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Motorcycle Tyres from ATS

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Pete Williams

Jul 8, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/8/97

Just a few notes that might be of interest!

I guess if you need a new tyre, puncture repair etc on yer bike you
usually pop down to you local bike shoppe and make enquires on prices,
availabilty, etc

Had a puncture a few months ago in my back tyre, all the bike shops
wouldn't repair it (didn't know how to!), but they would quite happy to
sell me a new one. Phoned around and saw that ATS deal with motorcyle
tyres, they quite happily fixed it.

Just had to get a new front tyre, after discovering a split in the side
wall, and I had been quoted from the 'bike dealers' nearly eighty quid
for something like an Avon Roadrunner. (Silly 16" job for my GSX550E,
obviously not the same calibre as these turbo nutter silly wide as a car
tyre jobs you get these days), ATS are supplying and fitting on the rim
for 52 quid inc VAT.

This is great, but the guy at ATS Chippenham, can't balance bike wheels,
'cos he ain't got the expensive adapter for his machine to do it! ("Too
expensive, might get one though if I can justify it!")

I applaud ATS for doing bike tyres cheaply and not freaking out when a
bike wheel turns up at their door, but shouldn't they have all the right
equipment to offer the full service? If you need a new tyre and your in
the Chippenham area or near your local ATS, check out their prices, and
hound the guy about getting the equipment in to balance it. I guess
it's important to get this tyre balance somewhere, so if anybody has got
any ideas let me know.

Pete Williams
Deputy Media Manager (CBL Technology, Bristol)
Disclaimer: Sending any SPAM's to my E-Mail
account, will envoke a charge payable by the
sender for wasting my time. By sending such
E-Mail to this address means you are accepting
these terms.

Andy C.

Jul 8, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/8/97

Pete Williams wrote:
> I applaud ATS for doing bike tyres cheaply and not freaking out when a
> bike wheel turns up at their door, but shouldn't they have all the right
> equipment to offer the full service? If you need a new tyre and your in
> the Chippenham area or near your local ATS, check out their prices, and
> hound the guy about getting the equipment in to balance it. I guess
> it's important to get this tyre balance somewhere, so if anybody has got
> any ideas let me know.
Just take your bike/wheel to a local bike shop, they should only charge
a few quid for balancing the wheel.

Andy C. Proteon R&D York. =:o)


Jul 8, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/8/97

ATS in Aldershot have a resident motorcycle expert.

He's travels around in a van during the week and lives at the branch on
Saturdays. Can't remember the guy's name but he knows his stuff.

He will repair when possible and gives good advice.

He also balances - has a machine nailed to the floor of his van.

Only dubious part of his personality - he rides a Goldwing.


Pete Williams <> wrote in article

Perry Leo

Jul 9, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/9/97

Pete Williams wrote:
> I applaud ATS for doing bike tyres cheaply and not freaking out when a
> bike wheel turns up at their door, but shouldn't they have all the right
> equipment to offer the full service? If you need a new tyre and your in
> the Chippenham area or near your local ATS, check out their prices, and
> hound the guy about getting the equipment in to balance it. I guess
> it's important to get this tyre balance somewhere, so if anybody has got
> any ideas let me know.

I can recommend:

Bike Treads
Unit 7 Ash Kembrey Park
Swindon Wiltshire SN 2 6UN
Tel: 01793 615995

which is not to far from Chippenham and a nice ride! You should get the
tyres balanced
as it will reduce vibration and improve life.


Peter Keating

Jul 11, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/11/97

Perry Leo <> wrote in article

> I can recommend:
> Bike Treads
> Unit 7 Ash Kembrey Park
> Swindon Wiltshire SN 2 6UN
> Tel: 01793 615995

if you're in this part of the world, I thoroughly recommend Tyre Tech in
Bristol. This place specialises in motorcycle tyres, chains and sprockets.
You can watch the guy work on your bike, and he certainly knows his stuff.
The workshop is immaculate, and he has all the right tools for the job, and
seems to take as much care over the work as if it was his own bike. They
are not always the cheapest, but the prices are certainly competitive and
he quotes for everything inclusive. Some shops say "thats xx pounds". Then
add VAT, balancing, fitting, floor wear from you walking into the shop

I don't have the exact details to hand but if anyone wants to know where
they are either:
a) look in the yeller pages!
b) ask at Avon Motorcycles, cos its just round the corner from there
c) email me cos I have the details at home.

Peter Keating -
The contents of this email are my own opinions, and not
those of SN systems Ltd.
(Remove ".NO_SPAM" from my email address to reply)

Perry Leo

Jul 11, 1997, 7:00:00 AM7/11/97

Peter Keating wrote:
> Perry Leo <> wrote in article
> <>...
> > I can recommend:
> >
> > Bike Treads
> > Unit 7 Ash Kembrey Park
> > Swindon Wiltshire SN 2 6UN
> > Tel: 01793 615995
> if you're in this part of the world, I thoroughly recommend Tyre Tech in
> Bristol. This place specialises in motorcycle tyres, chains and sprockets.

Yeah, I've also heard good things about them.


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