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Austin Shackles

Jun 28, 2002, 3:54:02 PM6/28/02
that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.

anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?

There are one called "Red Planet", wot I've never seen.

we've found 2 to ohl, viz. Saving Pt. Ryan, and "Cats and Dogs"

Austin Shackles. my opinions are just that
"The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn, The swallow twittering
from the strawbuilt shed, The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing
horn, No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed."
Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard.

Carl .LHS. Williams

Jun 29, 2002, 12:14:47 AM6/29/02
In article <>,

Austin Shackles <> wrote:
>that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
>pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.
>anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?

Definitely, I reckon. If you don't like it, I'll ohl it off you at that

>There are one called "Red Planet", wot I've never seen.

That's pretty penc, though. I mean, it's sort-of OK, in a penc
sci-fi-y sort of way.

| Carl Williams, e-mail to <carl at : MAG #106893 : Yon Net |
| yon-net dot demon dot co dot uk> : JBC : Leveraging neology |
` Lecturer slams ICBM distributing shock '


Jun 29, 2002, 3:50:35 AM6/29/02
In article <> in uk.rec.sheds,
Austin Shackles <> wibbled...

> that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
> pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.
> anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?
> There are one called "Red Planet", wot I've never seen.
> we've found 2 to ohl, viz. Saving Pt. Ryan, and "Cats and Dogs"

Have you tried the HMV website? They've got a mega-sale on at the moment
(ie. new videos and DVDs really cheap). T'other place worth trying is - you might get more choice for around the same price from
those two sites.


Richard Parker

Jun 29, 2002, 7:50:34 AM6/29/02
On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 08:50:35 +0100, (Suzi)'s owl flew
in through the window and dropped a message on which was scribed:

Or Cheap or What at

Richard Parker, Expressive Limited

It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or
majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change
because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.
- Giordano Bruno, 1548 (burned at the stake, 1600)

Austin Shackles

Jun 29, 2002, 2:28:19 PM6/29/02
On or around 29 Jun 2002 05:14:47 +0100, (Carl .LHS.
Williams) enlightened us thusly:

>In article <>,
>Austin Shackles <> wrote:
>>that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
>>pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.
>>anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?
>Definitely, I reckon. If you don't like it, I'll ohl it off you at that
>>There are one called "Red Planet", wot I've never seen.
>That's pretty penc, though. I mean, it's sort-of OK, in a penc
>sci-fi-y sort of way.

I guvax CTHD, SPR and C&D have now been ordured.

Jun 28, 2002, 6:39:22 PM6/28/02
Austin Shackles <> writes:

> that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
> pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.
> anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?

I have a copy wot cost me more than that and think it was worth it. If
you used to like The Water Marging you'll like CTHD...


Mel Rimmer

Jun 29, 2002, 5:11:53 PM6/29/02
In article <>, Austin Shackles
<> writes

>that there choices direct lot (google for 'em if yer want) are fryyvat
>pre-viewed videos, 3 fer 12 quid.
>anyone know if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is worth 4 quid?

I wouldn't pay 4 quid for it meself, but lots of people liked it very

>There are one called "Red Planet", wot I've never seen.

Don't! It's truly dire.

>we've found 2 to ohl, viz. Saving Pt. Ryan, and "Cats and Dogs"

I'm with you on both of those. Only trouble with "Cats and Dogs" is that
I was rooting for the cats.
Mel Rimmer

Lydia Dustbin

Jun 30, 2002, 4:42:09 AM6/30/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message
> Hunt yerself out a copy of "Drunken Master" or "The Legend of Fong Sai
> Yuk" (though that's a bit of a comedy) for more.

Blimey... The Drunken Master, or The Housemaid's Downfall...

James? James be a sweetie-pie and resend me your emu addy as them all got
lost in the wash again and I wish to whine to you.

Ditto Mr Jones as I have three pop-pop shots suitable for wibble-moot page
and say bye-bye to Mrs and Miss Cojones for me as you slunk of while I was
at Karate demo.



Jun 30, 2002, 4:48:59 AM6/30/02

"Lydia Dustbin" <cherryjam@{really wild}> wrote in message

Sorry W. we went round the house and gardins at least 3 times looking for
people to say goodbye to, I fimk miss coj was hiding TAAW as she didn't want
to come home. It was only when we'd set off to J's howse that we realised we
hadn't seen you.

My hotmail addy jbexes

the 3 cojes

Lydia Dustbin

Jun 30, 2002, 7:23:23 AM6/30/02

"coj" <> wrote in message

> >
> > Ditto Mr Jones as I have three pop-pop shots suitable for wibble-moot
> > and say bye-bye to Mrs and Miss Cojones for me as you slunk of while I
> > at Karate demo.
> Sorry W.

The Karate demo was a hoot as Kay dragged me there for a 2:00 start, then,
after bagging two front-row seats, finding out the 'demos' began at 2:00
and the first one was a local kid-winkies prancing class - where every
little mascarad and lipsticked strutter and mincer was given their moment of
I became more and more amused; Kay became more and more morose; I saw it as
a necessary evil ; she saw it as plain evil.

Then came the Karate group from long strips of wind in teens to grimly
determined little things that just about reached my knee-cap, it seemed.
Master barked out a series of orders and the group proceeded to knock spots
off the dancing troup when it came to moving as a team. Knocked spots off
each other, as well.

'You do THAT? !' I asked as feet almost kicked off heads and fists punched
and mangled and bodies flew over shoulders to grovel on mats
'Yes, why?'
'Err. nothing... Phew!!!'
Run away!!!


Ron Clark

Jun 30, 2002, 9:06:12 AM6/30/02
On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 11:23:23 GMT, in the message
<LSBT8.13329$>, "Lydia Dustbin"
<cherryjam@{really wild}> wrote this, or at least some of
this :-

>Then came the Karate group from long strips of wind in teens to grimly
>determined little things that just about reached my knee-cap, it seemed.
>Master barked out a series of orders and the group proceeded to knock spots
>off the dancing troup when it came to moving as a team. Knocked spots off
>each other, as well.
>'You do THAT? !' I asked as feet almost kicked off heads and fists punched
>and mangled and bodies flew over shoulders to grovel on mats
>'Yes, why?'
>'Err. nothing... Phew!!!'
>Run away!!!

But, the Wump could have taken them, couldn't she?

®óñ© © ²°°²


Jun 30, 2002, 10:52:25 AM6/30/02

coj <> wrote in message
> Sorry

I was spozed to find out whwre in NLondon CostCo is wasn't I? Can't find
the booklet. they got a wibble, odds on it's, or .com

I wonder what else I promised to do?

Lydia Dustbin

Jun 30, 2002, 3:14:52 PM6/30/02

"Ron Clark" <> wrote in message > >

> >'You do THAT? !' I asked as feet almost kicked off heads and fists
> >and mangled and bodies flew over shoulders to grovel on mats
> >'Yes, why?'
> >'Err. nothing... Phew!!!'
> >Run away!!!
> But, the Wump could have taken them, couldn't she?


Guy King

Jun 30, 2002, 2:56:53 PM6/30/02
"SomeBlokeCalledRapunzelSyndrome" <> sniffed the
heady air of the shed and in

> I was spozed to find out whwre in NLondon CostCo is wasn't I? Can't find
> the booklet. they got a wibble, odds on it's, or .com

There's one in Watford, near the M1 somewhere. Possibly Bushey.

Seize the moment. Remember all those on the 'Titanic' who waved
off the dessert cart.


Jun 30, 2002, 5:36:07 PM6/30/02

"SomeBlokeCalledRapunzelSyndrome" <> wrote in message

Oh yeah, ta, there are a few within 50 miles of here but that's not near
enough. I also promised to look at Waitrose, but Leicestershire and the Wet
Mudlands are about as far North as they get.

Richard Eney

Jun 30, 2002, 5:48:06 PM6/30/02
In article <>,
Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:

>>>>CTHD: Yes, well worth 4 quid. Beautifully inventive stuff.
>>>Tisn't. It's a jolly good fillum, and serpently beautiful, but it's no
>>>more than a decent wires'n'chopsocky movie that made it big in the
>>>West. They've been making these films in Japan and China for about
>>>fifty years now.

Rilly? I heard that CTHD were a flop in China 'cos the chopsocky fans
din't like the fantasy and the happy-end peeps din't like the filosoffy.
That implies that it were a tad different from their usual stuff.

>Hunt yerself out a copy of "Drunken Master" or "The Legend of Fong Sai
>Yuk" (though that's a bit of a comedy) for more.

Where would one begin to hunt such?


Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jun 30, 2002, 7:42:01 PM6/30/02
On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 08:42:09 GMT, "Lydia Dustbin" <cherryjam@{really
wild}> wrote:

>"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message
>> Hunt yerself out a copy of "Drunken Master" or "The Legend of Fong Sai
>> Yuk" (though that's a bit of a comedy) for more.
>Blimey... The Drunken Master, or The Housemaid's Downfall...

This maid, she wears trousers?

>James? James be a sweetie-pie and resend me your emu addy as them all got
>lost in the wash again and I wish to whine to you.

Who is this James person of wot you speke, eh? I've tolled you about
that before... I'll flick your fangs, see if I don't. Anyhoo, the
address what you see above is both necessary and effective.

And nobody told _me_ that you hadn't gone home on Monday as planned, I
got a small pile of comics out special (inc. Watchmen) and then didn't
make it over again on Sunday, so I put them away again. Tch.

"You hear someone break into your home. You pull out your chainsaw
and crank it up. It makes its very distincive chainsaw noise; he
hears it. What criminal is going to stay in a house with someone
that crazy?" -- Home defence by Franklin Hummel r.a.sf.w

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jun 30, 2002, 7:44:43 PM6/30/02
On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 09:48:59 +0100, "coj"
<> wrote:

>Sorry W. we went round the house and gardins at least 3 times looking for
>people to say goodbye to, I fimk miss coj was hiding TAAW as she didn't want
>to come home. It was only when we'd set off to J's howse that we realised we
>hadn't seen you.

Ah, speaking of - rare piccy of Little Miss Coj in her natural


Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, even if you are soggy
and hard to light.

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jun 30, 2002, 8:07:45 PM6/30/02
On 30 Jun 2002 21:48:06 GMT, (Richard Eney) wrote:

>In article <>,
>Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:
>>>>>CTHD: Yes, well worth 4 quid. Beautifully inventive stuff.
>>>>Tisn't. It's a jolly good fillum, and serpently beautiful, but it's no
>>>>more than a decent wires'n'chopsocky movie that made it big in the
>>>>West. They've been making these films in Japan and China for about
>>>>fifty years now.
>Rilly? I heard that CTHD were a flop in China 'cos the chopsocky fans
>din't like the fantasy and the happy-end peeps din't like the filosoffy.
>That implies that it were a tad different from their usual stuff.

Swhy I said "made it big in the west", innit.

Though actually I have no idea how well it did in China ectetera...
I'd be mildly surprised if it had flopped, though the wire-stunts
weren't up to much. The poignancy of the last quarter is very
HongKongie, they seem to go for that sort of thing.

>>Hunt yerself out a copy of "Drunken Master" or "The Legend of Fong Sai
>>Yuk" (though that's a bit of a comedy) for more.
>Where would one begin to hunt such?

Here to find reviews:
Here to ohl:

Apatheism: The school of belief where one doesn't particularly
care if there is/are god(s).

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 1, 2002, 2:11:02 AM7/1/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message
> Who is this James person of wot you speke, eh? I've tolled you about
> that before... I'll flick your fangs, see if I don't.


> And nobody told _me_ that you hadn't gone home on Monday as planned, I
> got a small pile of comics out special (inc. Watchmen) and then didn't
> make it over again on Sunday, so I put them away again. Tch.

That was one of the things I wanted to whine about. Three Jamesless days,
Ah, but 'who' brp-brpped the back door, thrust discs into Malc's hands and

<grumble> and, come to that, who couldn't get em to load so put the wretched
thing on my computer and had themselves surgically attached to my keyboard?

<grump> and now who, no prizes for guessing, can't get her little character
(Elvish Druid with a touchy disposition and a big wolf) to do anything but
walk in circles or try to crawl up walls?



Jul 1, 2002, 2:08:00 AM7/1/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 09:48:59 +0100, "coj"
> <> wrote:
> >Sorry W. we went round the house and gardins at least 3 times looking for
> >people to say goodbye to, I fimk miss coj was hiding TAAW as she didn't
> >to come home. It was only when we'd set off to J's howse that we realised
> >hadn't seen you.
> Ah, speaking of - rare piccy of Little Miss Coj in her natural
> environment:
> http:\\\crap\cojlet.jpg

H! Good pic, but she still isn't getting one for Chrimbo !

BTW, IRTA \rap\toilet.jpg

Nick Leverton

Jul 1, 2002, 5:29:12 AM7/1/02
In article <>,
Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:

Is there a special reason why you often hfrs Mictosoft slashes instead
of real ones, ArJaimie ? It eans I have to cut and paste and edit the
URL manually.


Guy King

Jul 1, 2002, 4:27:02 AM7/1/02
Jaimie Vandenbergh <> sniffed the heady air of
the shed and in <>said....
> http:\\\crap\cojlet.jpg

She also appears in the corner of


Jul 1, 2002, 7:47:58 AM7/1/02

"Guy King" <> wrote in message

> Jaimie Vandenbergh <> sniffed the heady
> air of the shed and in
> .
> > http:\\\crap\cojlet.jpg
> She also appears in the corner of

Who was that young man who took so easily to ferrying Inky about?

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 1, 2002, 7:54:02 AM7/1/02

Ooh, soz. Slap wrist, J. Finger habits from traversing DOS directory
structures (which is odd, cos I traverse unix ones far more often). I
shall try and use my right ring-finger from now on.

What browser are you using that doesn't autoconvert, then? More a
hindrance than a feature, I'd say "Be strict in what you serve, and
lenient in what you accept" and all that.

'The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents' - H.P.Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 1, 2002, 7:59:47 AM7/1/02
On Mon, 01 Jul 2002 06:11:02 GMT, "Lydia Dustbin" <cherryjam@{really
wild}> wrote:

>"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message

>> And nobody told _me_ that you hadn't gone home on Monday as planned, I
>> got a small pile of comics out special (inc. Watchmen) and then didn't
>> make it over again on Sunday, so I put them away again. Tch.
>That was one of the things I wanted to whine about. Three Jamesless days,
>Ah, but 'who' brp-brpped the back door, thrust discs into Malc's hands and

I was in the middle of making dinner - 25 minutes simmer, just enough
time to stop Malc from ringing up and whingeing about lack thereof
incessantly. Whoosh/drop/whoosh/stir.

><grumble> and, come to that, who couldn't get em to load so put the wretched
>thing on my computer and had themselves surgically attached to my keyboard?

Can't blame me for that - get Amynthas to ohl a arj CDrom for Malcolm,
his is somewhat ropy. You could have installed it to his PC across the
wetnurk from your arj CD drive, anyway.

><grump> and now who, no prizes for guessing, can't get her little character
>(Elvish Druid with a touchy disposition and a big wolf) to do anything but
>walk in circles or try to crawl up walls?

Heh. I've got Warcraft III and it's mucho fabbero than poncy AD&D 3rd
Edition games with 5frames/sec refresh... And it's only 1 CD too.

J (_a_i_m_i_e_, or I'll get the defanger snips out)

"Choose the Dark Side... now why would I do a thing like that?"
-- Obi-Wan Renton


Jul 1, 2002, 8:06:17 AM7/1/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:29:12 +0000 (UTC), (Nick
> Leverton) wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:
> >>
> >>http:\\\crap\cojlet.jpg
> >
> >Is there a special reason why you often hfrs Mictosoft slashes
> >instead of real ones, ArJaimie ? It eans I have to cut and paste
> >and edit the URL manually.
> Ooh, soz. Slap wrist, J. Finger habits from traversing DOS
> directory structures (which is odd, cos I traverse unix ones far
> more often). I shall try and use my right ring-finger from now on.
> What browser are you using that doesn't autoconvert, then? More a
> hindrance than a feature, I'd say "Be strict in what you serve, and
> lenient in what you accept" and all that.

Scrape doesn't autoconvert.

Richard Robinson

Jul 1, 2002, 8:32:44 AM7/1/02
<LSBT8.13329$>, Lydia Dustbin wrote:
>Then came the Karate group from long strips of wind in teens to grimly
>determined little things that just about reached my knee-cap, it seemed.
>Master barked out a series of orders and the group proceeded to knock spots
>off the dancing troup

Cor, I'd have gone if I'd known. I like seeing dancing troupes de-spotted.
Were there many dead ?

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 1, 2002, 8:55:53 AM7/1/02
On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:47:58 +0100, "Linz" <>

That's Rick, fiend of the Amynthas smallers. Nice bloke, though not at
all Sheddie. He's planning to join the Police, y'knaa.


"Every Little Thing She Does Is Sufficiently Advanced Technology"

Nick Leverton

Jul 1, 2002, 9:29:51 AM7/1/02
In article <>,

Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:
>On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:29:12 +0000 (UTC), (Nick
>Leverton) wrote:
>>Is there a special reason why you often hfrs Mictosoft slashes instead
>Ooh, soz. Slap wrist, J. Finger habits from traversing DOS directory
>structures (which is odd, cos I traverse unix ones far more often). I
>shall try and use my right ring-finger from now on.

No problems. Thort maybe it were some robot-avoidance technique :)

>What browser are you using that doesn't autoconvert, then? More a
>hindrance than a feature, I'd say "Be strict in what you serve, and
>lenient in what you accept" and all that.

Konqueror 2.2.2 it be.



Jul 1, 2002, 12:16:57 PM7/1/02
Linz wrote:
> "Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote

>> What browser are you using that doesn't autoconvert, then? More a

>> hindrance than a feature, I'd say "Be strict in what you serve, and
>> lenient in what you accept" and all that.
> Scrape doesn't autoconvert.

Nor Galeon neither.


Guy King

Jul 1, 2002, 12:25:03 PM7/1/02
to (Nick Leverton) sniffed the heady air of the shed and
in <afp7d8$ron$>said....

> Is there a special reason why you often hfrs Mictosoft slashes instead
> of real ones, ArJaimie ? It eans I have to cut and paste and edit the
> URL manually.

Oddly, from within Zimacs (which sure ain't M$) I can just click on it
and away it trots to the right place.

Talking of fillums...I've just watched The Stone Tape, the first bit of
which I saw thirty years ago. It was as good as I unforget.

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 1, 2002, 12:37:15 PM7/1/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message
> J (_a_i_m_i_e_, or I'll get the defanger snips out)

Okay, Jim.


Lydia Dustbin

Jul 1, 2002, 12:37:16 PM7/1/02

"Richard Robinson" <> wrote in message

> <LSBT8.13329$>, Lydia Dustbin wrote:
> >
> >Then came the Karate group from long strips of wind in teens to grimly
> >determined little things that just about reached my knee-cap, it seemed.
> >Master barked out a series of orders and the group proceeded to knock
> >off the dancing troup
> Cor, I'd have gone if I'd known. I like seeing dancing troupes de-spotted.
> Were there many dead ?
No, Kay never managed to reach them. There was a ver nice brass bandy though
who did a smashing arrangement of the Furry Dance - and a bouncy castle,
though but not at the same time.

Oh bliss... picture it... Only one step away from pipe band on skis.


Guy King

Jul 1, 2002, 12:45:29 PM7/1/02
"Linz" <> sniffed the heady air of the shed and
in <afpfhg$bl2$>said....

> > She also appears in the corner of

> Who was that young man who took so easily to ferrying Inky about?

I gather he goes by the name of Rick. "Hey, Rick" was shouted quite a bit.

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 1, 2002, 2:20:38 PM7/1/02
On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 13:29:51 +0000 (UTC), (Nick
Leverton) wrote:

>In article <>,
>Jaimie Vandenbergh <> wrote:
>>On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:29:12 +0000 (UTC), (Nick
>>Leverton) wrote:
>>>Is there a special reason why you often hfrs Mictosoft slashes instead
>>Ooh, soz. Slap wrist, J. Finger habits from traversing DOS directory
>>structures (which is odd, cos I traverse unix ones far more often). I
>>shall try and use my right ring-finger from now on.
>No problems. Thort maybe it were some robot-avoidance technique :)

I dream of having a website worthy of robots, let alone one busy
enough to need avoidance...

>>What browser are you using that doesn't autoconvert, then? More a
>>hindrance than a feature, I'd say "Be strict in what you serve, and
>>lenient in what you accept" and all that.
>Konqueror 2.2.2 it be.

From other replies, looks like it's only IE that caters for the
backslash-disadvantaged. Tish and pish.

Have any of the other browsers got anything as handy as IE's "type in
the middle bit of, hit control-enter to fill in the rest"?
That's my favourite.

Seminars, n.:
From "semi" and "arse", hence, any half-assed discussion.

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 1, 2002, 2:21:07 PM7/1/02

But not as we know it.

There are no normal people--only people you don't know very much about.
-- Nancy Lebovitz, rasfw

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 1, 2002, 5:10:00 PM7/1/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> J (_a_i_m_i_e_, or I'll get the defanger snips out)
> >
> >
> >Okay, Jim.
> But not as we know it.
> J


Anon 14th Cent.


Jul 1, 2002, 4:09:05 PM7/1/02

"Guy King" <> wrote in message

> > Who was that young man who took so easily to ferrying Inky about?
> I gather he goes by the name of Rick. "Hey, Rick" was shouted quite a bit.

Rick. Sure ?

Ron Clark

Jul 1, 2002, 5:49:44 PM7/1/02
On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 21:09:05 +0100, in the message
<afqh67$finid$>, coj wrote this, or at least
some of this :-

Rick Stein ?

®óñ© © ²°°²

Guy King

Jul 1, 2002, 5:42:10 PM7/1/02
"coj" <> sniffed the heady air of
the shed and in <afqh67$finid$>said....

> > > Who was that young man who took so easily to ferrying Inky about?
> >
> > I gather he goes by the name of Rick. "Hey, Rick" was shouted quite a bit.

> Rick. Sure ?

That Rick man's worth his weight in gold with kids.

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 2, 2002, 3:31:14 AM7/2/02

"Sena" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Okay, Jim.
> >
> > w.
> Why is you is in disguise, W?

If you mean 'Lydia' she and I go back a long way. Poor lady now in
semi-retirement following the exploding cheddar cheese debacle.


Guy King

Jul 2, 2002, 3:37:32 AM7/2/02
"Lydia Dustbin" <cherryjam@{really wild}> sniffed the

heady air of the shed and in

> If you mean 'Lydia' she and I go back a long way. Poor lady now in
> semi-retirement following the exploding cheddar cheese debacle.

Cor, you got a recipe for cheddar cheese debacles? I reckon I might like them.

Richard Robinson

Jul 2, 2002, 6:48:08 AM7/2/02
<0z%T8.14769$>, Lydia Dustbin wrote:
>"Richard Robinson" <> wrote in message
>> <LSBT8.13329$>, Lydia Dustbin wrote:
>> >
>> >Then came the Karate group from long strips of wind in teens to grimly
>> >determined little things that just about reached my knee-cap, it seemed.
>> >Master barked out a series of orders and the group proceeded to knock
>> >off the dancing troup
>> Cor, I'd have gone if I'd known. I like seeing dancing troupes de-spotted.
>> Were there many dead ?
>No, Kay never managed to reach them. There was a ver nice brass bandy though
>who did a smashing arrangement of the Furry Dance - and a bouncy castle,
>though but not at the same time.
>Oh bliss... picture it... Only one step away from pipe band on skis.

<series of chortles consequent upon pleasing mental imagery>

And, after all, what is a "step" to one on a bouncy castle ? Or skis, for
that matter ?


Jul 2, 2002, 8:27:08 AM7/2/02

"Jaimie Vandenbergh" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 12:47:58 +0100, "Linz"
> <> wrote:

> >Who was that young man who took so easily to ferrying Inky about?
> That's Rick, fiend of the Amynthas smallers. Nice bloke, though not
> at all Sheddie. He's planning to join the Police, y'knaa.

He may grow into Sheddism. He could collect criminals "just in case" - seems
pretty sheddi to me.

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 2, 2002, 9:05:47 AM7/2/02

"Guy King" <> wrote in message

> "Lydia Dustbin" <cherryjam@{really wild}> sniffed the
> heady air of the shed and in
> <6FcU8.15550$>said....
> .
> > If you mean 'Lydia' she and I go back a long way. Poor lady now in
> > semi-retirement following the exploding cheddar cheese debacle.
> Cor, you got a recipe for cheddar cheese debacles? I reckon I might like
You wouldn't have liked this one. Initially persuaded to enter a hollowed
out wheel of cheddar in order to break out glorious in frou-frou and
feathers during a departmental wine-tasting do the poor girl was sealed
inside and smuggled through customs (and past sniffer dogs) and flown
somewhere east of Nuur.

Had she provided caviar on toast for the head of DT. department, and not
tuna, then she wouldn't be in semi-retirement today. (They hope the smell
will have lessened by Christmas.)


Lydia Dustbin

Jul 2, 2002, 9:09:39 AM7/2/02

"Richard Robinson" <> wrote in message
> And, after all, what is a "step" to one on a bouncy castle ? Or skis, for
> that matter ?
Tjhe Rev Clutchworthy gave his sermon on a pogo stick.


Ron Clark

Jul 2, 2002, 9:30:52 AM7/2/02
On Tue, 02 Jul 2002 13:09:39 GMT, in the message
<nChU8.15873$>, "Lydia Dustbin"
<cherryjam@{really wild}> wrote this, or at least some of
this :-


A strange subject to be sure. Once you've explored the stick's
analogistic symbolism vis-a vis life's ups and downs, it's way of biting
you in the bum if you can't control it and the inevitability of the end of
the ride, what lessons can be drawn from the use and structure of this
shock-absorbed mono-crutch?


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man
not in possession of a good fortune is in want of
a shed.

Jaimie Vandenbergh

Jul 2, 2002, 9:59:32 AM7/2/02

We're back to Jaimiewaimiekins again, aren't we...

J (who quite likes just "Jay", actually)
"Frankly, I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other"
- Arthur C. Clarke

Lydia Dustbin

Jul 2, 2002, 4:33:28 PM7/2/02
"Sena" <> wrote in message

Then the Wumpus returned, but in a diffrunt guise, and I
> wondered again whether she were upset by someone or something in ye
> shedde.

The Wumpus is 'always' gnashing her teeth over something or somebody. It is
being in a costant state of simmering resentment that keeps my spry and
active - and grey haired, and wrinkly and smoking like a chimbly pot.

Today's lucky winner is the stinker who bullied, yes, bullied, me into using
a snare and a delusion called Instant Messier, then sent 'back in ten mins'
and wasn't, despite protestations to the contrary.
Humph. Excuse me while I fume.

Incidentally, anybody, what is the snag with voice-mail??? Has anybody in
Wild B.Yonder ever got it to work? Voice mail server sounds dodgy to me -
especially if I haven't got one.

The Wumpus has been much missed. The Mystery of the
> Exploding Cheddar Cheese am an unfamiliar title to this reader of
> Miss Blyton's classic opi. Methinks perhaps therein lies a tale?

Just do not accept cheese on toast from anyone if you see a pink feather
embedded in bubbling topping.
> There are two theories to arguing with women.
> Neither one works.

Hmmm. That brings me to another reason for slow simmer. The man OTOC used,
when verbally backed into a corner, standard man's argument number 23 : 'if
you only thought logically for a moment....'

The Man OTOC was damn lucky not to get portable TV aerial rammed down his


Guy King

Jul 2, 2002, 5:29:06 PM7/2/02