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Domain registration & host pricing

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Nick Upson

Aug 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/2/96

I am intending to register a domain name and have an ISP host it. What,
given the announcments from nominet, is a sensible price?


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Matthew Thompson

Aug 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/2/96

> I am intending to register a domain name and have an ISP host it. What,
> given the announcments from nominet, is a sensible price?

Depends, what are they offering, if you are getting hosting as well then
occasionally the ISP will give you a cheaper price on the first years
charges for Nominet. I'd suggest around about the 80 pound mark would not
be bad although I'd expect to pay closer to the 100 pound mark as this way
the ISP does actually cover his/her costs and could possibly make a little
profit, so it's not really worth going through the hassle of registering
your own domain unless the ISP is going to charge way over 100 pounds.

M@t :o)

-- Matthew Thompson -
The Un-official UK X-Files Fan Club
- Actuality -

Phil Wattis

Aug 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/3/96

"Matthew Thompson" <> wrote:

>> I am intending to register a domain name and have an ISP host it. What,
>> given the announcments from nominet, is a sensible price?

>Depends, what are they offering, if you are getting hosting as well then
>occasionally the ISP will give you a cheaper price on the first years
>charges for Nominet. I'd suggest around about the 80 pound mark would not
>be bad although I'd expect to pay closer to the 100 pound mark as this way
>the ISP does actually cover his/her costs and could possibly make a little
>profit, so it's not really worth going through the hassle of registering
>your own domain unless the ISP is going to charge way over 100 pounds.

So who is currently registering domains for less than 100UKP then???

Phil Wattis
Power Internet Ltd.


Aug 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/3/96

Phil Wattis writes...

>>So who is currently registering domains for less than 100UKP then???

Tabnet in the US ( will register .com for $50 and
host it with no extra charges. If you want to leave them there is no exit
fee either.

You are also inoiced directly by InterNIC for the initial $100. Seems a
fair deal to me and much better than what is being offered in the UK where
100 plus VAT seems to be the going rate for registering a name.


Mark Goodge

Aug 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/3/96

So that makes $150 in total. The standard UK fee of 100 UKP is *inclusive* of the
fees that the ISP pays to Nominet.


Phil Wattis

Aug 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/4/96

Mark Goodge <> wrote:

>So that makes $150 in total. The standard UK fee of 100 UKP is *inclusive* of the
>fees that the ISP pays to Nominet.

This would suprise me also since Nominet now charge 100UKP, so
effectively, the ISP would have nowt to gain for registering at this
price, that is unless they have hidden costs on top of that.


Aug 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/4/96

Mark said:

>>The standard UK fee of 100 UKP is *inclusive* of the
>>fees that the ISP pays to Nominet.

Yes, but most ISPs add an extra 100 or so to register the domain at
Nominet or InterNIC.



Aug 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/4/96

On 3 Aug 1996 09:53:38 -0400, (LBunder) wrote:

>Phil Wattis writes...
>>>So who is currently registering domains for less than 100UKP then???
>Tabnet in the US ( will register .com for $50 and
>host it with no extra charges. If you want to leave them there is no exit
>fee either.
>You are also inoiced directly by InterNIC for the initial $100. Seems a
>fair deal to me and much better than what is being offered in the UK where
> 100 plus VAT seems to be the going rate for registering a name.

But your domain lies idle on their server: you would be charged
further if you wanted it activated.

Still, as you say not an unreasonable deal, especially if you want to
register a domain for future rather than immediate use, or be
independent from an ISP.

Don't forget the 100 UKP charge here should be compared to InterNIC's
fee rather than to TABNet's admin. charge, though.



Mark Goodge

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

Phil Wattis wrote:
> >So that makes $150 in total. The standard UK fee of 100 UKP is *inclusive* of the

> >fees that the ISP pays to Nominet.
> This would suprise me also since Nominet now charge 100UKP, so
> effectively, the ISP would have nowt to gain for registering at this
> price, that is unless they have hidden costs on top of that.

ISPs get a discount. So they can charge 100UKP and still have their cut.


James Ponder

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

Mark Goodge ( wrote:
: Phil Wattis wrote:
: >
: > This would suprise me also since Nominet now charge 100UKP, so

: > effectively, the ISP would have nowt to gain for registering at this
: > price, that is unless they have hidden costs on top of that.
: >

: ISPs get a discount. So they can charge 100UKP and still have their cut.

Am I correct in saying that ISPs actually only get charged 10ukp per domain,
and that they have no on-going charges from nominet? On a related note, does
anyone know how a provider moves up subscription levels in order that they
can register more domains?

Best wishes, James
// James Ponder, or
//, telnet port 9000.

James Ponder

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

Matthew Thompson ( wrote:
: I wish. ISPs do get slightly cheaper pricing but they do have to pay a
: sort of subscrption charge to get that and the amount of 'subs' they pay
: dictates how many registrations they can make at the reduced price.

Indeed, infact you pay 500ukp for 50 registration which is how I came to the
figure of 10ukp.

: If they want to register more domains then I expect they simply ask
: Nominet and pay the extra.

If you read the web site details, it says that new providers are only
'entitled' to be on subscription level 1, indicating that you can't just
pay more to get to subscription level 2. Hence my posting.

Matthew Thompson

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

> Am I correct in saying that ISPs actually only get charged 10ukp per domain,
> and that they have no on-going charges from nominet? On a related note, does
> anyone know how a provider moves up subscription levels in order that they
> can register more domains?

I wish. ISPs do get slightly cheaper pricing but they do have to pay a

sort of subscrption charge to get that and the amount of 'subs' they pay
dictates how many registrations they can make at the reduced price.

If they want to register more domains then I expect they simply ask

Nominet and pay the extra.

M@t :o)

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

In article <4u4qga$>,

James Ponder <> wrote:
> Am I correct in saying that ISPs actually only get charged 10ukp per domain,
> and that they have no on-going charges from nominet? On a related note, does
> anyone know how a provider moves up subscription levels in order that they
> can register more domains?
[and two followups]

<sigh> Talk about misconceptions !

*ANYONE* can join Nominet. If you join Nominet, you get a (currently) 40%
discount on registrations. Thus members pay 60 pounds initially instead of
100 pounds. Members will still have to pay the on-going charges, but these
will also be discounted.

Members of Nominet have a subscription level; this can be 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or
10. If your subscription level is N, you pay (currently) N*500 pounds per
annum, and get N votes.

The founders of Nominet had the view that the influence you have should
depend on how much you *have* used the system. Therefore the limits on a
member's subscription level depended on registrations to March 1996. Demon
Internet made a lot of subscriptions, and so was given a maximum level of
10. Demon Internet chose to go to level 10 and pay 5000 pounds for 10
votes. We could have, instead, chosen to go to level 6, pay 3000 pounds,
and get only 6 votes. We didn't.

New members haven't used the system, so get a maximum level of 1. In a year
or so, all the limits will be revised to take account of usage in the
previous year. Members will then be invited to choose their new level up to
some new limit.

The number of discounted registrations you make is *not* limited. A new
member can make 10,000 registrations the day after they join, and get a
discount on every single one (paying 600,000 pounds). However, the discount
is *only* available if you pay for registrations in bulk, and not if you
require a separate invoice for each name.

Clear ?

Clive D.W. Feather | Associate Director | Managing Director
Tel: +44 181 371 1138 | Demon Internet Ltd. | CityScape Internet Services Ltd.
Fax: +44 181 371 1150 | <> | <>

Matthew Thompson

Aug 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/5/96

> Indeed, infact you pay 500ukp for 50 registration which is how I came to the
> figure of 10ukp.

No I think thats 500 pounds for the right to make 50 registrations, I
believe that the price that the ISPs pay is 60 and 30 pounds for the first
two and the consecutive years repectively.

> If you read the web site details, it says that new providers are only
> 'entitled' to be on subscription level 1, indicating that you can't just
> pay more to get to subscription level 2. Hence my posting.

I don;'t think that Nominet are going to be that thick to actually
restrict the number of registrations. The Levels also dictate the voting
powers of the company. I.e. County could get 8 votes, PIPEX 10 etc.

Manar Hussain

Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96

>Am I correct in saying that ISPs actually only get charged 10ukp per domain,

NO - *anyone* can join Nominet, gaining one vote for the
cost of 500 pounds. This currently entitles you to a 40%
discount of registrations: ie for 60 pounds (covering the
first two year's charges).


Phil Wattis

Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96
to (James Ponder) wrote:

>Am I correct in saying that ISPs actually only get charged 10ukp per domain,

>and that they have no on-going charges from nominet? On a related note, does
>anyone know how a provider moves up subscription levels in order that they
>can register more domains?

There is no truth in the fact that ISP's get charged 10UKP per domain
one-off. I'd love it if we did :-)
ISP's who are members of Nominet do get a modest discount, which tbh
doesn't go very far.

I think you are very confused on this matter, there is no limit on the
number of domains an ISP can register. The subsription levels are
related to voting rights, and the more domains that have been
registered in the past affects how many voting rights your are allowed
upon joining. AFAIK there is no way of actually altering the
subscription level.

James Ponder

Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96
to wrote:
: <sigh> Talk about misconceptions !

Thanks (I think) to all who replied, however this just confirms my views
that the nominet site is confusing to people not actively selling domains.
As far as I know, nobody on has mentioned the cost to providers of
domains until now, and certainly the nominet site never ever talks about
what the costs are to people who join (unless I'm blind...).

Going back to the original poster's question. What are you lot charging
for domains? Doesn't it worry you that you will start to lose money after
3 years (on one particular sale)?


Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96

Matthew Thompson wrote:
> > Indeed, infact you pay 500ukp for 50 registration which is how I came to the
> > figure of 10ukp.
> No I think thats 500 pounds for the right to make 50 registrations, I
> believe that the price that the ISPs pay is 60 and 30 pounds for the first
> two and the consecutive years repectively.

Sortof. Anyone who joins the steering committee gets the same discount
on the 100 for two years RRP for as many names as they like. Anyone
can join the steering committee at the minimum (1 vote) level.
The 50 registrations bit is a red herring - this came from the
fact that for the initial membership (i.e. before the AGM) there
was an option open to previous members of the naming committee (now
defunct) to join having more than 1 vote, dependent on the number
of names they had registered that year - this also affected their

> > If you read the web site details, it says that new providers are only
> > 'entitled' to be on subscription level 1, indicating that you can't just
> > pay more to get to subscription level 2. Hence my posting.
> I don;'t think that Nominet are going to be that thick to actually
> restrict the number of registrations.


> The Levels also dictate the voting
> powers of the company. I.e. County could get 8 votes, PIPEX 10 etc.

Correct (well I didn't check the figures but that is the right idea).

Please note that this informatino is now irrelevant as it describes
the amount of votes and fee levels potential steering committee members
*could* get, not what they subscribed to. Votes and membership levels
for subsequent years will be determined by the steering committee,
and I see no reason why they should necessarilly be the same.

Alex Bligh
Xara Networks

Neil S. Briscoe

Aug 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/6/96

In article

.uk>, (Manar Hussain) wrote:

> NO - *anyone* can join Nominet,

Indeed they can, something that worried our Sales Director
today, when he scanned, until I pointed out that
said people would also have to either be running nameservers
or have arranged for nameservice to be provided.

In the latter case, I suspect that it'll be us ISPs that do
it, and we can charge the same for that service as if we
registered the name ourselves, so no problem, and, if the
end-user is doing the registration, we don't get the admin
hassles either ;-)


Roland Perry

Aug 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/7/96

In article <4u740f$>, Phil Wattis
<> writes

>The subsription levels are
>related to voting rights, and the more domains that have been
>registered in the past affects how many voting rights your are allowed
>upon joining.

And it's worth pointing out that these different voting levels for
different subsciptions only come into play if there's a "card vote" at a
Nominet general meeting. At the recent AGM, all votes were sucessfully
taken on a show of hands (1 vote per hand, 1 hand per member) and were
all sufficiently overwhelming that no-one (it takes two members to
trigger) asked for a card vote to be taken.
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Aug 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/10/96

Phil Wattis wrote:

> Mark Goodge <> wrote:
> >So that makes $150 in total. The standard UK fee of 100 UKP is *inclusive* of the
> >fees that the ISP pays to Nominet.
> This would suprise me also since Nominet now charge 100UKP, so
> effectively, the ISP would have nowt to gain for registering at this
> price, that is unless they have hidden costs on top of that.

Unless of course the ISP is a steering committee member in
which case it gets a substantial discount which, in this case,
would be its margin.

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