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(PDF) HIV/AIDS, Immunochemistry, Reductionism and Vaccine Design by Regenmortel

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Aren Vilga

Dec 17, 2022, 2:42:32 PM12/17/22
This is the PDF eBook version for HIV/AIDS, Immunochemistry, Reductionism and Vaccine Design by Regenmortel
(Download link for cheap price)


Feb 16, 2023, 9:59:09 PM2/16/23
On 17/12/2022 19:42, Aren Vilga wrote:
> This is the PDF eBook version for HIV/AIDS, Immunochemistry, Reductionism and Vaccine Design by Regenmortel
> (Download link for cheap price)

If, by 'reverse trike' two front and one rear wheel is meant, they are a
hell of a lot better handling than one wheel at the front, two wheels
behind - they don't tend to tip over so easily when cornering.

Apart from the Morgan, BSA did a good one with a 800cc side-valve
engine, and there was another newer one similar to a Moggie with an
Italian Vee-twin engine.

A friend had one of the pre-war BSAs and restored it to concourse
condition, but replaced the engine (stored the original) with an Austin
A35 mill, crammed it with Sprite internals. Went like a rather quick
jackrabbit, and apart from the usual performance of friction dampers,
handled rather well.

Rusty Hinge
To err is human. To really foul things up requires a computer and the BOFH.
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