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Cover-up - Jeremy Thorpe, George Thomas, Leo Abse

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Public <Anonymous_Account>

Mar 21, 2001, 9:03:46 AM3/21/01

It was recently revealed by Leo Abse - Cardiff lawyer, former long-time
member of parliament, and often laughable "psychoanalyst of politicians"
- that former House of Commons Speaker George Thomas was secretly gay.
In itself this would be of little or no interest, but the information is
not offered "in itself". Abse describes how he helped Thomas out of a
few scrapes, apparently in battles against "blackmailers".

He describes three sets of events that are especially interesting. The
first is when he used his connections among Cardiff police officers and
gangsters to threaten one young male with whom Thomas had dealt. Abse
boasts of how he threatened that if the young male did not shut up, he
would make sure that he would get him jailed for 10 years.

The second is another young male, who Abse says he paid off in the sum
of 800 pounds on Thomas's behalf, apparently so that the young male
could emigrate to Australia. Abse says he doesn't know what happened to

The third is the way in which Abse played a role in diverting attention
from Thomas's role in the JEremy Thorpe affair. Jeremy Thorpe was a
leader of the Liberal Party who was secretly gay and who used to pick up
young males wherever he could, including many minors. The case of one of
the minors with whom he dealt was in danger of blowing up into a British
Watergate, and several journalists were investigating Thomas's role in
covering up for Thorpe when he was a junior minister at the Home Office.
Many journalists knew that the scandal was potentially much bigger than
just a case of a gay party leader. Thorpe was later arrested and charged
with arranging and paying for the murder of Norman Scott, a man with
whom he had been associated and who was making some of the public
revelations. Thorpe, himself a lawyer, was as guilty as hell, but
managed to be found not guilty. Fortunately for Scott the operation was
spooked and Scott was not murdered.

With regard to the minor (who was not Norman Scott), Abse advised Thomas
to put his brigadier secretary onto the case. Thomas's brigadier managed
to mislead the journalists.

The interesting things about these revelations are many.

We now come to a fact which has not so far made the major media.

This is that Thorpe was not just guilty of attempting to order a murder.
He was guilty of a LARGE NUMBER of murders.

Thorpe was a madman who was in the habit of making advances to young
males wherever he went. A number of men to whom he made advances were
not gay. Some were gay, but were not the slightest bit interested in
getting personal with a lecherous politicians such as Thorpe. Many
recognised him. At that point, they became dangerous to him. A large
number of them were murdered. We know of a number of men to whom Thorpe
made advances after having picked them up when they were hitch-hiking.
Some of them were hitch-hiking abroad. Several of them were murdered,
mainly in hit-and-run accidents, in Britain very shortly after their
return. This kind of murder cannot have taken place without the
cooperation of individuals working in the British police, travel
authorities, etc.

If the men who had refused his advances had told him their names, Thorpe
and his office would get senior police contacts to run checks, and the
men would then be bumped off, sometimes within 24 hours. Others would be
traced on the basis of whatever information they had given Thorpe - for
example, through ferry authorities if they were returning to Britain
from abroad (with the help of Special Branch) - or with the help of MI6
or MI5 if they had given Thorpe information about where they had stayed
in Rome or Paris, or what British university they were studying at, and
so on. Several dozen people were murdered.

Thorpe also - and this too is fairly well-known among those who are "in
the know" - arranged for the murder of his wife. She too was threatening
to expose some of his crimes. The story - of course confirmed by the
police - is that she died after having fallen asleep at the wheel of her
car and driven off the road. This is complete hogwash. She was murdered.
She had been employed as a "beard" for Thorpe (of the type currently
employed by William Hague), but had drawn the line when she came to
learn of the many murders in which Thorpe was involved, and which also
involved a number of his friends in high places.

This then, is some of the background to what Abse and Thomas were
connected to. One strongly suspects that the young man with whom the
lecherous elderly Commons Speaker Thomas had come into contact (and who
very possible wanted nothing to do with Thomas) was not "paid to
emigrate to Australia". On the contrary, he may very well have been
murdered by some of Abse's contacts in the Cardiff underworld.

Abse is perhaps more famous now than he ever was when he was an MP.
However those with long memories will remember that when he was an MP he
was mentioned in the case of Derry Mainwaring-Knight, who accused him of
being one of Britain's politicians involved in Satanism, along with
William Whitelaw and Enoch Powell. Mainwaring had been being paid off by
a number of people including Lady Sainsbury - who later tried to recover
her money. We have not studied the cases of Whitelaw and Powell and so
will make no comment. But Thorpe we know for a fact to have been guilty
of a number of murders (on some estimates as many as 100), and with
Abse's revelations we now know that Commons Speaker was criminally
involved in a cover-up on Thorpe's behalf. We also know that Abse packs
a killer punch and can make vicious threats which relied on his name
within the Cardiff criminal milieu and the knowledge that he had the
power to carry out those threats. There are also connections through
Cardiff and the Welsh 'State mafia' (including senior officials in the
Wales-based quangos which tend to be run by a very small number of
families, as well as their associates in London-based ministries) with
the massive cover-up which has veiled the children's homes scandal in
Wales. This too involved not only the long-term and organised sexual
abuse of children, including by powerful figures such as Conservative
industrialist Lord Macalpine, but also a number of murders. Some of the
murders took place after the children had reached the age of majority
and left the homes. Word got around who the diminutive upper-class
abuser was who used to do the rounds of the homes, raping children, and
then getting driven off in a chauffeur-driven limousine to his hotel.
Across Wales and in places with large Welsh populations such as Bristol
and Liverpool, the milieus of people who were once in children's homes,
many of whom live extremely disadvantaged lives and have been in and out
of homelessness and prison, the crimes of Lord Macalpine are well-known.
It is also well-known that not only have many of his victims died since
they left the homes in "suspicious circumstances", but also that several
died in suspicious circumstances when they were in the homes. The latter
were taken away around the time of Lord Macalpine's visits and never
seen again.

Mainwaring-Knight's allegations with regard to Leo Abse's involvement in
Satanism therefore do not appear as ludicrous as some might be
predisposed to believe.

It is well-known among Westminster street traders, below stairs staff in
the Palace of Westminster, central London taxi drivers, drivers in the
government car fleet, etc., that there ia large call-boy network
supplying under-age boy prostitutes to members of Parliament and others
at the Palace of Westminster. It is, of course, old hat too that Thorpe
killed his wife. Similarly the peripatetic night-club known as 'The
Putsch', and the symbolism of a Satanic type that is used at it, is also
well-known. Little of what we say above would appear to these well-
informed people as incredible.

Abse is a fairly powerful person in Cardiff, he is well-connected in the
worlds of the law and the media. However he is not so clever as he
himself believes. And by boasting of making threats, and by using
Thomas's secret homosexuality as a selling-point for his latest book, he
has lifted a small part of the curtain on a scandal which is still
smouldering away in Britain - a scandal which involves a number of well-
known figures in a large number of murders, in corruption, and in child
abuse, who have yet to be brought to justice.
An Anonymous Westminster Barfly, March 2001

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