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OT: A Very Simple Fix For The "Love Bug" and All The Copy Cat Variations

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Peter D

May 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/6/00
Given the seriousness of the situaiton, I wanted to pass on what I
have discovered to my UK fishing buddies. Hope no-one minds. :-)

Here's a simple fix. Usual disclaimers, YMMV, etc. Please respect my
"copyright". You may pass this message on provided you pass the
complete message and CC me in, use dolman@!DEL! (remove !DEL!).
This allows me to provide updates and correct errors easily.

It should work on just about everything and it's easily implemented
across company-wide systems with the right admin software. Of course,
if anyone needs help I'm available. Preference will be given to sites
located near mountains, ocean, and/or good fishing. :-)

**DON'T use this as a substitute for up-to-date anti-virus software**

A) Disable Windows Scripting Host (Windows 98)

1) Start -> Settings -> Control Panel
2) Double-click "Add/Remove Programs"
3) Click "Windows Setep" Tab
4) Doublie-click "Accessories"
5) Scroll down to bottom and uncheck "Windows Scripting Host"
6) Click "OK", "OK", Close Control Panel.

B) Remove the VBS File Type (Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT)

1) Open Windows Explorer (or Double-click "My Computer")
2) On the Top Menu, select View -> Folder Options or View -> Options,
depending on what software you have installed. A list of registered
File Types will appear.
3) Scroll down (list is alphabetical) and locate "VB Script Script
4) Highlight it and click "Remove" (or "Delete"). Answer "Yes" to the
confirmation box.
4) If "VB Script Encoded File", extension "VBE" is also in the list,
remove it as well.
5) Click "Close" or "OK", "OK".

1) If you need to use VBS and only want to disable (rather than
remove) automatic scripting, you could try changing the automatic
function to "Edit" rather than "Run", but only do this if you know
what you are doing. Advice on fine-tuning is beyond the scope of this

2) You will not be able to use WIndows Scripting if you remove the
WIndows Scripting Host, but most users don't use Windows Scripting
anyway, and if you do then you probably know enough to protect
yourself. If you find that certain software or functions no longer
work after removing WIndows Scripting Host, contact the company or
programmer and ask them for a workaround. Be sure to tell them you've
removed Windows Scripting Host and why.
Peter D
dolman@!DEL! (remove !DEL!)

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