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Charles McPherson

May 7, 2010, 10:30:20 AM5/7/10
Smolensk Tragedy: Why Is Donald Tusk Lying?

Translated from Polskaweb:
7 May, 2010.

The behavior Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (PO) -- who is highly-
acclaimed abroad -- has shown since the mysterious plane crash in
Smolensk, in which, among other things, the heads of the main right-
wing opposition were killed, is taking on ever more grotesque forms.
The feeling that he has something to hide and conceal has now also
grown especially among young Poles, who have until now been
unconditionally supporting the Liberal Civic Platform of Tusk. Not
without reason, therefore, Kaczynski’s Law and Justice party (PIS) has
been gaining supporters from the government parties and the post-
communist parties. Only on Thursday Tusk and PO presidential candidate
Bronislaw Komorowski almost suffered a shock when Jaroslaw Kaczynski
collected nearly 1.7 million signatures of citizens and presented them
to the Electoral Commission, so robbing his rivals of their certainty
that they would win the presidential elections. Tusk behaves strangely
and lies, which could cost his party not only access to the
presidential palace, but also his own head.

Russians had enough time to collect secret data

What is clear now is that Moscow from the beginning took control, all
alone, of the "investigation" of the disaster of Smolensk. Before the
few ambulances arrived at the crash site on the morning of the 10th
April without flashing lights and sirens, Russian security services
were already there in their special cars to scour the location for
documents, cell phones, laptops, etc. and remove them. All that what
was thought to be important disappeared into one of the vehicles. At
the earliest, four hours later, the first Polish investigators arrived
at the site of a tragedy. When they did and what they were allowed to
investigate is unclear. But we know already that they were given no
accomodation or interpreters for their stay (Bogdan Klich Defence
Minister: "For three days in Smolensk, you should manage yourself"),
and were marginalised by the hundred Russian colleagues early on. The
first 24 hours after the crash were left to the Russians. Yet a few
days ago, Premier Tusk claimed, in violation of the truth, yet again
that no secret data could fall into the hands of the Russians.

Tusk and post-communists stop resolution

On 11 April already, people noticed that the Premier did not tell the
truth when he claimed that his government had everything under control
in Smolensk, which is not true even today. Simultaneously, the Polish
General Andrzej Seremet prosecutor complained in the media that he and
his team had to pay all their costs on the crash site out of pocket
and completely lacked the support from Warsaw. Nearly four weeks have
since passed and Tusk, still with empty hands, continues to maintain
that there is good Polish-Russian cooperation in the matter, while the
opposition, survivors, victim representatives, media and investigators
claim the exact opposite, and are demanding that Poland take over the
investigations . The PO, Tusk, Komorowski and of course the post-
communist SLD in the evening with a vote in parliament (Sejm)
answered with a clear "No" by rejecting a request to the PIS-party by
a simple majority. Donald Tusk went to the microphone and warned the
opposition (as if it were an affair of his Foreign Minister) not to
exploit the Smolensk disaster politically.

Such tragedy requires commitment from all

The PiS party had requested in its draft resolution that Premier Tusk
insist that Poland take control of the investigations, that is to say,
to ensure that Polish investigators are equal in status to Russian
investigators. Tusk had claimed this form of the Polish-Russian ("hand
in hand") coperation existed from the start, but everyone now knows
that he had lied . "PIS": „It is questionable whether the procedure is
to determine the cause of the disaster is the usual one. In view of
such a tragedy, every country should engage at a very early stage, its
own institutions and relevant institutions as far as possible in the
investigations. If Russia and Tusk are opposed to this, the question
„why“ should be asked.“ Such a question seems important because the
Premier and his party colleague, Sejm Bronislaw Komorowski argue in
violation of the the truth that their hands are tied because Moscow is
calling on an international aviation agreement from 1944.

Warsaw conceals agreement with Moscow

In fact, Moscow and Warsaw have had for many years an agreement that
allows a joint investigation of the disaster of Smolensk without a
problem. But the government conceals, for whatever reason, this
Agreement of 7 July 1993, even though it explicitly allows a joint
investigation of aircraft accidents unless one party withdraws. In
Article 11 it is stated, for example, that in the event of a Russian
military airplane incident in Polish airspace and a Polish jet
incident in Russian airspace or a crash a joint and equal
investigative commission would be formed. Without doubt, the crashed
Tupolev was a military machine, but Moscow took no account of this and
sent civilian prosecutors and the FSB to Smolensk. How come the Polish
government does not know about a month after the disaster not the
legal basis of the investigations in Russia and why have the Polish
authorities have not insiste don a joint investigation team?

Tusk: I am not saying that everything is in order

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Thursday in front of the press,
who, of course, can no longer keep in check their curiosity about the
strange behavior of the Polish government since the plane crash. "I do
not say everything is fine, but if the Russians hinder our access to
such studies for political reasons, I will immediately intervene. The
current initiative of the opposition which has been described as" good
intentions ", goes far beyond the legal and organizational realities.
The Chicago Convention itself enough room for a transparent inquiry.
For us, the key is immediate access to all activities of the crash
site, instead of waiting for the possible impact of the negotiations
on a new agreement,“ said Tusk, who did not want to comment on reports
from Smolensk that tourists are going to the crash site and finding
human remains and personal belongings of victims of the disaster. ("We
have everything under control").

Poles no longer believe their government

Attorney General Andrzej Seremet, who was in Moscow on Wednesday to
beg once again, admitted that it was still not clear when the Russian
Prosecutor would shares the results of their investigations with the
Poles so that investigations could procced. Most urgently, the Polish
investigators are of course waiting for the black box data and for
answers to a number of requests for legal assistance, yet no answer
comes and for many Poles Tusk, Komorowski and Sikorski are now already
as strongly suspected to have a finger in the Kaczynski tragedy as
Vladimir Putin. And indeed, Warsaw clearly shows little interest in
clearing up the mysterious crash efficiently and objectively, but we
hear nothing but lies. No good signs from Warsaw and not a good omen
for the future for the gentlemen mentioned above that will not be so
easy to brush over. The Russians had four weeks to consolidate their
support for their version of the disaster. This will not be forgotten
by the people.

Russians call for insight into Polish archives

Not only are there dozens of irregularities into the catastrophe of
Smolensk, but also in the statements and behavior of Polish government
politicians, which is extremely worrying. Furthermore, Moscow now
claims to have sent to Warsaw 500 pages of documents with
investigation results through diplomatic channels. At the same time,
we learn that access to Polish archives on death of 120 000 Russian
Polish prisoners in 1920 would is requested.


Translated from Polskaweb original source:


You can view the stunning enhanced Polish plane crash 'assassination
gunshots' video here:

A Polish-based Facebook group investigating the plane crash can be
found here:

Jane Burgermeister, the respected Austrian journalist who has done
most of the initial groundbreaking investigative reporting on this
tragic crash, has a website at

Macleans magazine, Canada, has an article entitled "Were the pilots of
the doomed Polish jet obedient to a fault?" at which
appears to point to pilot error, a conclusion I don't agree with.

The three pages of reader comments that follow below that
article,however, are a MUST READ, and are packed with valuable
information and analysis (the latest reports are on the 3rd page in
the 'Comments' section).

If you suspect that this crash was engineered and is now being covered
up, you'll want to read and keep up-to-date with the unfolding
revelations in that 'Comments' section AS WELL as passing this
information on to others with a similar concern!


May 7, 2010, 5:34:30 PM5/7/10
On May 7, 7:30 am, Charles McPherson <>

> Smolensk Tragedy: Why Is Donald Tusk Lying?
> Translated from Polskaweb:
> via,
> From:
> Translated from Polskaweb original source:

>                                              ******
> You can view the stunning enhanced Polish plane crash 'assassination
> gunshots' video here:
> A Polish-based Facebook group investigating the plane crash can be
> found here:
> Jane Burgermeister, the respected Austrian journalist who has done
> most of the initial groundbreaking investigative reporting on this
> tragic crash, has a website at

> Macleans magazine, Canada, has an article entitled "Were the pilots of
> the doomed Polish jet obedient to a fault?" at
> appears to point to pilot error, a conclusion I don't agree with.
> The three pages of reader comments that follow below that
> article,however, are a MUST READ, and are packed with valuable
> information and analysis (the latest reports are on the 3rd page in
> the 'Comments' section).
> If you suspect that this crash was engineered and is now being covered
> up, you'll want to read and keep up-to-date with the unfolding
> revelations in that 'Comments' section AS WELL as passing this
> information on to others with a similar concern!

Mac Person, i to ma byc tlumaczeni? --" How come the Polish

government does not know about a month after the disaster not the
legal basis of the investigations in Russia and why have the Polish
authorities have not insiste don a joint investigation team? "

Najwyraznie masz klopoty z gramatyka i zasadami budowy zdan


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