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Knights CB SHop is a ripoff

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Mr Consumer

Mar 20, 2002, 11:44:17 AM3/20/02
For anyone thinking of going to Nights CB shop in Kirton Lindsey, Lincs. I
wouldnt bother.
Doug is a right ripoff and a total screwdriver jockey when it comes to
fixing anything.
A friend of mine recently returned asome equipment a day after it was sold
as Mr Knight sold the wrong (and expensive) bit of kit. They wouldnt give
money back although the box wasnt opened nor exchange it. They would
howether offer to buy it back at a third of the price.
Needless to say, they will be losing quite abit of custom from around here
which was a conciderable amount too..
He has also converted a few President Lincolns and screwed up the sideband
frequency by doing so as he is an incompetent asshole.


Mar 20, 2002, 2:03:26 PM3/20/02
Your friend should consult the Citizens advice bureau as Knights have an
obligation under certain trading rules to refund money within a certain
amount of time from purchase.

"Mr Consumer" <> wrote in message

D J Knights

Mar 20, 2002, 3:52:10 PM3/20/02
The message <z%2m8.11194$>
from "Mr Consumer" <> contains these words:

I have no intention of wasting readers time arguing with you, as anyone
who knows me will already realise that you are talking a load of

I will simply state the correct facts and if you wish to make further
comments I hope you have the decency to use your real name and address.

I assume you are referring to the echo base microphone.

This was demonstrated in the shop and bought at the customers own decision.

A few days later he changed his mind (because he said he had bought
another one elsewhere) and asked if he could return the mic.
Unfortunately we can not just "lend" equipment to try to see if you like
it, it would be unfair on other customers to then pass on this "used"
mic as a new one. So in the odd cases where items are returned (NOT
FAULTY) we sell them as "B-Grade" or "mail-order returns" at a slightly
reduced price.

Before returning the mic the customer was offered 2 alternatives:
1. The customer was also offered his FULL money back if he took
something in exchange for a similar value.
2. If nothing else was taken a 15% charge would be deducted from the
original cost.

The (not faulty) mic was returned subject to a 15% charge, this resulted
in a loss of 7.50 on the 57.50 microphone (the full 15% would have been
48.87, but I gave him 50.00).
This does not work out as "buying it back for a third of it's price",
unless your maths is very poor.

This small charge of 7.50 helps to pay for:
1. Plug which was supplied and fitted (and now needs removing because
the next buyer is very unlikely to have the same radio).
2. New battery supplied - this will now be removed and a new one fitted
when the mic is resold.
3. Reduction in price as this mic is now sold as a "return" - I expect
to put it out at 52.50
4. Our time in wiring the mic, demonstrating it, testing it etc.

There was no legal obligation to take the mic back at any price (please
feel free to check with trading standards) since there was no dispute
about it working OK (just unwanted) - but to HELP the customer we took
it back (after deducting the small 7.50 charge), and this is the way he
responds !!!

There's just no helping some people.

In response to the last comment, although I have not personally
converted any Lincolns (not since the mid 80's anyway), anyone who
actually knows about the conversion will know that it is impossible to
"screw up the sideband frequency" doing that mod. The comment simply
confirms things you may suspect of this poster.

Knights CB


Mar 20, 2002, 4:14:29 PM3/20/02
You tell him Doug .

Lee Bales

Mar 20, 2002, 5:49:37 PM3/20/02
Dear All,

I Have bought from Doug a few times now and would like to say that i have
the utmost confidence in his knowledge and service in CB radio, i have never
had any trouble with him before and would like to say that i stand right
behind him on this one and i would also urge other satisfied customers to
speak up for our man doug to!!


Mr Consumer <> wrote in message


Mar 20, 2002, 6:04:26 PM3/20/02
I agree with Lee, almost everything I've bought CB-wise in the past 5 years
has been from Knights and without any problems. Their mail order service is
excellent, usually delivered withing 2 days. I would and have recommended
them to friends.


"Lee Bales" <> wrote in message

This mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.338 / Virus Database: 189 - Release Date: 14/03/02

Darren UK

Mar 20, 2002, 6:05:32 PM3/20/02
Hi All,

I agree 100% with Lee. I have used Knights several times over the years and
on every order I have been more than satisfied. Only last week I placed an
order, (you may remember Doug - Blackpool, brackets, etc), and again as
expected, items were A1, service spot on, customer satisfaction perfect.

Anyone who has had ANY dealings with Knights would probably do as I did
after reading Mr Consumers trash, LMFAO:-)

So, on a final note, I would not hesitate sending anyone to Knights for CB
related gear and advice..... I think i've sent plenty there anyway and all
seem very happy:-)

OK, is that worth a 10% off future orders?...LOL, kidding of course.

Bye for now.


Darren UK

ICQ:15115136 AOLIM:RazmoUK MSIM:RazmoUK

'Beware the NOSPAM trap'

Darren UK M1ETI
email: razmouk'AT'
Pager: 07666 840880
Mobile: 07814 516718

John Lennon 'Imagine'
George Harrison 'My Sweet Lord'

"Lee Bales" <> wrote in message


Mar 20, 2002, 6:07:38 PM3/20/02

"Mr Consumer" <> wrote in message

I have dealt with Knights for many years now and have never had any trouble
at all. I suppose you take as you find but in all honesty I would not shop



Mar 20, 2002, 9:36:17 PM3/20/02
thats a load of bollox mr knight. I myself bought a president Lincoln off
you afew months ago (30 wuid more than anywhere else)and YOU converted it
down to 26 - 29 megs and also altered the power
Since i got it back I had to take it to a rig doctor as you screwed the
sideband up when you tried turning powerpots up. The amatuer who,m sorted
the radio out has had a few radios that you have crippled. So you talk
bollox when you say you do not do Lincoln mods .


Mar 20, 2002, 9:58:18 PM3/20/02
Actually it was me who bought that mike not that other person and you sold
me it saying how better than the sadelta it was which I took your word for
and never tested it at all, as for plug & bat, they came free with it. I
compared it to a Sirtel which I originally asked for and it was Shite. So I
bought the real thing not a cheap imitation that you sold and bought your
piece of shite back. You didn't give £50 from a £58 Mike either, you gave
£45 ,and the mike was out back in wrapper and box as new which you will no
doubt sell as new, but you were very very abrupt and arrogant to my missus
who had to travel over 60 miles just to return it. The last month me and my
friends have spent well over £1000 in your shop buying HF radios, Lincolns
(WHICH U Converted) and various pieces of equipment so I didn't expect to be
treated like shit after all the business I had put your way.
If that's the way you treat & talk to your customers then I wouldn't
recommend anyone buy anything from your shop. You might be all nicey whilst
taking money from us but when it comes to problems with equipment or returns
your just one of the many rip-off arrogant shops that don't give a shit
about their constomers except whats in their wallets...
As for my real name and address , you have it as a receipt was filled in...


Mar 20, 2002, 10:01:12 PM3/20/02
Man wat a load of kissasses
knights is wank an /\/\ajor ()verpriced :)

Malcolm Lane

Mar 20, 2002, 10:20:24 PM3/20/02
Knights were an excellent shop in the 80's, see no reason why they should be
any different now..

After all, they are still in business where others are not :-)

"Georgina" <> wrote in message


Mar 20, 2002, 10:27:11 PM3/20/02
mmmm try truck-kings off the M/A1 they are cheaper than Knights by far and
much better service, not to mention free delivery and more stuff

knights is pants


Mar 20, 2002, 10:41:56 PM3/20/02
Is it me or does that Doug look like a Gayassrapist

Malcolm Lane

Mar 20, 2002, 11:04:55 PM3/20/02
Truck King were equally an acceptable shop to deal with in my opinion too

"━oD@" <p|-|> wrote in message


Mar 21, 2002, 12:26:17 AM3/21/02
I agree. Truck King is far better quality and pricing than the Knights shop
which I have also heard bad reports of


Mar 21, 2002, 12:30:29 AM3/21/02
I bought a 5/8 wave Antron too some months ago and it was faulty and Nights
too refused to refund blaming me with excuses.


Mar 21, 2002, 2:30:46 AM3/21/02
On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 16:44:17 -0000, "Mr Consumer" <>

>For anyone thinking of going to Nights CB shop in Kirton Lindsey, Lincs. I
>wouldnt bother.

Yadda yadda yadda.

What's very interesting is that "Mr Consumer", "stew", "Tony",
"Joe90", "sp()()ny", "Barney", "━oD@" and "Gary" all post from the
same computer. A computer that will be easily traced by ntl, the ISP,
as it appears to be using their cablemodem service.

Coincidentally, these are the only persons posting messages that
protray Knights in a negative manner.

I'll leave it to you to draw any conclusions from this, although I
will remind anyone who's interested that the laws of defamation also
apply to the Internet - remember the Godfrey case?


I sound like I know what I'm talking about, but don't
be fooled.

Jon Harris

Mar 21, 2002, 3:44:28 AM3/21/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 04:04:55 GMT, "Malcolm Lane"
<> wrote:

>Truck King were equally an acceptable shop to deal with in my opinion too

Given that i found them very unfriendly when i called in, that doesn't
say much for Knights.

It's easy to find shops that are good when they're selling you
something. What sorts the good from the bad is what the after sales
service is like. I'm not passing comment though as I've only ordered a
few hardware type things from both companies. Now i'd rather source
abroad or via a wholesaler.



Doug Knights

Mar 21, 2002, 5:51:54 AM3/21/02
The message <a%bm8.643$>
from "Tony" <> contains these words:

If you only got £45 back I am afraid it is your wife who is "ripping you
off" because I handed £50 over to her.


Mar 21, 2002, 7:24:08 AM3/21/02
I was wondering when someone was gonna look at the message headers. Oh boy.

QrizB <Qr...@dev.nul> wrote in message


Mar 21, 2002, 9:05:01 AM3/21/02
I agree with doug on this!.but he does sell second hand cb radio for a high
price.The customer should of got a full refund without any charge at all if
the box was'nt open at all.

I have bought twice from knights without any trouble.You could try
(water & stanton)but they are over-priced and bad with your visa card.They
do ask very,very alot of questions.

Last point: it's your choice!.you may wanted too ask some questions before

"D J Knights" <> wrote in message

Jon Harris

Mar 21, 2002, 10:40:20 AM3/21/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 10:51:54 GMT, Doug Knights <> wrote:

>The message <a%bm8.643$>
>from "Tony" <> contains these words:

>> your just one of the many rip-off arrogant shops that don't give a shit

>> about their constomers except whats in their wallets...
>> As for my real name and address , you have it as a receipt was filled in...

>If you only got £45 back I am afraid it is your wife who is "ripping you
>off" because I handed £50 over to her.

Bwahahaha. Sorry.


Jon Harris

Mar 21, 2002, 10:42:04 AM3/21/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 14:05:01 +0000 (UTC), "john"
<> wrote:

>I agree with doug on this!.but he does sell second hand cb radio for a high
>price.The customer should of got a full refund without any charge at all if
>the box was'nt open at all.
>I have bought twice from knights without any trouble.You could try
>(water & stanton)but they are over-priced and bad with your visa card.They
>do ask very,very alot of questions.

Probably the 2 most expensive AR shops around. They have a near
duopoly with the unthinking masses - shop around!



toxic waste

Mar 21, 2002, 3:08:48 PM3/21/02
"JT" <> wrote in message news:<a7cjik$k9i$>...

Didn't need to look at the headers, the grammar gave it away ;-)

Best Wishes


Mar 21, 2002, 3:10:35 PM3/21/02
According to Bill Gates, on Thu 21 Mar 2002 12:24:08p "JT"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and
heaved this into

You mean : NNTP-Posting-Host: ?
We know who it is.


Mark Russell ''If you enjoy it - it's probably illegal''
Guzzi V50 Monza.
OSOS#16 (Please castrate to e-mail)


Mar 21, 2002, 3:12:25 PM3/21/02
According to Bill Gates, on Thu 21 Mar 2002 03:27:11a "━oD@"
<p|-|> knelt at the big white telephone, and heaved this

> mmmm try truck-kings off the M/A1 they are cheaper than Knights by far

Kindly FOAD.
A recommendation from you is something we can do without.


Mar 21, 2002, 5:24:37 PM3/21/02
I have had a few dealings with Knights, in fact one was only last week. All
I ordered was two brackets costing a measly few quid. However I was treated
well despite the small amount. I have often in the past phoned mearly to ask
questions and the have always found the time to talk to me. NOw I am not
saying that Knights is perfect, for example I started a post a while ago
about high prices on s/h rigs for sale at knights. However to simply lower
ones self to hurl abuse at a shop that lets be honest is one of a handful is
shameful to say the least.
I have and will continue to recommend Knights.
P.S They do say that the are NOT the cheapest supplier so you can not use
that one againast them!!!


Mar 21, 2002, 5:48:42 PM3/21/02
On 21 Mar 2002 20:10:35 GMT, (Rocket)

>According to Bill Gates, on Thu 21 Mar 2002 12:24:08p "JT"
><> knelt at the big white telephone, and
>heaved this into
>>I was wondering when someone was gonna look at the message headers. Oh
>>QrizB <Qr...@dev.nul> wrote in message
>>> What's very interesting is that "Mr Consumer", "stew", "Tony",
>>> "Joe90", "sp()()ny", "Barney", "━oD@" and "Gary" all post from the
>>> same computer. A computer that will be easily traced by ntl, the ISP,
>>> as it appears to be using their cablemodem service.
>You mean : NNTP-Posting-Host: ?
>We know who it is.

Well, when you go round to break his kneecaps, let us all know, OK?

Jon Harris

Mar 22, 2002, 9:01:00 AM3/22/02
On 21 Mar 2002 20:12:25 GMT, (Rocket)

>According to Bill Gates, on Thu 21 Mar 2002 03:27:11a "━oD@"
><p|-|> knelt at the big white telephone, and heaved this
>> mmmm try truck-kings off the M/A1 they are cheaper than Knights by far
>> and much better service, not to mention free delivery and more stuff
>> available...
>> knights is pants
>Kindly FOAD.

Please don't take my callsign in vain! :-))

Jon - 2F0AD

Jon Harris

Mar 22, 2002, 9:09:17 AM3/22/02
On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 22:24:37 +0000 (UTC), "Edd" <>

>questions and the have always found the time to talk to me. NOw I am not
>saying that Knights is perfect, for example I started a post a while ago
>about high prices on s/h rigs for sale at knights. However to simply lower
>ones self to hurl abuse at a shop that lets be honest is one of a handful is
>shameful to say the least.

Playing devils advocate here. If a shop was to offer bad service, the
fact that it is only one of the few left should not mean that it
shouldn't be slagged off. Doug did have a s/h FT-101 for less than
£150 which was very fair, other radios do look expensive however, but
then as one of the 2 well known shops for CB he can do it. He's not
alone, look at how the 2 main AR shops charge more than almost
everyone else, most people still go there though :-((

>P.S They do say that the are NOT the cheapest supplier so you can not use
>that one againast them!!!

A shop admitting they're expensive is hardly a good reason for not
criticising them for it!

At the end of the day, find a shop that looks after you and support



Mar 22, 2002, 4:54:37 PM3/22/02
I throw my tuppence worth in with the pro-Knights team. I have purchased
many items from Knights over the years and have found the service to be
top-notch. Never had any trouble with faulty equipment either. Mail order
delivery is very rapid and the prices are good value, too.

I think this thread is a troll in rather poor taste.



Mar 22, 2002, 5:04:58 PM3/22/02
EEK! I notice that TK are advertising in the April edition of RadCom!

A notice of disgust has already appeared on the amateur packet network



Mar 23, 2002, 1:58:48 AM3/23/02
According to Bill Gates, on Fri 22 Mar 2002 10:04:58p "JockŽŠ"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and
heaved this into

> EEK! I notice that TK are advertising in the April edition of RadCom!

> A notice of disgust has already appeared on the amateur packet network
> :-(

Must've been a freebie.
Only the most hardened anoraks read Radcomic anyway.


Mar 23, 2002, 2:00:42 AM3/23/02
According to Bill Gates, on Fri 22 Mar 2002 09:54:37p "JockŽŠ"

<> knelt at the big white telephone,
and heaved this into

> I throw my tuppence worth in with the pro-Knights team. I have

They don't call you Jock McLightning for nothing do they ?


Mar 23, 2002, 12:30:28 PM3/23/02

"Rocket" wrote

> Must've been a freebie.
> Only the most hardened anoraks read Radcomic anyway.

Hee hee! I don't get "hard" reading RadCom! Do you?


Mar 23, 2002, 1:06:44 PM3/23/02
According to Bill Gates, on Sat 23 Mar 2002 05:30:28p "JockŽŠ"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and
heaved this into



Please tell me you got the Radcomic free, and didn't pay for it !

Incidentally, the response from the ad has been suprisingly good.

Neikolas Czernuszka

Mar 31, 2002, 4:33:09 PM3/31/02
"Mr Consumer" <> wrote in message

> For anyone thinking of going to Nights CB shop in Kirton Lindsey, Lincs. I
> wouldnt bother.
> Doug is a right ripoff and a total screwdriver jockey when it comes to
> fixing anything.
> A friend of mine recently returned asome equipment a day after it was sold
> as Mr Knight sold the wrong (and expensive) bit of kit. They wouldnt give
> money back although the box wasnt opened nor exchange it. They would
> howether offer to buy it back at a third of the price.
> Needless to say, they will be losing quite abit of custom from around here
> which was a conciderable amount too..
> He has also converted a few President Lincolns and screwed up the sideband
> frequency by doing so as he is an incompetent asshole.

Mr. Knight has broken just about every trading standards law pertaining
to this, going.
If you have a receipt - or even if you do not have a receipt but can
prove the radio was
bought from his shop you are entitled to a full refund or replacemnet
radio within a 28 day period.
After that 28 day period you can only ask for a repair. If you have any
further hassle please contact your local trading standards office.
Before you goto that hassle, ring mr. Knight up and tell him what your
next course of action will be.
Watch him S@Łt himself!

Posted via Mailgate.ORG Server - http://www.Mailgate.ORG


Apr 4, 2002, 1:16:14 AM4/4/02
Neikolas Czernuszka <> wrote in message

> Mr. Knight has broken just about every trading standards law pertaining
> to this, going.
> If you have a receipt - or even if you do not have a receipt but can
> prove the radio was
> bought from his shop you are entitled to a full refund or replacemnet
> radio within a 28 day period.
> After that 28 day period you can only ask for a repair.

Ah, but that assumes that the equipment is faulty... it was not. "Mr
Consumer" admitted that there was no fault.
The customer just changed his mind... after he had a plug fitted (so the box
must have been opened, when he said it wasn't), made the purchase, left the
shop, and took it home (for a few days).

> If you have any
> further hassle please contact your local trading standards office.
> Before you goto that hassle,

Check what the law says about if you change your mind a few days
after making a purchase. Bear in mind also that:
1. The goods were purchased from a shop (not mail order), so
could be seen before purchase.
1. Knights fitted a plug for the customer. Knights have a right to
charge for the service.
2. The equipment is no longer new, it has been sold to a customer.
Knights can not sell it as new... that would be illegal. So, knights
will have to sell it at less than the new price, and it is not their
fault that the customer changed their mind.

I have often seen a notice displayed in shops making it clear that non-faulty
goods being returned will incur a handling charge. This is quite common where
shops see plenty of customers ordering the wrong item or changing their mind.

Another common notice is one giving a set time in which to collect your
repaired item. After that time they may dispose of it as they see fit. I
checked this one with my local Trading Standards... totally legal as long as
the notice is clearly displayed, they consider 1 month to be reasonable.

Hey, Doug... do you include such notices anywhere, or would it be a good
idea to have them in the shop?

> ring mr. Knight up and tell him what your next
> course of action will be.
> Watch him S@Łt himself!

I doubt if he will even suffer so much as mild flatulence over the matter.

Bear in mind that "Mr Consumer" is using several names, one post says he is
not the customer (so what's it to him), while another post claims he *is* the
customer (but using another name).
The person is hiding behind several fake identities and posting to a
newsgroup, rather than dealing directly using his real name.

Also, his story does not totally add up (unless his maths skills are
seriously lacking). He said that Knights would "buy it back at a third of the
price", but then said "you gave Ł45" (although Doug says he gave back Ł50).
Ł45 returned from a Ł57.50 item is 86.956% of the full price - not 33% (1/3).

Some of the claims he makes while using several false names...
As Mr Consumer
he refers to "A friend of mine" as making the purchase.
As stew <>
"I myself bought a president Lincoln off you afew months ago"
As Tony <>

"Actually it was me who bought that mike"

As Joe90 <>

"I bought a 5/8 wave Antron too some months ago and it was faulty"

As sp()()ny <>
He insults us all with "Man wat a load of kissasses"
As Barney <>
He seriously crosses the line with "does that Doug look like a
As ©ĄoD@ <p|-|>
He promotes a certain other shop and says "knights is pants"
As Gary <>

"the Knights shop which I have also heard bad reports of"

No kidding... he wrote the "bad reports", using the above names.

Check the headers... all from the same computer.
I wonder how many of those e-mail addresses are really his... maybe the ISPs
involved should be contacted. Some of the posts could be enough to get the
ISPs to take action... and some could be enough for Knights to take
legal action.
It only takes a few seconds to trace the IP number to his *real* ISP.



Apr 4, 2002, 1:18:18 PM4/4/02
According to Bill Gates, on Thu 04 Apr 2002 07:16:14a "Brainbuster"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and
heaved this into


> He promotes a certain other shop and says "knights is pants"
>As Gary <>
> "the Knights shop which I have also heard bad reports of"
> No kidding... he wrote the "bad reports", using the above names.
>Check the headers... all from the same computer.
>I wonder how many of those e-mail addresses are really his... maybe the
>ISPs involved should be contacted. Some of the posts could be enough to
>get the ISPs to take action... and some could be enough for Knights to
>take legal action.
>It only takes a few seconds to trace the IP number to his *real* ISP.

May I state publicaly that the morphing tw*t who is the cause of all this
has no links whatsoever with 'the certain other shop'.

Doug and I e-mailed each other privately over the matter.


Apr 7, 2002, 8:13:50 AM4/7/02
Rocket <> wrote in message

> May I state publicaly that the morphing tw*t who is the cause of all this
> has no links whatsoever with 'the certain other shop'.

I never thought otherwise... but some may not have been sure, so it is good
that you cleared that up.
The trouble is, that by insulting one shop then promoting another, the chap
can give the wrong impression.

As I mentioned before, I have dealt with both shops (although Knights is
nearer) and never had a problem with either.

I think we have probably all had to deal with a "customer from hell"
once or twice.
I once got threatened with Trading Standards... for refusing to repair a
radio. The radio was a well got at Amateur radio (front panel had
been rewired wrong).
As the panel wiring was incredibly complicated and was now a mess, it
was a very long job to go through re-wiring the whole panel, and the
radio was an old mobile, I classed it as "BER".
I did not charge the customer for my time, or the components I replaced
before finding that he had wired the panel wrong, and that popped any
new "chips" that went in (he only informed me that he had removed
the whole front and re-wired it when I had already found out the hard way).

I have to agree that you just can't help some people, even when you don't
charge them... and you make a loss for their mistake.


Happy harry

Apr 10, 2002, 2:47:24 PM4/10/02
Well before someone else says it you must be that Gayassrapist's boy friend.
Also you must be the most dum person on the net has the headers from the
messages it is impossible to say from the same computer.
Has for Doug the Gayassrapist he as always been a rip off, for the mike he
will sell has new as long as there is no damage on the box.

"Brainbuster" <> wrote in message


Apr 10, 2002, 5:09:21 PM4/10/02

Mmmmm, funny how you all seem to have gone to the same skool of illiteracy.


Apr 10, 2002, 5:16:48 PM4/10/02
According to Bill Gates, on Wed 10 Apr 2002 10:09:21p "John"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and heaved this into


> Mmmmm, funny how you all seem to have gone to the same skool of
> illiteracy.

ITYM illegitimacy.


Apr 12, 2002, 2:32:14 AM4/12/02
Happy harry <> wrote in message

> Well before someone else says it you must be that Gayassrapist's boy

No, just a customer of several CB shops, who has manners and knows how to
make complaint through the correct channels when required. If you believed
that you had a claim, you would take the legal route.


> Also you must be the most dum person on the net has the headers from the
> messages it is impossible to say from the same computer.


No, you need a lesson in header reading, one in basic literacy and one in
basic manners.
Maybe your parents should have disciplined you better.

Anyhow, let's just deal with the header info for now, because you are not
smart enough to tell for yourself.

From: "Happy harry" <>
Subject: Re: Knights CB SHop is a ripoff
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:47:24 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: BT Openworld
Message-ID: <a921br$5ac$>
X-Trace: 1018464444 5452 (10 Apr 2002
18:47:24 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:47:24 +0000 (UTC)
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000

So, you have a BT internet account, and " " is the node number
of your computer.

The number may be dynamic or static. Mr Consumer's NTL account always has the
same number. This number can be used with "Neo Trace" (which I have) to
trace a computer. I can enter the number, click a button and up pops a world
map... zooming in as it tracks you in a few seconds.
An amazing piece of software.

My brother has an NTL account, and I can tell him when he has visited my
website... date and time to the second.

Another useful header is the "X-Newsreader"...
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000

There are so many version numbers, that few people have the same number, like
you and the "Mr Consumer" chap do. So even when someone changes from NTL
to BT, their news reader can give them away.

So, let's look at other numbers...
"Mr Consumer" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Stew" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Tony" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Joe 90" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Sp00ny" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Barney" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"━oD@" NNTP-Posting-Host:
"Gary" NNTP-Posting-Host:

All the same number at NTL... so all from the same NTL account.
I wonder what will happen if I send copies of all those posts to...

And a copy of your "Happy harry" post to...

Shall we find out?



Apr 12, 2002, 1:53:35 PM4/12/02
According to Bill Gates, on Fri 12 Apr 2002 07:32:14a "Brainbuster"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and
heaved this into

>All the same number at NTL... so all from the same NTL account.

>I wonder what will happen if I send copies of all those posts to...

Judjing by the fact that he has changed accouts, I think this has already

>And a copy of your "Happy harry" post to...

I think this may have happened also.


Apr 12, 2002, 2:01:47 PM4/12/02
I agree that Knights is a rip off, twice they have ripped me off and never

That could be the reason they have been trading for all these years that no
one has aired a compliant here on a news group.

Has for the crap below you girls get on with it, oh I have a BT account,
could I be the same poster. I will leave you to figure that one out.

Yes I think that Doug does look like a gayassrapiest (Free dome of speech).

PS Any message can be edited before reply to abuse@whatever

"Brainbuster" <> wrote in message



Apr 12, 2002, 2:11:32 PM4/12/02
Mr Russell have you moved from HUCKNULL.

Do you still Your BBS ?

"Rocket" <> wrote in message


Apr 12, 2002, 2:41:09 PM4/12/02
Judging by the fact that you have the same affliction as Happy Harry with
your illiteracy, I would say you are one and the same. Go sign up for adult
education, if you have passed puberty yet that is.


Apr 12, 2002, 4:50:39 PM4/12/02
According to Bill Gates, on Fri 12 Apr 2002 07:11:32p "Bill"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and heaved this

>Mr Russell have you moved from HUCKNULL.

I do not, and never have lived anywhere near HUCKNULL.

>Do you still Your BBS ?

Translation in English please.



Apr 12, 2002, 5:15:45 PM4/12/02
Does that mean that you are correct, sorry no you are not so have a nice day
and learn some manners please.
(This is called a new paragraph)
Oh has mummy changed your nappy today, if not that's why I can smell thee
from here Bob.

"John" <> wrote in message


Apr 12, 2002, 7:22:02 PM4/12/02
I think that you have M5ADU? maybe

"Rocket" <> wrote in message



Apr 12, 2002, 7:46:25 PM4/12/02

I think you must have been sniffing your boyfriends undies again, your last
post is so non-sensical theres no other explanation.

Liam Tummons

Apr 12, 2002, 8:25:27 PM4/12/02
If you believe in "Free dome of speech" then why are you too chicken to use
your real name?

"Bill" <> wrote in message


Apr 13, 2002, 1:31:15 AM4/13/02
According to Bill Gates, on Sat 13 Apr 2002 12:22:02a "Bill"
<> knelt at the big white telephone, and heaved this into

>I think that you have M5ADU? maybe

No, you have me confused with someone else.
I do not have an amateur callsign.


Apr 14, 2002, 11:23:25 PM4/14/02
Bill <> wrote in message
> I agree that Knights is a rip off, twice they have ripped me off and never
> again.
> That could be the reason they have been trading for all these years that no
> one has aired a compliant here on a news group.

No, I will gladly speak my mind. But I have had no problems with either shop.
When CB was new to this country, cowboys were common. Many CB shops
ripped people off, as nobody new enough to know they were being fed b***s**t.
Most of the cowboy traders disappeared when the bottom fell out the market
in the early 80's.
Some are still disappearing, so those remaining know they have to be good to
their customers.

TV rental engineers have done tricks for years. They get called out to a
faulty TV, take one look, then say "It's your aerial, madam". Seen it done
with a set that had slow field flyback, the lines across the top of the
screen were a dead giveaway. There is no money to be made out of repairing a
rented TV, so if there's a picture... feed them a line, and get the hell onto
the next job... time is money.

If you read the CB groups long enough, you will see me give my thoughts on
such cowboys... including a certain nationally known high street chain.


> Yes I think that Doug does look like a gayassrapiest


If rapists all looked the same, the police would have a much easier time
tracking them down.

> (Free dome of speech).

I think they closed that down... it was losing money, not enough visitors.


> PS Any message can be edited before reply to abuse@whatever


But the IP number is set by the server... in that case NTL.
If I "ping" that node, I can get the location of the computer connected to
that node.
The abuse header is also set by the server.

Even with a dynamic IP number, the ISP will know who was using that
connection at that time.


> Has for the crap below you girls get on with it, oh I have a BT account,
> could I be the same poster. I will leave you to figure that one out.


Your poor attempt at English gives you away. I sure hope English is your
second language.


Dec 3, 2018, 3:03:16 PM12/3/18
I have known Doug and Knights CB staff for over 20 years. I have NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEM with him, his staff or equipment bought from his shop. I would recommend and trust him and staff on ALL REPAIRS and sales, even second hand goods.

David Pyke.
0 new messages