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What better way to deal with pirates?

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Gareth Paley

Jan 5, 2024, 4:49:49 PM1/5/24
Local CBer pirating on 2m - you'll never guess what happens next..


Brian Howie

Jan 10, 2024, 12:06:06 AM1/10/24
In message <unb87j$iben$>, Ottavio Caruso
<> writes
>Unfortunately the 2m band in UK is wasteland and nobody cares.
Activity on all the VHF/UhF bands is pretty low. - but not zero.

The RSGB organise 2m activity contests ( FM followed by SSB/CW) on the
1st Tuesday of the month to try to stir up activity . Ok contests aren't
to everyone's taste ,but it will give you a rough idea of what you
ought to be able to hear.


You may find some of your local clubs organise nets, which you can
either lug into or join in. Our club runs one on non-meeting Wednesday
nights .

Brian GM4DIJ
Brian Howie

Gareth Paley

Jan 30, 2024, 5:18:30 AM1/30/24
I'm not a member of a club at the moment Brian. Have been off the air for for a few years. Not sure if the club I did my morse at is still there. It used to be in the back room of the CB shop at Washington Services on the A1 just south of the Metrocentre. It's a bit of a way from my current QTH though. Haven't heard them on.

Anyway, good luck to the fellow, he seems to have found plenty of people willing to teach him. There's nothing on CB round here anymore except for the skip rolling in from the states every afternoon that is :-)


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