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Friends S8-01 - dedicated to the people of New York City

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Tennant Stuart

Oct 11, 2001, 2:55:54 PM10/11/01

Drama, and twinkling toes.

British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...





801 "TOA They Say I Do"

Following the ceremony, Monica & the boys are having their pictures
taken, when Ross tells her he's excited that she's pregnant, and Joey
asks Chandler if that's why they had to get married. Since Monica denies
everything, Joey assumes that Chandler has slow swimmers, and then Ross
rushes off to set straight all the people he's blabbed the secret to!

After Monica makes Joey leave, to change out of his bloodied soldier's
costume, Phoebe asks why she told the guys she wasn't pregnant. Monica
insists that was because she isn't, and so just as Phoebe realises the
truth, Rachel desperately signals her to keep mum, so Phoebe announces
that she is 'with child', and that the father is James Brolin!!

While the bridesmaids are being photographed, Rachel thanks Phoebe, and
has to admit that although she never said that Monica was pregnant, she
did fail to disagree with Phoebe - who is forced to admire how sneaky
that was. She'd said James Brolin because the only other name she could
think of was Ed Begley Jr. who is gay, so Rachel has to correct her.

Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
interestingly, Phoebe speculates that this man must be either Tag, Ross,
or Joey - but Rachel will give nothing away.

Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend, hinting that even the
use of a condom is no guarantee. When Monica starts on the consequences
of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her, and when she sees her
friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they're waiting,
Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
the three sisters hug tightly...


Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
age, named Melinda, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

Monica takes in all of this clowning with good grace, in a non-screechy
non-compulsive way. She doesn't even freak out as Joey returns, looking
like a tennis pro, since that was the only suitable clothing he could
find at the hotel gift shop!

Nora introduces her son to her date, Dennis Phillips. Apparently he is a
dear old friend & a fantastic lover, which does not please Chandler; and
the director of a new Broadway show, which interests Joey very greatly.

Joey tries to persuade Chandler to ask Mr.Phillips for an audition, but
his friend is experimenting with sticky tape on the soles of his shoes,
and asks Joey to swap - until he notices that Joey has very small feet,
leaving the actor so frustrated that he later turns his speech into an
impromptu audition piece.

However, Mr.Phillips is not impressed, and in any case he reveals that
his show has an all-Chinese cast. Undaunted, Joey turns away, bends
over, and puts his fingers to his eyes, preparing to make them slanty,
and the director recoils in horror!

Back on the dance floor with the other couples, including Jack & Judy,
Monica insists that she won't be embarrassed to dance with her husband.
Or at least she will be, but it won't matter, so she tells Chandler not
to move his feet - and as he jiggles about, Jack laughingly accuses him
of stealing his moves!


Elsewhere at the reception, Ross meets Mona, a beautiful woman who works
at Allesandro's. Despite him going on about a dead botanist who may or
may not have been another Mona, she likes him & she shows him her place
card, so he alters his own card from #1 to #6 to be with her.

But when Ross takes his seat, he finds that he's at a table with all the
children, and Mona is at table #9, for she had shown him her card upside
down. The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona for a dance, so
does little Melinda. Dr.Geller refuses, but she is so disappointed that
Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.

Mona is very impressed by how nice & sweet Ross is, but before he can
dance with her, a second cute little girl named Ashley fronts up, and
without a thought Dr.Geller tells her to hop on, with Mona warning that
she wants to 'hop on' next!

After two dances with Ashley, Mona reckons that it is definitely her
turn, when a very big little girl - who of course is named Gert - asks
for her dance, and when she hops onto Dr.Geller's feet he almost blacks
out from the pain, and he's pinned to the floor!

In the end, Ross has been crippled by Gert when the band played a fast
song, and as the 'tennis pro' helps him limp away, Mona is impressed
that Joey is so nice & sweet, causing Ross to become jealous, blabbing
to Mona that Joey has very small feet, much to his embarrassment...


This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed what a coolly manipulative
bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney was lovely to watch as Monica warmly
coped with all the crises on her big day.

The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
me they never gelled, but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
"TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.


When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was pregnant,
did that include their parents?

Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned expression,
isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a mother?

James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the twin
towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come from,
or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
any closer to popping right out?

If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her friends?

Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6 people
is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex with...

Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
pretty guest to improve her back-swing (?) by putting her ass into it,
wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was just as
well that the young woman was a slow learner...

Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
error, or did I misunderstand?

Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
feet are, shouldn't he?

In any case, Joey's feet might be small, but what counts is the distance
from the tip of a guy's thumb to the tip of his index finger, isn't it?

What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
slanty, that would be so horrific?

Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
"Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

Was the seating arrangement at the reception anything like Monica's
chart, in 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!

Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

There was more sexual innuendo with the talk of 'hopping on'. Wasn't
this just a bit risky with three young girls involved in the joke?

Did you notice the possible error, that resulted from poor editing? Ross
is anxious to dance with Mona, not the little girls, but for some reason
he danced with Ashley twice, both before & after Joey's 'speech'.

Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

In the end titles, Melinda & Gert were properly credited, but for some
strange reason Ashley was described only as "second girl". Had something
been changed from the original script, for some reason also resulting in
her apparently dancing twice with Dr.Geller?

Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's cliffhanger...

..scoring ratings in the USA of 31.7 million viewers, the largest
audience figure for "Friends" since 1996. Anyone know what that was?


According to the filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, the episode
began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in the chapel. Chandler
can't believe that he has just gotten married, when Monica notices
that his ring is missing, and they pick it up from the floor. Then
the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple. Ross remarks
that the wedding was great because no-one was drunk, there were no
lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and on a first try!

Ross did tell Jack & Judy that Monica was pregnant. Their mother was
very excited about the possibility of a baby, (at last something that
the favourite son cannot do), but when Monica admitted the truth, Judy
doubts her at first; then when Monica reminds her mother that she did
get married that day, Judy grouchily says "Whatever".

Also, when Chandler first met Dennis, he was even more embarrassed,
and Nora had to explain that her son had always been shy. Then before
Chandler tried putting sticky tape under his shoes, he first of all
tried scratching the soles with a fork. Joey sang during his audition
speech, but it was so awful that in later takes this was removed.

When Ross was dancing with Ashley, Ross is delighted to see how Mona is
lapping it up, and he accidentally says his thoughts out loud, "I'm so
gonna score!". Since the little girl hears this, Ross pretends he said
"Love your bow!!". Ross passed a cruel comment on the appropriateness
of Gert's name (girt), but that was changed for subsequent takes.

Meanwhile, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
backwards - taking Judy's skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episode 802,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.

Tennant Stuart

____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) & MCR


Oct 11, 2001, 10:12:32 PM10/11/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

A home test is just as accurate these days - I didn't tell my GP until I was
7 months gone.



Oct 12, 2001, 3:42:11 AM10/12/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> ---o0o---
> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was pregnant,
> did that include their parents?

If he did, he shouldn't have told them. He should have let Monica tell
(especially her parents)

> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Perhaps it was more of an inside joke?

> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

They were listening to us about what? I suspect that they had this little
point worked out last year, so are you referring to something else?

> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

I thought you might have pointed out that Monica did not get shrill and
accuse Rachel of stealing her thunder. Monica, of course, was just
being a true (and very supportive) friend.

> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
> and sometimes they lie.

We saw her take one that failed and one that passed. Perhaps she took
another one off screen (best 2 out of 3?).

>But why don't any of these women go to their doctor for verification?
>Too expensive in America?

They will ultimately go to the doctor for verification. Its just that they
need to wait for an appointment to do so. It would appear that Rachel took
the first test in the morning and she was kind of too busy with the wedding
during the day to go to the doctor. Also, I imagine that most woman want an
indication that they are pregnant before they take the time to go to the
- it rules out unnecessary visits.

> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

He has a steady job on the Soap and picked up some extra work on
a movie.

> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> error, or did I misunderstand?

I believe that all of his other shows have been off-Broadway. Broadway
is more impressive and means that you have made it as an actor in the
North American theatre

> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
> feet are, shouldn't he?

You would think.

> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
> slanty, that would be so horrific?

Making his eyes slanty to "look" Chinese. It is similar to appearing in

> ---o0o---
<summary of things missing from the filming report>

> When Ross was dancing with Ashley, Ross is delighted to see how Mona is
> lapping it up, and he accidentally says his thoughts out loud, "I'm so
> gonna score!". Since the little girl hears this, Ross pretends he said
> "Love your bow!!".

I could have sworn that was in the episode.

<rest of the summary>

Thanks for including that. It was quite interesting.

And thanks for another thorough summary and review!


p r i y a

Oct 12, 2001, 7:27:39 AM10/12/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot,

I laughed out loud too but not a lot. Probably because I'd read all
ths spoilers. :(

> and the interplay between
> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
> was glad the test was negative;

Wasn't Aniston just brilliant. I can definitely see a nod from Emmys
this year for her.

> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
> me they never gelled, but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
> such great form.

Chandler-Joey story sucked.

> Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

The whole dancing with the little girls was quite amusing. I laughed
quite a bit during this story despite knowing whats going to happen.


> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

Perhaps they read your reviews Tennant!! :)

> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
> any closer to popping right out?

My husband thought she'd gotten implants during the summer :)

> But why don't any of these women go to their
> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

Acc. to my friend who lives in California, you're required to take
home test and then a lab test.

> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her friends?

Phoebe has always been manipulative. Chandler too sometimes.

> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

My husband stays away from Spoilers so I watch for his reactions and
he totally thought Rach wasnt preggers for a minute there. Sadly I
didnt have that joy.

> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

I think this is because the writers probably read all the complaints
about Monica's nephew's absense at the wedding and put the kid in the

> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> error, or did I misunderstand?

Maybe Joey just forgot. With all the lies on his Resume. He probably
has a hard time remembering what he did and didn't do.

> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
> feet are, shouldn't he?

This was a such lame joke if at all one. But its not unusual for the
friends to know little about their friends. In season 7, when Chandler
got glasses, the other thought he always wore glasses. Its probably
all that caffeine that makes them fail to notice each other.

> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
> Ben said nothing at all

Acc. to filming reports, Judy & Ben did have lines but I guess they
didn't make the final cut.

> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

If he did that, he would have missed his chance to impress Mona by
dancing with the kids (even though that wasn't his original plan). He
probably figured that he still has a better chance with Mona who is
just sitting at the next table than move to table 1.

> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

According to filming reports, Ross does speak to Ben but I guess it
was cut.

> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

I really liked Ross in this episode. Lets hope we see the old Ross
this season.


> According to the filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, the episode
> began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in the chapel. Chandler
> can't believe that he has just gotten married, when Monica notices
> that his ring is missing, and they pick it up from the floor. Then
> the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple. Ross remarks
> that the wedding was great because no-one was drunk, there were no
> lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and on a first try!

They should have left this one in. It would have been cute to see the
newly weds musing over their bigday. And Ross's comment too :)

> Ross did tell Jack & Judy that Monica was pregnant. Their mother was
> very excited about the possibility of a baby, (at last something that
> the favourite son cannot do), but when Monica admitted the truth, Judy
> doubts her at first; then when Monica reminds her mother that she did
> get married that day, Judy grouchily says "Whatever".

Frankly I'm glad they cut this. I'm sick of seeing Judy putting Monica

> Joey sang during his audition
> speech, but it was so awful that in later takes this was removed.

For me, the best joke of the episode was Joey's speech. According to
filming reports I've read, the people attended had said the MLB sang
well and it was really funny.

> Meanwhile, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
> than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
> the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
> going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
> things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
> backwards - taking Judy's skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
> Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!

I wonder why they would cut this scene out. It would have been


p r i y a

Oct 12, 2001, 12:11:35 PM10/12/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
Someone who had been to the taping had mentioned that one of MLBs
reactions to Monica not being pregnant was "Shooting Blanks". It got
the most laughs and it looked like they were going to use that.
Perhaps they didn't want to drop any hints that poor Chandler was
impotent. But can you imagine if he was!! what would Monica do?!

And how'd you get to see the episode so soon. Someone send you a tape?



Oct 12, 2001, 4:08:35 PM10/12/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
> was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed what a coolly manipulative
> bitch Phoebe can be >

Both Rachel and Phoebe were great in this episode. I especially liked the
fact that the writers acknowledged that Phoebe's behavior was very
dangerous, and simultaneously forgave her for it. "That was a risky little
game!" It also actually threw me for a second. I was genuinely wondering
how she could not be pregnant.

> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
> me they never gelled, but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
> such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

Your assessment is generous, Tennant. I got the impression that Ross was
using the Nice Guy persona as a way to try to manipulate other people; MNL
told us once that the writers decided they didn't want his kindness to be
genuine anymore, and decided to pretend he never had been. David acted it
well, though, making the incentive for his behavior double-sided at worst; I
would like to believe that some part of Ross really didn't want to hurt the
little girl's feelings.

> > >
> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Of what? Tennant, darlin', if you had your way, Phoebe would be running off
with Ross.

> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

No, too slow. We do both. The first time I thought I might be pregnant, I
was scheduled to go to - sigh - New York City on a business trip, and I
didn't have time to go to the doctor before I left. I took a home test to
make sure before I left home so I could be sure I understood my symptoms and
how to react to them while I was away. As the result was positive, I knew
not to have any wine at the receptions, for example. We still have to go to
the doctor anyway.

> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her friends?

Extremely. But I also maintain that Phoebe is a fictional character and she
is only as crafty or as dingy as any given script makes her out to be.

> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

I was spoilt and I STILL wasn't sure. Knowing what is going to happen only
very rarely hurts anything for me; the enjoyment is in the performance.

> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

At last, the producers made sure we SAW Ben at one of his father's weddings,
even though it was his aunt's.

> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

Well, we missed the affair that produced Rachel's baby...

> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

He raided Chandler's wallet. :-)

> >
> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> error, or did I misunderstand?

He hasn't done Broadway. He's done off off off -Broadway.

> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
> feet are, shouldn't he?

Yes. That was weak.

> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

That was badly done, and best not examined too closely. The Best Man and
brother of the bride would never end up at the kiddie table. For that
matter, he'd never end up sitting next to the Hot Chick at table six,
either. He'd be beside his sister, and nothing in Ross and Monica's history
would suggest he'd abandon her like that.

> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

Don't look at it closely. It makes no sense.

> >
> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

Don't look at it closely. It makes no sense. A real guy in that situation,
especially one who is as good a father as Ross, would plop down next to his
kid and be his daddy, legitimizing his reason for being there

>not as bright
> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy.

I think he's plenty smart. What he is not is wise.

> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

No. I thought the Gert thing was in bad taste. The suggestion is that the
fat girl is also a nasty little brat, and so we have the correlation between
a person's girth and their worth. It might have worked better if Gert was a
real sweetie and Ross really wanted to be kind to her, but she was so large
he did so with great price and ambivalence.

> ..scoring ratings in the USA of 31.7 million viewers, the largest
> audience figure for "Friends" since 1996. Anyone know what that was?

TOW after the Superbowl, I think. It may have been Lesbian Wedding.

Paul Hyett

Oct 12, 2001, 7:11:09 AM10/12/01
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>Drama, and twinkling toes.
> British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...

I'm forcing myself not to read this - I'm gonna wait for E4.

Unfortunately, since you've already written it, you'll be able to beat
me to the review when they do show it.
Paul 'US Sitcom Fan' Hyett - The Wild Frame Grabber of the Net!

Website at

Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 4:46:12 PM10/12/01
In article <9q55b4$2f8$>, "Lauren"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...

Isn't that a bit dangerous, when you consider what might go wrong?

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episode 802,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Owen Shiers

Oct 12, 2001, 7:56:37 PM10/12/01
> ---o0o---
> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay
> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer
> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend
> was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed what a coolly manipulative
> bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney was lovely to watch as Monica
> coped with all the crises on her big day.

And not at all screechy! I thought it was very in-character of Phoebe to
lie, I knew she was! And yes Rachel's dissapointment that the test was
negative was well fake hidden!

> ---o0o---
> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was
> did that include their parents?

It must have, they probably would have been the first he went to to.

> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
> isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a

Could be, although I think she was being slightly overdramatic as part
of the whole fake pregnancy story.

> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's
> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand,
> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Ohhh I like must have can't be a coincidink.

> The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the twin
> towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come from,
> or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

Forthcoming eps?

> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...


> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
> any closer to popping right out?

I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.

> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't

Females probably know each other emotionally and personality-wise better
than males. Males tend to know each other on the surface, which is why I
was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.

> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

It's an awful lot more hassle to go to a Doctor than buying and taking a
test. That is assuming that America has UK-size waiting hours!

> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at
> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her

Very, when she wants to be!

> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

First of all I did, but I was always suspicious that Phoebe had lied, as
the test are 98% accurate!

> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

Good job he didn't pull any practical jokes!

> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

That would have been a sight!

> Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6
> is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex with...

I'm hoping when they reveal what happened, they'll have a flashback, as
it's too big to miss....that way they could then include Chandler's

> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

Chandler - as ever probably!

> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he
> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> error, or did I misunderstand?

I presume they meant substantial amount of work in each catagory.

> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
> feet are, shouldn't he?

Feet can be very deceptive...except to Ross!

> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
> slanty, that would be so horrific?

That thing where you turn your eye-lids inside out?!

> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

I thought that...I'd like to see Joey's parents return, as it's been a

> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

They may have thought from all the fat-induced laughing that he was
trying to impress Molly by "entertaining" them.

> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

I hope it's not an omen!

> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

What excuse could he have used?

> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a
> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

Strange that...I only noticed Ben later on, but he could have said hi!

> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have
> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as
> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

Yes, Ross has come back down to Earth in season 7 thank god!

> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

Yes, the routine, but slower

> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

Is it a first? No..can't be...

> ..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's cliffhanger...

? (sorry!)


(sorry that I've chopped a lot, but I've tried to do as much as I can
before I leave!)

Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 6:19:13 PM10/12/01
In article <>,

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

It's definitely worth all the hassle of avoiding spoilers, for I'm
quite convinced that reading them does reduce enjoyment of the show.

At least for most people.

>> and the interplay between
>> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
>> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
>> was glad the test was negative;

> Wasn't Aniston just brilliant. I can definitely see a nod from Emmys
> this year for her.

I would hope so, but the Emmys don't seem to like top sitcoms.

>> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
>> me they never gelled, but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
>> such great form.

> Chandler-Joey story sucked.

I wouldn't say it was as bad as that, but it came close. The worst
thing was for all those who long for Best Bud stories, then felt a
bit left down. However, at least Monica was with her girls... :)

>> Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
>> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
>> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
>> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

> The whole dancing with the little girls was quite amusing. I laughed
> quite a bit during this story despite knowing whats going to happen.

Yes indeed, for it was a simple story, and not really original, but
even typing out the outline of its plot kept making me laugh.

>> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
>> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
>> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

> Perhaps they read your reviews Tennant!! :)

Oh. I hope so, including what everyone says in their replies.

>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts
>> *be* any closer to popping right out?

> My husband thought she'd gotten implants during the summer :)

Lol! It certainly made it hard to concentrate on what they were
saying. Fortunately the performances were so good, especially JA.

>> But why don't any of these women go to their
>> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

> Acc. to my friend who lives in California, you're required to take
> home test and then a lab test.

Ah - this is the old joke about the funny tasting beer, so this guy
sends it off to a lab to be tested, and when the report comes back,
it just says "Congratulations, your horse is pregnant."

>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
>> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her friends?

> Phoebe has always been manipulative.

Thanks Priya, I've had trouble getting people to see that she stage
managed the whole museum/booking/ring thing at the end of S6.

> Chandler too sometimes.

I'm not saying he isn't, but when was Chandler manipulative?

>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> My husband stays away from Spoilers so I watch for his reactions and
> he totally thought Rach wasnt preggers for a minute there. Sadly I
> didnt have that joy.

My first reaction was that it was a fakeout, like Joey pretending he
didn't get an audition; and my second reaction was that Phoebe would
not do that, on the totally solid grounds that she's so pretty; then
I just kinda held my breath in case Monica admitted it *was* her...

>> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

> I think this is because the writers probably read all the complaints
> asking about Monica's nephew's absense at the wedding and put the kid in
> the reception.

I think you could be right, since he didn't have much to do, did he?

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or did I misunderstand?

> Maybe Joey just forgot. With all the lies on his Resume. He probably
> has a hard time remembering what he did and didn't do.

How could he forget his totally brilliant Penis Envy song? :)

>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
>> Joey's feet are, shouldn't he?

> This was a such lame joke if at all one. But its not unusual for the
> friends to know little about their friends. In season 7, when Chandler
> got glasses, the other thought he always wore glasses. Its probably
> all that caffeine that makes them fail to notice each other.

Yes, we reckon there's a running joke that the other five know nothing
about Chandler, but this was focused on Joey. I agree with you that it
was very lame, and it's sad that Ross's otherwise funny storyline was
trapped in Joey's weak effort right at the end.

>> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
>> Ben said nothing at all

> Acc. to filming reports, Judy & Ben did have lines but I guess they
> didn't make the final cut.

Yah, I've mentioned that later on. :)

>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

> If he did that, he would have missed his chance to impress Mona by
> dancing with the kids (even though that wasn't his original plan). He
> probably figured that he still has a better chance with Mona who is
> just sitting at the next table than move to table 1.

Okay, so he sends Molly back to table #6 where she'll be happier with all
the other kids, picks somebody from table #9 who'll be delighted to move
up to table #1, and then sits down next to Mona. Easy!

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
>> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

> According to filming reports, Ross does speak to Ben but I guess it
> was cut.

Not in the report I read, by Ane & Hakon Jegstad.

Have you seen another one, by any chance?

>> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
>> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
>> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

> I really liked Ross in this episode. Lets hope we see the old Ross
> this season.

Yes, in fact he first returned in 709 "TOW All the Candy", and we must
all hope that he doesn't go away, the experiment is well over.

>> According to the filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, the episode
>> began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in the chapel. Chandler
>> can't believe that he has just gotten married, when Monica notices
>> that his ring is missing, and they pick it up from the floor. Then
>> the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple. Ross remarks
>> that the wedding was great because no-one was drunk, there were no
>> lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and on a first try!

> They should have left this one in. It would have been cute to see the

> newly weds musing over their big day. And Ross's comment too :)

Oh for sure, it stands a good chance of being on the DVD next year.

>> Ross did tell Jack & Judy that Monica was pregnant. Their mother was
>> very excited about the possibility of a baby, (at last something that
>> the favourite son cannot do), but when Monica admitted the truth, Judy
>> doubts her at first; then when Monica reminds her mother that she did
>> get married that day, Judy grouchily says "Whatever".

> Frankly I'm glad they cut this. I'm sick of seeing Judy putting Monica
> down.

Me too, I want to see Judy getting her comeuppance, bigtime.

>> Joey sang during his audition
>> speech, but it was so awful that in later takes this was removed.

> For me, the best joke of the episode was Joey's speech. According to
> filming reports I've read, the people attended had said the MLB sang
> well and it was really funny.

Can you try & track down these other reports for me Priya, and email
them to me? Please carefully mark 802 onwards so I know what they are.

>> Meanwhile, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
>> than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
>> the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
>> going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
>> things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
>> backwards - taking Judy's skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
>> Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!

> I wonder why they would cut this scene out. It would have been
> hilarious.

Maybe Miss Pickles objected. We know from the EW special that she hated
having to wear the Princess Leia costume, because it made her look ugly.

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 6:26:15 PM10/12/01
In article <nEtx7.5672$>, "Mouse"
<> wrote:

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was pregnant,

>> did that include their parents?

> If he did, he shouldn't have told them. He should have let Monica tell
> people (especially her parents)

I know, but it would account for his guilty manner - and just maybe there
was a hint of subconscious revenge for the Space Mountain story incident.

>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
>> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
>> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> Perhaps it was more of an inside joke?

That certainly could be the case, since Mr.Gould was in the episode.

>> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
>> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
>> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

> They were listening to us about what? I suspect that they had this little
> plot point worked out last year, so are you referring to something else?

Well, there were a number of interpretations of that bathroom scene, (a
friend reckoned it was a dream sequence since there was no toilet paper,
except I pointed out Monica ran out in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress",
so we assumed that was foreshadowing to prepare the viewers), but anyway
the writers chose the one that we thought it was. Okay, so maybe it was
my little joke that the writers have been listening to us, but it shows
how this season opener has carried through the finale plot for a change.

>> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
>> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

> I thought you might have pointed out that Monica did not get shrill and
> accuse Rachel of stealing her thunder. Monica, of course, was just
> being a true (and very supportive) friend.

That's an excellent point. Of course, clever Phoebe was very quick to
exploit Monica's fear of thunder-theft to explain why she had not said
that she was pregnant, simultaneously getting Monica on-side since she
had been careful not to spoil her big day. And of course, if you look
at it from the other end, the writers wanted to distance themselves
from the previous opener a year before.

>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
>> and sometimes they lie.

> We saw her take one that failed and one that passed. Perhaps she took
> another one off screen (best 2 out of 3?).

That is a possibility, I guess.

>> But why don't any of these women go to their doctor for verification?
>> Too expensive in America?

> They will ultimately go to the doctor for verification. Its just that
> they would need to wait for an appointment to do so. It would appear
> that Rachel took the first test in the morning and she was kind of too
> busy with the wedding during the day to go to the doctor. Also, I
> imagine that most woman want an indication that they are pregnant before
> they take the time to go to the doctor - it rules out unnecessary visits.

Fair enough. I guess I was misled, because they talk about taking the
test again to be 100% sure.

>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

> He has a steady job on the Soap and picked up some extra work on
> a movie.

Oh, I didn't mean how could he afford the clothes, but where did he get
the actual cash or plastic from? He was wearing a WW1 soldier costume.

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or did I misunderstand?

> I believe that all of his other shows have been off-Broadway. Broadway
> is more impressive and means that you have made it as an actor in the
> North American theatre

Okay, so you're saying that if the theatre isn't on Broadway, then the
theatre just isn't a theatre?

>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
>> feet are, shouldn't he?

> You would think.

Yeah. :(

>> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
>> slanty, that would be so horrific?

> Making his eyes slanty to "look" Chinese. It is similar to appearing in
> blackface.

Is that so horrible?

> <summary of things missing from the filming report>

>> When Ross was dancing with Ashley, Ross is delighted to see how Mona is
>> lapping it up, and he accidentally says his thoughts out loud, "I'm so
>> gonna score!". Since the little girl hears this, Ross pretends he said
>> "Love your bow!!".

> I could have sworn that was in the episode.

Well, I've just checked with the transcript by Jean Liew & Marita Bakken,
(click on
and change the 1 to a 2 for 802) which shows that you are absolutely 100%
right Laura, thanks for telling me. I've only seen 801 twice so far...

> <rest of the summary>

> Thanks for including that. It was quite interesting.

> And thanks for another thorough summary and review!

YSW Laura. :)

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 6:29:42 PM10/12/01

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

Yes, that was something I didn't mention from the filming report that I
have - many thanks to Marita & Eirin Bakken for all their help - and it
said that the audience totally cracked up every time they did this scene
causing Jim Bentley, the warm up guy, to call them all perverts!!

> Perhaps they didn't want to drop any hints that poor Chandler was
> impotent. But can you imagine if he was!! what would Monica do?!

We know that Chandler isn't impotent (unable to get an erection) but it
could well be the case that there is a fertility problem, since it's a
bit much to have two babies, yet Monica is anxious to start a family.

> And how'd you get to see the episode so soon. Someone send you a tape?

No comment, sorry dear. :)

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 6:32:16 PM10/12/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...

> I'm forcing myself not to read this - I'm gonna wait for E4.

That's exactly what I would do in your place, Paul. Believe me, it
is well worth the long wait to enjoy the episode totally unspoilt.

> Unfortunately, since you've already written it, you'll be able to beat
> me to the review when they do show it.

Yeah, but I'm following in the wake of people in North America, who
are now writing their own reviews of the *brand*new* episode 803.

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 6:38:01 PM10/12/01
In article <7AEx7.11796$>,
"abrahammy" <> wrote:

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

> the fact that the writers acknowledged that Phoebe's behaviour was very

> dangerous, and simultaneously forgave her for it.

> "That was a risky little game!"

Yes, that was a very neat touch by the writers, and Aniston's delivery is
breathtaking, full of resonance for what Phoebe is up to. Seeing the way
that the three women know each other so well, yet are also so capable of
exploiting that familiarity, is one of the attractions of the show for
me, since we guys just don't work on that level - apparently we men were
given map-reading skills instead! <g> Anyway, to be charitable, maybe
the whole pathetic Joey's Shoe Size Mystery was to provide contrast...

> It also actually threw me for a second. I was genuinely wondering
> how she could not be pregnant.

Lol, I guess it could have been fun to read the spoilers, and then
find out that all the episodes were *totally* different... ;)

>> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
>> me they never gelled, but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
>> such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
>> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
>> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
>> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

> Your assessment is generous, Tennant. I got the impression that Ross was
> using the Nice Guy persona as a way to try to manipulate other people;

Oh, I agree that he was trying to manipulate Mona, but he was genuinely
kind to the little girls. This story was very significant to me because
it resembles the last good-old-Ross story before the writers let the rats
loose into the Ross & Rachel arc, midway through Season 3. :(

> MNL told us once that the writers decided they didn't want his kindness
> to be genuine anymore, and decided to pretend he never had been.

Well, I've read the old threads, and MNL had a tendency to say things just
for shock value sometimes, or so it seems to me.

> David acted it well, though, making the incentive for his behavior
> double-sided at worst;I would like to believe that some part of Ross
> really didn't want to hurt the little girl's feelings.

I can't believe that any guy would, but then that's probably because I'm
me. And in any case there was no conflict for Ross, for Mona was lapping
up how he treated them. And if he never got the chance to dance with her
at the wedding, then who cares? There was every prospect that Ross would
receive an even more fun reward later on...

>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
>> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
>> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> Of what? Tennant, darlin', if you had your way, Phoebe would be running
> off with Ross.

Lol Claire, you know me too well, sweetie! :)

>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
>> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
>> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

> No, too slow. We do both. The first time I thought I might be pregnant,
> I was scheduled to go to - sigh - New York City on a business trip, and
> I didn't have time to go to the doctor before I left. I took a home test
> to make sure before I left home so I could be sure I understood my
> symptoms and how to react to them while I was away. As the result was
> positive, I knew not to have any wine at the receptions, for example. We
> still have to go to the doctor anyway.

Okay, thankyou very much for that. I was mislead by the "100% sure" remark.

>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
>> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her friends?

> Extremely. But I also maintain that Phoebe is a fictional character and
> she is only as crafty or as dingy as any given script makes her out to be.

Even so, that shows she can be manipulative in other episodes also...

>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> I was spoilt and I STILL wasn't sure. Knowing what is going to happen
> only very rarely hurts anything for me; the enjoyment is in the
> performance.

I'm very happy for you. (sincere)

>> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

> At last, the producers made sure we SAW Ben at one of his father's
> weddings, even though it was his aunt's.


>> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

> Well, we missed the affair that produced Rachel's baby...

I know... :)

>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

> He raided Chandler's wallet. :-)

Overtly or covertly?

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or did I misunderstand?

> He hasn't done Broadway. He's done off off off -Broadway.

ROTFL! Good point.

>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
>> feet are, shouldn't he?

> Yes. That was weak.

Unless that was something very subtle as I suggested above (and five
minutes after writing it I don't believe it myself) that sure was. :(

>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
>> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
>> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
>> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

> That was badly done, and best not examined too closely. The Best Man and
> brother of the bride would never end up at the kiddie table. For that
> matter, he'd never end up sitting next to the Hot Chick at table six,
> either. He'd be beside his sister, and nothing in Ross and Monica's
> history would suggest he'd abandon her like that.

Yes indeedy, he's very loyal, and thinks the world of his kid sister.

>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

> Don't look at it closely. It makes no sense.

Can you think of a more realistic plot device to set up that story?

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
>> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

> Don't look at it closely. It makes no sense. A real guy in that
> situation, especially one who is as good a father as Ross, would plop
> down next to his kid and be his daddy, legitimizing his reason for being
> there

Ah, but here we're not talking about a twisted plot, but a brief
throwaway hello, a look even. It really should have been there.

>> not as bright as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy.

> I think he's plenty smart. What he is not is wise.

Nice distinction.

>> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

> No. I thought the Gert thing was in bad taste. The suggestion is that
> the fat girl is also a nasty little brat, and so we have the correlation
> between a person's girth and their worth. It might have worked better if
> Gert was a real sweetie and Ross really wanted to be kind to her, but
> she was so large he did so with great price and ambivalence.

Yes, we must be grateful at least that they toned this aspect of the
story down, (according to the filming report).

>> ..scoring ratings in the USA of 31.7 million viewers, the largest
>> audience figure for "Friends" since 1996. Anyone know what that was?

> TOW after the Superbowl, I think. It may have been Lesbian Wedding.

I know the Superbowl was very big, over 50 million, but it could have
been something else from 214 to 310 that was not as big as that, but
still scoring more than 31.7m. The lesbian wedding was 211, too early.

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 12, 2001, 11:15:33 PM10/12/01
In article <nVHx7.7186$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between

>> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
>> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend
>> she was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed what a coolly
>> manipulative bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney was lovely to watch as
>> Monica warmly coped with all the crises on her big day.

> And not at all screechy!

And not at all screechy! In fact, dear sweet Monica was so not at all
screechy, that she made her Season 7 self look a bit screechy... ;)

> I thought it was very in-character of Phoebe to lie, I knew she was!

It's a shame though, for it was she who in 112 "TOW the Dozen Lasagnes"
had to tell Rachel that Paolo had made a lewd pass at her, and it is a
well-known convention that such revelations are never well received. So
she sat Rachel down to tell her there are three things that she should
know about her: one, her friends are the most important thing in her
life; two, she never lies; and three, she makes the best oatmeal raisin
cookies in the world. And sure enough, Rachel only has to take one bite
of Phoebe's cookie to be convinced that her new friend never lies.

> And yes Rachel's disappointment that the test was negative was well fake
> hidden!

Thank heavens for Aniston, who is so great she makes the others good.

Except for you-know-who...

>> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was
>> pregnant, did that include their parents?

> It must have, they probably would have been the first he went to to.

109 "TOW Underdog Gets Away"...

MONICA: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom & Dad are going to Puerto
Rico for Thanksgiving?
ROSS: (getting up, upset) I'm calling Mom.

303 "TOW the Jam"...

MONICA: Okay, sperm donor number 03815, come on down! He's 6'2",
170 pounds, and describes himself as a male Geena Davis.
ROSS: I'm gonna tell Mom.

713 "TOW Rosita Dies"...

MONICA: I can't believe Mom & Dad are selling the house!
ROSS: (After dialling his phone) Hello dad!

>> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
>> expression, isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives,
>> when she was a mother?

> Could be, although I think she was being slightly overdramatic
> as part of the whole fake pregnancy story.

Yes indeed, thank god she wasn't playing an unemotional robot.

>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
>> "Traffic", and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing
>> Phoebe's penchant for much older men. Brolin really is married to
>> Barbra Streisand, whose previous husband was none other than Elliot
>> Gould, who of course plays Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> Ohhh I like must have can't be a coincidink.

Hehe, that's right. There are no coincidinks.

>> The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the twin
>> towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come from,
>> or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

> Forthcoming eps?

That's a possibility, but I guess not.

>> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
>> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
>> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

> Finally!

I know!

>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
>> any closer to popping right out?

> I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.

Nothing? Oh, you mean with Rachel! :)

>> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
>> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

> Females probably know each other emotionally and personality-wise better
> than males. Males tend to know each other on the surface, which is why I
> was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.

Yeah, but males don't really look either, do they?

>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
>> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
>> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

> It's an awful lot more hassle to go to a Doctor than buying and taking a
> test. That is assuming that America has UK-size waiting hours!

When I've had to visit my GP I've gone straight in. Appointment times and
all that jazz. Of course, I wasn't pregnant at the time...

>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at
>> last agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her
>> friends?

> Very, when she wants to be!


>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> First of all I did, but I was always suspicious that Phoebe had lied, as
> the test are 98% accurate!

Not if you leave the test for too long, which is what Rachel did.

>> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

> Good job he didn't pull any practical jokes!

Pencil lines on the tennis pro's whites, cling film on the wedding cake...

>> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

> That would have been a sight!

At the only dance school in the free world with a non-slippery floor...

>> Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6 people
>> is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex with...

> I'm hoping when they reveal what happened, they'll have a flashback, as
> it's too big to miss....that way they could then include Chandler's
> dancing!

Ooh, good idea.

>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

> Chandler - as ever probably!

He had no chance to, Monica sent him straight off find anything that
did not say he'd died tragically in France, while Chandler was still
stuck there having his photograph taken.

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or did I misunderstand?

> I presume they meant substantial amount of work in each category.

Well, he hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?

>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
>> Joey's feet are, shouldn't he?

> Feet can be very deceptive...except to Ross!

Because of the girls, you mean?

>> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
>> slanty, that would be so horrific?

> That thing where you turn your eye-lids inside out?!


>> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
>> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
>> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

> I thought that...
> I'd like to see Joey's parents return, as it's been a while!

It has, we saw them both halfway through the first season, and not since.

>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
>> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
>> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
>> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

> They may have thought from all the fat-induced laughing that he was
> trying to impress Molly by "entertaining" them.

Fat-induced laughing?

>> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
>> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
>> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

> I hope it's not an omen!

That's 666!

>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

> What excuse could he have used?

Ben's been playing practical jokes again?

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
>> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

> Strange that...I only noticed Ben later on, but he could have said hi!

Exactly - so you didn't notice him before that, dancing with Melinda?

>> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
>> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as
>> bright as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

> Yes, Ross has come back down to Earth in season 7 thank god!


>> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

> Yes, the routine, but slower

Partly that, but also he had no excuse to be unaware of Gert's feelings.

>> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

> Is it a first? No..can't be...

Not quite, but it's rare. The two birthing episodes, 123 "TOW the Birth"
and 503 "TOW the Triplets", were entirely set in hospitals; while the
action in 524 "TOI Vegas (part 2)" was limited to Las Vegas.

There were no apartment scenes in 325 "TOA the Beach" either.

>> ..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's cliffhanger...

> ? (sorry!)

Friends cliffhangers have a way of not turning out the way you'd expect,
so Rachel doesn't get Ross, Ross doesn't get Rachel, Ross doesn't get
Emily, Chandler gets Monica, Chandler gets Monica, that sort of thing.

> (sorry that I've chopped a lot, but I've tried to do as much as I can
> before I leave!)



Paul Hyett

Oct 13, 2001, 8:54:27 AM10/13/01
On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
> British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...
>> I'm forcing myself not to read this - I'm gonna wait for E4.
>That's exactly what I would do in your place, Paul. Believe me, it
>is well worth the long wait to enjoy the episode totally unspoilt.

It's too late for that, but I'm relying on my terrible memory to wipe
out the details. :)


Oct 13, 2001, 3:08:47 PM10/13/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

Okay, the Space Mountain story incident in no way compares (IMO).
He shouldn't have told anybody close to Monica that she was pregnant
(especially when she seemed to be wanting to keep it a secret), but if he
did, I would prefer to think that he just got carried away, happy to be an

<snip>. Okay, so maybe it was

> my little joke that the writers have been listening to us, but it shows
> how this season opener has carried through the finale plot for a change.

Yes, it was nice to see that.

> > I thought you might have pointed out that Monica did not get shrill and
> > accuse Rachel of stealing her thunder. Monica, of course, was just
> > being a true (and very supportive) friend.
> That's an excellent point. Of course, clever Phoebe was very quick to
> exploit Monica's fear of thunder-theft to explain why she had not said
> that she was pregnant, simultaneously getting Monica on-side since she
> had been careful not to spoil her big day. And of course, if you look
> at it from the other end, the writers wanted to distance themselves
> from the previous opener a year before.

Could be. Or maybe this is a case of the writer's listening to the viewers
not repeating a fairly unpopular storyline?

> >> But why don't any of these women go to their doctor for verification?
> >> Too expensive in America?
> > They will ultimately go to the doctor for verification. Its just that
> > they would need to wait for an appointment to do so. It would appear
> > that Rachel took the first test in the morning and she was kind of too
> > busy with the wedding during the day to go to the doctor. Also, I
> > imagine that most woman want an indication that they are pregnant before
> > they take the time to go to the doctor - it rules out unnecessary
> Fair enough. I guess I was misled, because they talk about taking the
> test again to be 100% sure.

Well, the tests can give false-positives. They are only so accurate.
the test probably increases the odds of the combined results being accurate
almost 100%.

> >> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?
> > He has a steady job on the Soap and picked up some extra work on
> > a movie.
> Oh, I didn't mean how could he afford the clothes, but where did he get
> the actual cash or plastic from? He was wearing a WW1 soldier costume.

I see where you are going. I assumed that he must have grabbed his wallet
on the way out. Otherwise, how did he get from the studio to the wedding
location? Wouldn't he have had to take a taxi (or at least the subway)?

> >> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> >> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> >> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> >> error, or did I misunderstand?
> > I believe that all of his other shows have been off-Broadway. Broadway
> > is more impressive and means that you have made it as an actor in the
> > North American theatre
> Okay, so you're saying that if the theatre isn't on Broadway, then the
> theatre just isn't a theatre?

Not exactly. Broadway is more prestigious. It is like the difference between
being in a local cable channel show as opposed to being on prime time
television. Broadway is the big show. I'm not sure of what exactly defines
Broadway (Does it have to be on the actual street? Does it have to be within
the theatre district? Does the theatre have to be a certain size?), but
does seem to be some kind of definition.

> >> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
> >> slanty, that would be so horrific?
> > Making his eyes slanty to "look" Chinese. It is similar to appearing in
> > blackface.
> Is that so horrible?

Um...yes. It is considered racist. I'm not surprised they didn't actually
Joey doing it.

Why is it considered so offensive? Well, I'm no expert on racism, but I
suspect it is partially to do with how early on in Hollywood (and the
theatre), they rarely had minority characters. When they did, they often
cast white actors to play the parts and the portrayals were often
caricatures and uncomplimentary. Further, what Joey was about to do is
sometimes done by people while telling racist jokes about Orientals.

That said, I'm sure that the show meant to imply that Joey was about to
do what he was doing because he was clueless, not because he was
actually racist.

> > <summary of things missing from the filming report>
> >> When Ross was dancing with Ashley, Ross is delighted to see how Mona
> >> is lapping it up, and he accidentally says his thoughts out loud, "I'm
> >> gonna score!". Since the little girl hears this, Ross pretends he said
> >> "Love your bow!!".
> > I could have sworn that was in the episode.
> Well, I've just checked with the transcript by Jean Liew & Marita Bakken,
> (click on
> and change the 1 to a 2 for 802) which shows that you are absolutely 100%
> right Laura, thanks for telling me. I've only seen 801 twice so far...

Only twice? Tennant, you are slipping ;-)

> No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
> and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.


Tennant Stuart

Oct 13, 2001, 3:46:17 PM10/13/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Oct 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...

>>> I'm forcing myself not to read this - I'm gonna wait for E4.

>> That's exactly what I would do in your place, Paul. Believe me, it
>> is well worth the long wait to enjoy the episode totally unspoilt.

> It's too late for that, but I'm relying on my terrible memory to wipe
> out the details. :)

Okay, but it's still worth the wait. :)


Tennant Stuart

Oct 13, 2001, 3:53:48 PM10/13/01
In article <3OYx7.17884$>, "Mouse"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

I agree.

> He shouldn't have told anybody close to Monica that she was pregnant
> (especially when she seemed to be wanting to keep it a secret),

Fair enough.

I wasn't excusing Ross's actions, but trying to understand them.

> but if he did, I would prefer to think that he just got carried away,
> happy to be an Uncle.

Maybe, but that would still have been irresponsible of him.

>> Okay, so maybe it was my little joke that the writers have been
>> listening to us, but it shows how this season opener has carried
>> through the finale plot for a change.

> Yes, it was nice to see that.

I have the best feel-good feeling about a new season since Season 3, for
its first half was great. I just hope that 815/6 is nothing like 315/6.

>>> I thought you might have pointed out that Monica did not get shrill
>>> and accuse Rachel of stealing her thunder. Monica, of course, was just
>>> being a true (and very supportive) friend.

>> That's an excellent point. Of course, clever Phoebe was very quick to
>> exploit Monica's fear of thunder-theft to explain why she had not said
>> that she was pregnant, simultaneously getting Monica on-side since she
>> had been careful not to spoil her big day. And of course, if you look
>> at it from the other end, the writers wanted to distance themselves
>> from the previous opener a year before.

> Could be. Or maybe this is a case of the writer's listening to the viewers
> and not repeating a fairly unpopular storyline?

Why not? I'll go with that.

>>>> But why don't any of these women go to their doctor for verification?
>>>> Too expensive in America?

>>> They will ultimately go to the doctor for verification. Its just that
>>> they would need to wait for an appointment to do so. It would appear
>>> that Rachel took the first test in the morning and she was kind of too
>>> busy with the wedding during the day to go to the doctor. Also, I
>>> imagine that most woman want an indication that they are pregnant
>>> before they take the time to go to the doctor - it rules out
>>> unnecessary visits.

>> Fair enough. I guess I was misled, because they talk about taking the
>> test again to be 100% sure.

> Well, the tests can give false-positives. They are only so accurate.
> Repeating the test probably increases the odds of the combined results
> being accurate to almost 100%.

I don't know about that, but you can trust Monica to see that the test
is carried out properly in accordance with the instructions.

>>>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

>>> He has a steady job on the Soap and picked up some extra work on
>>> a movie.

>> Oh, I didn't mean how could he afford the clothes, but where did he get
>> the actual cash or plastic from? He was wearing a WW1 soldier costume.

> I see where you are going. I assumed that he must have grabbed his wallet
> on the way out. Otherwise, how did he get from the studio to the wedding
> location? Wouldn't he have had to take a taxi (or at least the subway)?

He had Richard's car & driver; and even if not, the studio would never
depend on public transport, unless NYC is very different from London.

>>>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because
>>>> then he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he
>>>> already has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a
>>>> continuity error, or did I misunderstand?

>>> I believe that all of his other shows have been off-Broadway. Broadway
>>> is more impressive and means that you have made it as an actor in the
>>> North American theatre

>> Okay, so you're saying that if the theatre isn't on Broadway, then the
>> theatre just isn't a theatre?

> Not exactly. Broadway is more prestigious. It is like the difference
> between being in a local cable channel show as opposed to being on prime
> time television. Broadway is the big show. I'm not sure of what exactly
> defines Broadway (Does it have to be on the actual street? Does it have
> to be within the theatre district? Does the theatre have to be a certain
> size?), but there does seem to be some kind of definition.

I would have thought that the front entrance of the theatre had to be
on Broadway, and off-Broadway means a block away from Broadway to its
adjacent avenues. However, Broadway wanders through a lot of Manhattan,
and maybe there are northern & southern limits too. Certainly most of
the theatres are between 42nd/47th Streets and 6th/8th Avenues while
Broadway is intersecting 7th Avenue, then between 47th/53rd Streets
and 6th/7th Avenues once Broadway runs further to the NW.

Interestingly, this includes the "Circle in the Square" on 50th Street
between Broadway & 8th Avenue, where Chandler & Ross saw the premiere of
Kathy's play "Around the Block" in 413 "TOW Rachel's Crush", so she has
achieved a Broadway show. And in 121 "TOW the Fake Monica", even Monica
sang "Memo-" at the Wintergarden Theater on 7th Avenue between 50th/51st
Streets which backs onto the famous road, so she's managed off-Broadway.

On the other hand, Joey's play "Boxing Day" in late Season 3 was at the
Lucille Lortel, which lies just a block north of his apartment at the
intersection of Bedford & Christopher Streets, which I guestimate to be
an off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-Broadway show since it's ten
blocks east from Broadway's nearest intersection, with 4th Street.

>>>> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
>>>> slanty, that would be so horrific?

>>> Making his eyes slanty to "look" Chinese. It is similar to appearing
>>> in blackface.

>> Is that so horrible?

> Um...yes. It is considered racist. I'm not surprised they didn't
> actually show Joey doing it.

> Why is it considered so offensive? Well, I'm no expert on racism, but I
> suspect it is partially to do with how early on in Hollywood (and the
> theatre), they rarely had minority characters. When they did, they often
> cast white actors to play the parts and the portrayals were often
> stereotypical caricatures and uncomplimentary. Further, what Joey was
> about to do is sometimes done by people while telling racist jokes about
> Orientals.

> That said, I'm sure that the show meant to imply that Joey was about to
> do what he was doing because he was clueless, not because he was
> actually racist.

Oh, I wasn't thinking of racism, but gross-out 'humour', in that he was
preparing to distort his eyeballs or something. Wouldn't it be racist
to have an all-Chinese show, with no occidentals in the cast?

> Only twice? Tennant, you are slipping ;-)

The first time I just *watched* it, for the joy of it, pure & simple.

No character analyses, no plot minutiae, no continuities good or bad.

Then much later I watched it for a second time, and this time it took
about an hour to go through it, but with my mind set to 'Record'... :)

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.


p r i y a

Oct 13, 2001, 10:03:52 PM10/13/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Perhaps they didn't want to drop any hints that poor Chandler was
> > impotent. But can you imagine if he was!! what would Monica do?!
> We know that Chandler isn't impotent (unable to get an erection) but it
> could well be the case that there is a fertility problem, since it's a
> bit much to have two babies, yet Monica is anxious to start a family. foot in my mouth there :) They should probably have some
infertility issue for C&M. It'd give them a decent storyline at the

> > And how'd you get to see the episode so soon. Someone send you a tape?
> No comment, sorry dear. :)

You SO did get a tape!!!

p r i y a

Oct 13, 2001, 10:26:46 PM10/13/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

Actually, I read every spoiler and sometimes (earlier seasons) the
transcript before I see the episode. I find the performance of a line
just as entertaining as not knowing anything about the episode. But
moments where they reveal stuff is true reward of staying spoiler

I somehow missed the spoiler for season 6's TOW Paul's the Man and was
so thrilled with Chandlers admitting to phoebe about proposing to

> >> and the interplay between
> >> the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
> >> gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
> >> was glad the test was negative;
> > Wasn't Aniston just brilliant. I can definitely see a nod from Emmys
> > this year for her.
> I would hope so, but the Emmys don't seem to like top sitcoms.

Emmys usually prefer serious performances. The pregnancy thing is a
serious issue and JA is a good actress. So she might have a chance.
But I really hope they make the pregnancy downright hilarious and not
at all sappy. IMO thats the only way they'll get to season 9.

> >> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
> >> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
> >> reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...
> > Perhaps they read your reviews Tennant!! :)
> Oh. I hope so, including what everyone says in their replies.

Oh I don't know about that. They might get scared off when they see
over 600 responses to your review.

> >> But why don't any of these women go to their
> >> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?
> > Acc. to my friend who lives in California, you're required to take
> > home test and then a lab test.
> Ah - this is the old joke about the funny tasting beer, so this guy
> sends it off to a lab to be tested, and when the report comes back,
> it just says "Congratulations, your horse is pregnant."


> >> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> >> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?
> > According to filming reports, Ross does speak to Ben but I guess it
> > was cut.
> Not in the report I read, by Ane & Hakon Jegstad.
> Have you seen another one, by any chance?

Well, it wasn't a filming report just people who'd been to the taping
commenting on 801. I could email them and get the details for you.

> >> Joey sang during his audition
> >> speech, but it was so awful that in later takes this was removed.
> > For me, the best joke of the episode was Joey's speech. According to
> > filming reports I've read, the people attended had said the MLB sang
> > well and it was really funny.
> Can you try & track down these other reports for me Priya, and email
> them to me? Please carefully mark 802 onwards so I know what they are.

Sure and don't worry, I won't spoil you ;)

> >> Meanwhile, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
> >> than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
> >> the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
> >> going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
> >> things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
> >> backwards - taking Judy's skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
> >> Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!
> > I wonder why they would cut this scene out. It would have been
> > hilarious.
> Maybe Miss Pickles objected. We know from the EW special that she hated
> having to wear the Princess Leia costume, because it made her look ugly.

Wouldn't she have objected after reading the script. She knew what she
was in for. I think they cut it because they had shot too many scenes
and couldn't fit it all into airtime. So out went these perfectly
funny scenes and the dumb Joey's shoes thing stayed. :(


Tennant Stuart

Oct 13, 2001, 10:50:31 PM10/13/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

No worries, sweetie.

> They should probably have some infertility issue for C&M. It'd give them
> a decent storyline at the least.

Exactly. But it might not be Chandler...

>>> And how'd you get to see the episode so soon. Someone send you a tape?

>> No comment, sorry dear. :)

> You SO did get a tape!!!

No comment.

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Oct 13, 2001, 10:53:23 PM10/13/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

There you go. :)

>>> Wasn't Aniston just brilliant. I can definitely see a nod from Emmys
>>> this year for her.

>> I would hope so, but the Emmys don't seem to like top sitcoms.

> Emmys usually prefer serious performances. The pregnancy thing is a
> serious issue and JA is a good actress. So she might have a chance.
> But I really hope they make the pregnancy downright hilarious and not
> at all sappy. IMO thats the only way they'll get to season 9.

It's possible to be hilarious *and* serious yet *not* sappy.

>>>> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that
>>>> Monica was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the
>>>> time, so I reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening
>>>> to us...

>>> Perhaps they read your reviews Tennant!! :)

>> Oh. I hope so, including what everyone says in their replies.

> Oh I don't know about that. They might get scared off when they see
> over 600 responses to your review.

In my dreams! Although my S7-24 thread is up to 786... :)

>> Not in the report I read, by Ane & Hakon Jegstad.

>> Have you seen another one, by any chance?

> Well, it wasn't a filming report just people who'd been to the taping
> commenting on 801. I could email them and get the details for you.

Please do.

>> Can you try & track down these other reports for me Priya, and email
>> them to me? Please carefully mark 802 onwards so I know what they are.

> Sure and don't worry, I won't spoil you ;)

It's not easy keeping one's spoiler virginity intact...

>>>> Meanwhile, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
>>>> than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in
>>>> much the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem
>>>> to be going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom".
>>>> However, things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance,
>>>> and falls backwards - taking Judy's skirt with him! Looking up at a
>>>> half-naked Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry,
>>>> Mom"!

>>> I wonder why they would cut this scene out. It would have been
>>> hilarious.

>> Maybe Miss Pickles objected. We know from the EW special that she hated
>> having to wear the Princess Leia costume, because it made her look ugly.

> Wouldn't she have objected after reading the script. She knew what she
> was in for. I think they cut it because they had shot too many scenes
> and couldn't fit it all into airtime. So out went these perfectly
> funny scenes and the dumb Joey's shoes thing stayed. :(

That's just what my friends said after I showed them the episode & told
them what was missing. They also said that Chandler should have danced
with his wife in the corridor or out on the balcony or something. Even
though the guests would not have seen them, at least they would have
been together, and it would all have been so terribly romantic...


Oct 14, 2001, 2:04:51 AM10/14/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

Yep, but I too am just trying to understand his actions as well.

> >> Okay, so maybe it was my little joke that the writers have been
> >> listening to us, but it shows how this season opener has carried
> >> through the finale plot for a change.
> > Yes, it was nice to see that.
> I have the best feel-good feeling about a new season since Season 3, for
> its first half was great. I just hope that 815/6 is nothing like 315/6.

I think that the season is off to a great start!

<pregnancy tests>

> >> Fair enough. I guess I was misled, because they talk about taking the
> >> test again to be 100% sure.
> > Well, the tests can give false-positives. They are only so accurate.
> > Repeating the test probably increases the odds of the combined results
> > being accurate to almost 100%.
> I don't know about that, but you can trust Monica to see that the test
> is carried out properly in accordance with the instructions.

Too true. Plus, Phoebe has experience!

> >>>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?
> >>> He has a steady job on the Soap and picked up some extra work on
> >>> a movie.
> >> Oh, I didn't mean how could he afford the clothes, but where did he get
> >> the actual cash or plastic from? He was wearing a WW1 soldier costume.
> > I see where you are going. I assumed that he must have grabbed his
> > on the way out. Otherwise, how did he get from the studio to the wedding
> > location? Wouldn't he have had to take a taxi (or at least the subway)?
> He had Richard's car & driver; and even if not, the studio would never
> depend on public transport, unless NYC is very different from London.

I guess that he could have Richard's car & driver. I never thought of that.

Well, then, since he bought the clothes from the gift shop, he could have
charged them to his hotel room (if he is staying there) or one of the hotel
rooms the group has (they seemed to have quite a few rooms in the season
finale). Perhaps that is why he was restricted to hotel shops and came up
with such an odd outfit for the occasion.

> >>>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because
> >>>> then he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he
> >>>> already has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a
> >>>> continuity error, or did I misunderstand?
> >>> I believe that all of his other shows have been off-Broadway. Broadway
> >>> is more impressive and means that you have made it as an actor in the
> >>> North American theatre

<summary of Broadway theatres>

> And in 121 "TOW the Fake Monica", even Monica
> sang "Memo-" at the Wintergarden Theater on 7th Avenue between 50th/51st
> Streets which backs onto the famous road, so she's managed off-Broadway.

I think Cats is considered a Broadway Musical, so maybe the theatre
doesn't have to be precisely on Broadway?

Besides, Monica only got to sing "Memo-" at the open cast call. I'm pretty
sure that even Joey has managed to audition during an open cast call on

<discussion about why what Joey was about to do with his eyes might
have been offensive (although was probably just cluelessness)>

> Oh, I wasn't thinking of racism, but gross-out 'humour', in that he was
> preparing to distort his eyeballs or something. Wouldn't it be racist
> to have an all-Chinese show, with no occidentals in the cast?

A) Probably not if the story was about all-Chinese characters (maybe a
live version of "Fu Mulan", "The Good Earth", or one of the gazillions
of stories there must have been that were set in China over the last
several millennia)
B) Don't go there.



Oct 14, 2001, 11:52:27 PM10/14/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> > Unfortunately, since you've already written it, you'll be able to beat
> > me to the review when they do show it.
> Yeah, but I'm following in the wake of people in North America, who
> are now writing their own reviews of the *brand*new* episode 803.

Ah ye olde episode 803... <he says 6 hours after watching it>. ;-)

Season Eight's really good so far. I've only decided to watch it because it
appears as though E4 (and Channel 4) will still be unwatchable in my halls
of residence when January arrives, but it is definitely worth the downloads!

Andrew (also downloading Enterprise and US Movies, though they're taking
much, much longer and I haven't even completed the pilot episode of
Enterprise yet!)

Owen Shiers

Oct 15, 2001, 7:37:36 PM10/15/01

I was surprised by how calm and collected she was, considering it's
"Monica - The most hyperactive wedding planner of all time", we're
talking about here!

> > I thought it was very in-character of Phoebe to lie, I knew she was!
> It's a shame though, for it was she who in 112 "TOW the Dozen
> had to tell Rachel that Paolo had made a lewd pass at her, and it is a
> well-known convention that such revelations are never well received.
> she sat Rachel down to tell her there are three things that she should
> know about her: one, her friends are the most important thing in her
> life; two, she never lies; and three, she makes the best oatmeal
> cookies in the world. And sure enough, Rachel only has to take one
> of Phoebe's cookie to be convinced that her new friend never lies.

Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction to
the negative news first before deciding how best to deal with the

> > And yes Rachel's disappointment that the test was negative was well
> > hidden!
> Thank heavens for Aniston, who is so great she makes the others good.
> Except for you-know-who...

Don't get started! I'm prayong that he doesn't make a return, I think,
well I hope, that the writers have learnt their lesson!

> >> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was
> >> pregnant, did that include their parents?
> > It must have, they probably would have been the first he went to to.
> 109 "TOW Underdog Gets Away"...
> MONICA: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom & Dad are going to Puerto
> Rico for Thanksgiving?
> ROSS: (getting up, upset) I'm calling Mom.
> 303 "TOW the Jam"...
> MONICA: Okay, sperm donor number 03815, come on down! He's 6'2",
> 170 pounds, and describes himself as a male Geena Davis.
> ROSS: I'm gonna tell Mom.
> 713 "TOW Rosita Dies"...
> MONICA: I can't believe Mom & Dad are selling the house!
> ROSS: (After dialling his phone) Hello dad!

Exactly! Couldn't have put it better myself...he does seem to be a bit
of an, as he put it, "tattle tale" !

> >> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
> >> expression, isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives,
> >> when she was a mother?
> > Could be, although I think she was being slightly overdramatic
> > as part of the whole fake pregnancy story.
> Yes indeed, thank god she wasn't playing an unemotional robot.

Was that intended for anyone in particular...;)

> >> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
> >> "Traffic", and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing
> >> Phoebe's penchant for much older men. Brolin really is married to
> >> Barbra Streisand, whose previous husband was none other than Elliot
> >> Gould, who of course plays Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?
> > Ohhh I like must have can't be a coincidink.
> Hehe, that's right. There are no coincidinks.

Well the worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on the
same night, that all our friends had died!

> >> The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the twin
> >> towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come
> >> or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?
> > Forthcoming eps?
> That's a possibility, but I guess not.

They have done it before though, i.e. 102, is the earliest I can think

> >> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts
> >> any closer to popping right out?
> > I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.
> Nothing? Oh, you mean with Rachel! :)

There it is, or they are...hehe....

> >> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it
> >> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't
> > Females probably know each other emotionally and personality-wise
> > than males. Males tend to know each other on the surface, which is
why I
> > was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.
> Yeah, but males don't really look either, do they?

Well if it was highly noticable to Ross, and not to Chandler...but maybe
that says more about Ross...

> >> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> >> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW
> >> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error
> >> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be
> >> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to
> >> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?
> > It's an awful lot more hassle to go to a Doctor than buying and
taking a
> > test. That is assuming that America has UK-size waiting hours!
> When I've had to visit my GP I've gone straight in. Appointment times
> all that jazz. Of course, I wasn't pregnant at the time...

Lol, it depends what time and where you live, I usually have to wait for
about an hour at my local GP. But saying that, my Dad went to hospital
to get a toe which had a nail ripped off looked at, and he went straight
in and out of A & E with no waiting.

> >> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant
> >> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying
> > First of all I did, but I was always suspicious that Phoebe had
lied, as
> > the test are 98% accurate!
> Not if you leave the test for too long, which is what Rachel did.

What, so the longer you leave it standing the less likely that's it's

> >> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!
> > Good job he didn't pull any practical jokes!
> Pencil lines on the tennis pro's whites, cling film on the wedding

Oh the horror!

> >> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?
> > That would have been a sight!
> At the only dance school in the free world with a non-slippery

Lol yes, remember it was the shoes though!

> >> Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6
> >> is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex
> > I'm hoping when they reveal what happened, they'll have a flashback,
> > it's too big to miss....that way they could then include Chandler's
> > dancing!
> Ooh, good idea.

It would all fir in nicely! I mean that's something pretty big isn't it?

> >> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?
> > Chandler - as ever probably!
> He had no chance to, Monica sent him straight off find anything that
> did not say he'd died tragically in France, while Chandler was still
> stuck there having his photograph taken.

Hmmm maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...

> >> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because
> >> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he
> >> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a
> >> error, or did I misunderstand?
> > I presume they meant substantial amount of work in each category.
> Well, he hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?

Apart from "Ahhaooahahhahah"

> >> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
> >> Joey's feet are, shouldn't he?
> > Feet can be very deceptive...except to Ross!
> Because of the girls, you mean?

That's proabably why he noticed that, he was looking at anyone else's
feet apart from his!

> >> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
> >> slanty, that would be so horrific?
> > That thing where you turn your eye-lids inside out?!
> Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

It's a fact of life, some people can do it!

> >> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy
> >> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too
> >> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?
> > I thought that...
> > I'd like to see Joey's parents return, as it's been a while!
> It has, we saw them both halfway through the first season, and not

Yes, I'd like to see a storyline with a stuffed pet....

> >> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably
> >> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
> >> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and
> >> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?
> > They may have thought from all the fat-induced laughing that he was
> > trying to impress Molly by "entertaining" them.
> Fat-induced laughing?

Fart - sorry!

> >> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it?
> >> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode
> >> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in
> > I hope it's not an omen!
> That's 666!

Oh yeah!

> >> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as
> >> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?
> > What excuse could he have used?
> Ben's been playing practical jokes again?

It's a bit lame, but Ross is used to being a fool....

> >> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a
> >> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to
> > Strange that...I only noticed Ben later on, but he could have said
> Exactly - so you didn't notice him before that, dancing with Melinda?

Well I've seen the ep three times, but I never look closely at these
things. How many times do you watch an episode?

> >> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?
> > Yes, the routine, but slower
> Partly that, but also he had no excuse to be unaware of Gert's

Lol yes.

> >> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's
> > Is it a first? No..can't be...
> Not quite, but it's rare. The two birthing episodes, 123 "TOW the
> and 503 "TOW the Triplets", were entirely set in hospitals; while the
> action in 524 "TOI Vegas (part 2)" was limited to Las Vegas.
> There were no apartment scenes in 325 "TOA the Beach" either.

I hope they didn't have to rip down CP again!

> >> ..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's
> > ? (sorry!)
> Friends cliffhangers have a way of not turning out the way you'd
> so Rachel doesn't get Ross, Ross doesn't get Rachel, Ross doesn't get
> Emily, Chandler gets Monica, Chandler gets Monica, that sort of thing.

Ohhhh, well it's all part of the fun (for some anyway!)

> > (sorry that I've chopped a lot, but I've tried to do as much as I
> > before I leave!)
> Leave?

To greet Robin Hood, but I'm back now, whopee! We have an inspection in
school so I've been deviously planning on the way up and down how to
mess things up ;)


Tennant Stuart

Oct 15, 2001, 10:26:10 PM10/15/01
In article <7p6y7.21073$>, "Mouse"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>>> He shouldn't have told anybody close to Monica that she was pregnant
>>> (especially when she seemed to be wanting to keep it a secret),

>> Fair enough.

>> I wasn't excusing Ross's actions, but trying to understand them.

>>> but if he did, I would prefer to think that he just got carried away,
>>> happy to be an Uncle.

>> Maybe, but that would still have been irresponsible of him.

> Yep, but I too am just trying to understand his actions as well.

Okay sweetie, I'm with you there. :)

>>>> Okay, so maybe it was my little joke that the writers have been
>>>> listening to us, but it shows how this season opener has carried
>>>> through the finale plot for a change.

>>> Yes, it was nice to see that.

>> I have the best feel-good feeling about a new season since Season 3, for
>> its first half was great. I just hope that 815/6 is nothing like 315/6.

> I think that the season is off to a great start!

Yay! This is *such* fun!!!

> <pregnancy tests>

>>>> Fair enough. I guess I was misled, because they talk about taking the
>>>> test again to be 100% sure.

>>> Well, the tests can give false-positives. They are only so accurate.
>>> Repeating the test probably increases the odds of the combined results
>>> being accurate to almost 100%.

>> I don't know about that, but you can trust Monica to see that the test
>> is carried out properly in accordance with the instructions.

> Too true. Plus, Phoebe has experience!

Oooh, Phoebe has experience of being pregnant, but wouldn't Monica (if
not Rachel) have experience with pregnancy tests, albeit all negative?

>> He had Richard's car & driver; and even if not, the studio would never
>> depend on public transport, unless NYC is very different from London.

> I guess that he could have Richard's car & driver. I never thought of
> that.

It's in the dialogue...

JOEY: So I got your car, it's right outside.

> Well, then, since he bought the clothes from the gift shop, he could
> have charged them to his hotel room (if he is staying there) or one of
> the hotel rooms the group has (they seemed to have quite a few rooms in
> the season finale). Perhaps that is why he was restricted to hotel shops
> and came up with such an odd outfit for the occasion.


HOW could I be so *stupid*???

Of *course* Joey charged it to his room!

Thankyou so much Laura for explaining what should have been obvious...

Joey spoke to Ross about getting him up to his room, so we can assume
that Joey had a room too, or maybe they shared, it doesn't matter.

>> And in 121 "TOW the Fake Monica", even Monica
>> sang "Memo-" at the Wintergarden Theater on 7th Avenue between 50th/51st
>> Streets which backs onto the famous road, so she's managed off-Broadway.

> I think Cats is considered a Broadway Musical, so maybe the theatre
> doesn't have to be precisely on Broadway?

Which theatre is Cats at?

> Besides, Monica only got to sing "Memo-" at the open cast call. I'm
> pretty sure that even Joey has managed to audition during an open cast
> call on Broadway.

I was being very generous to Monica since she's an amateur.

Joey is a professional, so with him I'm rigorous.

> <discussion about why what Joey was about to do with his eyes might
> have been offensive (although was probably just cluelessness)>

>> Oh, I wasn't thinking of racism, but gross-out 'humour', in that he was
>> preparing to distort his eyeballs or something. Wouldn't it be racist
>> to have an all-Chinese show, with no occidentals in the cast?

> Okay,

> A) Probably not if the story was about all-Chinese characters
> (maybe a live version of "Fu Mulan", "The Good Earth", or one
> of the gazillions of stories there must have been that were set
> in China over the last several millennia)

There have been much publicised cases over here about that sort of
thing, like having a black Hamlet.

> B) Don't go there.

Good advice Laura, please drop it from your reply if you wish.

Tennant Stuart

Oct 15, 2001, 10:32:04 PM10/15/01
In article <9qd8je$n39j0$>, "Corkster"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>>> Unfortunately, since you've already written it, you'll be able to beat
>>> me to the review when they do show it.

>> Yeah, but I'm following in the wake of people in North America, who
>> are now writing their own reviews of the *brand*new* episode 803.

> Ah ye olde episode 803... <he says 6 hours after watching it>. Season

> Eight's really good so far. I've only decided to watch it because it
> appears as though E4 (and Channel 4) will still be unwatchable in my
> halls of residence when January arrives, but it is definitely worth the
> downloads!

Okay Andrew, let's leave that to my review of 803, okay mate? :)

> Andrew (also downloading Enterprise and US Movies, though they're taking
> much, much longer and I haven't even completed the pilot episode of
> Enterprise yet!)

You can give me Enterprise spoilers, I shan't mind, though others in
these newsgroups might object. I know some real Trekkers (but not any
Trekkies) and I spoiler-check magazines & stuff for them.

Tennant Stuart

Oct 16, 2001, 11:00:47 PM10/16/01
In article <sVGy7.3483$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

> Tennant wrote:

>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>>> And not at all screechy!

>> And not at all screechy! In fact, dear sweet Monica was so not at all
>> screechy, that she made her Season 7 self look a bit screechy... ;)

> I was surprised by how calm and collected she was, considering it's
> "Monica - The most hyperactive wedding planner of all time", we're
> talking about here!

Well, first of all I keep pointing out that Monica is not as compulsive
as people say she is. One of the themes of the show has been Chandler
discovering that he should ignore what the other four say about Monica
and instead follow his own opinion. Second of all, Monica was insecure
about getting married, but Chandler's proposal lifted a weight off her
mind, and the actual nuptials made her safe. In business jargon Monica
had her P1 in the bag, and everything else was a lesser priority.

>>> I thought it was very in-character of Phoebe to lie, I knew she was!

>> It's a shame though, for it was she who in 112 "TOW the Dozen Lasagnes"
>> had to tell Rachel that Paolo had made a lewd pass at her, and it is a
>> well-known convention that such revelations are never well received. So
>> she sat Rachel down to tell her there are three things that she should
>> know about her: one, her friends are the most important thing in her
>> life; two, she never lies; and three, she makes the best oatmeal raisin
>> cookies in the world. And sure enough, Rachel only has to take one bite
>> of Phoebe's cookie to be convinced that her new friend never lies.

> Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction
> to the negative news first before deciding how best to deal with the
> situation?

Sorry, do you mean about the pregnancy or Paolo?

>>> And yes Rachel's disappointment that the test was negative was well
>>> fake hidden!

>> Thank heavens for Aniston, who is so great she makes the others good.

>> Except for you-know-who...

> Don't get started! I'm praying that he doesn't make a return, I think,

> well I hope, that the writers have learnt their lesson!

That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...

>>>> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was
>>>> pregnant, did that include their parents?

>>> It must have, they probably would have been the first he went to to.

>> 109 "TOW Underdog Gets Away"...

>> MONICA: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom & Dad are going to Puerto
>> Rico for Thanksgiving?
>> ROSS: (getting up, upset) I'm calling Mom.

>> 303 "TOW the Jam"...

>> MONICA: Okay, sperm donor number 03815, come on down! He's 6'2",
>> 170 pounds, and describes himself as a male Geena Davis.
>> ROSS: I'm gonna tell Mom.

>> 713 "TOW Rosita Dies"...

>> MONICA: I can't believe Mom & Dad are selling the house!
>> ROSS: (After dialling his phone) Hello dad!

> Exactly! Couldn't have put it better myself...he does seem to be a bit
> of an, as he put it, "tattle tale" !

Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.

>>>> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
>>>> expression, isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives,
>>>> when she was a mother?

>>> Could be, although I think she was being slightly overdramatic
>>> as part of the whole fake pregnancy story.

>> Yes indeed, thank god she wasn't playing an unemotional robot.

> Was that intended for anyone in particular...;)

It's what Phoebe did in 620 "TOW Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E."

>>>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
>>>> "Traffic", and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing
>>>> Phoebe's penchant for much older men. Brolin really is married to
>>>> Barbra Streisand, whose previous husband was none other than Elliot
>>>> Gould, who of course plays Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

>>> Ohhh I like must have can't be a coincidink.

>> Hehe, that's right. There are no coincidinks.

> Well the worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on the
> same night, that all our friends had died!

Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day before.

>>>> The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the twin
>>>> towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come from,
>>>> or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

>>> Forthcoming eps?

>> That's a possibility, but I guess not.

> They have done it before though, i.e. 102, is the earliest I can think of.

How do you mean? An NYC skyline without the twin towers, an NYC skyline
*with* the twin towers, Rachel in pink, 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

>>>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts
>>>> *be* any closer to popping right out?

>>> I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.

>> Nothing? Oh, you mean with Rachel! :)

> There it is, or they are...hehe....

Maybe you & your friend both dreamt, on the same night, that they did. :)

>>>> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
>>>> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

>>> Females probably know each other emotionally and personality-wise
>>> better than males. Males tend to know each other on the surface, which
>>> is why I was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.

>> Yeah, but males don't really look either, do they?

> Well if it was highly noticable to Ross, and not to Chandler...but maybe
> that says more about Ross...

Ooh, intriguing! Like what??

>>>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>>>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>>>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>>>> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be
>>>> inconsistent, and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these
>>>> women go to their doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

>>> It's an awful lot more hassle to go to a Doctor than buying and taking
>>> a test. That is assuming that America has UK-size waiting hours!

>> When I've had to visit my GP I've gone straight in. Appointment times
>> and all that jazz. Of course, I wasn't pregnant at the time...

> Lol, it depends what time and where you live, I usually have to wait for
> about an hour at my local GP. But saying that, my Dad went to hospital
> to get a toe which had a nail ripped off looked at, and he went straight
> in and out of A & E with no waiting.

There you go then.

>>>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant
>>>> after all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying
>>>> unspoilt...

>>> First of all I did, but I was always suspicious that Phoebe had lied,
>>> as the test are 98% accurate!

>> Not if you leave the test for too long, which is what Rachel did?

> What, so the longer you leave it standing the less likely that's it's
> accurate?!

Yeah. If left too long, you can get a false positive.

>>>> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

>>> Good job he didn't pull any practical jokes!

>> Pencil lines on the tennis pro's whites, cling film on the wedding
> cake...

> Oh the horror!


>>>> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?

>>> That would have been a sight!

>> At the only dance school in the free world with a non-slippery floor...

> Lol yes, remember it was the shoes though!

That's what Chandler thought. However, Marita Bakken has pointed out that
Chandler actually slipped on his wife's wedding gown.

>>>> Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6
>>>> people is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex
>>>> with...

>>> I'm hoping when they reveal what happened, they'll have a flashback,
>>> as it's too big to miss....that way they could then include Chandler's
>>> dancing!

>> Ooh, good idea.

> It would all fir in nicely! I mean that's something pretty big isn't it?

For sure. Well done. :)

>>>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?

>>> Chandler - as ever probably!

>> He had no chance to, Monica sent him straight off find anything that
>> did not say he'd died tragically in France, while Chandler was still
>> stuck there having his photograph taken.

> Hmmm maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...

Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse has
pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room number.

>>>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because
>>>> then he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he
>>>> already has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a
>>>> continuity error, or did I misunderstand?

>>> I presume they meant substantial amount of work in each category.

>> Well, he hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?

> Apart from "Ahhaooahahhahah"

Lol, where's that from?

>>>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
>>>> Joey's feet are, shouldn't he?

>>> Feet can be very deceptive...except to Ross!

>> Because of the girls, you mean?

> That's proabably why he noticed that, he was looking at anyone else's
> feet apart from his!

Ah, good call!

>>>> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
>>>> slanty, that would be so horrific?

>>> That thing where you turn your eye-lids inside out?!

>> Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

> It's a fact of life, some people can do it!


>>>> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy&
>>>> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
>>>> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

>>> I thought that...
>>> I'd like to see Joey's parents return, as it's been a while!

>> It has, we saw them both halfway through the first season, and not since.

> Yes, I'd like to see a storyline with a stuffed pet....

Chasing its tail & jumping to catch a frisbee?

>>>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
>>>> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
>>>> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and fetch
>>>> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

>>> They may have thought from all the fat-induced laughing that he was
>>> trying to impress Molly by "entertaining" them.

>> Fat-induced laughing?

> Fart - sorry!

OIC - I was afraid you were talking about Gert.

So, they may have thought from all the fart-induced laughing that he was
trying to impress *Mona* by "entertaining" them, yes?

>>>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>>>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

>>> What excuse could he have used?

>> Ben's been playing practical jokes again?

> It's a bit lame, but Ross is used to being a fool....

Yeah, but fans don't vote him as the Friend who's least smart, or
wonder how Ross manages to stand up without falling over again. :(

>>>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a
>>>> flicker of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next
>>>> to him?

>>> Strange that...I only noticed Ben later on, but he could have said hi!

>> Exactly - so you didn't notice him before that, dancing with Melinda?

> Well I've seen the ep three times, but I never look closely at these
> things. How many times do you watch an episode?

Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.

>>>> Was there a resonance here for Ross, between Gert & young Monica?

>>> Yes, the routine, but slower

>> Partly that, but also he had no excuse to be unaware of Gert's feelings.

> Lol yes.


>>>> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

>>> Is it a first? No..can't be...

>> Not quite, but it's rare. The two birthing episodes, 123 "TOW the
>> Birth" and 503 "TOW the Triplets", were entirely set in hospitals;
>> while the action in 524 "TOI Vegas (part 2)" was limited to Las Vegas.

>> There were no apartment scenes in 325 "TOA the Beach" either.

> I hope they didn't have to rip down CP again!

They did that between Seasons 5 & 6 because it needed rebuilding anyway.

>>>> ..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's cliffhanger...

>>> ? (sorry!)

>> Friends cliffhangers have a way of not turning out the way you'd
>> expect, so Rachel doesn't get Ross, Ross doesn't get Rachel, Ross
>> doesn't get Emily, Chandler gets Monica, Chandler gets Monica, that
>> sort of thing.

> Ohhhh, well it's all part of the fun (for some anyway!)

Exactly. Anyway, Chandler is now safely married off to Monica, so now
the spotlight can fall on someone else, and it looks like it's going
to be Rachel & her baby. Let's hope the writers keep up the quality
of this season opener, especially the story about the girls.

>>> (sorry that I've chopped a lot, but I've tried to do as much as I can
>>> before I leave!)

>> Leave?

> To greet Robin Hood, but I'm back now, whopee! We have an inspection in
> school so I've been deviously planning on the way up and down how to
> mess things up ;)

Any good ideas?

Owen Shiers

Oct 17, 2001, 7:28:52 PM10/17/01

I'd never thought if it like that, she's certainly not as bad as she
was. Anyone who can't sleep because her shoes are untidy needs help! I
wonder how she will change now she's married...

> >>> I thought it was very in-character of Phoebe to lie, I knew she
> >> It's a shame though, for it was she who in 112 "TOW the Dozen
> >> had to tell Rachel that Paolo had made a lewd pass at her, and it
is a
> >> well-known convention that such revelations are never well
received. So
> >> she sat Rachel down to tell her there are three things that she
> >> know about her: one, her friends are the most important thing in
> >> life; two, she never lies; and three, she makes the best oatmeal
> >> cookies in the world. And sure enough, Rachel only has to take one
> >> of Phoebe's cookie to be convinced that her new friend never lies.
> > Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction
> > to the negative news first before deciding how best to deal with the
> > situation?
> Sorry, do you mean about the pregnancy or Paolo?


> >>> And yes Rachel's disappointment that the test was negative was
> >>> fake hidden!
> >> Thank heavens for Aniston, who is so great she makes the others
> >> Except for you-know-who...
> > Don't get started! I'm praying that he doesn't make a return, I
> > well I hope, that the writers have learnt their lesson!
> That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...

I live in hope! (crosses his fingers)

> >>>> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was
> >>>> pregnant, did that include their parents?
> >>> It must have, they probably would have been the first he went to
> >> 109 "TOW Underdog Gets Away"...
> >> MONICA: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom & Dad are going to Puerto
> >> Rico for Thanksgiving?
> >> ROSS: (getting up, upset) I'm calling Mom.
> >> 303 "TOW the Jam"...
> >> MONICA: Okay, sperm donor number 03815, come on down! He's 6'2",
> >> 170 pounds, and describes himself as a male Geena Davis.
> >> ROSS: I'm gonna tell Mom.
> >> 713 "TOW Rosita Dies"...
> >> MONICA: I can't believe Mom & Dad are selling the house!
> >> ROSS: (After dialling his phone) Hello dad!
> > Exactly! Couldn't have put it better myself...he does seem to be a
> > of an, as he put it, "tattle tale" !
> Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.

But still we shouldn't place full responsability on out parents!

> >>>> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
> >>>> expression, isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives,
> >>>> when she was a mother?
> >>> Could be, although I think she was being slightly overdramatic
> >>> as part of the whole fake pregnancy story.
> >> Yes indeed, thank god she wasn't playing an unemotional robot.
> > Was that intended for anyone in particular...;)
> It's what Phoebe did in 620 "TOW Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E."

Ohhh yeah!

> >>>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
> >>>> "Traffic", and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing
> >>>> Phoebe's penchant for much older men. Brolin really is married to
> >>>> Barbra Streisand, whose previous husband was none other than
> >>>> Gould, who of course plays Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?
> >>> Ohhh I like must have can't be a coincidink.
> >> Hehe, that's right. There are no coincidinks.
> > Well the worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on
> > same night, that all our friends had died!
> Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day before.

No, it was a Saturday and we hadn't seen each other, or watched the same
t.v. programs!

> >>>> The opening title sequence of the NYC skyline did not show the
> >>>> towers; but where did the clip of Rachel in a pink sweater come
> >>>> or 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?
> >>> Forthcoming eps?
> >> That's a possibility, but I guess not.
> > They have done it before though, i.e. 102, is the earliest I can
think of.
> How do you mean? An NYC skyline without the twin towers, an NYC
> *with* the twin towers, Rachel in pink, 88 Monica, or Phoebe in black?

Shots of characters, like in 102 they showed bits from TOW George

> >>>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts
> >>>> *be* any closer to popping right out?
> >>> I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.
> >> Nothing? Oh, you mean with Rachel! :)
> > There it is, or they are...hehe....
> Maybe you & your friend both dreamt, on the same night, that they did.

She's female!...hmmm

> >>>> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it
> >>>> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel,
didn't she?
> >>> Females probably know each other emotionally and personality-wise
> >>> better than males. Males tend to know each other on the surface,
> >>> is why I was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's
> >> Yeah, but males don't really look either, do they?
> > Well if it was highly noticable to Ross, and not to Chandler...but
maybe that says more about Ross...
> Ooh, intriguing! Like what??

I don't know, but remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....

> >>>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant
> >>>> after all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying
> >>>> unspoilt...
> >>> First of all I did, but I was always suspicious that Phoebe had
> >>> as the test are 98% accurate!
> >> Not if you leave the test for too long, which is what Rachel did?
> > What, so the longer you leave it standing the less likely that's
> > accurate?!
> Yeah. If left too long, you can get a false positive.

Ohh...well, you learn something every day...

> >>>> How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons?
> >>> That would have been a sight!
> >> At the only dance school in the free world with a non-slippery
> > Lol yes, remember it was the shoes though!
> That's what Chandler thought. However, Marita Bakken has pointed out
> Chandler actually slipped on his wife's wedding gown.

Lol, was that intended!?

> >>>> Where did Joey get the money from, to buy clothes?
> >>> Chandler - as ever probably!
> >> He had no chance to, Monica sent him straight off find anything
> >> did not say he'd died tragically in France, while Chandler was
> >> stuck there having his photograph taken.
> > Hmmm maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...
> Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse has
> pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room number.

Ah yes, makes sense, who is he sharing with?

> >>>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because
> >>>> then he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But
> >>>> already has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this
> >>>> continuity error, or did I misunderstand?
> >>> I presume they meant substantial amount of work in each category.
> >> Well, he hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?
> > Apart from "Ahhaooahahhahah"
> Lol, where's that from?

"Outbreak 2 - The Virus takes Manhattan"

> >>>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small
> >>>> Joey's feet are, shouldn't he?
> >>> Feet can be very deceptive...except to Ross!
> >> Because of the girls, you mean?
> > That's proabably why he noticed that, he was looking at anyone
> > feet apart from his!
> Ah, good call!


> >>>> What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his
> >>>> slanty, that would be so horrific?
> >>> That thing where you turn your eye-lids inside out?!
> >> Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
> > It's a fact of life, some people can do it!
> Ewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

I can't though, so don't worry...I can wiggle my ears though :)

> >>>> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and
> >>>> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too
> >>>> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?
> >>> I thought that...
> >>> I'd like to see Joey's parents return, as it's been a while!
> >> It has, we saw them both halfway through the first season, and not
> > Yes, I'd like to see a storyline with a stuffed pet....
> Chasing its tail & jumping to catch a frisbee?
>'s more comedic than morbid!

> >>>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably
> >>>> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind,
> >>>> anyone have the chance something to say about her? Or to go and
> >>>> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?
> >>> They may have thought from all the fat-induced laughing that he
> >>> trying to impress Molly by "entertaining" them.
> >> Fat-induced laughing?
> > Fart - sorry!
> OIC - I was afraid you were talking about Gert.

Oh no no :)

> So, they may have thought from all the fart-induced laughing that he
was trying to impress *Mona* by "entertaining" them, yes?

Something like that, lol.

> >>>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as
> >>>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?
> >>> What excuse could he have used?
> >> Ben's been playing practical jokes again?
> > It's a bit lame, but Ross is used to being a fool....
> Yeah, but fans don't vote him as the Friend who's least smart, or
> wonder how Ross manages to stand up without falling over again. :(

It amazes me, remember though, knowledge isn't the same thing as

> >> Exactly - so you didn't notice him before that, dancing with
> > Well I've seen the ep three times, but I never look closely at these
> > things. How many times do you watch an episode?
> Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.

Yeah me too, but you always notice something new.

> >>>> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's
> >>> Is it a first? No..can't be...
> >> Not quite, but it's rare. The two birthing episodes, 123 "TOW the
> >> Birth" and 503 "TOW the Triplets", were entirely set in hospitals;
> >> while the action in 524 "TOI Vegas (part 2)" was limited to Las
> >> There were no apartment scenes in 325 "TOA the Beach" either.
> > I hope they didn't have to rip down CP again!
> They did that between Seasons 5 & 6 because it needed rebuilding

Not just to fit in Caesar's Palace?

> >>>> ..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's
> >>> ? (sorry!)
> >> Friends cliffhangers have a way of not turning out the way you'd
> >> expect, so Rachel doesn't get Ross, Ross doesn't get Rachel, Ross
> >> doesn't get Emily, Chandler gets Monica, Chandler gets Monica, that
> >> sort of thing.
> > Ohhhh, well it's all part of the fun (for some anyway!)
> Exactly. Anyway, Chandler is now safely married off to Monica, so now
> the spotlight can fall on someone else, and it looks like it's going
> to be Rachel & her baby. Let's hope the writers keep up the quality
> of this season opener, especially the story about the girls.

Yeah, they have a great trio, I'd also like to see some more from Joey,
and a real relationship for him!

> >>> (sorry that I've chopped a lot, but I've tried to do as much as I
> >>> before I leave!)
> >> Leave?
> > To greet Robin Hood, but I'm back now, whopee! We have an inspection
> > school so I've been deviously planning on the way up and down how to
> > mess things up ;)
> Any good ideas?

Well one has already "tripped" down the stairs, and another has had the
contents of a mouldy sandwich thrown on him "by accident"...



Oct 17, 2001, 9:09:05 PM10/17/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> > Ah ye olde episode 803... <he says 6 hours after watching it>. Season
> > Eight's really good so far. I've only decided to watch it because it
> > appears as though E4 (and Channel 4) will still be unwatchable in my
> > halls of residence when January arrives, but it is definitely worth the
> > downloads!
> Okay Andrew, let's leave that to my review of 803, okay mate? :)

I look forward to reading your review on this episode just after I... ooh
what's that little mark on the wall?

> > Andrew (also downloading Enterprise and US Movies, though they're taking
> > much, much longer and I haven't even completed the pilot episode of
> > Enterprise yet!)
> You can give me Enterprise spoilers, I shan't mind, though others in
> these newsgroups might object. I know some real Trekkers (but not any
> Trekkies) and I spoiler-check magazines & stuff for them.

Aw how kind of you. I don't worry too much about spoilers these days meself,
though I am very very glad to be watching Friends with no spoilerization
(except that I now know details about a two-parter that is on in a few
weeks. Radio Times detailed it because there is a celebrity playing the
boyfriend of a recurring (but not main) character).

> No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

> and most especially nothing about the identity of the...

Whoops! You let that one slip through Tennant! Though I'd be very shocked if
there is anyone left who doesn't know what has happened at the end of season
seven/start of season eight yet - it has been discussed TO DEATH (including
the identity) on Radio One in the past few days, for example.


p r i y a

Oct 18, 2001, 5:19:52 AM10/18/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
> 801 "TOA They Say I Do"

YOu wanted me to get the information that wasn't in the filming report
you read. Jill attended the taping and this is what she had to say
after watching 801:

I can't believe it! They cut about six or seven minutes' worth of
footage, including the ENTIRE teaser (or what was supposed to have
been the teaser) where Monica tells her mom she's not pregnant, but
she did get married, and Judy says, "Whatever." Judy didn't even have
any lines in the episode.

Also, Joey's line about "slow swimmers" should have been "shootin'
blanks" instead because it got the biggest audience reaction. Even at
the taping they aknowledged that they were going to use "shootin'
blanks" because of the audience reaction!

Joey also sang during his speech. It was hilarious but they cut it out
in later takes. Even MLB commented on this.

Ben also did have a line, but it was cut out. And one of the funniest
parts about Ross at the kids' table was cut, too, with him talking
about Molly Gilbert with her salmon en crout (or however you spell
that) and then he takes a bite of a hotdog. That was a really funny

But most importantly, they cut out the part where Chandler pulls down
Judy's skirt on the dance floor. That got the biggest audience
reaction I've ever seen! It was terribly funny and I'm sure Friends
viewers would have loved it.

Also, the reason that Chandler was taping up his shoes was because
earlier he had scraped them up with a fork, but they cut that out so
him taping up his shoes made almost no sense.

Anyway, what DID I like about the episode? I actually thought it was
really good, although since I was at the taping it looked kind of
choppy (when you've seen a scene taped five times over and have been
watching a show for nine hours straight that's understandable). I was
just disappointed that they had to cut out so much GREAT footage. They
could have left out other stuff and put the funny stuff in. Oh well.


I checked with her further and I can answer your questions now.

> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?

> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
> up to table #1?

These are the lines between Ben and Ross.

Ben: Dad, can you go back to your own table?

Ross: Apparently, little Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown-up salmon
en crout (sp). [Takes a bite of a hotdog]

Ross said the above line to Ben, while looking at Molly Gilbert at
table 1. In another post in this thread someone mentioned the hotdog.
Now you get the joke right. Ross is stuck eating the kiddie meal
(hotdogs) while Molly gets to eat what would have been Ross's Salmon.

No idea why Joey's little song was cut out. It could not have bad as
I've always felt that MLB sings well.


Tennant Stuart

Oct 18, 2001, 1:19:31 PM10/18/01
In article <9qkssu$otnou$>, "Corkster"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>>> Ah ye olde episode 803... <he says 6 hours after watching it>. Season
>>> Eight's really good so far. I've only decided to watch it because it
>>> appears as though E4 (and Channel 4) will still be unwatchable in my
>>> halls of residence when January arrives, but it is definitely worth
>>> the downloads!

>> Okay Andrew, let's leave that to my review of 803, okay mate? :)

> I look forward to reading your review on this episode just after I...
> ooh what's that little mark on the wall?


>>> Andrew (also downloading Enterprise and US Movies, though they're
>>> taking much, much longer and I haven't even completed the pilot
>>> episode of Enterprise yet!)

>> You can give me Enterprise spoilers, I shan't mind, though others in
>> these newsgroups might object. I know some real Trekkers (but not any
>> Trekkies) and I spoiler-check magazines & stuff for them.

> Aw how kind of you. I don't worry too much about spoilers these days
> meself, though I am very very glad to be watching Friends with no
> spoilerization (except that I now know details about a two-parter that
> is on in a few weeks. Radio Times detailed it because there is a
> celebrity playing the boyfriend of a recurring (but not main) character).


>> No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
>> and most especially nothing about the identity of the...

> Whoops! You let that one slip through Tennant! Though I'd be very
> shocked if there is anyone left who doesn't know what has happened at
> the end of season seven/start of season eight yet - it has been
> discussed TO DEATH (including the identity) on Radio One in the past few
> days, for example.

Well, *you're* the one who removed the 801 spoiler space from our thread,
and then the standard spoiler warning got tacked on the end. But even so
I can only apologise if anyone was caught out by that slip. :(

Tennant Stuart

Oct 18, 2001, 1:31:38 PM10/18/01
In article <eZkz7.12236$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

> Tennant wrote:

>>>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>> One of the themes of the show has been Chandler discovering that he
>> should ignore what the other four say about Monica and instead follow
>> his own opinion. Second of all, Monica was insecure about getting
>> married, but Chandler's proposal lifted a weight off her mind, and the
>> actual nuptials made her safe. In business jargon Monica had her P1 in
>> the bag, and everything else was a lesser priority.

> I'd never thought if it like that, she's certainly not as bad as she
> was. Anyone who can't sleep because her shoes are untidy needs help!

Tidiness is not the same as compulsiveness. Yes, Monica is something of
a neat-freak, but she is nothing like as bad as people make out she is,
which is what I've been trying to say. Tidiness is not liking a pair of
shoes left out on the carpet, where anyone can trip over them and injure
themselves. Compulsiveness is where all your pairs of shoes are arranged
in alphabetic order by style & colour, each shoe being exactly aligned
to point in a north-south direction. Monica *could* be like that, but
the important thing is she knows it, and she keeps it under control.

> I wonder how she will change now she's married...

She's been steadily improving as she feels more secure, and Chandler
validates the existence that her mother always denied her. OTOH, she
doesn't let the fat girl inside her eat, wherein trouble might lie.

> Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction

> to the negative news about the pregnancy first before deciding how

> best to deal with the situation?

Yes, that would be how Phoebe saw it, but objectively it was none of
her business - she should have been truthful such that Rachel could
make her own decision, right or wrong; not play risky little games.

>> That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...

> I live in hope! (crosses his fingers)

It's said that if a short story mentions a shotgun on the wall, then
you know that before the tale ends it will be taken down & fired...

>> Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.

> But still we shouldn't place full responsability on out parents!

In real life perhaps, but the defining characteristics of the six
friends are their various upbringings from bad to worse.

>>>> Thank god Phoebe wasn't playing an unemotional robot.

>>> Was that intended for anyone in particular...;)

>> It's what she did in 620 "TOW Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E."

> Ohhh yeah!


>>> The worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on the

>>> same night, that all our friends had died!

>> Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day before.

> No, it was a Saturday and we hadn't seen each other, or watched the same
> t.v. programs!

As far as you can recall.

> Forthcoming eps? Like in 102 they showed bits from TOW George
> Stephanopoulis.

Oh, ISWYM. 102 was just dancing in the fountain, same as 101, which
was all that was ever intended. They changed their mind with 103, and
some previewing was inevitable, since there was no earlier half-season
for the editors to draw on. Incidentally, if you look very carefully,
you'll find the odd clip that has never been seen on the show...

>>>>>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts
>>>>>> *be* any closer to popping right out?

>>>>> I was waiting for it to happen.....and nothing.

>>>> Nothing? Oh, you mean with Rachel! :)

>>> There it is, or they are...hehe....

>> Maybe you & your friend both dreamt, on the same night, that they did.

> She's female!...hmmm


>>>>> I was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.

>>>> Yeah, but males don't really look, do they?

>>> Well if it was highly noticable to Ross, and not to Chandler...

>>> but maybe that says more about Ross...

>> Ooh, intriguing! Like what??

> I don't know, but remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....

Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.

>>> What, so the longer you leave it standing the less likely that's it's
>>> accurate?!

>> Yeah. If left too long, you can get a false positive.

> Ohh...well, you learn something every day...

Me too, I learnt that from discussing 723 on the newsgroup.

>>> Lol yes, remember it was the shoes though!

>> That's what Chandler thought. However, Marita Bakken has pointed out
>> that Chandler actually slipped on his wife's wedding gown.

> Lol, was that intended!?

I guess it must have been, unless all the other takes were no good.

>>> Maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...

>> Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse has
>> pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room number.

> Ah yes, makes sense, who is he sharing with?

Most likely Ross, but it doesn't matter. If Joey had cash or a credit
card he could have shopped outside the hotel, but he didn't.

>>>> He hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?

>>> Apart from "Ahhaooahahhahah"

>> Lol, where's that from?

> "Outbreak 2 - The Virus takes Manhattan"

Ah - that was deleted from the final cut, remember?

> I can't though, so don't worry...I can wiggle my ears though :)

Oh, me too. I can wiggle them independently, or both together.

I can also make my scalp slide backwards & forwards... :)

>>> Yes, I'd like to see a storyline with a stuffed pet....

>> Chasing its tail & jumping to catch a frisbee?

>'s more comedic than morbid!


>> Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't anyone have the

>> chance to go and fetch the best man, and ask him what he was doing at
>> the kiddie table?

> They may have thought from all the fart-induced laughing that he
> was trying to impress Mona by "entertaining" them.

Maybe so, but the best man has many duties to perform.

>>> It's a bit lame, but Ross is used to being a fool....

>> Yeah, but fans don't vote him as the Friend who's least smart, or
>> wonder how Ross manages to stand up without falling over again. :(

> It amazes me, remember though, knowledge isn't the same thing as
> intelligence.

Exactly. High school for Joey was just four years of parties & dating
& sex; while Phoebe spent her teenage years in a cardboard box.

>>> How many times do you watch an episode?

>> Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.

> Yeah me too, but you always notice something new.

Oh yes, and people tell me more, for which I'm grateful. :)

>>> I hope they didn't have to rip down CP again!

>> They did that between Seasons 5 & 6 because it needed rebuilding
>> anyway.

> Not just to fit in Caesar's Palace?

Not *just*, but it was all part of the decision.

>> Anyway, Chandler is now safely married off to Monica, so now
>> the spotlight can fall on someone else, and it looks like it's going
>> to be Rachel & her baby. Let's hope the writers keep up the quality
>> of this season opener, especially the story about the girls.

> Yeah, they have a great trio, I'd also like to see some more from Joey,
> and a real relationship for him!

He had one with Angela Delvecchio for three years, but we never saw it.

>>> We have an inspection in school so I've been deviously planning on the
>>> way up and down how to mess things up ;)

>> Any good ideas?

> Well one has already "tripped" down the stairs, and another has had the
> contents of a mouldy sandwich thrown on him "by accident"...


No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.

Owen Shiers

Oct 18, 2001, 7:18:09 PM10/18/01

I'm not saying that she is *that* bad. Although she is extremely
organised, it's not a bad thing. I think Chandler has helped to calm her
down aswell.

> > I wonder how she will change now she's married...
> She's been steadily improving as she feels more secure, and Chandler
> validates the existence that her mother always denied her. OTOH, she
> doesn't let the fat girl inside her eat, wherein trouble might lie.

I can't see her getting fat again, not after going through all of

> > Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction
> > to the negative news about the pregnancy first before deciding how
> > best to deal with the situation?
> Yes, that would be how Phoebe saw it, but objectively it was none of
> her business - she should have been truthful such that Rachel could
> make her own decision, right or wrong; not play risky little games.

It was, as she said " a risky little game", I was surprised by Phoebe,
but not learn after a while with Phoebe never to
completely trust her...

> >> That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...
> > I live in hope! (crosses his fingers)
> It's said that if a short story mentions a shotgun on the wall, then
> you know that before the tale ends it will be taken down & fired...

Lol, wouldn't mind shooting Eddie Cahill....

> >> Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.
> > But still we shouldn't place full responsability on out parents!
> In real life perhaps, but the defining characteristics of the six
> friends are their various upbringings from bad to worse.

Or from rock bottom, to fifty feet of crap!

> >>> The worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on
> >>> same night, that all our friends had died!
> >> Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day before.
> > No, it was a Saturday and we hadn't seen each other, or watched the
> > t.v. programs!
> As far as you can recall.

Well we discussed it on the Monday. We both did completely different
things that day, you gotta admit, it is freaky!

> > Forthcoming eps? Like in 102 they showed bits from TOW George
> > Stephanopoulis.
> Oh, ISWYM. 102 was just dancing in the fountain, same as 101, which
> was all that was ever intended. They changed their mind with 103, and
> some previewing was inevitable, since there was no earlier half-season
> for the editors to draw on. Incidentally, if you look very carefully,
> you'll find the odd clip that has never been seen on the show...

Sorry, I was thinking of 103, but somehow mixed them up. I know what you
mean by the odd clip. Isn't there one of Ross heading bubbles?

> >>>>> I was surprised that Chandler didn't know about Joey's feet.
> >>>> Yeah, but males don't really look, do they?
> >>> Well if it was highly noticable to Ross, and not to Chandler...
> >>> but maybe that says more about Ross...
> >> Ooh, intriguing! Like what??
> > I don't know, but remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....
> Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.

That's the same thing!

> >>> What, so the longer you leave it standing the less likely that's
> >>> accurate?!
> >> Yeah. If left too long, you can get a false positive.
> > Ohh...well, you learn something every day...
> Me too, I learnt that from discussing 723 on the newsgroup.


> >>> Lol yes, remember it was the shoes though!
> >> That's what Chandler thought. However, Marita Bakken has pointed
> >> that Chandler actually slipped on his wife's wedding gown.
> > Lol, was that intended!?
> I guess it must have been, unless all the other takes were no good.

Surely if he said it was the shoes and the floor, it must have been a
mistake. He slipped after that on the floor. But I gotta grant comedic

> >>> Maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...
> >> Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse
> >> pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room
> > Ah yes, makes sense, who is he sharing with?
> Most likely Ross, but it doesn't matter. If Joey had cash or a credit
> card he could have shopped outside the hotel, but he didn't.

Yes, Chandler still has it from the "take-away mousse" dinner.

> >>>> He hasn't done a substantial amount of work in film, has he?
> >>> Apart from "Ahhaooahahhahah"
> >> Lol, where's that from?
> > "Outbreak 2 - The Virus takes Manhattan"
> Ah - that was deleted from the final cut, remember?

Yes....I thought that was a poor tag...

> > I can't though, so don't worry...I can wiggle my ears though :)
> Oh, me too. I can wiggle them independently, or both together.
> I can also make my scalp slide backwards & forwards... :)

Me too! Cool, finally someone who can do it too! The funniest thing is
when people try to wiggle their ears and keep raising their eyebrows :)

> >>> It's a bit lame, but Ross is used to being a fool....
> >> Yeah, but fans don't vote him as the Friend who's least smart, or
> >> wonder how Ross manages to stand up without falling over again. :(
> > It amazes me, remember though, knowledge isn't the same thing as
> > intelligence.
> Exactly. High school for Joey was just four years of parties & dating
> & sex; while Phoebe spent her teenage years in a cardboard box.

Amazing...I'm surprised that they havn't kept any very close friends
from high school.

> >>> How many times do you watch an episode?
> >> Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.
> > Yeah me too, but you always notice something new.
> Oh yes, and people tell me more, for which I'm grateful. :)

Well you can never know everything!

> >>> I hope they didn't have to rip down CP again!
> >> They did that between Seasons 5 & 6 because it needed rebuilding
> >> anyway.
> > Not just to fit in Caesar's Palace?
> Not *just*, but it was all part of the decision.

Ohh.....Have they started filming with audiences again yet?

> >> Anyway, Chandler is now safely married off to Monica, so now
> >> the spotlight can fall on someone else, and it looks like it's
> >> to be Rachel & her baby. Let's hope the writers keep up the quality
> >> of this season opener, especially the story about the girls.
> > Yeah, they have a great trio, I'd also like to see some more from
> > and a real relationship for him!
> He had one with Angela Delvecchio for three years, but we never saw

Well here's to the return of Angela Delvecchio!

> >>> We have an inspection in school so I've been deviously planning on
> >>> way up and down how to mess things up ;)
> >> Any good ideas?
> > Well one has already "tripped" down the stairs, and another has had
> > contents of a mouldy sandwich thrown on him "by accident"...
> Eeshk.

And today my friend threw coffee on a first former and narrowly missed
an's like slapstick comedy sometimes....

Tennant Stuart

Oct 18, 2001, 10:55:06 PM10/18/01

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

Jill who? Is her last name a secret?

I need to know so that I can credit her properly in my review.

> I can't believe it! They cut about six or seven minutes' worth of
> footage, including the ENTIRE teaser (or what was supposed to have
> been the teaser) where Monica tells her mom she's not pregnant, but
> she did get married, and Judy says, "Whatever." Judy didn't even have
> any lines in the episode.

> Also, Joey's line about "slow swimmers" should have been "shootin'
> blanks" instead because it got the biggest audience reaction. Even at
> the taping they aknowledged that they were going to use "shootin'
> blanks" because of the audience reaction!

There is probably a plot reason for this, there being a big difference
between the two possibilities when a couple are trying for a baby.

> Joey also sang during his speech. It was hilarious but they cut it out
> in later takes. Even MLB commented on this.

> Ben also did have a line, but it was cut out. And one of the funniest
> parts about Ross at the kids' table was cut, too, with him talking
> about Molly Gilbert with her salmon en crout (or however you spell
> that) and then he takes a bite of a hotdog. That was a really funny
> part.


> But most importantly, they cut out the part where Chandler pulls
> down Judy's skirt on the dance floor. That got the biggest audience
> reaction I've ever seen! It was terribly funny and I'm sure Friends
> viewers would have loved it.

Oh yeah, me too, but when I told my friends about this they said it
was best cut out, on the grounds that it was demeaning to women.

> Also, the reason that Chandler was taping up his shoes was because
> earlier he had scraped them up with a fork, but they cut that out so
> him taping up his shoes made almost no sense.

> Anyway, what DID I like about the episode? I actually thought it was
> really good, although since I was at the taping it looked kind of
> choppy (when you've seen a scene taped five times over and have been
> watching a show for nine hours straight that's understandable). I was
> just disappointed that they had to cut out so much GREAT footage. They
> could have left out other stuff and put the funny stuff in. Oh well.

Yeah, it sounds more fun than Joey's shoe size.

> I checked with her further and I can answer your questions now.

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
>> of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right next to him?
>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
>> up to table #1?

> These are the lines between Ben and Ross.

> Ben: Dad, can you go back to your own table?

> Ross: Apparently, little Molly Gilbert is enjoying her grown-up salmon
> en crout (sp). [Takes a bite of a hotdog]

> Ross said the above line to Ben, while looking at Molly Gilbert at
> table 1. In another post in this thread someone mentioned the hotdog.
> Now you get the joke right. Ross is stuck eating the kiddie meal
> (hotdogs) while Molly gets to eat what would have been Ross's Salmon.

Thanks very much Priya, this is the part that most people have been
asking me about, especially the hot dog.

> No idea why Joey's little song was cut out. It could not have bad as
> I've always felt that MLB sings well.

Well, from the first filming report I read, the song was omitted for
later takes, so there must have been something bad about it.


Oct 18, 2001, 11:54:57 PM10/18/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> >> Okay Andrew, let's leave that to my review of 803, okay mate? :)
> > I look forward to reading your review on this episode just after I...
> > ooh what's that little mark on the wall?
> ?

I'm easily distracted...

> >> No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
> >> and most especially nothing about the identity of the...
> > Whoops! You let that one slip through Tennant! Though I'd be very
> > shocked if there is anyone left who doesn't know what has happened at
> > the end of season seven/start of season eight yet - it has been
> > discussed TO DEATH (including the identity) on Radio One in the past few
> > days, for example.
> Well, *you're* the one who removed the 801 spoiler space from our thread,
> and then the standard spoiler warning got tacked on the end. But even so
> I can only apologise if anyone was caught out by that slip. :(

I only removed the spoiler space because I had no intention of discussing
the content of episode 801, but I'm sure no-one really minded the rather
minor spoiler. My original comment was also only meant in jest! :-)

Andrew (Hmm 804 starts now in the US, doesn't it?)

Tennant Stuart

Oct 19, 2001, 4:24:32 PM10/19/01
In article <aVFz7.6092$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

> Tennant wrote:

>>>>>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>> Tidiness is not the same as compulsiveness. Yes, Monica is something of

>> a neat-freak, but she is nothing like as bad as people make out she is,
>> which is what I've been trying to say. Tidiness is not liking a pair of
>> shoes left out on the carpet, where anyone can trip over them and
>> injure themselves. Compulsiveness is where all your pairs of shoes are
>> arranged in alphabetic order by style & colour, each shoe being exactly
>> aligned to point in a north-south direction. Monica *could* be like
>> that, but the important thing is she knows it, and she keeps it under
>> control.

> I'm not saying that she is *that* bad. Although she is extremely
> organised, it's not a bad thing. I think Chandler has helped to calm her
> down as well.

Fair enough Owen, I'll agree with that. :)

>>> I wonder how she will change now she's married...

>> She's been steadily improving as she feels more secure, and Chandler
>> validates the existence that her mother always denied her. OTOH, she
>> doesn't let the fat girl inside her eat, wherein trouble might lie.

> I can't see her getting fat again, not after going through all of that...

I dunno, Monica might - but Courteney won't let her.

However, I wasn't talking about Monica getting fat again, although she
was so lovely in 615/6 "TOT Could Have Been", but of what the fat girl
makes the thin girl do. If you watch Monica breaking down in 109 "TOW
Underdog Gets Away", you can see how fragile & sensitive the thin girl
is, and how hard it is for her to live up to the fat girl's standards.

>>> Although it is a shame, surely she was testing out Rachel's reaction
>>> to the negative news about the pregnancy first before deciding how
>>> best to deal with the situation?

>> Yes, that would be how Phoebe saw it, but objectively it was none of
>> her business - she should have been truthful such that Rachel could
>> make her own decision, right or wrong; not play risky little games.

> It was, as she said " a risky little game", I was surprised by Phoebe,
> but not learn after a while with Phoebe never to
> completely trust her...

That's right, it's just as well that Monica loves her so much.

>>>> That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...

>>> I live in hope! (crosses his fingers)

>> It's said that if a short story mentions a shotgun on the wall, then
>> you know that before the tale ends it will be taken down & fired...

> Lol, wouldn't mind shooting Eddie Cahill....

Hehe, I'm still hoping to see him in "Felicity", to check him out.

>>>> Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.

>>> But still we shouldn't place full responsibility on out parents!

>> In real life perhaps, but the defining characteristics of the six
>> friends are their various upbringings from bad to worse.

> Or from rock bottom, to fifty feet of crap!

Yes, an excellent example. I bet that when Rachel popped that window out
of its frame, she thought that her life wouldn't sink any deeper.

>>>>> The worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on the
>>>>> same night, that all our friends had died!

>>>> Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day before.

>>> No, it was a Saturday and we hadn't seen each other, or watched the
>>> same t.v. programs!

>> As far as you can recall.

> Well we discussed it on the Monday. We both did completely different
> things that day, you gotta admit, it is freaky!

By the time of your discussion, your brains had already edited the
majority of your memories out, while you slept.

>>> Forthcoming eps? Like in 102 they showed bits from TOW George
>>> Stephanopoulis.

>> Oh, ISWYM. 102 was just dancing in the fountain, same as 101, which
>> was all that was ever intended. They changed their mind with 103, and
>> some previewing was inevitable, since there was no earlier half-season
>> for the editors to draw on. Incidentally, if you look very carefully,
>> you'll find the odd clip that has never been seen on the show...

> Sorry, I was thinking of 103, but somehow mixed them up. I know what you
> mean by the odd clip. Isn't there one of Ross heading bubbles?

I can't think what you mean by that.

>>> Remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....

>> Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.

> That's the same thing!

No it isn't! :)

>>>> If left too long, you can get a false positive.

>>> Ohh...well, you learn something every day...

>> Me too, I learnt that from discussing 723 on the newsgroup.

> I'll


>>>> Marita Bakken has pointed out that Chandler actually slipped on his
>>>> wife's wedding gown.

>>> Lol, was that intended!?

>> I guess it must have been, unless all the other takes were no good.

> Surely if he said it was the shoes and the floor, it must have been a
> mistake. He slipped after that on the floor. But I gotta grant comedic
> licence...

It could be a mistake by Chandler, but not MP or the script.

>>>>> Maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...

>>>> Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse has
>>>> pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room number.

>>> Ah yes, makes sense, who is he sharing with?

>> Most likely Ross, but it doesn't matter. If Joey had cash or a credit
>> card he could have shopped outside the hotel, but he didn't.

> Yes, Chandler still has it from the "take-away mousse" dinner.

That was nearly seven years ago! Two years after that Joey received
a new credit card from Visa, and by the next episode his bill was so
huge that it came in two envelopes. Anyway, after another two years,
Chandler used his own American Express card to pay for his flight to
Yemen; and two years after that he had to get it off of Joey (who was
getting Knicks tickets) to buy the ring, which is the last we heard.

>>> "Outbreak 2 - The Virus takes Manhattan"

>> Ah - that was deleted from the final cut, remember?

> Yes....I thought that was a poor tag...

Yeah well, so it goes.

>>> I can't though, so don't worry...I can wiggle my ears though :)

>> Oh, me too. I can wiggle them independently, or both together.

>> I can also make my scalp slide backwards & forwards... :)

> Me too! Cool, finally someone who can do it too! The funniest thing is
> when people try to wiggle their ears and keep raising their eyebrows :)

Oh I know, or they just move their cheeks and think that is wiggling
their ears, or worse that's what they accuse *you* of doing...

>> High school for Joey was just four years of parties & dating
>> & sex; while Phoebe spent her teenage years in a cardboard box.

> Amazing...I'm surprised that they haven't kept any very close friends
> from high school.

Have you seen the list of students from Monica's high school?

We got up to a staggering 45 in the end...

>>>>> How many times do you watch an episode?

>>>> Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.

>>> Yeah me too, but you always notice something new.

>> Oh yes, and people tell me more, for which I'm grateful. :)

> Well you can never know everything!

Thank goodness, it's such fun to learn.

> Have they started filming with audiences again yet?

Not that I've heard of. The anthrax attacks (last week I would have
said "the anthrax scare") must have put that back even further. :(

> Here's to the return of Angela Delvecchio!

Oh for sure, except her actress seems to have stopped working.

>> Eeshk.

> And today my friend threw coffee on a first former and narrowly missed
> an's like slapstick comedy sometimes....

Not hot coffee?

Tennant Stuart

Oct 19, 2001, 10:26:09 PM10/19/01
In article <9qpl0m$pe3j4$>, "Corkster"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>>> I look forward to reading your review on this episode just after I...

>>> ooh what's that little mark on the wall?

>>  ?

> I'm easily distracted...


> I only removed the spoiler space because I had no intention of discussing
> the content of episode 801, but I'm sure no-one really minded the rather
> minor spoiler. My original comment was also only meant in jest! :-)

No worries Andrew, I was only saying how it happened, I wasn't blaming
you - for it was my post, and therefore my responsibility.

> Andrew (Hmm 804 starts now in the US, doesn't it?)

It was yesterday, but let's wait for my review of S8-04 to discuss it,
whenever on GGE that turns out to be.

Owen Shiers

Oct 19, 2001, 9:48:06 PM10/19/01


> >>> I wonder how she will change now she's married...
> >> She's been steadily improving as she feels more secure, and
> >> validates the existence that her mother always denied her. OTOH,
> >> doesn't let the fat girl inside her eat, wherein trouble might lie.
> > I can't see her getting fat again, not after going through all of
> I dunno, Monica might - but Courteney won't let her.

Oh I like that...I can see that the writers enjoy fat Monica...

> However, I wasn't talking about Monica getting fat again, although she
> was so lovely in 615/6 "TOT Could Have Been", but of what the fat girl
> makes the thin girl do. If you watch Monica breaking down in 109 "TOW
> Underdog Gets Away", you can see how fragile & sensitive the thin girl
> is, and how hard it is for her to live up to the fat girl's standards.

Even though I agree...I wouldn't say that the fat girl is pushing the
thin one, remember it's the same person. Besides the fat girl's
standards aren't exactly high. In that episode Monica was just extremely
stressed, due to the circumstances.

> >>>> That's what I thought, until Pheebs mentioned his name...
> >>> I live in hope! (crosses his fingers)
> >> It's said that if a short story mentions a shotgun on the wall,
> >> you know that before the tale ends it will be taken down & fired...
> > Lol, wouldn't mind shooting Eddie Cahill....
> Hehe, I'm still hoping to see him in "Felicity", to check him out.

Yeah me too, surely, surely he's not *that* bad!

> >>>> Exactly, but not his fault, he was raised as the favoured one.
> >>> But still we shouldn't place full responsibility on out parents!
> >> In real life perhaps, but the defining characteristics of the six
> >> friends are their various upbringings from bad to worse.
> > Or from rock bottom, to fifty feet of crap!
> Yes, an excellent example. I bet that when Rachel popped that window
> of its frame, she thought that her life wouldn't sink any deeper.

As Cilla Black once put it, "Life is full, full of surpises!"

> >>>>> The worst one I've had is that me and my friend both dreamt, on
> >>>>> same night, that all our friends had died!
> >>>> Both dreams were probably induced by the same event the day
> >>> No, it was a Saturday and we hadn't seen each other, or watched
> >>> same t.v. programs!
> >> As far as you can recall.
> > Well we discussed it on the Monday. We both did completely different
> > things that day, you gotta admit, it is freaky!
> By the time of your discussion, your brains had already edited the
> majority of your memories out, while you slept.

But still, c'mon, that is freaky! We still had the same majority

> >>> Forthcoming eps? Like in 102 they showed bits from TOW George
> >>> Stephanopoulis.
> >> Oh, ISWYM. 102 was just dancing in the fountain, same as 101, which
> >> was all that was ever intended. They changed their mind with 103,
> >> some previewing was inevitable, since there was no earlier
> >> for the editors to draw on. Incidentally, if you look very
> >> you'll find the odd clip that has never been seen on the show...
> > Sorry, I was thinking of 103, but somehow mixed them up. I know what
> > mean by the odd clip. Isn't there one of Ross heading bubbles?
> I can't think what you mean by that.

In some of the opening titles in Season 3, it shows ross trying to head
as in, heading a football, the bubbles coming out of the doll house.

> >>> Remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....
> >> Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.
> > That's the same thing!
> No it isn't! :)


> >>>> Marita Bakken has pointed out that Chandler actually slipped on
> >>>> wife's wedding gown.
> >>> Lol, was that intended!?
> >> I guess it must have been, unless all the other takes were no good.
> > Surely if he said it was the shoes and the floor, it must have been
> > mistake. He slipped after that on the floor. But I gotta grant
> > licence...
> It could be a mistake by Chandler, but not MP or the script.

It all adds to the comedy anyway :)

> >>>>> Maybe Joey is learning a few street tricks from Phoebe then...
> >>>> Hehe, but Joey is the most honest of the six. Anyway, Laura Mouse
> >>>> pointed out that he must have charged the clothes to his room
> >>> Ah yes, makes sense, who is he sharing with?
> >> Most likely Ross, but it doesn't matter. If Joey had cash or a
> >> card he could have shopped outside the hotel, but he didn't.
> > Yes, Chandler still has it from the "take-away mousse" dinner.
> That was nearly seven years ago! Two years after that Joey received
> a new credit card from Visa, and by the next episode his bill was so
> huge that it came in two envelopes. Anyway, after another two years,
> Chandler used his own American Express card to pay for his flight to
> Yemen; and two years after that he had to get it off of Joey (who was
> getting Knicks tickets) to buy the ring, which is the last we heard.

Hehe, I was only kidding. If it was so big, why did they put the bill in
two envelopes? I mean it surely can fit in one big one.

> >>> I can't though, so don't worry...I can wiggle my ears though :)
> >> Oh, me too. I can wiggle them independently, or both together.
> >> I can also make my scalp slide backwards & forwards... :)
> > Me too! Cool, finally someone who can do it too! The funniest thing
> > when people try to wiggle their ears and keep raising their eyebrows
> Oh I know, or they just move their cheeks and think that is wiggling
> their ears, or worse that's what they accuse *you* of doing...

I know! I get very offended, I think I should draft the official rules
of ear wiggling...

> >> High school for Joey was just four years of parties & dating
> >> & sex; while Phoebe spent her teenage years in a cardboard box.
> > Amazing...I'm surprised that they haven't kept any very close
> > from high school.
> Have you seen the list of students from Monica's high school?
> We got up to a staggering 45 in the end...

I remember that, but I meant very close friends.

> >>>>> How many times do you watch an episode?
> >>>> Twice. Once normally for fun, then again intently.
> >>> Yeah me too, but you always notice something new.
> >> Oh yes, and people tell me more, for which I'm grateful. :)
> > Well you can never know everything!
> Thank goodness, it's such fun to learn.

Yes, as long as you understand it!

> > Have they started filming with audiences again yet?
> Not that I've heard of. The anthrax attacks (last week I would have
> said "the anthrax scare") must have put that back even further. :(

I feel so much for the people who've waited for absolutely ages to get
tickets and now can't go. Although I'm not condemning anyone, it annoys
me that people just go to see the cast and not the show.

> > Here's to the return of Angela Delvecchio!
> Oh for sure, except her actress seems to have stopped working.


> >> Eeshk.
> > And today my friend threw coffee on a first former and narrowly
> > an's like slapstick comedy sometimes....
> Not hot coffee?

It had lumps of mouldy bread and biscuits in it!



Oct 20, 2001, 6:01:29 PM10/20/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> > <pregnancy tests>

> >> I don't know about that, but you can trust Monica to see that the test
> >> is carried out properly in accordance with the instructions.
> > Too true. Plus, Phoebe has experience!
> Oooh, Phoebe has experience of being pregnant, but wouldn't Monica (if
> not Rachel) have experience with pregnancy tests, albeit all negative?

Why would you say that? We know that Monica has refused to have sex
in the past without protection (with Richard, the night Rachel gets the
last condom), so she is probably pretty careful. If she has a regular cycle,
she would probably never suspect that she was pregnant and have to take
the test to confirm it. Monica may be obsessive about a lot of things, but
peeing on a stick?

She may have a lot of experience, but I'm not sure why you might suspect it.

> >> He had Richard's car & driver; and even if not, the studio would never
> >> depend on public transport, unless NYC is very different from London.
> > I guess that he could have Richard's car & driver. I never thought of
> > that.
> It's in the dialogue...
> JOEY: So I got your car, it's right outside.

I missed that. Good catch!

> >> And in 121 "TOW the Fake Monica", even Monica
> >> sang "Memo-" at the Wintergarden Theater on 7th Avenue between
> >> Streets which backs onto the famous road, so she's managed
> > I think Cats is considered a Broadway Musical, so maybe the theatre
> > doesn't have to be precisely on Broadway?
> Which theatre is Cats at?

Cats no longer plays on Broadway, but when it did, it was shown at
the Winter Garden Theatre. It holds the record for the longest running
play on Broadway at just under 18 years (opened Oct. 7, 1982 and
closed Sept 11, 2000).

> No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-803,
> and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Oct 20, 2001, 10:51:49 PM10/20/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> > Andrew (Hmm 804 starts now in the US, doesn't it?)
> It was yesterday, but let's wait for my review of S8-04 to discuss it,
> whenever on GGE that turns out to be.

Are you downloading them, or having the episodes posted to you?

Andrew (804 is busily downloading at the moment)

p r i y a

Oct 21, 2001, 2:40:04 PM10/21/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

Apparently a secret it is. She isn't comfortable giving it out online.
She goes by her middle name Elyse. So you can credit her as Jill

> Thanks very much Priya, this is the part that most people have been
> asking me about, especially the hot dog.

You're most welcome :)


Tennant Stuart

Oct 23, 2001, 8:48:16 PM10/23/01
In article <jAaA7.15092$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

>>> Tennant wrote:

>>>>>>>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>>> I can't see her getting fat again, not after going through all of that...

>> I dunno, Monica might - but Courteney won't let her.

> Oh I like that...I can see that the writers enjoy fat Monica...

Oh, when we can see her, she's great.

>> However, I wasn't talking about Monica getting fat again, although she
>> was so lovely in 615/6 "TOT Could Have Been", but of what the fat girl
>> makes the thin girl do. If you watch Monica breaking down in 109 "TOW
>> Underdog Gets Away", you can see how fragile & sensitive the thin girl
>> is, and how hard it is for her to live up to the fat girl's standards.

> Even though I agree...I wouldn't say that the fat girl is pushing the
> thin one, remember it's the same person.

No, she's *part* of the one person. A different part.

> Besides the fat girl's standards aren't exactly high. In that episode
> Monica was just extremely stressed, due to the circumstances.

You mustn't judge the fat girl by what she is like when she is out, and
free to do what she wants. The fat girl that I'm talking about is the one
normally trapped on the inside of Monica. She is never allowed to eat.

>>>> It's said that if a short story mentions a shotgun on the wall, then
>>>> you know that before the tale ends it will be taken down & fired...

>>> Lol, wouldn't mind shooting Eddie Cahill....

>> Hehe, I'm still hoping to see him in "Felicity", to check him out.

> Yeah me too, surely, surely he's not *that* bad!


>> Yes, an excellent example. I bet that when Rachel popped that window
>> out of its frame, she thought that her life wouldn't sink any deeper.

> As Cilla Black once put it, "Life is full, full of surpises!"

OMG, I think I'd rather watch Cahill!

>> By the time of your discussion, your brains had already edited the
>> majority of your memories out, while you slept.

> But still, c'mon, that is freaky! We still had the same majority
> memories!

How do you know? You can't remember the memories that were deleted.

>>> I know what you mean by the odd clip.
>>> Isn't there one of Ross heading bubbles?

>> I can't think what you mean by that.

> In some of the opening titles in Season 3, it shows ross trying to head
> as in, heading a football, the bubbles coming out of the doll house.

OIC - that was S3-20, so the clip *should* be in early Season 4.

>>>>> Remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....

>>>> Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.

>>> That's the same thing!

>> No it isn't! :)

> Ahhhhhh!

Think of this from 114 "TOW the Candy Hearts"...

JANICE: I know that this isn't the end, because you won't let that happen.
Don't you know it yet? You love me, Chandler Bing. Why do you think
we keep ending up together? New Year's? Who invited who? Valentine's?
Who asked who into whose bed? You seek me out. Something deep in your
soul calls out to me, you want me, you need me, you can't live without
me. And you know it. You just don't know you know it.

>> It could be a mistake by Chandler, but not MP or the script.

> It all adds to the comedy anyway :)

For sure.

>> That was nearly seven years ago! Two years after that Joey received
>> a new credit card from Visa, and by the next episode his bill was so
>> huge that it came in two envelopes. Anyway, after another two years,
>> Chandler used his own American Express card to pay for his flight to
>> Yemen; and two years after that he had to get it off of Joey (who was
>> getting Knicks tickets) to buy the ring, which is the last we heard.

> Hehe, I was only kidding. If it was so big, why did they put the bill in
> two envelopes? I mean it surely can fit in one big one.

I dunno, I only get through a few hundred a month.

> I think I should draft the official rules of ear wiggling...

Hehe, which would be?

>> Have you seen the list of students from Monica's high school?

>> We got up to a staggering 45 in the end...

> I remember that, but I meant very close friends.

Well, Rachel's got two.

>>> Here's to the return of Angela Delvecchio!

>> Oh for sure, except her actress seems to have stopped working.

>  ?

This is the filmography for Kim Gillingham...

1986-1987 One Big Family
1987 movie Valet Girls
15/11/1987 Family Ties
1990 movie Corporate Affairs
06/12/1990 Beverly Hills, 90210
circa 1991 Reasonable Doubts
1992 movie Captain America
1993 movie Cigarettes and Coffee
18/03/1993 Silk Stalkings
23/09/1993 Seinfeld
09/02/1994 Grace Under Fire
07/04/1994 Herman's Head
20/10/1994 Friends
10/05/1995 Coach
04/05/1997 Touched by an Angel you can see, she's had just two guest appearances since she
played Angela Delvecchio, and nothing in the last 4½ years.

>> Not hot coffee?

> It had lumps of mouldy bread and biscuits in it!

Well, at least that wasn't dangerous, I guess.

Tennant Stuart

Oct 23, 2001, 9:13:52 PM10/23/01
In article <ZZiA7.17027$>, "Mouse"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>>>>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>>> <pregnancy tests>

Fair enough. I was just going by the probability of averages, assuming
they would have had at least a wobble at some point in their lives.

>>>> He had Richard's car & driver; and even if not, the studio would
>>>> never depend on public transport, unless NYC is very different from
>>>> London.

>>> I guess that he could have Richard's car & driver. I never thought of
>>> that.

>> It's in the dialogue...

>> JOEY: So I got your car, it's right outside.

> I missed that. Good catch!


>>>> And in 121 "TOW the Fake Monica", even Monica sang "Memo-" at the
>>>> Wintergarden Theater on 7th Avenue between 50th/51st Streets which
>>>> backs onto the famous road, so she's managed off-Broadway.

>>> I think Cats is considered a Broadway Musical, so maybe the theatre
>>> doesn't have to be precisely on Broadway?

>> Which theatre is Cats at?

> Cats no longer plays on Broadway, but when it did, it was shown at
> the Winter Garden Theatre.

Ah, that would be why you mentioned it!

I've also corrected the spelling in my copy of the 121 transcript.

> It holds the record for the longest running play on Broadway at just
> under 18 years (opened Oct. 7, 1982 and closed Sept 11, 2000).

It's finished?!?!?

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-804,

and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.


Tennant Stuart

Oct 23, 2001, 9:14:50 PM10/23/01
In article <9qt0ob$qph1s$>, "Corkster"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>>> Andrew (Hmm 804 starts now in the US, doesn't it?)

>> It was yesterday, but let's wait for my review of S8-04 to discuss it,
>> whenever on GGE that turns out to be.

> Are you downloading them, or having the episodes posted to you?

No comment, sorry Andrew.

Tennant Stuart

Oct 23, 2001, 9:20:28 PM10/23/01
In article <>, (p r i y a) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

Fair enough. This is how that section of my review now reads...

*áAccording to a filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, plus another by
*áJill Elyse, the episode began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in
*áthe chapel. Chandler cannot believe that he has just gotten married,
*áwhen Monica notices that his ring is missing, but they pick it up from
*áthe floor. Then the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple.
*áRoss remarks that the wedding had gone well because no-one was drunk,
*áthere were no lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and it was
*áon Chandler & Monica's first try!

*áRoss did tell Jack & Judy that Monica was pregnant. Their mother was
*ávery excited about the possibility of a baby, (at last something that
*áthe favoured son cannot do), but when Monica admitted the truth, Judy
*ádoubts her at first; then when Monica reminds her mother that she did
*áget married that day, Judy grouchily says "whatever".

*áAlso, when Chandler first met Dennis, he was even more embarrassed,
*áand Nora had to explain that her son had always been shy. Then before
*áChandler tried putting sticky tape under his shoes, he first of all
*átried scratching the soles with a fork.

*áBen did have some lines to say. He wondered what his father was doing
*áat the kiddie table, and asked him to move back to the top table, but
*áRoss commented that Molly was eating her grownup salmon en crout. So
*áhe decided to stay there, thus letting Molly enjoy her meal, while he
*átucked into the hotdogs, which Monica had most considerately planned
*áfor her youngest guests at the wedding.

*áSome ideas that must have been good in rehearsal just didn't work out
*áin the studio - Joey wondered if Chandler is 'shooting blanks', Ross
*ápassed a cruel comment on the appropriateness of Gert's name (girt),
*áand Joey sang during his audition speech - but these were all taken
*áout for subsequent takes even though the audience liked them.

*áFurthermore, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
*áthan congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
*áthe same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
*ágoing well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
*áthings go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
*ábackwards - taking her skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
*áJudy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!

Owen Shiers

Oct 24, 2001, 8:25:36 PM10/24/01
> >> However, I wasn't talking about Monica getting fat again, although
> >> was so lovely in 615/6 "TOT Could Have Been", but of what the fat
> >> makes the thin girl do. If you watch Monica breaking down in 109
> >> Underdog Gets Away", you can see how fragile & sensitive the thin
> >> is, and how hard it is for her to live up to the fat girl's
> > Even though I agree...I wouldn't say that the fat girl is pushing
> > thin one, remember it's the same person.
> No, she's *part* of the one person. A different part.

Ok, I see nowm but not an entire complete person. I think Monica has
enough self control to control that part.

> > Besides the fat girl's standards aren't exactly high. In that
> > Monica was just extremely stressed, due to the circumstances.
> You mustn't judge the fat girl by what she is like when she is out,
> free to do what she wants. The fat girl that I'm talking about is the
> normally trapped on the inside of Monica. She is never allowed to eat.

What else would I have to judge her on apart from when she comes out?!

> >> Yes, an excellent example. I bet that when Rachel popped that
> >> out of its frame, she thought that her life wouldn't sink any
> > As Cilla Black once put it, "Life is full, full of surpises!"
> OMG, I think I'd rather watch Cahill!


> >> By the time of your discussion, your brains had already edited the
> >> majority of your memories out, while you slept.
> > But still, c'mon, that is freaky! We still had the same majority
> > memories!
> How do you know? You can't remember the memories that were deleted.

Well it's freaky then that we remembered the same memories!

> >>> I know what you mean by the odd clip.
> >>> Isn't there one of Ross heading bubbles?
> >> I can't think what you mean by that.
> > In some of the opening titles in Season 3, it shows ross trying to
> > as in, heading a football, the bubbles coming out of the doll house.
> OIC - that was S3-20, so the clip *should* be in early Season 4.

The other instance, well kinda, is a different shot of Monica on the
floor cleaning thing.

> >>>>> Remember, Carol didn't know she was a lesbian....
> >>>> Maybe she knew, but she didn't know that she knew.
> >>> That's the same thing!
> >> No it isn't! :)
> > Ahhhhhh!
> Think of this from 114 "TOW the Candy Hearts"...
> JANICE: I know that this isn't the end, because you won't let that
> Don't you know it yet? You love me, Chandler Bing. Why do you
> we keep ending up together? New Year's? Who invited who?
> Who asked who into whose bed? You seek me out. Something deep
in your
> soul calls out to me, you want me, you need me, you can't live
> me. And you know it. You just don't know you know it.
> >> It could be a mistake by Chandler, but not MP or the script.
> > It all adds to the comedy anyway :)
> For sure.


> >> That was nearly seven years ago! Two years after that Joey received
> >> a new credit card from Visa, and by the next episode his bill was
> >> huge that it came in two envelopes. Anyway, after another two
> >> Chandler used his own American Express card to pay for his flight
> >> Yemen; and two years after that he had to get it off of Joey (who
> >> getting Knicks tickets) to buy the ring, which is the last we
> > Hehe, I was only kidding. If it was so big, why did they put the
bill in
> > two envelopes? I mean it surely can fit in one big one.
> I dunno, I only get through a few hundred a month.

Ah so sensible...

> > I think I should draft the official rules of ear wiggling...
> Hehe, which would be?

Urm, you have to wiggle your ears and nothing else!

> >> Have you seen the list of students from Monica's high school?
> >> We got up to a staggering 45 in the end...
> > I remember that, but I meant very close friends.
> Well, Rachel's got two.

But they drifted apart, and Ross doens't really count as he's Monica's

> >>> Here's to the return of Angela Delvecchio!
> >> Oh for sure, except her actress seems to have stopped working.
> > ?
> This is the filmography for Kim Gillingham...
> 1986-1987 One Big Family
> 1987 movie Valet Girls
> 15/11/1987 Family Ties
> 1990 movie Corporate Affairs
> 06/12/1990 Beverly Hills, 90210
> circa 1991 Reasonable Doubts
> 1992 movie Captain America
> 1993 movie Cigarettes and Coffee
> 18/03/1993 Silk Stalkings
> 23/09/1993 Seinfeld
> 09/02/1994 Grace Under Fire
> 07/04/1994 Herman's Head
> 20/10/1994 Friends
> 10/05/1995 Coach
> 04/05/1997 Touched by an Angel
> you can see, she's had just two guest appearances since she
> played Angela Delvecchio, and nothing in the last 4½ years.

Well careers come and go. The great Rolf Harris dissapeared for 10 years
before returning in style with "Animal Hospital"...hehe

> >> Not hot coffee?
> > It had lumps of mouldy bread and biscuits in it!
> Well, at least that wasn't dangerous, I guess.

Yeah, more disgusting!


Tennant Stuart

Oct 24, 2001, 11:09:06 PM10/24/01
In article <isFB7.92045$>, "Owen
Shiers" <> wrote:

> Tennant wrote:

>> No, she's *part* of the one person. A different part.

> Ok, I see nowm but not an entire complete person. I think Monica has
> enough self control to control that part.

She does her best, and Chandler is a big help.

>> You mustn't judge the fat girl by what she is like when she is out, and
>> free to do what she wants. The fat girl that I'm talking about is the
>> one normally trapped on the inside of Monica. She is never allowed to
>> eat.

> What else would I have to judge her on apart from when she comes out?!

That's the tricky bit... :)

>>>> By the time of your discussion, your brains had already edited the
>>>> majority of your memories out, while you slept.

>>> But still, c'mon, that is freaky! We still had the same majority
>>> memories!

>> How do you know? You can't remember the memories that were deleted.

> Well it's freaky then that we remembered the same memories!

Yah, but what you remember as dreaming was the editing process.

> The other instance, well kinda, is a different shot of Monica on the
> floor cleaning thing.

That's right, in the episode she's seen from #20, in the title
sequences they used the reverse shot. They do that quite a lot
actually. The most notorious example is Chandler leaping into
Joey's arms, in the last half of Season 2.

>>> I think I should draft the official rules of ear wiggling...

>> Hehe, which would be?

> Urm, you have to wiggle your ears and nothing else!

Fair enough.

>> Well, Rachel's got two.

> But they drifted apart, and Ross doesn't really count as he's Monica's
> bro.

He ended up as her ex-husband.

>> This is the filmography for Kim Gillingham...

>> 1986-1987 One Big Family
>> 1987 movie Valet Girls
>> 15/11/1987 Family Ties
>> 1990 movie Corporate Affairs
>> 06/12/1990 Beverly Hills, 90210
>> circa 1991 Reasonable Doubts
>> 1992 movie Captain America
>> 1993 movie Cigarettes and Coffee
>> 18/03/1993 Silk Stalkings
>> 23/09/1993 Seinfeld
>> 09/02/1994 Grace Under Fire
>> 07/04/1994 Herman's Head
>> 20/10/1994 Friends
>> 10/05/1995 Coach
>> 04/05/1997 Touched by an Angel

>> you can see, she's had just two guest appearances since she
>> played Angela Delvecchio, and nothing in the last 4½ years.

> Well careers come and go. The great Rolf Harris dissapeared for 10 years
> before returning in style with "Animal Hospital"...hehe


They should call that show "Animal Death Camp".

Tennant Stuart

Nov 5, 2001, 6:06:53 PM11/5/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>> I think the funniest scene in that movie is when Forrest shakes hands
>>> with John F. Kennedy. Simply wonderful stuff!

>> Have you seen "Zelig", by Woody Allen?

> No, I haven't seen that yet, but I guess I should since I liked the
> special effects in "Forrest Gump."

Yep, all pioneered by Allen.

Plus, if you've seen a Making Of documentary for either film, you'll
know that it's the skill of the actor which makes those scenes work,
as he relentlessly tries to copy the exact body movement of whoever
was in the original piece of film, to fit in with what we see.

>>> Can you imagine Rachel strolling around in the apartment in a very bad
>>> mood - and having mood swings to boot?

>> OMG - I hadn't, but I am now. Such fun. How could they play the story,
>> to distance it from 422 "TOW the Worst Best Man Ever"?

> By having Rachel furious one moment, and deliriously happy the next. A
> sobbing Rachel won't be nearly as funny as a crying Phoebe, so I would
> much rather see Rachel in a rage, leaving her push-over habits behind.

She could be like dogs & cats with rabies - rabid dogs are agressive, but
rabid cats become approachable and lick you, which is far more dangerous.

>> It's not 12-16 episodes in a possible ninth season, it's each cast
>> member could make fewer than 24 episodes if they wanted/needed to, but
>> they must agree to a certain minimum, yet to be set, possibly in the
>> range 12-16.

> That's not what I read, sorry. The article I'm referring to clearly
> states that the rumours say that there will be 12-16 episodes per
> season, and it doesn't have anything to do with the cast members not
> appearing in some episodes.

The journo didn't understand it either.

> But who knows anything for certain at this point?

The show is now getting enormous ratings, meaning *huge* revenue for NBC.

>> And they might appear in more than episodes than they make, as happens
>> right now - I've just discovered that CCA was absent from making 805.

> Yes, I read about that.

My collection of filming reports got a little messed up, due to the
new episode numbers, and the fact that I was handling them unseen. :(

>>> It's also when the two Swedish commentators start chatting in their
>>> studio, trying to figure out when the next Swedish nominee will show
>>> up. It was the highlight of their morning when Lasse Hallström was
>>> nominated for "The Cider House Rules" of course.

>> Isn't there a Norwegian version?

> Nope, they only air the short, edited version a week later. Thank
> goodness I had access to Swedish TV. :)


>>>>>> It happened while they were walking down the aisle <SNIP>

>>>>> I know. I *loved* that entire scene. Beautiful, romantic, funny --
>>>>> not to mention shocking.

>>>> Shocking?

>>> Well, yeah, the end was rather shocking, wasn't it?

>> When he asks the priest if he's Joey?

> No, the entire scene. I count the entire ceremony as one scene,
> starting with Chandler walking down the aisle, and ending with the
> close-up on Rachel.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Nei?
>>>>>>>>>>> Ja.
>>>>>>>>>> Jeg også.
>>>>>>>>> Svært bra.
>>>>>>>> Smiler også bredt.
>>>>>>> Imponert over dine kunnskaper i norsk.
>>>>>> Tusen takk.
>>>>> Vær så god.
>>>> Stor smil.
>>> Stort smil.
>>> We use the same system as e.g. the Germans do, so we have to inflect
>>> the adjectives.

>> Ooh, thanks for setting me straight...

>> ..and smacked don-don for not doing it to me in the first place.

> I'm sorry, but I didn't want to be too hard on you and sound too much
> like Ross..

Thanks, but you can be a leather-clad Monica with a whip if you like... ;)

>>> No, but Chloe in a tub of peanut butter is a whole different issue, of
>>> course.

>> Yeah, but I don't like peanu- What am I saying? Who cares?

> My point exactly. I don't like either, though, so I *would* care. ;)

Okay then, just for your sake I'll have Chloe with nothing on.

>>>>> I have fixed all the uncut bits, and I have the music right,
>>>>> though.I can check it again when I have time.

>>>> What name do you have for the priest?

>>> Karrabetsos, Karrabezos or Karrabetzos.
>>> The latter sounds best IMO.

>> Oh, I have Karabetsus.

> I chose Karrabetzos (or Karabetzos) because I was thinking about the
> Greek spelling of tzatziki.

Oh, you're gonna have to expand on that.


>>> Yes. And thanks to this, I have finally realised that I do have this
>>> feature on my newsreader. :)

>> Ruller pa gulvet og ler! (rot13)

> Ghfra gnxx sbe uwrycn! (Gunaxf n ybg sbe gur uryc!)

Vær så god, but the funny thing is that I made a complete balls-up of the
whole thing. When my little message came out "Ehyyre cå thyirg bt yre", I
realised that it couldn't handle the "å", so I changed the letter and did
the rot13 again - not noticing the result was decoded into Norwegian!

Tennant Stuart

Nov 8, 2001, 10:46:25 PM11/8/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>> Plus, if you've seen a Making Of documentary for either film, you'll

>> know that it's the skill of the actor which makes those scenes work,
>> as he relentlessly tries to copy the exact body movement of whoever
>> was in the original piece of film, to fit in with what we see.

> I remember I saw a documentary about Forrest Gump where Tom Hanks had
> to do the handshake (with JFK) over and over again to make it right.


>>> By having Rachel furious one moment, and deliriously happy the next. A
>>> sobbing Rachel won't be nearly as funny as a crying Phoebe, so I would
>>> much rather see Rachel in a rage, leaving her push-over habits behind.

>> She could be like dogs & cats with rabies - rabid dogs are agressive,
>> but rabid cats become approachable and lick you, which is far more
>> dangerous.

> And when she gets mad, she can hiss "Joey!!"

RPGOL! Would he be the only one to dare approach her, or would he be
hiding behind Monica?

>>> That's not what I read, sorry. The article I'm referring to clearly
>>> states that the rumours say that there will be 12-16 episodes per
>>> season, and it doesn't have anything to do with the cast members not
>>> appearing in some episodes.

>> The journo didn't understand it either.

> There's so much confusion about this at the moment, that I won't
> believe anything until I hear it from Warner Bros or NBC.


>>> But who knows anything for certain at this point?

>> The show is now getting enormous ratings, meaning *huge* revenue for NBC.

> Yeah, but the question is whether they'll be able to offer them enough
> money to make them stay. I don't think MLB, MP and CCA will be
> difficult to convince, but I think the bosses at NBC and WB will have
> a difficult time persuading DS, LK and JA.

That's true, not that their movies are anything to write home about.

>>>> And they might appear in more than episodes than they make, as
>>>> happens right now - I've just discovered that CCA was absent from
>>>> making 805.

>>> Yes, I read about that.

>> My collection of filming reports got a little messed up, due to the
>> new episode numbers, and the fact that I was handling them unseen. :(

> Oh, well, better than getting spoiled.


>>>> Isn't there a Norwegian version?

>>> Nope, they only air the short, edited version a week later. Thank
>>> goodness I had access to Swedish TV. :)

>> Erp.

> See why I moved? ;)

But the fjords, and the little red houses...

>>>> Ooh, thanks for setting me straight...

>>>> ..and smacked don-don for not doing it to me in the first place.

>>> I'm sorry, but I didn't want to be too hard on you and sound too much
>>> like Ross..

>> Thanks, but you can be a leather-clad Monica with a whip if you like...
>> ;)

> Lol! You have a dirty little mind..

Yeah - guys suck.

> Besides, I'm not a brunette, sorry...

Blondes & red-heads are good too...

>>>>> No, but Chloe in a tub of peanut butter is a whole different issue,
>>>>> of course.

>>>> Yeah, but I don't like peanu- What am I saying? Who cares?

>>> My point exactly. I don't like either, though, so I *would* care. ;)

>> Okay then, just for your sake I'll have Chloe with nothing on.

> Lol! Okay, you can have her.

Thanks - we can do it on the big copier, and send you the prints...

>>>>> Karrabetsos, Karrabezos or Karrabetzos.
>>>>> The latter sounds best IMO.

>>>> Oh, I have Karabetsus.

>>> I chose Karrabetzos (or Karabetzos) because I was thinking about the
>>> Greek spelling of tzatziki.

>> Oh, you're gonna have to expand on that.

> Tzatziki is a Greek dish, and if that is a rather common spelling
> method, then perhaps the priest used it as well.

Okay, and what's the justification for a double R?

>>>> Ruller pa gulvet og ler! (rot13)

> Great! I didn't know our weird, little letters worked like that...

Well, if you rotate the Norwegian word "rull", you get the English
word "fizz" (rot14), and then "knee" (rot19)... ;)

p r i y a

Nov 11, 2001, 7:54:49 AM11/11/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
> In article <>,

> (p r i y a) wrote:
> > Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> >>>> Drama, and twinkling toes.
> >>>> 801 "TOA They Say I Do"
> > They should probably have some infertility issue for C&M. It'd give them
> > a decent storyline at the least.
> Exactly. But it might not be Chandler...

yes. it'd be truly ironic if Monica who always wanted babies, can't have any.


p r i y a

Nov 11, 2001, 8:01:59 AM11/11/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> In article <>,
> (p r i y a) wrote:
> > Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> > news:<>...
> > Phoebe has always been manipulative.
> Thanks Priya, I've had trouble getting people to see that she stage
> managed the whole museum/booking/ring thing at the end of S6.
> > Chandler too sometimes.
> I'm not saying he isn't, but when was Chandler manipulative?

well not so much manipulative as knowing how to get what he wants, if
he wants it bad enough. He totally pulled the wool over phoebe's eyes
when he convinced her to name the baby after him.
He got Monica to back off from her strict exercise program quite
easily. He managed to fool Ross and get back the money on the cups

> >> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> >> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> > My husband stays away from Spoilers so I watch for his reactions and
> > he totally thought Rach wasnt preggers for a minute there. Sadly I
> > didnt have that joy.
> My first reaction was that it was a fakeout, like Joey pretending he
> didn't get an audition; and my second reaction was that Phoebe would
> not do that, on the totally solid grounds that she's so pretty; then
> I just kinda held my breath in case Monica admitted it *was* her...

Oh my. that would have been wonderful.

> >> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> >> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> >> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> >> error, or did I misunderstand?

> > Maybe Joey just forgot. With all the lies on his Resume. He probably
> > has a hard time remembering what he did and didn't do.
> How could he forget his totally brilliant Penis Envy song? :)

and my memory fails me again. although there are few episodes that I
have missed. so would you clarify please?


Tennant Stuart

Nov 11, 2001, 10:59:24 AM11/11/01
Mardi wrote:

> Tennant wrote:

>> When Ross admitted that he'd told other people that Monica was

>> pregnant, did that include their parents?

> I thought that was likely.

Yes, so it turns out from the filming report.

>> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned
>> expression, isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she
>> was a mother?

> I don't read it that way--I think it's Phoebe being dramatic. I think
> when she improvises like that, she tends to use more extravagent
> language than she normally would. And I'm drawing on a blank as to other
> examples of her having done so, but that's my sense of it. . . .

You might be right, but nothing springs to my mind either.

>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently
>> "Traffic", and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing
>> Phoebe's penchant for much older men. Brolin really is married to
>> Barbra Streisand, whose previous husband was none other than Elliot
>> Gould, who of course plays Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> I think it's more liking a knowing wink.

An in-joke?

>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>> that word "like", and in any case what people say can be inconsistent,
>> and sometimes they lie. But why don't any of these women go to their
>> doctor for verification? Too expensive in America?

> Phoebe could have taken a third test after taking the one that Frank and
> Alice gave her. I think most women do go to their doctors for
> verification, and Phoebe probably did.

Yes, so I've been learning.

I guess I was misled by Phoebe saying "100% sure".

>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at
>> last agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative with her
>> friends?

> I agree, but I don't think I ever argued otherwise. Like you (I saw your
> reference to this in the 8.01 thread), I miss the Phoebe who never lied
> (TOW the Dozen Lasagnes).

Exactly, though maybe she was manipulating Rachel to prevent her from
thinking that Phoebe was trying to get Paolo for herself.

>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> Unfortunately I was slightly spoiled. Your anti-spoilage system must be
> very good if you've managed to avoid spoilers about the pregnancy and
> the identity of the father. People in ATF have been really bad about
> this--e.g. creating subject lines that contain these spoilers. And there
> have been some really nasty people who are indignant about their "right"
> to do so.

Well, the thing was that I knew exactly what it was I didn't know, plus
many fans such as Claire Abraham, Marita Bakken, Pete Bartlett, Robert
Horton and Lora Jeffreys have been both very kind & extremely helpful.

>> At last, Ben made it to one of his father's weddings!

> Oh, ew, that would mean Ross had married Monica! Ben's been to his
> aunt's wedding but not any of his father's weddings.

Ross was Best Man, so he was in charge, not that we saw much of this.

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or did I misunderstand?

> Maybe he feels the off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-off-Broadway
> plays he's been in don't "count" as theater.

Exactly so.

> Personally, I hate the stranglehold that musicals have on Broadway, but
> that's a whole other rant.

Speaking as someone who's sung & danced on stage, that's just as well...

> I know you pointed out in one of your posts that Joey hasn't exactly
> made it big in TV or film, but _Days_ is at least a very widely watched
> serial, and his film with Richard Crosby seems to be a major studio
> release.

Well, a lot of people look down their noses at soaps, and Joey's film
won't be out until the end of Season 8.

>> Once Ross discovered his mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother to get his seat back at the top table?

> Maybe he was afraid that Mona would find out both about his mistake and
> his machinations to be seated at her table.

Maybe she'd feel complimented that he'd go to such trouble?

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a
>> flicker of recognition between him & his son, who was sat right
>> next to him?

> Maybe he was trying out his "cool Ben" persona. Perhaps they have to pay
> the actor more when he speaks, and couldn't because they'd already blown
> their budget for the episode with Nora Bing, Jack and Judy Geller, and
> all the other attendees.

I dunno about the budget, but I like your '"cool Ben" persona' idea.

>> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have
>> the old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as
>> bright as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

> Yes. Hooray! ;)


> I thought JA's performance really made the episode, along with CCA and
> LK's interaction with them. And DS held up his end well, too.

Ah, we just about perfectly agree! :)

Tennant Stuart

Nov 11, 2001, 11:01:45 AM11/11/01
In article <>, (p r i y a) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

Dramatic conflict for the show...

Tennant Stuart

Nov 11, 2001, 11:07:28 AM11/11/01
In article <>, (p r i y a) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>> Chandler has been manipulative sometimes.

>> I'm not saying he isn't, but when was Chandler manipulative?

> well not so much manipulative as knowing how to get what he wants, if he
> wants it bad enough. He totally pulled the wool over phoebe's eyes when
> he convinced her to name the baby after him. He got Monica to back off
> from her strict exercise program quite easily. He managed to fool Ross
> and get back the money on the cups game.

Oh yes, I agree exactly with all of that, and he fooled me with his
baby name scam - that was excellent writing & acting. :)

Of course, naming the baby "Chandler" backfired on him in the end...

>>>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant
>>>> after all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying
>>>> unspoilt...

>>> My husband stays away from Spoilers so I watch for his reactions and
>>> he totally thought Rach wasnt preggers for a minute there. Sadly I
>>> didnt have that joy.

>> My first reaction was that it was a fakeout, like Joey pretending he
>> didn't get an audition; and my second reaction was that Phoebe would
>> not do that, on the totally solid grounds that she's so pretty; then
>> I just kinda held my breath in case Monica admitted it *was* her...

> Oh my. that would have been wonderful.

I knowww!! There was a tiny teeny loophole in the cliffhanger for that.

>> How about Joey's totally brilliant Penis Envy song? :)

> and my memory fails me again. although there are few episodes that I
> have missed. so would you clarify please?

It's from the wonderful teaser to 106 "TOW the Butt". The gang are in
the audience at a theatre, waiting for Joey's play "Freud!" to start.

Note the scary exclamation point in the title.

The lights dim, then brighten on the stage. Joey is playing Sigmund
Freud, who has a female patient named Eva laying on his couch.

"Vell, Eva", says Sigmund, "ve've done some excellent vork here, and
I vould have to say, your pwoblem is qviiite clear."

With that, he goes into this song & dance number...

All you vant is a dingle.
Vot you envy's a schwang.
A thing through vich you can tinkle,
Or play vith, or simply let hang...

Tennant Stuart

Nov 11, 2001, 11:10:06 AM11/11/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>>> She could be like dogs & cats with rabies - rabid dogs are agressive,

>>>> but rabid cats become approachable and lick you, which is far more
>>>> dangerous.

>>> And when she gets mad, she can hiss "Joey!!"

>> RPGOL! Would he be the only one to dare approach her, or would he be
>> hiding behind Monica?

> He would probably ask Gunther for advice since he has experience with
> Mrs Whiskerson. I think Joey would be man enough to take her, though.

The Joey that she backed up against the door in 702 "TOW Rachel's Book"?

>>> Yeah, but the question is whether they'll be able to offer them enough
>>> money to make them stay. I don't think MLB, MP and CCA will be
>>> difficult to convince, but I think the bosses at NBC and WB will have
>>> a difficult time persuading DS, LK and JA.

>> That's true, not that their movies are anything to write home about.

> No, but having watched DS's Uprising, I wouldn't be surprised if he
> wants to continue doing dramas, and JA has a marriage that will put
> her in the spotlight for the next decade. If they're happy with that,
> I don't think they'll be too eager to renew their contracts.

It could be that JA's marriage means she'd prefer to stick to her day job.

>> But the fjords, and the little red houses...

> Awww...that doesn't help if you want to watch the Oscars, though..

Oscars, Schmoscars...

>>> Lol! You have a dirty little mind..

>> Yeah - guys suck.

> Is there a need for a cleansing ritual involving pictures, Fresca,
> grappa and letters?

Maybe chanting, and dancing around naked with sticks.

>>>>> I chose Karrabetzos (or Karabetzos) because I was thinking about the
>>>>> Greek spelling of tzatziki.

>>>> Oh, you're gonna have to expand on that.

>>> Tzatziki is a Greek dish, and if that is a rather common spelling
>>> method, then perhaps the priest used it as well.

>> Okay, and what's the justification for a double R?

> It sounded like a double r to me, but it couild be only one.

Maybe Mari's mother can help us with this.

>>>>>> Ruller pa gulvet og ler! (rot13)

>>> Great! I didn't know our weird, little letters worked like that...

>> Well, if you rotate the Norwegian word "rull", you get the English
>> word "fizz" (rot14), and then "knee" (rot19)... ;)

> Versatile "tool" then! :)

Lol, exactly!

Tennant Stuart

Nov 12, 2001, 5:05:09 PM11/12/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

>>>> RPGOL! Would he be the only one to dare approach her, or would he be
>>>> hiding behind Monica?

>>> He would probably ask Gunther for advice since he has experience with
>>> Mrs Whiskerson. I think Joey would be man enough to take her, though.

>> The Joey that she backed up against the door in 702 "TOW Rachel's Book"?

> No, the Joey that threw her out of the apartment in 715 TOW Joey's New
> Brain.

Hah! Good answer!

But this is pregnant Rachel, with the really heavy mood swings.

If the 702 Joey couldn't handle the rabid cat, would the 715 Joey
be able to handle the rabid dog?

>>> No, but having watched DS's Uprising, I wouldn't be surprised if he
>>> wants to continue doing dramas, and JA has a marriage that will put
>>> her in the spotlight for the next decade. If they're happy with that,
>>> I don't think they'll be too eager to renew their contracts.

>> It could be that JA's marriage means she'd prefer to stick to her day
> job.

> Well, ISTM that she wants to do more independent movies such as "The
> Good Girl," (which will open at Sundance in January) to get away from
> the Rachel stereotype.

How do you square that with JA being happy with a marriage that will put
her in the spotlight for the next decade?

>>>> But the fjords, and the little red houses...

>>> Awww...that doesn't help if you want to watch the Oscars, though..

>> Oscars, Schmoscars...

> Oh, that reminds me, I read a weird quote on my Friends calendar the
> other day. It read:

> Ross: "My Mommies Love Me." That's clever. Were they all out of "Daddy
> Schmaddy" T-shirts?

> Perhaps the last part of the line was cut in episode 202 TOW The
> Breast Milk.

It certainly sounds like it.

We so need that complete set uf *uncut* DVDs.

>>> Is there a need for a cleansing ritual involving pictures, Fresca,
>>> grappa and letters?

>> Maybe chanting, and dancing around naked with sticks.

> Wasn't that like a Thursday night for Helena? :)

Lol, that was bathing in the sweat of six healthy young men.

>>>> Okay, and what's the justification for a double R?

>>> It sounded like a double r to me, but it could be only one.

>> Maybe Mari's mother can help us with this.

> Yeah, she is a linguist, isn't she?

Yes, she is fluent in French, Spanish & Portuguese (and English of
course), but merely speaks German, Italian, Polish, Greek & Latin,
so perhaps you could say something in Norwegian for her... :)

Tennant Stuart

Nov 15, 2001, 1:26:56 AM11/15/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

>>>> The Joey that she backed up against the door in 702 "TOW Rachel's
>>>> Book"?

>>> No, the Joey that threw her out of the apartment in 715 TOW Joey's New
>>> Brain.

>> Hah! Good answer!
>> But this is pregnant Rachel, with the really heavy mood swings.

> Perhaps this isn't about physical strength at all.

Oh for sure, when it comes to courage, Rachel is hard to beat.

>> If the 702 Joey couldn't handle the rabid cat, would the 715 Joey
>> be able to handle the rabid dog?

> Joey is capable of melting dozens of women's hearts, so why not use
> that ability to calm her down? He'd do a much better job than Ross and
> Chandler IMO. Chandler would blurt out something strange and make her
> mad, while Ross would either bore her to death or make her furious.

Oh, I like the cut of your jib there, sweetie! :)

But then what happened at the end of 702?

>>> Well, ISTM that she wants to do more independent movies such as "The
>>> Good Girl," (which will open at Sundance in January) to get away from
>>> the Rachel stereotype.

>> How do you square that with JA being happy with a marriage that will put
>> her in the spotlight for the next decade?

> I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. JA has said that she feels
> almost as if Rachel is a part of her, and I get the feeling that she
> wants to get away from "The Rachel." That certainly was the case with
> "Rock Star," where she seemed to try to act as wild as possible in
> order to prove that there was more to her than Rachel Green. By doing
> films like "The Good Girl" she tries to distance herself from the
> show, and because she has her bank account and a "rather" rich
> husband, she can afford to make small, independent movies, where the
> salary isn't as big as the salary she's used to. What I'm saying is
> that even if her movie dreams fail, and she is stuck making romantic
> comedies for the rest of her career, she still has her marriage and
> her status as one half of Hollywood's "Golden Couple" to fall back on.

> I'm being very cynical here, but I think that is how you have to look
> at cases like these.

Yeah, I see what you mean, I'm just saying she already has the fame.

>>> Ross: "My Mommies Love Me." That's clever. Were they all out of
>>> "Daddy Schmaddy" T-shirts?

>>> Perhaps the last part of the line was cut in episode 202 TOW The
>>> Breast Milk.

>> It certainly sounds like it.
>> We so need that complete set uf *uncut* DVDs.

> I know. However, if we get only twelve uncut episodes a year from
> season 1-6, we'll have to wait quite a while to get them all...

Yep, and we could use *some* uncut episodes from Season 7...

>>>> Maybe chanting, and dancing around naked with sticks.

>>> Wasn't that like a Thursday night for Helena? :)

>> Lol, that was bathing in the sweat of six healthy young men.

> Yeah, but it also involved dancing naked in a field of heather. Who's
> to say they didn't chant and have sticks?

RPGOL, why not? :)

>>>> Maybe Mari's mother can help us with this.

>>> Yeah, she is a linguist, isn't she?

>> Yes, she is fluent in French, Spanish & Portuguese (and English of
>> course), but merely speaks German, Italian, Polish, Greek & Latin,
>> so perhaps you could say something in Norwegian for her... :)

> Gosh! I'm impressed! :)

Coming from someone like you, that's a lot. :)

> She would probably understand a bit of Norwegian as well. It's not
> that different from e.g. English and German.

Probably. Can you think of something nice & tricky?

Tennant Stuart

Nov 19, 2001, 5:30:01 PM11/19/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>>> Hah! Good answer!

>>>> But this is pregnant Rachel, with the really heavy mood swings.

>>> Perhaps this isn't about physical strength at all.

>> Oh for sure, when it comes to courage, Rachel is hard to beat.

> She has faced The Fear.. But then again, Joey has faced The Fear more
> times than her.

Yeah, but she has faced a bigger Fear than Joey.

> As for starting a brand new life, she is the strongest of them all.


>>> Joey is capable of melting dozens of women's hearts, so why not use
>>> that ability to calm her down? He'd do a much better job than Ross and
>>> Chandler IMO. Chandler would blurt out something strange and make her
>>> mad, while Ross would either bore her to death or make her furious.

>> Oh, I like the cut of your jib there, sweetie! :)

> Thanks.


>> But then what happened at the end of 702?

> Good question. Perhaps he was intimidated by her because she was *too*
> strong.

Yeah. Good point.

>>> I'm being very cynical here, but I think that is how you have to look
>>> at cases like these.

>> Yeah, I see what you mean, I'm just saying she already has the fame.

> But if she loses the show and doesn't get any new movies, she cannot
> rely on her hairdos to put her on the cover of numerous magazines in
> the future.

That's why she should stay in the show.

> Mind you, she reveals that she'd like to start producing or developing
> stuff in the new issue of TV Guide.

Easier said than done, unless she & Mr.Pitt finance it.

>>> I know. However, if we get only twelve uncut episodes a year from
>>> season 1-6, we'll have to wait quite a while to get them all...

>> Yep, and we could use *some* uncut episodes from Season 7...

> What do you mean? Such as the "missing" uncut version of 721 TOW The
> Vows and more from 703 TOW Phoebe's Cookies?

More than that. The extended versions on DVD are often described as
"uncut", but they're not. To give an example, 715 was supersized on
NBC, and the DVD is even longer, but we still didn't get Phoebe &
Ross duetting in Central Perk.

>>>>>> Maybe chanting, and dancing around naked with sticks.

>>>>> Wasn't that like a Thursday night for Helena? :)

>>>> Lol, that was bathing in the sweat of six healthy young men.

>>> Yeah, but it also involved dancing naked in a field of heather. Who's
>>> to say they didn't chant and have sticks?

>> RPGOL, why not?

> Exactly. However, this whole scenario was probably so bizarre, that we
> cannot even start to imagine it..

Eep, indeedy...

>>>> Yes, she is fluent in French, Spanish & Portuguese (and English of
>>>> course), but merely speaks German, Italian, Polish, Greek & Latin,
>>>> so perhaps you could say something in Norwegian for her... :)

>>> Gosh! I'm impressed! :)

>> Coming from someone like you, that's a lot. :)

> I'm not a linguist, you know. :)
> I just took a linguistics class at the university once.

Yes I know, but your English is better than most Britons/Americans.

>>> She would probably understand a bit of Norwegian as well. It's not
>>> that different from e.g. English and German.

>> Probably. Can you think of something nice & tricky?

> Det står en krukke med jordbærsyltetøy på bordet, mens agurkene og
> gulrøttene er i kjøleskapet.

> It's a bizarre sentence, but I tried to come up with lots of words
> that you can only find in Norwegian. :)

Ooh, delicious! I'll see what she says...

Paul Hyett

Nov 23, 2001, 8:29:13 AM11/23/01
On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>>> Oh for sure, when it comes to courage, Rachel is hard to beat.
>> She has faced The Fear.. But then again, Joey has faced The Fear more
>> times than her.
>Yeah, but she has faced a bigger Fear than Joey.

Well, Joey isn't really that scary. :)
Paul 'US Sitcom Fan' Hyett - The Wild Frame Grabber of the Net!

Website at

Tennant Stuart

Nov 24, 2001, 5:22:26 AM11/24/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>> She has faced The Fear.. But then again, Joey has faced The Fear more
>>> times than her.

>> Yeah, but she has faced a bigger Fear than Joey.

> Well, yeah. As for unemployment, I guess poor Joey was so used to
> being unemployed, that his Fear disappeared in the end.

That's right, and he never had to give up his whole way of life.

>>> But if she loses the show and doesn't get any new movies, she cannot
>>> rely on her hairdos to put her on the cover of numerous magazines in
>>> the future.

>> That's why she should stay in the show.

> Let's hope so. :)

I've just crossed the saucepan handles...

>>> Mind you, she reveals that she'd like to start producing or developing
>>> stuff in the new issue of TV Guide.

>> Easier said than done, unless she & Mr.Pitt finance it.

> I guess that would go for both film projects and babies. BTW, they are
> apparently thinking about starting their own production company.

Lol, I hope they don't name it after Rachel's favourite book.

>> 715 was supersized on NBC, and the DVD is even longer, but we still
>> didn't get Phoebe & Ross duetting in Central Perk.

> There's a big picture of Ross and Phoebe at Central Perk in the lost
> tag scene from 715 in the new official Friends calendar for 2002.

Oooooh, is that picture on the net anywhere?

>>> I'm not a linguist, you know. :)
>>> I just took a linguistics class at the university once.

>> Yes I know, but your English is better than most Britons/Americans.

> Gosh, thanks. :)

Vær så god.

>>> Det står en krukke med jordbærsyltetøy på bordet, mens agurkene og
>>> gulrøttene er i kjøleskapet.

>>> It's a bizarre sentence, but I tried to come up with lots of words
>>> that you can only find in Norwegian. :)

>> Ooh, delicious! I'll see what she says...

> Let me know!

She says she'll ask her mother next time she's around & not too busy.

Tennant Stuart

Nov 24, 2001, 5:25:20 AM11/24/01
In article <yjhqcBCZjg$>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

>>> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

Okay, Rachel has faced a bigger Fear than Joey has.

Tennant Stuart

Nov 27, 2001, 12:33:35 AM11/27/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>>>> She has faced The Fear.. But then again, Joey has faced The Fear more
>>>>> times than her.

>>>> Yeah, but she has faced a bigger Fear than Joey.

>>> Well, yeah. As for unemployment, I guess poor Joey was so used to

>>> being unemployed, that his Fear disappeared in the end.

>> That's right, and he never had to give up his whole way of life.

> Yeah, he made it a part of him. However, I must say that I like season
> 8 Joey (who has a job) better than the unemployed Joey.

I like Season 8 Joey too, but is it because he has a job?

>>>> That's why she should stay in the show.

>>> Let's hope so. :)

>> I've just crossed the saucepan handles...

> It just hit me last night. If there isn't a season 9, I have about 15
> episodes left.. It sounds rather unbelievable.

I'm working on the principle that I have about 212 episodes left...

>>> I guess that would go for both film projects and babies. BTW, they are
>>> apparently thinking about starting their own production company.

>> Lol, I hope they don't name it after Rachel's favourite book.

> RPGOL!!! That could come off as rather shocking if Hollywood's golden
> couple entered that business, don't you think?

It could be almost as lucrative as appearing in "Friends"... :)

>>> There's a big picture of Ross and Phoebe at Central Perk in the lost
>>> tag scene from 715 in the new official Friends calendar for 2002.

>> Oooooh, is that picture on the net anywhere?

> I have never seen it before. If I'd had a scanner, I would send it to
> you, of course, but I don't have one at the moment. If you cannot find
> it somewhere else, I can try to scan it in a month or so.

Okay, it's no rush. It would be an idea if someone put all the
calendar pix up, they're rather good.

>>>>> Det står en krukke med jordbærsyltetøy på bordet, mens agurkene og
>>>>> gulrøttene er i kjøleskapet.

>>>>> It's a bizarre sentence, but I tried to come up with lots of words
>>>>> that you can only find in Norwegian. :)

>>>> Ooh, delicious! I'll see what she says...

>>> Let me know!

>> She says she'll ask her mother next time she's around & not too busy.

> It'll be interesting to see what she comes up with.

She says she hasn't had a chance yet, as she doesn't see her that often.

Tennant Stuart

Dec 3, 2001, 12:44:38 AM12/3/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>> Yeah, he made it a part of him. However, I must say that I like season

>>> 8 Joey (who has a job) better than the unemployed Joey.

>> I like Season 8 Joey too, but is it because he has a job?

> Not really, that is just an added bonus. To be able to watch him as
> Dr. Drake is hilarious, but there is something else to Joey's
> character this season that has nothing to do with his job. It's a
> maturity that hasn't been shown properly before. Sure, we've seen it
> once in a while, but we see it in every episode nowadays..

Ah, I'm glad you said that sweetie, I was thinking that too. :)

>>> It just hit me last night. If there isn't a season 9, I have about 15
>>> episodes left.. It sounds rather unbelievable.

>> I'm working on the principle that I have about 212 episodes left...

> Lol! That's going to make it really hard to remember all the episode
> titles.

You mean that you know all the 181 titles so far?

>>> I have never seen it before. If I'd had a scanner, I would send it to
>>> you, of course, but I don't have one at the moment. If you cannot find
>>> it somewhere else, I can try to scan it in a month or so.

>> Okay, it's no rush. It would be an idea if someone put all the
>> calendar pix up, they're rather good.

> Yes, they're really good actually. Next year's calendar has pictures
> from 702, 706, 707, 709, 710, 712, 715, 716 and 717. (And no Tag!!)

Does that mean that three episodes have two months each?

>>>> She says she'll ask her mother next time she's around & not too busy.

>>> It'll be interesting to see what she comes up with.

>> She says she hasn't had a chance yet, as she doesn't see her that often.

> There's no rush. :)

Well, Mrs.Szutenberg gave your piece a funny look, started saying "That is
in short..." and then changed the funny-look over to her daughter and said,
"Why are you asking me? I don't speak Norwegian." So Mari explained, and
her mother said, "I have some Norwegian books if you want to look it up."

Tennant Stuart

Dec 7, 2001, 1:33:18 PM12/7/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Dec 2001 00:44:38 GMT, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>>> I like Season 8 Joey too, but is it because he has a job?

>>> Not really, that is just an added bonus. To be able to watch him as
>>> Dr. Drake is hilarious, but there is something else to Joey's
>>> character this season that has nothing to do with his job. It's a
>>> maturity that hasn't been shown properly before. Sure, we've seen it
>>> once in a while, but we see it in every episode nowadays..

>> Ah, I'm glad you said that sweetie, I was thinking that too. :)

> Good. He's amazing this season, and fortunately, the critics think so
> as well.

Now all we need to do is convince some of the fans, who seem to think
that we're still in Season 6.

>>>> I'm working on the principle that I have about 212 episodes left...

>>> Lol! That's going to make it really hard to remember all the episode
>>> titles.

>> You mean that you know all the 181 titles so far?

> <ashamed> Yep.</ashamed> I had way too much time on my hands last
> summer.

Eek. I can remember 801-811 with a bit of a struggle (I've just gone
through them) but if I try to do 101-724 I get stuck at 106.

>>>>> I have never seen it before. If I'd had a scanner, I would send it
>>>>> to you, of course, but I don't have one at the moment. If you cannot
>>>>> find it somewhere else, I can try to scan it in a month or so.

>>>> Okay, it's no rush. It would be an idea if someone put all the
>>>> calendar pix up, they're rather good.

>>> Yes, they're really good actually. Next year's calendar has pictures
>>> from 702, 706, 707, 709, 710, 712, 715, 716 and 717. (And no Tag!!)

>> Does that mean that three episodes have two months each?

> No, here's the rundown:

> September-December 2001 - Ross and Joey hanging from the ladder in 712
> January 2002 - Rachel trying to seduce Joey in 702
> February 2002 - Phoebe and Ross playing in Central Perk in 715

Don't forget to take the calendar to Norway to scan that for me, please.

> March 2002 - Monica thanking Chandler for saving her from the angry
> mob in 709
> April 2002 - Chandler, Joey and Ross with their "oily T-zones" in 717
> May 2002 - Ross teaching Phoebe to ride a bike in 709
> June 2002 - Fat Joey and Monica in the kitchen in 716
> July 2002 - Chandler holding a desperate Monica as they try to get rid
> of Janice in 707
> August 2002 - Phoebe, Rachel and Monica having lunch in 706
> September 2002 - Rachel and Ross at Rachel's 30th birthday party in
> 714
> October 2002 - Rachel hugging Joey as she asks him not to get married
> before her in 707
> November 2002 - Ross and Joey taking a nap together in Joey and
> Rachel's apartment in 706
> December 2002 - Monica and the holiday armadillo in 710

Well, I didn't know about the September-December 2001 page, but that's
still three episodes having two months each - 706, 707, 709

702 January 2002
706 August 2002
706 November 2002
707 July 2002
707 October 2002
709 March 2002
709 May 2002
710 December 2002
712 Sep-Dec 2001
714 September 2002
715 February 2002
716 June 2002
717 April 2002

>> Well, Mrs.Szutenberg gave your piece a funny look, started saying "That
>> is in short..." and then changed the funny-look over to her daughter
>> and said, "Why are you asking me? I don't speak Norwegian." So Mari
>> explained, and her mother said, "I have some Norwegian books if you
>> want to look it up."

> Okay. What it means is:

> (Det står en krukke med jordbærsyltetøy på bordet, mens agurkene og
> gulrøttene er i kjøleskapet.)

> "There is a jar with strawberry jam on the table, while the cucumbers
> and the carrots are in the fridge."

Ahah - and these would be particularly native Norwegian words?

Tennant Stuart

Dec 13, 2001, 12:26:58 AM12/13/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>> Good. He's amazing this season, and fortunately, the critics think so
>>> as well.

>> Now all we need to do is convince some of the fans, who seem to think
>> that we're still in Season 6.

> I wonder if any of the cast will be nominated for Golden Globes this
> year. The nominations will be announced next Thursday. Friends better
> get a nod in the best comedy series category!


>>>> You mean that you know all the 181 titles so far?

>>> <ashamed> Yep.</ashamed> I had way too much time on my hands last
>>> summer.

>> Eek. I can remember 801-811 with a bit of a struggle (I've just gone
>> through them) but if I try to do 101-724 I get stuck at 106.

> It's not that difficult, really. I tried to say them to myself now,

How long does that take?

> and fortunately, I still know them. In the beginning I used to forget
> either 311 or 411, which means that I really remember those two now.

Oh, I knew 311 straight off, since it's a classic; but I couldn't think
of what 411 was. Then I remembered that 412 is a classic, and so I knew
the one before, since it starts up the pregnancy story.

>>> September-December 2001 - Ross and Joey hanging from the ladder in 712
>>> January 2002 - Rachel trying to seduce Joey in 702
>>> February 2002 - Phoebe and Ross playing in Central Perk in 715

>> Don't forget to take the calendar to Norway to scan that for me, please.

> Don't worry, I will. :)


>>> "There is a jar with strawberry jam on the table, while the cucumbers
>>> and the carrots are in the fridge."

>> Ahah - and these would be particularly native Norwegian words?

> Well, there are a few similar words in Swedish and Danish, but they
> are rather distinct.

Check. I've told Mari, and await a reply.

Tennant Stuart

Dec 15, 2001, 1:30:21 PM12/15/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>> I wonder if any of the cast will be nominated for Golden Globes this
>>> year. The nominations will be announced next Thursday. Friends better
>>> get a nod in the best comedy series category!

>> Absolutely.

> Better start the countdown..

Since you said "next Thursday" on Tuesday, the nominations must have
been announced last Thursday, so what happened?

>>>> Eek. I can remember 801-811 with a bit of a struggle (I've just gone
>>>> through them) but if I try to do 101-724 I get stuck at 106.

>>> It's not that difficult, really. I tried to say them to myself now,

>> How long does that take?

> Exactly five minutes.

Gosh. When I got stuck at 106, I looked it up, so then I learnt what
that is - so I've just had another go. I now get stuck at 108.

>>> and fortunately, I still know them. In the beginning I used to forget
>>> either 311 or 411, which means that I really remember those two now.

>> Oh, I knew 311 straight off, since it's a classic; but I couldn't think
>> of what 411 was. Then I remembered that 412 is a classic, and so I knew
>> the one before, since it starts up the pregnancy story.

> It's also the one where Monica laid the groundwork for her current
> sex-life.

Did she? <checks> oh yes!

Do you think that Monica having sex seven times in one night was a
numerical reminder by Seth Kurland, who wrote both 411 and 501?

>>>>> "There is a jar with strawberry jam on the table, while the cucumbers
>>>>> and the carrots are in the fridge."

>>>> Ahah - and these would be particularly native Norwegian words?

>>> Well, there are a few similar words in Swedish and Danish, but they
>>> are rather distinct.

>> Check. I've told Mari, and await a reply.

> Hehe, great!

Still waiting.

Tennant Stuart

Dec 22, 2001, 12:26:16 PM12/22/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>>>> I wonder if any of the cast will be nominated for Golden Globes this
>>>>> year. The nominations will be announced next Thursday. Friends better
>>>>> get a nod in the best comedy series category!

>>>> Absolutely.

>>> Better start the countdown..

>> Since you said "next Thursday" on Tuesday, the nominations must have
>> been announced last Thursday, so what happened?

> Sorry, my mistake, I meant "next Thursday" as in this week. They were
> announced on December 20th.

Okay, so *now* it's last Thursday, so what happened?

>>>>>> Eek. I can remember 801-811 with a bit of a struggle (I've just gone
>>>>>> through them) but if I try to do 101-724 I get stuck at 106.

>>>>> It's not that difficult, really. I tried to say them to myself now,

>>>> How long does that take?

>>> Exactly five minutes.

>> Gosh. When I got stuck at 106, I looked it up, so then I learnt what
>> that is - so I've just had another go. I now get stuck at 108.

> So I assume you know what you'll be doing this Christmas then...? j/k

Hehe - I might give it a go at 11:30am on February 12th...

>>> It's also the one where Monica laid the groundwork for her current
>>> sex-life.

>> Did she? <checks> oh yes!

>> Do you think that Monica having sex seven times in one night was a
>> numerical reminder by Seth Kurland, who wrote both 411 and 501?

> Lol! Could be! Also, 7 times "seven!!" is 49, and 49 times 2 good
> friends is 98, which is the episode number of 501... ;)
> Once again, a dirty math problem.

Ooh yes. What about Monica's seven electric shocks?

>>>>>>> "There is a jar with strawberry jam on the table, while the
>>>>>>> cucumbers and the carrots are in the fridge."

>>>>>> Ahah - and these would be particularly native Norwegian words?

>>>>> Well, there are a few similar words in Swedish and Danish, but they
>>>>> are rather distinct.

>>>> Check. I've told Mari, and await a reply.

>>> Hehe, great!

>> Still waiting.

> Okay.

She just says never mind, her mum was not helpful. :(

Tennant Stuart

Dec 22, 2001, 6:41:21 PM12/22/01
In article <>,
(Smack92) wrote:

> I thought they were anounced this week...was that just movies?

Do you mean the Golden Globes, by any chance?

You'd be easier to follow if you quoted the bit you're referring to.

Tennant Stuart

Tennant Stuart

Dec 24, 2001, 12:39:11 AM12/24/01
In article <>,
(Marita Bakken) wrote:

> On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 12:26:16 GMT, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>>> Since you said "next Thursday" on Tuesday, the nominations must have
>>>> been announced last Thursday, so what happened?

>>> Sorry, my mistake, I meant "next Thursday" as in this week. They were
>>> announced on December 20th.

>> Okay, so *now* it's last Thursday, so what happened?

> Well, both JA and Friends were nominated, so it'll be interesting to
> watch the awards show. The Golden Globes will be handed out on January
> 20th, BTW.

Oh, yay!

>>>> Gosh. When I got stuck at 106, I looked it up, so then I learnt what
>>>> that is - so I've just had another go. I now get stuck at 108.

>>> So I assume you know what you'll be doing this Christmas then...? j/k

>> Hehe - I might give it a go at 11:30am on February 12th...

> Why? What happens then?

My next appointment at the dentist's...

>>>> Do you think that Monica having sex seven times in one night was a
>>>> numerical reminder by Seth Kurland, who wrote both 411 and 501?

>>> Lol! Could be! Also, 7 times "seven!!" is 49, and 49 times 2 good
>>> friends is 98, which is the episode number of 501... ;)
>>> Once again, a dirty math problem.

>> Ooh yes. What about Monica's seven electric shocks?

> Lol! Yeah, that was sort of an epitome of her loneliness in season 4..

Awww... Seven is also how many thousand dollars Phoebe paid Chandler to
stop smoking, the years that Ross & Carol lasted, the grade Rachel was
in when she peed in her pants, Joey's sisters, how many hundred dollars
NYU paid Joey for his project, Rachel's age as Richard Burke kissed her,
the planet Blargon, Richard's position on Monica's speed dial, how many
beings missed Joey, the number of beers Joey drank during his sailing
lesson, how many Easy bake ovens Monica had, and Joey's shoe size...

>>>>>>>>> "There is a jar with strawberry jam on the table, while the
>>>>>>>>> cucumbers and the carrots are in the fridge."

>>>>>>>> Ahah - and these would be particularly native Norwegian words?

>>>>>>> Well, there are a few similar words in Swedish and Danish, but they
>>>>>>> are rather distinct.

>>>>>> Check. I've told Mari, and await a reply.

>>>>> Hehe, great!

>>>> Still waiting.

>>> Okay.

>> She just says never mind, her mum was not helpful. :(

> IC.

Yeah. Shall we forget this?

Tennant Stuart

Dec 29, 2001, 12:23:58 PM12/29/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Dec 2001 00:39:11 GMT, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>> Well, both JA and Friends were nominated, so it'll be interesting to
>>> watch the awards show. The Golden Globes will be handed out on January
>>> 20th, BTW.

>> Oh, yay!

> I know! What's interesting is that the Golden Globes have only one
> category for supporting actresses, which means that she was nominated
> together with Tammy Blanchard, Life with Judy Garland: Me and My
> Shadows (TV-movie); Rachel Griffiths, Six Feet Under; Allison Janney,
> The West Wing; and Megan Mullally, Will & Grace.

It will probably be Megan Mullally then - although I must admit that W&G
has improved in Season 4, now that that Karen & Jack are less cartoonish.

>>>>>> Gosh. When I got stuck at 106, I looked it up, so then I learnt what
>>>>>> that is - so I've just had another go. I now get stuck at 108.

>>>>> So I assume you know what you'll be doing this Christmas then...? j/k

>>>> Hehe - I might give it a go at 11:30am on February 12th...

>>> Why? What happens then?

>> My next appointment at the dentist's...

> Lol! Good choice!


>>>> Ooh yes. What about Monica's seven electric shocks?

>>> Lol! Yeah, that was sort of an epitome of her loneliness in season 4..

>> Awww... Seven is also how many thousand dollars Phoebe paid Chandler to
>> stop smoking, the years that Ross & Carol lasted, the grade Rachel was
>> in when she peed in her pants, Joey's sisters, how many hundred dollars
>> NYU paid Joey for his project, Rachel's age as Richard Burke kissed her,
>> the planet Blargon, Richard's position on Monica's speed dial, how many
>> beings missed Joey, the number of beers Joey drank during his sailing
>> lesson, how many Easy bake ovens Monica had, and Joey's shoe size...

> And the time when Chandler thought he was supposed to meet Monica at
> the coffee house.

Oh, there were a lot more that I left out... ;)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 2, 2002, 12:53:59 PM1/2/02
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 12:23:58 GMT, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>> I know! What's interesting is that the Golden Globes have only one
>>> category for supporting actresses, which means that she was nominated
>>> together with Tammy Blanchard, Life with Judy Garland: Me and My
>>> Shadows (TV-movie); Rachel Griffiths, Six Feet Under; Allison Janney,
>>> The West Wing; and Megan Mullally, Will & Grace.

>> It will probably be Megan Mullally then - although I must admit that W&G
>> has improved in Season 4, now that that Karen & Jack are less cartoonish.

> I wouldn't be too sure. After all, she didn't win the Emmy; the Emmy
> went to Doris Roberts, and she isn't even nominated this time around.


> Jennifer might have a chance, but Allison Janney probably has the
> biggest chance of them all.


>>>> Awww... Seven is also how many thousand dollars Phoebe paid Chandler
>>>> to stop smoking, the years that Ross & Carol lasted, the grade Rachel
>>>> was in when she peed in her pants, Joey's sisters, how many hundred
>>>> dollars NYU paid Joey for his project, Rachel's age as Richard Burke
>>>> kissed her, the planet Blargon, Richard's position on Monica's speed
>>>> dial, how many beings missed Joey, the number of beers Joey drank
>>>> during his sailing lesson, how many Easy bake ovens Monica had, and
>>>> Joey's shoe size...

>>> And the time when Chandler thought he was supposed to meet Monica at
>>> the coffee house.

>> Oh, there were a lot more that I left out... ;)

> I figured..
> "Yeah and if I had seven, maybe I would've said something like this,
> 'Wow! My boyfriend's such a wise ass.. seven!'" :)


"Funny, my birthday was seven months ago."
"I do have a laundry room in my building, say, sevenish?"
"I've been here seven seconds and you haven't asked me how my date went."
"The last candle's about to burn out. 10, 9, 8, 7..."
"That table place closes at seven."
"The whole um, seven dog years to one human year thing."
"I've waited seven years for an opportunity like this."
"I raise you... seven."
"Rachel Green, bunk seven."
"I haven't heard from her in seven months."

..and all those were from just the first season. Shall I go on? :)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 5, 2002, 1:58:50 AM1/5/02
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Wed, 02 Jan 2002 12:53:59 GMT, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>> Jennifer might have a chance, but Allison Janney probably has the
>>> biggest chance of them all.

>> Ah.

> Yep, there's something about The West Wing that makes the critics love
> the show.

Sucking up to the government?

> A friend and I tried to come up with all the references to Thanksgiving
> a couple of weeks ago, and we found so many, that I can't even imagine
> how many references there are to "seven." :)

Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"...

109 "TOW Underdog Gets Away"

RACHEL: It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family.

MONICA: Did you know Mom & Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?

ROSS: How can they do this to us, huh? It's Thanksgiving.

PHOEBE: We're celebrating Thanksgiving in December 'cause he is lunar.

MONICA: Chandler, here you go, got your traditional Thanksgiving feast,
you got your tomato soup, your grilled cheese fixin's, and your
family size bag of Funyuns.

RACHEL: Wait, Chandler, this is what you're havin' for Thanksgiving
dinner? What, what, what is it with you and this holiday?

CHANDLER: We just finished this magnificent Thanksgiving dinner. I
have... and I remember this part vividly... a mouthful of
pumpkin pie, and this is the moment my parents choose to
tell me they're getting divorced.

CHANDLER: Yes. It's very difficult to appreciate a Thanksgiving dinner
once you've seen it in reverse.

JOEY: Set another place for Thanksgiving. My family thinks I have VD.

MONICA: Why? Because everything is my responsibility? Isn't it enough
that I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for everyone? You know,
everyone wants a different kind of potatoes, so I'm making
different kinds of potatoes. Does anybody care what kind of
potatoes I want? Nooooo, no! (starting to cry) Just as long
as Phoebe gets her peas & onions, and Mario gets his tots,
and it's my first Thanksgiving, and it's all burned, and,
and I... I... (her wailing rises ever higher in pitch.)

MONICA: Oh, really? So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious
Thanksgiving dinner?

CHANDLER: Now this feels like Thanksgiving.

PHOEBE: Ugly Naked Guy's taking his turkey out of the oven. Oh my
god. He's not alone. Ugly Naked Guy's having Thanksgiving
dinner with Ugly Naked Gal.

PHOEBE: Come on, you know, Thanksgiving. Ooh, you got the bigger half.
What'd you wish for?

CHANDLER: I'd like to propose a toast. Little toast here, ding ding. I
know this isn't the kind of Thanksgiving that all of you all
planned, but for me, this has been really great, you know, I
think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile
vomiting. Anyway, I was just thinking, I mean, if you'd gone
to Vail, and if you guys'd been with your family, if you
didn't have syphilis and stuff, we wouldn't be all together,
you know? So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm very
thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked.

208 "TOW the List"

RASTATTER: No, ma'am. Well, anyhoo, we should be getting our F.D.A.
approval any day now, hopefully, in time for Thanksgiving.

RASTATTER: But, we're thinking, given the right marketing, we can
make Thanksgiving the Mockolate holiday.

RASTATTER: Well, anyhoo, um, we are looking for a couple of chefs who
can create some Thanksgiving-themed recipes. You think you
might be interested?

MONICA: Abso... (swallows hard)... lutely. See, I love creating new
recipes. I love Thanksgiving. And, well, now, I love Mockolate.

PHOEBE: It's not, it's not very Thanksgivingy.

222 "TOW Two Parties"

RACHEL: This is it, isn't it? I mean, this is what my life is gonna be
like. My mom there, my dad there. Thanksgiving, Christmas. She
gets the house, he's in some condo my sister's gonna decorate
with wicker. Oh, Chandler how did you get through this?

309 "TOW the Football"

PHOEBE: Hey, it's your Thanksgiving too, y'know, instead of watching
football, you could help.

MONICA: Well, every, every Thanksgiving um, we used to have a touch
football game called the 'Geller Bowl'.

CHANDLER: Guys! Guys! Come on! It's Thanksgiving, it's not important
who wins or loses. The important thing is, the Dutch girl
picked me! Me! Not you! Holland loves Chandler! Thankyou,
Amsterdam! Good night!!

408 "TOW Chandler in a Box"

PHOEBE: Look everyone, it's the spirit of Thanksgiving!

TIMOTHY: I was gonna have Thanksgiving at my girlfriend's.

ROSS: He's coming here for Thanksgiving!

505 "TOW the Kips"

ROSS: No, no, it's okay. Really. They're plenty of people who just
see their sisters at Thanksgiving, and just see their college
roommates at reunions, and just see Joey at Burger King.

508 "TOW the Thanksgiving Flashbacks"

RACHEL: Oh Monica that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever! I think
you killed us.

ROSS: I'm sorry. It's just that this is the worst Thanksgiving ever.

CHANDLER: I am the king of bad Thanksgivings. You can't just swoop in
here with your bad marriage and take that away from me.

JOEY: Oh, come on! I wanna hear it! It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without
Chandler bumming us out!

ROSS: Yours is worse. You are the king of bad Thanksgivings.

RACHEL: I know Monica's worst Thanksgiving.

MONICA: That's it. That's my worst Thanksgiving.

CHANDLER: Oh, come on Monica, reliving past pain and getting depressed
is what Thanksgiving is all about. Y'know, for me anyway. And
of course, the Indians.

FAT MONICA: I'll get it! Happy Thanksgiving!

BIG NOSED RACHEL: Happy Thanksgiving!

ROSS: Oh, Mom. Mom. Chandler hates Thanksgiving, and doesn't eat any
Thanksgiving food.

RACHEL: Y'know that's not the Thanksgiving I was talking about.

MONICA: Okay, now Thanksgiving's over, let's get ready for Christmas.

CHANDLER: We wanna hear Monica's Thanksgiving story!

ROSS: Hey. Happy Thanksgiving!

JUDY: She's upstairs. Monica! Come down! Everyone's here! Ross, Rachel,
and the boy who hates Thanksgiving.

509 "TOW Ross's Sandwich"

ROSS: My Thanksgiving leftover sandwich. I can't believe someone ate it!

609 "TOW Ross Got High"

MONICA: So guess who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner?

CHANDLER: This is great, another Thanksgiving with nothing to give
thanks for.

JANINE: Are you guys going to Chandler's for Thanksgiving?

JANINE: Well, me & my dancer friends are thinking of doing Thanksgiving
uptown. I thought you guys might like to come.

JOEY: Yeah, hey hey, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

ROSS: Happy Thanksgiving!

GIRLS: Happy Thanksgiving!

PHOEBE: Leaving us to go see hot dancer girls is not very Thanksgivingy.

ROSS: Oh, but-but it is, uh, it's just like the first Thanksgiving, when
the Indians and the Pilgrims uh, sat down to dinner.

ROSS: Yeah, it'll be like a funny Thanksgiving story!

RACHEL: I don't wanna make any mistakes, alright? This is the only
dessert, and if I screw it up, everybody's gonna be like "Oh,
remember that Thanksgiving when Rachel screwed up the trifle?"

ROSS: What is with everybody? It's Thanksgiving, not... Truth Day!

ROSS: So um... Thanksgiving. The holiday season is upon us, hm?

PHOEBE: Okay, I was just starting to take my Thanksgiving nap, and
I had another dream about Jack.

706 "TOW the Nap Partners"

MONICA: Well- That's not the only time this was an issue. You remember
when umm, you spent Thanksgiving with us? You called me fat.

708 "TOW Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"

ROSS: Hey everybody! Happy Thanksgiving!

ROSS: What, are we keeping Thanksgiving a secret this year?

RACHEL: Oh, right. Sorry. But Tag's not coming; his girlfriend came into
town, so he's spending Thanksgiving with her.

TAG: I, uh, wanted to see if your offer to spend Thanksgiving with you
is still good.

MONICA: He-he's obviously depressed. He's away from his family; he's
spending Thanksgiving with strangers.

PHOEBE: It's a Thanksgiving miracle!

809 "TOW the Rumor"

MONICA: Oh good you're all here. Thanksgiving tomorrow, four o'clock.

MONICA: Will's still on a diet, Chandler doesn't eat Thanksgiving food,
and Rachel's having her aversion to poultry.

JOEY: But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! I mean, Thanksgiving
with no turkey is like-like Fourth of July with no apple pie!

PHOEBE: Happy Thanksgiving!

WILL: Happy Thanksgiving!

JOEY: Not now! These are my Thanksgiving pants!

..that was 77 mentions.

Tennant Stuart

Jan 10, 2002, 9:00:00 PM1/10/02
Drama, and twinkling toes.

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 801...

801 "TOA They Say I Do"

Following the ceremony, Monica & the boys are having their pictures
taken, when Ross tells her he's excited that she's pregnant, and Joey
asks Chandler if that's why they had to get married. Since Monica denies
everything, Joey assumes that Chandler has slow swimmers, and then Ross
runs off to set straight all the people he blabbed the secret to!

After Monica makes Joey leave, to change out of his bloodied soldier's
costume, Phoebe asks why she told the guys she wasn't pregnant. Monica
insists that was because she isn't, and so just as Phoebe realises the
truth, Rachel desperately signals her to keep mum, so Phoebe announces
that she is 'with child', and that the father is James Brolin!!

While the bridesmaids are being photographed, Rachel thanks Phoebe, and
has to admit that although she never said that Monica was pregnant, she
did fail to disagree with Phoebe - who is forced to admire how sneaky
that was. She'd said James Brolin because the only other name she could
think of was Ed Begley Jr, who is gay, so Rachel has to correct her.

Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
interestingly, Phoebe speculates this man must be either Tag, Ross, or
Joey - but Rachel gives nothing away.

Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend, hinting that even the
use of a condom is no guarantee. When Monica starts on the consequences
of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
the three sisters hug tightly...


Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
age, named Melinda, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

Monica handles all of this clowning with good grace, in a non-screechy
non-compulsive way. She doesn't even freak out as Joey returns, looking
like a tennis pro, since that was the only suitable clothing he could
find at the hotel gift shop!

Nora introduces her son to her date, Dennis Phillips. Apparently he is a
dear old friend & a fantastic lover, which does not please Chandler; and
the director of a new Broadway show, which interests Joey very greatly.

Joey tries to persuade Chandler to ask Mr.Phillips for an audition, but
his friend is experimenting with sticky tape on the soles of his shoes,
and asks Joey to swap - until he notices that Joey has very small feet,
leaving the actor so frustrated that he later turns his speech into an
impromptu audition piece.

However, Mr.Phillips is not impressed, and in any case he reveals that
his show has an all-Chinese cast. Undaunted, Joey turns away, bends
over, and puts his fingers to his eyes, preparing to make them slanty,
and the director recoils in horror!

Back on the dance floor with the other couples, including Jack & Judy,
Monica insists that she's not embarrassed to dance with her husband. Or
perhaps she will be, but it won't matter, so she tells Chandler not to
move his feet - and as he jiggles about, Jack laughingly accuses him
of stealing his moves...


Elsewhere at the reception, Ross meets Mona, a beautiful woman who works
at Allesandro's. Despite him going on about a dead botanist who may or
may not have been another Mona, she likes him, and she shows him her
place card, so he alters his own card from #1 to #6 to be with her.

But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside
down. The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.

Mona is very impressed by how nice & sweet Ross is, but before he can
dance with her, a second cute little girl named Ashley fronts up, and
without a thought Dr.Geller tells her to hop on, with Mona warning that
she wants to 'hop on' next!

After two dances with Ashley, Mona reckons that it is definitely her
turn, when a very big little girl - who of course is named Gert - asks
for her dance, and when she hops onto Dr.Geller's feet he almost blacks
out from the pain, and he's pinned to the floor!

In the end, Dr.Geller has been crippled by Gert, since the band played a
fast song. As the 'tennis pro' helps him to limp away, Mona is impressed
that Joey is so nice & sweet, causing Ross to become jealous, blabbing
to Mona that Joey has very small feet, much to his embarrassment...


This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
the three women made a wonderful drama. In particular, Jennifer Aniston
gave a stunning performance, especially when Rachel tried to pretend she
was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed what a coolly manipulative
bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney was lovely to watch as Monica warmly
coped with all the crises on her big day.

The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
me they never gelled; but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
"TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.


Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned expression,
isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a mother?

Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?

James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Wasn't it good of Monica to be such a true & supportive friend, instead
of becoming shrill, and accusing Rachel of stealing her thunder?

And wasn't it rather clever of Phoebe to quickly exploit Monica's fear
of thunder-theft to explain why she had not said that she was pregnant,
simultaneously getting Monica on-side since she had been so careful to
avoid spoiling her big day?

Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
reckon that we were right! The writers have been listening to us...

Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
any closer to popping right out?

The couch in the ladies' bathroom seemed to be covered with the exact
same fabric as the bridesmaids' dresses! If Phoebe & Rachel had sat
down on it, would they have become invisible?

If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in

that word "like", and in any case maybe we missed one, or what people
say can be inconsistent, and sometimes they just plain lie.

Once Rachel's pregnancy is up to speed, then instead of visiting
her OB/GYN, wouldn't it be fun if she saw OB/1KNB instead?

After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last

agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?

Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

At last, Ben has made it to a Geller wedding! It was a good job he did
not pull any practical jokes, but what might he have tried? Pencil lines
on the tennis pro's whites, or maybe cling film on the wedding cake?

How did we manage to miss Chandler's six weeks of dance lessons? Does
that explain where he was during his actor's absences from Season 7?

Of course, this testifies to how much of what happens to these 6 people
is not in the show - including whom Rachel has been having sex with...

Did you notice that Chandler's shoes didn't actually slip on the dance
floor? Marita Bakken points out that in fact he trod on Monica's dress
which slid under him. If you look, his other foot is quite steady.

But why the hell didn't the Best Man fulfil his duties, by begging or
borrowing or buying or stealing a better pair of shoes for the Groom?

Where did Joey get the cash to pay for clothing, since he was wearing
a costume? Why did he just go to the hotel gift shop, where they only
had tennis outfits? Is the answer to both questions that everyone had
a hotel room, so he could just charge the clothes on his key number?

Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into it,
wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was just as
well that the young woman was a slow learner...

Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity

error, or a reference to his current off-off-off-off theatrical status?

Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
feet are, shouldn't he?

In any case, Joey's feet might be small, but what counts is the distance
from the tip of a guy's thumb to the tip of his index finger, isn't it?

What exactly was Joey going to do with his fingers to make his eyes
slanty, that would be so horrific? Should we be glad he didn't ask
Monica to make him some oriental eyes out of ham, olives & salami?

Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

Why didn't Chandler dance with his wife in the corridor, or out on the
balcony or something? Even though the other guests would not have seen
them, at least the couple would be together, and very romantic.

What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
anyone have the chance to say something about her? Or to go and fetch
the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
"Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

Who wrote the cards? Wouldn't it have been Monica, since she planned
out the whole seating arrangement? And wouldn't it be just like her
to put little underlining lines under the sixes & nines?

If Doctor Professor Ross Geller is so intelligent, then once he had
discovered his natural mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
bride's brother and Best Man to get his seat back at the top table?

Or even better, why not send Molly back to table #6 where she would
be happier with the other kids, pick somebody from table #9 who'd be
delighted to move up to table #1, and then sit down next to Mona?

Why didn't someone wonder what a child was doing at the top table,
or could it be that Molly Gilbert was the nanny who was supposed to
look after all the kids at the wedding?

Or could it be that Ross *did* take his place at the top table? We
first see him looking for table #6 after people had begun dancing,
so wasn't this after everyone ate their meal, and the speeches?

Was the seating arrangement at the reception anything like Monica's
chart, in 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker

of recognition between him & his son, who sat right next to him? He did
not belong, but wouldn't "Ben needs his Daddy" legitimise his presence?

Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!

Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

There was more sexual innuendo with the talk of 'hopping on'. Wasn't
this just a bit risky with three young girls involved in the joke?

Did you notice the possible error, that resulted from poor editing? Ross
is anxious to dance with Mona, not the little girls, but for some reason
he danced with Ashley twice, both before & after Joey's 'speech'.

Where was the resonance for Ross between Gert & young Monica that seemed
totally absent? Was this aspect of the story in very bad taste?

In the end titles, Melinda & Gert were properly credited, but for some
strange reason Ashley was described only as "second girl". Had something
been changed from the final script, that also resulted in her apparently
dancing twice with Dr.Geller?

Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

..that for once did not cheat over the previous year's cliffhanger...

..scoring ratings in the USA of 31.7m viewers - the highest for
"Friends" since 1996, when 32.9m watched Ross & Rachel on their
first date, in 215 "TOW Ross and Rachel... You Know". However,
the largest ever was 52.9m, for 212/3 "TOA The Superbowl".


According to a filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, plus another by
Jill Elyse, the episode began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in
the chapel. Chandler cannot believe that he has just gotten married,
when Monica notices that his ring's missing, but they pick it up from
the floor. Then the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple.
Ross remarks that the wedding had gone well because no-one was drunk,
there were no lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and it was
only Chandler & Monica's first try!

Ross did tell Jack & Judy that Monica was pregnant. Their mother was
very excited about the possibility of a baby, (at last something that
the favoured son cannot do), but when Monica admitted the truth, Judy
doubts her at first; then when Monica reminds her mother that she did
get married that day, Judy grouchily says "whatever".

Also, when Chandler first met Dennis, he was even more embarrassed,
and Nora had to explain that her son had always been shy. Then before
Chandler tried putting sticky tape under his shoes, he first of all
tried scratching the soles with a fork.

Ben did have some lines to say. He wondered what his father was doing
at the kiddie table, and asked him to move back to the top table, but
Ross commented that Molly was eating her grownup salmon en crout. So
he decided to stay there, thus letting Molly enjoy her meal; while he
tucked into the hotdogs, which Monica had most considerately planned
for her youngest guests at the wedding.

Some ideas that must have been good in rehearsal just didn't work out
in the studio - Joey wondered if Chandler is 'shooting blanks', Ross
passed a cruel comment on the appropriateness of Gert's name (girt),
and Joey sang during his audition speech - but these were all taken
out for subsequent takes even though the audience liked them.

Furthermore, when Chandler performs his waist-up dance, Jack does more
than congratulate him, he cuts in & starts dancing with Monica in much
the same way. Judy starts dancing with Chandler, and things seem to be
going well, she even reminds him that he can call her "Mom". However,
things go terribly wrong when Chandler loses his balance, and falls
backwards - taking her skirt with him! Looking up at a half-naked
Judy from his position on the floor, Chandler says "Sorry, Mom"!

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-812,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.

Tennant Stuart

Marita Bakken

Jan 10, 2002, 11:53:33 PM1/10/02
On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 01:58:50 GMT, Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>>>> Jennifer might have a chance, but Allison Janney probably has the
>>>> biggest chance of them all.
>>> Ah.
>> Yep, there's something about The West Wing that makes the critics love
>> the show.
>Sucking up to the government?

Yep. *Everything* has to be politically correct in the USA at the moment.

>> A friend and I tried to come up with all the references to Thanksgiving
>> a couple of weeks ago, and we found so many, that I can't even imagine
>> how many references there are to "seven." :)
>Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"...

>..that was 77 mentions.

Yep, I recognize most of those. I don't remember how many we came up with, though.


Paul Hyett

Jan 11, 2002, 7:42:42 AM1/11/02
On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

At last, I can start reading your S8 reviews (and writing mine)!

>Following the ceremony, Monica & the boys are having their pictures
>taken, when Ross tells her he's excited that she's pregnant, and Joey
>asks Chandler if that's why they had to get married. Since Monica denies
>everything, Joey assumes that Chandler has slow swimmers, and then Ross
>runs off to set straight all the people he blabbed the secret to!

The danger of Chinese whispers! :)

>After Monica makes Joey leave, to change out of his bloodied soldier's
>costume, Phoebe asks why she told the guys she wasn't pregnant. Monica
>insists that was because she isn't

Pretty good reason!

>While the bridesmaids are being photographed, Rachel thanks Phoebe, and
>has to admit that although she never said that Monica was pregnant, she
>did fail to disagree with Phoebe - who is forced to admire how sneaky
>that was. She'd said James Brolin because the only other name she could
>think of was Ed Begley Jr, who is gay, so Rachel has to correct her.

Why would she think he is gay?

>Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
>so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend

Digging an ever-deeper hole for herself!

>When Monica starts on the consequences
>of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
>for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
>Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
>friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

She's not just a pretty face - and on that subject, Monica looked
fantastic, long hair really suits her!

>Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
>women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
>Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
>the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
>disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

What Phoebe did, did seem rather odd at the time.

>At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
>only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
>prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
>the three sisters hug tightly...

They're not sisters - maybe Joey's famous homo-eroticism is infecting
you? :)

>Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
>age, named Melinda

I must have been asleep - I don't even remember seeing Ben!

>, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
>whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
>show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
>thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

So what's new. :)

>Joey tries to persuade Chandler to ask Mr.Phillips for an audition, but
>his friend is experimenting with sticky tape on the soles of his shoes

I missed a lot, apparently.

I couldn't watch the episode live, due to the clash with Buffy, and it
was fairly late by the time I watched the tape.

>However, Mr.Phillips is not impressed, and in any case he reveals that
>his show has an all-Chinese cast. Undaunted, Joey turns away, bends
>over, and puts his fingers to his eyes, preparing to make them slanty,
>and the director recoils in horror!

Why is Joey so desperate anyway - he already has DooL.

>Back on the dance floor with the other couples, including Jack & Judy,
>Monica insists that she's not embarrassed to dance with her husband. Or
>perhaps she will be, but it won't matter, so she tells Chandler not to
>move his feet - and as he jiggles about, Jack laughingly accuses him
>of stealing his moves...

He only seems to know his 'triumph' dance!

>But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
>children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside

What a stupid mistake!

>The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
>Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
>Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.
>Mona is very impressed by how nice & sweet Ross is, but before he can
>dance with her, a second cute little girl named Ashley fronts up, and
>without a thought Dr.Geller tells her to hop on

That scene made me cringe.

>, with Mona warning that
>she wants to 'hop on' next!

Mona looks pretty good.

>In the end, Dr.Geller has been crippled by Gert, since the band played a
>fast song. As the 'tennis pro' helps him to limp away, Mona is impressed
>that Joey is so nice & sweet, causing Ross to become jealous, blabbing
>to Mona that Joey has very small feet, much to his embarrassment...

Ross knows he dare not take any risks when Joey tries to move in on his

>This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot

I'm afraid I found it disappointing myself, none of the 3 storylines had
great interest to me.

I'll elaborate more in my own review.

>Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
>most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
>"TOW Rachel Quits".
> It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
>to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

I don't think that's possible, which is partly why I didn't like it.

>Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?


> Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Of what?

>Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
>was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
>reckon that we were right!

Who is 'we'?

>The writers have been listening to us...

OK then - 'Have Ross & Rachel get back together'.

>Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
>and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
>producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

True, but by that logic you could hint that any man was gay...

>When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
>any closer to popping right out?

Left little to the imagination!

>Once Rachel's pregnancy is up to speed, then instead of visiting
>her OB/GYN, wouldn't it be fun if she saw OB/1KNB instead?


>After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
>agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?

The is street-Phoebe.

>Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after

No, not for an instant.

>If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

I did avoid spoilers, but I never thought she wasn't.

>Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into it,
>wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was just as
>well that the young woman was a slow learner...

Nah, that's just Joey being... well, Joey! :)

>Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
>feet are, shouldn't he?

That puzzled me too.

>Why didn't Chandler dance with his wife in the corridor, or out on the
>balcony or something?

No music.

>The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
>earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
>"Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

It's a *long* time since I watched that show.

>If Doctor Professor Ross Geller is so intelligent, then once he had
>discovered his natural mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>bride's brother and Best Man to get his seat back at the top table?

He wanted to be on Mona's table, and presumably he'd have been even
further away if he had.

>Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
>old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
>as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

His flirting was as bad as ever though, amazing it actually worked.

>Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...


PS, your reviews are almost too long - it takes me almost as long to
respond to the, as it does to *write* my own! :)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 11, 2002, 6:02:02 PM1/11/02
In article <>, (Marita Bakken) wrote:

> On Sat, 05 Jan 2002 01:58:50 GMT, Tennant Stuart <>
> wrote:

>>>>> Jennifer might have a chance, but Allison Janney probably has the
>>>>> biggest chance of them all.

>>>> Ah.

>>> Yep, there's something about The West Wing that makes the critics love
>>> the show.

>> Sucking up to the government?

> Yep. *Everything* has to be politically correct in the USA at the moment.

Eep. That's a bit worrying, actually.

>>> A friend and I tried to come up with all the references to Thanksgiving
>>> a couple of weeks ago, and we found so many, that I can't even imagine
>>> how many references there are to "seven." :)

>> Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"... <snip> ..that
>> was 77 mentions.

> Yep, I recognize most of those. I don't remember how many we came up with,
> though.

Less than 77 or more than 77?

Tennant Stuart

Jan 12, 2002, 5:48:16 PM1/12/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:


>> Following the ceremony, Monica & the boys are having their pictures
>> taken, when Ross tells her he's excited that she's pregnant, and Joey
>> asks Chandler if that's why they had to get married. Since Monica denies
>> everything, Joey assumes that Chandler has slow swimmers, and then Ross
>> runs off to set straight all the people he blabbed the secret to!

> The danger of Chinese whispers! :)

Chinese whispers? Isn't that like "send reinforcements we're going to
advance" changing into "send three & fourpence we're going to a dance"?

>> After Monica makes Joey leave, to change out of his bloodied soldier's
>> costume, Phoebe asks why she told the guys she wasn't pregnant. Monica
>> insists that was because she isn't

> Pretty good reason!

Unless she was lying, as you might have thought later on.

>> While the bridesmaids are being photographed, Rachel thanks Phoebe, and
>> has to admit that although she never said that Monica was pregnant, she
>> did fail to disagree with Phoebe - who is forced to admire how sneaky
>> that was. She'd said James Brolin because the only other name she could
>> think of was Ed Begley Jr, who is gay, so Rachel has to correct her.

> Why would she think he is gay?

That's one of Phoebe's bad habits - she once outed Mr.Peanut which amused
Ross, she married Duncan wrongly thinking he was gay, she told Rachel it
was obvious that Joey was gay, she suspected that Paul Stevens was gay,
she's sure that Robin is gay, and she harbours doubts about Chandler.

>> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
>> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend

> Digging an ever-deeper hole for herself!

Lol yes, but wasn't that good of her?

>> When Monica starts on the consequences
>> of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
>> for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
>> Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
>> friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

> She's not just a pretty face -

Absolutely. We've seen before that she is very quick on the uptake.

> and on that subject, Monica looked fantastic, long hair really suits her!

Oh for sure, she was gorgeous, and Rachel helped out by looking dowdy.

>> Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
>> women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
>> Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
>> the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
>> disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

> What Phoebe did, did seem rather odd at the time.

I've told you before that Pheebs is highly manipulative, but you
refused to believe me. :)

>> At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
>> only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
>> prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
>> the three sisters hug tightly...

> They're not sisters - maybe Joey's famous homo-eroticism is infecting
> you? :)


The word "sisters" is not limited to daughters of the same parents: it
also refers to nuns, or to nurses; or as I've used it, female fellows.

>> Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own

>> age, named Melinda,

> I must have been asleep - I don't even remember seeing Ben!

Hehe, you have to keep awake to spot these details, Paul... :)

>> when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
>> whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
>> show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
>> thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

> So what's new. :)

I know - it was not a good story, made worse by having the climax
that justifies it end up on the cutting room floor.

>> Joey tries to persuade Chandler to ask Mr.Phillips for an audition, but
>> his friend is experimenting with sticky tape on the soles of his shoes

> I missed a lot, apparently.

Yes, that was quite an obvious joke, I don't see how you missed it.

> I couldn't watch the episode live, due to the clash with Buffy, and it
> was fairly late by the time I watched the tape.

Oh! Now I do see how you missed it. There's no rush Paul, it's better
to wait until you're fresh the next day before going through the tape.

>> However, Mr.Phillips is not impressed, and in any case he reveals that
>> his show has an all-Chinese cast. Undaunted, Joey turns away, bends
>> over, and puts his fingers to his eyes, preparing to make them slanty,
>> and the director recoils in horror!

> Why is Joey so desperate anyway - he already has DooL.

Because he feels that a soap opera is beneath him, even though Rachel
thinks that his part in DooL is wonderful, and she's most supportive.

>> Back on the dance floor with the other couples, including Jack & Judy,
>> Monica insists that she's not embarrassed to dance with her husband. Or
>> perhaps she will be, but it won't matter, so she tells Chandler not to
>> move his feet - and as he jiggles about, Jack laughingly accuses him
>> of stealing his moves...

> He only seems to know his 'triumph' dance!

Yes, and he's been told not to do that!

>> But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
>> children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside
>> down.

> What a stupid mistake!

Well, it could happen to anyone, but where Ross was really stupid was
in not reading the card out loud to Mona. If he'd just said "Oh, six"
she would have looked puzzled, grinned, and said "No, nine".

>> The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
>> Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
>> Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.

>> Mona is very impressed by how nice & sweet Ross is, but before he can
>> dance with her, a second cute little girl named Ashley fronts up, and

>> without a thought Dr.Geller tells her to hop on,

> That scene made me cringe.


Have you never let little girls dance on your feet?

>> with Mona warning that she wants to 'hop on' next!

> Mona looks pretty good.

Yes, she's lovely, and she seems to be a very nice person too.

>> In the end, Dr.Geller has been crippled by Gert, since the band played a
>> fast song. As the 'tennis pro' helps him to limp away, Mona is impressed
>> that Joey is so nice & sweet, causing Ross to become jealous, blabbing
>> to Mona that Joey has very small feet, much to his embarrassment...

> Ross knows he dare not take any risks when Joey tries to move in on his
> girl!

Yes, for once Ross was actually as clever as he ought to be!

But did it work? Does Mona believe in the saying about men's feet?

>> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot

> I'm afraid I found it disappointing myself, none of the 3 storylines had
> great interest to me.

Gosh! Not even discovering that Rachel really was pregnant?

> I'll elaborate more in my own review.


>> Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
>> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
>> "TOW Rachel Quits".
>> It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
>> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

> I don't think that's possible, which is partly why I didn't like it.

Well, there was no suggestion that Ross was behaving inappropriately.

>> Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?

> No.

It was when Monica said "I talked to her, and she's definitely going
to have this baby".

>> Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> Of what?

That Phoebe still has the hots for him.

>> Rachel revealing she simply failed to disagree with Phoebe that Monica
>> was pregnant is just what we were speculating about at the time, so I
>> reckon that we were right!

> Who is 'we'?

We who discussed the S7 finale.

>> The writers have been listening to us...

> OK then - 'Have Ross & Rachel get back together'.


(that's Been There, Done That, Got The 1996 Calendar)

>> Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
>> and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
>> producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

> True, but by that logic you could hint that any man was gay...

You sound like Phoebe.

But in case Mr.Begley's lawyers are reading this, I'm sure he's not gay.

>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
>> any closer to popping right out?

> Left little to the imagination!

I knowwww!!!

>> Once Rachel's pregnancy is up to speed, then instead of visiting
>> her OB/GYN, wouldn't it be fun if she saw OB/1KNB instead?

> Groan.

Tee-hee, well at least you got my little joke!

>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
>> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?

> The is street-Phoebe.


>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all?

> No, not for an instant.

Ooh, for me, the world spun.

>> If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> I did avoid spoilers, but I never thought she wasn't.

Nor I until Phoebe said the test was negative, then I realised.

>> Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>> very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into it,
>> wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was just as
>> well that the young woman was a slow learner...

> Nah, that's just Joey being... well, Joey! :)


>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
>> feet are, shouldn't he?

> That puzzled me too.

Yep, the Best Buds stuff was weak.

>> Why didn't Chandler dance with his wife in the corridor, or out on the
>> balcony or something?

> No music.

You don't need music when you have the stars...

>> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
>> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
>> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

> It's a *long* time since I watched that show.

It's on C4 every weekday morning at 9am.

>> If Doctor Professor Ross Geller is so intelligent, then once he had
>> discovered his natural mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother and Best Man to get his seat back at the top table?

> He wanted to be on Mona's table, and presumably he'd have been even
> further away if he had.

Better than being with the little girls & boys, though.

And since Ross wanted to be on Mona's table, why didn't he send Molly

back to table #6 where she would be happier with the other kids, pick
somebody from table #9 who'd be delighted to move up to table #1, and
then sit down next to Mona?

>> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
>> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
>> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

> His flirting was as bad as ever though, amazing it actually worked.

That's because Mona liked him already.

>> Hey, an entire episode without Central Perk, or anyone's apartment...

> Shame.


> PS, your reviews are almost too long - it takes me almost as long to
> respond to the, as it does to *write* my own! :)

Grin. There are plenty of people writing short reviews. I cater for
those fans who want to get their teeth into a meaty discussion.


Chase Corrigan

Jan 13, 2002, 1:51:08 AM1/13/02
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> While the bridesmaids are being photographed, Rachel thanks Phoebe, and
> has to admit that although she never said that Monica was pregnant, she
> did fail to disagree with Phoebe - who is forced to admire how sneaky
> that was. She'd said James Brolin because the only other name she could
> think of was Ed Begley Jr, who is gay, so Rachel has to correct her.

Do you think there is any particular reason behind Phoebe's assumption
that most men are gay?

> Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
> expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
> interestingly, Phoebe speculates this man must be either Tag, Ross, or
> Joey - but Rachel gives nothing away.

Aren't these three the obvious choices?

> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend, hinting that even the
> use of a condom is no guarantee. When Monica starts on the consequences
> of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
> for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
> Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
> friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

Monica has shown on countless occasons that she is very quick on the
uptake. She is probably the hardest 'friend' to fool.

Do you think the fact she was a loner as a child, meant she often
observed people and so became adept at reading them? Or is she just
naturally perceptive?

> Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
> women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
> Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
> the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
> disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

> At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
> only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
> prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
> the three sisters hug tightly...

Have you noticed that it is usually Monica who gets squashed in the
middle when the girls do this?

> Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
> age, named Melinda, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
> whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
> show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
> thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

With the punchline edited out, this story seemed particularly
pointless. IMO Chandler did not get off to a very good start.

> Monica handles all of this clowning with good grace, in a non-screechy
> non-compulsive way. She doesn't even freak out as Joey returns, looking
> like a tennis pro, since that was the only suitable clothing he could
> find at the hotel gift shop!

I didn't expect Monica to be screechy. She hadn't been throughout
season 7, or even in late season 6.

Do you think Joey in a 'costume' is over used?

> Nora introduces her son to her date, Dennis Phillips. Apparently he is a
> dear old friend & a fantastic lover, which does not please Chandler; and
> the director of a new Broadway show, which interests Joey very greatly.

I thought it was way too soon to give Joey another 'acting' story.

> ---o0o---
> Elsewhere at the reception, Ross meets Mona, a beautiful woman who works
> at Allesandro's. Despite him going on about a dead botanist who may or
> may not have been another Mona, she likes him, and she shows him her
> place card, so he alters his own card from #1 to #6 to be with her.
> But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
> children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside
> down. The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
> Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
> Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.

I didn't find Ross to be kind. He was only dancing with the young
girls to impress Mona.

> Mona is very impressed by how nice & sweet Ross is, but before he can

> ---o0o---
> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
> the three women made a wonderful drama.

I thought it was funny in parts, but I did not appreciate it as much
as you did.

> In particular, Jennifer Aniston gave a stunning performance, especially
> when Rachel tried to pretend she was glad the test was negative; Lisa showed > what a coolly manipulative bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney was lovely to
> watch as Monica warmly coped with all the crises on her big day.

I did enjoy the girls interaction, and I am one of those who has never
doubted Phoebe's powers of manipulation, but I did not find the
performance of Jennifer Aniston particualrly special. In truth, I
found it a little fake. Sorry.

I was relieved to see that Monica was supportive rather than angry

> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
> me they never gelled; but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
> such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

This was definitely not a good story for J&C. They had none of the
chemistry that made them so great. However, the story (if you can call
it that) was rather weak, so I don't blame Perry or Le Blanc.
> ---o0o---

> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned expression,
> isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a mother?

Has this expression never been used before in Friends?

> Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?

Yes I did.

> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

Clearly Phoebe and Barbra share the same taste in men.

> Wasn't it good of Monica to be such a true & supportive friend, instead
> of becoming shrill, and accusing Rachel of stealing her thunder?

In this instance she would have no right to become angry, although I
did see her point in TOW Monica's Thunder.

> Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
> and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
> producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

Of course, Ed Begley was mentioned in TOW Rachel Finds Out.

> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

Yes, but the feet thing was very unrealistic.

> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> that word "like", and in any case maybe we missed one, or what people
> say can be inconsistent, and sometimes they just plain lie.

She may have done another one when nobody was around, just to satisfy
herself. She was probably just trying to make a point to Rachel

> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?

I have long thought this.

> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

No, not for one moment.

> Did you notice that Chandler's shoes didn't actually slip on the dance
> floor? Marita Bakken points out that in fact he trod on Monica's dress
> which slid under him. If you look, his other foot is quite steady.

I hadn't noticed, but I will look again.

> But why the hell didn't the Best Man fulfil his duties, by begging or
> borrowing or buying or stealing a better pair of shoes for the Groom?

Yes, surely there would be some more tennis shoes.

> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> error, or a reference to his current off-off-off-off theatrical status?

Actually, I think it was an error.

> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
> feet are, shouldn't he?

Definitely. Especially as Chandler was always looking for things he
could make a joke out of.

> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

Well, I think you already know that scenes were cut out. But the
writers never intended to show Joey's parents.

> Why didn't Chandler dance with his wife in the corridor, or out on the
> balcony or something? Even though the other guests would not have seen
> them, at least the couple would be together, and very romantic.

That would have been nice, and they could both have just taken their
shoes off.

> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
> anyone have the chance to say something about her? Or to go and fetch
> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

I think you have to abandon logic with this story.

> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

Yes, very worn out.

> If Doctor Professor Ross Geller is so intelligent, then once he had
> discovered his natural mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
> bride's brother and Best Man to get his seat back at the top table?

A lot of academically smart people lack common sense.

> Was the seating arrangement at the reception anything like Monica's
> chart, in 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

You tell me.

> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> of recognition between him & his son, who sat right next to him? He did
> not belong, but wouldn't "Ben needs his Daddy" legitimise his presence?

That's exactly what I thought. But as I said, I think you have to
forget about logic here.

> Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
> 511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!

I was also reminded of that.

> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

I found him neither sweet nor charming in this episode. A kind act
does not count if you are only doing it to impress somebody else.

> There was more sexual innuendo with the talk of 'hopping on'. Wasn't
> this just a bit risky with three young girls involved in the joke?

Ross probably only meant for it to sound harmless.

> Did you notice the possible error, that resulted from poor editing? Ross
> is anxious to dance with Mona, not the little girls, but for some reason
> he danced with Ashley twice, both before & after Joey's 'speech'.

There have been a few examples of poor editing in Friends sadly.

> Where was the resonance for Ross between Gert & young Monica that seemed
> totally absent? Was this aspect of the story in very bad taste?


> ---o0o---
> According to a filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, plus another by
> Jill Elyse, the episode began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in
> the chapel. Chandler cannot believe that he has just gotten married,
> when Monica notices that his ring's missing, but they pick it up from
> the floor. Then the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple.
> Ross remarks that the wedding had gone well because no-one was drunk,
> there were no lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and it was
> only Chandler & Monica's first try!

I'm glad they dropped this bit. Ross bringing up his own wedding
mishaps has been used too often.

Paul Hyett

Jan 12, 2002, 10:00:24 PM1/12/02
On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

I hate the actual writing though, so long & boring! :)

>> The danger of Chinese whispers! :)
>Chinese whispers? Isn't that like "send reinforcements we're going to
>advance" changing into "send three & fourpence we're going to a dance"?


>> Why would she think he is gay?
>That's one of Phoebe's bad habits - she once outed Mr.Peanut which amused
>Ross, she married Duncan wrongly thinking he was gay

Wasn't that because he told her he was?

>>> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
>>> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend
>> Digging an ever-deeper hole for herself!
>Lol yes, but wasn't that good of her?

She didn't have much choice, since Phoebe had covered for *her*!

>> and on that subject, Monica looked fantastic, long hair really suits her!
>Oh for sure, she was gorgeous, and Rachel helped out by looking dowdy.

Rachel - never!

>> What Phoebe did, did seem rather odd at the time.
>I've told you before that Pheebs is highly manipulative, but you
>refused to believe me. :)

That's because it has always been coincidence before. :)

>The word "sisters" is not limited to daughters of the same parents: it
>also refers to nuns, or to nurses; or as I've used it, female fellows.

Female fellows? Transvestites?

>> I must have been asleep - I don't even remember seeing Ben!
>Hehe, you have to keep awake to spot these details, Paul... :)

I did see that when I watched it again.

>> I missed a lot, apparently.
>Yes, that was quite an obvious joke, I don't see how you missed it.

Trying to make notes for my review while watching the episode, causes

>Oh! Now I do see how you missed it. There's no rush Paul, it's better
>to wait until you're fresh the next day before going through the tape.

I can't wait that long!

>> That scene made me cringe.

The repetition of the same joke, and to do it a third time was just

>> Mona looks pretty good.
>Yes, she's lovely, and she seems to be a very nice person too.

Maybe Ross will marry her? :)

>> I'm afraid I found it disappointing myself, none of the 3 storylines had
>> great interest to me.
>Gosh! Not even discovering that Rachel really was pregnant?

I knew that from the S7 finale.

>>> Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?
>> Of what?
>That Phoebe still has the hots for him.

Oh right.

>>> The writers have been listening to us...
>> OK then - 'Have Ross & Rachel get back together'.
>Nah - BTDTGT1C.
>(that's Been There, Done That, Got The 1996 Calendar)

They should have listened when we said we didn't want them to break up!

>>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
>>> any closer to popping right out?
>> Left little to the imagination!
>I knowwww!!!

Did you ever see JA's 'waterfall' photo with her see-through top?!
>> The is street-Phoebe.

Surviving on the streets taught her manipulation.

>>> Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>>> very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into it,
>>> wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was just as
>>> well that the young woman was a slow learner...
>> Nah, that's just Joey being... well, Joey! :)

BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
(Buffy's sister, Dawn).

Check fr801f on my website, against profile shots of Dawn!

>> It's a *long* time since I watched that show.
>It's on C4 every weekday morning at 9am.

I know, but its very dated now.

>> His flirting was as bad as ever though, amazing it actually worked.
>That's because Mona liked him already.

I wasn't aware she'd even met him before?

>> PS, your reviews are almost too long - it takes me almost as long to
>> respond to the, as it does to *write* my own! :)
>Grin. There are plenty of people writing short reviews. I cater for
>those fans who want to get their teeth into a meaty discussion.

It's a thankless task though - we seem to be the only ones who respond
to each other's reviews! :)

Paul Hyett

Jan 13, 2002, 7:07:37 AM1/13/02
On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Chase Corrigan <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

>> Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
>> expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
>> interestingly, Phoebe speculates this man must be either Tag, Ross, or
>> Joey - but Rachel gives nothing away.
>Aren't these three the obvious choices?

Joey seemed a very unlikely choice to me - she's never even dated him,
unlike the other two.

>Have you noticed that it is usually Monica who gets squashed in the
>middle when the girls do this?

I certainly wouldn't mind being in the middle of a group hug by those
three women!

>> Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
>> 511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!
>I was also reminded of that.

I actually thought it was the sound of the chair scraping against the

>I found him neither sweet nor charming in this episode. A kind act
>does not count if you are only doing it to impress somebody else.

As Phoebe would claim, 'There are no selfless good deeds'.

Tennant Stuart

Jan 14, 2002, 12:16:10 AM1/14/02
In article <>, (Chase Corrigan) wrote:

>> Drama, and twinkling toes.

It could be something as simple as a running joke, or maybe a little
deeper in that the writers dislike people who think that everyone is
gay, and it could be something quite heavy such as Phoebe suppressing
her true sexuality or even a guilty reaction to her mother's death.

>> Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
>> expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
>> interestingly, Phoebe speculates this man must be either Tag, Ross, or
>> Joey - but Rachel gives nothing away.

> Aren't these three the obvious choices?

Certainly, but if you look at other season openers, you'll see that the
writers like to confound the expectations of the viewer.

>> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
>> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend, hinting that even the
>> use of a condom is no guarantee. When Monica starts on the consequences
>> of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
>> for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
>> Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
>> friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.

> Monica has shown on countless occasions that she is very quick on the

> uptake. She is probably the hardest 'friend' to fool.

I agree, although very little gets past Joey either.

> Do you think the fact she was a loner as a child, meant she often
> observed people and so became adept at reading them? Or is she just
> naturally perceptive?

Could be - or maybe as a fat child she became practised at sorting
out those who were just pretending to be nice to her (and possibly
some who were just pretending to be nasty to her) since she was best
friends with Princess Rachel.

>> Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
>> women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
>> Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
>> the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
>> disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.

>> At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
>> only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
>> prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
>> the three sisters hug tightly...

> Have you noticed that it is usually Monica who gets squashed in the
> middle when the girls do this?

I don't know about usually, but I did think it was strange that the
other two were hugging Monica, as though she was the pregnant one.

Could it have been done that way for a misleading promo?

> ---o0o---

>> Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
>> age, named Melinda, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
>> whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
>> show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
>> thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.

> With the punchline edited out, this story seemed particularly
> pointless. IMO Chandler did not get off to a very good start.

Yep - there have been stories before that didn't seem to be working,
but suddenly justified themselves with a great ending. Just imagine
"Phoebe's Cookies" without her grandmother burning in hell.

>> Monica handles all of this clowning with good grace, in a non-screechy
>> non-compulsive way. She doesn't even freak out as Joey returns, looking
>> like a tennis pro, since that was the only suitable clothing he could
>> find at the hotel gift shop!

> I didn't expect Monica to be screechy. She hadn't been throughout
> season 7, or even in late season 6.

You didn't Chase, I didn't, several eloquent posters on ATF didn't expect
Monica to be screechy. But throughout Season 7 people were still moaning
that Monica was screechy, when in fact she was justifiably annoyed.

> Do you think Joey in a 'costume' is over used?

You could say that Monica was in a 'costume'. I don't think that anything
could ever come close to the Holiday Armadillo, not even Superman.

>> Nora introduces her son to her date, Dennis Phillips. Apparently he is a
>> dear old friend & a fantastic lover, which does not please Chandler; and
>> the director of a new Broadway show, which interests Joey very greatly.

> I thought it was way too soon to give Joey another 'acting' story.

Why? He's an actor, that's what he does. Acting is an occupation that
one can tell interesting stories about. And the writers have to work
with actors, so not only do they know them well, they have some scores
to settle, such as the title story of 218 "TOW Dr.Ramoray Dies".

>> ---o0o---

>> Elsewhere at the reception, Ross meets Mona, a beautiful woman who works
>> at Allesandro's. Despite him going on about a dead botanist who may or
>> may not have been another Mona, she likes him, and she shows him her
>> place card, so he alters his own card from #1 to #6 to be with her.

>> But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
>> children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside
>> down. The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
>> Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
>> Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.

> I didn't find Ross to be kind. He was only dancing with the young
> girls to impress Mona.

I've already had a *long* debate on this subject, which if you don't
mind Chase, I'd rather not pursue once again. Suffice to say that in
my opinion, Ross didn't need to impress Mona, but he knew that she did
think he was being kind to the girls. So even if the dancing impressed
Mona, Ross didn't do it *only* to impress Mona, since when it began he
thought that they were getting in the way.

Look at the genuine way he suggested that Melinda danced on his feet.

>> ---o0o---

>> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
>> the three women made a wonderful drama.

> I thought it was funny in parts, but I did not appreciate it as much
> as you did.

Oh, well.

>> In particular, Jennifer Aniston gave a stunning performance, especially

>> when Rachel tried to pretend she was glad the test was negative; Lisa
>> showed what a coolly manipulative bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney
>> was lovely to

>> watch as Monica warmly coped with all the crises on her big day.

> I did enjoy the girls interaction, and I am one of those who has never
> doubted Phoebe's powers of manipulation, but I did not find the

> performance of Jennifer Aniston particularly special. In truth, I

> found it a little fake. Sorry.

You must set high standards.

> I was relieved to see that Monica was supportive rather than angry
> though.

Well, notice how Phoebe carefully exploited Monica's insecurities
rather than confronting them.

>> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
>> me they never gelled; but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
>> such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
>> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
>> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
>> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.

> This was definitely not a good story for J&C. They had none of the
> chemistry that made them so great. However, the story (if you can call
> it that) was rather weak, so I don't blame Perry or Le Blanc.


>> ---o0o---

>> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned expression,
>> isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a mother?

> Has this expression never been used before in Friends?


>> Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?

> Yes I did.

Well done. IMHO it's the furthest they dared go, in America.

>> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
>> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
>> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

> Clearly Phoebe and Barbra share the same taste in men.

Indeed. Do you think that they're leading up to something, for Phoebe has
been showing an increasing regard for much older men since Season 6.

>> Wasn't it good of Monica to be such a true & supportive friend, instead
>> of becoming shrill, and accusing Rachel of stealing her thunder?

> In this instance she would have no right to become angry, although I
> did see her point in TOW Monica's Thunder.

I've seen brides be quite distraught by another woman (or even man)
at the wedding whom they believe to be trying to upstage them, to
the complete puzzlement of everyone else present.

>> Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
>> and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
>> producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...

> Of course, Ed Begley was mentioned in TOW Rachel Finds Out.

Yes, but only Rachel heard that, on the balcony with Carl.

>> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
>> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?

> Yes, but the feet thing was very unrealistic.

Chandler's slippery feet, Joey's tiny feet, or Ross's sore feet?

>> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
>> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
>> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
>> that word "like", and in any case maybe we missed one, or what people
>> say can be inconsistent, and sometimes they just plain lie.

> She may have done another one when nobody was around, just to satisfy
> herself. She was probably just trying to make a point to Rachel
> though.


>> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
>> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?

> I have long thought this.

I'm so glad to hear that Chase, many others won't believe me. :)

>> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
>> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...

> No, not for one moment.

Ah. I must confess to a momentary waver...

>> Did you notice that Chandler's shoes didn't actually slip on the dance
>> floor? Marita Bakken points out that in fact he trod on Monica's dress
>> which slid under him. If you look, his other foot is quite steady.

> I hadn't noticed, but I will look again.

And now?

>> But why the hell didn't the Best Man fulfil his duties, by begging or
>> borrowing or buying or stealing a better pair of shoes for the Groom?

> Yes, surely there would be some more tennis shoes.

That's right, and there are many other possible solutions.

>> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
>> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
>> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
>> error, or a reference to his current off-off-off-off theatrical status?

> Actually, I think it was an error.


>> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
>> feet are, shouldn't he?

> Definitely. Especially as Chandler was always looking for things he
> could make a joke out of.

What if Joey normally wears special shoes to make his feet look bigger? ;)

>> Sadly, Jack had only two short lines in the whole episode, and Judy &
>> Ben said nothing at all! Was this because there were already too many
>> characters? Is this why Joey's parents never showed up?

> Well, I think you already know that scenes were cut out.

Yes, I've summarised two filming reports below, but here I'm commenting
on the episode as aired.

> But the writers never intended to show Joey's parents.


>> Why didn't Chandler dance with his wife in the corridor, or out on the
>> balcony or something? Even though the other guests would not have seen
>> them, at least the couple would be together, and very romantic.

> That would have been nice, and they could both have just taken their
> shoes off.

That's right - just one of many solutions.

>> What happened to Molly Gilbert, the child that Ross presumably bumped
>> up to table #1? Even if Monica had other things on her mind, didn't
>> anyone have the chance to say something about her? Or to go and fetch
>> the best man, and ask him what he was doing at the kiddie table?

> I think you have to abandon logic with this story.

I might be tempted to do that, if Doctor Professor Geller's inability to
think tactically wasn't an increasingly recurrent theme.

>> The old "6 is an upside down 9" gag is a bit worn out, isn't it? The
>> earliest sitcom I think I have seen this in was a classic episode of
>> "Bewitched", when a rotating house number almost resulted in divorce.

> Yes, very worn out.


>> If Doctor Professor Ross Geller is so intelligent, then once he had
>> discovered his natural mistake, why didn't he use his status as the
>> bride's brother and Best Man to get his seat back at the top table?

> A lot of academically smart people lack common sense.

Ah, so I don't have to abandon logic with this story... ;)

>> Was the seating arrangement at the reception anything like Monica's
>> chart, in 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

> You tell me.

Pass - I've left that as an exercise for the reader...

>> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
>> of recognition between him & his son, who sat right next to him? He did
>> not belong, but wouldn't "Ben needs his Daddy" legitimise his presence?

> That's exactly what I thought. But as I said, I think you have to
> forget about logic here.

That was an editing thing.

>> Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
>> 511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!

> I was also reminded of that.


>> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
>> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
>> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.

> I found him neither sweet nor charming in this episode. A kind act
> does not count if you are only doing it to impress somebody else.

There's that word "only" again. I don't accept that.

>> There was more sexual innuendo with the talk of 'hopping on'. Wasn't
>> this just a bit risky with three young girls involved in the joke?

> Ross probably only meant for it to sound harmless.

Oh I agree, but what about the writers?

>> Did you notice the possible error, that resulted from poor editing? Ross
>> is anxious to dance with Mona, not the little girls, but for some reason
>> he danced with Ashley twice, both before & after Joey's 'speech'.

> There have been a few examples of poor editing in Friends sadly.

Everything is sacrificed to what they think will get the most laughs in
the time allowed, sadly. At least we'll get better versions on DVD.

>> Where was the resonance for Ross between Gert & young Monica that seemed
>> totally absent? Was this aspect of the story in very bad taste?

> Yes.


>> ---o0o---

>> According to a filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, plus another by
>> Jill Elyse, the episode began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in
>> the chapel. Chandler cannot believe that he has just gotten married,
>> when Monica notices that his ring's missing, but they pick it up from
>> the floor. Then the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple.
>> Ross remarks that the wedding had gone well because no-one was drunk,
>> there were no lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and it was
>> only Chandler & Monica's first try!

> I'm glad they dropped this bit. Ross bringing up his own wedding
> mishaps has been used too often.


What did you think of the rest of the report, which you've snipped?

No spoilers PLEASE from anyone who has already seen episodes 802-812,
and most especially nothing about the identity of the father.



Tennant Stuart

Jan 14, 2002, 12:20:31 AM1/14/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

>> Yay!

It's fun, one really sees into the episode!

>>> The danger of Chinese whispers! :)

>> Chinese whispers? Isn't that like "send reinforcements we're going to
>> advance" changing into "send three & fourpence we're going to a dance"?

> Yes.

Have you seen the gameshow on JSTV?

>>> Why would she think he is gay?

>> That's one of Phoebe's bad habits - she once outed Mr.Peanut which amused
>> Ross, she married Duncan wrongly thinking he was gay

> Wasn't that because he told her he was?

She believed him, though.

>>>> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
>>>> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend

>>> Digging an ever-deeper hole for herself!

>> Lol yes, but wasn't that good of her?

> She didn't have much choice, since Phoebe had covered for *her*!

She still did it, though.

>>> and on that subject, Monica looked fantastic, long hair really suits
> her!

>> Oh for sure, she was gorgeous, and Rachel helped out by looking dowdy.

> Rachel - never!

Compared to Monica.

>>> What Phoebe did, did seem rather odd at the time.

>> I've told you before that Pheebs is highly manipulative, but you
>> refused to believe me. :)

> That's because it has always been coincidence before. :)

That was the whole point, if she wasn't being manipulative, then
the plot would have been a long succession of big coincidences.

>> The word "sisters" is not limited to daughters of the same parents: it
>> also refers to nuns, or to nurses; or as I've used it, female fellows.

> Female fellows? Transvestites?

No, a fellow is a companion & equal.

>>> I must have been asleep - I don't even remember seeing Ben!

>> Hehe, you have to keep awake to spot these details, Paul... :)

> I did see that when I watched it again.

There you go. :)

>>> I missed a lot, apparently.

>> Yes, that was quite an obvious joke, I don't see how you missed it.

> Trying to make notes for my review while watching the episode, causes
> that!


>> Oh! Now I do see how you missed it. There's no rush Paul, it's better
>> to wait until you're fresh the next day before going through the tape.

> I can't wait that long!

Well, leave Buffy until the next day.

>>> That scene made me cringe.

>> Why?

> The repetition of the same joke, and to do it a third time was just
> absurd!

But that's a classic structure for a joke, the old 1-2-3.

It's after the three that it's too repetitious.

>>> Mona looks pretty good.

>> Yes, she's lovely, and she seems to be a very nice person too.

> Maybe Ross will marry her? :)

Not the way *this* episode ended, he won't! ;)

>>> I'm afraid I found it disappointing myself, none of the 3 storylines
>>> had great interest to me.

>> Gosh! Not even discovering that Rachel really was pregnant?

> I knew that from the S7 finale.

They suggested it, I would have put 10p on it, but we didn't know.

>>>> Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
>>>> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
>>>> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?

>>> Of what?

>> That Phoebe still has the hots for him.

> Oh right.


>>>> The writers have been listening to us...

>>> OK then - 'Have Ross & Rachel get back together'.

>> Nah - BTDTGT1C.

>> (that's Been There, Done That, Got The 1996 Calendar)

> They should have listened when we said we didn't want them to break up!

Well, they felt that Ross & Rachel were more interesting when apart.

>>>> When Rachel was talking to Monica at the table, could her breasts *be*
>>>> any closer to popping right out?

>>> Left little to the imagination!

>> I knowwww!!!

> Did you ever see JA's 'waterfall' photo with her see-through top?!

Yes indeed, I have the original version of the photo.

>>> The is street-Phoebe.

>> Pardon?

> Surviving on the streets taught her manipulation.

That's an interesting thought, please expand.

>>>> Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>>>> very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into
>>>> it, wasn't he? Judging by the position the couple were in, it was
>>>> just as well that the young woman was a slow learner...

>>> Nah, that's just Joey being... well, Joey! :)

>> Hehe.

> BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
> (Buffy's sister, Dawn).

> Check fr801f on my website, against profile shots of Dawn!

I will if you tell me which photo shows a profile shot of Dawn.

>>> It's a *long* time since I watched that show.

>> It's on C4 every weekday morning at 9am.

> I know, but its very dated now.

Indeed, but Elizabeth Montgomery is still lovely, though.

>>> His flirting was as bad as ever though, amazing it actually worked.

>> That's because Mona liked him already.

> I wasn't aware she'd even met him before?

She might well have seen him before, assuming he's visited the restaurant,
but that's not been on the show. What I meant was that Mona liked him from
the start, she didn't need to be won over.

>>> PS, your reviews are almost too long - it takes me almost as long to
>>> respond to the, as it does to *write* my own! :)

>> Grin. There are plenty of people writing short reviews. I cater for
>> those fans who want to get their teeth into a meaty discussion.

> It's a thankless task though - we seem to be the only ones who respond
> to each other's reviews! :)

At this time yes, but when the episodes air on NBC there are other
pairs of mutual reviewers. Anyway, it's nice to have a fellow. :)


Paul Hyett

Jan 14, 2002, 8:32:03 AM1/14/02
On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
>Have you seen the gameshow on JSTV?

I don't know what JSTV is, but I can't stand any gameshows! :(

>>> That's one of Phoebe's bad habits - she once outed Mr.Peanut which amused
>>> Ross, she married Duncan wrongly thinking he was gay
>> Wasn't that because he told her he was?
>She believed him, though.

She had no reason not to.

>> I can't wait that long!
>Well, leave Buffy until the next day.

That would make things worse. It takes 2 hours to watch Buffy & Angel,
and only 1/2 hour for Friends, so obviously it is Friends that gets
watched off tape.

>> The repetition of the same joke, and to do it a third time was just
>> absurd!
>But that's a classic structure for a joke, the old 1-2-3.
>It's after the three that it's too repetitious.

Not if you don't even like part 1!

>> They should have listened when we said we didn't want them to break up!
>Well, they felt that Ross & Rachel were more interesting when apart.

It wasn't so much the actual break-up that I hated, but the utterly
brutal and out-of-character way it happened. :(

>> Did you ever see JA's 'waterfall' photo with her see-through top?!
>Yes indeed, I have the original version of the photo.

The *actual* original? Were you the photographer? :)

>>>> The is street-Phoebe.
>>> Pardon?
>> Surviving on the streets taught her manipulation.
>That's an interesting thought, please expand.

Well... That's about it really. :)

>> BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
>> (Buffy's sister, Dawn).
>> Check fr801f on my website, against profile shots of Dawn!
>I will if you tell me which photo shows a profile shot of Dawn.

Were there none amongst my posted Buffy ones?

>Indeed, but Elizabeth Montgomery is still lovely, though.

*Still*? I didn't know you were into necrophilia? :)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 16, 2002, 12:21:44 AM1/16/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

It's a Japanese channel, but you can set the audio for English.

They have a gameshow with about 9 booths in a row, and various
auditory/visual information is passed from person to person, with
points deducted from the pair who introduced the greatest change.

>>>> That's one of Phoebe's bad habits - she once outed Mr.Peanut which
>>>> amused Ross, she married Duncan wrongly thinking he was gay

>>> Wasn't that because he told her he was?

>> She believed him, though.

> She had no reason not to.

He must have been very good at looking at her face.

>>> I can't wait that long!

>> Well, leave Buffy until the next day.

> That would make things worse. It takes 2 hours to watch Buffy & Angel,
> and only 1/2 hour for Friends, so obviously it is Friends that gets
> watched off tape.

Eek, 2 hours???

>>> The repetition of the same joke, and to do it a third time was just
>>> absurd!

>> But that's a classic structure for a joke, the old 1-2-3.

>> It's after the three that it's too repetitious.

> Not if you don't even like part 1!

In that case it was the joke you disliked, not the repetition.

>>> They should have listened when we said we didn't want them to break up!

>> Well, they felt that Ross & Rachel were more interesting when apart.

> It wasn't so much the actual break-up that I hated, but the utterly
> brutal and out-of-character way it happened. :(

You didn't see it coming through September & October?

>>> Did you ever see JA's 'waterfall' photo with her see-through top?!

>> Yes indeed, I have the original version of the photo.

> The *actual* original? Were you the photographer? :)

Okay, so not the *actual* original, but a JPEG of the photo from
before the censored version of the photo was published.

>>>>> The is street-Phoebe.

>>>> Pardon?

>>> Surviving on the streets taught her manipulation.

>> That's an interesting thought, please expand.

> Well... That's about it really. :)

What puzzles me is that manipulation is all about interacting with people
that you know, while life on the streets is characterised by isolation.

>>> BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
>>> (Buffy's sister, Dawn).

>>> Check fr801f on my website, against profile shots of Dawn!

>> I will if you tell me which photo shows a profile shot of Dawn.

> Were there none amongst my posted Buffy ones?

I hope you're not expecting me to plough through your Buffy pix?

>> Indeed, but Elizabeth Montgomery is still lovely, though.

> *Still*? I didn't know you were into necrophilia? :)

She is alive & well on Channel 4 at 9am weekdays.


Paul Hyett

Jan 16, 2002, 10:20:01 AM1/16/02
On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Paul Hyett <> stated
>>>> Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>>>> very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into it,
>>>> wasn't he?

>BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
>(Buffy's sister, Dawn).
Calling any ATF Buffy fans - please confirm it is *not* just me who sees
the resemblance!

>Check fr801f on my website

Paul Hyett

Jan 16, 2002, 9:48:47 AM1/16/02
On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
>> That would make things worse. It takes 2 hours to watch Buffy & Angel,
>> and only 1/2 hour for Friends, so obviously it is Friends that gets
>> watched off tape.
>Eek, 2 hours???

Yes - on Sky One : Buffy at 8pm, Angel at 9pm.

>> Not if you don't even like part 1!
>In that case it was the joke you disliked, not the repetition.

Both in fact.

>> It wasn't so much the actual break-up that I hated, but the utterly
>> brutal and out-of-character way it happened. :(
>You didn't see it coming through September & October?

I saw they were having problems, but there was no clue as to how bad the
break-up would be!


Tennant Stuart

Jan 16, 2002, 6:18:15 PM1/16/02
In article <v32tp8C$>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>>> That would make things worse. It takes 2 hours to watch Buffy & Angel,

>>> and only 1/2 hour for Friends, so obviously it is Friends that gets
>>> watched off tape.

>> Eek, 2 hours???

> Yes - on Sky One : Buffy at 8pm, Angel at 9pm.

I've just had a look at last week's Radio Times, and seen that it was
actually "Buffy TVS" at 8pm, "Angel" at 10pm. So did you miss "Angel"?

>>> Not if you don't even like part 1!

>> In that case it was the joke you disliked, not the repetition.

> Both in fact.

Very sad.

>>> It wasn't so much the actual break-up that I hated, but the utterly
>>> brutal and out-of-character way it happened. :(

>> You didn't see it coming through September & October?

> I saw they were having problems, but there was no clue as to how bad the
> break-up would be!


That's what Rachel said.


Tennant Stuart

Jan 16, 2002, 6:20:44 PM1/16/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

>>> Joey was a bit close to the knuckle when as a tennis pro he taught a
>>> very pretty guest to improve her back-swing by putting her ass into
>>> it, wasn't he?

>> BTW, ISTM that the woman looked very much like Michelle Trachtenburg
>> (Buffy's sister, Dawn).

> Calling any ATF Buffy fans - please confirm it is *not* just me who sees
> the resemblance!

>> Check fr801f on my website

I've looked at the photos you sent me Paul, but Michelle Trachtenburg
is too much in the dark to prove anything, sorry.


Paul Hyett

Jan 17, 2002, 11:20:22 AM1/17/02
On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>> Yes - on Sky One : Buffy at 8pm, Angel at 9pm.
>I've just had a look at last week's Radio Times, and seen that it was
>actually "Buffy TVS" at 8pm, "Angel" at 10pm. So did you miss "Angel"?

The was no *new* Angel episode last week - just a repeat, and I had that
one on tape already.

Tennant Stuart

Jan 17, 2002, 11:25:49 PM1/17/02
In article <>, (Marita Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote:

>> Eep. That's a bit worrying, actually.

> That's true. Some intelligent criticism should be allowed even though
> we're at war.

What's said at your water cooler about prisoners kept in open-air cages?

>>>> Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"... <snip> ..that
>>>> was 77 mentions.

>>> Yep, I recognize most of those. I don't remember how many we came up
>>> with, though.

>> Less than 77 or more than 77?

> I *think* we ended up with almost 60.

Ahah! Good job you have me to ask, now. :)

BTW, the score for Christmas is 87, and 23 for Hanukkah. (101-811)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 17, 2002, 11:24:07 PM1/17/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>>> Yes - on Sky One : Buffy at 8pm, Angel at 9pm.

>> I've just had a look at last week's Radio Times, and seen that it was
>> actually "Buffy TVS" at 8pm, "Angel" at 10pm. So did you miss "Angel"?

> The was no *new* Angel episode last week - just a repeat, and I had that
> one on tape already.

OIC - fair enough. What do you think of "Scrubs"?


Paul Hyett

Jan 18, 2002, 10:07:50 AM1/18/02
On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>In article <>, Paul Hyett
><> wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
>> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>>>> Yes - on Sky One : Buffy at 8pm, Angel at 9pm.
>>> I've just had a look at last week's Radio Times, and seen that it was
>>> actually "Buffy TVS" at 8pm, "Angel" at 10pm. So did you miss "Angel"?
>> The was no *new* Angel episode last week - just a repeat, and I had that
>> one on tape already.
>OIC - fair enough. What do you think of "Scrubs"?

Not a lot - since I didn't watch it.

As I mentioned last week - post 10pm is when I watch the taped S8
episode of Friends.

I now know why you were cagey about Tag though.

Tennant Stuart

Jan 18, 2002, 6:49:02 PM1/18/02
In article <uOk9HAJ2P$>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>> What do you think of "Scrubs"?

> Not a lot - since I didn't watch it.

It doesn't tickle me, but two women whose opinion I respect both love it.

> As I mentioned last week - post 10pm is when I watch the taped S8
> episode of Friends.

> I now know why you were cagey about Tag though.


The fact that it took you until today, was sufficient reward, Paul. :)


Paul Hyett

Jan 19, 2002, 11:46:44 AM1/19/02
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
Thought I'd better put spoiler space back!









>> I now know why you were cagey about Tag though.
>The fact that it took you until today, was sufficient reward, Paul. :)

Since you *were* so cagey, that made me suspicious that he would come

Tennant Stuart

Jan 19, 2002, 11:56:33 AM1/19/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

> Thought I'd better put spoiler space back!







>> Grin.

That's always the problem. I tried to make it vague, but you're too bright
to be fooled so easily. I had the same problem with Chandler's father, for
the very fact that friends were being cagey alerted me to the possibility
he would be a big surprise in some way, which took the edge off it.


Paul Hyett

Jan 20, 2002, 10:22:01 AM1/20/02
On Sat, 19 Jan 2002, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

Thanks. It looks like you'll have to find another method of throwing me
off the scent now, though. :)

Chase Corrigan

Jan 21, 2002, 12:59:00 AM1/21/02
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

All possible.

> >> Phoebe presses Rachel for details about the father of the baby, but the
> >> expectant mother won't say who he is until she has told him first. Very
> >> interestingly, Phoebe speculates this man must be either Tag, Ross, or
> >> Joey - but Rachel gives nothing away.
> > Aren't these three the obvious choices?
> Certainly, but if you look at other season openers, you'll see that the
> writers like to confound the expectations of the viewer.

I think nowadays, I can usually guess what will happen in friends.

> >> Later, Monica confides in Rachel that Phoebe was dumb to get pregnant,
> >> so Rachel feels forced to stand up for her friend, hinting that even the
> >> use of a condom is no guarantee. When Monica starts on the consequences
> >> of motherhood, Rachel considers how difficult the future is going to be
> >> for her, including not having a date for the next 18 years. Seeing how
> >> Rachel reacts, Monica narrows her eyes at her - and when she sees her
> >> friend spitting out her champagne, she knows the truth.
> > Monica has shown on countless occasions that she is very quick on the
> > uptake. She is probably the hardest 'friend' to fool.
> I agree, although very little gets past Joey either.

Sometimes, but Joey is clearly more trusting and gullible than Monica.
You can only really trick Monica by flattering her ego, in which case
she is happily allowing herself to be tricked, and deep down is aware
of the truth. TOW The Cat is a good example of how easily Joey can be
taken in. My main problem with Joey is that he can be written as quite
knowing one day, and quite foolish the next.

> > Do you think the fact she was a loner as a child, meant she often
> > observed people and so became adept at reading them? Or is she just
> > naturally perceptive?
> Could be - or maybe as a fat child she became practised at sorting
> out those who were just pretending to be nice to her (and possibly
> some who were just pretending to be nasty to her) since she was best
> friends with Princess Rachel.


> >> Monica insists that Rachel can't be sure she's pregnant, so all three
> >> women gather in the bathroom for a second test. While they are waiting,
> >> Monica pledges that they're all in it together, then Phoebe announces
> >> the result - it's negative. Rachel tries hard to act relieved, but her
> >> disappointment shows through, and she starts to cry.
> >> At this point, Phoebe reveals she lied, the test was positive, yet she
> >> only did it so that Rachel could discover how she truly felt about the
> >> prospect - a risky little game warns her pregnant friend - but then
> >> the three sisters hug tightly...
> > Have you noticed that it is usually Monica who gets squashed in the
> > middle when the girls do this?
> I don't know about usually, but I did think it was strange that the
> other two were hugging Monica, as though she was the pregnant one.
> Could it have been done that way for a misleading promo?

The 'hugs' that came to my mind were, the hug in TOW The Breast Milk,
at Central Perk and another one, I have discovered is in fact invalid.
It was at the end of The One with Phoebe's Uterus, again at Central
Perk. Once Phoebe has announced that she is willing to carry the baby,
Monica and Rachel stand up, then the girls all hugged (with Monica in
the middle, despite Phoebe being the focus) anyway, the hug was
actually edited out of the scene, so instead Monica & Rachel, stand up
and then sit back down again :)

Perhaps it just looks better on camera to have the brunette in between
the two blondes?

> > ---o0o---
> >> Meanwhile at the reception, Ben is dancing nicely with a girl his own
> >> age, named Melinda, when Mr. & Mrs. Bing take to the floor. Chandler
> >> whispers to Monica that he's been taking dancing lessons so as not to
> >> show her up, but his new shoes are slippery & so is the dance floor,
> >> thus he slides all around looking a complete fool.
> > With the punchline edited out, this story seemed particularly
> > pointless. IMO Chandler did not get off to a very good start.
> Yep - there have been stories before that didn't seem to be working,
> but suddenly justified themselves with a great ending. Just imagine
> "Phoebe's Cookies" without her grandmother burning in hell.

I have often read, that some of the funniest jokes in an episode end

up on the cutting room floor.

> >> Monica handles all of this clowning with good grace, in a non-screechy

> >> non-compulsive way. She doesn't even freak out as Joey returns, looking
> >> like a tennis pro, since that was the only suitable clothing he could
> >> find at the hotel gift shop!
> > I didn't expect Monica to be screechy. She hadn't been throughout
> > season 7, or even in late season 6.
> You didn't Chase, I didn't, several eloquent posters on ATF didn't expect
> Monica to be screechy. But throughout Season 7 people were still moaning
> that Monica was screechy, when in fact she was justifiably annoyed.

It's sad that now, even when Monica and Ross are great, people have a
hard time admitting it.

> > Do you think Joey in a 'costume' is over used?
> You could say that Monica was in a 'costume'. I don't think that anything
> could ever come close to the Holiday Armadillo, not even Superman.

Yes, but hers was quite necessary. We have now had Joey as a sailor,
Joey as superman, Joey as a soldier and 'tennis' Joey. I won't count
Joey as an 'elf' seeing as that was many years ago.

> >> Nora introduces her son to her date, Dennis Phillips. Apparently he is a
> >> dear old friend & a fantastic lover, which does not please Chandler; and
> >> the director of a new Broadway show, which interests Joey very greatly.
> > I thought it was way too soon to give Joey another 'acting' story.
> Why? He's an actor, that's what he does. Acting is an occupation that
> one can tell interesting stories about. And the writers have to work
> with actors, so not only do they know them well, they have some scores
> to settle, such as the title story of 218 "TOW Dr.Ramoray Dies".

Phoebe is a masseuse, but it doesn't mean we see it all the time. Some
'acting' stories have been enjoyable, but I personally feel there are
too many. IMO, there are quite a few which are a little boring.

> >> ---o0o---
> >> Elsewhere at the reception, Ross meets Mona, a beautiful woman who works
> >> at Allesandro's. Despite him going on about a dead botanist who may or
> >> may not have been another Mona, she likes him, and she shows him her
> >> place card, so he alters his own card from #1 to #6 to be with her.
> >> But when Ross takes his seat, he finds he is at a table with all the
> >> children, and Mona is at table #9, for she'd shown him her card upside
> >> down. The kids make fun of him, but when Ross asks Mona to dance, little
> >> Melinda asks *him*. Though he refuses, she is so badly disappointed that
> >> Mona insists, and he kindly invites the girl to hop onto his feet.
> > I didn't find Ross to be kind. He was only dancing with the young
> > girls to impress Mona.
> I've already had a *long* debate on this subject, which if you don't
> mind Chase, I'd rather not pursue once again. Suffice to say that in
> my opinion, Ross didn't need to impress Mona, but he knew that she did
> think he was being kind to the girls. So even if the dancing impressed
> Mona, Ross didn't do it *only* to impress Mona, since when it began he
> thought that they were getting in the way.
> Look at the genuine way he suggested that Melinda danced on his feet.

I don't mind at all. It would be rather pointless anyway, I don't see
either of us changing our minds. I am willing to concede that
impressing Mona wasn't his only thought. It was however, his primary
concern. You will not convince me that his actions were kind or
altruistic, so it is certainly for the best if we let it drop :) I
will also add that I'm not one of those who is against Ross. He can
still be very sweet.

> >> ---o0o---
> >> This episode had me laughing out loud, a lot, and the interplay between
> >> the three women made a wonderful drama.
> > I thought it was funny in parts, but I did not appreciate it as much
> > as you did.
> Oh, well.

I did find it very enjoyable though :)

> >> In particular, Jennifer Aniston gave a stunning performance, especially
> >> when Rachel tried to pretend she was glad the test was negative; Lisa
> >> showed what a coolly manipulative bitch Phoebe can be; and Courteney
> >> was lovely to
> >> watch as Monica warmly coped with all the crises on her big day.
> > I did enjoy the girls interaction, and I am one of those who has never
> > doubted Phoebe's powers of manipulation, but I did not find the
> > performance of Jennifer Aniston particularly special. In truth, I
> > found it a little fake. Sorry.
> You must set high standards.

Not really. When I see a good performance, I am full of praise. Sadly
Jennifer just failed to move, or even convince me. The chemistry
between the girls was great though :) They always work well as a
threesome (No, not that kind...) TOW The Cheap Wedding Dresses is a
good 'recent' example.

> > I was relieved to see that Monica was supportive rather than angry
> > though.
> Well, notice how Phoebe carefully exploited Monica's insecurities
> rather than confronting them.

Phoebe often handles Monica quite well.

> >> The best buds had a story together, or two bits of two stories, and for
> >> me they never gelled; but it hardly mattered since everyone else was on
> >> such great form. Yes, David Schwimmer was at his charming best, in the
> >> most delightful Ross & little girls story since the Brown Birds in 310
> >> "TOW Rachel Quits". It was as well that the show had the sensitivity
> >> to present this kind of material without any unfortunate undertones.
> > This was definitely not a good story for J&C. They had none of the
> > chemistry that made them so great. However, the story (if you can call
> > it that) was rather weak, so I don't blame Perry or Le Blanc.
> Indeedy.
> >> ---o0o---
> >> Phoebe saying "with child" is such a curiously old-fashioned expression,
> >> isn't it? Could it be from one of her past lives, when she was a mother?
> > Has this expression never been used before in Friends?
> Nope.
> >> Did you notice Monica's oblique reference to having the baby aborted?
> > Yes I did.
> Well done. IMHO it's the furthest they dared go, in America.

Certainly at 8.00 pm on NBC. You could get away with a lot more on

> >> James Brolin has been making movies since 1963, most recently "Traffic",
> >> and at the time of this episode he was 61, continuing Phoebe's penchant
> >> for much older men. Brolin really is married to Barbra Streisand, whose
> >> previous husband was none other than Elliot Gould, who of course plays
> >> Jack Geller. Was this a dark hint?
> > Clearly Phoebe and Barbra share the same taste in men.
> Indeed. Do you think that they're leading up to something, for Phoebe has
> been showing an increasing regard for much older men since Season 6.

There was once a rumor that Robert Reford would be brought in as a
love interest for Phoebe, obviously nothing came of it though...
Perhaps her interest in older men, has something to do with the
absence of a father figure?

> >> Wasn't it good of Monica to be such a true & supportive friend, instead
> >> of becoming shrill, and accusing Rachel of stealing her thunder?
> > In this instance she would have no right to become angry, although I
> > did see her point in TOW Monica's Thunder.
> I've seen brides be quite distraught by another woman (or even man)
> at the wedding whom they believe to be trying to upstage them, to
> the complete puzzlement of everyone else present.

Yes, but it was clear that Rachel was doing her best not to upstage
the bride. Monica was lovely though :)

> >> Ed Begley Jr has been making movies since 1971, most recently "Anthrax",
> >> and at the time of this episode he was 52. He has been married twice
> >> producing 3 children - not that this proves anything, of course...
> > Of course, Ed Begley was mentioned in TOW Rachel Finds Out.
> Yes, but only Rachel heard that, on the balcony with Carl.


> >> If this episode showed how little the boys know each other, it proved
> >> how well the girls do, for Monica saw right through Rachel, didn't she?
> > Yes, but the feet thing was very unrealistic.
> Chandler's slippery feet, Joey's tiny feet, or Ross's sore feet?

Sorry if that was not clear, I was referring to Joey's tiny feet.

> >> Phoebe said she took her test like three times to be sure she was
> >> pregnant, which sounds like a continuity error since in 412 "TOW the
> >> Embryos" she took only two tests. However, there is room for error in
> >> that word "like", and in any case maybe we missed one, or what people
> >> say can be inconsistent, and sometimes they just plain lie.
> > She may have done another one when nobody was around, just to satisfy
> > herself. She was probably just trying to make a point to Rachel
> > though.
> Yep.
> >> After Phoebe's little performance in the bathroom, does everyone at last
> >> agree with me when I say that she is very manipulative of her friends?
> > I have long thought this.
> I'm so glad to hear that Chase, many others won't believe me. :)

How can they not? It seems quite obvious.

> >> Did you believe, even for a moment, that Rachel was not pregnant after
> >> all? If like me you did, that was our reward for staying unspoilt...
> > No, not for one moment.
> Ah. I must confess to a momentary waver...

Perhaps I'm too cynical?

> >> Did you notice that Chandler's shoes didn't actually slip on the dance
> >> floor? Marita Bakken points out that in fact he trod on Monica's dress
> >> which slid under him. If you look, his other foot is quite steady.
> > I hadn't noticed, but I will look again.
> And now?

Yes, I see what you mean.

> >> But why the hell didn't the Best Man fulfil his duties, by begging or
> >> borrowing or buying or stealing a better pair of shoes for the Groom?
> > Yes, surely there would be some more tennis shoes.
> That's right, and there are many other possible solutions.

Ross was obviously just too distracted by Mona, and Joey by the
prospect of Broadway.

> >> Joey told Chandler he wanted to get into a Broadway show, because then
> >> he would've done it all - film, television, and theatre. But he already
> >> has performed in plays & musicals at the theatre. Is this a continuity
> >> error, or a reference to his current off-off-off-off theatrical status?
> > Actually, I think it was an error.
> Okay.
> >> Surely after all these years, Chandler must know how big or small Joey's
> >> feet are, shouldn't he?
> > Definitely. Especially as Chandler was always looking for things he
> > could make a joke out of.
> What if Joey normally wears special shoes to make his feet look bigger? ;)

He could, but there would surely be times when he was bare foot, or at
least in socks.

Not in all parts, but I don't think you can put ignoring your own son
down to 'lack of common sense.' Or maybe Ross didn't want Mona to know
that he is a father?

> >> Was the seating arrangement at the reception anything like Monica's
> >> chart, in 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?
> > You tell me.
> Pass - I've left that as an exercise for the reader...

Well I won't be checking :)

> >> Ross did greet the children at his table, but why wasn't there a flicker
> >> of recognition between him & his son, who sat right next to him? He did
> >> not belong, but wouldn't "Ben needs his Daddy" legitimise his presence?
> > That's exactly what I thought. But as I said, I think you have to
> > forget about logic here.
> That was an editing thing.

Yes, but as you said, we have to take the episode as we see it.

> >> Ross making a farting sound by rubbing on his chair was straight out of
> >> 511 "TOW All the Resolutions", even though his pants weren't leather!
> > I was also reminded of that.
> Yep.
> >> Mona was right about Ross being sweet, wasn't he? It's good to have the
> >> old Ross back these days - a bit goofy, a bit geeky, maybe not as bright
> >> as he thinks he is, but fundamentally a nice guy. And sane.
> > I found him neither sweet nor charming in this episode. A kind act
> > does not count if you are only doing it to impress somebody else.
> There's that word "only" again. I don't accept that.

Fine 'only' is too strong, I'll change it to 'primarily'

> >> There was more sexual innuendo with the talk of 'hopping on'. Wasn't
> >> this just a bit risky with three young girls involved in the joke?
> > Ross probably only meant for it to sound harmless.
> Oh I agree, but what about the writers?

Well they do get satisfaction in getting such jokes past NBC.

> >> Did you notice the possible error, that resulted from poor editing? Ross
> >> is anxious to dance with Mona, not the little girls, but for some reason
> >> he danced with Ashley twice, both before & after Joey's 'speech'.
> > There have been a few examples of poor editing in Friends sadly.
> Everything is sacrificed to what they think will get the most laughs in
> the time allowed, sadly. At least we'll get better versions on DVD.
> >> Where was the resonance for Ross between Gert & young Monica that seemed
> >> totally absent? Was this aspect of the story in very bad taste?
> > Yes.
> Okay.
> >> ---o0o---
> >> According to a filming report by Ane & Hakon Jegstad, plus another by
> >> Jill Elyse, the episode began with Chandler & Monica sitting alone in
> >> the chapel. Chandler cannot believe that he has just gotten married,
> >> when Monica notices that his ring's missing, but they pick it up from
> >> the floor. Then the others walk in, and congratulate the happy couple.
> >> Ross remarks that the wedding had gone well because no-one was drunk,
> >> there were no lesbians, and nobody said the wrong names - and it was
> >> only Chandler & Monica's first try!
> > I'm glad they dropped this bit. Ross bringing up his own wedding
> > mishaps has been used too often.
> Hmmm...
> What did you think of the rest of the report, which you've snipped?

I believe, I had nothing further to add :)

Tennant Stuart

Jan 20, 2002, 11:32:49 PM1/20/02
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:






>>>> Grin.

Maybe I already have, but you just don't realise it yet...


Marita Bakken

Jan 23, 2002, 9:07:13 AM1/23/02
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> >> Eep. That's a bit worrying, actually.
> > That's true. Some intelligent criticism should be allowed even though
> > we're at war.
> What's said at your water cooler about prisoners kept in open-air cages?

People really don't talk about it that much. They're more concerned
about "Pretzelgate."
However, there has been talk about the prisoners on the news, and how
the UK supports the USA.

> >>>> Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"... <snip> ..that
> >>>> was 77 mentions.
> >>> Yep, I recognize most of those. I don't remember how many we came up
> >>> with, though.
> >> Less than 77 or more than 77?
> > I *think* we ended up with almost 60.
> Ahah! Good job you have me to ask, now. :)


> BTW, the score for Christmas is 87, and 23 for Hanukkah. (101-811)



Tennant Stuart

Jan 23, 2002, 6:12:36 PM1/23/02
In article <>, (Marita Bakken) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> news:<>...

>>>> Eep. That's a bit worrying, actually.

>>> That's true. Some intelligent criticism should be allowed even though
>>> we're at war.

>> What's said at your water cooler about prisoners kept in open-air cages?

> People really don't talk about it that much. They're more concerned
> about "Pretzelgate."

Lol, that was big on the news here too.

It's somehow typical of buying handguns to defend against planes & anthrax
that the Secret Service protection was almost defeated by a pretzel.

> However, there has been talk about the prisoners on the news, and how
> the UK supports the USA.

Good. In fact, the British government sent out investigators to check
the reports about the prisoners, who reported back to Parliament that
they were untrue, the photos depicted scenes of induction, and since
then the prisoners were being properly treated. The whole incident
makes one realise that there are no such things as spin doctors.

>>>>>> Okay. I'll settle for every mention of "Thanksgiving"... <snip>
>>>>>> ..that was 77 mentions.

>>>>> Yep, I recognize most of those. I don't remember how many we came up
>>>>> with, though.

>>>> Less than 77 or more than 77?

>>> I *think* we ended up with almost 60.

>> Ahah! Good job you have me to ask, now. :)

> Grin.


>> BTW, the score for Christmas is 87, and 23 for Hanukkah. (101-811)

> IC.

Anything else you'd like to know?


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