was nothing to do with "hurt feelings" and everything to do with the
fact that the Israelis were highly Europeanised, spoke European
languages, shared European culture and were, on the whole, pro-West. And
loudly subscribed to conventions on the treatment of prisoners and

Opposed to them were people who were primitive, who were far too
pro-Russian and anti-Western, who talked loudly of extermination and did
not have a good record with regard to prisoners. Above all their
attitudes and ways of thinking were completely foreign and incomprehensible.

The Israelis knew which buttons to press to ensure support, the Arabs
did not. The Israelis were a democracy, the Arabs were not.

No one suggested "paying"; I merely pointed out that Trump's son-in-law
was a Jew who treated his wife with respect, just like any other
American couple. I wonder what would have happened if Trump's son-in-law
had been a Muslim? Would Trump have moved the American embassy to
Jerusalem? But chances are that this putative Muslim son-in-law would
have forced her to wear a bag over her head, then gone back to Arabia
and introduced her to his other three wives.


Jan 31, 2024, 6:08:48 PMJan 31
On 31/01/2024 19:46, Kendall K. Down wrote:
> On 31/01/2024 18:45, Muhammad wrote:
>> Yet, you have people on this forum, stating that support today for
>> Israel, in 2024, in the murder of women and children, is due to their
>> and people like them, that had their feelings hurt in the 1950s. Also
>> insinuating that 'Muslims' need to pay political elite to sway their
>> thinking.
> Your famous inability to understand English comes to the fore again.

Your famous usual right wing rant.

My understanding is clear enough. Perhaps you don't realise, the word
you write have meanings, and what I mentioned was the meaning, even if
present in a manner you don't like.

> It was nothing to do with "hurt feelings"

Go back and read what you wrote.

> and everything to do with the
> fact that the Israelis were highly Europeanised,


> spoke European
> languages,

More common to White people

> shared European culture

Really, what was that, colonial racism.

> and were, on the whole, pro-West

Sure, as they were being supported...

> And
> loudly subscribed to conventions on the treatment of prisoners and
> minorities.

What planet are you on. There are videos of Israeli soldiers in the
first 'Nakba', stating when it came to civilians they took no prisoners,
raped women...

> Opposed to them were people who were primitive,

Not White.

> who were far too
> pro-Russian

Didn't want to have puppet leadership...

> and anti-Western,

See above.

> The Israelis knew which buttons to press to ensure support, the Arabs
> did not. The Israelis were a democracy, the Arabs were not.

Hitler was democratically elected.

> No one suggested "paying";

You did. The conclusion leads to that. It is a shame, you lack the
intellect to understand what you actually write. Having the apostrophes
in the correct places, congratulations to you, but you simply lack a
logic which you're so fond of trying to articulate. But, fail miserably,
so chose to lie and misrepresent.

> I merely pointed out that Trump's son-in-law
> was a Jew who treated his wife with respect, just like any other
> American couple. I wonder what would have happened if Trump's son-in-law
> had been a Muslim?

No, I wasn't referring to that, it was another one of your low
intellect, lack of moral compass comments made in the past.

> Would Trump have moved the American embassy to
> Jerusalem? But chances are that this putative Muslim son-in-law would
> have forced her to wear a bag over her head, then gone back to Arabia
> and introduced her to his other three wives.

What drugs are you on.

The racist stereo typical remarks you make is astounding.

How many Muslims do you know? And how many of them have more than one wife?


Feb 1, 2024, 3:28:49 AMFeb 1
On 31/01/2024 23:03, Muhammad wrote:
>> who were far too pro-Russian
> Didn't want to have puppet leadership...

That was what happened to Ukraine. They refused to be Moscow's puppet.

Belarus, OTOH, is Moscow's puppet.

Why is it OK to be Moscow's puppets, then?

Primarily, though, we in the West, (the West into which you were born
and your ancestors fought for), CAN openly criticise our leaders and
governments, whereas those in Russia and China cannot.



Feb 1, 2024, 9:18:48 AMFeb 1
God have mercy on all of us....the global situation is worse than i have ever seen it.

Steve Hague

Feb 1, 2024, 9:58:48 AMFeb 1
You weren't around in the 1940s, and neither was I, but history shows us
it was worse then.

Kendall K. Down

Feb 1, 2024, 12:08:47 PMFeb 1
On 31/01/2024 23:03, Muhammad wrote:

> What planet are you on. There are videos of Israeli soldiers in the
> first 'Nakba', stating when it came to civilians they took no prisoners,
> raped women...

Stating. How about some evidence? Anyone can state anything.

> Didn't want to have puppet leadership...

Whatever their reasons, they sided with the enemies of the West - and
then you are surprised that the West regarded them as enemies!


Feb 1, 2024, 12:18:48 PMFeb 1
On 31/01/2024 18:45, Muhammad wrote:

> This cover extends to the majority of 'western' media. CNN admitted all
> their stories on the matter, first need to be approved by the IDF before
> being aired.

I am extremely surprised about that. Do you have a reliable reference,

I can well understand that some stories, covering current military
operations need to be vetted to ensure that military secrets are not
being divulged inadvertently. That would be an absolutely standard part
of any agreement about reporters being embedded with the troops.

You can hardly have CNN reporting "The platoon we are with is at X, and
in ten minutes we will be marching across open ground at Y."

But, what you are suggesting goes way, way beyond that.


Feb 1, 2024, 1:18:48 PMFeb 1
On 01/02/2024 08:22, Timreason wrote:
> On 31/01/2024 23:03, Muhammad wrote:
>>> who were far too pro-Russian
>> Didn't want to have puppet leadership...
> That was what happened to Ukraine. They refused to be Moscow's puppet.

You're in part correct. However, what happened was a western-backed
coup. Fighting in the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine (east), western
backing and supply of weapons to anti-Russian and Nazi minded groups.
These are facts...

> Belarus, OTOH, is Moscow's puppet.


> Why is it OK to be Moscow's puppets, then?

It is not OK for any nation to have 'puppets'

The point on Russia in the other thread was:

USA (along with allies) the chain smoker/s, see Russia having a few
cigs' and starts complaining that Russia's smoking will lead to the 'end
of the world' as we know it.

It was to do with, Russia presenting a plan (eventually to African
states), a plan where, Ukraine would've stayed neutral. Thus, not in
NATO and not part of the Russian sphere. That was rejected, by Ukrainian
politicians that were being encouraged by 'western' leaders, including
Boris 'the liar Johnson. The liar, was name checked by a Ukrainian
negotiator, for influencing Ukraine to reject Russia's offer.

I know Russia would've liked for Ukraine to be a puppet. However, as a
last resort, instead of having Ukraine be part of NATO, Russia was
willing to have Ukraine take a neutral stance.

I posted in this forum (I believe) from an official US' government
website, prior to the Russian stupid attack on Ukraine, the agreement
Ukraine made with 'Washington'. That agreement was in essence
anti-Moscow, a means to threaten Russian economy, cybersecurity, that
would've started military cooperation between Ukraine and America.

> Primarily, though, we in the West, (the West into which you were born
> and your ancestors fought for), CAN openly criticise our leaders and
> governments, whereas those in Russia and China cannot.

No. Not quite...

Why have politicians been removed from their post for simply asking for
a ceasefire in Gaza.

Why have numerous individuals lost their post, for simply calling the
situation in Gaza what it is... the list goes on

In principle, I agree with your comment. However, where the western
demographic is potentially allowed to do as you mentioned, it is in
essence propagandised into certain narratives, particularly through
complicity of popular media. That has resulted in narrow 'closed doored'
conversation on certain issues...(wide topic I'm not willing to delve
into, due to time constraints).

In the 'non-compliant' states you mentioned, the media is not as
sophisticated. The use of law, power, and rule is designed to control
dissent. However, even in those countries one is allowed to speak
freely, provided they don't touch on points of contention.


Feb 1, 2024, 1:28:48 PMFeb 1
On 01/02/2024 17:00, Kendall K. Down wrote:
> On 31/01/2024 23:03, Muhammad wrote:
>> What planet are you on. There are videos of Israeli soldiers in the
>> first 'Nakba', stating when it came to civilians they took no
>> prisoners, raped women...
> Stating. How about some evidence? Anyone can state anything.

I provided you with a link of that video on YouTube, that is for
certain. I may also have noted, when the comment of 'rape' was
mentioned. The 'film' was over

I can only find short clips and trailers now... I mention the whole
documentary might be removed in the first post, when I linked to it.

Think this the full video:


It's funny how people of your mind, tend to want evidence from others.
But, when it comes to your side, the right wing bigoted zealots can
accuse, and that accusation is taken as fact.


Feb 1, 2024, 2:08:48 PMFeb 1
On 01/02/2024 17:17, GB wrote:
> On 31/01/2024 18:45, Muhammad wrote:
>> This cover extends to the majority of 'western' media. CNN admitted
>> all their stories on the matter, first need to be approved by the IDF
>> before being aired.
> I am extremely surprised about that. Do you have a reliable reference,
> please?


"*Like all foreign news organizations operating in Israel*, CNN’s
Jerusalem bureau is subject to the rules of the Israel Defense Forces’s
censor, which dictates subjects that are off-limits for news
organizations to cover, and censors articles it deems unfit or unsafe to

"In order to obtain a press pass in Israel, foreign reporters *must
sign* a document agreeing to abide by the dictates of the censor..."

"...On top of the official and unspoken rules for reporting from Israel,
CNN recently issued directives to its staff on *specific language to use
and avoid when reporting on violence in the Gaza Strip*..."

"...sent an email to staff outlining how they should write about the war"

To speak and write in terms that portray:

"Hamas controls the government in Gaza and we should describe the
Ministry of Health as ‘Hamas-controlled’ whenever we are referring to
casualty statistics or other claims related to the present conflict. If
the underlying statistics have been derived from the ministry of Health
in Gaza, we should note that fact and that this part of the Ministry is
‘Hamas-controlled’ even if the statistics are released by the West Bank
part of the ministry *or elsewhere*.”

This is done to question the death toll, and bring forth the idea, we're
not sure how many are dead, it could be less. The numbers could be
wrong, perhaps children and women aren't dying in those numbers.

It is a deliberately-planned systematic racist narrative purported by
many sections of western media. And, many of you will know, and heard
media sources, every time the Gaza death toll is mentioned, state those
numbers are from the 'Hamas run, health ministry'.

However, those racist bigots know, that in previous Israeli 'mowing the
lawn' murder activities, the numbers given by the Gaza health ministry
were corroborated by the UN and other independent organizations. Due to
the racist minded obfuscation of western media sources, the Gaza health
ministry painstakingly started to give out Israeli given ID numbers of
the Gazan's that have been killed. Yet, many western media continued to
question the death toll.

"...but couches [essentially refuse to discuss / gloss over] that
responsibility in the need to “cover the broader current geopolitical
and historical context of the story” while continuing to “remind our
audiences of the immediate cause of this current conflict, namely the
Hamas attack and mass murder and kidnap of Israeli civilians.."

"...*Also in October, CNN hired a former IDF soldier to contribute
writing and reporting to CNN’s war coverage*...Since then, her name has
appeared on dozens of stories citing the IDF spokesperson and relaying
information about the IDF’s operations in the Gaza Strip"

"According to her Facebook profile, Tamar Michaelis served in the IDF’s
Spokesperson Unit, a division of the Israeli military charged with
carrying out positive PR both domestically and abroad"

*"The CNN staff member described how the policy works in practice.
“‘War-crime’ and ‘genocide’ are taboo words,” the person said. “Israeli
bombings in Gaza will be reported as ‘blasts’ attributed to nobody,
until the Israeli military weighs in to either accept or deny
responsibility*...Quotes and information provided by Israeli army and
government officials tend to be approved quickly, while those from
Palestinians tend to be heavily scrutinized and slowly processed."


All CNN Gaza Coverage Seen by Bureau Monitored by IDF Before Publication

The coverage of ALL journalists, no matter where they're reporting on
Israeli and Palestine issues from, needs to be first verified.

Other media outlets, have decided to operate from outside of Israel to
bypass IDF censorship of their reporting.


First, tell me: do you condemn Hamas!! - Yes.

Moving onto other stories...


Feb 1, 2024, 4:58:48 PMFeb 1
On 01/02/2024 17:00, Kendall K. Down wrote:

> On 31/01/2024 23:03, Muhammad wrote:
>> What planet are you on. There are videos of Israeli soldiers in the
>> first 'Nakba', stating when it came to civilians they took no
>> prisoners, raped women...
> Stating. How about some evidence? Anyone can state anything.

I'm surprised there hasn't been more outrage over this

Kendall K. Down

Feb 2, 2024, 12:18:48 PMFeb 2
On 01/02/2024 18:23, Muhammad wrote:

> I provided you with a link of that video on YouTube, that is for
> certain.

You did indeed. A bunch of people I don't know stood up and made
unsupported claims about what they said they saw or did. Paid actors?
People with an anti-Israeli axe to grind? Soldiers genuinely repentant
for what they did?

As it happens I know that there were atrocities and massacres (though
I'm not so sure about rape, which I think was all on the other side.)
Look up Deir Yassin if you want details.

Kendall K. Down

Feb 2, 2024, 12:18:49 PMFeb 2
On 01/02/2024 21:48, John wrote:

> I'm surprised there hasn't been more outrage over this

When they shoot their own people who they are supposed to be rescuing,
are you surprised?


Feb 2, 2024, 2:38:47 PMFeb 2
On 01/02/2024 19:05, Muhammad wrote:

>> I am extremely surprised about that. Do you have a reliable reference,
>> please?

I would quibble about your references, as that one is bankrolled by a
convicted fraudster, SBF.


And that one says it's just repeating what the first one says. Right at
the beginning it says: "new reporting by The Intercept has revealed" and
then it just repeats the other allegations.

If I ggogle "cnn censorship gaza", I can find half a dozen references,
but they all are simply quoting the first one you mentioned.

I'm afraid that there's a lot of fake news around, and I suspect that
this is either totally fake or hugely exaggerated.


Feb 3, 2024, 4:48:47 AMFeb 3
On 02/02/2024 17:11, Kendall K. Down wrote:
> On 01/02/2024 18:23, Muhammad wrote:
>> I provided you with a link of that video on YouTube, that is for certain.
> You did indeed. A bunch of people I don't know stood up and made
> unsupported claims about what they said they saw or did. Paid actors?
> People with an anti-Israeli axe to grind? Soldiers genuinely repentant
> for what they did?

I don't think you saw the links I provided, nor did you check on the
production of the film. But, astoundingly, you've questioned the
veracity of it, with the above delusional post.

I can't argue with madness.


Feb 3, 2024, 5:48:43 AMFeb 3
On 02/02/2024 19:28, GB wrote:
> On 01/02/2024 19:05, Muhammad wrote:
>>> I am extremely surprised about that. Do you have a reliable
>>> reference, please?
> I would quibble about your references, as that one is bankrolled by a
> convicted fraudster, SBF.

Most if not all news media have shady sponsors somewhere, including

The storey I highlighted, wasn't a piece carried out by their sponsors,
but an *investigative journalist*, Daniel Boguslaw.

The Intercept in the past has journalism awards for investigative

You can't simply file this away under the category of conspiracy.


Starting points...

Reporters Without Borders report on Israel states that "Under Israel’s
military censorship, reporting on a variety of security issues requires
prior approval by the authorities. In addition to the possibility of
civil defamation suits, journalists can also be charged with criminal
defamation and "insulting a public official". There is a freedom of
information law but it is sometimes hard to implement. The
confidentiality of sources is not protected by statutory law

Every journalist working within Israel is required to be accredited by
the Israeli Government Press Office. The office is allowed to deny
applications based on political or security considerations

[same link as above]

Some history...

The law authorizes the government to censor on national security grounds
any material reported from the country *or the occupied territories
regarded as sensitive*. An agreement between the government and media
representatives provides for military censorship only in cases involving
issues that the armed forces believe could likely harm the country's
security interests. *All media organizations must submit materials
covered by the agreement to the censor for approval.*


There's enough detail in the original link I provided, including how it
tallies up with 'western' MSM reporting on the matter. Especially
calling the death toll of Palestinians as 'Hamas health ministry'
numbers to reduce the creditability of the numbers provided and seed
doubt in the audience. In addition to having IDF members carrying out
its reporting.


Feb 3, 2024, 7:38:46 AMFeb 3
On 03/02/2024 10:46, Muhammad wrote:
> On 02/02/2024 19:28, GB wrote:
>> On 01/02/2024 19:05, Muhammad wrote:
>>>> I am extremely surprised about that. Do you have a reliable
>>>> reference, please?
>> I would quibble about your references, as that one is bankrolled by a
>> convicted fraudster, SBF.
> Most if not all news media have shady sponsors somewhere, including
> politicians.
> The storey I highlighted, wasn't a piece carried out by their sponsors,
> but an *investigative journalist*, Daniel Boguslaw.

Fair enough.

However, if I contrast what you said:

"CNN admitted all their stories on the matter, first need to be approved
by the IDF before being aired."

With what Daniel said:

"every CNN journalist covering Israel and Palestine must submit their
work for review by the news organization’s bureau in Jerusalem prior to
publication, under a long-standing CNN policy. While CNN says the policy
is meant to ensure accuracy in reporting on a polarizing subject, it
means that much of the network’s recent coverage of the war in Gaza ...
has been shaped by journalists who operate under the shadow of the
country’s military censor. "

Indeed, Daniel flatly contradicts you:
"CNN’s practice of routing coverage through the Jerusalem bureau does
not mean that the military censor directly reviews every story. "

And again:
"{This] has no impact on [CNN's] (minimal) interactions with the Israeli
Military Censor — and we do not share copy with them (or any government
body) in advance. We will seek comment from Israeli and other relevant
officials before publishing stories, but this is just good journalistic

> The Intercept in the past has journalism awards for investigative
> reporting.
> You can't simply file this away under the category of conspiracy.

Fair enough, but I think you have picked up a false rumour, perhaps
originally based on David's fairly thoughtful article.



Feb 3, 2024, 8:48:47 AMFeb 3
Not quite... When you have

The source of the report, included anonymous CNN staff members.

Similar censorship methods, I outlined by other sources. With the
current situation, Israel has gone heavy-handed, including some of its
own people, those have bravely called out Israel for what it is doing.

"...sent an email to staff outlining how they should write about the war"

To speak and write in terms that portray:

"Hamas controls the government in Gaza and we should describe the
Ministry of Health as ‘Hamas-controlled’ whenever we are referring to
casualty statistics or other claims related to the present conflict. If
the underlying statistics have been derived from the ministry of Health
in Gaza, we should note that fact and that this part of the Ministry is
‘Hamas-controlled’ even if the statistics are released by the West Bank
part of the ministry *or elsewhere*.”

When you have systematically controlled language when reporting the
crimes of Israel, and a gloves approach when reporting on the crimes of
people, Israel according to international law occupies. That is a
deliberately planned bias, which in factually can be seen in western
reporting and can be documented (should anyone wish to).

Without a thorough analysis, and my somewhat overlook of many western
MSM sources, even I have picked-up on two deliberate tactics. To bog
down 'pro-Palestinian' or 'anti-war' sources to condemning Hamas, and to
at downplay the Palestinian death toll as being given by Hamas.

So, how did, all if not most western MSM, align themselves to that
narrative, to downplay the Palestinian death toll by portraying it
specifically as 'Hamas given numbers'. When those very sources, know the
death toll given by the same source, the Gaza health ministry in
previous Israeli 'mowing the lawn' murder adventures, were corroborated
by the UN, independent sources and Israel itself (with a small degree of


When you have politicians, that spoke clearly and unequivocally, on the
crimes Russia was committing (and rightly so). Now, when it comes to
Israel, they er' on the side of caution, lean towards the Israeli
narrative implicitly, even though the murder and destruction of
Palestinian is being shown on video. Even though, the IDF soldiers are
singing and posting some their acts... How does cross party political
elite, come to same conclusion.

Russia's war on Ukraine, the death toll of Ukrainians in comparison of
time period, the Palestinians are being killed in greater numbers,
Palestinian children are being killed in greater numbers, UN staff are
being killed in numbers, journalists are being killed in great numbers...


On another note, Israeli media came out and admitted the mass rape,
children beheaded, baby in oven... Many of the initial crimes attributed
to Hamas, were LIES. But, they were used to build-up a narrative that
Israel must act as it wishes against the Palestinian, describing
Palestinian as "animals", "Amalek"...


My brother, there's no justifying an occupation (and everything that
Israel does in imposing that), there's no justifying a nation that
defends its occupation and continually implicitly claims (and at time
explicitly), the only solution is: that the occupied be ethnically


On another note, honestly:
How many Israeli's know that the Holocaust happened in Europe, not in
the Middle East, Jews fled to 'Arab' nations for safety, where they were
mostly accepted, including in Palestine. That Israeli forces committed
many massacres in the creation of the state, including ethnic cleansing.
How many know the people of Gaza, many of them were expelled from towns
just outside of Gaza...


Feb 4, 2024, 12:08:43 PMFeb 4
This is a vanishingly small point to be arguing about, compared to the
ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Nevertheless, you said: "CNN admitted all their stories on the matter,
first need to be approved by the IDF before being aired."

And, it is quite clear from the source you provided that:
a) CNN have NOT admitted it.
b) CNN vehemently deny it.

How that got turned into "CNN admitted ..." is utterly beyond me, but
such is the power of social media.


Feb 5, 2024, 1:08:43 PMFeb 5
On 04/02/2024 17:07, GB wrote:
> On 03/02/2024 13:41, Muhammad wrote:
>> On 03/02/2024 12:36, GB wrote:
>>> On 03/02/2024 10:46, Muhammad wrote:
>>>> On 02/02/2024 19:28, GB wrote:
>>>>> On 01/02/2024 19:05, Muhammad wrote:


>> Not quite... When you have
>> The source of the report, included anonymous CNN staff members.
> This is a vanishingly small point to be arguing about, compared to the
> ongoing conflict in Gaza.
> Nevertheless, you said: "CNN admitted all their stories on the matter,
> first need to be approved by the IDF before being aired."

I agree, the evidence I provided isn't exactly the silver bullet... and
I was unable to find the clip (that I saw) of the CNN embedded
journalist giving a positive account of how information is vetted prior
to being sent out.

> And, it is quite clear from the source you provided that:
> a) CNN have NOT admitted it.
> b) CNN vehemently deny it.
> How that got turned into "CNN admitted ..." is utterly beyond me, but
> such is the power of social media.

Claim it as you like...

The western narrative, is not natural, it is designed in part to give a
certain narrative, and it is racist to the core.

I won't repeat other elements which have been snipped.


Feb 6, 2024, 6:28:42 AMFeb 6
On Wed Jan 31 18:45:35 2024 Muhammad wrote:
> On 31/01/2024 10:30, hermeneutika wrote:
> > While surfing the net i came across the following
> >
> >
> >
> > The whole world is going on about the innocents being slaughtered in Gaza.....and maybe quite right too? But what about Armenia??
> >
> The Armenian Genocide, is relatively agreed upon, I believe. Albeit, I'm
> ignorant on the matter other than superficial knowledge. I understand,
> those that would've been committing the crime, will always deny.
> The issue with Gaza is, the murder, oppression, and subjugation is being
> aired on camera. Yet, you have the 'west' supporting Israel with
> weapons, finance, political cover, military intelligence... While
> telling others that international law needs to be adhered to.

While apparently at least Iran is backing Hamas!!! So you pays your money and makes your choice!!! Infinite regress? ok it goes back to 1948.....and so on and so forth!!
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