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Crazy child birthday parties in London and Oxford

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Sep 21, 2011, 7:24:12 AM9/21/11
I am sure every parent has a headache before every child's birthday as
it is not only expenses, but also great responsibility for a party

Pirates, toys story, fairies, superheroes are quite common party
themes, so kids usually participate in similar parties each year. What
about absolutely original children birthday party ideas? For example
let them play spies and secret agents. It is not too difficult as it
seems. Here is a video from such party -
Another original party idea is soldiers. Seems usual party theme? Not
exactly. The party must be in local forest or park, where youngsters
can do some missions. Unfortunately, not all the parents can organize
it as trained instructors and lots of special equipment is needed. The
video about such party could help creating a similar one using less
special tools and toys -

Creativity of parents and party planners will give children the best
and the brightest memories of their birthdays.
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