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Re: The unbearable asymmetry of neo-Nazi bullshit -- WAS: WHAT FASCISM REALLY IS AND WHAT IT ISN'T

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Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

01.02.2017, 14:59:1701.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> Fascism is...

...*NOT* ever an option for any who respects human integrity, human
freedoms and human life.

NEXT neo-Nazi brain-fart!

Lock all Nazi fuckers up for good! Lets enjoy our "Kristalltag"!


01.02.2017, 17:12:4901.02.17

Putting Down the `Valkyrie' Conspiracy: My Role in Berlin on July 20,
Otto Ernst Remer

.. .. About an hour and a half after the "Valkyrie" order was given
[by the von Stauffenberg conspirators], my regiment, by then
combat-ready, moved into the areas to be sealed off in accordance with
its orders. The normal guard units, such as those at the War Memorial
and the Bendlerblock, the headquarters of the Commander of the
Replacement Army and of the Defense Production Office, remained at
their posts .. .. Goebbels asked me to address the troops assembled
there, which I did. Their outrage at the traitorous goings-on was so
great that they would have torn every single conspirator to pieces,
had they been there.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

01.02.2017, 21:45:3701.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> Goebbels ...

...his Führer and the rest of that despicable Nazi leadership are still
rotting nice away in their mostly unmarked graves.
They did so yesterday
and they will do so tomorrow ...and the day after that...and the day after
that...and.....Topaz sucks at necromancy!

Good riddance!

Towards the end of World War II it has become very clear to all freedom
loving sane humans all over the planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis
have brought upon our World!
And to what end: ruthless World domination by a pathetic racist few!

"Enough of that!" was the consensus of people working towards the Nazis

But decades later the low-lives scum are back hoping for a second chance

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!


Neo-Nazis still live in the dark glory of the Drittes Reich!
Luckily modern Germany has moved on!

But hey, Nazis and neo-Nazis always have a strange relationship with the
our Universe.
Maybe Topaz should search for another Universe to live in?

Posting brain-fart copy&paste verbal vomit that is exclusively directed
for consumption by demented extremist US right retards achieves absolutely
nothing when its is dumped into non-US newsgroups.

The only reason Topaz can't come to grips with this simple fact is that it
is a neo-Nazi.


Dangerous brain atavism is typically found among neo-Nazis.
And no sane person desires to follow that kind of madness.

Look what have I found:

Well, these threads have been going on for far too long and their contents
have remained the same post after post after post...
It must be obvious to anyone mad enough to follow these threads that Topaz
the Nazi propaganda bot can not come up with anything new...nothing beyond
regurgitated garbage dumped into Usenet and all other Internet forums long
ago as moral booster for the unloved Neo-Nazi Cyber-Sturmtruppen.

At this point in time there is no more need to put more energy in
responding to each bit of Nazi kookery and propaganda Topaz dumps on a
post by post basis.

So here follows the summary of my responses:

I pointed out that:

1 Hitler was an insane kook with pet hates directed by his prejudices

2 His pure Aryan genealogy is just a make-belief lie!

3 His Nazi team was made up of bloodthirsty thugs and intellectual

4 The Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews, the Roma, Arabs, Slavs,
Hungarians, etc...

5 US neo-Nazis also targeting Blacks, Latinos and Asians based on the
manufactured white race myth.

6 Neo-Nazis want to resurrect the Third Reich with all its laws and
brutal enforcement machinery

7 Neo-Nazis prefer fascism to democracy which they hate passionately

8 Neo-Nazis also hate the political Left which they wish to exterminate

9 The current Neo-Nazi leaders are corrupt criminal crooks preaching
revisionist kookery

10 Neo-Nazis are as trust-worthy as rabid dogs are
... if you let them out of their isolation they will bite you to

Conclusion: Topaz is an impotently raging Sturmtrupper; ineffectual and
boring in his delivery of Nazi propaganda!



02.02.2017, 17:16:1602.02.17

"More that half the shareholdings in the Federal Reserve Bank are
controlled by large New York City banks, including National City Bank,
National Bank of Commerce, First National Bank, Chase National Bank,
and Marine National Bank. When Rockefeller's National City Bank merged
with J.P. Morgan's First National Bank in 1955, the Rockefeller group
owned 22 percent of the shares of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, which in turn holds the majority of shares in the Federal
Reserve System - 53 percent. But who really owns what? Here are the
top controllers of the Federal Reserve Bank

1. Rothchild banks of London and Berlin.
2. Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris.
3. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy.
4. Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
5. Lehman Brothers Bank of New York.
6. Kuhn, Loeb bank of New York.
7. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (which controls all of the other
11 Federal Rwerve Banks).
8. Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York.

This ownership combination has been challenged by the Federal Reserve
Bank, but a study of Standards and Poors will verify the ownerships.
This means that the controlling interest of our national monetary
system is foreign. In 1797, John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson, "All
the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from
defects of the Constitution or Confederation; not from any want of
honor or virtue, as much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin,
credit and circulation." In simple terms, the United States Government
borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank with interest. Here is how
it works: The Government wants $1 billion. The Federal Reserve prints
$1 billion - based upon no hard asset - and lends it to the Government
at a high interest rate. The bank did not have the original money, it
created it and made a bookkeeping entry - like you writing yourself a
check without funds and cashing it. The Federal Reserve controls the
flow of money, making it tight and creating unemployment or printing
more than actually exists and creates inflation. It is, in wessence, a
paper corporation, which controls the entire economic well-being of
the nation.


No Congress, no President has been strong enough to stand up to the
foreign-controlled Federal Reserve Bank. Yet there is a catch - one
that President Kennedy recognized before he was slain - the original
deal in 1913 creating the Federal Reserve Bank had a simple backout
clause. The investors loaned the United States Government $1 billion.
And the backout clause allows the United States to buy out the system
for that $1 billion. If the Federal Reserve Bank were demolished and
the Congress of the United States took control of the currency, as
required in the Constitution, the National Debt would virtually end
overnight... Thomas Jefferson was concise in his early warning to the
American nation, "If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them
will deprive the people of all their property until their children
will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."..

The Federal Reserve is a private organization. It is made up of 12
federal reserve districts; each having its own bank. Each of these
banks is owned by its stockholders, member banks. The Federal Reserve
is not a public institution. It is not owned by the Federal government
or the tax payers of the United States. It is private. Just like most
other private companies in the U.S...


Baron M. A. Rothschild: "Give me control over a nation's currency and
I care not who makes its laws."

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

03.02.2017, 16:44:0803.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> The Federal Reserve is a private organization.

And in a capitalist world that would phase me why?
It is not that the Nazis had ever intended to dispense with

Since neo-Nazis so much in love with is one video to make
them eat their fake news propaganda:

"Proving Nazi Germany Capitalist... Again"

"Published on Oct 25, 2014
Unceasingly we are bombarded with the claim that Nazi Germany was a
socialist country simply because the world socialist was in it, or simply
because there was a government. This of course is infantile and basically
relies on a redefinition of capitalism to a system which doesn't exist.
Now we present this information from a post from Jacobin magazine."

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, these threads have been going on for far too long and their
contents have remained the same post after post after post...
It must be obvious to anyone mad enough to follow these threads that
Topaz the Nazi propaganda bot can not come up with anything
new...nothing beyond regurgitated garbage dumped into Usenet and all
other Internet forums long ago as moral booster for the unloved
Neo-Nazi Cyber-Sturmtruppen.

At this point in time there is no more need to put more energy in
responding to each bit of Nazi kookery and propaganda Topaz dumps on a
post by post basis.

So here follows the summary of my responses:

I pointed out that:

1 Hitler was insane kook with pet hates directed by his prejudices

2 His pure Aryan genealogy is just a make belief lie!

3 His Nazi team was made up of bloodthirsty thugs and intellectual

4 The Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews, the Roma, Arabs, Slavs,
Hungarians, etc...

5 US neo-Nazis are also targeting Blacks, Latinos and Asians based


03.02.2017, 17:31:5703.02.17

Here is excerpt from his memoirs General Leon Degrelle, former
leader of the Belgian contingent of the Waffen-SS:

"One of the first labor reforms to benefit the German workers
was the establishment of annual paid vacation. The Socialist French
Popular Front, in 1936, would make a show of having invented the
concept of paid vacation, and stingily at that, only one week per
year. But Adolf Hitler originated the idea, and two or three times as
generously, from the first month of his coming to power in 1933.

Every factory employee from then on would have the legal right
to a paid vacation. Until then, in Germany paid holidays where they
applied at all did not exceed four or five days, and nearly half the
younger workers had no leave entitlement at all. Hitler, on the other
hand, favored the younger workers. Vacations were not handed out
blindly, and the youngest workers were granted time off more
generously. It was a humane action; a young person has more need of
rest and fresh air for the development of his strength and vigor just
coming into maturity. Basic vacation time was twelve
days, and then from age 25 on it went up to 18 days. After ten years
with the company, workers got 21 days, three times what the French
socialists would grant the workers of their country in 1936.

These figures may have been surpassed in the more than half a
century since then, but in 1933 they far exceeded European norms. As
for overtime hours, they no longer were paid, as they were everywhere
else in Europe at that time, at just the regular hourly rate. The
work day itself had been reduced to a tolerable norm of eight hours,
since the forty-hour week as well, in Europe, was first initiated by
Hitler. And beyond that legal limit, each additional hour had to be
paid at a considerably increased rate...

Dismissal of an employee was no longer left as before the
sole discretion of the employer. In that era, workers' rights to job
security were non-existent. Hitler saw to it that those rights were
strictly spelled out. The employer had to announce any dismissal four
weeks in advance. The employee then had a period of up to two months
in which to lodge a protest. The dismissal could also be annulled by
the Honor of Work Tribunal. What was the Honor of Work Tribunal? Also
called the Tribunal of Social Honor, it was the third of the three
great elements or layers of protection and defense that were to the
benefit of every German worker. The first was the Council
of Trust. The second was the Labor Commission.

The Council of Trust was charged with attending to the
establishment and the development of a real community spirit between
management and labor. In any business enterprise, the Reich law
stated, the employer and head of the enterprise, the employees and
workers, personnel of the enterprise, shall work jointly towards the
goal of the enterprise and the common good of
the nation...

Thus from 1933 on, the German worker had a system of justice
at his disposal that was created especially for him and would
adjudicate all grave infractions of the social duties based on the
idea of the Aryan enterprise community. Examples of these violations
of social honor are cases where the employer, abusing his power,
displayed ill will towards his staff or impugned the honor of his
subordinates, cases where staff members threatened work harmony by
spiteful agitation; the publication by members of the Council of
confidential information regarding the enterprise which they
became cognizant of in the course of discharging their duties.
Thirteen Tribunes of Social Honor were established, corresponding
with the thirteen commissions...

From then on the worker knew that exploitation of his physical
strength in bad faith or offending his honor would no longer be
allowed. He had to fulfill certain obligations to the community, but
they were obligations that applied to all members of the enterprise,
from the chief executive down to the messenger boy. Germany's workers
at last had clearly established social rights that were arbitrated by
a Labor Commission and enforced by a Tribunal of Honor. Although
effected in an atmosphere of justice and moderation, it was a

This was only the end of 1933, and already the first effects
could be felt. The factories and shops large and small were reformed
or transformed in conformity with the strictest standards of
cleanliness and hygiene; the interior areas, so often dilapidated,
opened to light; playing fields constructed; rest areas made
available where one could converse at one's ease and relax during
rest periods; employee cafeterias; proper dressing rooms.

With time, that is to say in three years, those achievements
would take on dimensions never before imagined; more than 2,000
factories refitted and beautified; 23,000 work premises modernized;
800 buildings designed exclusively for meetings; 1,200 playing
13,000 sanitary facilities with running water; 17,000 cafeterias.
Eight hundred departmental inspectors and 17,300 local inspectors
would foster and closely and continuously supervise these renovations
and installations.

The large industrial establishments moreover had been given
the obligation of preparing areas not only suitable for sports
activities of all kinds, but provided with swimming pools as well.
Germany had come a long way from the sinks for washing one's face and
the dead tired workers, grown old before their time, crammed into
squalid courtyards during work breaks.

In order to ensure the natural development of the working
class, physical education courses were instituted for the younger
workers; 8,000 such were organized. Technical training would be
equally emphasized, with the creation of hundreds of work schools,
technical courses and examinations of professional competence, and
competitive examinations for the best workers for which large prizes
were awarded.

To rejuvenate young and old alike, Hitler ordered that a
gigantic vacation organization for workers be set up. Hundreds of
thousands of workers would be able every summer to relax on the
sea. Magnificent cruise ships would be built. Special trains would
carry vacationers to the mountains and to the seashore. The
locomotives that hauled the innumerable worker-tourists in
just a few years of travel in Germany would log a distance equivalent
to fifty-four times around the world!

The cost of these popular excursions was nearly insignificant,
thanks to greatly reduced rates authorized by the Reichsbank.

Didn't these reforms lack something? Were some of them flawed
by errors and blunders? It is possible. But what did a blunder amount
to alongside the immense gains?

That this transformation of the working class smacked of
authoritarianism? That's exactly right. But the German people were
sick and tired of socialism and anarchy. To feel commanded didn't
bother them a bit. In fact, people have always liked having a strong
man guide them. One thing for certain is that the turn of mind of the
working class, which was still almost two-thirds non-Nazi in 1933,
had completely changed.

The Belgian author Marcel Laloire would note: "When you make
your way through the cities of Germany and go into the working-class
districts, go through the factories, the construction yards, you are
astonished to find so many workers on the job sporting the Hitler
insignia, to see so many flags with the Swastika, black on a bright
red background, in the most populous districts." The Labor Front that
Hitler imposed on all of the workers and employers of the Reich was
for the most part received with favor.

And already the steel spades of the sturdy young lads of the
National Labor Service could be seen gleaming along the highways. The
National Labor Service had been created by Hitler out of thin air to
bring together for a few months in absolute equality, and in the same
uniform, both the sons of millionaires and the sons of the poorest
families. All had to perform the same work and were subject to the
same discipline, even the same pleasures and the same physical and
moral development. On the same construction sites and in the same
living quarters, they had become conscious of their commonality, had
come to understand one another, and had swept away their
old prejudices of class and caste. After this hitch in the National
Labor Service they all began to live as comrades, the workers knowing
that the rich man's son was not a monster, and the young lad from the
wealthy family knowing that the worker's son had honor just
like any other young fellow who had been more generously
favored by birth. Social hatred was disappearing, and a socially
united people was being born.

Hitler could already go into factories, something no man of the
so-called Right before him would have risked doing, and hold forth to
the mob of workers, tens of thousands of them at a time, as in the
Siemens works. In contrast to the von Papens and other country
gentlemen, he might tell them, "In my youth I was a worker like you.
And in my heart of hearts, I have remained what I was then." In the
course of his twelve years in power, no incident ever occurred at any
factory Adolf Hitler ever visited. When Hitler was among the people,
he was at home, and he was received like the member of
the family who had been most successful."

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

03.02.2017, 19:18:5203.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"
> the Waffen-SS ...

...was that ruthless and bloodthirsty tool the Nazis used for committing
those atrocities during WW2 the regular Wehrmacht would have refused to
commit regardless of the mass brainwashing Hitler performed on the
Deutsches Volk.

Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap won't help your Nazi cause one
little bit.

Nazi hate propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!


Neo-Nazis still live in the dark glory of the Drittes Reich!
Luckily modern Germany has moved on!

But hey, Nazis and neo-Nazis always have a strange relationship with the
our Universe.
Maybe Topaz should search for another Universe to live in?

Posting brain-fart copy&paste verbal vomit that is exclusively directed
for consumption by demented extremist US right retards achieves absolutely
nothing when its is dumped into non-US newsgroups.

The only reason Topaz can't come to grips with this simple fact is that it
is a neo-Nazi.


Dangerous brain atavism is typically found among neo-Nazis.
And no sane person desires to follow that kind of madness.

Look what have I found:

Well, these threads have been going on for far too long and their contents
have remained the same post after post after post...
It must be obvious to anyone mad enough to follow these threads that Topaz
the Nazi propaganda bot can not come up with anything new...nothing beyond
regurgitated garbage dumped into Usenet and all other Internet forums long
ago as moral booster for the unloved Neo-Nazi Cyber-Sturmtruppen.

At this point in time there is no more need to put more energy in
responding to each bit of Nazi kookery and propaganda Topaz dumps on a
post by post basis.

So here follows the summary of my responses:

I pointed out that:

1 Hitler was an insane kook with pet hates directed by his prejudices

2 His pure Aryan genealogy is just a make-belief lie!

3 His Nazi team was made up of bloodthirsty thugs and intellectual

4 The Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews, the Roma, Arabs, Slavs,
Hungarians, etc...

5 US neo-Nazis also targeting Blacks, Latinos and Asians based on the
manufactured white race myth.

6 Neo-Nazis want to resurrect the Third Reich with all its laws and
brutal enforcement machinery

7 Neo-Nazis prefer fascism to democracy which they hate passionately

8 Neo-Nazis also hate the political Left which they wish to exterminate

9 The current Neo-Nazi leaders are corrupt criminal crooks preaching
revisionist kookery

10 Neo-Nazis are as trust-worthy as rabid dogs are
... if you let them out of their isolation they will bite you to

Conclusion: Topaz is an impotently raging Sturmtrupper; ineffectual and
boring in his delivery of Nazi propaganda!


04.02.2017, 06:05:0304.02.17

"British bombers destroyed the water supply of the camp and British
fighter planes were daily patrolling and strafing the roads and rail
facilities leading to the camp. In a short time food supplies were
used up and many inmates were dying of thirst. Even the Red Cross
pleaded with the British to allow drinking water and supplies to reach
the camps. But those soft-hearted British soldiers wouldn't even
consider it.
At the time, Bergen-Belsen was housing over 60,000 people who had been
transferred from the camps in Poland and the camp didn't have the
space for them. A variety of diseases raged through the camp. But
food was the key shortage. The desperate Germans with the assistance
of the Red Cross tried to surrender the camp: the British refused.
The Germans reported that of the 60,000 inmates approximately 9,000
were sick and needed immediate medical attention. There was no longer
food or water. The Germans requested an immediate British take-over to
provide medical assistance to the sick and dying. The British refused.
The Germans offered to surrender the strategic bridges over the river
Aller that the British were desperately trying to capture. The British
The kind-hearted British negotiated for six days while the knew the
inmates were dying and finally demanded that the Germans surrender an
area of ten kilometers around the camp. Finally, a compromise was
reached and Bergen-Belsen was surrendered to British Officer Derrick
The first thing the British did was to line up all the German guards
that had been left behind and shoot them down in cold blood. As part
of the negotiated surrender of the camp, the Germans had agreed to
leave behind an armed guard of young German soldiers who would be
allowed to return to their own lines a week after the British arrival.
Perhaps those Brits that are so ready to cry over the terrible sights
at Bergen Belsen can remember what happened to those innocent young
German soldiers at the hand of the British liberators-perhaps they
even participated in the carnage.
Then those British good Samaritans launched a propaganda program. The
only food available for the prisoners was turnip soup, but instead of
bringing food, the British simply turned the inmates loose on the
meager food stores. Those who were too weak to get up to fight for
food went without and died. Rather than food, the British sent film
crews and immediately announced they had discovered Nazi atrocities
and labeled Bergen-Belsen as the epitomy of Nazi brutality and
In the months after the British took over the camp, more than 20,000
inmates died. By comparison, a 1978 survey prepared by University
Professor Helmut Diwald showed that under German administration, about
7,000 inmates died at Bergen-Belsen during the entire period from 1943
to 1945. And most of them died in the final months of the war as a
result of Allied military action. Those gruesome photographs of a
British soldier bulldozing emaciated corpses into huge pits at
Bergen-Belsen, so loved by the German-hating holocaust promoters, are
actually photographs of the victims of British neglect"

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

04.02.2017, 16:16:5304.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> "British bombers destroyed....

Nice try! Trying to blame the British for Nazi war atrocities and the
genocide of so many.
Nazis are the only ones who believe in their own cooked up revisionist

They have no credibility in Germany any more! Only the stupid US-right
retards who let themselves to be dazzled by this manufactured garbage.

Toward the end of World War II it has become very clear to all freedom
loving sane humans all over the planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis
have brought upon our World!
And to what end: ruthless World domination by a pathetic racist few!

"Enough of that!" was the consensus of people working towards the Nazis

But decades later the low-lives scum are back hoping for a second chance

Let's not give it to them!
Happy Nazi hunting everyone all over the World throughout 2017!



05.02.2017, 06:49:5805.02.17

On Nov. 26, 1941, Secretary of War Stimson wrote in his diary about
Japan, "The question was how we should maneuver them into firing the
first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves."

That Roosevelt wanted to get the US into WW II is now a matter of
record. The Hull Ultimatum was the official start of hostilities with
Japan under International law, and Roosevelt had long violated
declared American neutrality and ordered the US Navy to conduct an
illegal undeclared war against the Germans. Again, neither Japan nor
Germany had done anything to provoke a war with the US... Pearl Harbor
happened AFTER Roosevelt delivered the Hull Ultimatum, which was the
start of hostilities with Japan under international law.

On November 26, 1941, Hull presented the Japanese ambassador with the
Hull note, which as one of its conditions demanded the complete
withdrawal of all Japanese troops from French Indochina and China.
Japanese Prime Minister Tojo Hideki said to his cabinet, this is an

FDR sent two billion dollars in tanks, guns, fighters, and other aid
to the communists PRIOR TO PEARL HARBOR even though most Americans
considered the Soviet Union the worst tyranny on earth and saw no
reason to save it. The Soviet Union probably would have been defeated
by Hitler if it were not for this huge amount of military aid. After
Pearl Harbor, it's well known that Churchill and FDR generously
supplied Stalin to keep him in power, but very few Americans are
aware that aid from FDR prior to Pearl Harbor kept Communism from
collapsing completely in 1941 during the period from June through
early December. This "Saviour of Communism" title for FDR will
eventually be the most damning line if future accurate biographies of
FDR are written in a world returned to sanity.

The German General Erwin Rommel most certainly would have captured
the Suez Canal and the Mideast oil fields if it were not for the
massive quantities of tanks and guns sent by FDR to England to save
the corrupt drunk, Winston Churchill, who had secretly become a stooge
of the Jews, when a wealthy Jew took over Churchill's debts (so that
Churchill could both avoid going bankrupt or having to actually work
for a living as British aristocrats hate to do).

FDR had failed miserably to get America out of the Great Depression,
and many Americans were getting tired of his failed attempts and may
have voted him out of office in 1940 if he had not LIED extensively
telling Americans "I hate war" and that he would keep America out of
World War Two. A real populist with real ideas, Huey Long had been
assassinated before he could challenge FDR for the Democrat nomination
(or as a Third Party candidate) conveniently eliminating a serious
threat to FDR's continued occupation of the White House.


05.02.2017, 07:59:3205.02.17

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 5 February, 2017



DOLF: "At the time I was doing the Sodomite Prophecy, I remember commenting
on the Heiros Logos--I will have do a search for it as it may still be on
my computer or in Google archives:

"The page that first caught my eye on this site had the unusual title:

'Is Israel True to its Jewishness? A Parable on the Lost Password as the
Name of God'

NOTE: "White House Press Secretary gets trolled for tweeting 'password' on
25 and 26 January 2017"


Nous: #45
Time: 08:40 hrs
Date: 2017.8.2
Torah: #1 #20 #1 %81 = #22
Dao: Extremes and Reversals, Greatest Virtue
Tetra: #28 - Change
I-Ching: H49 - Radical Change, Revolution (moulting), Skinning, The bridle

Latin: Aternum {Good & Patient God} Alt: Meboahyah {Havens (Harbors) of
God} {
4. Chous
Enoch {Initiated. Figuratively to initiate or discipline; dedicate, train


.jackNote@zen: 1, row: 4, col: 5, nous: 45 [Time: 0840 hrs, Super: #353 /
#45 - Extremes and Reversals, Greatest Virtue; I-Ching: H49 - Radical
Change, Revolution (moulting), Skinning, The bridle; Tetra: 28 - Change,
Ego: #386 / #45 - Extremes and Reversals, Greatest Virtue; I-Ching: H49 -
Radical Change, Revolution (moulting), Skinning, The bridle; Tetra: 28 -

n (#50) + 9 (#9) + y (#700) + 25 (#25) + a (#1) + h (#8) + 7 (#7) = #800

@memeBrain [Telos: #800, Super: #55 - Abstruse Mysterious Signs; I-Ching:
H22 - Elegance, Grace, Adorning, Luxuriance; Tetra: 54 - Unity, Ego: #71 -
Know-How as a Disease, Disease of Knowledge; I-Ching: H38 - Contrariety,
Opposition, Polarising, Perversion; Tetra: 6 - Contrariety]

Male Idea: #55 has 20 Categories: #1, #4, #50 = 'Addan (H135): 1) place in
Babylon, from which exiles returned; #6, #1, #5, #30, #10, #1, #2 =
'Oholiy'ab (H171): 1) chief assistant of Bezaleel in construction of the
tabernacle; #2, #2, #5, #10, #30, #6 = behiyluw (Aramaic) (H924): 1) haste,
hastily; #3, #2, #10, #40 = geb (H1356): 1) pit, trench, ditch, beam,
rafter; 1a) pit, trench; 1b) beam, rafter; #3, #2, #50 = gibben (H1384): 1)
hump-backed, crook-backed; #4, #6, #40, #5 = duwmah (H1745): 1) silence;
#40, #5, #4, #6 = Hoduw (H1912): 1) the country surrounding the Indus,
mentioned as the eastern border of the empire of Ahasuerus; #2, #8, #10,
#30, #5 = chiyl (H2427): 1) pain, agony, sorrow, a writhing, anguish; 1a)
writhing (of fear); 1b) anguish; #8, #10, #30, #7 = Chiylen (H2432): 1) a
city of Judah allotted to the priests; #6, #10, #8, #30, #1 = chala'
(H2456): 1) (Qal) to suffer, be sick, be diseased; #30, #10, #5, #6, #4 =
Yehuwd (Aramaic) (H3061): 1) Judah - the territory of the tribe of Judah;
#6, #30, #10, #6, #1, #2 = Yow'ab (H3097): 1) son of David's sister Zeruiah
and general of David's army; 2) a Judaite descendant of Kenaz; 3) a post
exilic family; #5, #10, #30, #6, #4 = yillowd (H3209): 1) born; #20, #5,
#30 = kehal (Aramaic) (H3546): 1) to be able; 1a) (P'al) to be able; #6,
#10, #30, #9 = luwt (H3874): 1) to wrap closely or tightly, enwrap,
envelop; 1a) (Qal) to wrap tightly; 1b) (Hiphil) to envelop, wrap; #40, #4,
#10, #1 = Maday (Aramaic) (H4077): 1) an inhabitant of Media; #5, #40, #7,
#3 = mezeg (H4197): 1) mixture, mixed wine; #50, #5 = noahh (H5089): 1)
eminency, distinction; #10, #9, #6, #30 = natal (H5190): 1) to lift, bear,
bear up; 1a) (Qal) to lift, lift over, lift upon, set up; 1b) (Piel) to
bear up; #5, #50 = en (G1722): 1) in, by, with etc;

EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #71 has 26 Categories:

#6, #1, #4, #10, #50 = 'edayin (Aramaic) (H116): 1) then, afterwards,
thereupon, from that time; #1, #4, #6, #50, #10 = 'Adonay (H136): 1) *my*
*lord*, *lord*; 2) *Lord* - *title*, *spoken* *in* *place* *of* *Yahweh*
*in* *Jewish* *display* *of* *reverence*; 1a) *of* *men*; 1b) *of* *God*;
#6, #2, #1, #6, #50, #6 = 'own (H202): 1) vigour, generative power; 2)
wealth; 3) physical strength (of men and behemoth); #5, #1, #20, #10, #30,
#5 = 'akiylah (H396): 1) food, a meal, an eating, meat; #1, #20, #50 =
'aken (H403): 1) surely, truly, indeed; 1a) truly, indeed (strong assertive
force); 1b) but indeed, but in fact (emphasizing a contrast); #1, #30, #30,
#10 = 'alelay (H480): 1) woe! alas!; #1, #30, #40 = 'illem (H483): 1) mute,
silent, dumb, unable to speak; #1, #50, #20 = 'anak (H594): 1) plummet,
plumb, lead-weight; #6, #2, #3, #30, #30 = galal (H1558): 1) on account of,
for the sake of; #3, #50, #7, #10, #1 = genaz (Aramaic) (H1596): 1)
treasure; #6, #4, #10, #50, #1 = diyn (Aramaic) (H1780): 1) judgment; #2,
#4, #10, #50, #5 = Diynah (H1783): 1) daughter of Jacob by Leah, full
sister of Simeon and Levi; #6, #5, #10, #50 = hiyn (H1969): 1) hin; 1a) a
unit of measure, about 5 quarts (6 l); 1b) a vessel holding a hin of
liquid; #6, #50, #10, #5 = Vanyah (H2057): 1) one of the sons of Bani, in
the time of Ezra, who took a foreign wife; #6, #10, #3, #2, #10, #40 =
yageb (H3010): 1) field, ploughed field; #10, #5, #6, #20, #30 = Yehuwkal
(H3081): 1) a son of Shelemiah and a servant of king Zedekiah whom he sent
to Jeremiah to entreat his prayers and advice; #5, #10, #6, #50 = yaven
(H3121): 1) mire, mirer; #6, #10, #20, #30, #5 = yekel (Aramaic) (H3202):
1) to be able; 1a) (P'al); 1a1) to be able; 1a2) to prevail; #30, #40, #1 =
ma' (Aramaic) (H3964): 1) what, whatever; 1a) what?; 1b) whatever, what,
whatsoever; 1c) how?, why?, wherefore? (with prefixes); #2, #40, #4, #20,
#5 = medokah (H4085): 1) mortar; #6, #40, #6, #2, #1, #10, #6 = mowba'
(H4126): 1) entrance, entering, in-coming; #6, #40, #7, #10, #8 = maziyach
(H4206): 1) girdle; #20, #40, #8, #2, #1 = machabe' (H4224): 1) hiding
place; 2) (TWOT) bosom; #40, #10, #20, #1 = Miyka' (H4316): 1) son of
Mephibosheth; 2) a Levite who signed the covenant with Nehemiah; 3) father
of Mattaniah, a Gershonite Levite and descendant of Asaph; #5, #30, #30,
#1, #4, #1 = Hellas (G1671): 1) a country in southern Europe; #20, #1, #50
= kan (G2579): 1) and if; 2) also or even if; 2a) of only, at least; 2b)
even if;

But that was just the start of a magical journey through a philosophical
and theological masterpiece. You can only imagine the flash of insight I
had into the workings of time when I read ..." [Peter Bowditch, Skeptic and
Author 'Quintessence of a Loon Site' commenting on The Sodomite Prophecy, 7
May, 2002]

... concerning my Torah and metempirical philosophical studies into the
philological and cosmological equation as a priori on reason and logos:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

And they showed me this calculation of the sun's movement {cycle of 28/56
years} and the gates by which he goes in and out; for these are the great
gates which God created to be an annual *horologue*." [2Enoch 15:1-4; cf:
Noachic use in Book of Jubilees 6:32-38]"

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG): "How are you going with your 5000+ day old case
with Quintessence of the Loon?

Vacuous legal threat counter: 5044 days and still waiting."

DOLF: "POSSESSED (ie. in a frenzy; madly as being nuts, crazy or insane) or
DISPOSSESSED (ie. deprive someone of land, property, or other possessions;
in sport to deprive a player of the ball) that is the question?

Evidently you haven't read my last statement to you. As you would have
recognized that the CIRCUMSTANCE ([archaic] pomp and ceremony; an event or
fact that causes or helps to cause something to happen, typically something
undesirable), HAPPENSTANCE (ie. coincidence) and SERENDIPITY (ie. the
occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial
way) of events, have turned to my advantage.

Otherwise you'd have realized that your question now, was entirely
redundant, inconsequential and merely a rhetorical contrivance (ie. of a
question asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather
than to elicit information).

Given such a clear conveyance of facts related to substantiation of the
forthcoming legal matter, you have not ceased and desisted from your
detrimental and defamatory conduct.

Such careless and responsible action by you, will no doubt have a
consequence in any consideration as to the awarding of costs."

HEIRONYMOUS-707: "Yes! That's it, exactly! LOL"

% (PERSENT): "I look at you[r] face [to] decide if I like it and then
I['ll] bill you."

BARRY (ATHEIST/HEISENBERG) O'GRADY: "Your answer [is] here Dolt: ----->;"

DOLF: "Thank-you for your acknowledgement which is conduct predicated upon
an unremorseful, resentful and spiteful attitude as ethos.

I'm going to cause such mental torment from whence you will never escape."

As I was collating the 297 pages of briefing notes today, I received a
phone call from his secretary seeking to re-schedule the appointment due to
his requirement of an attendance at court.

We komen voor u (translation: We are coming for you).

This is an excellent article that came my way today [1 June, 2016] from:
Frank Visser (Amsterdam, Netherlands):

TOWARD A TRANS METAPHYSICAL APPROACH - Possibly Needed for Contact with
Civilizations not Exceedingly Limited to Spacetime:


Can science in general and astrobiology in particular (and even the until
now not well-accepted disciplines of ufology and exopolitics) adequately
serve humankind handle the news of a verified intelligent extraterrestrial
species being able to arrive to Earth's shores?

Can scientists and either orthodox or unorthodox cultural leaders in
general become an suitable and ideologically updated social influence that
will adequately motivate people and other cultural leaders to profoundly
re-think who we are as a species and what 'reality' (in an expanded
multidimensional sense) is like? - GIORGIO PIACENZA (May, 2016)"

It's time to cue this YouTube clip:

YOUTUBE: "Life of Brian: WTF Moment - UFO Pickup"


At 2246 hours on 1 February, 2017 I was subject to a series of irrational
verbal attacks from a SCRUFF profile named: "428-146 Green. SOL 8" as
supposedly relating to a single white male, 176 cm tall and hairy. Who
himself on the one hand, seems to have a lack of coherency of any reality
in being a fixated UFO-ologist.


This designation with which he identifies, is readily obtained from the UFO
popAPOSTLE www-site which is a special interest group for "geeks (forthwith
known as "adherents") of pop culture can bask in the minutiae of their
(well, my) favourite TV shows, movies, comic books, music, statuary,
tapestries and cosmic tripping. Well maybe not those last few, but who




ROYALTY3850 (JEWISH FASCIST) @ 0519 HOURS ON 3 FEBRUARY 2017: "Gays were
cursed in the past by The King of the Universe Yahweh is His Name. Gays
are cursed now by The King of the Universe Yahweh is His Name and Gays will
remain cursed as long as they exist by The King of the Universe Yahweh is
His Name. The acceptance of Gays in many civilizations today is nothing
new. Look at the Romans. When the Gay spirit infested the leadership of
Rome she was conquered. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah. When the Gays tried
to kidnap the Angels Gavriel, Michael, Raphael G-d destroyed the two cites.
I'm a Jew. What really has me interested is that some Muslims are
observing the commandments of the Torah that are being ignored by the
Government of Israel. But no matter what other Jews think I do not condone
the Gay life style so should some horrible punishment occur to the Jews
that condone the Gay life style that punishment won't affect me and many
other Jews that are observant of as many of the 613 commandments we

DOLF: "11Q13, also 11QMelch or the Melchizedek document, is a fragmentary
manuscript among the Dead Sea Scrolls which mentions Melchizedek as leader
of God's angels in a war in Heaven against the angels of darkness instead
of the more familiar Archangel Michael. The text is an apocalyptic
commentary on the Jubilee year of Leviticus 25. The Dead Sea Scrolls
contain texts in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, the language of 11Q13 is
Hebrew, date of composition is circa 100 BCE.

John R. Hinnells in his "A handbook of ancient religions" of 2007 on page
241, states: "In a fragmentary text from cave 11 at Qumran (11q13 in Vermes
1997: 500–2) the role of Michael as leader of God's angels and destroyer of
the angels of darkness is taken over by Melchizedek. The text is a
commentary on the Jubilee law ...

11QMelch states: "And concerning that which He said, In [this] year of
Jubilee [each of you shall return to his property (Lev. xxv, 13); and
likewise, And this is the manner of release:] every creditor shall release
that which he has lent [to his neighbour. He shall not exact it of his
neighbour and his brother], for God’s release [has been proclaimed] (Deut.
xv, 2). [And it will be proclaimed at] the end of days concerning the
captives as [He said, To proclaim liberty to the captives (Isa. lxi, 1).
Its interpretation is that He] will assign them to the Sons of Heaven and
to the inheritance of Melchizedek; f[or He will cast] their [lot] amid the
po[rtions of Melchize]dek, who will return them there and will proclaim to
them liberty, forgiving them [the wrong-doings] of all their iniquities.
And this thing will [occur] in the first week of the Jubilee that follows
the nine Jubilees. (ie. 490 years)

And the Day of Atonement is the e[nd of the] tenth [Ju]bilee, when all the
Sons of [Light] and the men of the lot of Mel[chi]zedek will be atoned for.
[And] a statute concerns them [to prov]ide them with their rewards. For
this is the moment of the Year of Grace for Melchizedek. [And h]e will, by
his strength, judge the holy ones of God, executing judgement as it is
written concerning him in the Songs of David, who said, ELOHIM has taken
his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds
judgement (Psalms lxxxii, 1). And it was concerning him that he said, (Let
the assembly of the peoples) return to the height above them; EL (god) will
judge the peoples (Psalms vii, 7-8). As for that which he s[aid, Howlong
will you] judge unjustly and showpartiality to the wicked? Selah (Psalms
lxxxii, 2), its interpretation concerns Belial and the spirits of his lot
[who] rebelled by turning away from the precepts of God to ... And
Melchizedek will avenge the vengeance of the judgements of God... and he
will drag [them from the hand of] Belial and from the hand of all the
sp[irits of] his [lot].And all the ‘gods [of Justice’] will come to his aid
[to] attend to the de[struction] of Belial. And the height is ... all the
sons of God... this ... This is the day of [Peace/Salvation] concerning
which [God] spoke [through Isa]iah the prophet, who said, [How] beautiful
upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who proclaims peace, who
brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion: Your ELOHIM
[reigns] (Isa. lii, 7). Its interpretation; the mountains are the
prophets... and the messenger is the Anointed one of the spirit, concerning
whom Dan[iel] said, [Until an anointed one, a prince (Dan. ix, 25)] ...
[And he who brings] good [news] , who proclaims [salvation]: it is
concerning him that it is written... [To comfort all who mourn, to grant to
those who mourn in Zion] (Isa. lxi, 2-3). To comfort [those who mourn: its
interpretation], to make them understand all the ages of t[ime] ... In
truth ... will turn away from Belial... by the judgement[s] of God, as it
is written concerning him, [who says toZion] ; your ELOHIM reigns. Zion is
..., those who uphold the Covenant, who turn from walking [in] the way of
the people. And your ELOHIM is [Melchizedek, who will save them from] the
hand of Belial. As for that which He said, Then you shall send abroad the
trump[et in] all the land (Lev. xxv, 9) ..."



Initial Post: 1 February, 2017

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

05.02.2017, 16:18:3605.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> The German General Erwin Rommel....

World War II... has become very clear to all freedom loving sane humans all over the
planet what terrible tragedy the Nazis, and other fascist ultra
nationalists have brought upon our World!


06.02.2017, 07:33:5306.02.17
On Sun, 05 Feb 2017 06:59:26 -0600, dolf <> wrote:


The Old Testament says that God likes one race of people more than
others. It makes sense that it would be the White race. Compare
Europe to Africa.

This is the definition of the word "adam" in Strong's Concordance:

"to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:- be
(dyed, made) red (ruddy)."

This can only be describing a White man. Look at people today
and see which ones have rosy red cheeks. They are light skinned White

The Bible says David was ruddy. This is the definition of the
Hebrew word "ruddy":

"reddish (of the hair or of the complexion):-red, ruddy."

David had rosy cheeks (or red hair) and did not look like a
typical Jew.

The original Israelites were White people.

Jews are like the American Indians of today. These people say they
are Indians but the original Indians were clearly described as having
red skin. Today Indians may look brown or white, but not red. Neither
are Jews like the original Israelites.

The religious leaders of the Jews were the Pharisees. Jesus
condemned them in the harshest words.

Matthew 23:33 "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye
escape the damnation of hell?"

The New Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by David Bridger, PH.D in
association with Samual Wolk, Rabbi, J.S.D, copyright 1962, Published
by Behrman House, inc.,1261 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y., Library of
Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-17079, says on page 376:

"The Pharisees are therefore regarded as those authorities who helped
develop and preserve traditional Judaism as it is known today."

The old drawing of Jesus were probably correct. He probably had blond
hair and blue eyes.

John 7:1 "After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would
not walk in Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him."

John 20:19 "the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled
for fear of the Jews"

2 Co 11:24 "Of the Jews five times recieved I forty stripes save
one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned"

Mathew 27: 20+25 "But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the
multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus...then
answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our

Acts 25:24 "ye see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews
have dealt with me, both at Jerusalem and also here, crying that he
ought not to live any longer."

John 8:42,44,48 "Jesus said unto them...Ye are of your father the
devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from
the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth
in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a
liar, and the father of it...Then answered the Jews..."

The religious leaders of the Jews were the Pharisees. Jesus
condemned them in the harshest words.

Matthew 23:33 "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye
escape the damnation of hell?"

The New Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by David Bridger, PH.D in
association with Samual Wolk, Rabbi, J.S.D, copyright 1962, Published
by Behrman House, inc.,1261 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y., Library of
Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-17079, says on page 376:

"The Pharisees are therefore regarded as those authorities who helped
develop and preserve traditional Judaism as it is known today."


06.02.2017, 07:36:5606.02.17

The only American politician that did the people a lot of good
was Huey Long. And that was because he had a lot of power. He needed
power to go against the Rockefellers and other moneybags. Citizens
should want their champion to have as much power as possible. Of
course the media, which is owned by the moneybags, will call the
champion a "dictator". Here are some quotes from the film "Huey Long"
by Ken Burns:

"When he got done with his talk, the ones that hated him, didn't hate
him any more."

"No home to live in, and yet there were houses vacant. No bread on the
table, and yet we have a surplus of wheat. No clothes, and yet we have
a surplus of cotton."

"I used to try to get things done by saying please, now I dynamite em
out of my path."

"To diffuse opposition from the press he launched his own newspaper."

"The state militia and national guard were his private army. And
effective political opposition had almost ceased to exist. It was the
largest concentration of power in one mans hand the country had ever

"According to the tables which we have assembled, it is our estimate
that four percent of the American people own eighty five percent of
the wealth of America. And that over seventy percent of the people of
America don't own enough to pay the debts that they owe."

"We've got to have in candidate away from the Republican party, and
away from the Democratic party, and I for one am perfectly willing to
see that there is another choice in the United States in 1936."

"I think he came to the conclusion, that you cannot do the good that
he wanted to do, and
deliver the services that he wanted to deliver, and free people from
the exploitation as he wanted to, you cannot do that in a democracy.
That the pressures were too strongly against it, the pressures of
large economic interests. Long despaired of democracy and turned to
the rather dictatorial methods that he used."

"From Huey's point of view, to separate the rich from some of that
wealth, in order that those who were less fortunate could have a
little something, was worth paying a big price for."

"His critics were confusing the form of democracy with the fact of
democracy. The people's votes didn't do them much good until Huey Long
came along. Maybe his enemies didn't like his methods, but the people
were getting what they voted for."

"The poor people had nothing at all, life was so hard for them, and he
changed all of that. He promised there would be changes and there were
changes, immediately. He was like a steam roller. He knew he was going
to be killed."

"When he was shot he didn't fall, he walked out of the building."

"His last words were, 'Don't let me die, I've got so much to do'."


06.02.2017, 10:58:4106.02.17
Topaz <> wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Feb 2017 06:59:26 -0600, dolf <> wrote:
> The Old Testament says that God likes one race of people more than
> others. It makes sense that it would be the White race. Compare
> Europe to Africa.
> This is the definition of the word "adam" in Strong's Concordance:
> "to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:- be
> (dyed, made) red (ruddy)."
> This can only be describing a White man. Look at people today
> and see which ones have rosy red cheeks. They are light skinned White
> people.
> The Bible says David was ruddy. This is the definition of the
> Hebrew word "ruddy":
> "reddish (of the hair or of the complexion):-red, ruddy."

That is my name: Rudy at least it was in the police until I changed it to a
more mature and less juvenile/youthful name such that

And my skin complexion and occasional stubble
And the Apple of my eye are soldiers, male, caucasian

Although does not stop me looking at the handsome beauty of men generally
(ie. I'm not infatuated by men in nazi uniforms though) nor do I disrespect

Since David was "well-beloved; dear" of God and a man after his own heart
that I suggest to say that God and I share the same taste in virile men.

- dolf

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

06.02.2017, 16:19:0306.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> "Huey Long"

Huey Pierce Long, Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935)

Topaz have not noticed that these here are political *newsgroups* and not
a dumping ground for the US historical society.
Posting this irrelevant US centric crap world wide does not help Topaz's
Nazi cause one little bit.

But than neo-Nazis are dumber than a potato chip.


07.02.2017, 03:45:4407.02.17
dolf <> wrote:
> Topaz <> wrote:
>> On Sun, 05 Feb 2017 06:59:26 -0600, dolf <> wrote:
>> The Old Testament says that God likes one race of people more than
>> others. It makes sense that it would be the White race. Compare
>> Europe to Africa.
>> This is the definition of the word "adam" in Strong's Concordance:
>> "to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:- be
>> (dyed, made) red (ruddy)."
>> This can only be describing a White man. Look at people today
>> and see which ones have rosy red cheeks. They are light skinned White
>> people.
>> The Bible says David was ruddy. This is the definition of the
>> Hebrew word "ruddy":
>> "reddish (of the hair or of the complexion):-red, ruddy."

That is my name: Rudy at least it was in the police until I changed it to a
more mature and less juvenile/youthful name such that I was a sergeant of
police by about 24yo (If I recall correctly).

I did not find it befitting that men of a greater age than me and having
more seniority should address me by that name, so I changed it as an free
exercise of autonomy of will and according to law.

And it is an attribution of my skin complexion and occasional stubble (as
here and there).

And the apple of my eye are soldiers, male, caucasian

Although does not stop me looking at the handsome beauty of men generally
(ie. I'm not infatuated by men in nazi uniforms though) nor do I disrespect

Since David was "well-beloved; dear" of God and a man after his own heart
then I would suggest to say that God and I share the same taste in virile

Someone said to me today, "I was so horny after you left. You're hot as."

Which is not bad a man his mid-fifties.

I'm not talking about vanity but a dignity which is exemplified by the
ethereal characteristic of such a one keeping his actions always in concord
with his spoken word as within your capacity as being.


07.02.2017, 17:44:3707.02.17

The 'Jewish Soap' Fable
Mark Weber
One of the most lurid and slanderous Holocaust claims is the story
that the Germans manufactured soap from the bodies of their victims.
Although a similar charge during the First World War was exposed as a
hoax almost immediately afterwards, it was nevertheless revived and
widely believed during the Second. More important, this accusation was
"proved" at the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, and has been
authoritatively endorsed by numerous historians in the decades since.
In recent years, though, as part of a broad retreat from the most
obviously untenable aspects of the "orthodox" extermination story,
Holocaust historians have grudgingly conceded that the human soap tale
is a wartime propaganda lie.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

07.02.2017, 18:05:2307.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> Holocaust....

The facts of the "Holocaust" have been proven without any doubt.
Revisionist crap won't confuse sane people.
End of story!

Everybody loves a nice fairy-tale here and there but Topaz feeble
attempt at telling one to his neo-Nazi mates in Usenet is less than

Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help Topaz's
Nazi cause one little bit.

Its Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed!


07.02.2017, 19:15:4107.02.17

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 6 February, 2017

MAX: "This professional rugby player has been charged with 'being found in
a police establishment without a lawful excuse.'

This means if you drive by a police station and decide to go in just to
have a look you can be convicted of an offence and have receive a criminal
record for the rest of your life. How utterly ridiculous."


DOLF: "What do you expect as the Queen is just so hard hearted ...

Why can't she hurry up and die?

Isn't there something more important to talk about?

Such as why I can't after 16 years in having a malicious and perjured 3rd
party (as a lawyer for AXA Group Insurance who without the need to tender
any evidence to substantiate his claim) reported matters to the Police
which were directly relevant to our national security and constitutional
rights (as disclosed within the 230 page document below) as associated with
11 September, 2001 TERRORIST EVENT in New York World Trade Centre.

They actively encouraged the person to present the matter at a special
directions hearing presided over by a blind adjudicator who could not see
the sincerity upon my face, and sought via telephone to thereby have the
matter struck-out--as the onus of an immediate accountability (not theirs
but mine) was just too large.

I have another such instance of unjust fascist police incitement that is
driven by an ingrain anti-semitic prejudice and which is scheduled for a
court hearing on 12 April, 2017. But I have prepared this document below,
in addition to those 105 pages already provided to the court as more
pressing requirements as the same objections:

1 v's 1.6 billion adherents of an erroneous and maleficent belief system.

It is simply impossible to get justice within Australia and I won't because
the Victoria Police {ie. #7 + #8 = #15} are imbecilic as habitual recourse
to anti-semitic as fascist and so I will now have to lodge my International
Human Rights complaint with the United Nations

Too much time has gone past and I will not ever enter into any police
station to make a complaint as I (being an ex-policeman as an Information
Technology Specialist), have no regard for them as they can go to hell.

ODE TO GEERT {Germanic words 'ger' (*SPEAR*) and 'hard' (strong or brave)
meaning 'Strong or Brave with the *SPEAR*'. The name's common female
equivalent is 'Geertje' as my mother's name}



ALSTUBLIEFT {ie. if you please and you as being civil, say this when you
give something to someone you do not know or much older or more important
than you} AND ADIEU {ie. farewell as equivalent to the English contraction
of God be with you; But it's also a French song about death...}

YOUTUBE: "Adieu from the HITRECORD on TV episode 5 RE: THE OTHER SIDE"


- (noun) Australian Slang for a busybody; meddler.

- (adjective) Clear and shrill: the *clarion* call of a battle *trump*.
- (noun) An ancient *trumpet* with a curved shape.
- #393 = #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1) *trumpet*,
*clarion*; @ 1200 hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 - What's
behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor Superiority,
Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small, Small
surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion; within the providence of
the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
as SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #456 and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #393 and temporarily has
a mapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus): Sol Invictus

- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.
- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.
- #435 = #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity;
I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,
Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as the
chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within Nous: #14 - to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 -
Achievable Goals, Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser
Domestication, Minor Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the
small, Small harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER (MALE)
IDEA: #435;

- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.
- #359 = #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755): 1)
*glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*, *eager*
*for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous #14 -
Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as the
chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within Nous: #14 - to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as cushioned
by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #404;

- (noun) A volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors in
honour of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of retirement, an
important anniversary, or the like. [Courtesy: Words of Day for 8 to 12
December, 2016;]

In my view, Mr GEERT GILDERS makes a factual consideration in relation to a
logical proposition of mathematical quantification and not prejudiced
value: "Do you want in this city and in the Netherlands more or less {ie.
#334 = #10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1) *to* *lack*, *be*
*without*, *decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a* *need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
*to* *lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to* *diminish*, *decrease*;
1b) (Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c) (Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be*
*lacking*;} Moroccans?"

And he does so with an accompanying *MODERATE* as a normal manner of
gesticulation (ie. there was no nazi salutes because he is only a
right-wing liberal who is capable of voicing *MORAL* {ie. #334 = #40, #4,
#200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1) way, road, distance, journey,
manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey; 1c) direction; 1d) manner, habit,
way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) *of* *moral* *character*
(*figurative*)} questions of what is right and what is wrong?), had then a
dramatic effect within the public sphere, by the audience who voiced
approval to the merit of the brief statement, as if to say:

'Hooray! A champion of our cause and who can take care of that"

And they are not going to have any entitlement to my religious belief.

- dolf



07.02.2017, 21:23:1907.02.17

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 7 February, 2017
OUR CLEVER INTERVENTION AS PETITION following the presiding Judge
Hendrik Steenhuis of the Dutch court on 9 December, 2016, who in our
consideration improperly convicted anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders,
of hate speech so as 'to protect rights, freedoms of others' which he
branded a politically motivated '*CHARADE*' that actually endangered
freedom of speech:

ODE TO GEERT {Germanic words 'ger' (*SPEAR*) and 'hard' (*strong* or
brave) meaning '*strong* or brave with the *SPEAR*'. The name's common
EXCERPT ON DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #25: "Obscure, oh, and immaterial,
oh, it stands alone, unchanged:

Jiliao [ordinarily, 'silent and empty/vague'] means 'without physical
form or substance' [wu xingti]. Nothing exists to match it. Therefore
the text says: 'it stands alone.' In the end (ie. TELOS) it always
transforms itself back to what it was at the start (ie. ARCH), never
losing its constancy. Thus the text says that it is 'unchanged.'

It operates everywhere but stays free from danger, thus we may consider
it the *MOTHER* of all under Heaven."

- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.
- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.
- #435 = #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity;
I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,
Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 - Achievable Goals,
Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor
Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small
harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435;

EXCERPT ON DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #40: "The myriad things under Heaven
achieve life in existence. Existence arises from nothingness.

All things under Heaven achieve life because of existence, but the
origin of existence has nothing for its roots. If one would have things
achieve their full existence, he must allow them to revert to nothingness."

EXCERPT ON DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #33: "One who conquers others has
*strength*, but one who conquests himself is powerful. Conquering
others consists in nothing more than using *strength*, which falls short
of conquering oneself, for here there is no one else for whom one saps
his *strength*. Using one's intelligence on others falls short of using
one's intelligence on oneself. Using one's *strength* on others falls
short of using oneself. It one's perspicacity [ming] {ie. the quality
of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness} is used to illuminate
oneself, no one else will escape from it. If one's *strength* is used
on oneself, no one else will change places with him.

One who acts with power has his goal fulfilled. If one acts with
diligence and ability, his goal will surely be realised.

One who does not lose his place lasts long. If one examines himself
with perspicacity, acts in accordance with his *strength*, and does not
lose his place, he is sure to enjoy a long reign [jiuchang].

One who does but is not destroyed has longevity. Although one dies,
thanks to the Dao by which he lives, he is not destroyed [buwang], and
that is how he manages to enjoy longevity to the full. The Dao still
exists after one's person [shen] ceases to exist, so how more likely is
it that the Dao will not cease while one's person does not exist!

- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.
- #359 = #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755):
1) *glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*,
*eager* *for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous
#14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as cushioned by SUPER
(MALE) IDEA: #404;

EXCERPT ON DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #14: "When we look for it but see it
not, we call it invisible. When we listen for it but hear it not, we
call it inaudible... Its risings cast no light, and its settings
occasion no dark. On and on it goes, unnameable, always reverting to

It is possible to know how things were at the beginning of time. This
we refer to as holding the thread of the Dao. That which is free from
form and nameless is the progenitor of the myriad things. Although the
present and the past differ, customs changing as age gives way to age,
not one single thing ever achieved successful order except from it.
This is why it is possible to 'hold on to the Dao of old to preside over
what exists now.' Remote antiquity might be far from us, but the Dao
then still exists as now. Therefore, although we live in the present,
it is possible for one to know how things were at the beginning of time


08.02.2017, 03:10:3508.02.17

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 8 February, 2017
give something to someone you do not know or is much older or more
important than you} AND ADIEU {ie. farewell as equivalent to the English
contraction of God be with you; But it's also a French song about death...}

YOUTUBE: "Adieu from the HITRECORD on TV episode 5 RE: THE OTHER SIDE"


- (noun) Australian Slang for a busybody; meddler.

- (adjective) Clear and shrill: the *clarion* call of a battle *trump*.
- (noun) An ancient *trumpet* with a curved shape.
- #393 = #8, #90, #90, #200, #5 = chatsotserah (H2689): 1) *trumpet*,
*clarion*; @ 1200 hours / 24 September as associated to Nous: #25 -
What's behind it all?, Imaging the Mysterious; I-Ching: H62 - Minor
Superiority, Small Excess, Small Exceeding, Preponderance of the small,
Small surpassing; Tetra: 10 - Defectiveness, Distortion; within the
providence of the Greco-Roman Magic Square which has a computed CATEGORY
and temporarily has a mapping to #111 - Runner of the Sun (Heliodromus):
Sol Invictus

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #25: "Obscure, oh, and immaterial,
oh, it stands alone, unchanged:

Jiliao [ordinarily, 'silent and empty/vague'] means 'without physical
form or substance' [wu xingti]. Nothing exists to match it. Therefore
the text says: 'it stands alone.' In the end (ie. TELOS) it always
transforms itself back to what it was at the start (ie. ARCH), never
losing its constancy. Thus the text says that it is 'unchanged.'

It operates everywhere but stays free from danger, thus we may consider
it the *MOTHER* of all under Heaven."

- (verb) to act or talk in a *foolish* or silly way.
- (noun) nonsense; *foolishness*; silliness.
- #435 = #20, #300, #5, #60, #20, #30 = cakal (H5530): 1) *fool*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous #40 - Reversal, Avoiding Activity;
I-Ching: H36 - Suppression of the Light, Sinking/Darkening Light,
Brilliance injured, Intelligence hidden; Tetra: 68 - Dimming; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #307 / #33 - Achievable Goals,
Virtue of Discrimination; I-Ching: H9 - Lesser Domestication, Minor
Restraint, Small Accumulating, The taming power of the small, Small
harvest; Tetra: 35 - Gathering; as cushioned by SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #435;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #40: "The myriad things under
Heaven achieve life in existence. Existence arises from nothingness.

All things under Heaven achieve life because of existence, but the
origin of existence has nothing for its roots. If one would have things
achieve their full existence, he must allow them to revert to nothingness."

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #33: "One who conquers others has
*strength*, but one who conquests himself is powerful. Conquering
others consists in nothing more than using *strength*, which falls short
of conquering oneself, for here there is no one else for whom one saps
his *strength*. Using one's intelligence on others falls short of using
one's intelligence on oneself. Using one's *strength* on others falls
short of using oneself. It one's perspicacity [ming] {ie. the quality
of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness} is used to illuminate
oneself, no one else will escape from it. If one's *strength* is used
on oneself, no one else will change places with him.

One who acts with power has his goal fulfilled. If one acts with
diligence and ability, his goal will surely be realised.

One who does not lose his place lasts long. If one examines himself
with perspicacity, acts in accordance with his *strength*, and does not
lose his place, he is sure to enjoy a long reign [jiuchang].

One who dies but is not destroyed has longevity. Although one dies,
thanks to the Dao by which he lives, he is not destroyed [buwang], and
that is how he manages to enjoy longevity to the full. The Dao still
exists after one's person [shen] ceases to exist, so how more likely is
it that the Dao will not cease while one's person does not exist!

- (adjective) boastful; *vainglorious*.
- #359 = #20, #5, #50, #70, #4, #70, #60, #70, #10 = kenodoxos (G2755):
1) *glorying* *without* *reason*, *conceited*, *vain* *glorious*,
*eager* *for* *empty* *glory*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous
#14 - Praising the Mysterious (Metaphysics); I-Ching: H19 - Overseeing,
Approaching, Nearing, The forest; Tetra: 9 - Branching Out; as a
determination made of the 4th of the septet #369 magic square arrays as
the chronological plane and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING
associated within to the EGO (FEMALE) IDEA: #359 as cushioned by SUPER
(MALE) IDEA: #404;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #14: "When we look for it but see
it not, we call it invisible. When we listen for it but hear it not, we
call it inaudible... Its risings cast no light, and its settings
occasion no dark. On and on it goes, unnameable, always reverting to

It is possible to know how things were at the beginning of time. This
we refer to as holding the thread of the Dao. That which is free from
form and nameless is the progenitor of the myriad things. Although the
present and the past differ, customs changing as age gives way to age,
not one single thing ever achieved successful order except from it.
This is why it is possible to 'hold on to the Dao of old to preside over
what exists now.' Remote antiquity might be far from us, but the Dao
then still exists as now. Therefore, although we live in the present,
it is possible for one to know how things were at the beginning of time

- (noun) A volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors
in honour of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of
retirement, an important anniversary, or the like. [Courtesy: Words of
Day for 8 to 12 December, 2016;]

In my view, Mr GEERT WILDERS makes a factual consideration in relation
to a logical proposition of mathematical quantification and not
prejudiced value: "Do you want in this city and in the Netherlands more
or less {ie. #334 = #10, #8, #60, #200, #6, #50 = chacer (H2637): 1)
*to* *lack*, *be* *without*, *decrease*, *be* *lacking*, *have* *a*
*need*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) *to* *lack*; 1a2) *to* *be* *lacking*; 1a3) *to*
*diminish*, *decrease*; 1b) (Piel) *to* *cause* *to* *lack*; 1c)
(Hiphil) *to* *cause* *to* *be* *lacking*;} Moroccans?"

And he does so with an accompanying *MODERATE* as a normal manner of
gesticulation (ie. there was no nazi salutes because he is only a
right-wing liberal who is capable of voicing *MORAL* {ie. #334 = #40,
#4, #200, #20, #10, #20, #40 = derek (H1870): 1) way, road, distance,
journey, manner; 1a) road, way, path; 1b) journey; 1c) direction; 1d)
manner, habit, way; 1e) of course of life (figurative); 1f) *of* *moral*
*character* (*figurative*)} questions of what is right and what is
wrong?), had then a dramatic effect within the public sphere, by the
audience who voiced approval to the merit of the brief statement, as if
to say:

'Hooray! A champion of our cause and who can take care of that."

And they are not going to have any entitlement to my religious belief.

- dolf



Initial Post: 1 February, 2017

Topaz <> wrote:


08.02.2017, 19:21:2608.02.17

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 9 February, 2017
- #383 = #80, #5, #100, #10, #5, #100, #3, #70, #10 = periergos (G4021):
1) *busy* *about* *trifles* *and* *neglectful* *of* *important*
*matters*; 1a) *especially* *busy* *about* *other* *folks*' *affairs*,
*a* *busybody*; 1b) *of* *things*: *impertinent* *and* *superfluous*;
1b1) *of* *magic* *arts*; and in this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56
- Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding,
Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement; as a determination made of the 3rd of
the septet #369 magic square arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF
UNDERSTANDING associated with the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 /
#51 - Natural Guides and Nursing Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression
(exhaustion), Confining, Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #56: Block up your apertures; close
your door; blunt your sharpness {Harbour simplicity [zhi] within you}.
Cut away the tangled {Eliminate the cause of contention}; Merge with
the brilliant {If one has no particular eminence of his own, people will
have no predilection to contend}; Become one with the very dust {If one
has no particular baseness of his won, people will have no predilection
to feel shame}; We call this 'one with mystery.' Thus one can neither
get close to such a one nor get distant from him {If one could get close
to him, one could get distant from him}; One can neither benefit nor
harm him {If one could benefit him, one could harm him}. One can
neither ennoble him nor debase him {If one could ennoble him, one could
debase him}.

Thus such a one is esteemed by all under Heaven {No one, accordingly,
can impose on him in any way}.
- #383 = #30, #70, #3, #10, #70, #200 = logios (G3052): 1) *learned*,
*a* *man* *of* *letters*, *skilled* *in* *literature* *and* *the*
*arts*, *especially* *versed* *in* *history* *and* *the* *antiquities*;
2) *skilled* *in* *speech*, *eloquent*; 3) *rational*, *wise*; and in
this regard is equivalent to Nous: #56 - Abstruse Mysterious Virtuosity;
I-Ching: H55 - Abundance, Abounding, Fullness; Tetra: 46 - Enlargement;
as a determination made of the 3rd of the septet #369 magic square
arrays and which produces the CATEGORY OF UNDERSTANDING associated with
the cushioned SUPER (MALE) IDEA: #434 / #51 - Natural Guides and Nursing
Virtuosity; I-Ching: H47 - Oppression (exhaustion), Confining,
Entangled; Tetra: 69 - Exhaustion;

EXCERPT FROM DAO TE CHING ON SECTION #51: The Dao gives life to them;
virtue nurtures them, matter gives them physical form, and
characteristic potential completes them... This is why the myriad
things without exception must honour the Dao and esteem virtue. This
honouring of the Dao, and this esteeming of virtue, none are ordered to
do so, yet it always happens spontaneously... The Sao gives life to
them, and virtue nurtures them, that is, grows them, rears them, ensures
them their proper shapes, matures them, and protects them...

He gives them life yet possess them not. he acts, yet they do not
depend on him... They mature, yet he is not their steward. This we call
mysterious virtue.


08.02.2017, 20:07:1008.02.17

Bolshevik Revolution a Petri Dish of Jewish Attitudes, Behavior
by Max Hadden

they never happened by our mass media and educational system here in
America and worldwide. This article is not an unscientific "let's
blame the Jews for the plague" or religiously-motivated "confess,
witch" sort of hysterical accusation. It's simply a chronological
account of historical facts with very little editorial commentary by
the writers.

Further, this doesn't mean that all Jews are Communists or all
Communists are Jews. It does demonstrate 1) that the "Russian"
Revolution was not Russian but Jewish, 2) that Jews can behave much
worse than what they accuse Germans and "nazis" of doing, and 3) the
Jews are not the blameless, innocent, altruistic and wrongfully
persecuted religious minority group they claim to be. If Jews don't
want to be collectively blamed, then maybe the Jews should stop
collectively blaming the Germans for their so-called Holocaust.
A warning: If you're squeamish, some of the details describing Jewish
brutality are extremely graphic. Also, notice the constant use of
aliases by so many Jews. The sort of people who change their names are
mostly those who commit crimes or who perform on stage or film. I
would suggest that the Jews are both and continue to do both.

In 1793, Poland was divided between Prussia and Russia. This was of
paramount significance to Russia because she acquired the world's
largest Jewish population.

Russia had always had an Imperial Government with a Czar (or Tsar) as
supreme ruler. A Czar had decreed (1772) that Jews could settle in
Greater Russia but only in the vast area known as the "Pale of

The Pale extended from the Crimea to the Baltic Sea, encompassing an
area half as great as Western Europe. Because Jews had always
maintained a separate community (kahal) within Christian societies,
the Pale can not be called abusive. It not only protected Russians
from Jewish influence, but protected Jews from being kicked out by
their Christian hosts after Jewish influence was felt and despised.
Under Czar Alexander I, many restrictions against residence "beyond
the Pale" (one should recognize this popular saying) were relaxed, and
by 1881, the Jews had prospered greatly and achieved a monopoly over
the liquor, tobacco, and retail industries. As Jews do everywhere...
Gentiles were elbowed out.

Out of this environment were born Zionism and Communism.
Despite their prosperity and fair treatment by Russian Czars, Jewish
Marxists slowly began fomenting revolution. A plot in the house of
Jewess Hesia Helfman was successful. Czar Alexander II was blown up.
In 1895, the millionaire Jew Alexander Parvus (real name Israel
Helphand) said war would break out between Japan and Russia, and that
a "Russian" revolution would be born of this conflict.

Parvus was instrumental in guiding the ideology of the Jew Leon
Trotsky (born Leiba Bronstein) as well as the (at minimum) one-quarter
Jewish and probably half-Jewish Vladimir Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich
Ulyanov). The main lesson Trotsky learned from Parvus was this: Jewish
people are their own collective Messiah and would reach dominion over
all peoples through the mixing of the races and elimination of all
national boundaries.

The Russo-Japanese war, as Parvus had predicted, began in 1904.
"American" Jewish loan shark Jacob Schiff financed the Japanese
military with a loan of $200 million.

This was the same Jacob Schiff who made sure that no banks were
permitted to lend money to the Russians while at the same time he
supported revolutionary Jews in Russia known as "Jewish self-defense
groups" (sound familiar?).

On Sunday, Jan. 22, 1905, thousands of workers and their families were
led by trade union leader Father Gapon, known as the "little Father,"
in a peaceful protest in front of the seat of the Imperial government,
the Winter Palace.

Alexandar Parvus and his Jewish comrade Peter Pinhas (actually
Rutenberg) took advantage of the protest by placing snipers in the
trees of a park across from the Palace, ordering the men to shoot at
Palace guards.

The guards had no choice but to shoot back, and in the confusion and
crossfire, 150 to 200 were killed. Jewish propagandists claimed
"thousands had lost their lives" and that this was due to Czarism.
Jewish terrorists had assassinated numerous Imperial government
leaders from 1901 to 1905. Five of these were: Bogolepov (1901),
Sipyagin (1902), Bogdanovich (1903), von Plehve (1904), and Grand Duke
Sergei (1905).

The Czar named Peter Stolypin Prime Minister. Stolypin put an end to
the terror by enforcing martial law. 600 were court-martialled and
executed in 1906, while most, 35000, fled abroad, mainly to Palestine.
Stolypin's house was bombed in the spring of 1906. 27 were killed and
32 wounded. Among the dead was his son. His daughter was thrown out of
the house by the force of the explosion and was lame the rest of her

Prime Minister Stolypin was shot at point blank range with a pistol by
the Jewish terrorist Mordekai Bogrov at the opera in Kiev on Sep. 1,
1911. Stolypin died 4 days later.

Just as the atmosphere of war had been used as a spark by Jewish
revolutionaries in their first attempt to overthrow Czarist Russia in
1905, the First World War would soon be ignitedā€"and capitalized

The assassination of Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand, heir to the
Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo
Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914.

The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, "The
international Jewry... believed it necessary to force Europe into the
war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world."
By 1917, Jewish desire to destroy the Czar had poisoned the urban
population of Russia. WWI had caused food shortages, breakdowns in
transportation, and factory closings due to material shortages.
Second-string Jewish revolutionaries, their leaders being out of the
country, fanned the flames of dissent. On Mar. 10, 1917 an American
photographer, Donald Thompson, reported that a rich man who tried to
pass through the growing mob "... was dragged out of his sleigh and
beaten. He took refuge in a stalled streetcar where he was followed by
the workingmen. One of them took a small iron bar and beat his head
to a pulp... Many of the men carried red flags..."

The only thing holding the mob in check was the St. Petersburg police.
So the mob turned on the police who were forced to barricade
themselves in their police stations. Here they were slaughtered almost
to the last man, and the prisons were emptied of their entire
populations, including desperate criminals of every category.

Czar Nicholas II was not in St. Petersburg at the time, but after
hearing the details and misunderstanding the situation, he sent a
message requesting that the Duma (legislature) be dissolved. The Czar
abdicated his throne five days later.

Two governing bodies ruled Russian jointly for the next eight months
starting Mar. 12, 1917. The "Provisional Government" and the
"Petersburg Soviet."

The Provisional Government made the fatal "mistake" of permitting all
exiled political prisoners to return to Russia. At least ninety
thousand streamed into Russia in late April, May, June, and July.
These 90,000 exiles were the heart of the coming "Bolshevik"
Revolution. They were almost to the last man... Jewish. Leon Trotsky
(Bronstein) had returned with hundreds of his Yiddish brethren from
New York's East Side.

When Lenin arrived in St. Petersburg in April 1917, he found the
Petersburg Soviet dominated by the Mensheviks, but they were badly
divided among themselves. He bitterly criticized this state of

Lenin advocated the violent overthrow of the Provisional Government.
Recall that the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were majority and minority
factions of the same party. Both factions were completely

The returning exiles, though not all originally Bolsheviks, were
hungry for power. Trotsky, who had in 1905 been a Menshevik,
immediately joined the Bolsheviks on his return from New York.
Throughout April, May, and June of 1917, the Bolsheviks preached the
destruction of the Provisional Government to the factory workers and
soldiers around St. Petersburg. "All power to the Soviets!" was their

The Jew Karl Radek (real name Tobiach Sobelsohn) was one of the many
"revolutionaries" who stirred up agitation among Russian people.
Lenin began publishing a large number of periodicals, a total of 41,
including 17 daily newspapers. The circulation of Pravda increased
from 3,000 to 300,000 in May 1917. It was given to soldiers at the
German front.

The Bolsheviks even bought a printing office for 260,000 rubles. But
where was the money needed to build this propaganda machine coming
from? Russia was engaged in a costly war with Germany.

On July 17th, the French attachƩ Pierre Laurent gave copies of 29
telegrams from Lenin and (the Jews) Ganetsky, Kollontay, Sumenson,
Kozlovsky, and Zinoviev to Colonel Boris Nikitin, chief of the Russian
Secret Service.

Laurent had chosen this day to visit Col. Nitikin because Bolshevik
anti-government agitation had resulted in an unscheduled uprising by
the worker-soldier population of St. Petersburg known as the "July
Days" and the information he possessed explained the financing though
wrongly assumed it was German.

Patriotic forces leaked the information to Russian newspapers. The
authors presented various excerpts from the documents provided by
Laurent to Nikitin which showed that the Bolshevik leader, Lenin, had
been given money for his campaign by Germans (actually German Jews).
Lenin had received money and instructions from the Jew Jakub
Fuerstenberg (real name Yakov Ganetsky) and Alexander Parvus and from
Ganetsky's relative, the Jewess Yevgenia (Dora) Sumenson. Another who
received this money was the Polish Jewish Bolshevik lawyer Mieczyslaw

Given these public revelations, on the 20th of July the Provisional
Government wrote an order of arrest for Lenin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev
(Rosenfeld) citing high treason for Germany.

The Provisional Government was not originally a revolutionary body and
was made up of former "liberal" members of the Czar's Imperial
government and led by Prince Lvov. However, the Jew Alexander Kerensky
(Aaron Kuerbis, aka Adler) was vice-president and the only member who
also belonged to the Petersburg Soviet.

Kerensky had cooperated closely with Mordekai Bogrov, the assassin of
Prime Minister Stolypin. So closely in fact that immediately after the
murder, Kerensky fled the country in fear.

Whether Kerensky (known as the Jewish Napoleon) was responsible for
ordering the mob fired on is unclear, but several hundred people were
killed from July 17th to July 20th, and on July 21st, Kerensky became
Prime Minister.

On July 22nd, Lenin and Zinoviev left St. Petersburg. Public opinion
had been rising against the Bolsheviks as a result of their German
(actually Jewish) financial deals. Trotsky, Lunacharsky, Kollontay,
Kozlowski, Kamenev, and Sumenson were all arrested. But this was only
done to calm the public. Kerensky began releasing arrested Bolsheviks
less than a month later, as early as the 17th of August.

Further evidence that Kerensky supported his fellow Jewish comrades
was the following; Supreme Commander of the Russian Army, General Lavr
Kornilov, broke away and began plans to overthrow Kerensky. Left-wing
leaders, mostly Jews, have always regarded national patriots as the
biggest threats to their international socialist world-view. Gen.
Kornilov was arrested on September 14th, but later escaped.
Kerensky continued to release Bolsheviks who were cleared of all
charges and presented as defenders of democracy. The Bolsheviks
started encouraging workers to defend the Provisional Government.
On September 17, Leon Trotsky was released from prison. One week
later, he was elected president of the Petersburg Soviet. On October
26, all military power was handed over to the "Military Revolutionary

The Military Revolutionary Committee consisted of 18 Commissars of
whom nearly all were Jewish; Trotsky, Yoffe, Unschlicht, Boky,
Ovseyenko, Mekhonoshin, Lashevich, Lazimir, Sadovsky, Podvoisky,
Molotov, Nevsky, Bubnon, and Skrypnik. All Jewish. Lenin (part Jew and
married to the Jewess Krupsakaya), Dzerzhinsky (half-Jew or possibly
full-Jew), and Dybenko (married to the Jewess Alexandra Kollontay)
round out the rest of this Jewish terrorist gang.

On November 4, the Military Revolutionary Committee arranged mass
meetings to prepare for the forthcoming revolt. On the following day
the garrison of the Peter and Paul fortress, having succumbed to
Jewish propaganda, declared an alliance with the Bolsheviks.

On November 7, the Bolsheviks seized power by taking over the Winter
Palace. According to the Jewish myth, 5,000 sailors had gathered
outside the Palace earlier in the morning to "storm" it. In actual
fact the Palace was taken over by a few hundred mostly Jewish
revolutionaries who calmly marched into it. There was no "storming" of
the Palace. No blood was spilt.

Trotsky, somewhat of a Steven Spielberg, wanted the event to appear
more dramatic than it actually was, so shells were fired from the
Peter-Paul Fort while trams continued to roll over the Troitsky
Bridge. No shells ever struck the Winter Palace.

The "Social Democrat Bolshevik Party" was renamed the "Communist
Party" on March 8, 1918. Because German soldiers were approaching
Petersburg, the Communists fled, moving the capital to Moscow on March

The new government quickly came under attack by anti-Communist (White
Russian) forces, Trotsky was made Commissar of War for the Red Army. A
peace treaty ending Russia's part in WWI was drawn up.

WWI having been taken care of, the Communists could now focus their
attention on defeating the true Russian patriots mounting a
counter-revolution. Lenin and his Jewish Commissars would now begin
the "Red Terror."

The Commune Commissariat for Internal Affairs and the Extra-Ordinary
Commission, known as the "Cheka," was founded on December 7, 1917 in
secrecy. The Jew Moisei Uritsky (Boretsky), a man who would kill 5000
officers with his bare hands, was its first Commissar.

In July of 1918, a Jewish Chekist, Yankel Yurovsky, ordered the deaths
of Czar Nicholas II and his family. Yurovsky killed the Czar
personally, shooting him in the head.

The Czar's wife, children, and servants were killed by firing squad.
One of the killers even beat the children's dog to death. A Jewish
chemist, Pinkus Voikov (Weiner), destroyed the bodies using sulphuric

On Aug. 30, the Jewish head of the Cheka, Uritsky, was assassinated.
Lenin had ordered his murder because he had refused to start a terror
campaign after another Jewish Commissar, V. Volodarsky (real name
Moisei Goldstein) had been killed.

It turned out that Lenin had also ordered the murder of Volodarsky for
two reasons; first, to remove an undesirable, and second, more
importantly, to have a reason for mass murdering the "enemy classes."
His murderer, although never caught, was immediately branded as a
right-wing Social Revolutionary.

In the book Lenin, David Shub described what happened to many class
enemies, "... they were stood up against the courtyard wall and shot.
... sounds of death were muffled by the roar of truck motors kept
going for the purpose."

50% of the Cheka was made up of Jews with Jewish names, 25% had taken
Russian names. All the chiefs were Jews. Its primary purpose was to
put down real Russian patriots who comprised the enemy classes.
The Cheka often arrested whole families and tortured the children
before the eyes of their parents, and the wives before their husbands.
Jewish Bolsheviks Bela Kun (Aaron Kohn) and Roza Zemlyachka (Roza
Zalkind) drowned Russian officers in barges in the Crimea in 1920.
Jewish Chekist Mikhail Kedrov (Zederbaum) drowned 1,092 officers in
the White Sea.

The Jewish Chekists liked torturing their victims. The priests in
Kherson were crucified. Archbishop Andronnikov in Perm had his eyes
poked out and his ears and nose cut off.

There were Chekists who cut open their victim's stomach, pulled out a
length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a
whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole
intestine became unraveled.

Eyes of church dignitaries were poked out, their tongues cut off, and
they were buried alive. The bishop of Voronezh was boiled alive in a
big pot, after which monks, revolvers at their heads, were forced to

In Kharkov people were scalped. In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin hands were
amputated with a saw. In Poltava and Kremchug the victims were
impaled. In Odessa they were roasted alive in ovens or ripped to

In Kiev, victims were placed in coffins with decomposing bodies and
buried alive. In Voronezh torture victims were put into barrels in
which nails were hammered to stick out on the inside, then the barrels
were set rolling.

The Russian-Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna on August 24, 1922,
stated that Lenin had asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with the
cruel executions.

In 1922 in Moscow, many Christian churches were destroyed and a
synagogue with capacity for two thousand was built.

During the Red Terror, not a single synagogue was destroyed or turned
into a public toilet or storehouse, as happened to churches. Not a
single Jewish rabbi was crucified or tortured.

Lists of those executed were published in the Cheka's weekly
newspaper. The Cheka employed body counters. It can be proved that 1.7
million were executed from 1918-1919.

Another 1.7 million were murdered from January 1921 to April 1922.
Among the victims were bishops, professors, doctors, police,
journalists, writers, military officers, workers, civil servants,
nurses, farmers, and lawyers.

Without most of their leaders, and the fact that the few left had no
way to spread their ideas (no media access), the Russian masses were
incapable of counter-revolution against the Jewish Communists.

What about the hammer and sickle? In the Old Testament it is written
that Yahweh has been like unto a hammer in his destruction of other
peoples (Jeremiah 50:23). The sickle is also mentioned in Jeremiah
50:16. Interestingly, the Zionist Socialist Party, which acted most
intensively in Russia during the coup attempts of 1905-1906, was
called THE SICKLE.

Lenin also took the opportunity to proclaim sexual freedom in December
1917 (even homosexuality was decriminalized)ā€"as happened after the
Jacobin coup in 1791 in France. Jewish Bolsheviks frequently organized
naked marches and propagated group-sexuality. Abortion was legalized
and rape also became far more common. The Jew Antoly Lunacharsky,
commissar for education and culture, declared, "That little
institution of manners which is the family... that entire curse...
shall become a closed chapter."

In 1920, Josef Stalin (Dzhugashvili), introduced a law which made it
illegal for anyone to be denied employment or housing or accommodation
on account of their racial or ethnic background. He set up a
government commission to enforce this law, which investigated claims
of racial or ethnic discrimination and which brought charges against
employers or officials who were suspected of such discrimination. This
law effectively eliminated the right of free association. Henceforth,
no one could freely decide whom he would hire, to whom he could sell,
or by whose side he would work. It was officially called the "All Race

The above cut is taken from Trotsky's book, Stalin. It is a
reproduction of a postcard widely circulated in Russia following the
Bolshevik Revolution entitled "Leaders of the Proletarian Revolution."
Trotsky used this as evidence that Stalin, whom he despised, was not
part of the October Revolution. It also reveals the Jewishness of the
original leaders of the Communist Party. (2) is Trotsky (Bronstein),
(3) is Zinoviev, (4) is Lunacharsky, (5) is Kamenev, and (6) is
Sverdlov. All 5 are Jewish. (1) is obviously Lenin who was one-quarter
and probably one-half Jewish and married to a Jewess.

Such were the major events ofā€"and those leading up toā€"what can
rightfully be called the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution of 1917-1922, a
revolution that is deceitfully called a "Russian" Revolution. The
Jewish names read like movie credits.

For the still disbelieving, there exists a plethora of information to
support the aforementioned facts. For example, The Times admitted on
September 18, 1920: "The Soviet regime relies on Jewish brains... and
the terrible Russian ignorance." In 1922, Victor Marsden, of the
British newspaper the Morning Post, published the names of all 545
civil servants with the government administration. 477 of them were
Jews and only 30 (5.5%) were Russians. Even Moisei Uritsky's secretary
was a 17-year-old Jewish girl (from Heinrich Laretei's memoirs To the
Toy of Fate, Lund, 1970, p. 75). Clara Sheridan in the New York World
on December 13, 1923 said: "The Communist leaders are Jews and Russia
is entirely dominated by them. They are in every town, ine very
government bureau, in the offices and the editorials staffs of the
newspapers. They drive away the Russians and are responsible for the
increasingly anti-Semitic attitude."

There is plenty more evidence of Jewish involvement in Communism for
the avid researcher including The Rulers of Russia by Rev. Dennis
Fahey, Winston Churchill's article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of
Feb. 8, 1920, and numerous other sources including the U.S. government
archives and the Jewish Encyclopedia. I highly recommend Commander
George Lincoln Rockwell's book White Power for details about Jewish
crimes and criminals in the U.S. as well as Frank Britton's book
Behind Communism and Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Jueri Lina (the
latter two being the sources of nearly all the information contained
in this article; they in turn reference the Enclyclopedia Judaica).

An extremely important fact is that the mass-murdering Jews who stole
Russia and other countries from their inhabitants continued their
killing spree for many years. The Jew Lazar Kaganovich along with the
Jew Yan Yakovlev (real name Epstein) organized a famine in the Ukraine
and northern Caucasia by collectivising farms in what was called
"de-kulakisation." Land was taken away from the land-owning farmers

About 15 million people died as a result of collectivisation and the
Ukraine famine from 1932-33. The German National Socialists, coming
into power in 1933, knew about these Jewish crimes. To hear more
please download and listen to Dr. William Pierce's excellent broadcast
of January 19, 2002 titled "The Culture of Lies."

Jueri Lina makes the point, "Communism was an ideology which depended
on violence to survive. The truth needs no violence," and further adds
the fact that, according to the Talmud (Baba Kamma 113b), "God's name
is not profaned if a Jew lies to a Goy (Gentile)."

Anyone who still believes that Jews were not responsible for the
deaths of untold millions of Gentiles (at least 60 million in Europe)
by their leadership of Jewish Communism and its revolutions and terror
campaigns is living in the land of Oz.... and not paying attention to
the Jews behind the Iron Curtain.

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

08.02.2017, 22:01:3808.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> ...Jewish ...

...made tinfoil hats work with better efficiency against those deadly Jew-
rays which cause a real pandemonium inside Topaz's empty skull that cheap
Chinese imitation one it is currently using.

Regurgitating some brain-dead propaganda crap won't help Topaz's Nazi
cause one little bit.

Neo-Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed! And Topaz with it!

Happy Nazi hunting Everyone throughout 2017!


09.02.2017, 21:23:5709.02.17

"In a book entitled "The Forgotten Holocaust", the author
Richard Lucas wrote that the Polish partisans, who were hiding
in every forest in Poland, were credited with 6,930 damaged
train engines, 732 derailed trains, 979 destroyed train cars,
38 bridges blown up, 68 aircraft destroyed, 15 factories
burned down, 4,623 military vehicles destroyed, 5,733 attacks
on German soldiers and 25,125 miscellaneous acts of
sabotage. And that's just the damage done by the
POLISH "resistance fighters", never mind the French
resistance fighters, the Dutch resistance fighters,
the Jewish partisans, etc.

In the movie Schindler's List, the part about the Jewish
partisans blowing up restaurants and theaters where
the Nazis congregated is not shown. We are only
shown the "innocent" Jews being rounded up and taken
to a concentration camp following these partisan attacks.

This explains why Himmler made the remark at Posen
that if the Germans had not evacuated the Jews out of
Germany, they would have had them as saboteurs in the
body of the German people. It also explains why the
inmates in the concentration camps were not left
there for the Russian army to liberate. The Nazis did not
want the Jews to join the partisans, nor to attack the
civilian population. At both Dachau and Buchenwald,
it was only the Jews who were marched out of the
camps before the Americans arrived, not the Communists
or the criminals. They knew that the Jews were thirsting
for revenge on the German people.

How many troop trains were derailed in America by
Japanese partisans? None. They were rounded up a
day or two after the attack on Pearl Harbor and they
were not given the opportunity to do any damage.
Do people fault the Americans for putting the Japanese
in camps? Yes, just like they fault the Germans for
trying to stop partisan activity. It was a WAR, folks.
Get over it!!!"

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

09.02.2017, 22:17:5309.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil":

> the Jewish


10.02.2017, 20:49:0410.02.17

Letter To The Citizen by F. Rundle

A White Man's Apologies.

Along with the other South African Whites who are apologizing for
Apartheid, we Whites who are not part of that liberal select group
would like to apologize to the Black people for the following heinous

We apologize for bringing clothing to a land where the Black people
were naked or only had animal skin loincloths to cover themselves
before our arrival;

We apologize for bringing doctors and free medical care, as a result
of which the Black people have been able to survive plagues and
catastrophes and grow in numbers;

We apologize for teaching Black people to read and write;

We apologize for providing the money to build schools and universities
for the Black people, always rebuilding them when they were burned
down or vandalized;

We apologize for bringing vehicles and roads to a land, which did not
have the wheel, before we arrived here 350 years ago;

We apologize for building dams which stored water for times of
drought, and we apologize for bringing running water systems to the
houses we built;

We also apologize for bringing electricity to this country;

We apologize for building factories, highways, and buildings that gave
Black people employment and money;

We apologize for developing commercial farms which to this day feed
the bulk of Africa, the like of which the Black people never had

We apologize for taking minerals from the earth, which the Black
people neither used, nor wanted, nor even knew were there;

We apologize for those among us who have established welfare
organizations and have devoted their entire lives towards making life
richer and better for the Black people;

We apologize for paying the lion's share of taxation while spending
less on ourselves than on the Black people;

For all these sins we humbly beg forgiveness, and if they will only
accept our apology we will be happy to take back all of the above evil
and horrible things we have done to you and return to Europe.
F Rundle

Kick your Nazi butt back to the stone age

11.02.2017, 15:21:2311.02.17
Topaz whined "Sieg Heil"

> > White

Skin colours are dependent on the three genes that control skin
melanin content in humans...but they do nothing else.
White supremacist wanking in social media and Usenet won't change that.
Nor will Trump's deplorable brigade of raging, angry, complaining and
endlessly hating retards!

Your Nazi copy and paste propaganda confuses nobody with an intact brain!
Regurgitating the very same propaganda crap endlessly won't help your Nazi
cause one little bit.

Nazi propaganda is hereby flushed.
(I'll never give up kicking your Nazi arse until you drop off Usenet,
fucker! Make it soon.)
Happy Nazi hunting everyone throughout 2017!
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