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OT: 'McDonald's Family Restaurant - I'm loving it' (again) VIDEO

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Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Oct 16, 2011, 4:08:37 PM10/16/11

*Message and author protected by the 1st amendment (free speech) and similar
constitutional provisions. Violations of this provision through actions by
judiciary and other government criminals will be prosecuted as soon as
conditions permit.*

Unter blinden ist der ein ugige k nig. >.)

Jews have paralysed our societies through the enforcement of PC ( ) and MC ( ). Chieftain Netanyahu: Break the spell
by publicly admitting your tribe's responsibility! And dump your mad dog
Martin van Creveld ( ).

True Blue

Oct 16, 2011, 5:40:00 PM10/16/11

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <> wrote in
> *Message and author protected by the 1st amendment (free speech) and
> similar
> constitutional provisions. Violations of this provision through actions by
> judiciary and other government criminals will be prosecuted as soon as
> conditions permit.*

Nigknocker has the story on -

"NIG YORK CITY- A throwdown over an order at a Manhattan McNiggers leads to
a felon counter-nigger going apeshit, and it was all caught on video.
Luckily, this was nigger on nigger NHI (no humans involved) crime. Enjoy
the show, and stay the hell away from nigger-loving, nigger coddling
McNiggers. They continue to make special efforts to attract niggers to their
stores. You all should get that message and stay the hell away!-nigknocker.

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO and from another angle with audio HERE (courtesy of

McNiggers hired a cashier, Rayon McIntosh, 31, who just got out of Nigger
University on an aggravated manslaughter coonviction for shooting and
killing a high school classmate in 2000. [Ed. Note: Good going McNiggers! I
assume that hiring violent nigger felons in your stores is just an extension
of your "nigger 365" program: CLICK HERE .]

In the video, two she-boons tried to pay for their order with a $50 bill
which the McNiggers counter-jig, McIntosh questioned and did not accept. The
she-boons verbally taunt the counter-nigger and yelled obscenities at him,
then slap him and then jump the counter. So far, just TNB! [But she-boons
don't know enough not to taunt the animals and stay out of the cages in the
zoo. If you guessed that the nigger then goes apeshit, you would be

Nigger McIntosh then disappears into the back of the McNiggers restaurant on
West Fourth Street in Greenwich Village and returned with a steel pipe (or

The inner chimp (present in all niggers) then surfaces, and in a cat-5
chimpout he beats the she-boons with the pipe. You can hear the sounds of
bones breaking as other customers watched the nigger savagery while other
McDonald's workers tried unsuccessfully to stop the ape-attack.

One she-boon ended up with a fractured skull that required surgery and a
broken arm. The other has a deep laceration.

The pipe swinging nigger was arrested and charged with two counts of felony
apesault and criminal possession of a weapon. He was being held on $40,000
bail. The she-boons were reportedly charged with menacing, disorderly
conduct, trespassing and provoking a wild animal.

Ed. Note: None of you would patronize a fast food chain that encourages rats
and roaches to roam free in their stores. So why would you patronize
McNiggers that encourages wild apes, both as customers and as employees?
With respect to the rats and roaches, it is predictable that they will shit
everywhere and get into the food. Encouraging niggers in the store results
in an equally predictable outcome. QED!"

Michael Laudahn eOpposition

Oct 16, 2011, 7:19:24 PM10/16/11
Is there a missunderstanding going on here? 'OT' was supposed to mean ON
TOPIC. >.)


Newsgroups: uk.politics.misc, can.politics, alt.politics.immigration,
From: "True Blue" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 18:40:00 +0100
Subject: Re: 'McDonald's Family Restaurant - I'm loving it' (again) VIDEO

True Blue

Oct 16, 2011, 7:39:56 PM10/16/11

"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <> wrote in
> Is there a missunderstanding going on here? 'OT' was supposed to mean ON
> TOPIC. >.)
> *************************************

The subject line has removed the "OT"

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty

Oct 17, 2011, 4:43:39 AM10/17/11


On The Banks Of The Mosel River In Western Germany,
Just 6 Miles From The Luxembourg Border, Is The
Ancient German City Of Trier. The Romans Claim To
Be The Founders Of This Ancient City, But German
Traditon, And Even The Name Of The City Suggest
Othewise ------->

"On the Rotes Haus (Red House) beside
the Steipe, there is a text in Latin boasting
that Trier, or Treves, is older than Rome,
1,300 years in fact. That is when Trebeta,
son of Semiramis, is said to have founded
the town."

That's What It Says In The Opening Paragraph
Of The Trier Colorphoto Guide To The Town.

Josef K.L Bihl writes in his German textbook,
In deutschen Landen --->

"Trier was founded by Trebeta,
a son of the famous Assyrian King
NINUS" (pg. 69)

The Biblical Name For NINUS = NIMROD !

Semiramis was married to Nimrod, the founder
of Babylon. Genesis 10:11 Says That Asshur
(SS) And His Descendants Went Out Of Babylon
And Constructed The Assyrian Capital - Nineveh.
But As The Margin Correctly Indicates, It Was
NIMROD Who Led Asshur Out Of Babylon And
Who Actually Supervised The Construction
Project In Nineveh. Early On, The Bible Indicates
A Close Alliance Between Nimrod And Asshur.

There Is An Obvious Reason Why The German
City Of Trier Traces its Origins Back To Trebeta,
The Son Of Nimrod And Semiramis, As Well
As The Ancient Assyrian Capital Of Nineveh.

GERMANY (germs \ virus \ ww 1, 2, 3)
PEOPLE ! ! !

Ras Mikaere Enoch Mc Carty
Ambassador - Tainui Kiingitanga \ Te Aotearoa
N.Z. M.P. Candidate - Te Wepu Party
Jah AlmighTainui !
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