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Friends S7-24 - reality bites

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Tennant Stuart

Jun 21, 2001, 7:00:00 PM6/21/01

This is a review of the second half of the finale only.

However, please feel free to post anything at all about the
*whole* of the finale - but below the spoiler space please.

Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...





724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"

When Rachel freaked out at Chandler's disappearance, Phoebe dragged
her off into the bathroom, where she rummaged in the waste basket
for a tissue, but instead found a used pregnancy testing kit. Since
it was positive, Phoebe declared that Monica is pregnant...

..Rachel keeps saying "Oh my God", while Phoebe wonders if that was
why Chandler took off - but Rachel tells her that since she emptied
the trash the previous night, Monica must have just taken the test;
and she makes Phoebe agree that they tell no-one about the matter.

Later on, the girls find Ross who's been up all night searching for
Chandler in vain. He looked everywhere, including both of Chandler's
parents, who believe Ross is interested in them! Ross asks Rachel to
stall Monica for a couple of hours while he tries again, so Phoebe
insists on going with him to make sure he succeeds.

Rachel tells Monica that they need to talk since she fears that she
will never get married, but Monica simply tells her the right guy is
just round the corner - so Rachel tells Monica that she's decided to
become a lesbian, but Monica tells her that any woman would be lucky
to have her - then Rachel tells Monica that she'd feel better if she
slept with Joey, and Monica drops everything to talk!!

After much searching, Ross & Phoebe are getting desperate, when it
occurs to him to ask her where she would hide if she was Chandler.
Phoebe has a good think, then takes him to Chandler's office where
he is indeed hiding, all alone on a quiet Saturday morning. Chandler
describes his fear of him & Monica becoming The Bings, as horrible
as his parents - but Ross is great as he reveals that both Nora &
Helena tried to seduce him, and since Chandler would never do that
than he cannot be anything like his parents!

After much talking, Rachel eventually runs out of ideas, so Monica
starts getting ready again. Out of sheer desperation, Rachel fakes
a fall, but that only makes Monica suspicious, and Rachel is forced
to admit that they cannot find Chandler (Phoebe appears giving the
thumbs up) 's vest - whereupon Monica so freaks out that Phoebe has
to assure her that they've found the vest!


The whole wedding party gathers at the hotel where the ceremony will
take place, and though the ladies are dressed up, they can't compete
with the bride who looks stunning in her gown. But at that moment,
Joey phones from the studio to warn the Maid of Honour that he's
been held up, and can't officiate.

Meanwhile, instead of Chandler having to plunge, Ross persuades him
to get ready by proceeding one little step at a time, and eventually
he's coaxed him into a tuxedo. However, the next step is a big one,
getting married, so Chandler nips out for a furtive smoke. But when
he hears the girls coming, he ducks into a closet, from where he
overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy!

Rachel finds a Greek Orthodox wedding just ending, so by lying that
Chandler & Monica are also Greek Orthodox, she persuades the priest
to officiate. Meanwhile, Ross frets that he's lost Chandler, but while
Helena hits on him, and Nora recalls her marriage when the groom wore
a wedding dress, Monica appears in her full regalia, and she is so
beautiful that Ross's breath is taken away - but when she asks about
Chandler, he breaks into a sweat, and has to pretend that the drops
are beads of joy!

When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
be scary, and Ross embraces him.

Finally the ceremony begins, with an aisle procession of Chandler
arm-in-arm with what looks like his two mothers, Ross looking like
a very lucky bloke arm-in-arm with Phoebe & Rachel, then a radiant
Monica arm-in-arm with her parents, so Chandler beams his beamiest
smile at her as she joins him at the altar. Everyone is puzzled by
the new minister, but Rachel whispers at them to pretend they are
Greek Orthodox - and so the priest begins, "Dearly Beloved"...


When Joey arrived at the studio, the director was not interested in
the truth or any of his excuses, but assured him that there was only
one scene to do - except Crosby turned up drunk. They began filming,
but despite Joey's attempts to fill in, Crosby was hopeless, yet the
director was determined to continue until it was in the can.

The director was fully aware that Crosby was hammered, but stubbornly
insisted on continuing, so Joey cleverly told his co-star that they
were done for the day, and as he tossed Richard over his shoulder to
carry him off, the triple Oscar nominee looked down in puzzlement
that he could see his own arse!

Back at the hotel, just as the priest begins, Joey rushes down the
aisle to take over, and apologises to the dearly beloved for being
late and still in his WWI uniform! Beginning the proceedings before
the groom can escape again, which startles the bride, Joey delivers
a sweet yet short speech (since he left his notes in his dressing
room) then invites Monica to say her vows.

Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
Rachel looks very very worried...


This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and his
sparring with Crosby was delightful. Meanwhile, though we had a second
helping of Nora & Charles, I would have liked so much more, as well as
the hotly anticipated cat-fight between Nora & Judy. Maybe this will
happen during the reception at the start of Season 8 - if a certain
mother-to-be manages not to steal Monica's thunder...


Rachel took the trash out??? If Phoebe had thought about this, would
she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

Ross has already kissed both Nora & Chandler, and since Helena quite
clearly fancies the boy, does he have any chance of completing a Bing
hat-trick there?

When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

When the subject of successful Hollywood marriages last came up in 413
"TOW Rachel's Crush", their examples were Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins
(not legally married though they have two children), Alec Baldwin & Kim
Basinger (filed for divorce on January 12th), Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman
(separated on February 5th), and erm Mel Gibson & Clint Eastwood (but we
won't go into that right now). Anyway, Paul Newman is a better example
since he has been married to Joanne Woodward since 29th January 1958 -
but did you know that she is his *second* wife?

For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
to a waistcoat.

Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
sort of golden/silvery sheen?

How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
do with Megan Bailey?

Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

Why was there a closet for storing ice in the residential part
of the hotel?

Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
that exactly?

Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
something blue?

Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

Have the Tribbianis been delayed at the christening? Will we see
them in S8-01?

What about Cassie, and all the other Geller aunts & cousins we've seen?

Joey's speech "I've known Monica & Chandler for a long time, and I can
not imagine two people more perfect for each other" was indeed similar
to what he said in 716 "TOW the Truth About London", part of which was
"you guys are perfect for each other", while he did not mention having
& giving or sharing & receiving.

And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?


In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

What will happen next? She *could* have the baby, but sadly that seems
the least likely option with at least one season still to go. She could
have an abortion, or a miscarriage, or the pregnancy test could turn out
to be faulty (especially if it had been in the trash for too long), or
it could even belong to somebody else - like cousin Marie, or Nora got
Charles drunk, or Nora & Ross, or even Judy after getting her wicked way
with Gunther. My best guess is that at the moment, *nobody* knows, since
it depends upon Jennifer & Brad Pitt, as well as Lisa & Michel Stern and
Courteney & David Arquette - reality bites...

Finally I would like to thank everyone who posted so delicately to my
review of part 1, such that nothing was spoilt for me in part 2. But
no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

Tennant Stuart

____ ____ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ____
(_ _)( ___)( \( )( \( ) /__\ ( \( )(_ _) Greetings to family
)( )__) ) ( ) ( /(__)\ ) ( )( friends & neighbours
(__) (____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (__) & MCR


Jun 22, 2001, 4:48:17 PM6/22/01

So everyone in Europe's seen it. So do we really need spoiler space. oh

Spoiler space

Spoiler space

Spoiler space


> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
> to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
> about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
> Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
> the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
> suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
> be scary, and Ross embraces him.

you forgot to mention that Ross comes to know of the 'pregnancy' at this
point. They assume its Monica's and hence the hug.

> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

Chandler dispenses his speech because Joey lets it slip to Monica that
Chandler took off from the wedding. Monica isn't too happy on finding this
out. So he just wanted to reassure her. Monica's speech was good but
Chandler's kiss was amazing hehe.

> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
> Rachel looks very very worried...

If it is Rachel's baby. She won't abort or give it up or . Remember the
episode TOW Phoebe's uterus, Rachel says that if she had a baby she would
keep it and she wont be able to give it away. And a pregnancy going wrong
wont really work for a comeday. I'd like to see Brad Pitt make an appearance
as the handsome stranger. Then probably after he ditches her, Ross would
step in and offer to care for the baby and her. I'm sure they'll put R&R
together with season being the last. I just hope they dont put Joey and
Phoebe together.

> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

I think most people including me preferred the dress in episode 717 than
the one she wore here. It was too plain. And her hair was also not done very
well. She could have looked a whole lot better than she did. I don't know.
Maybe be the casting people didn't have much time but then again they've had
a whole year to get it right.

> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

B'cos Jane Sibett was pregnant and too huge to hide.

> But
> no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

dont worry. there aren't any yet. It'll be atleast August when shooting
resumes for season 8.


PS: I really enjoy your reviews.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 22, 2001, 3:09:14 PM6/22/01
In article <>, (PanickedOz) wrote:

>> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now

>> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
>> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
>> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
>> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

> I agree with all of that :)

Thanks. :)

>> Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
>> that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
>> was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
>> annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
>> his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

> ::sigh:: He was not "Mental Geller". He was stressed, as you said, and
> worried about his sister. (and his best friend too, I'm sure.)


> Not to go off the topic here, but I just have to state my reasons for
> not minding "Mental Geller" or "Screechy Monica". You all talk about
> them as though they're different people, split personalities. But
> they're just characteristics to the same person. Ross is a jealous guy.
> Sometimes he shows it more. Monica is competitive, and loud. Sometimes
> she shows it, more often than other times. Rachel is shallow at times,
> Phoebe can be quite mean, Joey can be stupid, and Chandler can annoy the
> others with his nonstop jokes. None of them are this way all the time,
> but they're not *bad things*. Some people may not like certain
> characteristics, and so they call these flaws. I personally take all of
> these things as just.. them. I don't mind it. And I definitely don't
> think they're not 'the same character I used to love.'

Indeed, I know where you're coming from, and largely agree. But I happen
to find the way Ross occasionally behaves rather irritating, and "Mental
Geller" is a convenient label. I have liked Ross more than ever in some
episodes this season, especially in 709 "TOW All the Candy", and yet I
most disappointed by his behaviour in 722 "TOW Chandler's Dad". In the
finale I sympathised with his attempts to protect his sister, and lauded
the lengths he went to in order to get Chandler to the altar in time.

> On the R/R side, I already said that I rather like the friendship they
> have now. I think that Ross built up this dream Rachel that he was in
> love with. And once they got together, that dream fizzled, and was gone.
> So if you'll notice, they weren't actually platonic until late/mid 6th
> season. One of them was always having feelings for the other. So while
> having said feelings, they would be all kind to them. "Oh, sweet
> wonderful Rachel.." "Oh, Ross is so great and smart.." But now that
> niether of them have those feelings, they're friends. Teasing, normal
> platonic friends, and whose to say they wouldn't have always been this
> way? I like it. :) Arg, I'm so sorry about that.. I seriously left the
> topic, but apparently I had that rant in me. Forgive me. ;)

Not at all Jaime, I feel much the same way, and they worked very well
together in 716 "TOW the Truth About London". But Ross was not a good
friend to Rachel when he made sure that Officer Hanson saw her driving
licence had expired, was he?

>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

> I thought both she and Phoebe looked beautiful. Those dresses
> were wonderful.I didn't care for how she looked in the scene you
> mentioned. But then, I'm a female.

Okay. :)

>> After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
>> more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
>> Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
>> at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
>> 702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
>> obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

> Oh I LOVE seeing their workplaces, especially Chandler's. And I think
> Monica is happiest, because after Joey helped her out, she hasn't
> mentioned any other problems.

That's a very good point. She's also the one most in control, since
she made Allesandro give her the job by proving she was the best.

>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>> to a waistcoat.

> What do you call a vest, if anything?

I think that all English-speaking peoples call a shirt a "shirt". Well,
in Britain, the garment worn underneath the shirt is a vest (but they
are rarely worn these days) while the garment worn outside the shirt is
a waistcoat, usually worn with a suit consisting of jacket & trousers.

If an American described Chandler sitting on the couch in Central Perk,
dressed in his vest & pants, they would have an image of a smart young
executive - but we British would fall over laughing, since Chandler
would be in public dressed only in his underwear, (think of Homer
Simpson slobbing around at home watching TV).

>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>> do with Megan Bailey?

> THANK YOU! I was wondering this since I saw it for the first time, and
> no one else ever mentioned it. I was beginning to think I missed a scene
> where they said it *was* the museum..

You're very welcome Jaime - any theories?

>> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
>> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

> Hmm.. I would have to check. All I know is that he looked *gooood*.. ;D


>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
>> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
>> Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

> I did after many people mentioned it. :)

Ah - and there's me thinking I was the first. Oh well, I have thousands
of suppressed posts to read on ATF, when I get around to it.

>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

> Because she may not have know it was greek, or she just confused the two.
> Who knows. She's not an expert on languages. ;)

But Rachel is Jewish, so she would know "Mazel Tov" wasn't Greek.

>> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

> Mmmhmm. I remember someone (right after it aired in the US) posted that
> it wasn't realistic at all that Chandler would run off at this point in
> his life. I disagreed. I wish I still had my post, because I liked the
> way I worded it, but alas, it's gone.

Ahah - but happily your post is *not* gone... :)

> So I'll try my best. Chandler, in the past had always been scared of
> commitment. But see, that was always a more.. normal guy-way of not
> wanting to be tied down. Seeing the same person day in and day out. Etc.
> This was not that fear. He was past that. He was scared to death of
> hurting Monica. He *really* thought that if he got married, he would
> screw it up and they'd end up hating each other, or anything like that.
> Of course, not showing up would be hurting her just as much, but in his
> twisted, scared view of it, he didn't think so. He wasn't even able to
> comprehend any of this until, as you said, the romper suit. Which, thank
> you for reminding me that that is what that baby outfit is called-- I
> couldn't remember all this time!

You're welcome - anyway, what you originally said was this...

* Except that it *is* believable. In my opinion, of course. After
* all, many people get cold feet right before they get married, so why
* wouldn't Chandler? It just took a little thing to make him snap, and
* it had probably actually been building inside him all this time. Heck,
* even his mom said she was surprised that they didn't screw him up
* enough for it NOT to happen. ;)

* Also, this sudden burst of fear is different than his old commitment
* phobia. Before, it was the usual fear of being tied down, clingy
* girlfriends, etc. But this wasn't. It was his own twisted view that
* if he went through with the wedding, he, as a Bing, would ruin their
* relationship, get divorced, and he would *hurt Monica*. He didn't want
* to hurt Monica, but in his fear, he couldn't see that running out on
* her would *obviously* hurt her just as much, it was a different fear.

..and reading your fine words reminds me that maybe Ross's threat was
a factor. Chandler freaked at the thought of becoming The Bings, where
he would end up hurting Monica as Charles hurt Nora. He wasn't afraid
of Ross's threat, but that was one part of the build-up to his fright.

Anyway, I've emailed you a copy of your lost post. :)

>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

> er.. remind me, when was this?

When Monica joins Chandler at the altar, he says to her, "You look
beautiful." Then he points to her dress, and asks, "Is this new?"

Monica replies, "Not now."

I'm quite sure that her inflection indicates "The dress is not new
now", as opposed to "Don't ask that question now."

>> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
>> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
>> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

> nope.


>> Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
>> happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

> Maybe he was drunk too. ;)

That's a thought. Can you tell?

>> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

> ::shrug::


>> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
>> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
>> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
>> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

> That was awesome ;D

Yes indeed. If you watch it in slow motion, you can see the timing has
to be spot-on, else LeBlanc would catch Oldman's hand in the door.

>> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
>> that exactly?

> May 31

Oh thanks - so we can look out for a mention in the next finale!

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> yes, I did prefer that one. This one was plainer, and didn't look as
> good. But I don't feel the same as some people, who think she, and the
> wedding, looked horrible.

I agree. If the Wardrobe Department had given Monica a fabulous dress, we
would all be criticising the poor continuity. Not only would she be unable
to afford it, but the previous dress was the perfect one, so this had to
be slightly worse - for that was the sacrifice she made for Chandler.

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> I missed him. :(


>> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
>> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

> I want to know what his vows actually said. I mean, we don't know if he
> kept the copied ones or not.. would this qualify for that list? Things
> We Want To See, or whatever? :)

Oh absolutely. According to the plot, the vows he refused from Ross
would be the copy of Monica's, so the Thing We Wish We'd Seen is...

Chandler's original wedding vows, that were too funny.

..if you like that, it can go into the TWWWS list for S7-21.

>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

> I was sniffling happily, and then started applauding, so yes. :)

Yay, me too! :)

>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.

> ugh. (to the critics)


>> What will happen next? She *could* have the baby, but sadly that seems
>> the least likely option with at least one season still to go. She could
>> have an abortion, or a miscarriage, or the pregnancy test could turn
>> out to be faulty (especially if it had been in the trash for too long),
>> or it could even belong to somebody else - like cousin Marie, or Nora
>> got Charles drunk, or Nora & Ross, or even Judy after getting her
>> wicked way with Gunther. My best guess is that at the moment, *nobody*
>> knows, since it depends upon Jennifer & Brad Pitt, as well as Lisa &
>> Michel Stern and Courteney & David Arquette - reality bites...

> Yes, this seems to be the topic of discussion for most Friends fans..
> but myself, I'm *still* in a glow from the wedding, and I'll be just
> fine just remembering that, not the pregnancy. :)

I know exactly how you feel Jaime, which is why I've supplied plenty of
alternative topics for discussion. But look at it this way - it's better
that a pregnancy causes all that uncertainty, rather than the wedding.



Jun 22, 2001, 8:09:13 PM6/22/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote


> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

Yeah. I loved it. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Gary Oldman and Matt
LeBlanc. They were both brilliant!


> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

I don't think it was, but maybe I'm wrong.

> Why was there a closet for storing ice in the residential part
> of the hotel?
> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
> Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

All who say, that the writers don't know their series, were proved wrong
this episode.
I haven't seen so many past-episode references in one:
- Stephanopolus was this guy the girls were watching across the street in an
earlier episode
- Joey gave the finger without actually giving it.
- Jack and Judy Geller seem to have a similar "list" like Ross and Rachel
and I think there were even more, I can't remember right now.

> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

Well, she though the Americans were fighting the Mexicans in WWI. Probably
just another mix-up, hehe.


> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

I think I'm not one of those, who thought the first dress was better.
I like wedding dresses to be plain, just like the second one, Monica had.

> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
> something blue?


> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
> But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
> knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
> of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

I'd be hoping Ross :-)



Jun 22, 2001, 8:27:15 PM6/22/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> Rachel took the trash out??? If Phoebe had thought about this, would

> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

Taking the trash out is definitely not a Rachel-like thing to do. It might
be that she took it out to cover her tracks (to avoid having anyone discover
the test), but didn't notice that her clump of tissues had stuck to the
bottom. In that case, she either thought Monica really did also take a test
that morning, or realized that her emptying had not been thorough.

> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

Monica picked out the bridesmaid dresses. She takes the blame or credit
depending on whether you liked them or not. ;)

> Anyway, Paul Newman is a better example
> since he has been married to Joanne Woodward since 29th January 1958 -
> but did you know that she is his *second* wife?

Yup, I remember this from a special on JW--I think on A&E's "Biography."

> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

The maid of honor is not always dressed differently from the other
bridesmaid(s). This was the case at my brother's wedding.

> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

Maybe Monica insisted--this would be just like her!

> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
> do with Megan Bailey?

I have a feeling this won't be explained.

> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?


> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
> Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

Yup, but only because someone here pointed that out right after the episode
aired in the U.S.

> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

She panicked?

> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

That was a nice moment.

> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

She's very literal?

> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?


> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
> something blue?

We may never know.

> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

I don't think we're meant to believe he was actually planning to use them.
I think that was a joke both on his part and the writers.

To reply, please replace <NOSPAM> with <NYCAP.rr>.
But not to send me spam! I never requested your "report,"
and I'm not interested in your pyramid scheme which, by the
way, is NOT legal!


Jun 22, 2001, 8:31:01 PM6/22/01

"Priya" <> wrote in message

> So everyone in Europe's seen it. So do we really need spoiler space. oh
> well.
> Spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> Spoiler space
> If it is Rachel's baby. She won't abort or give it up or . Remember the
> episode TOW Phoebe's uterus, Rachel says that if she had a baby she would
> keep it and she wont be able to give it away. And a pregnancy going wrong
> wont really work for a comeday. I'd like to see Brad Pitt make an
> as the handsome stranger. Then probably after he ditches her, Ross would
> step in and offer to care for the baby and her. I'm sure they'll put R&R
> together with season being the last.

This could work. ;)

I just hope they dont put Joey and
> Phoebe together.

Ugh, I couldn't agree more. NO Joey and Phoebe, please, please, pretty


To reply by e-mail, please replace <NOSPAM> with <NYCAP.rr>.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 22, 2001, 6:14:18 PM6/22/01
In article <9gvsu6$>, "Priya"
<> wrote:

> So everyone in Europe's seen it.

Actually, the only country in Europe that has seen the finale is Britain,
and even then that is only on an exclusive subscription channel - Season
Seven will not *begin* on network television until July 13th (we think).

Has the whole of Season S7 been shown in the United Arab Emirates then?

> So do we really need spoiler space. oh well.

Well yes, and I did in fact provide some, like this... :)

> Hi

Hi, Priya!

>> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
>> to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
>> about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
>> Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
>> the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
>> suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
>> be scary, and Ross embraces him.

> you forgot to mention that Ross comes to know of the 'pregnancy' at this
> point. They assume its Monica's and hence the hug.

That is so, but I didn't forget, I *try* to keep these reviews short...

>> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
>> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
>> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
>> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
>> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

> Chandler dispenses his speech because Joey lets it slip to Monica that
> Chandler took off from the wedding. Monica isn't too happy on finding
> this out. So he just wanted to reassure her. Monica's speech was good
> but Chandler's kiss was amazing hehe.

That would be another reason (two reasons need not be in conflict) but
according to the plot of 721 "TOW the Vows", Chandler had a copy of
Monica's vows, and Joey was going to let him go first, leaving her in
the lurch. When Monica went first, Chandler *had* to throw his away.

>> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
>> Rachel looks very very worried...

> If it is Rachel's baby. She won't abort or give it up or . Remember the
> episode TOW Phoebe's uterus, Rachel says that if she had a baby she
> would keep it and she wont be able to give it away.

I totally agree, I was just going through the possibilities. Don't forget
that it *could* happen that the writers make Rachel do something in direct
conflict with what was previously established. I hope they won't.

> And a pregnancy going wrong wont really work for a comeday.

That all depends on how it's done, comedy & pathos work well together.

> I'd like to see Brad Pitt make an appearance as the handsome stranger.

As a big Brad Pitt fan I think that's a great idea, but the whisper is
that he will never make an appearance on Friends. However, I reckon that
he could still do it if the make-up made him unrecognisable and it was
all a huge in-joke - a bit like Michael Jackson on "The Simpsons".

> Then probably after he ditches her, Ross would step in and offer to care
> for the baby and her. I'm sure they'll put R&R together with season
> being the last.

That sounds very nice, and there are some good story possibilities with
Ross not being the real father and all that. However I'm not sure that
the producers would agree with you.

> I just hope they dont put Joey and Phoebe together.

Me too - I'm hoping for Joey & Rachel, and Ross & Phoebe.

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> I think most people including me preferred the dress in episode 717 than
> the one she wore here. It was too plain.

But that was the whole point of a beautiful story - Monica gave up the
perfect dress as a sacrifice to the man she loves, more than any thing.

> And her hair was also not done very well. She could have looked a whole

> lot better than she did. I don't know. Maybe the casting people didn't

> have much time but then again they've had a whole year to get it right.

If you mean that Monica should have had her hair up then I disagree, she
looked much better with her hair down like that. Rachel looked scrawny.

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> B'cos Jane Sibett was pregnant and too huge to hide.

Good answer, but he simply could have turned up with his grandparents.

>> But no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

> dont worry. there aren't any yet. It'll be at least August when shooting
> resumes for season 8.

Yeah, but some of these discussions go on for many months...

> PS: I really enjoy your reviews.

Oh, *thankyou* Priya! :)

I do enjoy writing them, but praise such as yours makes it all worthwhile.



Jun 22, 2001, 8:59:45 PM6/22/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

<snip summary>

> ---o0o---
> Rachel took the trash out??? If Phoebe had thought about this, would
> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

Probably. Even more so when she had thought about how weird it is to take
someone else's trash out.

> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

Would you have wanted her to wear jeans to the wedding? I thought she looked
great. Didn't you notice Phoebe and Rachel wore the same dress?

> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
> Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
> in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
> Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
> could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
> episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
> to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

So it's still a continuity error, right?

> After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
> more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
> Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
> at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
> 702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
> obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

I think the "cynics" don't mind so much that we rarely see them at work, but
that they seem to have an almost endless amount of free time.

> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

No, because then you'd have to explain away another continuity error.

> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
> do with Megan Bailey?

It's getting tedious, but that's inconsistent again.

> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

Because she doesn't know any Greek and Mazel Tov sounded exotic enough to

> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

Lame sentimentality doesn't do it for me.

> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

She doesn't. She means that Chandler should not joke around at that moment.

> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

No, so enlighten us!

> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

What do you think...

> Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

Yes, indeed.

> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

Of course, how could you not notice?

> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
> that exactly?

That is probably the movie's opening weekend. I didn't get that at first.

> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

You are probably not looking for the answer "because the producers couldn't
get all the secondary characters together just to have them sit in the
wedding audience".

> Have the Tribbianis been delayed at the christening? Will we see
> them in S8-01?

See above.

> What about Cassie, and all the other Geller aunts & cousins we've seen?

And again.

> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?


> ---o0o---
> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.

Very generous of you to explain the true meaning of the cliffhanger for the
poor souls who were still in doubt.

> But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
> knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
> of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.
> What will happen next? She *could* have the baby, but sadly that seems
> the least likely option with at least one season still to go. She could
> have an abortion, or a miscarriage, or the pregnancy test could turn out
> to be faulty (especially if it had been in the trash for too long), or
> it could even belong to somebody else - like cousin Marie, or Nora got
> Charles drunk, or Nora & Ross, or even Judy after getting her wicked way
> with Gunther. My best guess is that at the moment, *nobody* knows, since
> it depends upon Jennifer & Brad Pitt, as well as Lisa & Michel Stern and
> Courteney & David Arquette - reality bites...

There are two ways to look at the whole pregnancy thing. The first way is to
look at it from the writers' view. The answer seems to be fairly obvious to
me then: nobody knows. They came up with a cliffhanger that would keep the
viewers in suspense. How it will be resolved is something to worry about in
the future. When they start writing for the next season they will decide if
somebody is indeed pregnant, if so if it's Rachel or someone else and if
it's Rachel who will be the father. This will very much depend on any actual
pregnancies of the actresses.

The other way is less realistic but more fun: try to look for clues in the
episode and/or the rest of the season. In that case it's quite clear who is
pregnant: Rachel. But that is only IF there is a pregnancy. Couldn't
Rachel's reaction to Phoebe finding the test mean: "Oh God, I really thought
it was negative"?Negative pregnancy tests are known to turn positive after a
certain period of time.
It could also mean that Rachel suddenly realised that someone other than
herself, Monica or Phoebe is pregnant. Who? Anybody's guess.
If Rachel is indeed pregnant, who's the father? It's not Ross, because it's
impossible something happened between them that we were not allowed to see.
It's not Joey, because that would be just ridiculous. Would he sleep with
Ross's eternal love? Would Rachel even want to sleep with Joey? Would the
viewers accept such a far fetched idea? Nah.
It's not Chandler, obviously.
Who is it then? Probably some stranger. Brad Pitt can play him, running away
when he hears of the pregnancy. Rachel will be left alone and Ross can come
in to help. All's well that ends well.
The option of an abortion is probably not very likely, this being a
mainstream American tv show...



Jun 22, 2001, 9:31:23 PM6/22/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> ..Rachel keeps saying "Oh my God", while Phoebe wonders if that was

> why Chandler took off - but Rachel tells her that since she emptied
> the trash the previous night, Monica must have just taken the test;
> and she makes Phoebe agree that they tell no-one about the matter.

Given that I knew pre-viewing who the actual implied expecting mum
was, I was watching this part in utter disbelief at Phoebe's stupidity
- Rachel was crying every five seconds, her reaction to the
test-finding was a blatant "Oh my God, someone's found it" rather than
an "Oh my God, Monica's pregnant", her taking the trash out (since
when does Rachel ever do *anything* domestic?!) and her insistence
that they couldn't tell Chandler under any circumstances, and Phoebe
*still* didn't figure it out? Okay, yes, pretty much a blatant plot
device to keep the secret until the end, but Phoebe would (should)
have been smart enough to figure out that all was not as it seemed
with Rachel just on her constant crying. (And no, I don't consider
the "I think I'll sleep with Joey" any kind of hint, although I do
think Monica should have been smart enough to figure out something was
up as well.)

> Meanwhile, instead of Chandler having to plunge, Ross persuades him
> to get ready by proceeding one little step at a time, and eventually
> he's coaxed him into a tuxedo. However, the next step is a big one,
> getting married, so Chandler nips out for a furtive smoke. But when
> he hears the girls coming, he ducks into a closet, from where he
> overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy!

Phoebe was pretty much just used to move the pregnancy plot forward in
this episode, wasn't she? (Or maybe not - I have the flu, so that's
just my illness-induced take on it.)

> Rachel finds a Greek Orthodox wedding just ending, so by lying that
> Chandler & Monica are also Greek Orthodox, she persuades the priest
> to officiate. Meanwhile, Ross frets that he's lost Chandler, but while
> Helena hits on him, and Nora recalls her marriage when the groom wore
> a wedding dress, Monica appears in her full regalia, and she is so
> beautiful that Ross's breath is taken away - but when she asks about
> Chandler, he breaks into a sweat, and has to pretend that the drops
> are beads of joy!

On the Monica-getting-ready note - this may be very posh-posh of me,
but wouldn't any obsessed bride like Monica be likely to get their
hair and makeup done professionally? It's not that huge a chunk out
of the budget, at least not where I live anyway.

> When Joey arrived at the studio, the director was not interested in
> the truth or any of his excuses, but assured him that there was only
> one scene to do - except Crosby turned up drunk. They began filming,
> but despite Joey's attempts to fill in, Crosby was hopeless, yet the
> director was determined to continue until it was in the can.

Not all directors are like that, are they?

> Back at the hotel, just as the priest begins, Joey rushes down the
> aisle to take over, and apologises to the dearly beloved for being
> late and still in his WWI uniform! Beginning the proceedings before
> the groom can escape again, which startles the bride, Joey delivers
> a sweet yet short speech (since he left his notes in his dressing
> room) then invites Monica to say her vows.

I cheered when Joey showed up. He *made* the ceremony - I was so
worried it was going to be a sap-fest (as I often am with these two)
that I was about to walk out the room and make some tea - but Joey's
complete botching of the ceremony pretty much made this <she says
through gritted teeth> one of my favourite TV weddings ever </gritted
teeth>. Now, *there's* something I never thought I'd say.

> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
> Rachel looks very very worried...

I felt sorry for Rachel here - she's really got herself into a bit of
a pickle here, hasn't she?

> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

Her dress and hair weren't up to much considering it's Monica though,
were they? I remember thinking that Rachel and Phoebe's dresses were
much more elaborate, and then something along the lines of
"Something's gone a bit wrong here..."

> Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
> that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
> was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
> annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
> his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

I liked Ross in this episode (and feel sorry for DS, considering that
he has pretty much been reduced to a supporting player - by his own
admission - when he's shown what he can be capable of). Roll on "Band
of Brothers"...

> Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and his
> sparring with Crosby was delightful. Meanwhile, though we had a second
> helping of Nora & Charles, I would have liked so much more, as well as
> the hotly anticipated cat-fight between Nora & Judy. Maybe this will
> happen during the reception at the start of Season 8 - if a certain
> mother-to-be manages not to steal Monica's thunder...

She will do. You *know* how these things turn out. ;)

> Rachel took the trash out??? If Phoebe had thought about this, would
> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

Could have done, would have done, should have done...

> Ross has already kissed both Nora & Chandler, and since Helena quite
> clearly fancies the boy, does he have any chance of completing a Bing
> hat-trick there?

Dear God, I hope not.

> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

Because as it happens, an ill-fitting dress can make you look worse
than in denims. (This being the reason why I had my dress for my
Christmas ball made by a dressmaker.)

> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
> Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
> in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
> Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
> could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
> episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
> to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

He could have done that on a Saturday, though - it's not unheard of
for office people to work Saturdays. (My dad being one of them on

> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
> to a waistcoat.

Those Yanks don't know diddly-squat bt Nglsh. ;)

> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

Or the set designer thought it would be strange if they wore different
dresses. (Which brings me back to my earlier comment about
ill-fitting dresses - often happens when two people wear the same
dress in a show, more often than not they're from a shop.)

> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

Because it looked pretty?

> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
> do with Megan Bailey?


> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
> Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

George Stephanopolus, aka. one of President Clinton's co-workers, aka.
he who is lusted after in TOW Geoge Stephanopolus, way back when
towards the beginning of S1. Surprised you didn't pick that one up,
Tennant. ;)

> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

Probably rented. I didn't think her dress was particularly flattering
either - who's willing to bet they went over budget with all the guest
stars and couldn't afford a more elaborate dress for her? Shame.

> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

No. ;)

> Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
> happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

Seems strangely like certain people I've worked with in the past...

> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?


> Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

Almost definitely.

> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

I knew he did something on the way out, just didn't realise what.

> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
> that exactly?

Our second May Bank Holiday weekend. ie. Pearl Harbour was released
on May 25th in America, which was Memorial Day Weekend for the
Americans (and Canadians?), but May 28th was our May Bank Holiday.

> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?
> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
> something blue?

The dress was probably the "something borrowed", and possibly the
"something old" as well...

> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

I bet he was, we just didn't see him. Same with Carol and Susan.
Plus I believe one of the actresses is heavily pregnant right now (or
was at the time) - would *you* like to try and explain that?

> Have the Tribbianis been delayed at the christening? Will we see
> them in S8-01?

Again, no idea what you're talking about. This is the first ep I've
seen in *ages* - must catch up with vids/DVDs.

> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

No, actually. I was happy, but I didn't applaud. The cynic in me
strikes again. ;)

> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
> But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
> knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
> of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

Do they want us to presume *anything* about who the father is just
yet? Or is it going to be held back until a sweeps period?

Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 12:42:46 AM6/23/01
In article <DSNY6.11858$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

It sure isn't - she rarely did it when she was Monica's roomie, and
you can bet she won't do it when she's a guest.

> It might be that she took it out to cover her tracks (to avoid having
> anyone discover the test), but didn't notice that her clump of tissues
> had stuck to the bottom. In that case, she either thought Monica really
> did also take a test that morning, or realized that her emptying had not
> been thorough.

That is possible, but very unlikely, especially if the trash contains
something you really don't want others to find out about. The most
likely explanation is that Rachel lied about emptying the trash to
convince Phoebe that the test was Monica's.

>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

> Monica picked out the bridesmaid dresses. She takes the blame or credit
> depending on whether you liked them or not. ;)

Ah - now there seems to be a tradition of making the bridesmaids look
bad to make the bride look good. Not only is this reprehensible, on a
purely artistic level it doesn't work, they should be like the setting
for the jewel. However, in this case there was nothing wrong with the
bridesmaids outfits, Phoebe looks fine in hers, but Rachel's hair is
just dreadful like that, and her face & figure look scrawny.

>> Anyway, Paul Newman is a better example since he has been married to
>> Joanne Woodward since 29th January 1958 - but did you know that she
>> is his *second* wife?

> Yup, I remember this from a special on JW--I think on A&E's "Biography."

What's "A&E"? (here it means "Accident & Emergency")

>> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
>> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

> The maid of honor is not always dressed differently from the other
> bridesmaid(s). This was the case at my brother's wedding.

Fair enough. Thanks.

>> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
>> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

> Maybe Monica insisted--this would be just like her!

Could be. There was a lot of variation, as though everyone bought
their own, but all to a similar theme which Monica 'suggested'.

>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>> do with Megan Bailey?

> I have a feeling this won't be explained.


>> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
>> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

> Probably.

Okay, but I'm hoping someone will do an expert comparison.

>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family name
>> of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with Papasifakis,

>> Stephanopoulos & Acidopholus?

> Yup, but only because someone here pointed that out right after the
> episode aired in the U.S.

A dear friend reminds me that Stephanopoulos refers to the aide of
former President Clinton, as in 104 "TOW George Stephanopoulos", and
she informs me that Acidopholus is your small intestine's best friend!

There are several strains of this friendly bacteria, which naturally
occur in your digestive tract. Their role is to prevent things like
salmonella, yeast fungi and other nasties from interfering with your
system. Acidopholus also helps the body absorb vitamins like B-complex
and K. Unfortunately, it can be wiped out if you are given antibiotics,
allowing drug-resistant microbes to flourish, but if you're concerned
check for advice.

She also says that the closet with "ICE" on the door is where the
hotel hides the ice-making machine - but she has not been able to
help with "Papasifakis", so does anyone have any ideas?

>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

> She panicked?

Lol, but my friend says that Rachel was simply wishing then good luck.

>> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

> That was a nice moment.

Yes indeed, he was seizing control of his own future, instead of
allowing his childhood past to dominate him.

>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

> She's very literal?

I dunno, that doesn't sound like Monica to me.

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> Yes.

Me too, but that was the sacrifice Monica made for her beloved.

>> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
>> something blue?

> We may never know.

Yeah... :(

>> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
>> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

> I don't think we're meant to believe he was actually planning to use them.
> I think that was a joke both on his part and the writers.

Could be, Mardi, could be - but it did fit with the established plot.


Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 12:46:44 AM6/23/01
In article <9h08fe$nl1$04$>, "Didi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...

>> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
>> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
>> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
>> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
>> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

> Yeah. I loved it. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Gary Oldman and
> Matt LeBlanc. They were both brilliant!

Yeah - strangely enough, some fans saw the acting story as okayish
filler, while others such as yourself really loved it.

>> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
>> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

> I don't think it was, but maybe I'm wrong.


>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family name
>> of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with Papasifakis,

>> Stephanopoulos & Acidopholus?

> All who say, that the writers don't know their series, were proved
> wrong this episode.

Absolutely, as so often happens. Of course the fact that the writers of
this episode actually *created* the whole bloody show does help!!!

> I haven't seen so many past-episode references in one:

> - Stephanopolus was this guy the girls were watching across the street in
> an earlier episode

That was 104 "TOW George Stephanopoulos", and I feel suitably ashamed for
not spotting it - I was too please to get "Anastassakis".

> - Joey gave the finger without actually giving it.

That's right, as invented by Ross as a boy (see S4-05).

> - Jack and Judy Geller seem to have a similar "list" like Ross and
Rachel did

That was the famous Freebie List, and although R+R did work theirs out,
it was originally a Chandler & Janice thing (see S3-05).

> and I think there were even more, I can't remember right now.

If you remember, please let me know - but in fact last year's finale
contained *six* lovely past-episode references, the most astonishing
being Chandler's deduction that Monica had been at Richard's apartment,
for he recognised her 'usual', a scotch on the rocks with a twist. To
write this, you have to go all the way back to 210 "TOW Russ", where
Monica drank that while on a date with Fun Bobby.

>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

> Well, she though the Americans were fighting the Mexicans in WWI.
> Probably just another mix-up, hehe.

Haha, but it turns out that Jewish Rachel was wishing them good luck.

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> I think I'm not one of those, who thought the first dress was better. I
> like wedding dresses to be plain, just like the second one, Monica had.

Ah - you're the first one to say this, Didi. :)

>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
>> But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
>> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
>> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
>> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
>> knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
>> of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
>> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

> I'd be hoping Ross :-)

Okay... but when did this breakthrough in their relationship take place?


Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 12:52:22 AM6/23/01
In article <>,
muld...@aol.comnojunk (Mulder ctp) wrote:

> Just a quick question, When Chandler hold up the item of clothing and
> Pheobe says that he obviously hasn't seen Chuckie 3, i think E4 could
> have cut that comment out for the broadcast what with the parole hearing
> of the Bulger killers this week i think its very inappropriate

That was tabloid crap, it wasn't true. Meanwhile, "Friends" may not
be a millionth as important as child murder, but since you complain
about thoughtlessness & lack of consideration, why did you strip off
the spoiler space? Most British fans have not seen this episode yet.


Jun 23, 2001, 2:37:10 AM6/23/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> That is possible, but very unlikely, especially if the trash contains
> something you really don't want others to find out about. The most
> likely explanation is that Rachel lied about emptying the trash to
> convince Phoebe that the test was Monica's.

Maybe, but couldn't Rachel just as easily have taken the test that morning?
If she meant to avert suspicion from herself, I don't know how claiming to
have taken out the trash (while not having done so) would achieve that.

> > Yup, I remember this from a special on JW--I think on A&E's "Biography."
> What's "A&E"? (here it means "Accident & Emergency")

Arts and Entertainment--it's a cable network. :)

> A dear friend reminds me that Stephanopoulos refers to the aide of
> former President Clinton, as in 104 "TOW George Stephanopoulos", and
> she informs me that Acidopholus is your small intestine's best friend!

Oh, I got "Stephanopolous" and "acidopholus"--it's just "Annastassakis"

> She also says that the closet with "ICE" on the door is where the
> hotel hides the ice-making machine - but she has not been able to
> help with "Papasifakis", so does anyone have any ideas?

I've got no idea about "Papasifakis."

> >> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
> >> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?
> > She panicked?
> Lol, but my friend says that Rachel was simply wishing then good luck.

Yes, it means (roughly) "congratulations" or "good luck," and is perfectly
appropriate for a wedding, though probably not expected at a Greek Orthodox
wedding. Surely JA would know what to say in this situation, but Rachel
blurted out the first non-English congratulatory words she could think of,
"Mazel Tov."

> >> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> >> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?
> > Yes.
> Me too, but that was the sacrifice Monica made for her beloved.

I know--and I thought was awfully decent of her. She also didn't let
Chandler know what had happened, so she wasn't seeking credit for the
sacrifice either, which was doubly decent of her. :)

> >> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
> >> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!
> > I don't think we're meant to believe he was actually planning to use
> > I think that was a joke both on his part and the writers.

> Could be, Mardi, could be - but it did fit with the established plot.

Oh, but I guess that depends on how you interpreted the established plot.
When I saw the vows episode, I never really believed Chandler planned to
plagiarize Monica's vows for the wedding. I thought, rather, that he was
blowing off steam--he was having such a hard time writing the vows, and he
knew "funny" was off-limits. I assumed he would be writing something new
between then and the wedding. :)


Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 1:06:39 AM6/23/01
In article <5lOY6.24445$>, "Bobo"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she

>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

> Would you have wanted her to wear jeans to the wedding? I thought she
> looked great. Didn't you notice Phoebe and Rachel wore the same dress?

I'm not saying that Rachel looked really lovely *because* she wore a blue
top & denims, it was at that time that her hair & make-up were better.

>> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
>> Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
>> in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
>> Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
>> could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
>> episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
>> to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

> So it's still a continuity error, right?

No, it was a changed premise.

>> After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
>> more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
>> Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
>> at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
>> 702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
>> obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

> I think the "cynics" don't mind so much that we rarely see them at work,
> but that they seem to have an almost endless amount of free time.

We actually see each of them for about 14 seconds per day, so it's
not surprising that the show focuses on the interesting bits.

>> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
>> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

> No, because then you'd have to explain away another continuity error.

Thankyou for saving the world from that fate.

>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>> do with Megan Bailey?

> It's getting tedious, but that's inconsistent again.

There you go, Bobolink, one to shout about.

>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

> Because she doesn't know any Greek and Mazel Tov sounded exotic enough
> to her.

Could be, but my friend says it means "good luck" in Hebrew.

>> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

> Lame sentimentality doesn't do it for me.

Spoken like a soup nazi.

>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

> She doesn't. She means that Chandler should not joke around at that
> moment.

I considered that, but it doesn't sound like that.

You may now criticise CCA's acting ability.

>> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
>> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
>> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

> No, so enlighten us!

I'm asking because I can't recall it. If I knew I'd say so.

>> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

> What do you think...

That some did, since some rode horses.

>> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
>> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
>> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
>> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

> Of course, how could you not notice?

Some didn't, it was very fast.

>> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
>> that exactly?

> That is probably the movie's opening weekend. I didn't get that at first.

Oh I got that, but I didn't know when Memorial Day was.

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> You are probably not looking for the answer "because the producers
> couldn't get all the secondary characters together just to have them sit
> in the wedding audience".


>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

> No.

I don't think I'd have handled the shock if you had.

>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.

> Very generous of you to explain the true meaning of the cliffhanger for
> the poor souls who were still in doubt.

You're welcome.

> There are two ways to look at the whole pregnancy thing. The first way
> is to look at it from the writers' view. The answer seems to be fairly
> obvious to me then: nobody knows. They came up with a cliffhanger that
> would keep the viewers in suspense. How it will be resolved is something
> to worry about in the future. When they start writing for the next
> season they will decide if somebody is indeed pregnant, if so if it's
> Rachel or someone else and if it's Rachel who will be the father. This
> will very much depend on any actual pregnancies of the actresses. The
> other way is less realistic but more fun: try to look for clues in the
> episode and/or the rest of the season. In that case it's quite clear who
> is pregnant: Rachel. But that is only IF there is a pregnancy. Couldn't
> Rachel's reaction to Phoebe finding the test mean: "Oh God, I really

> thought it was negative"? Negative pregnancy tests are known to turn

> positive after a certain period of time. It could also mean that Rachel
> suddenly realised that someone other than herself, Monica or Phoebe is
> pregnant. Who? Anybody's guess. If Rachel is indeed pregnant, who's the
> father? It's not Ross, because it's impossible something happened
> between them that we were not allowed to see. It's not Joey, because
> that would be just ridiculous. Would he sleep with Ross's eternal love?
> Would Rachel even want to sleep with Joey? Would the viewers accept such
> a far fetched idea? Nah. It's not Chandler, obviously. Who is it then?
> Probably some stranger. Brad Pitt can play him, running away when he
> hears of the pregnancy. Rachel will be left alone and Ross can come in
> to help. All's well that ends well. The option of an abortion is
> probably not very likely, this being a mainstream American tv show...

I agree with everything you say, except for the bit about Joey.


Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 1:02:49 AM6/23/01
In article <>, (Tina) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> news:<>...

Yes, I see what you mean Tina, but it is not so blatant when you do
not know in advance - although I was suspicious at the end of S7-23.

>> Meanwhile, instead of Chandler having to plunge, Ross persuades him
>> to get ready by proceeding one little step at a time, and eventually
>> he's coaxed him into a tuxedo. However, the next step is a big one,
>> getting married, so Chandler nips out for a furtive smoke. But when
>> he hears the girls coming, he ducks into a closet, from where he
>> overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy!

> Phoebe was pretty much just used to move the pregnancy plot forward in
> this episode, wasn't she? (Or maybe not - I have the flu, so that's
> just my illness-induced take on it.)

Errr well, Phoebe was also the one who found Chandler, and she was also
the one who made the bridesmaid outfit look good - Rachel was scrawny.

Sorry to hear you're unwell Teens, get well soon. :)

>> Rachel finds a Greek Orthodox wedding just ending, so by lying that
>> Chandler & Monica are also Greek Orthodox, she persuades the priest
>> to officiate. Meanwhile, Ross frets that he's lost Chandler, but while
>> Helena hits on him, and Nora recalls her marriage when the groom wore
>> a wedding dress, Monica appears in her full regalia, and she is so
>> beautiful that Ross's breath is taken away - but when she asks about
>> Chandler, he breaks into a sweat, and has to pretend that the drops
>> are beads of joy!

> On the Monica-getting-ready note - this may be very posh-posh of me,
> but wouldn't any obsessed bride like Monica be likely to get their
> hair and makeup done professionally? It's not that huge a chunk out
> of the budget, at least not where I live anyway.

I think the plot required her to stay at home so that she could be the
one doing pregnancy tests in the bathroom & fretting in the bedroom.

>> When Joey arrived at the studio, the director was not interested in
>> the truth or any of his excuses, but assured him that there was only
>> one scene to do - except Crosby turned up drunk. They began filming,
>> but despite Joey's attempts to fill in, Crosby was hopeless, yet the
>> director was determined to continue until it was in the can.

> Not all directors are like that, are they?

In all my years of stage & screen I've seen nothing like it. The
director seemed to me like a totally unrealistic character who just
didn't worry about anything going wrong, just plodded on & on.

>> Back at the hotel, just as the priest begins, Joey rushes down the
>> aisle to take over, and apologises to the dearly beloved for being
>> late and still in his WWI uniform! Beginning the proceedings before
>> the groom can escape again, which startles the bride, Joey delivers
>> a sweet yet short speech (since he left his notes in his dressing
>> room) then invites Monica to say her vows.

> I cheered when Joey showed up. He *made* the ceremony - I was so
> worried it was going to be a sap-fest (as I often am with these two)
> that I was about to walk out the room and make some tea - but Joey's
> complete botching of the ceremony pretty much made this <she says
> through gritted teeth> one of my favourite TV weddings ever </gritted
> teeth>. Now, *there's* something I never thought I'd say.

Yay! Way to go Teenster! It was great fun to see a wedding in reverse.

>> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
>> Rachel looks very very worried...

> I felt sorry for Rachel here - she's really got herself into a bit of
> a pickle here, hasn't she?

At this moment in time she clearly has - I just hope that the writers
aren't forced to cheat later on because Jen & Brad let them down.

>> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
>> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
>> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
>> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
>> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

> Her dress and hair weren't up to much considering it's Monica though,
> were they? I remember thinking that Rachel and Phoebe's dresses were
> much more elaborate, and then something along the lines of
> "Something's gone a bit wrong here..."

Monica looked lovely to me, but then I'm just a guy...

>> Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
>> that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
>> was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
>> annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
>> his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

> I liked Ross in this episode (and feel sorry for DS, considering that
> he has pretty much been reduced to a supporting player - by his own
> admission - when he's shown what he can be capable of). Roll on "Band
> of Brothers"...

Ross was very good - and considering that this was a wedding episode in
which he wasn't getting married, he was the most pro-active character.

>> Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and his
>> sparring with Crosby was delightful. Meanwhile, though we had a second
>> helping of Nora & Charles, I would have liked so much more, as well as
>> the hotly anticipated cat-fight between Nora & Judy. Maybe this will
>> happen during the reception at the start of Season 8 - if a certain
>> mother-to-be manages not to steal Monica's thunder...

> She will do. You *know* how these things turn out. ;)

He-he, if only Rachel had announced her pregnancy as the cliffhanger
then the two thunder-thefts would have neatly bookended the season.

>> Rachel took the trash out??? If Phoebe had thought about this, would
>> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

> Could have done, would have done, should have done...

Yeah, yep, yes.

>> Ross has already kissed both Nora & Chandler, and since Helena quite
>> clearly fancies the boy, does he have any chance of completing a Bing
>> hat-trick there?

> Dear God, I hope not.

Speaking as a bloke, I'd rather snog Chandler's dad than Chandler... ;)

>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

> Because as it happens, an ill-fitting dress can make you look worse
> than in denims. (This being the reason why I had my dress for my
> Christmas ball made by a dressmaker.)

Okay, so why was her hair & make-up so much better? (In the morning)

>> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
>> Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
>> in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
>> Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
>> could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
>> episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
>> to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

> He could have done that on a Saturday, though - it's not unheard of
> for office people to work Saturdays. (My dad being one of them on
> occasion.)

Oh, of course - but the point is that it's unheard of for offices to
be deserted on a Tuesday.

>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>> to a waistcoat.

> Those Yanks don't know diddly-squat bt Nglsh. ;)


>> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
>> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

> Or the set designer thought it would be strange if they wore different
> dresses. (Which brings me back to my earlier comment about
> ill-fitting dresses - often happens when two people wear the same
> dress in a show, more often than not they're from a shop.)

Maybe the designer was making a point that these were off-the-rack?

>> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
>> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

> Because it looked pretty?

Could be, but I think it's that designer again.

>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>> do with Megan Bailey?

> Who?!

The woman who took the good wedding dress away from Monica.

>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family name
>> of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with Papasifakis,

>> Stephanopoulos & Acidopholus?

> George Stephanopolus, aka. one of President Clinton's co-workers, aka.
> he who is lusted after in TOW Geoge Stephanopolus, way back when
> towards the beginning of S1. Surprised you didn't pick that one up,
> Tennant. ;)

I know, I feel very ashamed. I was too pleased to get "Anastassakis".

Acidopholus are your small intestine's best friends.

>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

> Probably rented. I didn't think her dress was particularly flattering
> either - who's willing to bet they went over budget with all the guest
> stars and couldn't afford a more elaborate dress for her? Shame.

Rented? I hadn't thought of that. Hmmm. You know Tina, despite what you
said about professionally done hair & make-up being inexpensive, I reckon
that it was Monica's budget that was cut to the bone, not the show's.

>> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
>> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
>> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

> No. ;)

This is very perplexing...

>> Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
>> happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

> Seems strangely like certain people I've worked with in the past...

You can have bastard film directors with no sympathy in their souls, but
they still care about what happens on the set. If an actor is too drunk
to perform, you order a flunkey to do something about it, you don't just
carry on ruining take after take.

>> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?


Well, they might have been cavalry officers... ;)

>> Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

> Almost definitely.


>> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
>> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
>> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
>> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

> I knew he did something on the way out, just didn't realise what.

It was very fast - you can learn from that.

>> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
>> that exactly?

> Our second May Bank Holiday weekend. ie. Pearl Harbour was released
> on May 25th in America, which was Memorial Day Weekend for the
> Americans (and Canadians?), but May 28th was our May Bank Holiday.

Okay, ta.

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

>> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
>> something blue?

> The dress was probably the "something borrowed", and possibly the
> "something old" as well...

Excellent point!!

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> I bet he was, we just didn't see him. Same with Carol and Susan.
> Plus I believe one of the actresses is heavily pregnant right now (or
> was at the time) - would *you* like to try and explain that?

Yes, apparently he was at his father's second wedding, but we just did
not see him. Jane Sibbett who plays Carol was pregnant during 716 "TOW
the Truth About London", but most of her scenes were cut out of the
British version, so it was harder to spot.

As for explaining it, Jane is preggers, Carol is not, simple as that.

>> Have the Tribbianis been delayed at the christening? Will we see
>> them in S8-01?

> Again, no idea what you're talking about. This is the first ep I've
> seen in *ages* - must catch up with vids/DVDs.

Oh, you've missed an awful lot of good stuff - this season ended
up as my second favourite of all time, with 16 out of 24 episodes
gaining my seal of approval. Get the DVDs with the uncut versions.

>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

> No, actually. I was happy, but I didn't applaud. The cynic in me
> strikes again. ;)

Will you applaud if Ross & Rachel ever marry again?

>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>> be Rachel who is pregnant - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
>> But who is the father? Ross? That's what they want you to think, but
>> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
>> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
>> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
>> knickers. Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
>> of murder mysteries. Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
>> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

> Do they want us to presume *anything* about who the father is just
> yet? Or is it going to be held back until a sweeps period?

Dunno. My guess is that something will be said in S8-01 or S8-02, and
that if JA is pregnant then Rachel is, and if not then the pregnancy
test showed a false positive after being in the trash too long.



Jun 23, 2001, 10:57:17 AM6/23/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> > He could have done that on a Saturday, though - it's not unheard of
> > for office people to work Saturdays. (My dad being one of them on
> > occasion.)
> Oh, of course - but the point is that it's unheard of for offices to
> be deserted on a Tuesday.

But as Chandler never seems to go to work, I doubt his co-workers would look
in his office on a tuesday either !!

> >> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
> >> sort of golden/silvery sheen?
> > Because it looked pretty?
> Could be, but I think it's that designer again.

Or a really control-freak Bride dressing the whole wedding party ?


Paul Hyett

Jun 23, 2001, 7:01:34 AM6/23/01
On Sat, 23 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>> Yeah. I loved it. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Gary Oldman and
>> Matt LeBlanc. They were both brilliant!
>Yeah - strangely enough, some fans saw the acting story as okayish
>filler, while others such as yourself really loved it.

I saw it as a tedious filler.

PS, I'll have to comment on your review properly later, since Turnpike
failed to pick up the original post, so I'll have to request it
Paul 'US Sitcom Fan' Hyett - The Wild Frame Grabber of the Net!

Website at

Tennant Stuart

Jun 23, 2001, 4:27:53 PM6/23/01
In article <qhTY6.22773$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


I'm saying the test *was* taken that morning, and by Rachel. Should
Mrs.Pitt not fall pregnant this summer, then the test was negative,
but by the time that Phoebe found it the colour had changed to show
a false positive, neatly explaining why Rachel was so shocked.

> If she meant to avert suspicion from herself, I don't know how claiming
> to have taken out the trash (while not having done so) would achieve that.

Because she feared that if Phoebe thought that Chandler took off because
his fiancée was pregnant, then possibly that would be the last straw, and
she'd tell Monica who would deny it - then Rachel is in *huge* trouble.

>>> Yup, I remember this from a special on JW--I think on A&E's
> "Biography."

>> What's "A&E"? (here it means "Accident & Emergency")

> Arts and Entertainment--it's a cable network. :)

Ah - thankyou.

>> A dear friend reminds me that Stephanopoulos refers to the aide of
>> former President Clinton, as in 104 "TOW George Stephanopoulos", and
>> she informs me that Acidopholus is your small intestine's best friend!

> Oh, I got "Stephanopolous" and "acidopholus"--it's just "Annastassakis"

>> She also says that the closet with "ICE" on the door is where the
>> hotel hides the ice-making machine - but she has not been able to
>> help with "Papasifakis", so does anyone have any ideas?

> I've got no idea about "Papasifakis."

It's a proper Greek family name, but then so is "Anastassakis" and we
know that wasn't chosen at random, so neither was "Papasifakis".

>>>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>>>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

>>> She panicked?

>> Lol, but my friend says that Rachel was simply wishing then good luck.

> Yes, it means (roughly) "congratulations" or "good luck," and is
> perfectly appropriate for a wedding, though probably not expected at a
> Greek Orthodox wedding. Surely JA would know what to say in this
> situation, but Rachel blurted out the first non-English congratulatory
> words she could think of, "Mazel Tov."

And quite likely for a Jewish girl.

>>>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>>>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

>>> Yes.

>> Me too, but that was the sacrifice Monica made for her beloved.

> I know--and I thought was awfully decent of her. She also didn't let
> Chandler know what had happened, so she wasn't seeking credit for the
> sacrifice either, which was doubly decent of her. :)

Yep, absolutely wonderful. How can people describe Monica as a shrew?

>>>> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
>>>> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

>>> I don't think we're meant to believe he was actually planning to use
>>> them. I think that was a joke both on his part and the writers.

>> Could be, Mardi, could be - but it did fit with the established plot.

> Oh, but I guess that depends on how you interpreted the established plot.
> When I saw the vows episode, I never really believed Chandler planned to
> plagiarize Monica's vows for the wedding. I thought, rather, that he was
> blowing off steam--he was having such a hard time writing the vows, and he
> knew "funny" was off-limits. I assumed he would be writing something new
> between then and the wedding. :)

Okay, but you are assuming that the story in S7-21 was not really as it
seemed, and then you are having to assume that the story in S7-24 was not
really as it seemed, to account for it. On the other hand, it's simpler
just to let the story in S7-24 follow the story in S7-21. :)


Jun 23, 2001, 10:41:40 PM6/23/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> > Oh, but I guess that depends on how you interpreted the established
> > When I saw the vows episode, I never really believed Chandler planned to
> > plagiarize Monica's vows for the wedding. I thought, rather, that he
> > blowing off steam--he was having such a hard time writing the vows, and
> > knew "funny" was off-limits. I assumed he would be writing something
> > between then and the wedding. :)
> Okay, but you are assuming that the story in S7-21 was not really as it
> seemed, and then you are having to assume that the story in S7-24 was not
> really as it seemed, to account for it. On the other hand, it's simpler
> just to let the story in S7-24 follow the story in S7-21. :)

But what I've described is the way 7.21 seemed to me. And in 7.24, it
seemed to me that Chandler decided to forego his written vows not because
they were Monica's with a few words changed, but because he thought of
something more powerful to say and--necessary because of Joey's little
slip-up--reassuring to Monica. So for me the story in 7.24 *does* follow
that in 7.21--it's just not exactly the same as your interpretation.
Rashomon again. ;)

To reply by e-mail, please replace <NOSPAM> with <NYCAP.rr>.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 12:31:01 AM6/24/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Sat, 23 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>> In article <9h08fe$nl1$04$>, "Didi"
>> <> wrote:

I knew you would say that. :)

> PS, I'll have to comment on your review properly later, since Turnpike
> failed to pick up the original post, so I'll have to request it
> specifically.

Oh dear - I could always repost it for you, if you like?


Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 12:33:30 AM6/24/01
In article <9h1sjl$8e$>, "Lauren"
<> wrote:

Helen would, though.

>>>> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
>>>> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

>>> Because it looked pretty?

>> Could be, but I think it's that designer again.

> Or a really control-freak Bride dressing the whole wedding party ?

She's not that much of a control freak, else everything would have
matched, but it does look like she suggested a colour scheme.

And I doubt that a control freak would trust her wedding dress to
a friend who keeps making mistakes.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 12:44:17 AM6/24/01

This has been moved to S7-24 so that we can discuss *everything* :)

In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

>>>>>> Chandler moaning that Joey left the replacement toilet by the door.

>>>>> LOL!

>>>> You see, all these difficulties *can* be accounted for... :)

>>> Lol. That's what this list is for, right? :)

>> Partly that! :)

> And to remember the really old scenes you'd think you'd forgotten a
> long time ago, but then you realise you haven't because of the
> DVD-player..

Yes indeed, and also to watch an old episode you haven't seen for a long
time because you didn't like it that much, but you do watch it because
of the DVD, and it may not be great but it's better than you remember...

>>>>>> Phoebe inviting herself to New Jersey, as she missed out on London.

>>>>> And helping the bell man carry their luggage to ten different rooms?

>>>> Ah but with Phoebe there, they'd stay in the first room.

>>> Why? Monica would still be as obsessed as ever, even though she
>>> wouldn't get the opportunity to spend some time alone with Chandler.

>> No, because Phoebe would point her finger at Monica, and we've seen
>> how the Geller siblings cannot resist the power of that digit.

> We certainly have. I wonder what her reaction would be to the two of
> them running around naked, though.

Phoebe would be relaxed about that, but I assumed she would have an
adjoining room, which was the reason why Monica couldn't move rooms.

>>> You know what? You're absolutely right! If for instance Rachel had
>>> followed Joey's advice in 708 and told Tag that she had a crush on
>>> him, they could have talked and got things sorted out right away.
>>> Rachel didn't do what Joey said and made a fool out of herself out
>>> on the balcony.

>> Absolutely, it's Monica's fault for asking her to not listen to Joey.

> In addition to that little child inside of him, there's also a clever
> guy...

There sure is - if only he'd made use of his educational opportunities
instead of having endless sex from the age of 13... what am I saying?

>>>> In 505 "TOW the Kips" we discovered that when Ross stupidly said the
>>>> wrong name at the wedding (wrecking his life for over two years) and
>>>> Rachel wondered if he'd meant her, Joey figured that before long the
>>>> pair would be having words about it, so he & the others would again
>>>> end up stuck in Monica's bedroom - with no food or anything.

>>> True. He knew it was coming.

>> Yep, that's deep thinking, often confused with slow thinking. Anyway,
>> we have seen Joey think fast, the start of S5-11 is a good example.

> Not to mention the fact that he knew so many of the answers in the
> guys vs the girls competition in 412 (e.g. Monica's towel-categories
> and the grandma who died), and that he was the one to fix Monica's
> radiator in 209.

Yes, and he expertly manipulated Ross & the girls in only 73 seconds
so that Chandler & Monica could kiss at the start of 1999, with the
added bonus that he got Rachel. Then it was very neat they way Joey
got Richard Crosby out of the studio in the finale.

>>>>>> Everyone but Ross & Phoebe laughing & happy at the candy in the sky.

>>>>> What would they do then?

>>>> Ross & Phoebe use compromise to make their marriage work, while the
>>>> other four carry on hanging out at the coffee house way too much.

>>> But of course. I should have known that.

>> Yep, once again we see how Ross & Phoebe think the same way.
>> If only they had met at high school...

> He would have been a senior and she a sophomore, even though she was
> older than him...

Err no, because *this* Phoebe wasn't thrown out onto the streets, to
lose track of time as she starved in a cardboard box.

>>>>>> The TV show 'Larry & Vunda - Health Inspector Detectives'.

>>>>> The late-night version of "Ready, Set, Cook".

>>>> Oh, you have that as well, do you? Are you a fan?

>>> No, but it airs on one of our channels.

>> Lucky you, it airs on all our channels.

> Oh... I think I would have grown tired of that and Big Brother after
> just a week..

Well, Big Brother is big again this year (though not huge) but it
keeps itself to itself, confined to just two channels, but cooking
gardening & DIY programmes have become mainstream entertainment
over the last few years, and now this crap is everywhere. :(

>> Okay, so I lied, but sometimes it feels that way...

> It airs on NRK, which I rarely watch, so I stick to TV2 and Friends...

Ah, well we have Friends on three channels...

>>>>>> Rachel being all ha-ha-ha-ha in the hallway.

>>>>> Sounds a bit creepy.

>>>> Does it? Well she never did have to flirt, did she?

>>> Pardon? She tried, but she didn't succeed.

>> Oh, that isn't what I meant. In her life she has never had to flirt,
>> not until Joshua IIRC, but with Danny she tried & didn't succeed.

> Ah, I see. You mean that she never had to flirt in the past. So she
> couldn't really blame Ross for not being able to flirt, when she was a
> small disaster herself...

Yeah, but Ross doesn't look like Rachel...

>>>>>> The invisible demons shying away from Phoebe at the restaurant.

>>>> Did you get this?

>>> The salt, right?

>> Yep. Is that a Norwegian superstition as well?

> Yes, that, black cats and walking under ladders. I guess it's
> international.

What about not stepping on the cracks between the paving?

>>>>>> Ross sharing an apartment with a big, tap dancing pimp.

>>>>> When you say that, I'm starting to think of Treeger for some reason.

>>>> Hoyt is only into social dancing, and he's no pimp - think of the
>>>> hold he has over Monica, if he was so inclined. Anyway, I'm thinking
>>>> of a cross between Hulk Hogan & Michael Flatley, wearing a big hat.

>>> Lol! A bizarre version of Fred Astaire, perhaps?

>> Lol yes, not a top hat, but a big floppy furry hat. :)

> With crocodile teeth and green ribbons...

Pardon? What sort of pimps do you have in Oslo?

>>>>>> How adult Chandler would perceive events in the 1978 Bing household.

>>>> An interesting flashback perhaps, in which he discovers that events
>>>> were not at all as the boy Chandler perceived them?

>>> I think Chandler grew up pretty fast (he had to, poor lad), so would
>>> it be that different? I'm not sure.

>> He might discover that his dad was better than he thought.

> Who knows? He might be.

Yep - we can talk about 722-4 now...

>>>>>> Monica learning to not call a guy's penis a 'tenderness'.

>>>> Yes? No?

>>> Yes, but I don't want to elaborate on what taught her to call it that.

>> Oh really? I guess we are simply meant to stay intrigued, then.

> Sometimes it's better not knowing *everything*. :)


>>>>>> Phoebe's cute Christmas story about a dwarf that got broke in half.

>>>> Betcha this was something a writer was told he couldn't use.

>>> It could be something traumatic from Phoebe's childhood. She knew a
>>> dwarf, but one day right before Christmas, the dwarf got stuck in the
>>> chipper and "broke in half".

>> Okay, so why would she say the story was cute?

> Because he had been bullied for his size and was reincarnated as a
> giant.. Eh... I have no idea. :)

That's why it's in the list.

>>>>>> The travails that Monica went through, to lose 150 pounds.

>>>> That must have been quite something, which Judy callously dismissed.

>>> Oh, definitely. She was too engrossed in Ross and Carol. And what
>>> lasted? Ross and Carol's relationship or Monica's size? I think we
>>> all know the answer to that one.

>> Exactly, and Monica saved her life, while Ross wrecked his.

> Absolutely. But I guess Ross made up for it by procreating.

Hah! I can imagine what Susan would say to that!

>>>> Past-life Phoebe, aged 24, at Java Joe's with Althea & the gang.

>>> Lol! You really think of everything, don't you?

>> Aww, thanks - yes, this TWWWS thingie is excellent mental exercise.

> I know.. It makes me remember the old episodes.


>>> Speaking of Janice, I have finally heard Maggie Wheeler's normal
>>> voice. It was quite a remarkable difference!

>> Oh gosh, I'm *so* jealous! Where did you hear her? What was she like?

> She has a small part as Marva Jr in the Disney flick "The Parent
> Trap". Watching it on DVD last week, I had to use the zoom in the
> first scene in which she appeared to make sure it really was her. Her
> voice was rather normal (I mean, you could hear it was "Janice", but
> she wasn't screechy), and she was wearing glasses. She was also using
> a megaphone in some of her scenes, so can you imagine the sound of her
> voice if she had used the Janice-voice?

Aaarrgh! Hey, that's her first movie since starting on "Ellen".

>>>>> Monica angrily inviting Donald Ledbetter to a huge turkey dinner.

>>>> And he'd better eat it all up...

>>> And nothing ends up in the trash!!

>> Exactly. And Rachel's dessert is to follow...

> So will that end up in the trash, or will a big bird steal it from Mr
> Ledbetter?

Neither, he has to eat every crumb, for fear of her wrath.

>>>>>> Rachel objecting that Joey wouldn't have worn underwear in London.

>>>>> Ross being stunned by Joey not going commando in his wedding in
> London

>>>> I'm just thinking that with a rented tux he wouldn't go commando.

>>> I hope not. Let's hope he wore his own underwear as well, and not
>>> women's underwear.

>> Oh, Joey would *never* do that, would he?

> Oh no, he's too masculine for that.

Tee-hee, or not masculine enough, according to Phoebe.

>>>>> Chandler and Monica's sugar-lips incident

>>>> Well, from the context, wouldn't that just be Chandler trying to refer
>>>> to Monica as "sugar-lips"?

>>> Does it count as an incident? There has to be a funny context.

>> Well, Monica called it an incident.

> Yes, but as usual I want to know more about the context.

Of course, that's why it's in the list. :)

>>>> Phoebe arranging a huge funeral for her dead flowers

>>>> Awww, yes. Though I imagine it as *Monica* having to arrange a huge
>>>> funeral for Phoebe's dead flowers.

>>> Hehe. Having already discussed this matter in other threads, perhaps
>>> they shared the responsibility?

>> Errr, I don't think we have discussed this elsewhere, have we?

> Not precisely this matter, but we discussed how Phoebe and Monica
> arranged Rachel's surprise party in 518.


>>>>> Joey swimming all the way around Long Island

>>>> Why swim?

>>> Well, unless Joey has some sort of hidden identity, I don't think he
>>> could walk on the water.

>> He could paddle along the shoreline, but that's not what I meant...
>> I'm curious as to what made you say it...

> No reason, it was just something that popped into my head.

Well, that's as good a reason as any, sweetheart!

He could pop in to see Phoebe's mum at the halfway point.

>>>>> Rachel buying Shawn Cassidy

>>>> Would that be because of his part in "The Hardy Boys"? If so, when
>>>> Rachel last saw the show she was 8 years old & he was 21, and now he
>>>> would be 43 - not quite a pet. Of course in this country he's quite
>>>> unknown while his half-brother David Cassidy was *huge* - all the
>>>> girls were in love with him, which is why we boys hated him so.

>>> Rachel with an older man. Interesting if you ask me!

>> Well of course, older men *are* more interesting... ;)

> Unless we're talking about a chain-smoking eye doctor with a moustache,
> then, yes, they are. ;)

Ah, that's okay, I don't smoke but I shave.

>>>>> Rachel playing with her grandma's cat

>>>> No-one ever questioned how Mrs.Green had such an unusual breed of cat.

>>> It was probably her "thing".

>> Oh, very clever - yes, you're right, a hook.

>> So why didn't Rachel run away?

> Run away from the cat?

That's the whole point of having a "thing", to make children run away.

>>>>> Why the oven mitts scared Phoebe (it probably has to do with her
>>>>> mother's suicide)

>>> Lily didn't necessarily have to be wearing the oven mitts. It can be
>>> something that Phoebe thinks of as part of the traumatic experience,
>>> even though Lily didn't use them herself when she committed suicide. I
>>> think this trauma could be a result of:

>>> a) Lily was wearing the oven mitts, but I cannot think of a good
>>> explanation why.

>> That's because there isn't one.

> That's what I thought.


>>> b) Ursula had used the oven mitts after seeing her dead mother and
>>> made dinner for herself afterwards.

>> Oh my god - I had to stop reading at this point, and bury my face in
>> my hands, and even now my eyes are moist from laughing...

> Grin. Always the practical girl who wants to go to a concert instead
> of her grandma's funeral..

Lol, we ought to see more of her - maybe in S8.

>>> c) the oven mitts were lying next to Lily's dead body when Phoebe
>>> found her, or they could be hanging next to the oven. Hence, they
>>> would be among the first things Phoebe spotted next to Lily, and
>>> from that moment on, they would remind her of her mother's suicide.

>> Ohhhhh... I like this the best.

>> On an icy bank of the Hudson River, a cute blonde 13-year-old girl
>> is striding home alone from school, desperately trying not to lose
>> her balance. Her name is Ursula Buffay, and she keeps up a fair speed,
>> forcing herself not to look behind her, for she knows that if she did,
>> she'd see her identical twin sister Phoebe, dawdling along, arm-in-arm
>> with that bitch Leslie, her best friend.

>> It's just before Christmas, so the lonely young girl tries to distract
>> herself by thinking of which gifts she might get, but she cannot - for
>> she's too distressed that her 'little' sister hates her, for reasons
>> which she does not know, and does not understand.

>> She knows that at least her mother Lily will be pleased to see her,
>> especially when she sees her early Christmas present - a pair of oven
>> mitts, carefully embroidered with little lilies by Ursula at school.
>> Ursula reaches their barge, and clambers on board, but though she
>> calls out that she's come home, there's no reply. Puzzled, she goes
>> down into the galley, where she finds her mother lying on the floor,
>> her head right inside the unlit gas oven. Dead.

>> In a state of complete shock, Ursula drops the precious mitts beside
>> Lily's body, as she reads the suicide note revealing that she & Phoebe
>> are not who they thought they were - so she destroys the note for fear
>> that she will lose her twin forever, and yet she still does...

> Awwww... That's wonderful... :)

Thanks - apart from the oven mitts, I wrote that for Alyssa, who used
to post on here a *lot* until - errr, better not say.

>>>>> Mrs Whiskerson selling her soul to Satan

>>>> Pardon?

>>> Chandler said she was "a minion of the anti-Christ."

>> Oh, do you mean the real Mrs.Whiskerson, who vowed that she would
>> give up wearing furs if only Satan would make her younger?

> No, I meant the cat.

But a cat can't sell her soul.

>>>>> Gunther treating Mrs Whiskerson like a queen

>>>> Why's that?

>>> Because she reminded him of Rachel.

>> Oh, I thought you had a special reason for saying "queen".

> No, it was just an expression. :)

Oh, like "at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar", or
"isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck fantastic".

>>>>> How Chandler "the Dropper" managed to catch the apple in episode 501

>>>> Is that something in the uncut version?

>>> No, if you check

>> Okay, but it's not easy when the screen is full of cleavage.

> Duh...

It's alright for you to talk, you don't have this problem...

>>> you'll see him taking an apple out of Monica's fridge. As they are
>>> talking about their night in London, he keeps tossing it back and forth,

>> Well, he throws it twice, the first time almost missing a very easy
>> catch at 16:37 (he has to dip), and the second one at 16:58 was just
>> a pass from hand-to-hand which anyone can do with their eyes shut.

> Not Chandler, though.

Course he can, since hand-eye co-ordination is not required.

>>> and I'm thinking that if he was a real "dropper", he wouldn't be able
>>> to do that.

>> But okay, if you can make it a little clearer what you're talking
>> about, then it can go in. :)

> How Chandler "the Dropper" managed to catch the apple while he was
> discussing London with Monica

Okay, now get it down to 68 characters... :)

>>>>> Ross telling Carol about the NYU sewer system

>>>> Because that's how he wooed her?

>>> Yep. And it worked as well.

>> Okay - but did you mean NYU or NYC?

> NYU.

Ah - but didn't we work out that Ross & Carol didn't go to NYU?

He went there for his post-doc, which is when he met Julie.

>>>>> Megan bawling her eyes out while watching Monica

>>>> Like a baby, or chained to a pillar at the church?

>>> I was thinking of the former, but the latter sounds funnier!

>>>>> Monica getting married on May 15th, 2001

>>>> Who knows if this will ever happen?

>>> Who indeed..

>> It's looking increasingly unlikely...

> I'm still crossing my fingers though.

Well it worked! She's now married, and to the right guy, but
curiously not on May 15th, 2001...

>>>>> Rachel getting married in December 2001

>>>> And everybody watching S7 thought that she was kidding...

>>> Grin.

>> Yeah, and I know exactly who she'll marry...

> Now I'm intrigued. Who? If you say Tag, I'm going to get sick.

The father.

>>>>> An amused Chandler watching Ross and Joey fight over Kristen

>>>> I knowww!!! Why on Earth did he leave?

>>> He had to go and listen to the Swing Kings again?

>> Nah - anything else?

> Perhaps he went to a strip club to try out their food (the story that
> was supposed to be in 718).

That's the first I've heard that he went to try out their food.

What else do you know about this???

>>>> Tennant's suggestions from June 2nd...

>>>> Phoebe singing "Merry Christmas" in 24 languages to Bob & Ginger.

>>> Oh yes, and this would hopefully lead to the first Norwegian word on
>>> the show... ;)

>> Heh-heh, but what about "Viking"?

> You can say "viking" in any country, and I bet someone will understand
> what you're saying. However, if you walked up to a person in a strange
> land and said e.g. "rømmegrøt" or "sommerferie", I don't think they
> would understand a thing. I just want Phoebe to sing a Norwegian
> Christmas carol that no one will understand. :)

That's asking rather a lot. What about "reindeer"?

>>>> Joey revolutionising US society as the inventor of Crazy Lawsuit.

>>> In the USA you can sue anybody..

>> That's the whole point - Joey invents a game which ridicules the
>> whole thing, and unnecessary litigation becomes socially unacceptable,
>> revolutionising US society.

> And suddenly Ally McBeal would be unemployed.

Yay! Perhaps she'll start to eat.

>>>> Joey & Chandler chasing the Churo guy in the park, and why.

>>> Lol. When they can't get to Mount Everest, they have to do something
>>> to get fit.

>> Yeah, but why the Churo guy? What is the Churo guy?

> I thought it had something to do with food, so the Churo guy was
> selling food, but I could be wrong.

Oh. Don't worry about it. I don't know either. Does anyone???

>>>> Phoebe teaching Joey to drive without touching a car.

>>> Lol! I'd like to see how she would handle that one.

>> Maybe he could make one out of cardboard boxes....

> But at first he would make sure no one was playing ball nearby.

He could build it on the roof.

>>>> Ross's horrible trek back home with no pants on.

>>> Hehe, yeah, I thought about that one too.

>> Have you seen "Fight Club", where the protagonist escapes from a
>> police station with no trousers on, since nobody notices him?

> I have seen the movie, but I can't remember that scene.

It's after Project Mayhem has gotten underway.

>>>> Ross trying to pound a deep frozen Toblerone bar into oblivion.

>>> Grin. Would that work?

>> As British snack foods go, it's a *lot* harder than a scone...

> And he would have to go to the airport to buy one first.

Can't you buy them in the Village?

>>>> What Phoebe caught Dick doing to Yasmine.

>> No thoughts about this?

> Ehh.. I don't know what to think of it.

Well, the bloopers showed what Yasmine did to Dick...

>>>> A rabbit hopping out of Joey's top hat while nobody is looking.
>>>> Joey making all his rivals at the audition disappear.

>>> A la David Copperfield perhaps?

>> Exactly.
>> Ooh, the DVD is *still* going, and at 1:21 in S5-04 you can see one
>> of the cameras moving, reflected in Monica's kitchen window.

> Oh, I have to check that one out.

Seen it yet?

>>>> Chandler being presented at court, with a bread basket for a hat.

>>> Why at court?

>> Not a law court, or a tennis court, but the royal court. Joey
>> was properly equipped with his top hat (held not worn) but of
>> course Chandler only had the bread basket from CP.

> Which would mean that they would have to go to Europe again. They
> could of course go to Africa, Australia, Oceania or Asia, but due to
> recent happenings in Asia, I don't think it would be safe for them to
> go to the Orient.

Indeed not. Since they're already been to Italy & Britain, does
any other European country spring to mind?

>>>> Phoebe teaching Monica how to give Chandler good massages.

>>> Yep, definitely this one.

>> Thanks! Mind you, she'd have to promise to massage only him.

> Oh, sure. Otherwise Phoebe would have lost a lot of money.


>>>> How Ursula reacted when Frank came to Soho to see her.

>> Do you think he did?

> Nah... He didn't have the guts.

Oh. That's sad.

>>>> Monica & Chandler fornicating in a Bloomingdale's window at Easter.

>>> Why there, and why at Easter?

>> Any department store window would do, but Bloomingdale's is the main
>> one of the series. Easter is really the pagan festival of fertility.

> I thought you meant that that was the holiday closest to February when
> everybody found out. :)

Nope. :)

>>>> Joey, Rachel & Phoebe in a barbershop trio.

>> Gettit?

> Yep. How Joey figured they would be a barbershop *quartet* is beyond
> me.

Because he was concentrating on the harmonic aspect?

>>>> Ross saying Ugly Naked Guy's real name.

>>> Absolutely!

>> Why don't they tell us these names???? :(

> I know! Are they saving up all the goodies for the last season?

Well, at least we now know that Chandler's dad is Charles Bing.

>>>> Chandler being afraid of bras because he can't work them.

>>> Asterisk now, perhaps? ;)

>> Have we seen him working a bra?

> Nope, but we know he does - on a regular basis.

Maybe Monica does it for him...

>>>> If Phoebe would have given up if Chandler had clasped her breast.

>>> Phoebe? Never! :)

>> So how far might Chandler have gone, then?

> As strong as Monica is, she would never be able to force him to have
> sex with Phoebe. He's not that whipped, especially when the woman he
> loved was in the other room.

Awww, Marita! That's so sweet! :)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 12:59:04 AM6/24/01
In article <>, (PanickedOz) wrote:

> I was going to reply to this yesterday, but AOL screwed up royally and.. I
> couldn't. :P


>>> Not to go off the topic here, but I just have to state my reasons for

>>> not minding "Mental Geller" or "Screechy Monica". You all talk about
>>> them as though they're different people, split personalities. But
>>> they're just characteristics to the same person. Ross is a jealous

>>> guy. Sometimes he shows it more. Monica is competitive, and loud.

>>> Sometimes she shows it, more often than other times. Rachel is shallow
>>> at times, Phoebe can be quite mean, Joey can be stupid, and Chandler
>>> can annoy the others with his nonstop jokes. None of them are this way
>>> all the time, but they're not *bad things*. Some people may not like
>>> certain characteristics, and so they call these flaws. I personally
>>> take all of these things as just.. them. I don't mind it. And I
>>> definitely don't think they're not 'the same character I used to love.'

>> Indeed, I know where you're coming from, and largely agree. But I
>> happen to find the way Ross occasionally behaves rather irritating, and
>> "Mental Geller" is a convenient label. I have liked Ross more than ever
>> in some episodes this season, especially in 709 "TOW All the Candy",
>> and yet I most disappointed by his behaviour in 722 "TOW Chandler's
>> Dad". In the finale I sympathised with his attempts to protect his
>> sister, and lauded the lengths he went to in order to get Chandler to
>> the altar in time.

> Well, I'm glad you agree at least somewhat :) Theres nothing wrong with
> not liking a person's flaws, I just think the "Mental Geller" title
> makes it sound as though he's a different person. Plus, Ross always
> wanted a cool nickname like that, so he probably wouldn't mind it. ;)

Other names include Bea, Bobo the Sperm Guy, Clifford Alverez, Mr.Big-shot,
Neil, Red Ross, Ross-A-Tron, Rossie, Sailor, Wet Pants, and Wet-head.

>>> On the R/R side, I already said that I rather like the friendship they
>>> have now. I think that Ross built up this dream Rachel that he was in
>>> love with. And once they got together, that dream fizzled, and was
>>> gone. So if you'll notice, they weren't actually platonic until
>>> late/mid 6th season. One of them was always having feelings for the
>>> other. So while having said feelings, they would be all kind to them.
>>> "Oh, sweet wonderful Rachel.." "Oh, Ross is so great and smart.." But
>>> now that niether of them have those feelings, they're friends.
>>> Teasing, normal platonic friends, and whose to say they wouldn't have
>>> always been this way? I like it. :) Arg, I'm so sorry about that.. I
>>> seriously left the topic, but apparently I had that rant in me.
>>> Forgive me. ;)

>> Not at all Jaime, I feel much the same way, and they worked very well
>> together in 716 "TOW the Truth About London". But Ross was not a good
>> friend to Rachel when he made sure that Officer Hanson saw her driving
>> licence had expired, was he?

> Actually, I just think that that's the kind of friends they are.. I
> don't happen to think Rachel has been that great a friend in instances..
> they both have their days. :)

That's very accommodating of you. :)

>>>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>>>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>>>> to a waistcoat.

>>> What do you call a vest, if anything?

>> I think that all English-speaking peoples call a shirt a "shirt". Well,
>> in Britain, the garment worn underneath the shirt is a vest (but they
>> are rarely worn these days) while the garment worn outside the shirt is
>> a waistcoat, usually worn with a suit consisting of jacket & trousers.

>> If an American described Chandler sitting on the couch in Central Perk,
>> dressed in his vest & pants, they would have an image of a smart young
>> executive - but we British would fall over laughing, since Chandler
>> would be in public dressed only in his underwear, (think of Homer
>> Simpson slobbing around at home watching TV).

> ::snicker:: Lovely image, that.


>>>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>>>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>>>> do with Megan Bailey?

>>> THANK YOU! I was wondering this since I saw it for the first time, and

>>> no one else ever mentioned it. I was beginning to think I missed a
>>> scene where they said it *was* the museum..

>> You're very welcome Jaime - any theories?

> mm, nope. Sadly, I'm not the most creative at thinking up theories and
> such.I *really* wish they'd have at least mentioned it though. That's
> just annoying..

I'm just wondering if we'll see the Swing Kings at the reception.

>>>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>>>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

>>> Because she may not have know it was greek, or she just confused the

>>> two. Who knows. She's not an expert on languages. ;)

>> But Rachel is Jewish, so she would know "Mazel Tov" wasn't Greek.

> ok, I know this must have been discussed to death, but.. do we have
> proof that Rachel is jewish? I know that people have assumed she was
> just because she seemed like the typical Jewish American Princess, or
> whatever that's called, but I don't recall any set proof. And if anyone
> would have it, it'd be you. :)

Yes, it has been discussed to death. The Greens & Gellers are Jewish,
though Judy isn't. Both Monica & Rachel wear the Star of David.

>> Anyway, I've emailed you a copy of your lost post. :)

> Thanks! :D I got it.. I liked that post. Did you happen to agree with
> any of it? :)

Some... ;)

>>>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

>>> er.. remind me, when was this?

>> When Monica joins Chandler at the altar, he says to her, "You look
>> beautiful." Then he points to her dress, and asks, "Is this new?"

>> Monica replies, "Not now."

>> I'm quite sure that her inflection indicates "The dress is not new
>> now", as opposed to "Don't ask that question now."

> Hmm, I just took it to mean "Don't ask that question now." ::shrug::

Listening to it again, Monica's inflection *clearly* indicates "Don't
ask that question now", but don't ask what was wrong with me before...

>>>> Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
>>>> happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

>>> Maybe he was drunk too. ;)

>> That's a thought. Can you tell?

> Oh dear, I have to follow up my suggestions with proof now? tehee.. :)
> But no, I can't tell.

No sweat.

>>>> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
>>>> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
>>>> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
>>>> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

>>> That was awesome ;D

>> Yes indeed. If you watch it in slow motion, you can see the timing has
>> to be spot-on, else LeBlanc would catch Oldman's hand in the door.

> I love little things like that, I really do

It proves that this show can still cut it.

>>>> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>>>> Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out? What date is
>>>> that exactly?

>>> May 31

>> Oh thanks - so we can look out for a mention in the next finale!

> Lets hope! Hey, that'd be great as part of the last episode, though.. Joey
> *finally* getting his big break, maybe. :)

Maybe, but he'll be needed for Season Nine.

>>>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>>>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

>>> yes, I did prefer that one. This one was plainer, and didn't look as

>>> good. But I don't feel the same as some people, who think she, and the
>>> wedding, looked horrible.

>> I agree. If the Wardrobe Department had given Monica a fabulous dress,
>> we would all be criticising the poor continuity. Not only would she be
>> unable to afford it, but the previous dress was the perfect one, so
>> this had to be slightly worse - for that was the sacrifice she made for
>> Chandler.

> *Very* good point!


>>>> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
>>>> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

>>> I want to know what his vows actually said. I mean, we don't know if he

>>> kept the copied ones or not.. would this qualify for that list? Things
>>> We Want To See, or whatever? :)

>> Oh absolutely. According to the plot, the vows he refused from Ross
>> would be the copy of Monica's, so the Thing We Wish We'd Seen is...

>> Chandler's original wedding vows, that were too funny.

>> ..if you like that, it can go into the TWWWS list for S7-21.

> Yay! ;D

Okay, it's in.

>>>> What will happen next? She *could* have the baby, but sadly that
>>>> seems the least likely option with at least one season still to go.
>>>> She could have an abortion, or a miscarriage, or the pregnancy test
>>>> could turn out to be faulty (especially if it had been in the trash
>>>> for too long), or it could even belong to somebody else - like cousin
>>>> Marie, or Nora got Charles drunk, or Nora & Ross, or even Judy after
>>>> getting her wicked way with Gunther. My best guess is that at the
>>>> moment, *nobody* knows, since it depends upon Jennifer & Brad Pitt,
>>>> as well as Lisa & Michel Stern and Courteney & David Arquette -
>>>> reality bites...

>>> Yes, this seems to be the topic of discussion for most Friends fans..

>>> but myself, I'm *still* in a glow from the wedding, and I'll be just
>>> fine just remembering that, not the pregnancy. :)

>> I know exactly how you feel Jaime, which is why I've supplied plenty of
>> alternative topics for discussion. But look at it this way - it's better
>> that a pregnancy causes all that uncertainty, rather than the wedding.

> Another very good point! I suppose it's just touchyness on my part, that
> yet *another* finale was overshadowed by Rachel (and by speculation,
> Ross too). So.. Monica was right in a way, Rachel DID steal her thunder,
> even if it was only her thunder for the viewing audiance.

Yeah, but we were all applauding Chandler & Monica. :)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 1:00:18 AM6/24/01
In article <9h3150$g0f$>, "Lauren"
<> wrote:

>>> If an American described Chandler sitting on the couch in Central Perk,
>>> dressed in his vest & pants, they would have an image of a smart young
>>> executive - but we British would fall over laughing, since Chandler
>>> would be in public dressed only in his underwear, (think of Homer
>>> Simpson slobbing around at home watching TV).

>> ::snicker:: Lovely image, that.

> And if it was vest, pants and suspenders.......

Gosh, YES!!! Thanks, Lauren. :)

It's the Rocky Horror Show version of Homer watching TV...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 1:02:47 AM6/24/01
In article <EW8Z6.24362$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


Well, I'm talking about what we saw actually happen on the screen, and the
words that the characters actually said - while you're talking about their
thoughts, their intentions, their beliefs, and their hidden motivations.

Paul Hyett

Jun 23, 2001, 8:21:11 PM6/23/01
On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
>Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
>being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!

How do you know? You claimed not to have seen it beforehand!

> then Rachel tells Monica that she'd feel better if she
>slept with Joey, and Monica drops everything to talk!!

This may possibly have more significance than it seems.

>When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
>to the floor

Red Ross? :)

>But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
>Rachel looks very very worried..

To say the least!

Her expression is my final vidcap of the season.

>Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and his
>sparring with Crosby was delightful.

Personally, I thought his storyline was as stupid and unnecessary as the
infamous 'hand-twin' one.

>After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
>more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
>Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
>at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
>702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
>obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

Monica, I'd say. Surely by now her staff will have lightened up on her.

>For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>to a waistcoat.

I did wonder.

>Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

It struck me as odd, actually, since it was the lifelong commitment that
seemed to be his greatest fear.

>Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

He could barely stand up, and given how drunk he was, if anything came
out of his mouth, it probably wouldn't have been spittle! :)

>When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>Memorial Day 2002, is that when his movie comes out?

That's what I assumed.

>What date is
>that exactly?

No idea.

>Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

Kids and formal occasions don't really mix!
>What about Cassie

I dare say she won't want even to be in the same State as Ross! :)

>Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

Only metaphorically.

> But
>no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

How could we - it hasn't even been filmed yet!


Jun 24, 2001, 5:31:21 AM6/24/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

Okay, I have a counter-example for you. In another post, you maintained
that you're sure Monica didn't mean her "you don't get to win anymore" line.
Are you not talking about her "thoughts, intentions, and beliefs"? Using
your reasoning above, we must believe that Monica meant the words she
actually said--unless there's an episode in season 8 where she says, "Hey,
Chandler, remember when I told you "you don't get to win anymore"? Well, I
didn't really mean that. And Chandler might say, "Oh, that's good. And
since we're confessing things, I almost plagiarized your vows at the last
minute, but I didn't, because Joey let you go first."

You made an interpretation of Monica's intentions--one that differed from
what she said. I happen to agree with it. Similarly, I can't believe that
Chandler ever seriously contemplated using Monica's vows. Imagine how hurt
she would have been. Chandler would surely realize that she wouldn't take
it well, and doesn't everything we know about Chandler support the idea that
he wouldn't knowingly hurt her? Some people have speculated that Chandler
will turn out to be the father of Rachel's baby. I can't imagine either
Chandler or Rachel doing something that would be so hurtful to Monica.
Sure, recycling her vows would not have had the same magnitude, but Monica
would have been stung, and I think Chandler would know that. And even if he
didn't realize, surely Ross's "You can't *do* that!" would have given him a
clue. Joey's retort, "If he goes first he can!" was nothing but a
punchline, as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, well. Rashomon.


Paul Hyett

Jun 24, 2001, 5:47:05 AM6/24/01
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>> PS, I'll have to comment on your review properly later, since Turnpike
>> failed to pick up the original post, so I'll have to request it
>> specifically.
>Oh dear - I could always repost it for you, if you like?

I've got it now.


Jun 24, 2001, 4:15:56 PM6/24/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Yes, I see what you mean Tina, but it is not so blatant when you do

> not know in advance - although I was suspicious at the end of S7-23.

I fully admit, though, that I'd rather not have known - I probably
wouldn't have watched the episode if I didn't, or at least wouldn't
have paid as much attention to it, but I didn't want to know. I found
out completely by accident while reading a news article about BP a
couple of days after it had aired in NA.

> Errr well, Phoebe was also the one who found Chandler, and she was also
> the one who made the bridesmaid outfit look good - Rachel was scrawny.

Ah, I thought it was the dress you were on about. I did wonder about
the hair, I must admit. Unless it was deliberate, to show that Rachel
was so worried about her pregnancy that she wasn't that bothered about
how she looked...

> Sorry to hear you're unwell Teens, get well soon. :)

My deputy boss is being enough of a bitch to mean I can't get to the
docs until at least Thursday, though. :( If I didn't need the money
for uni, I'd probably quit, that girl is making my life hell right
now. (And about uni - I'm doing Film and Drama and the uni's got
loads and loads and loads of opportunities to make really important
contacts, SO THERE!!! :P Plus I changed my mind about it all after
going to an open day.)

> I think the plot required her to stay at home so that she could be the
> one doing pregnancy tests in the bathroom & fretting in the bedroom.

Doubt it - at what point was Monica fretting throughout the whole
episode? Unless you mean it was in order to throw people off the

> In all my years of stage & screen I've seen nothing like it. The
> director seemed to me like a totally unrealistic character who just
> didn't worry about anything going wrong, just plodded on & on.

Probably just a plot device. Joey's way of getting it out was v.
clever. ;)

> Yay! Way to go Teenster! It was great fun to see a wedding in reverse.

Very much so.

> At this moment in time she clearly has - I just hope that the writers
> aren't forced to cheat later on because Jen & Brad let them down.

I honestly don't think the writers have given as much weight to real
life as everyone seems to think they have - I doubt they'd plan out
such a weighty storyline solely on the basis that the actress *might*
get pregnant over the summer. It's a very haphazard way of doing
things, too haphazard to warrant such a cliffhanger if you ask me.

> Monica looked lovely to me, but then I'm just a guy...

It was just because she's been so obsessive over her wedding plans
that it seemed jarring to me - she didn't even have her hair up, which
budget or no budget I'd have fought tooth and nail for. But then
again, I'm high maintanence. ;)

> Ross was very good - and considering that this was a wedding episode in
> which he wasn't getting married, he was the most pro-active character.

For once. ;)

> He-he, if only Rachel had announced her pregnancy as the cliffhanger
> then the two thunder-thefts would have neatly bookended the season.

Would have ruined the effect, methinks.

> Speaking as a bloke, I'd rather snog Chandler's dad than Chandler... ;)

Speaking as a woman, I'd rather snog neither...

*And out comes the flameproof asbestos suit...* ;)

> Okay, so why was her hair & make-up so much better? (In the morning)

Again, maybe another hint of Rachel's worries later on.

> Oh, of course - but the point is that it's unheard of for offices to
> be deserted on a Tuesday.

Except if it's a four-day Bank Holiday. :P

> Maybe the designer was making a point that these were off-the-rack?

Could have been.

> Could be, but I think it's that designer again.

Exactly - it looked pretty! ;)

> The woman who took the good wedding dress away from Monica.

And why would she have anything to do with the change of location?

> Rented? I hadn't thought of that. Hmmm. You know Tina, despite what you
> said about professionally done hair & make-up being inexpensive, I reckon
> that it was Monica's budget that was cut to the bone, not the show's.

Don't think rented is that expensive either. IIRC, for the school
Christmas ball most lads and quite a few girls rented their outfits
from a place in Cambridge, and it didn't cost more than about £50 for
a few days. It's probably more for wedding dresses, granted, but I
don't see how it would have broken the bank. But again, I'm super
high-maintenance. ;)

> You can have bastard film directors with no sympathy in their souls, but
> they still care about what happens on the set. If an actor is too drunk
> to perform, you order a flunkey to do something about it, you don't just
> carry on ruining take after take.

No, my former Drama teacher. ;)

> It was very fast - you can learn from that.

How to swipe alcohol without anyone noticing? ;)

> Yes, apparently he was at his father's second wedding, but we just did
> not see him. Jane Sibbett who plays Carol was pregnant during 716 "TOW
> the Truth About London", but most of her scenes were cut out of the
> British version, so it was harder to spot.

Didn't see it, wouldn't know.

> Oh, you've missed an awful lot of good stuff - this season ended
> up as my second favourite of all time, with 16 out of 24 episodes
> gaining my seal of approval. Get the DVDs with the uncut versions.

I was going to - I'm waiting on the second lot. I've seen the first
four, just nothing past that.

> Will you applaud if Ross & Rachel ever marry again?

Possibly. It's like Buffy's death, though - if it happens again, next
time will be a bit of an anti-climax.

> Dunno. My guess is that something will be said in S8-01 or S8-02, and
> that if JA is pregnant then Rachel is, and if not then the pregnancy
> test showed a false positive after being in the trash too long.

Again, I seriously doubt the writers would plan such a weighty
storyline solely on the *possibility* of the actress being pregnant.
Aside from anything else, how would they convince the network to go
with what is right now presumed to be the big S8 plot?


Jun 24, 2001, 5:18:18 PM6/24/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Well, Big Brother is big again this year (though not huge) but it
> keeps itself to itself, confined to just two channels, but cooking
> gardening & DIY programmes have become mainstream entertainment
> over the last few years, and now this crap is everywhere. :(

The only reason BB's not huge is because unfortunately, *unlike* last
year, all the more interesting characters are getting voted out early
on, with the exception of Brian (who I want to win - he reminds me so
much of one of my friends that it'd be impossible for me *not* to want
him to win). Whereas at this point in the game last year, Nasty Nick
only had 4 more days left in the house. I much prefer this year's
bunch though, having said that - much more varied, generally more
unassuming, and for the most part pretty likeable (with the exception
of Amma, who I can't stand - it's nothing to do with race, before
anyone starts!). I do think Elizabeth's possibly a bit of a dark
horse, though...

Of course, having said all that, if *I* went in, of course it'd be
partly for the money - I want a Peugeot 206 Coupe Cabriolet, dammit!

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 11:34:19 PM6/24/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001 21:00:00 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>> This is a review of the second half of the finale only.

>> However, please feel free to post anything at all about the
>> *whole* of the finale - but below the spoiler space please.

>> Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and

>> Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
>> being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!

> Really? Gosh, I hadn't thought we'd be that lucky. :)


I checked the episode against Jean Liew's transcript, and found that
we had two *extra* lines of dialogue - Rachel's first line, and a man
saying "I can do this" - so I went to Eric Aasen's site to download
his version, and found that his transcript included those two lines.

So, everything matches, nothing was cut, but how was it possible? Did
the version on NBC run short? Was our version time-sliced? Or was it
that two-parters like 615/6 need not have been shortened when their
halves were separated?

> And before I start, I can assure you that there will be absolutely
> *no* bad vibes in this reply... I *loved* this one. :)

Yay! That is so great to hear, for I loved this one too. :)

>> 724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"

>> When Rachel freaked out at Chandler's disappearance, Phoebe dragged
>> her off into the bathroom, where she rummaged in the waste basket
>> for a tissue, but instead found a used pregnancy testing kit. Since
>> it was positive, Phoebe declared that Monica is pregnant...

> Uh-oh. I totally believed it was Monica's. I don't know if that's
> because I had overheard some rumours saying she would get preggers by
> the end of the season, or the fact that there were dozens of rumours
> saying CCA was pregnant in real life, but I was sure it was hers...

Oh, that's so great! You were totally where the writers wanted you to
be, which is why you *loved* it so. On the other hand, because I saw
the first part separately, and I had only just watched "Fight Club" &
"The Sixth Sense", I was alerted to the nuances of JA's performance at
the end of the first part. Perceiving the duality of Rachel's reaction,
I realised that just maybe Phoebe had misinterpreted the evidence, and
therefore I half-expected the ending. As a sad consequence I merely
loved this episode, without your emphasis.

>> ..Rachel keeps saying "Oh my God", while Phoebe wonders if that was
>> why Chandler took off - but Rachel tells her that since she emptied
>> the trash the previous night, Monica must have just taken the test;
>> and she makes Phoebe agree that they tell no-one about the matter.

> This was such a dramatic scene. JA and LK were great, but JA has the
> edge, especially after I realised what was really going on. The subtle
> hints she was dropping throughout the episode are even better when you
> watch it for the second time.

Yes indeed, though I saw those hints on the first time. You're lucky. :)

>> Later on, the girls find Ross who's been up all night searching for
>> Chandler in vain. He looked everywhere, including both of Chandler's
>> parents, who believe Ross is interested in them!

> Kind of disturbing... Especially if it can count as a hint about
> stories next season.

I know - for all that the first season was about Ross pining for Rachel,
the first woman he snogged on the show was Chandler's mother (followed
by his ex-wife). Maybe next year we'll get "TOW the Three Mrs.Bings".

>> Ross asks Rachel to
>> stall Monica for a couple of hours while he tries again, so Phoebe
>> insists on going with him to make sure he succeeds.

> Well, luckily, someone was willing to help him out. And could anyone
> have done a better job than Phoebe? I don't think so. Rachel was
> exhausted and too emotional, and Joey was too interested in his movie,
> so Phoebe was the best choice.

She was - when Phoebe puts her mind to it, she can be rock-hard logical,
albeit with a sideways slant, an ideal combination when obvious lines of
investigation have been exhausted - and we saw how well she complements
Ross. You're right about Rachel, (by the end of the finale we knew why
she was like that), but I think you've been a little hard on Joey, for
making movies is his career & his dream, not just an interest.

>> Rachel tells Monica that they need to talk since she fears that she
>> will never get married, but Monica simply tells her the right guy is
>> just round the corner - so Rachel tells Monica that she's decided to
>> become a lesbian, but Monica tells her that any woman would be lucky
>> to have her - then Rachel tells Monica that she'd feel better if she

>> slept with Joey, and Monica drops everything to talk!!

> Joey? Joey? Okay, I knew they were leading up to something with these
> two... And I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can
> totally see it happening, especially now.

I knoww!! The foreshadowing is as strong as ever.

>> After much searching, Ross & Phoebe are getting desperate, when it
>> occurs to him to ask her where she would hide if she was Chandler.
>> Phoebe has a good think, then takes him to Chandler's office where
>> he is indeed hiding, all alone on a quiet Saturday morning. Chandler
>> describes his fear of him & Monica becoming The Bings, as horrible
>> as his parents - but Ross is great as he reveals that both Nora &
>> Helena tried to seduce him, and since Chandler would never do that
>> than he cannot be anything like his parents!

> The absolutely best way to convince Chandler that he and Monica are
> going to be just fine.

That's right. Ross is a real brick when he gets the chance, and here
he confounded Chandler's fears directly from their source. The only
thing that worries me is that this was such a clever way to proceed
that Ross might have lied - and it would be fun if it were true.

>> After much talking, Rachel eventually runs out of ideas, so Monica
>> starts getting ready again. Out of sheer desperation, Rachel fakes
>> a fall, but that only makes Monica suspicious, and Rachel is forced
>> to admit that they cannot find Chandler (Phoebe appears giving the
>> thumbs up) 's vest - whereupon Monica so freaks out that Phoebe has
>> to assure her that they've found the vest!

> I was expecting Monica to find out what was really going on at this
> point. I didn't really think she would stay oblivious for the rest of
> the episode, and it was terrible to imagine her freaking out over a
> lost groom, when she nearly flipped out over a missing vest. Phoebe
> and Rachel did some great thinking here, though.

I know, there are some splendid "nick of time" moments in the finale,
and for me this was the best. It was very funny to see Monica freak at
the excuse, quickly quashed, yet it left one cognisant of how she would
have reacted to the dreadful truth, without spoiling the comedic flow.

>> ---o0o---

>> The whole wedding party gathers at the hotel where the ceremony will
>> take place, and though the ladies are dressed up, they can't compete
>> with the bride who looks stunning in her gown. But at that moment,
>> Joey phones from the studio to warn the Maid of Honour that he's
>> been held up, and can't officiate.

> "I'll marry you and me right now, I have the power..." Another hint,
> perhaps?

It was, it was!! :)

>> Meanwhile, instead of Chandler having to plunge, Ross persuades him
>> to get ready by proceeding one little step at a time, and eventually
>> he's coaxed him into a tuxedo. However, the next step is a big one,
>> getting married, so Chandler nips out for a furtive smoke. But when
>> he hears the girls coming, he ducks into a closet, from where he
>> overhears Phoebe mention Monica's pregnancy!

> And did you hear the gasp from the audience? I think almost every fan
> watching it on TV did the same thing. This had to mean a lonely bride
> crying over a lost groom who has freaked out and run off... I had been
> waiting for the wedding for over a year, and this was it?

Well, it was Phoebe's revelation that made everyone gasp - but as you
say, at that moment we simply did not know how Chandler would react to
this latest piece of news. If it had made him break his promise to Ross,
then Monica would have been desolate. The plot hung by a thread...

>> Rachel finds a Greek Orthodox wedding just ending, so by lying that
>> Chandler & Monica are also Greek Orthodox, she persuades the priest
>> to officiate. Meanwhile, Ross frets that he's lost Chandler, but while
>> Helena hits on him, and Nora recalls her marriage when the groom wore
>> a wedding dress, Monica appears in her full regalia, and she is so
>> beautiful that Ross's breath is taken away - but when she asks about
>> Chandler, he breaks into a sweat, and has to pretend that the drops
>> are beads of joy!

> Awww... And even her trademark: "I know!!"

Yes, this was so lovely - and structurally it was very clever to break
the tension with these moments of light relief.

>> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him

>> to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
>> about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
>> Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
>> the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
>> suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
>> be scary, and Ross embraces him.

> I know I'm a sentimentalist, and perhaps that's a bad thing,

Marita, sweetheart, never worry about being a sentimentalist, it shows
that your heart is in touch with your soul.

> but OMG, how adorable was this? Now I *know* there will be lots of
> Little-Bings in the future.

Yes, this was another of those times where Chandler is so adorable that
even we guys can see it - and if you think about it, we owe it all to
little baby girl Chandler in 605 "TOW Joey's Porsche".

>> Finally the ceremony begins, with an aisle procession of Chandler
>> arm-in-arm with what looks like his two mothers, Ross looking like
>> a very lucky bloke arm-in-arm with Phoebe & Rachel, then a radiant
>> Monica arm-in-arm with her parents, so Chandler beams his beamiest
>> smile at her as she joins him at the altar. Everyone is puzzled by
>> the new minister, but Rachel whispers at them to pretend they are
>> Greek Orthodox - and so the priest begins, "Dearly Beloved"...

> But how did Chandler know the priest was Greek Orthodox, unless he
> knows a lot about the religion, that is? At first he thought the
> priest was Joey in disguise, and when Monica walked up to him a few
> seconds later, he suddenly knew who the priest was. This puzzles me...

There might well be a cut line where Rachel filled him in, but for now
we can assume that the priest simply looked Greek Orthodox, especially
with a name like Father Karabetsus, and that any other possibility would
be even more peculiar. Chandler was just checking that it was not Joey
in disguise, after all the guy is an actor.

>> ---o0o---

>> When Joey arrived at the studio, the director was not interested in
>> the truth or any of his excuses, but assured him that there was only
>> one scene to do - except Crosby turned up drunk. They began filming,
>> but despite Joey's attempts to fill in, Crosby was hopeless, yet the
>> director was determined to continue until it was in the can.

> "Slippery little bugger!" I laughed out loud at that one. This story
> was much better than the spitting.

That's very interesting, since although I liked this story, I preferred
the first one. But I can't accuse you of being in a different mood for
the second one, since you watched both parts at a single sitting.

>> The director was fully aware that Crosby was hammered, but stubbornly
>> insisted on continuing, so Joey cleverly told his co-star that they
>> were done for the day, and as he tossed Richard over his shoulder to
>> carry him off, the triple Oscar nominee looked down in puzzlement
>> that he could see his own arse!

> Lol!

Yes, I was delighted to hear the full-blooded English English word with
its ripe vowel, rather than the flat American English "ass". I must add
it to my imaginary list of British words heard on US sitcoms.

>> Back at the hotel, just as the priest begins, Joey rushes down the
>> aisle to take over, and apologises to the dearly beloved for being
>> late and still in his WWI uniform! Beginning the proceedings before
>> the groom can escape again, which startles the bride, Joey delivers
>> a sweet yet short speech (since he left his notes in his dressing
>> room) then invites Monica to say her vows.

> So do you think she bribed him? ;)

That's a very difficult question to answer, unless it turns out
that Joey is the father...

>> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
>> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
>> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
>> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
>> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

> Is it just me, or was it a bit weird that Monica didn't mention the
> word "love" in her vows at all?

I guess so, although to be honest it didn't strike me like that at
the time. Here is how often each character has said the word "love"
throughout all seven seasons...

128 Rachel
107 Monica
101 Chandler
92 Ross
86 Phoebe
62 Joey

..which might, or might not, surprise you.

> Don't get me wrong, her vows were beautiful, but I expected an "I love
> you" in the middle of it. Perhaps they needed her not to say anything
> like that to make his vows more powerful, I don't know.

Well, I reckon you have explained it neatly right there. :)

> Chandler was great here, though, as he realised he had to make her
> understand that him running off had nothing to do with her and that
> he still loved her more than anything.

Yes, Monica was getting ready for fight or flight, and it was up to
him to convince her that he was worthy of her just-spoken vow.

>> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and

>> Rachel looks very very worried...

> I did not see this one coming.

In all seriousness, I am so happy for you that you fell for the
plot - whereas I was holding two possibilities in mind, and merely
had one of them confirmed.

> I was sure there would be a little Bing running around in the near
> future when Phoebe found the pregnancy test, but now it turns out
> it's Rachel's test?!

How exactly did you feel at the moment when Monica queried his
mention of a baby, and then specifically denied that she had
taken a pregnancy test?

>> ---o0o---

>> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
>> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
>> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
>> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
>> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

> If I have to point out two stars in this episode, it would have to be
> MP and JA. The two of them were brilliant, but as you say, they were
> all great.

Ahah - we agree. :)

For my money the finest bit of acting came in the last five seconds,
when Jennifer Aniston did *not* look worried - she looked like a woman
who was trying not to look worried.

For the whole 44 minutes, the prize was effortlessly carried away by
Matthew Perry, for the main plot rested on his shoulders. Thankfully
he was back on form after his travails.

But yes, once again this was a superb ensemble effort. This *should*
answer those cynics who claimed that now the cast are so well-paid,
they merely phone in their performances.

>> Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
>> that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
>> was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
>> annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
>> his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

> I know. Who wouldn't be stressed in this kind of situation? He only
> had a couple of hours to make sure there would be a wedding, find the
> groom and secure his sister's happiness.

Yuppity. Who said it was easy to be Best Man?

Back in 1998, Joey lost the ring - here, Ross lost the groom. :)

>> Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and
>> his sparring with Crosby was delightful.

> Yep. It was good, but not great.

Oh, the way I look at it, two of the best episodes ever were 412
"TOW the Embryos" and 514 "TOW Everyone Finds Out", and yet their
singleton stories were an irksome distraction from the glorious
antics of the other five. But in the finale, "TOW Enunciation" and
"TOW Two Belts" complemented the main story, while fulfilling the
main function of allowing events to proceed while we were away.

>> Meanwhile, though we had a second helping of
>> Nora & Charles, I would have liked so much more, as well as the
>> hotly anticipated cat-fight between Nora & Judy. Maybe this will

>> happen during the reception at the start of Season Eight - if a

>> certain mother-to-be manages not to steal Monica's thunder...

> Oh, definitely. I'm all for more fighting, just not between the
> newlyweds.

Exactly, that's why I do not share some fans' concerns that Rachel
stole the limelight at the end - I wanted the couple to finish as
boringly happy as possible.

>> ---o0o---

>> Rachel took the trash out? If Phoebe had thought about this, would

>> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

> Could be. She seemed to be pretty convinced it was Monica's though.

But of course this was the Phoebe who baked the best oatmeal raisin
cookies in the world to convince her friend that she always told the
truth, now totally unsuspecting Rachel's bare-faced lie.

>> Ross has already kissed both Nora & Chandler, and since Helena quite
>> clearly fancies the boy, does he have any chance of completing a Bing
>> hat-trick there?

> Eh.. That's plain weird to think about.

Yup - but as a bloke, I'd rather kiss Chandler's dad than Chandler! ;)

>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

> I thought she looked beautiful! The hairdo, the flowers in her hair,
> and that beautiful gown. I thought you should be the one who gushed
> about her since you're a male... ;)

Weeeeeel sweetheart, you've heard me say this before. Rachel just does
not look as good with her hair pinned back like that. She doesn't have
the bone structure or the neck for it, while Phoebe can carry it off
beautifully. Remember 718 "TOW Joey's Award", where I wanted to cut
Rachel's head off that bathrobe, and plonk it onto the red dress? Or
where her actress dressed almost exactly as I was asking for?

>> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the finale.
>> Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a Saturday, but
>> in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date as May 15th, a
>> Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it, and no-one else
>> could help, but now a possible reason is apparent. Since that earlier
>> episode was written, the finale's plot required that Chandler be able
>> to hide at his office, so the writers were forced to alter the date.

> That's a possibility. I guess we're supposed to discard the obvious
> error.

Think of it as a changed premise. The show is written & rewritten right
up to the filming, so by the time they decided that the best place for
Chandler to hide was his office, the writers were caught out by having
mentioned the actual date months before. So what should they do? Anally
stick to an obscure reference that only we obsessed fans would notice,
or deliberately place a new reference in the first half of the finale,
and get on with it? Sadly, the fact that a script can become snagged
by casual details in past episodes is one reason why they give us so
little background information unless it's needed for a good story.

>> After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
>> more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
>> Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
>> at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
>> 702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
>> obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

> Rachel, Joey and Monica. All of them have made their dreams come true.

That's a very intelligent answer. Thankyou.

>> When the subject of successful Hollywood marriages last came up in 413
>> "TOW Rachel's Crush", their examples were Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins
>> (not legally married though they have two children), Alec Baldwin & Kim
>> Basinger (filed for divorce on January 12th),

> And are supposedly getting back together now and planning to adopt a
> baby.

You qualify your reply with "supposedly", how sure are you?

My information comes from my private copy of the IMDb, last downloaded
on May 12th, so I could be a few weeks out of date. However, Alec & Kim
already have a child, their daughter Ireland, born October 1995. Could
your information be about one of the other three Baldwin brothers?

>> Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman
>> (separated on February 5th), and Mel Gibson & Clint Eastwood (but we
>> won't go into that right now). Anyway, Paul Newman is a better example

>> since he has been married to Joanne Woodward since 29th January 1958 -
>> but did you know that she is his *second* wife?

> I didn't know she was his second wife, but I do know that their
> marriage is supposed to be the best in Hollywood.

Yep - which would be good news if Monica was previously married... ;)

>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>> to a waistcoat.

> I wasn't. It's called "vest" in Norwegian too, so... :)

Oh, how Americanised you Norwegians are... j/k

>> Although Rachel was the Maid of Honour, and Phoebe was not, they
>> dressed alike, so did that meant that they were really bridesmaids?

> I don't think so. Rachel had the ring and Monica's vows, and she held
> Monica's bouquet, so she had a more important part at the ceremony.
> When I went to an American wedding, there were four bridesmaids and
> one maid of honour, and all of them were dressed alike.

Yes okay, I'll go with that.

>> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
>> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

> They were the golden girls... ;)


>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>> do with Megan Bailey?

> I cannot come up with a good reason why. Having said that, the hotel
> was more beautiful than the museum.

Since writing that, I realised that one good reason would be Monica
having to make a drastic cut in her budget.

>> Was Chandler wearing the Diane Keaton tuxedo from the end of
>> 720 "TOW Rachel's Big Kiss"?

> Nope. He certainly wasn't wearing the same vest.


>> Why was there a closet for storing ice in the residential part
>> of the hotel?

> There's always a room for ice machines in big hotels.

All the hotels I've stayed at had mini-fridges in each room.

>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
>> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with

>> Papasifakis, Stephanopoulos & Acidofolus?

> Yep, I knew. As for the other names, Stephanopoulos was because of the
> handsome neighbour who the girls were spying on in 104.

Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not spotting that.

Did you like the way "Anastassakis" rolled off her tongue?

> When Rachel called Chandler "Assodofoulos" (I had no idea how they
> spelled it when I watched the finale), I reckoned it had something to do
> with him running away from his own wedding and his behaviour... Oh well,
> another dumb misunderstanding. :)

Well, now we know it's "Acidopholus", your benign intestinal flora.

Kudos awaits anyone who can explain Papasifakis...

>> Why does Rachel give the Jewish greeting "Mazel Tov" to the Best
>> Man & Maid of Honour at the Greek wedding?

> Chandler said Mazel Tov to Joey after he "had a baby" in 123, so it's
> just a way of saying congratulations.

Lol yes, well done! I'd forgotten that. :)

>> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

> Aww.. I was smiling from ear to ear when he pulled out that baby
> romper suit. Suddenly, I *knew* there would be a wedding, and that
> Chandler had become all "Chandler" again.

Absolutely, sweetie - me too. :)

>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

> Perhaps it was another superstition? When you've worn it down the
> aisle, it's no longer new?

Err, no darlin', I crapped up. Chandler started to chatter, asking
Monica if her dress was new, and she said "not now" to shut him up,
either because it was inappropriate to the occasion, or because she
was embarrassed to be wearing a hired dress.

For some reason I got it into my head that her inflection clearly
indicated that the dress was not new now, but as the gang lapped up
the finale on Saturday night, I suddenly heard her differently...

>> Gary Oldman was brilliant as an actor drunk on the job, and he was
>> provided with some exquisitely funny lines to say - but does that
>> evocative line "I'm wearing two belts" seem familiar at all?

> Not really.

It's annoying, isn't it, when this happens?

>> Aaron the film director was not very sensitive about what was
>> happening on his set, was he? Or did he just not care?

> They're his talking props, why should he care about them?!
> j/k

Ooooohhhh.... lol

>> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

> Hehe. Having swords in the trenches doesn't sound very practical.

But what if they were on horseback?

>> Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

> I guess so.


>> Look at how easily Matt LeBlanc picked up Gary Oldman - he made him
>> seem as light as a feather. Joey is easily the strongest of all six
>> friends. But did you notice that as they went out the door, Crosby
>> narrowly managed to grab a bottle of booze on the way?

> Yep.

Well done. :)

> What would happen if Joey brought him along to the wedding, and he
> "insulted" a devastated bridesmaid at the reception?


Who would she go to for comfort, and who would she end up with? What
if she thought she was pregnant, but wasn't, and then became pregnant?

When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by

Memorial Day 2002, (an American holiday at the end of May), is that
when his movie comes out, and if so will it change his life?

>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> I thought the one in 717 was absolutely gorgeous, but this one was
> beautiful too. It was more classic and plain, but to tell you the
> truth, I'm not sure.

I like the idea that the final dress was less than perfect, not just
because it showed that Monica really stuck to her budget, but because
it exemplifies the unselfish sacrifice she made.

>> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
>> something blue?

> Ah, let's see. Her engagement ring is old (it's from the 1920s), and her
> dress was new. I thought the pregnancy test could count as her something
> blue until it was revealed that it wasn't hers, so perhaps we can say it
> was Chandler's eyes? ;) (He only had eyes for her when she walked down
> the aisle.)

Doesn't the bride have to wear the four somethings, so his eyes would
not count? But *hers* would!

I like that about the 1920s engagement ring, so how about her wedding
ring? Could it be the ring that her grandmother wore as she first came
to America, when that ring & the clothes on her back were all she had
with her, which has been in her family for generations, and every bride
who has worn it has had a long & happy life?

> Borrowed? Hmmm... Tricky one. She already had it in the beginning of
> the episode, so perhaps it could be that beautiful necklace of hers?

Ooh, I don't know about the necklace, but if the wedding dress was
hired then that would be the something borrowed, leaving us to find
the something new...

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> I wanted him to show up. His aunt and godfather were getting married,
> so he should have been in the front row!

Doubtless we'll later be told that he & his mother were there.

>> Have the Tribbianis been delayed at their niece's christening? Will

>> we see them in S8-01?

> I don't think so. People won't remember them from 113 ("Who were
> they??"), and most people will be too interested in the pregnancy
> cliffhanger to remember them.

Well, I agree that if they don't turn up then there's no error, they
would just be late or no-shows, but I always felt that the Joey/Monica
story was a bit pointless, so it would be nice to have a fruition.

>> What about Cassie & all the other Geller aunts & cousins we've seen?

> I know! It would have been fun to have some Barry White music at the
> reception. However, I can tell you that Kathleen Turner's young
> daughter played one of the guests.

Oh yes? How do you know? Which one was she?

Kathleen's only child is Rachel Ann Weiss, but I don't know what age
she is. However, if born in wedlock she'd be 18 years old or less.

>> Joey's speech "I've known Monica & Chandler for a long time, and I can
>> not imagine two people more perfect for each other" was indeed similar
>> to what he said in 716 "TOW the Truth About London", part of which was
>> "you guys are perfect for each other", while he did not mention having
>> & giving or sharing & receiving.

> I know! His speech was so sweet! I was stunned by how short the wedding
> actually was, but as long as they're married for real, then I won't
> mind. Besides, it was so romantic...

Yes, it certainly was, but it was also great fun watching Monica almost
pop her clogs every time another revelation came up. I loved the way she
ended her vows with a challenge to Chandler to confound her fears.

>> And when Chandler abandoned his prepared vows, don't forget that he
>> had stolen a copy from Monica, but Joey let her go first!

> So perhaps she *had* promised him a night with Rachel... And now we
> know that Rachel is considering a one night stand with him.

We sure do sweetie, it all fits...

>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

> Absolutely! We had a big round of applause, and my cheeks hurt because
> I kept grinning from the moment "A Groovy Kind of Love" started to
> play and Chandler came walking down the aisle to the end of the
> ceremony... Sigh. So beautiful!!!

Awww, it was, wasn't it!

Did you by any chance recognise the other Beatles tunes in the medley?

> *sniff* May I have a tissue, please?

Here you go <passes her a tissue> and it didn't come from the trash...

> (Okay, so I gush about this episode...)

You gush away sweetheart, it's your right & your privilege to do so. :)

>> ---o0o---

>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>> be Rachel who is pregnant

> Yeah, but I won't quite believe it until I hear her say so herself. I
> don't know, something isn't right here. The writers have fooled us
> before..

Absolutely. I didn't say she was pregnant, but that it was *meant* to
be her that was pregnant. Although it all depends on what happens to the
actresses, there are only 7 combinations, so you can be sure the writers
are even now beavering away on a storyline for each one, and their brief
is to avoid being predictable.

>> - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
>> But who is the father? Ross?

> Nope. I don't believe it is. I mean, there is a theoretical
> possibility, but I can't see it happening. That must have happened
> after 719 and before 723, and there wasn't any spark between the two
> during these few weeks.

Unless you can believe that they made out in the back of a Porsche,
after he had betrayed her to the cops...

>> That's what they want you to think, but
>> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
>> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
>> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
>> knickers.

> I hope so! That would be so much fun!

Yay, me too - but do you take my hint that Joey still doesn't know?

>> Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
>> of murder mysteries.

> If it's his, Monica will never forgive him, and we'll end up with a
> show that everybody hates. Both the R+R fans *and* the C+M fans would
> be furious!

We were debating a Rachel pregnancy many months ago, and it was my
theory that it would have to happen at a drunken party, and therefore
it would have to be Chandler with his proven track record.

>> Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
>> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

> Ugh, don't even say it. Perhaps they wanted to keep the option open in
> case his new show bombs. But Mini-Tags? Ewww....

We were discussing this last night, and on the subject of this option,
I was suddenly minded of Paolo. He & Rachel were together for a couple
of months before she dumped him. But later, when she ran into emotional
difficulties, she invited him back into her bed - and we were not shown
anything of their reunion until afterwards...

>> What will happen next? She *could* have the baby, but sadly that seems
>> the least likely option with at least one season still to go. She could
>> have an abortion, or a miscarriage, or the pregnancy test could turn out
>> to be faulty (especially if it had been in the trash for too long), or
>> it could even belong to somebody else - like cousin Marie, or Nora got
>> Charles drunk, or Nora & Ross, or even Judy after getting her wicked way
>> with Gunther. My best guess is that at the moment, *nobody* knows, since
>> it depends upon Jennifer & Brad Pitt, as well as Lisa & Michel Stern and
>> Courteney & David Arquette - reality bites...

> Yep, you're right. It all boils down to this. I believe it can be any
> of the three girls. I mean, Phoebe looks rather unlikely, but you said
> it yourself that the most unlikely suspect could be the one. She has a
> boyfriend now, Jake, and she could have set the whole thing up.

Maybe Phoebe is off somewhere with Jake, and we've been watching Ursula.

> Rachel is the most obvious choice, of course (the tissues she used
> when she blew her nose, she was very emotional (even more than usual),
> the "ONS" with Joey, she was *very* careful when she "fell down", and
> the look on her face in the end).

Yep - and Rachel catching Joey with her knickers was deleted from S7-22.

> Monica could also have a bun in the oven. If you check out their
> glasses at the rehearsal dinner, Monica is not drinking the same
> drink as the others.

Isn't she? <checks> Gosh, yes! Wow, EE Marita strikes again! Yes, Monica
has an amber drink, the others are clear with a slice of green fruit.

> Could this mean that she was suspecting something and didn't want to
> drink any alcohol? It would be terrible if we found out that the first
> thing she did as Mrs Bing was to lie to her husband, but in all
> fairness, she had just found out that he had run off the day before
> their wedding. Perhaps she was afraid he would do it again.

If you look at the dialogue, Monica did not specifically deny that she
was pregnant. When Chandler said he knew about the baby, it was valid
for her to ask which baby he meant. When he said it was their baby, her
reply was most misleading, and certainly evasive, but even so to ask
if they have a baby is not the same as saying that they do not have a
baby. And then her final statement that she didn't take a pregnancy
test could be absolutely true, if the one in the trash was not hers.

> I guess all I'm saying is that the writers can make anyone pregnant
> and get away with it. And another thing: I don't really believe we'll
> get to find out who the father is in 801 if it is indeed Rachel's
> baby. They will save that revelation for sweeps.

I quite agree, let's hope it's the November sweeps, not February, else
the speculation will drive us mad! But as to who is pregnant we only
have to wait for an official announcement. Or two. Or three.

>> Finally I would like to thank everyone who posted so delicately to my
>> review of part 1, such that nothing was spoilt for me in part 2. But

>> no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

> I don't think there are any spoilers about that season yet. And if
> there are, the only people who know about them are the three actresses
> on the show! So now we have a couple of months where we won't have to
> be "afraid" of any spoilers. :)


I'm so glad you loved this episode, Marita - probably even more than I
did. And thankyou so much for such an entertaining & informative reply.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 24, 2001, 11:36:29 PM6/24/01
In article <>, (PanickedOz) wrote:

>> Monica could also have a bun in the oven. If you check out their

>> glasses at the rehearsal dinner, Monica is not drinking the same drink

>> as the others. Could this mean that she was suspecting something and

>> didn't want to drink any alcohol? It would be terrible if we found out
>> that the first thing she did as Mrs Bing was to lie to her husband,
>> but in all fairness, she had just found out that he had run off the
>> day before their wedding. Perhaps she was afraid he would do it again.

> Hmm.. I just thought of something.. of course, someone else probably
> thought of this first, so don't mind me. :)

That's okay. :)

> But there is talk about the test being old, and turning positive, and
> that's why Rachel was so shocked.

I think that's the most likely scenario should JA fail to conceive.

> What if that is what happened.. but to Monica? Maybe she took it, and it
> changed. Hence her saying she *isn't* pregnant. ::shrug:: It's a theory.

Well, Monica could have been evasive about a baby, but she specifically
denied taking a pregnancy test. She *might* still be uncertain, or her
doctor might have told her - but if the test in the trash was hers, she
told a downright lie to her husband after being married for 31 seconds.

p r i y a

Jun 25, 2001, 12:52:30 PM6/25/01

Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...
> In article <9gvsu6$>, "Priya"
> <> wrote:
> > So everyone in Europe's seen it.
> Actually, the only country in Europe that has seen the finale is Britain,
> and even then that is only on an exclusive subscription channel - Season
> Seven will not *begin* on network television until July 13th (we think).
> Has the whole of Season S7 been shown in the United Arab Emirates then?

I would have replied earlier if my email program didn't conk out. Oh
so only Britain huh? okay. didn't know. There is one exclusive
subscription channel that airs the show here but they are somewhere in
the fifth season. I saw 5th and 6th seasons on dvd and season 7, I
download the episodes off the net. So, I saw the wedding episode two
weeks after it aired in the US. Thanks to all those nice ppl or irc
who put up the videos. :)

> > Hi
> Hi, Priya!

> >> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
> >> to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
> >> about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
> >> Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
> >> the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
> >> suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
> >> be scary, and Ross embraces him.

> > you forgot to mention that Ross comes to know of the 'pregnancy' at this
> > point. They assume its Monica's and hence the hug.
> That is so, but I didn't forget, I *try* to keep these reviews short...

> >> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
> >> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
> >> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
> >> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
> >> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

> > Chandler dispenses his speech because Joey lets it slip to Monica that
> > Chandler took off from the wedding. Monica isn't too happy on finding
> > this out. So he just wanted to reassure her. Monica's speech was good
> > but Chandler's kiss was amazing hehe.
> That would be another reason (two reasons need not be in conflict) but
> according to the plot of 721 "TOW the Vows", Chandler had a copy of
> Monica's vows, and Joey was going to let him go first, leaving her in
> the lurch. When Monica went first, Chandler *had* to throw his away.

Everyone has already said all that I wanted to say about this. Still,
if chandler was actually stupid enough to try and read her vows, would
Ross be more stupid and step forward and hand him the same vows that
his sister has just said. Don't think so! :)

> Me too - I'm hoping for Joey & Rachel, and Ross & Phoebe.

Okay, thats the first time, I'm hearing that. Interesting!!!

> >> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
> >> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

> > I think most people including me preferred the dress in episode 717 than
> > the one she wore here. It was too plain.
> But that was the whole point of a beautiful story - Monica gave up the
> perfect dress as a sacrifice to the man she loves, more than any thing.

You know. Even if Monica never gave up that dress, we would have seen
a different dress on the wedding than the one had picked on earlier

And for all those who were wondering about Chandlers tux. I checked
both eps and he is not wearing Diane Keaton's tux on the wedding. That
one was bow tie and different vest and everything.

> > And her hair was also not done very well. She could have looked a whole
> > lot better than she did. I don't know. Maybe the casting people didn't
> > have much time but then again they've had a whole year to get it right.
> If you mean that Monica should have had her hair up then I disagree, she
> looked much better with her hair down like that. Rachel looked scrawny.

On Ross and Emily's wedding when Monica has her hair was done up, she
looked very good. It all depends how its done.


Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:03:35 PM6/25/01
In article <JWeZ6.26682$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


The difference there is that Monica's words conflicted with her actions.

> You made an interpretation of Monica's intentions--one that differed
> from what she said. I happen to agree with it. Similarly, I can't
> believe that Chandler ever seriously contemplated using Monica's vows.
> Imagine how hurt she would have been. Chandler would surely realize that
> she wouldn't take it well, and doesn't everything we know about Chandler
> support the idea that he wouldn't knowingly hurt her? Some people have
> speculated that Chandler will turn out to be the father of Rachel's
> baby. I can't imagine either Chandler or Rachel doing something that
> would be so hurtful to Monica. Sure, recycling her vows would not have
> had the same magnitude, but Monica would have been stung, and I think
> Chandler would know that. And even if he didn't realize, surely Ross's
> "You can't *do* that!" would have given him a clue. Joey's retort, "If
> he goes first he can!" was nothing but a punchline, as far as I'm
> concerned.

Chandler's actions did not conflict with his words.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:04:41 PM6/25/01
In article <$>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>>> I'll have to comment on your review properly later, since Turnpike

>>> failed to pick up the original post, so I'll have to request it
>>> specifically.

>> Oh dear - I could always repost it for you, if you like?

> I've got it now.

Okay, great - I'll look forward to your reply! :)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:13:06 PM6/25/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

I find that the best policy is to watch all of the episodes. It is
worth sitting through the poor ones (8 this season) to avoid missing
any of the good ones (16 this season).

>> Errr well, Phoebe was also the one who found Chandler, and she was also
>> the one who made the bridesmaid outfit look good - Rachel was scrawny.

> Ah, I thought it was the dress you were on about. I did wonder about
> the hair, I must admit. Unless it was deliberate, to show that Rachel
> was so worried about her pregnancy that she wasn't that bothered about
> how she looked...

That would be an excellent point, if only she'd not done the same thing
in 718 "TOW Joey's Award". We saw her getting ready - she had finished
her make-up & put on her jewelry, and her hair (which was down) looked
very nice. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still in her bathrobe
she would have been ready to go. However, when we next saw her at the
awards ceremony, in a beautiful red dress that showed off her splendid
figure, her pinched-back hair made her face look scrawny & horrible.

Curiously enough, Miss Aniston attended the Emmy 2000 awards, (click
for a picture), in a very similar dress, and seen from the front her
hair was the same as when Rachel wore her bathrobe. She looked great.

>> Sorry to hear you're unwell Teens, get well soon. :)

> My deputy boss is being enough of a bitch to mean I can't get to the
> docs until at least Thursday, though. :( If I didn't need the money
> for uni, I'd probably quit, that girl is making my life hell right
> now. (And about uni - I'm doing Film and Drama and the uni's got
> loads and loads and loads of opportunities to make really important
> contacts, SO THERE!!! :P Plus I changed my mind about it all after
> going to an open day.)

That's great, and thanks for the ":P", I love it when girls do that.

>> I think the plot required her to stay at home so that she could be the
>> one doing pregnancy tests in the bathroom & fretting in the bedroom.

> Doubt it - at what point was Monica fretting throughout the whole
> episode? Unless you mean it was in order to throw people off the
> track.

That's exactly right.

>> In all my years of stage & screen I've seen nothing like it. The
>> director seemed to me like a totally unrealistic character who just
>> didn't worry about anything going wrong, just plodded on & on.

> Probably just a plot device. Joey's way of getting it out was v.
> clever. ;)

Yes it was! Some people thought that Joey was foolish putting a drunken
man in his car - but of course in the business, you are sent a car.

>> Yay! Way to go Teenster! It was great fun to see a wedding in reverse.

> Very much so.

Yes, we've enjoyed lots of lovely stuff like that this season. :)

>> At this moment in time she clearly has - I just hope that the writers
>> aren't forced to cheat later on because Jen & Brad let them down.

> I honestly don't think the writers have given as much weight to real
> life as everyone seems to think they have - I doubt they'd plan out
> such a weighty storyline solely on the basis that the actress *might*
> get pregnant over the summer. It's a very haphazard way of doing
> things, too haphazard to warrant such a cliffhanger if you ask me.

The tabloids tell us that the Pitts & the Arquettes are locked in a battle
to see who can produce a baby first - the headline on the current issue of
National Enquirer screams "JEN'S $13m NURSERY", which turns out to be the
value of her whole house - and although this is a load of hype it would be
peculiar if two sets of newlyweds, now well into their thirties, were not
trying for a baby when their bosses actually want them to.

It would be so funny if Mrs.Stern is the one who becomes pregnant...

>> Monica looked lovely to me, but then I'm just a guy...

> It was just because she's been so obsessive over her wedding plans
> that it seemed jarring to me - she didn't even have her hair up, which
> budget or no budget I'd have fought tooth and nail for. But then
> again, I'm high maintanence. ;)

Ah well Tina, you look very nice with your hair down... ;)

>> Ross was very good - and considering that this was a wedding episode in
>> which he wasn't getting married, he was the most pro-active character.

> For once. ;)

He's had more than his fair share this season - he was also the most
pro-active in 707 "TOW Ross's Library Book", 709 "TOW All the Candy",
710 "TOW the Holiday Armadillo" and 716 "TOW the Truth About London".

>> He-he, if only Rachel had announced her pregnancy as the cliffhanger
>> then the two thunder-thefts would have neatly bookended the season.

> Would have ruined the effect, methinks.

Oh, but of course.

>> Speaking as a bloke, I'd rather snog Chandler's dad than Chandler... ;)

> Speaking as a woman, I'd rather snog neither...

> *And out comes the flameproof asbestos suit...* ;)

Well, I shan't flame you, and any Chandler fan should be glad to have
him to herself, and let the other women fight over her leavings... ;)

>> Okay, so why was her hair & make-up so much better? (In the morning)

> Again, maybe another hint of Rachel's worries later on.

Well, possibly that was the director's intention.

>> Oh, of course - but the point is that it's unheard of for offices to
>> be deserted on a Tuesday.

> Except if it's a four-day Bank Holiday. :P

Sure, but not in the middle of May.

>> Maybe the designer was making a point that these were off-the-rack?

> Could have been.


>> Could be, but I think it's that designer again.

> Exactly - it looked pretty! ;)

He-he. :)

>> The woman who took the good wedding dress away from Monica.

> And why would she have anything to do with the change of location?

I was thinking that Megan might have ruined Monica's plan for that venue
as part of a vendetta for being wrestled to the floor, but since then I've
realised that when Monica's parents let her down about paying for at least
some of the wedding, the museum fell outside her limited budget.

>> Rented? I hadn't thought of that. Hmmm. You know Tina, despite what you
>> said about professionally done hair & make-up being inexpensive, I
>> reckon that it was Monica's budget that was cut to the bone, not the
>> show's.

> Don't think rented is that expensive either. IIRC, for the school
> Christmas ball most lads and quite a few girls rented their outfits
> from a place in Cambridge, and it didn't cost more than about £50 for
> a few days. It's probably more for wedding dresses, granted, but I
> don't see how it would have broken the bank.

Well, that's exactly what I'm saying - she rented the dress to save money.

> But again, I'm super high-maintenance. ;)

Chandler would love maintaining you... ;)

>> You can have bastard film directors with no sympathy in their souls, but
>> they still care about what happens on the set. If an actor is too drunk
>> to perform, you order a flunkey to do something about it, you don't just
>> carry on ruining take after take.

> No, my former Drama teacher. ;)


>> It was very fast - you can learn from that.

> How to swipe alcohol without anyone noticing? ;)

How to get your timing right.

>> Yes, apparently he was at his father's second wedding, but we just did
>> not see him. Jane Sibbett who plays Carol was pregnant during 716 "TOW
>> the Truth About London", but most of her scenes were cut out of the
>> British version, so it was harder to spot.

> Didn't see it, wouldn't know.

Oh, you missed a fabulous Ross & Rachel story.

>> Oh, you've missed an awful lot of good stuff - this season ended
>> up as my second favourite of all time, with 16 out of 24 episodes
>> gaining my seal of approval. Get the DVDs with the uncut versions.

> I was going to - I'm waiting on the second lot. I've seen the first
> four, just nothing past that.

Ah. Out of the first four, I only really liked S7-03.

The season picks up after that.

>> Will you applaud if Ross & Rachel ever marry again?

> Possibly. It's like Buffy's death, though - if it happens again, next
> time will be a bit of an anti-climax.

Oh, Buffy is dead is she? So, she is one of the vampires now?

>> Dunno. My guess is that something will be said in S8-01 or S8-02, and
>> that if JA is pregnant then Rachel is, and if not then the pregnancy
>> test showed a false positive after being in the trash too long.

> Again, I seriously doubt the writers would plan such a weighty
> storyline solely on the *possibility* of the actress being pregnant.
> Aside from anything else, how would they convince the network to go
> with what is right now presumed to be the big S8 plot?

Presumably medical tests have shown that the two couples are fertile,
and right now they're going at it hammer & tongs...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:14:35 PM6/25/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> news:<>...

>> Well, Big Brother is big again this year (though not huge) but it
>> keeps itself to itself, confined to just two channels, but cooking
>> gardening & DIY programmes have become mainstream entertainment
>> over the last few years, and now this crap is everywhere. :(

> The only reason BB's not huge is because unfortunately, *unlike* last
> year, all the more interesting characters are getting voted out early
> on, with the exception of Brian (who I want to win - he reminds me so
> much of one of my friends that it'd be impossible for me *not* to want
> him to win). Whereas at this point in the game last year, Nasty Nick
> only had 4 more days left in the house. I much prefer this year's
> bunch though, having said that - much more varied, generally more
> unassuming, and for the most part pretty likeable (with the exception
> of Amma, who I can't stand - it's nothing to do with race, before
> anyone starts!). I do think Elizabeth's possibly a bit of a dark
> horse, though...

Ah - the only BB I've watched is them fast asleep at 3am. It's quite
restful, like the aquarium, the log fire, or the orbiting Earth on
various German satellite channels at that time.

> Of course, having said all that, if *I* went in, of course it'd be
> partly for the money - I want a Peugeot 206 Coupe Cabriolet, dammit!
> *lol*

Well, the best of luck, Teens... :)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:16:38 PM6/25/01
In article <>,

>>> Rachel tells Monica that they need to talk since she fears that she
>>> will never get married, but Monica simply tells her the right guy is
>>> just round the corner - so Rachel tells Monica that she's decided to
>>> become a lesbian, but Monica tells her that any woman would be lucky
>>> to have her - then Rachel tells Monica that she'd feel better if she
>>> slept with Joey, and Monica drops everything to talk!!

>> Joey? Joey? Okay, I knew they were leading up to something with these
>> two... And I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can
>> totally see it happening, especially now.

> Before you get all excited, the girl who went to this taping said that
> when they filmed this scene, Jennifer Aniston actually asked the
> audience what would be funnier to say - Joey or Ross. The audience said
> Joey (because I guess Ross was more believable - hell, she almost did it
> in 701), and that's why she said Joey.

That's very interesting. I haven't seen a filming report for the finale,
(although there are thousands of posts on ATF that I've not seen yet),
so can you please tell me where you read this?

> in all honesty, could you really see Rachel sleeping with Joey?


Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:17:55 PM6/25/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On 24 Jun 2001 15:06:55 GMT, hilfi...@aol.combatboots (Mike the Real
> American Hero) wrote:


>>> Joey? Joey? Okay, I knew they were leading up to something with these

>>> two... And I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can
>>> totally see it happening, especially now.

>> Before you get all excited, the girl who went to this taping said that
>> when they filmed this scene, Jennifer Aniston actually asked the
>> audience what would be funnier to say - Joey or Ross. The audience said
>> Joey (because I guess Ross was more believable - hell, she almost did

>> it in 701), and that's why she said Joey. And, in all honesty, could

>> you really see Rachel sleeping with Joey?

>> This is a comedy, not "Melrose Place."

> Ross has changed *a lot* since 701. (Thank god!!) Rachel has matured a
> little since then too and finally realised that she wants to settle
> down soon. If you look at the hints they've been dropping throughout
> season 7, we've seen more hints about Joey & Rachel and Ross & Phoebe
> than anything else. Granted, Rachel and Ross considered a one night
> stand in 701, and Joey and Phoebe kissed (in a flashback from 1998) in
> 714, but the subtle hints have been different.

> All I'm saying is that out of the two single male friends, I think
> Joey is a more likely father-to-be than Ross. Rachel and Joey have had
> an amazing chemistry this past year, and they're great friends now. I
> don't think we can count out any possibilities regarding the father of
> Rachel's baby before we find out for ourselves, and if the father is
> one of the three male friends, my money is on Joey. Either the normal
> way or the "sperm-bank" way.

I'd just like to say that I agree 100% with that.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:20:23 PM6/25/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 15:56:56 GMT, "Mardi" <> wrote:

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...








>>>> 724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"

>>> But how did Chandler know the priest was Greek Orthodox, unless he

>>> knows a lot about the religion, that is? At first he thought the
>>> priest was Joey in disguise, and when Monica walked up to him a few
>>> seconds later, he suddenly knew who the priest was. This puzzles me...

>> No way did Chandler mistake him for Joey--he was just startled not to
>> find Joey there when that was what he was expecting. The priest was too
>> much bigger, taller, and older than Joey for even the most bewildered
>> Chandler to make that mistake. "Are you Joey?" here was more like "Why
>> aren't you Joey?" and "Where on earth is Joey?" But Chandler was
>> mirroring the priest's question.

> Yes, you're right, but my point was that Rachel, Phoebe or Ross must
> have told him that Joey was not going to be there, and they had found
> another minister, who was Greek Orthodox. This probably happened after
> Ross and Phoebe found him in the hall (and when Phoebe told him how
> she had discovered that Monica was preggers), but that doesn't explain
> why he said "are you Joey?" which indeed sounded like "who the hell
> are you?". He looked too confused to be his usual sarcastic self IMO.
> It just doesn't make sense.

It probably will make sense when we see the uncut version on DVD.


Jun 25, 2001, 1:39:51 PM6/25/01
> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote
> > This is a review of the second half of the finale only.
> >
> > However, please feel free to post anything at all about the
> > *whole* of the finale - but below the spoiler space please.
> >
> > Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
> > Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
> > being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!
> >
> >

> > Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family

> > name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with

> > Papasifakis, Stephanopolus & Acidofolus?

Sorry for snipping from a reply but I cannot get the original post here
- it appears to have expired already!

Acido_phi_lus is a bacteria-thing, beneficial to digestion apparently,
that turns up in things like Yakult and Actimel and those kinds of
things. Lactobacillus acidophilus to be precise. I'm just sorry Joey
didn't add Snuffleopagus to the list.


Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:45:55 PM6/25/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>> Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
>> Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
>> being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!

> How do you know? You claimed not to have seen it beforehand!

I did not see it beforehand.

Possibly, but I've heard that Jennifer Aniston asked the studio
audience to vote on whether Rachel should say "Joey" or "Ross".

>> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
>> to the floor

> Red Ross? :)

Could be.

>> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
>> Rachel looks very very worried..

> To say the least!

> Her expression is my final vidcap of the season.

Yes indeed - and thanks for all the vidcaps you've done this year.

>> Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and his
>> sparring with Crosby was delightful.

> Personally, I thought his storyline was as stupid and unnecessary as the
> infamous 'hand-twin' one.

I must disagree. I cringed at the hand-twin, but I really liked the
story about the great actor, even if it wasn't a classic.

>> After some cynics remarked that we never see the friends at work any
>> more, we have now seen all six - Monica at Allesandro's in 707/718,
>> Ross at NYU in 702/718, Joey's studios in 704/715/718/723/724, Rachel
>> at Ralph Lauren in 704/705/709/712/720, Phoebe's massage/telesales in
>> 702/713, and Chandler at his multinational HQ in 724. Since Chandler
>> obviously likes his work the least, who is happiest in their careers?

> Monica, I'd say. Surely by now her staff will have lightened up on her.

Yes, thanks to Joey.

>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>> to a waistcoat.

> I did wonder.

You're welcome. If you imagine Chandler without his jacket, then he
could be dressed in his waistcoat & trousers, then take off an item
of clothing to reveal that he's wearing braces.

Or as the Americans would put it, Chandler could be dressed in his
vest & pants, then take off an item of clothing to reveal that he's
wearing suspenders!!! ;)

>> Wasn't it just so neat that Chandler's final fears of marriage
>> were swept away by the thought of having children of his own?

> It struck me as odd, actually, since it was the lifelong commitment that
> seemed to be his greatest fear.

Not after he held little baby girl Chandler in his arms, in S6-05.

>> Why didn't Richard Crosby enunciate? Because he was drunk?

> He could barely stand up, and given how drunk he was, if anything came
> out of his mouth, it probably wouldn't have been spittle! :)

Ewwww!!!! :)

>> Why wasn't Ben Geller invited to his aunt's wedding?

> Kids and formal occasions don't really mix!

>> What about Cassie

Maybe Monica wouldn't invite her, but there are lots of others.

> I dare say she won't want even to be in the same State as Ross! :)

>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

> Only metaphorically.

Oh, Marita & I did, literally.

>> But no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...

> How could we - it hasn't even been filmed yet!

Well, my S7-16 is still going from three months ago.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:47:24 PM6/25/01
In article <>, (PanickedOz) wrote:

>>> But there is talk about the test being old, and turning positive, and
>>> that's why Rachel was so shocked.

>> I think that's the most likely scenario should JA fail to conceive.

> Me too.


>>> What if that is what happened.. but to Monica? Maybe she took it,
>>> and it changed. Hence her saying she *isn't* pregnant.

>>> ::shrug:: It's a theory.

>> Well, Monica could have been evasive about a baby, but she specifically
>> denied taking a pregnancy test. She *might* still be uncertain, or her
>> doctor might have told her - but if the test in the trash was hers, she
>> told a downright lie to her husband after being married for 31 seconds.

> Noo, I don't mean a lie! I mean, she had taken the test, and it was
> negative-so she knew she wasn't pregnant. And then the test changed
> while in the garbage, and *that* would be why she was so certain in
> telling Chandler. See? No lie. :)

But she said "I didn't take a pregnancy test."

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:51:20 PM6/25/01
In article <>, (p r i y a) wrote:

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> news:<>...

>>> So everyone in Europe's seen it.

>> Actually, the only country in Europe that has seen the finale is
>> Britain, and even then that is only on an exclusive subscription
>> channel - Season Seven will not *begin* on network television until
>> July 13th (we think).

>> Has the whole of Season S7 been shown in the United Arab Emirates then?

> I would have replied earlier if my email program didn't conk out. Oh
> so only Britain huh? okay. didn't know. There is one exclusive
> subscription channel that airs the show here but they are somewhere in
> the fifth season. I saw 5th and 6th seasons on dvd and season 7, I
> download the episodes off the net. So, I saw the wedding episode two
> weeks after it aired in the US.

Do you by any chance burn them onto VCD, to watch on your DVD player?

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...


>>>> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,

>>>> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
>>>> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
>>>> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
>>>> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

>>> Chandler dispenses his speech because Joey lets it slip to Monica that
>>> Chandler took off from the wedding. Monica isn't too happy on finding
>>> this out. So he just wanted to reassure her. Monica's speech was good
>>> but Chandler's kiss was amazing hehe.

>> That would be another reason (two reasons need not be in conflict) but
>> according to the plot of 721 "TOW the Vows", Chandler had a copy of
>> Monica's vows, and Joey was going to let him go first, leaving her in
>> the lurch. When Monica went first, Chandler *had* to throw his away.

> Everyone has already said all that I wanted to say about this. Still,
> if chandler was actually stupid enough to try and read her vows, would
> Ross be more stupid and step forward and hand him the same vows that
> his sister has just said. Don't think so! :)

Ooh, that's an excellent point. Ross was being *very* protective of his
little sister in the finale, so he definitely would not have done. Thanks
a lot - Mardi must be kicking herself now that she didn't think of it! :)

>> Me too - I'm hoping for Joey & Rachel, and Ross & Phoebe.

> Okay, thats the first time, I'm hearing that. Interesting!!!

I first came out as a Ross & Phoebe fan on the message board Angel's
Friends last year, and expected to be flamed for it, but to my great
surprise I received an awful lot of support. This made Joey & Rachel
fans feel safe enough to come out of hiding, but although they tried
to convince me that Joey & Rachel would make a good couple too, I had
always seen them as remaining single for their careers. Then Rachel
moved in with Joey, and their whole dynamic changed...

>>>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>>>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

>>> I think most people including me preferred the dress in episode 717
>>> than the one she wore here. It was too plain.

>> But that was the whole point of a beautiful story - Monica gave up the
>> perfect dress as a sacrifice to the man she loves, more than any thing.

> You know. Even if Monica never gave up that dress, we would have seen
> a different dress on the wedding than the one had picked on earlier
> ep.


> And for all those who were wondering about Chandlers tux. I checked
> both eps and he is not wearing Diane Keaton's tux on the wedding. That
> one was bow tie and different vest and everything.

Okay, thanks. I guess he was put off the idea of wearing a woman's
clothing, and took one of the tuxedos that Monica had pre-approved.

>>> And her hair was also not done very well. She could have looked a
>>> whole lot better than she did. I don't know. Maybe the casting people
>>> didn't have much time but then again they've had a whole year to get
>>> it right.

>> If you mean that Monica should have had her hair up then I disagree, she
>> looked much better with her hair down like that. Rachel looked scrawny.

> On Ross and Emily's wedding when Monica has her hair was done up, she
> looked very good. It all depends how its done.

Yes you're right, she did look good then, and Phoebe's hair looked great
at this wedding. But Monica has looked horrible on other occasions with
her hair pulled back, IIRC the last time we saw Janice is one. As you
say, it all depends on how it's done, but I think it also depends on the
woman's neck & bone structure, and here JA does not score well, IMHO.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 12:54:29 PM6/25/01
In article <>,

hilfi...@aol.combatboots (Mike the Real American Hero) wrote:

In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

>>>> Joey? Joey? Okay, I knew they were leading up to something with these

>>>> two... And I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can
>>>> totally see it happening, especially now.

>>> Before you get all excited, the girl who went to this taping said that
>>> when they filmed this scene, Jennifer Aniston actually asked the
>>> audience what would be funnier to say - Joey or Ross. The audience
>>> said Joey (because I guess Ross was more believable - hell, she almost
>>> did it in 701), and that's why she said Joey. And, in all honesty,
>>> could you really see Rachel sleeping withJoey?

>>> This is a comedy, not "Melrose Place."

>> Ross has changed *a lot* since 701. (Thank god!!) Rachel has matured a
>> little since then too and finally realised that she wants to settle
>> down soon. If you look at the hints they've been dropping throughout
>> season 7, we've seen more hints about Joey & Rachel and Ross & Phoebe
>> than anything else. Granted, Rachel and Ross considered a one night
>> stand in 701, and Joey and Phoebe kissed (in a flashback from 1998) in
>> 714, but the subtle hints have been different.

>> All I'm saying is that out of the two single male friends, I think
>> Joey is a more likely father-to-be than Ross. Rachel and Joey have had
>> an amazing chemistry this past year, and they're great friends now. I
>> don't think we can count out any possibilities regarding the father of
>> Rachel's baby before we find out for ourselves, and if the father is
>> one of the three male friends, my money is on Joey. Either the normal
>> way or the "sperm-bank" way.

> I think we can rule out the sperm bank - Rach didn't look to pleased about
> being knocked up.

What if she found out that Joey was the donor *after* being inseminated?

> And if our only male friend choice is Joey, then I'm gonna have to say
> it's Tag's or some guy that we'll never see. Thus, Ross will step in
> because he's been through the baby stuff before, and they'll fall
> magically in love again.

Ah, hope springs eternal in the breast of every true R&R fan! j/k

> I doubt the writers would waste all their time writing stuff for R&R if
> they decided to pair R&J up in the end.

The writers have "been there done that" with the whole R&R thing. They
broke up the couple because they were rather more interesting apart.

> That hinting with R&J is like the hinting with any other character. Is
> Chandler gay? No. Are Joey and Ross gay together? No. Is Rachel gay? No.
> Is Phoebe gay? No. Did Monica leave Chandler for Joey? No. It's there
> for a joke. At least that's how I look at it.

They hinted that Chandler & Monica would get together for four years,
and for the first three of those years nobody would believe me.


Jun 25, 2001, 6:27:39 PM6/25/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> >> Well, I'm talking about what we saw actually happen on the screen, and


Neither of us is going to convince the other on this point. You're not
changing your mind, and I'm not changing mine. I think the Monica example
parallels the Chandler one, and you don't. I think the idea of using
Monica's vows was a joke--in the tag (small-T, thank goodness) no less, you
see it as uncontrovertable truth. I give up. Not on my point of view, but
on any attempt to convince you of its merit.


To reply by e-mail, please replace <NOSPAM> with <NYCAP.rr>.
But not to send me spam! I never requested your "report,"
and I'm not interested in your pyramid scheme which, by the
way, is NOT legal!


Jun 25, 2001, 9:39:25 PM6/25/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <>,
> (p r i y a) wrote:
> > Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> > news:<>...

> >> That would be another reason (two reasons need not be in conflict) but

> >> according to the plot of 721 "TOW the Vows", Chandler had a copy of
> >> Monica's vows, and Joey was going to let him go first, leaving her in
> >> the lurch. When Monica went first, Chandler *had* to throw his away.
> > Everyone has already said all that I wanted to say about this. Still,
> > if chandler was actually stupid enough to try and read her vows, would
> > Ross be more stupid and step forward and hand him the same vows that
> > his sister has just said. Don't think so! :)
> Ooh, that's an excellent point. Ross was being *very* protective of his
> little sister in the finale, so he definitely would not have done. Thanks
> a lot - Mardi must be kicking herself now that she didn't think of it! :)

Ouch! Ooh! Must. . . stop. . . kicking. . . . ;)

That *is* an excellent point. But hey, I *did* mention that Ross tells him
"you can't *do* that!" when Chandler says he stole Monica's vows and changed
the name (7.21). This does fit in with Ross being unwilling to hand him
those vows at the wedding.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 10:41:59 PM6/25/01

This posting contains replies to Marita Bakken,
snipped from the threads in S7-22 and S7-23...

Snipped from S7-22...

>>>>> Chandler's dad read some of Nora's books, and he wanted to meet her
>>>>> in real life. Perhaps he was a fan.. He was of course forced to hide
>>>>> his, what shall I call it, feminine habits, while they were dating,
>>>>> though.

>>>> Why couldn't he have been as ignorant of his sexuality as Carol was?

>>> I don't think he was.

>> How can you say that? The only evidence we have is that that both of
>> them entered into heterosexual marriages, later deciding they were gay,
>> and that they both produced a child.

> Hmm. No comment. Let's move this discussion to the 724 thread.

Okay, here we are. You go.

>>>>>>> Yeah, I remembered you told me that in the 718-thread, but I
>>>>>>> didn't really believe it until I saw him walking into Central Perk
>>>>>>> in this episode. If he's going to stay around for a while, I would
>>>>>>> like to know why his grin freaks me out.

>>>>>> My radar sounds a warning bleep every time he comes on.

>>>>> I hope he doesn't show up anymore.

>>>> Well, I can't help thinking that they're building up to something...

>>> Ugh.

>> Maybe he's the answer to a future riddle.....................

> I think I know what you mean, and yes, he could be.

I'm thinking that we rarely see Jake because he is the surprise father.

If so, who is the mother?????

Snipped from S7-23...

>>>> I'm worried that Nora & Judy will get on.

>>> I'm more worried about Jack and Charles...

>> Oh yes?

> Somehow I don't think Jack is particularly thrilled by the fact that
> his little Harmonica's future father-in-law is a drag queen.

But we saw at the rehearsal dinner that he was trying as best he could
to come to terms with an unfamiliar situation.

>>>>>> When Ross showed Chandler's note to the girls, the hair on the back
>>>>>> of my neck stood on end...

>>>>> Ooh.. I wish I had had the chance to be stunned by his disappearance.

>>>> I'm so sorry for you.

>>> Nah, never mind. I was shocked by other things. :)

>> Oh? Tell me about them when you reply to my S7-24 review.

> I have. :)

Sorry, but I'm not sure which part that was...

Also, when Ross showed Chandler's note to the girls, Rachel took him
strangely seriously, didn't she? A hint of something going on?

Tennant Stuart

Jun 25, 2001, 10:38:50 PM6/25/01
Jacqui wrote:

>> Tennant wrote

No worries - I've sent you a copy of both parts. :)

> Acido_phi_lus is a bacteria-thing, beneficial to digestion apparently,
> that turns up in things like Yakult and Actimel and those kinds of
> things. Lactobacillus acidophilus to be precise. I'm just sorry Joey
> didn't add Snuffleopagus to the list.

Snuffleopagus? Go on, I'll fall for it...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 26, 2001, 12:53:53 AM6/26/01
In article <voLZ6.22757$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


> GAH!!!!

Ah well you see, just to prove you wrong again, I *have* changed my mind,
but not because of anything you have said, but Priya, who found a hole in
the argument where there was a conflict. Ross was being *very* protective
of his little sister in the finale, so he definitely would not have given
Chandler the same vows that Monica had just said... :)


Jun 26, 2001, 2:02:20 AM6/26/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> > Neither of us is going to convince the other on this point. You're not

> > changing your mind, and I'm not changing mine. I think the Monica
> > example parallels the Chandler one, and you don't. I think the idea of
> > using Monica's vows was a joke--in the tag (small-T, thank goodness) no
> > less, you see it as uncontrovertable truth. I give up. Not on my point
> > of view, but on any attempt to convince you of its merit.
> Ah well you see, just to prove you wrong again, I *have* changed my mind,
> but not because of anything you have said, but Priya, who found a hole in
> the argument where there was a conflict. Ross was being *very* protective
> of his little sister in the finale, so he definitely would not have given
> Chandler the same vows that Monica had just said... :)

Okay, well, I bow to Priya's ability to change your mind. And I concede my
utter and complete failure to make so much as a dent. . . .


Jun 26, 2001, 7:33:18 AM6/26/01
> Ah well you see, just to prove you wrong again, I *have* changed my mind,
> but not because of anything you have said, but Priya, who found a hole in
> the argument where there was a conflict. Ross was being *very* protective
> of his little sister in the finale, so he definitely would not have given
> Chandler the same vows that Monica had just said... :)
> Tennant

Wow. Thanks. I'm glad I could help you change your mind. Although I must
admit you did take that tag scene in the vows episode too much to heart. But
can you imagine if what would have happened if Joey had let Chandler go
first and he said all of Mon's vows. What ever would she have
him??? LOL



Jun 26, 2001, 7:53:21 AM6/26/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> In article <9h3150$g0f$>, "Lauren"
> <> wrote:
> >>> If an American described Chandler sitting on the couch in Central
> >>> dressed in his vest & pants, they would have an image of a smart young
> >>> executive - but we British would fall over laughing, since Chandler
> >>> would be in public dressed only in his underwear, (think of Homer
> >>> Simpson slobbing around at home watching TV).
> >> ::snicker:: Lovely image, that.
> > And if it was vest, pants and suspenders.......

I could be wrong. But wouldn't he still be missing a shirt??!!



Jun 26, 2001, 1:42:28 PM6/26/01

"Priya" <> wrote in message

I think there's a good chance they would have stayed single! I'm happy to
see you agree about not taking that tag seriously--this makes me feel a
little better. :)

Paul Hyett

Jun 26, 2001, 6:04:00 AM6/26/01
On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>>> Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
>>> Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
>>> being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!
>> How do you know? You claimed not to have seen it beforehand!
>I did not see it beforehand.

Then how did you *know* we got exactly what the US did?

>Possibly, but I've heard that Jennifer Aniston asked the studio
>audience to vote on whether Rachel should say "Joey" or "Ross".

I find it hard to believe they wouldn't have had her say Ross though.

>> Her expression is my final vidcap of the season.
>Yes indeed - and thanks for all the vidcaps you've done this year.

Thanks, it's nice to now they are appreciated.

On this issue though - I've moved my TV card to my new computer, but it
has a few 'issues' with it.

I can still do vidcaps - bigger ones than before, but there are problems
with trying to capture clips, so you may still not be able to find out
what Maggie Wheeler's real voice sounds like!

>> It struck me as odd, actually, since it was the lifelong commitment that
>> seemed to be his greatest fear.
>Not after he held little baby girl Chandler in his arms, in S6-05.

No, I'd say it was more recently than that, that he got over his fear of
the metaphorical tunnel.

>>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?
>> Only metaphorically.
>Oh, Marita & I did, literally.

If you're watching it alone, and you do that, anyone overhearing you
thinks you are a loon! :)

Only the London C&M hotel room scene really had that effect on me.

>>> But no spoilers PLEASE about Season 8...
>> How could we - it hasn't even been filmed yet!
>Well, my S7-16 is still going from three months ago.

But it's hardly on-topic any more, and besides it was at least filmed
when the thread began! :)
Paul 'US Sitcom Fan' Hyett - The Wild Frame Grabber of the Net!

Website at

Paul Hyett

Jun 26, 2001, 6:06:30 AM6/26/01
On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>> I doubt the writers would waste all their time writing stuff for R&R if
>> they decided to pair R&J up in the end.
>The writers have "been there done that" with the whole R&R thing. They
>broke up the couple because they were rather more interesting apart.

No, because *they* thought that.

The continuing presence of masses of R&R fans give the lie to that


Jun 26, 2001, 6:50:37 PM6/26/01

"Paul Hyett" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

> > C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...

IIRC, the person who originally posted this said that JA asked the audience
which would be *funnier*. I can see how a lot of people would think saying
"Joey" would be more humorous.



Jun 26, 2001, 8:13:44 PM6/26/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> I find that the best policy is to watch all of the episodes. It is

> worth sitting through the poor ones (8 this season) to avoid missing
> any of the good ones (16 this season).

Yes, but when you're as busy as I've been these past few months, it's
a real effort to make sure you see the last few eps of Buffy to know
what's going on, let alone anything else. (I knew what was going to
happen long before anyone else did, because I'm smart like that and
had it sussed - but I still wanted to know what was going on. Oh, and
Dawn must die. *lol*)

> That would be an excellent point, if only she'd not done the same thing
> in 718 "TOW Joey's Award". We saw her getting ready - she had finished
> her make-up & put on her jewelry, and her hair (which was down) looked
> very nice. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still in her bathrobe
> she would have been ready to go. However, when we next saw her at the
> awards ceremony, in a beautiful red dress that showed off her splendid
> figure, her pinched-back hair made her face look scrawny & horrible.

Her hair just suits her face better when it's down then, obviously.

> Yes it was! Some people thought that Joey was foolish putting a drunken
> man in his car - but of course in the business, you are sent a car.

Peugeot 206 Coupe Cabriolet for me, then...

> The tabloids tell us that the Pitts & the Arquettes are locked in a battle
> to see who can produce a baby first - the headline on the current issue of
> National Enquirer screams "JEN'S $13m NURSERY", which turns out to be the
> value of her whole house - and although this is a load of hype it would be
> peculiar if two sets of newlyweds, now well into their thirties, were not
> trying for a baby when their bosses actually want them to.

Yeah, but trying and actually succeeding are two different things,
don't forget. The last thing either couple would need would be to
know that a major plot depended on them getting pregnant.

> Ah well Tina, you look very nice with your hair down... ;)

Well, it's not so long now, as it was in such bad shape it stopped
growing. :( It's about chin-length now, though, and growing at a rate
of knots. ;)

> He's had more than his fair share this season - he was also the most
> pro-active in 707 "TOW Ross's Library Book", 709 "TOW All the Candy",
> 710 "TOW the Holiday Armadillo" and 716 "TOW the Truth About London".

Alright, I'm getting the DVDs out already! *lol* Any idea when the
rest are due out?

> Sure, but not in the middle of May.

No, in the middle of June next year, though. ;)

> > No, my former Drama teacher. ;)
> Ahah.

Who rang my mum up at 12.40 today to check I was going to my Drama
exam, in spite of the fact I'd been there for 20 minutes already!

> Oh, you missed a fabulous Ross & Rachel story.

I generally missed a lot of stories anyway, don't rub it in. :)

> Oh, Buffy is dead is she? So, she is one of the vampires now?

Nuh-uh - didn't you see "The Gift", then? She threw herself into a
portal thingy in order to stop the apocalypse (oh what a surprise) -
it was either her blood or that of her "sister" that could stop it
(her sister not really being her sister, rather an energy force known
as the Key - called Dawn ;)). It's Joss Whedon, though, so who knows
whether she really *is* dead or not? They start filming again next
week though, so spoilers are on the way! Hurrah! *grin*


Jun 26, 2001, 8:41:11 PM6/26/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Ah - the only BB I've watched is them fast asleep at 3am. It's quite
> restful, like the aquarium, the log fire, or the orbiting Earth on
> various German satellite channels at that time.

Well, I like Brian a lot because he practically *is* one of my best
mates (except for the gay thing ;)), so that's pretty much what keeps
me watching. My guess is that Bubble's out this week, though.

> Well, the best of luck, Teens... :)

I'm actually considering cashing in my childrens' bond and putting it
in a tax-free ISA in order to get more interest on it... I believe you
get something like 10% interest on an ISA. Me want. ;) It'll still
be a good few years before I get my car, though - they're about £15K,
with the insurance on top of it...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 26, 2001, 11:14:08 PM6/26/01
In article <>,

>> What if she found out that Joey was the donor *after* being inseminated?

> Like she wouldn't notice the "Knicks rule!" quote? Please.

That's the whole point. After that he changed it.

>> The writers have "been there done that" with the whole R&R thing. They
>> broke up the couple because they were rather more interesting apart.

> Yeah, and as the eighth season is the show's final (yes, Tennant, sorry,
> but it's true),

Prove it.

> in order for the show's first four years and much of the rest to fully
> make sense, R&R have to have some kind of closure. And they have yet to
> have any - they're still tugged at when the writers need a good sweeps
> stunt.

What you mean is NBC show some misleading promos; and after seeing the
show, you poor R&R fans are pulling your hair out, because the couple
did not get back together again after all.

>> They hinted that Chandler & Monica would get together for four years,
>> and for the first three of those years nobody would believe me.

> Chandler and Monica's relationship wouldn't have crushed another one of
> their friends as Rachel and Joey's would. Can you really see Ross and
> Joey and Ross and Rachel still being friends if this happened?

After a while, yes.

The period of adjustment gives the writers something to write about.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 26, 2001, 11:12:02 PM6/26/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:17:55 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

C4 UK/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...








>>> Ross has changed *a lot* since 701. (Thank god!!) Rachel has matured
>>> a little since then too and finally realised that she wants to settle
>>> down soon. If you look at the hints they've been dropping throughout
>>> season 7, we've seen more hints about Joey & Rachel and Ross & Phoebe
>>> than anything else. Granted, Rachel and Ross considered a one night
>>> stand in 701, and Joey and Phoebe kissed (in a flashback from 1998)
>>> in 714, but the subtle hints have been different.

>>> All I'm saying is that out of the two single male friends, I think
>>> Joey is a more likely father-to-be than Ross. Rachel and Joey have had
>>> an amazing chemistry this past year, and they're great friends now. I
>>> don't think we can count out any possibilities regarding the father of
>>> Rachel's baby before we find out for ourselves, and if the father is
>>> one of the three male friends, my money is on Joey. Either the normal
>>> way or the "sperm-bank" way.

>> I'd just like to say that I agree 100% with that.

> Thanks, Tennant. :)

VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her) <g>

Tennant Stuart

Jun 26, 2001, 11:45:27 PM6/26/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> I had to move it... :)

TT (another acronym for Mardi to puzzle over) <g>

British/Anzac/Euro SPOILER SPACE for 724...

>>> Marita's suggestions from June 16th...

>>> Aunt Sylvia scraping Monica's lasagnas

>> I've just realised that TOW The Dozen Lasagnes was the 12th episode.

> Joincidence?

Oh, definitely. :)

>>> Ross explaining to the fetus what a lesbian is

>> You'd have thought that was Susan's job.

> I guess she explains why Bobo gets married all the time.

Oh yes, and she agrees that Bobo was on a break.

>>> Rachel daydreaming about True Love after reading Danielle Steel

>> That's another flashback we need - about spoilt young Rachel.

> Definitely.

As a good ratings stunt, they could cast Melissa Joan Hart as the eldest
Green girl, (it's so awkward not having this basic information), with her
sisters Elizabeth Hart as Rachel Green, and Emily Hart as Jill Green.

>>> Susan and Carol hanging out with Huey Lewis

>> We already have this one, sorry. But we don't have...

> Okay. :)

>> Chandler & Joey balancing plates on the little guys' heads.

> Hello? Human rights? ;)

Hehe - but the amazing thing is that after Monica says that, Joey's
reply is that they will eat at the sink...

>>> Phoebe telling Paolo he's a real stronzo

>> RPGOL! Oh yes! Especially since he would understand...

> Yep. :)
> Do you think he would hit on her afterwards?

I dunno really, probably. Somewhere in the movie "Bound", one of the
gangsters is called a stronzo by his boss, and he takes it fairly well.

>>> Uncle Monica with little Ben

>> Shouldn't that be Uncle Monica with little Emily?

> Smil... Good point.

Okay, I've changed that one.

>>> Dick and Yasmine inviting the guys to eat

>> What? Oh, the birds on the table. Will anybody else get that?

> Eh.. I don't know. I think there are lots of "inside" jokes on this
> list. :)

Okay, but what if we make it a little easier with...

Dick & Yasmine inviting the guys to sit at the patio table, and eat.

>>> Phoebe teaching Monica to make the best oatmeal raisin cookies

>> Oh yes - and what an amazing scene for Phoebe...

> And in the middle of mixing oatmeal and raisins, she'd have to contact
> her grandma and ask her a left-handed cooking question.

And since Frances is dead, Phoebe has to look upwards. When Rachel points
out that she is looking in the wrong direction, Phoebe patiently explains
that she was asking the spirit of the old Indian woman to go fetch her.

>>> Rachel telling Paolo she wants him to give her implants

>> Err, is that because of her gesturing?

> Hehe, yep.

Okay, so how about...

Rachel gesturing to Paolo that he has to pay for breast implants.

>>> Tony Danza holding Phoebe close

>> In the basement of a parking garage?

> Eh, I guess so. What song is this anyway, (if it is one, that is)?

Mardi has already answered this. Thanks, Mardi.

>>> Joey's plan A to get rid of Janice

>> Oh yes, what might it have consisted of?

> Throwing hands and bats?

Lol, could be.

>>> Ross trying to seduce Rachel in a band uniform

>> Any band uniform, or his old one from school?

> His old one, so change it to:
> Ross trying to seduce Rachel in his old band uniform

Okay, it's done.

>>> Joey on Wheel of Fortune

>> His lack of education would let him down, but he'd still be better
>> than the idiots you see on these give-away type game shows.

> He'd be fine. He's not as "stupid" as he was in 301. :)


>>> Why Richard loved the Civil War

>> Maybe he loved a Yankee nurse in a past life.

> Ooh, do we have Richard as a sheriff in the Wild West?

Not exactly, we have...

Richard Burke as the sheriff of Dodge City.

>>> Ross Skywalker rescuing Phoebe

>> Lol, from Darth Whom?

> (Jack) Geller. ;)

Hee-hee-hee, this is such fun. Okay, so far it's...

Ross Skywalker rescuing Phoebe from Darth Jack.

..but we still have room for a SW name for Phoebe, up to 20 letters long.

>>> Ross Skywalker taking Princess Monica to a galaxy far, far away

>> Awwww... yes, I love this!

> Where she would fall in love with Chan Solo. ;)

RPGOL!!!!! BRILLIANT!!! So how about...

Princess Monica falling for Chan Solo in a galaxy far, far away.

..and I'm still laughing at "Chan Solo". :-)

>>> Phoebe telling Richard about her experiences during the Civil War

>> And memories come flooding back to him...

> Makes sense. In a way, he looks like Rhett Butler.

Oh, yes - and Ross would be the reincarnation of Ashley Wilkes.

>>> Joey nominated for an Emmy (and for the real life TWWWS: MLB
>>> nominated for an Emmy)

>> Wouldn't the writers be afraid to prejudice that actor's chances by
>> doing this for his character?

> His chances are slim anyway, but you might be onto something there.

Yeah. Shall I leave it in, or take it out?

>>> Joey taking Monica to the awards show as Rachel is a nervous wreck

>> Awww, poor kid! But as we saw, Rachel is made of stronger stuff.

> Rachel can be very emotional, but she is the strongest of the
> Green-sisters.

That's right, but I think it can still go in, if you want.

>>> Rachel beating Britney Spears et al at the Grammies

>> Not as Best New Artist though.

> Okay, then just say "everybody else".

Okay. That's probably what Rachel imagines, anyway.

>>> Monica feeling drunk when Chandler is around

>> But that's how she was when she first started going out with him.

> Yeah, you're right. Any suggestions?

Well, your next one shows promise...

> Oh, BTW:
> Chandler showing "drunk" Monica his dictionary

Ooh, intriguing. This is the dictionary with the technical definition
of "goofing around", yes? And it was not long after she first started
going out with him. But can we do better than "drunk" in quotes?

>>> Ross being in love with Joey and tying his tie


> After 720, I'm willing to believe anything.

Awww... never mind. :)

>>> Ross's sexy professor vibe

>> Ewww, do you really wanna?

> I don't know. I just have a feeling I'll LMAO because it's so silly.

Okay then, I'll put it in.

>>> Joey winning the Soapie award and his reaction to that

>> Ah, poor guy.

> I know. He deserved that award for his "don't you recognise your own
> mother?!" :)

Yes indeed.

>>> A scared Chandler running away from the really big centerpieces

>> Lol, but Chandler would *never* run away...

> No, of course not. Why would he? He was the one who proposed in the
> first place... Oh, wait..

Yes, now we are below 724 spoiler space, we can see this as a hint.

>>> Chandler drinking a lot right after he and Monica started dating

>> Errr.. not quite. That makes him sound like an alcoholic, but in
>> fact he was just taking plenty of fluids.

> Oh, right.
> Chandler drinking lots of fluids after he and Monica started dating.
> Better? :)

Much better, but if you don't mind I've tweaked it to...

Chandler drinking plenty of fluids after he & Monica started dating.

>>> Rachel asking all the soap-opera stars for their autographs

>> Or Joey stopping her.

> "Be cool..." :)


>>> What Joey said when he realised that he had lost

>> You mean, right after "What the FUCK! That was bullshit. What do
>> those jerks think they're doing! If they..." when Rachel stopped
>> him, and he quietly apologised to her?

> Gosh, I'm impressed, Tennant! :)

We've had lip-readers working on it. It went into the list, though.

>>> Rachel stealing the Soapie award

>> From the ceremony, from Joey, or from Miss Ashley?

> From Joey. :)
> I don't think it would be safe to put it in her room, though.

Okay, so...

Rachel stealing the Soapie award from Joey, and where she hid it.

>>> Chandler and Monica buying their first house

>> Easy baby. There's plenty of time yet...

> Oh, so you don't want them to leave the gang, do you? :)

Funnily enough no, and anyway I reckon that Monica will not end up
like her mother if she remains in such a supportive environment.

>>> Phoebe winning a Nobel prize

>> The Nobel Peace Prize for massages at the UN building?

> Yup. Or for working for human rights for foosball players.


>>> Neil Simon writing a play for Phoebe
>>> Phoebe starring in "Reservations At Eight"
>>> Phoebe the actress winning a Tony award
>>> Phoebe hosting Saturday Night Live

>> Gosh, those four make a brilliant story, right there!

> I know!

>> Two of them are already in, but I'll work something out.

> Okay! :)

Okay, so how about...

Phoebe winning a Nobel Peace Prize for massages at the UN building.
Neil Simon writing "Reservations at Eight" for Phoebe Buffay.
Phoebe the Tony award winning actress, hosting Saturday Night Live.
Phoebe visiting David in Minsk, after receiving her Nobel prize.

..of course if you want the story to end differently, you simply
swap the last two around.

>> Tennant's suggestions from June 20th...

>> Chandler & Monica escaping through the window as Ross gets an axe.

> Freaky! I'm watching The Shining as I write this...

Lol, my turn to ask if it's joincidence.

>> Chandler & Monica having a lifetime of happiness.

> Awww... We need more seasons to see this, though.

Yes, at least another nine.

>> How Ross would have reacted if Chandler was just messing around.

> Oh, now there's a thought! I reckon there would be some kind of
> serious ass-kicking involved.

Well, exactly. This was the scene that sprang to mind when they laughed
at Ross in the finale. When I first heard the brotherly warning, I took
him at face value, and thought it was a good bit of straight drama.

>> Rachel & Phoebe giving Monica & Chandler a lunar honeymoon.

> Pardon?

In S5-15 Joey & Ross were arguing over who should be godfather to Monica
& Chandler's kids (BTW in Britain a child has *three* godparents, two of
whom are the same gender as the child, so there would be less conflict),
so Monica objected that they were getting a few steps ahead and Chandler
backed her up with a metaphor of big zero gravity moon steps. This gave
Rachel the idea of the greatest wedding gift to get them, and Phoebe
asked to join in with her, since she couldn't think of anything.

>> Chandler the astronaut discovering the moon has gravity.

> Lol!

Yep, but at least *he* doesn't claim to be a scientist...

>> Ben's after-kindergarten job as Joey's bodyguard.

> He could help him out on auditions as well.

Good idea.

>> Why only Ross's bathroom needs a scented candle.

> Eww, eww, eww...

Because well, y'know...

>> Ross donating $100, then he & Phoebe steal the food from next door.

> Lol! And flitting off to Chicago to get more food?

From Momma's Little Bakery?

>> Ross & Phoebe throwing a KARA-TAY PAR-TAY for their Kung Fu class.

> Haha! Good one!

Thanks. :)

>> The two Monicas fighting over who gets Chandler & who gets Richard.

> Lol! Good one!

But who does the winner get, and who does the loser get?

>> Joey making fun of a waiter with vampire-phobia.

> The bread-sticks?

Exactly. Should I make that clearer?

>> Monica running an Adult Relationship class at college.

> Professor Monica Geller.. Yep, I like it!

There's a test in every class, but the practicals are fun.

>> Chandler sending guys to the party at 3A, keeping the gals for 3B.

> Lol! Great! It would certainly make Ross happy!

Yes, these are all because I feel the others failed to support Ross.

>> Monica wafting delicious food smells into the party for Howard.

> Yep. And with her help perhaps the others in Ross's building actually
> would have liked him.

That's right - she could have made candy to get them to like him, and
hopefully she would not become obsessed, since she didn't live there.

>> Rachel organising Ross's party games, and putting on a skit.

> And seducing Steve?

Well, that cheerleader's outfit never fails...

>> Joey scaring Steve's guests with a game of Ultimate Fireball.

> That could get expensive for Joey and Ross...

Joey would pretend he didn't know Ross, and run away.

>> Phoebe smuggling guests across the hallway into Ross's apartment.

> Lol!

Yes, and so most of Ross's neighbours would end up at his party, where
all the fun was, and then supporting his moral stand against Steve, as
they were all forced to pay up as well.

>> Ross getting Phoebe to like him after they first met.

> Grin.

This is a much needed flashback episode. Monica brings home a scruffy
harridan she found in a dumpster behind Iridium, and though Bob & Kip
are supportive, Ross (who's living with her) objects so strongly that
she throws him out of their grandmother's apartment. Poor Ross has no
choice but to befriend Phoebe if he is ever to get back in the group,
but she refuses to co-operate. Meanwhile, Monica learns that Kip (the
first boy across the hall that she fell in love with) only pretended
to like Phoebe, resulting in a harrowing & dramatic ultimatum. Matt
LeBlanc is virtually unrecognisable as Bob, while Jennifer Aniston
wins an Emmy for her remarkable portrayal of Kip.

>> What Chandler did with the rejected engagement ring.

> Oh, yes! Where is it now?

That's what I want to know.

>> Chandler making a Chandler-shaped hole in Monica's front door.

> Which is weird since Joey didn't manage to make a Joey-shaped hole in
> 601...

Ah, that's because he hit the door from the outside! :)

>> Ross & Phoebe getting married after she forgot to say "Hello".

> Tee-hee...


>> Chandler's better joke after Phoebe discovers another police badge.

> I hope donuts weren't included.

They wouldn't be, he promised.

>> Fritzy, and Phoebe's other criminal friends from her past.

> Both the European and the American ones.

Well yes, but can you fit that in?

>> Rachel borrowing Joey's sweatshirt, and smelling like a meadow.

> That poor guy obviously loved Bambi..

Sniff - that fawn only had his mother!

>> Ross visiting a back-street Chinese store to buy a magic couch.

> Haha! He wishes.

It would be such great fun when the Chinese couch says "Come here
to me" to the ladies, and Ross cannot make it keep quiet.

>> Rachel very kindly letting Ross reach his triple century.

> Perhaps she already has?

I don't think they did it once while they were married, let alone
twice - ah, but you mean he is the father. Well, we'll see...

>> Chandler's dream where he is the apartment stud.

> That dream came true in 501 when it turned out that Monica was
> also on London-time. :)

Yes it did, but I'd still like to see how it goes...

>> What Monica was measuring in the privacy of Chandler's bedroom.

> Lol!!


>> Phoebe patrolling the mean streets as a fake undercover whore.

> Yes, good one!


>> Joey skipping acting class to help his good friend Ross.

> He had lifted that couch singlehandedly.

Had he? When?

>> Joey building a foundation before asking Rachel out on a date.

> Perhaps that's what he's been doing in season 7?

That's what he's been doing since he cleverly let Rachel spill
spaghetti on his carpet in Season 6.

>> Why freakishly strong Monica wouldn't help her dear brother.

> She was looking for the tape measurer?

Lol! But I'd still like to know why they're less supportive of Ross.

>> Ross's sketch for how to move the couch, but as Rachel saw it.

> Lol!

I know!

>> A secret door opening out from the staircase, freeing the couch.

> If Ross had lived in an old English castle, he could have done it
> this way.

Oh, he sure could - but I was thinking of something else. :)

This is only slightly adapted from the novel "Dirk Gently's
Holistic Detective Agency", first published in 1981...

*  "I've never sat on my couch, not that I wouldn't like to," said
* Ross. "It's just that it's stuck halfway up the flight of stairs
* which leads to my apartment. Chandler & Rachel got it part way up,
* got it stuck, tried to pivot any way they could, couldn't get it
* any further, and then found, curiously enough, that they couldn't
* get it back down again. Now, that should be impossible."

*  "That's odd," agreed Joey, who could relax & be himself while
* Chandler wasn't listening, "I've certainly never come across any
* irreversible mathematics involving couches. Could be a new field.
* Have you spoken to any spatial geometricians?"

*  "I did better than that", said Ross. "I called in a neighbour's
* son who at one time could solve Rubik's Cube in 17 seconds. He sat
* on a step and stared at it for over an hour before pronouncing it
* irrevocably stuck. Admittedly he's a few years older now and has
* found out about girls, but it's got me puzzled."

*  "Has it been stuck there for long?" asked Joey.

*  "Oh, only about three days," Ross replied, "I could just saw it
* up and take it back to the store, but I cannot believe that there
* isn't a logical answer."

*  "Well yes", offered Joey, "it makes me think it would be really
* useful to know before you buy a piece of furniture whether it is
* actually going to fit up the stairs or around the corner. So I'll
* model the problem in three dimensions on Chandler's computer - he
* only uses it for porn."

*  "It does what?" called Chandler from the kitchen, over the noise
* of filling the kettle.

*  "Nothing", shouted Joey in his 'dumb' voice, while tapping away on
* the keyboard. Eventually he sat back, and looked at Ross. "So far it
* just says no way. I told it to compute the moves necessary to get the
* couch out, and it said there aren't any. I said 'What?' and it said
* there aren't any. I then asked it, and this is the really mysterious
* thing, to compute all the moves necessary to get the couch into its
* present position in the first place, and it said it couldn't have got
* there. Not without fundamental restructuring of the walls. So, either
* there's something wrong with the fundamental structure of the matter
* in your walls or," he added with a sigh, "there's something wrong
* with the program. Which would you guess?"

*  Ross watched the LCD screen on which a red wire-frame model of
* his couch was lazily revolving within a blue wire-frame model of
* his narrow staircase, complete with banister rail, radiator and
* fuse-box details, and of course the awkward turn halfway up.

*  The couch would start out pivoting in one direction, hit an
* obstruction, pivot itself in a new plane, hit a new obstruction,
* pivot around a third axis until it was stopped again, then cycle
* through the moves again in a different order. You didn't have to
* watch the sequence for very long before you saw it repeat itself.

*  The couch was clearly stuck.

..with apologies to the memory of Douglas Adams (1952-2001), RIP

>> Officer Gary giving Phoebe his full name.

> It was probably rather boring (Chandler's dad's name was), but
> it's still worth mentioning.

That's right. Just for the record. Wouldn't hurt.

>> Monica using her hefty wrist action on poor Chandler.

> Eh...

That's what Phoebe said.

>> Ross imitating the exit of Samuel L.Jackson from "Deep Blue Sea".

> I haven't seen the movie, but I get your drift. :)

Very hard for Ross to do in a window.

>> Joey & Jen performing "Wuthering Heights By Semaphore".

> Pardon?

Do you ever get reruns of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" in Norway?

>> The first time that Phoebe woke the beast.

> Hehe.

That was a very interesting expression for Phoebe to use.

>> Zelner's secret delight that the best applicant was also hot stuff.

> Ugh.. That made me think of Tag again...

Hah. Just be grateful for Mr.Zelner, and keep your fingers crossed that
Rachel didn't do another 'Paolo'...

>> Joey realising how much Rachel was appreciating his big strong hug.

> Awww... They *are* cute together, aren't they?

Absolutely - foreshadowing from 2½ years ago...

>> Chandler firing Gary's gun, but the bullet hits the gap in his toes.

> Lucky for Chandler!

Yep, it would make a great story.

>> The tortilla chips explaining all curious events at Bedford & Grove.

> <laughs> The tortilla chips declaring that Chandler and Monica have
> beaten Ross and Rachel.

At sober marriages, you mean?

>> Phoebe & Gary violating Section 12 Paragraph 7 of the criminal code.

> Eh..

It could be very romantic...

>> Dr.Green telling his girls horror stories about poisoning habits.

> Yep! I totally agree with this one.


>> Failed actors Ben & Joey starting up their own ice-cream company.

> Why ice-cream?

They would be rivals to Ben & Jerry... ;)

>> Rachel getting 800 gallons of water for her birthday present.

> Would she be able to exchange them?

No, that's the whole point! She'd go do-lally! :)

>> Chandler inventing a brilliant new game, called "Ice".

> He'd be Vanilla Ice of course.... ;)

Who would be Ice-T?

>> Rachel thanking Monica for saving her life, or maybe just her legs.

> Pardon?

Monica's unstinching attitude that Rachel stank, hit her friend where
it hits hardest, so she give up her filthy habit, thus saving her life
or maybe just her legs. The molecules of carbon monoxide in the smoke
attach themselves more strongly to haemoglobin than either oxygen or
carbon dioxide, preventing gas exchange in the tissues & lungs. This
leads to gangrene in the extremities, the amputation of a leg, and in
most cases the will-power to give up smoking. It happens quite a lot,
but there is little publicity about it. However, a girlfriend who was
a nurse told me that it was horrifying when the really bad cases came
back to the hospital to have their other leg removed.

>> Joey eating the ketchup dripping from a bottle high up on a ledge.

> Pardon x2?

Joey described how being out of work resulted in eating ketchup right
out of the bottle. When Matt LeBlanc was a struggling young actor, he
starred in a famous commercial for Heinz Ketchup where he placed an
open bottle on a high ledge, then ran downstairs to a hot-dog vendor
who sold him one just in time for a drop of ketchup to land on it.

>> Why Rachel was the only one who remembers Chandler's birthday.

> Because children of divorced parents have to stick together?

That could be. I always liked the scene where Chandler comforted
Rachel about her parents breaking up, until the moment when Ross
interrupts & takes over, which annoys me.

>> Dick & Yasmine's philosophical disagreements while the guys are out.

> Lol! Yeah, the birds are always funny.


>> How Phoebe was found guilty of a crime before she was arrested.

> That's a tricky one..

That's what she protested about as they watched "Law & Order".

>> How Joseph reacted after Gloria was stretched by her 27 pound baby.

> Eww...

I know, but I think it explains a great deal about Joey's upbringing.

>> Joey's big scene that was cut out of "Law & Order".

> It must have been better than Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.

Oh, but of course.

>> Mrs.Tribbiani watching "Capricorn One" while on holiday in Italy.

> Lol.

I know! Another plot point explained.

>> Monica flirting with every guy in the Tri-State area.

> Awww... Poor Chandler.

Yeah - does it really mean *nothing* when women flirt?

>> Rachel losing the 'something blue' sweater that Judy got married in.

> Pardon?

With Monica's tight budget, if there was a wedding dress handed down from
mother to daughter (as happens in some families) then she would have worn
it, so when Rachel lost Monica's blue sweater, maybe that was handed down
from Judy, who wore it when she married Jack in Atlantic City.

>> Caitlin falling in love with Ross in April 2008.

> And thus becoming his tenth wife..

Lol! Sure!

>> Joey & Chandler performing in "Space Oddity".

> LOL!

Yes, it's another one for completing hat-tricks - Ross singing that.

> Marita's suggestions from June 25th...

> Monica dating a guy named Chindler

When was this?

> Treeger kissing Rachel underneath the basil

Yes, he should have stuck to his guns & called her bluff.

> Rachel's answer to Chandler's work-related ultimatum

What was this?

> Joey and Ross fighting for the people who want juice

Why's this?

This is because Joey & Ross don't want the juice, they need the juice,
right? What if it's squeezed from a person? What if it's lemonade?!?

> Phoebe getting a Nobel prize for protecting foosball players

Does that mean the players don't get the little plastic women?

> Monica and Chandler killing fish in the Thames

Because sometimes after you sleep with someone you have to kill the fish?

> Phoebe and Eddie arranging Christmas parties

How do you mean?

> Rachel searching for a coffee pot in Scarsdale

Yeah, but coffee pots are much cheaper in Nassau county.

> The big budget period movie starring Joey as an Italian immigrant

Oh yes, poor guy. Still, Monica did her best...

> Phoebe and Joey's grandma fighting over tickets for Joey's movie

Ah - I didn't get this at first, since Frances is dead. You mean...

Joey's grandma and Phoebe fighting over tickets for Joey's movie

..or maybe...

Phoebe fighting Joey's grandma over tickets for his movie

> Ross making every woman in America swear not to sleep with him

Lol, and could this have made him desperate enough for an old flame?

> Young Cassie carrying a Barbie around everywhere she goes

Aww... how sweet!

> Ross carrying Luke Skywalker around everywhere he goes

The action figure?

> What Phoebe and Rachel were going to discuss when Monica interrupted
> them

Well yes, I asked this! My theory was a proper hens night.

> Monica's "Lusts of the Flesh" bridal shower
> Monica's bridal shower at a rodeo

Oh yes, but I'm just wondering if it's "Monica's" or "Phoebe's".

> Why Chandler and Monica decided to have a no-sex pact

I think we know what the reason is, but we don't know *how* it happened,
or more specially, whose idea it was and how enthusiastic the other one
was about it.

> Ross and Chandler hitting on aunt Marilyn

Yes, this is *another* rellie we didn't see at the wedding!

> Ross waiting in line to see Return of the Jedi

Any particular reason why this would be interesting?

> Cassie ignoring Ross as he tries to get her attention with his
> light sabre

A real one?

> Ross imitating the entire gang

Staring transfixed by Cassie?

And the whole gang, or just Rachel & Joey?

> Monica's accountant accusing her of betraying her

Yes, that really should have been in the episode.

CONGRATULATIONS MARITA!!! That was the 2000th entry! :)

> The rest of Monica's bridal shower

After the lame "surprise"?

> Phoebe asking Cassie out on a date


> Rachel hanging out with her good friend, Ralph Lauren

To be fair to Rachel, she was honest about this.

> How Rachel ended up being called Ray-Ray

The same way that Chandler ended up being called Chan-Chan?

Phee-Phee, Moni-Moni, and Jo-Jo all work, but what can you do with Ross?

> Gloria and Joseph Tribbiani sulking over a little blue pin in Queens

Lol, Charlie baby could show them how to have a good time.

> Rachel having a blast at the bar at Chandler and Monica's wedding

We might see this in S8-01. But will we?

> Chandler asking Rachel to be his best man

How come?

> Chandler waiting for big celebrities outside the Shrine Auditorium

What's that?

> Chandler as James Bond

Oh yes.

> Joey as a minister wearing multi-colored robes and a hat

That hat is called a biretta.

> Joey filming Rachel and Melissa having dinner

Should that be a sexy dinner?

> Ross and his freakishly thin date at Monica and Chandler's wedding

Ooh yes, with a hanger for her head!

That reminds me. At Frannie's wedding there was this big deal about his
invitation being for "Ross and guest" - but apart from the happy couple
& the Gellers, everyone else at C&M's wedding was unescorted...

Tennant's suggestions from June 27th...

Emily's second wedding, to see if she married Colin in the end.
A candid holiday photo of a dog that died on its birthday.
If Monica gave up, or if she re-categorised all of the photographs.
Officer Gary coolly leaning on a victim, until he totally cracked.
Joey falling so deeply in love, he gets better sex than Chandler.
Ross finding fragments of a dinosaur tooth in his sconce.
Officer Gary squeezing a perp's shoes a bit before he lawyers up.
Officers Ross & Gary as partners on a gay police squad.
Phoebe meeting John Glenn.
Monica & Rachel seeing Chandler getting teary in Central Perk.
General Geller getting shot by her own troops.
Phoebe saving Joey when the pacifist revolution comes.
How Joey & Ross came to start throwing the ball.
Young Ross patiently looking on as Rachel idolises Shaun Cassidy.
Monica fashioning a furry coat for Mrs.Whiskerson.
The overlords giggling as they mix up fossils from different eras.
How much money all the gang has stolen & borrowed off each other.
How a naked cat could activate Monica's allergy to cat fur.
Monica mistaking a defrosting turkey for a hairless puma.
Why Phoebe came to Monica's at 6am, when the gang would be in bed.
Phoebe realising the reason why Ross is able to push her buttons.
Chandler realising the movie gives Joey exposure, and may be a hit.
Ross realising the significance of Phoebe admiring his sweet hiney.
Phoebe feeling precious when Ross says her handwriting is childlike.
Phoebe getting annoyed since Rachel is more telepathic than she is.
Joey & Chandler walking in to find Monica straddling Rachel.
Phoebe's dream where she plays chess with Ross on a frozen lake.
All the other times when the gang jumped onto a surprised Rachel.
Phoebe memorising all the numbers on the local ATM machine.
Monica grabbing a bite at her platonic lunch with Richard Burke.
Richard Simmons asking Phoebe out, but making her work out instead.
How much Phoebe bet Rachel that Chandler & Monica would never marry.
A naked Phoebe hurriedly getting dressed to answer the door.
What Phoebe's London-Vegas score was by the time she returned home.
What a naked Rachel was going to do with an orange.
Joey the gladiator cleaning underneath his horse with his helmet.
Ross & Rachel at a Mexican Revolution Stand-up Comic costume party.
Phoebe & Ross saving the world from the Mole People.
Young Ross & Monica taking dance-karate lessons.
Why Ross & Rachel were sharing a hotel room.
Monica collecting her winnings, thus proving she's not so obsessive.
How Ross & Rachel went from meowing at statues to getting married.


Jun 27, 2001, 3:18:02 AM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

Very sly grin?


Jun 27, 2001, 3:41:25 AM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <>, (Marita
> Bakken) wrote:
> > I had to move it... :)
> TT (another acronym for Mardi to puzzle over) <g>

"Take that," according to an internet acronym dictionary I checked.

I've also seen "top ten," "technical test," "thrombin time," "tetanus
toxoid," "top ten," "technical transfer." At, it stands for "table
talk." I suppose it could mean "ta ta."

So, which did you mean?


Jun 27, 2001, 4:47:41 AM6/27/01
Hi Mardi,

Until I read Tennan'ts post on the tag scene, I didn't think that anyone
could take that scene into account for the actual wedding. *grin* (no
offence Tennant. I found it quite amusing the way you were piling up your
arguments for that scene.)


"Mardi" <> wrote in message

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 11:50:55 AM6/27/01
In article <M2SZ6.39415$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


Sorry Mardi, it's nothing personal, as I'm sure you realise. But Priya
did what I pointed out that you hadn't done - she found an action that
conflicted with what the characters said. I am never intransigent.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 11:55:03 AM6/27/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
> considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -

>>>> Meanwhile, some good news for the British, European, and
>>>> Australian fans who have not yet seen the finale - despite
>>>> being cut into two parts, *nothing* was lost! Yay!!

>>> How do you know? You claimed not to have seen it beforehand!

>> I did not see it beforehand.

> Then how did you *know* we got exactly what the US did?

I compared it with the transcript.

Well, I can't confirm the story, since Mike Hilfig (if that's his name)
has not yet reported back with where to find the filming report. But he
claims that Jennifer Aniston asked for who would be funnier. If you are
reading this Mike, please give me the source of your information.

>>> Her expression is my final vidcap of the season.

>> Yes indeed - and thanks for all the vidcaps you've done this year.

> Thanks, it's nice to now they are appreciated.

Oh of course. I especially appreciate the increase in size from 480x360
to 672x504, although sometimes you don't capture a moment I would have.

> On this issue though - I've moved my TV card to my new computer, but it
> has a few 'issues' with it.

> I can still do vidcaps - bigger ones than before, but there are problems
> with trying to capture clips, so you may still not be able to find out
> what Maggie Wheeler's real voice sounds like!

Eek, well let me know when you do manage that. It's most annoying to
recall that I've seen the first season of "Ellen" quite a few times.

>>> It struck me as odd, actually, since it was the lifelong commitment
>>> that seemed to be his greatest fear.

>> Not after he held little baby girl Chandler in his arms, in S6-05.

> No, I'd say it was more recently than that, that he got over his fear of
> the metaphorical tunnel.

Which scene in what episode are you talking about?

My reference is based on the fact that Chandler was still freaking out
until he saw the romper suit in the gift shop, and then he realised that
anything that could fit into that could not be scary.

>>>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

>>> Only metaphorically.

>> Oh, Marita & I did, literally.

> If you're watching it alone, and you do that, anyone overhearing you
> thinks you are a loon! :)

What do you care what other people think? Just be happy.

> Only the London C&M hotel room scene really had that effect on me.

Oh, that was the greatest moment ever in the history of the show!

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 11:57:21 AM6/27/01
In article <>, Paul Hyett
<> wrote:

Guess which group decides what happens in the show...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 11:59:45 AM6/27/01

> Wow. Thanks. I'm glad I could help you change your mind.

You're welcome. I'm always willing to consider fresh evidence.

> Although I must admit you did take that tag scene in the vows episode
> too much to heart.

But what you saw still happened. :)

> But can you imagine if what would have happened if Joey had let Chandler
> go first and he said all of Mon's vows. What ever would she have
> him??? LOL

That's presumably what Ross told Joey & Chandler, after S7-21 ended! ;)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 12:01:27 PM6/27/01
In article <9h9f25$b9d2@news-dxb>, "Priya" <> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>>>>> If an American described Chandler sitting on the couch in Central

>>>>> Perk, dressed in his vest & pants, they would have an image of a
>>>>> smart young executive - but we British would fall over laughing,
>>>>> since Chandler would be in public dressed only in his underwear,
>>>>> (think of Homer Simpson slobbing around at home watching TV).

>>>> ::snicker:: Lovely image, that.

>>> And if it was vest, pants and suspenders.......

> I could be wrong. But wouldn't he still be missing a shirt??!!

You're right, he would be. An American probably wouldn't mention a
shirt since it was underneath the vest; and a Briton wouldn't expect
to hear about a shirt since nothing is worn underneath a vest.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 12:05:43 PM6/27/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message

> news:<>...

I don't know who Dawn is, but maybe Dawn could die at dawn?

>> That would be an excellent point, if only she'd not done the same thing
>> in 718 "TOW Joey's Award". We saw her getting ready - she had finished
>> her make-up & put on her jewelry, and her hair (which was down) looked
>> very nice. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still in her bathrobe
>> she would have been ready to go. However, when we next saw her at the
>> awards ceremony, in a beautiful red dress that showed off her splendid
>> figure, her pinched-back hair made her face look scrawny & horrible.

> Her hair just suits her face better when it's down then, obviously.

Exactly. If you download Paul Hyett's vidcaps, cut the hair off Rachel
in FR724B, flip it & enlarge it by 61%, and paste it back on top of her
in FR724T, you can see the vast improvement. Her eyes look the same, but
her nose & even more so her mouth are far better. It's very strange. Of
course, if you only spend two minutes doing the job it looks very fakey,
but you get the general idea. You can have a copy if you like.

>> Yes it was! Some people thought that Joey was foolish putting a drunken
>> man in his car - but of course in the business, you are sent a car.

> Peugeot 206 Coupe Cabriolet for me, then...

You need something larger than that to fit your entourage in.

>> The tabloids tell us that the Pitts & the Arquettes are locked in a
>> battle to see who can produce a baby first - the headline on the
>> current issue of National Enquirer screams "JEN'S $13m NURSERY", which
>> turns out to be the value of her whole house - and although this is a
>> load of hype it would be peculiar if two sets of newlyweds, now well
>> into their thirties, were not trying for a baby when their bosses
>> actually want them to.

> Yeah, but trying and actually succeeding are two different things,
> don't forget. The last thing either couple would need would be to
> know that a major plot depended on them getting pregnant.

Yes, this is indeed true, but they can get medical assistance...

>> Ah well Tina, you look very nice with your hair down... ;)

> Well, it's not so long now, as it was in such bad shape it stopped
> growing. :(

Yeah. :(

> It's about chin-length now, though, and growing at a rate of knots. ;)

Yay!! :)

>> He's had more than his fair share this season - he was also the most
>> pro-active in 707 "TOW Ross's Library Book", 709 "TOW All the Candy",
>> 710 "TOW the Holiday Armadillo" and 716 "TOW the Truth About London".

> Alright, I'm getting the DVDs out already! *lol* Any idea when the
> rest are due out?

The schedule is 709-716 in July, 717-724 in September.

>> Sure, but not in the middle of May.

> No, in the middle of June next year, though. ;)

If you mean the Golden Jubilee thing, that's June 3rd & 4th.

>>> No, my former Drama teacher. ;)

>> Ahah.

> Who rang my mum up at 12.40 today to check I was going to my Drama
> exam, in spite of the fact I'd been there for 20 minutes already!
> *sigh*

Lol, it's good to know she's still on-form...

>> Oh, you missed a fabulous Ross & Rachel story.

> I generally missed a lot of stories anyway, don't rub it in. :)

Enjoy the DVDs, sweetie.

>> Oh, Buffy is dead is she? So, she is one of the vampires now?

> Nuh-uh - didn't you see "The Gift", then? She threw herself into a
> portal thingy in order to stop the apocalypse (oh what a surprise) -
> it was either her blood or that of her "sister" that could stop it
> (her sister not really being her sister, rather an energy force known
> as the Key - called Dawn ;)). It's Joss Whedon, though, so who knows
> whether she really *is* dead or not? They start filming again next
> week though, so spoilers are on the way! Hurrah! *grin*

Ah. I'm afraid I have never seen a Buffy episode all the way through.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 12:06:45 PM6/27/01

> Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message
> news:<>...

>> Ah - the only BB I've watched is them fast asleep at 3am. It's quite
>> restful, like the aquarium, the log fire, or the orbiting Earth on
>> various German satellite channels at that time.

> Well, I like Brian a lot because he practically *is* one of my best
> mates (except for the gay thing ;)), so that's pretty much what keeps
> me watching. My guess is that Bubble's out this week, though.

Ah. Is that good?

>> Well, the best of luck, Teens... :)

> I'm actually considering cashing in my childrens' bond and putting it
> in a tax-free ISA in order to get more interest on it... I believe you
> get something like 10% interest on an ISA. Me want. ;) It'll still
> be a good few years before I get my car, though - they're about £15K,
> with the insurance on top of it...

Yes, it's car insurance that takes the sting out of turning 25...

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 12:07:59 PM6/27/01
In article <Kfc_6.3298$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

>>>>> now.I don't think we can count out any possibilities regarding the

>>>>> father of Rachel's baby before we find out for ourselves, and if the
>>>>> father is one of the three male friends, my money is on Joey. Either
>>>>> the normal way or the "sperm-bank" way.

>>>> I'd just like to say that I agree 100% with that.

>>> Thanks, Tennant. :)

>> VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her)

> Very sly grin?

Nope. It actually means "you're welcome". <g>

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 12:09:08 PM6/27/01
In article <FBc_6.25098$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

>> In article <>, (Marita
>> Bakken) wrote:

>>> I had to move it... :)

>> TT (another acronym for Mardi to puzzle over) <g>

> "Take that," according to an internet acronym dictionary I checked.

> I've also seen "top ten," "technical test," "thrombin time," "tetanus
> toxoid," "top ten," "technical transfer." At, it stands for
> "table talk." I suppose it could mean "ta ta."

> So, which did you mean?

None of those, it means "thankyou very much". <g>

And just a minor point, SIA, is that an American thing to put the
punctuation on the wrong side of the quotes? :)


Jun 27, 2001, 3:16:44 PM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> > Her hair just suits her face better when it's down then, obviously.
> Exactly. If you download Paul Hyett's vidcaps, cut the hair off Rachel
> in FR724B, flip it & enlarge it by 61%, and paste it back on top of her
> in FR724T, you can see the vast improvement. Her eyes look the same, but
> her nose & even more so her mouth are far better. It's very strange. Of
> course, if you only spend two minutes doing the job it looks very fakey,
> but you get the general idea. You can have a copy if you like.

Hee hee. If you were a character on the show, Rachel would be fiving you a
very disturbed look right now, and you'd be saying, "I-I-I didn't do that.
Joey was in a porno!" ;)


Jun 27, 2001, 3:19:00 PM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

<Phoebe voice>Oh! Oh! Oh!</Phoebe voice>

Are you using Norwegian acronyms with Marita?


Jun 27, 2001, 3:47:32 PM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <FBc_6.25098$>, "Mardi"
> <> wrote:
> > "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> In article <>,
> >> Bakken) wrote:
> >>> I had to move it... :)
> >> TT (another acronym for Mardi to puzzle over) <g>
> > "Take that," according to an internet acronym dictionary I checked.
> > I've also seen "top ten," "technical test," "thrombin time," "tetanus
> > toxoid," "top ten," "technical transfer." At, it stands for
> > "table talk." I suppose it could mean "ta ta."
> > So, which did you mean?
> None of those, it means "thankyou very much". <g>

And what is it spelled out in words (I'm assuming Norwegian)?

> And just a minor point, SIA, is that an American thing to put the
> punctuation on the wrong side of the quotes? :)

Well, here we don't consider it "wrong," but, yes, the rules are different.
Commas and periods always* go inside the quotation marks (aka "inverted
commas," yes?), colons and semi-colons go on the outside, and for question
marks and exclamation points, it depends on whether that punctuation is part
of the quote or not. If you're quoting someone's question, for example, you
might write:

He asked her, "What are you doing here?"

But if the question is not a part of the quote, you might write:

What is the meaning of "SIA"? ;)

Same for the exclamation point:

"Keep out!" read the sign on the club-house door.

I can't believe you said "no"!

*But then there are special rules if you're using MLA (Modern Language
Association) documentation, where you follow a quotation with a
parenthetical insert indicating page number:

"The novel captures this contrast between human commitment and
Tralfamadorian detachment" (Hill 50).

"In both the novel and the film, the key issue is Dresden: can we ignore the
death of 135,000 innocent human beings?" (51).

"There, make them freeze . . . once and for all! . . . So that they won't
disappear anymore!" ( _Slaughterhouse-Five_ 21).

The narrative of _Foucault's Pendulum_ begins with "That was when I saw the
Pendulum" (3), and from there on things become strange.

(Semi-colon and colon would follow suit: ["Pendulum" (3);], ["Pendulum"

Well, that was probably a more extensive reply than you really wanted--sorry
about that! ;)


Jun 27, 2001, 5:12:57 PM6/27/01

"Mardi" <> wrote in message

Whoops--those citations attributed to "Hill" should have been
"Parshall"--sorry about that!

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 7:55:53 PM6/27/01
In article <EPm_6.6074$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>>> VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her)

>>> Very sly grin?

>> Nope. It actually means "you're welcome". <g>

> <Phoebe voice>Oh! Oh! Oh!</Phoebe voice>

> Are you using Norwegian acronyms with Marita?

Well done, here's a short guide...

AJ - Å Ja (oh yes)
ASILDGD - Æ Ska Itj La De' Gjør De' (I won't let it)
HGMK - Han Gjør Meg Kvalm (he makes me sick)
JHx - Jeg Hater xxxxx (I hate xxxxx)
RPGOL - Ruller På Gulvet Og Ler (rolls on the floor and laughs)
PGOF - Prøver Gjør Oss Flinkere (tests make us better learners)
S - Smil (grin)
SB - Svært Bra (very good)
TT - Tusen Takk (thankyou very much)
VSG - Vær Så God (you're welcome)

We also have some in French & Turkish if you're interested. :)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 8:01:51 PM6/27/01
In article <oen_6.6526$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>> I've also seen "top ten," "technical test," "thrombin time," "tetanus
>>> toxoid," "top ten," "technical transfer." At, it stands for
>>> "table talk." I suppose it could mean "ta ta."

>>> So, which did you mean?

>> None of those, it means "thankyou very much". <g>

> And what is it spelled out in words (I'm assuming Norwegian)?

I've just done you a nice list, which you will probably read before this.

>> And just a minor point, SIA, is that an American thing to put the
>> punctuation on the wrong side of the quotes? :)

> Well, here we don't consider it "wrong," but, yes, the rules are
> different. Commas and periods always* go inside the quotation marks (aka
> "inverted commas," yes?), colons and semi-colons go on the outside, and
> for question marks and exclamation points, it depends on whether that

> punctuation is part of the quote or not. <SNIP> Well, that was probably

> a more extensive reply than you really wanted--sorry about that! ;)

Well, I was taught that quotation marks enclose what one is quoting, so I
agree with what you say about question marks and exclamation points, but
differ about this stupid hidebound rule concerning commas and the rest.

You have been forced to say that TT is an acronym for "top ten," as though
the second T stood for "tee ee en comma". This seems to me like the blind
following of a rule designed for people who don't know what they're doing.


Jun 27, 2001, 10:03:50 PM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <EPm_6.6074$>, "Mardi"
> <> wrote:
> > "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>>> VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her)
> >>> Very sly grin?
> >> Nope. It actually means "you're welcome". <g>
> > <Phoebe voice>Oh! Oh! Oh!</Phoebe voice>
> > Are you using Norwegian acronyms with Marita?
> Well done, here's a short guide...
> AJ - Å Ja (oh yes)
> ASILDGD - Æ Ska Itj La De' Gjør De' (I won't let it)
> HGMK - Han Gjør Meg Kvalm (he makes me sick)
> JHx - Jeg Hater xxxxx (I hate xxxxx)
> RPGOL - Ruller På Gulvet Og Ler (rolls on the floor and laughs)
> PGOF - Prøver Gjør Oss Flinkere (tests make us better learners)
> S - Smil (grin)
> SB - Svært Bra (very good)
> TT - Tusen Takk (thankyou very much)
> VSG - Vær Så God (you're welcome)
> We also have some in French & Turkish if you're interested. :)

Ah, well TT for that! I figured RPGOL must be something like ROTFL, but my
problem was trying to fit in English words!

I've saved the list for further reference. ;)



Jun 27, 2001, 10:20:57 PM6/27/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <oen_6.6526$>, "Mardi"
> <> wrote:
> > "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> >

> Well, I was taught that quotation marks enclose what one is quoting, so I

> agree with what you say about question marks and exclamation points, but
> differ about this stupid hidebound rule concerning commas and the rest.
> You have been forced to say that TT is an acronym for "top ten," as though
> the second T stood for "tee ee en comma". This seems to me like the blind
> following of a rule designed for people who don't know what they're doing.

Oh well, whether one agrees or not, those are the rules in standard American
English. There was recently a long thread on this issue on one of the
English usage newsgroups (I don't remember whether it was alt.usage.english
or alt.english.usage). Most people, I suppose, prefer the system they've
been taught in school. I understand the logic behind the UK rules, but if
you follow them in the U.S., it's considered incorrect (and in school it'll
be marked wrong).

As for they "why" behind it, I don't think it had anything to do with making
rules for people who don't know what they're doing. One explanation I've
read is that it had something to do with moveable type--periods and commas
outside of the quotation marks were somehow more troublesome than inside.
It's been a while, so I'm not too sure about the details.

Hey, if nothing else, it gives you an immediate clue that the writer is from
the U.S. (if there weren't any "colors" or "neighbors"--or other spelling
differences involved). ;)

Tennant Stuart

Jun 27, 2001, 8:10:50 PM6/27/01
In article <tuo_6.7534$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> Whoops--those citations attributed to "Hill" should have been
> "Parshall"--sorry about that!

And I've just noticed you sneaked in a question about SIA - it
means Sorry In Advance.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 12:22:43 AM6/28/01
In article <d%s_6.9878$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

It's probably like your arcane "two spaces after a period rule".

Isn't it about time that America moved into the 20th century at least?

> Hey, if nothing else, it gives you an immediate clue that the writer is
> from the U.S. (if there weren't any "colors" or "neighbors"--or other
> spelling differences involved). ;)

I suppose, but you can usually tell from the email address.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 12:24:03 AM6/28/01
In article <aLs_6.9656$>, "Mardi"
<> wrote:

> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message


>>>>>> VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her)

>>>>> Very sly grin?

>>>> Nope. It actually means "you're welcome". <g>

>>> <Phoebe voice>Oh! Oh! Oh!</Phoebe voice>

>>> Are you using Norwegian acronyms with Marita?

>> Well done, here's a short guide...

>> AJ - Å Ja (oh yes)
>> ASILDGD - Æ Ska Itj La De' Gjør De' (I won't let it)
>> HGMK - Han Gjør Meg Kvalm (he makes me sick)
>> JHx - Jeg Hater xxxxx (I hate xxxxx)
>> RPGOL - Ruller På Gulvet Og Ler (rolls on the floor and laughs)
>> PGOF - Prøver Gjør Oss Flinkere (tests make us better learners)
>> S - Smil (grin)
>> SB - Svært Bra (very good)
>> TT - Tusen Takk (thankyou very much)
>> VSG - Vær Så God (you're welcome)

> Ah, well TT for that! I figured RPGOL must be something like ROTFL, but

> my problem was trying to fit in English words!

> I've saved the list for further reference. ;)



Jun 28, 2001, 1:43:59 PM6/28/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

> I don't know who Dawn is, but maybe Dawn could die at dawn?

Dawn - Buffy's "sister". Now, given that Buffy never even *had* a
sister before this last season, you *know* something supernatural is
up when she shows up out of nowhere and everyone acts like they've
always known her, memories included... in reality, she is a big energy
thing called "The Key", which can be used to open portals to other
dimensions, and these monk people made her into human form and made
her Buffy's "sister" because they knew the Slayer would protect her.
Quite why that had to entail Buffy chucking herself into a portal to
substitute her blood for Dawn's (there was this whole deal made about
blood and life for about 13 episodes beforehand), thereby killing
herself in the process, I have *no* idea... but that's Joss for you,
he being the only person in the entire world who could pull something
like that off.

And yes, I *would* like to appear on Buffy. I want to be the Big Bad,
dammit. ;)

> You need something larger than that to fit your entourage in.

Eh... do I *have* to have an entourage?

Besides, I can't even drive a Renault 19 without pranging it at the
moment, there's no way I could cope with anything bigger.

> > It's about chin-length now, though, and growing at a rate of knots. ;)
> Yay!! :)

Yup. ;) It's all layered, though, which makes it a bit unmanageable.
It's in the infamous "growing out" stage right now - I'm considering
highlights again to keep me from getting bored to tears while I'm
growing it out.

> The schedule is 709-716 in July, 717-724 in September.

They made a bit of a cock-up only putting 4 eps on each DVD for S7
though, didn't they?

> If you mean the Golden Jubilee thing, that's June 3rd & 4th.

So?! ;)

> Lol, it's good to know she's still on-form...

Tell me about it. I'm just thankful I'll never have to be taught by
her again... don't get me wrong, she's a great teacher, but she can be
a tad overpowering at times. Having said that, though, she has
*nothing* on the Head of Sixth at my base campus... now, *there's* a
teacher I'm not going to rush to meet up with again any time soon.

> Ah. I'm afraid I have never seen a Buffy episode all the way through.

See explanation above. ;) I kept up with what was going on through
the net, but that was only really because you have to to have *any*
clue of what's going on.


Jun 28, 2001, 1:56:38 PM6/28/01
Tennant Stuart <> wrote in message news:<>...

various German satellite channels at that time.
> > Well, I like Brian a lot because he practically *is* one of my best
> > mates (except for the gay thing ;)), so that's pretty much what keeps
> > me watching. My guess is that Bubble's out this week, though.
> Ah. Is that good?

Well, it's not that I don't like him, but it's that he's said on a
number of occasions that he's only in it for the money, not the
experience - hypocritical, but at least the others make an effort to
seem like they're in it for the experience. I think they're a much
better bunch than last year, but that may be because there were
probably far stricter filtering procedures in place for the potential

> Yes, it's car insurance that takes the sting out of turning 25...

I just found out that I have a savings account on top of my childrens'
bonds! I thought they were one and the same! I'm not allowed at the
bonds until I'm 21, though, which is fair enough. Only problem now
is, I now have *no* idea how much money I actually have...

As for the ISA - I'm going to get a cash one, for which I'm allowed to
invest a maximum of £3000 per tax year, and attempt to save part of my
loan in it (*if* it ever arrives - still waiting on the application
forms). It's really not going to be that hard a decision - I believe
something along the lines of "which one has the highest interest
rates"... ;)

Tim Miller

Jun 28, 2001, 2:18:11 PM6/28/01
"Tina" <> wrote in message
> > 724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"
> > Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?
> Probably rented. I didn't think her dress was particularly flattering
> either - who's willing to bet they went over budget with all the guest
> stars and couldn't afford a more elaborate dress for her? Shame.
I had a different take on this.

Chandler: "Is that new?"
Monica: "Not now!"

As in, Monica has been prepping Chandler on how to treat girls - compliment
their hair, notice when they're wearing new clothes, and so on. Chandler
was just following "instructions"; Monica was telling him it wasn't an
appropriate time!

Tim (tm)

Paul Hyett

Jun 28, 2001, 6:00:31 AM6/28/01
On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
>> The continuing presence of masses of R&R fans give the lie to that
>> though!
>Guess which group decides what happens in the show...

Guess who'd matter if all R&R fans boycotted the show!
Paul 'US Sitcom Fan' Hyett - The Wild Frame Grabber of the Net!

Website at

Paul Hyett

Jun 28, 2001, 5:49:26 AM6/28/01
On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this
considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>> Her hair just suits her face better when it's down then, obviously.
>Exactly. If you download Paul Hyett's vidcaps, cut the hair off Rachel
>in FR724B, flip it & enlarge it by 61%, and paste it back on top of her
>in FR724T, you can see the vast improvement. Her eyes look the same, but
>her nose & even more so her mouth are far better. It's very strange. Of
>course, if you only spend two minutes doing the job it looks very fakey,
>but you get the general idea. You can have a copy if you like.

You have *way* too much time on your hands! :)

>>> Oh, Buffy is dead is she? So, she is one of the vampires now?
>> Nuh-uh - didn't you see "The Gift", then? She threw herself into a
>> portal thingy in order to stop the apocalypse (oh what a surprise) -
>> it was either her blood or that of her "sister" that could stop it
>> (her sister not really being her sister, rather an energy force known
>> as the Key - called Dawn ;)). It's Joss Whedon, though, so who knows
>> whether she really *is* dead or not?

Well, since Sarah Michelle Gellar is signed up for a least 2 more

>Ah. I'm afraid I have never seen a Buffy episode all the way through.

You don't know what you are missing. :)

Paul Hyett

Jun 28, 2001, 5:59:11 AM6/28/01
On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Tennant Stuart <> stated this

considered view. Waking from my doze, I hastily scrawled -
>>> Yes indeed - and thanks for all the vidcaps you've done this year.
>> Thanks, it's nice to now they are appreciated.
>Oh of course. I especially appreciate the increase in size from 480x360
>to 672x504, although sometimes you don't capture a moment I would have.

672*504 was the largest I could do on my old PC, but I *could* do them
as large as 1600*1200 on my new one!

I won't though, since they'd take >100K each even at low quality, and
I've only got 20Mb to play with. I'll probably go for 800*600, or at
most 1024*768.

>> I can still do vidcaps - bigger ones than before, but there are problems
>> with trying to capture clips, so you may still not be able to find out
>> what Maggie Wheeler's real voice sounds like!
>Eek, well let me know when you do manage that. It's most annoying to
>recall that I've seen the first season of "Ellen" quite a few times.

In the long run, it'll probably be easier if I just sent you a

>What do you care what other people think? Just be happy.

BTW, I like that white jacket with the arm-buckles you're wearing! :)

>> Only the London C&M hotel room scene really had that effect on me.
>Oh, that was the greatest moment ever in the history of the show!

We *SO* agree on that!

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:14:05 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 21:55:53 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>>>>> VSG (that's another acronym Mardi won't get unless we tell her)

>>>>> Very sly grin?

>>>> Nope. It actually means "you're welcome". <g>

>>> <Phoebe voice>Oh! Oh! Oh!</Phoebe voice>

>>> Are you using Norwegian acronyms with Marita?

>> Well done, here's a short guide...

>> AJ - Å Ja (oh yes)
>> ASILDGD - Æ Ska Itj La De' Gjør De' (I won't let it)
>> HGMK - Han Gjør Meg Kvalm (he makes me sick)

> This has been used to describe Tag numerous times. :)

AJ, JHT too.

>> JHx - Jeg Hater xxxxx (I hate xxxxx)
>> RPGOL - Ruller På Gulvet Og Ler (rolls on the floor and laughs)
>> PGOF - Prøver Gjør Oss Flinkere (tests make us better learners)
>> S - Smil (grin)

> It looks weird to put "smil" and "grin" next to each other like that,
> but that's just because the Norwegian word "grin" means "grimace" or
> "sneer"...

That's why we use "Smil". <S>

>> SB - Svært Bra (very good)
>> TT - Tusen Takk (thankyou very much)
>> VSG - Vær Så God (you're welcome)

> RPGOL!!! Svært bra, Tennant!


> You know, if you start watching all the episodes with Norwegian
> subtitles, you'd be an expert by the end of the show. :)


> Meanwhile, I only have DFY...

Errr... "Delights For You" ?

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:15:35 PM6/28/01

> Alright, I'm getting the DVDs out already! *lol* Any idea when the
> rest are due out?

717-724 are due in September, while I can now be more definite
about 709-716 - they will be out on July 9th.

Both discs feature extended versions of the episodes.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:38:22 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 01:34:19 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>> I checked the episode against Jean Liew's transcript, and found that
>> we had two *extra* lines of dialogue - Rachel's first line, and a man
>> saying "I can do this" - so I went to Eric Aasen's site to download
>> his version, and found that his transcript included those two lines.

> I see.

Yep - Jean Liew is much quicker (her transcript can be up the next day
instead of a few weeks later) but Eric Aasen is more accurate.

>> So, everything matches, nothing was cut, but how was it possible? Did
>> the version on NBC run short? Was our version time-sliced? Or was it
>> that two-parters like 615/6 need not have been shortened when their
>> halves were separated?

> My double version was about 43-44 minutes long.

Can you accurately time the teaser & the four acts?

>>> And before I start, I can assure you that there will be absolutely
>>> *no* bad vibes in this reply... I *loved* this one. :)

>> Yay! That is so great to hear, for I loved this one too. :)

> I knew it! And I know I wouldn't have been as excited as I was if it
> hadn't been for the lack of spoilers...

Spoilers definitely reduce one's enjoyment, no matter what people say.

>>> Uh-oh. I totally believed it was Monica's. I don't know if that's
>>> because I had overheard some rumours saying she would get preggers by
>>> the end of the season, or the fact that there were dozens of rumours
>>> saying CCA was pregnant in real life, but I was sure it was hers...

>> Oh, that's so great! You were totally where the writers wanted you to
>> be, which is why you *loved* it so. On the other hand, because I saw
>> the first part separately, and I had only just watched "Fight Club" &
>> "The Sixth Sense", I was alerted to the nuances of JA's performance at
>> the end of the first part. Perceiving the duality of Rachel's reaction,
>> I realised that just maybe Phoebe had misinterpreted the evidence, and
>> therefore I half-expected the ending. As a sad consequence I merely
>> loved this episode, without your emphasis.

> I knew that as long as a beautiful wedding would take place by the end
> of the episode, I would love it. However, I didn't expect to be so
> surprised and enjoy the four others just as much as the happy couple.

Yes, a truly great conclusion to a lovely season that we would not have
had if the "Stop Friends Now" brigade had their way a year ago.

>>>> ..Rachel keeps saying "Oh my God", while Phoebe wonders if that was
>>>> why Chandler took off - but Rachel tells her that since she emptied
>>>> the trash the previous night, Monica must have just taken the test;
>>>> and she makes Phoebe agree that they tell no-one about the matter.

>>> This was such a dramatic scene. JA and LK were great, but JA has the
>>> edge, especially after I realised what was really going on. The subtle
>>> hints she was dropping throughout the episode are even better when you
>>> watch it for the second time.

>> Yes indeed, though I saw those hints on the first time. You're lucky. :)

> I know. I thought she was just being very concerned about her friend,
> and I was so glad both Phoebe, Ross and Rachel were doing the best
> they could to get the wedding back on track.

Awww... you were *so* swept along! :)

>>>> Later on, the girls find Ross who's been up all night searching for
>>>> Chandler in vain. He looked everywhere, including both of Chandler's
>>>> parents, who believe Ross is interested in them!

>>> Kind of disturbing... Especially if it can count as a hint about
>>> stories next season.

>> I know - for all that the first season was about Ross pining for Rachel,
>> the first woman he snogged on the show was Chandler's mother (followed
>> by his ex-wife). Maybe next year we'll get "TOW the Three Mrs.Bings".

> Gosh... Let's end season eight with a bang, and have another
> Geller-Bing wedding...

CHANDLER: Now what I'm going to say to you, I'm not saying as your
friend. Okay? I'm-I'm saying it as Nora's only son.
ROSS: But you're still my friend?
CHANDLER: Not for the next few minutes.
ROSS: During this time- are you, are you still my best man?
ROSS: Do I still call you Chandler?
CHANDLER: Okay! You guys are getting married tomorrow and-and I could
not be more thrilled for both of you, but as Nora's son I-I
have to tell you this. If you ever hurt my mother, if you
ever cause her any unhappiness of any kind, I will hunt you
down, and kick your ass! (Ross laughs.) What? I'm-I'm-I'm
serious! (Ross laughs harder.) Come- Hey! Dude! Stop it!
Okay? I'm-I'm not kidding here!
ROSS: (smiling) Hey, I hear what you're saying, okay? And, thanks for
the warning.
CHANDLER: No problem.
ROSS: So are we- friends again?
ROSS: Okay. (Pause) You won't believe what Nora's son just said to me!

>>>> Ross asks Rachel to
>>>> stall Monica for a couple of hours while he tries again, so Phoebe
>>>> insists on going with him to make sure he succeeds.

>>> Well, luckily, someone was willing to help him out. And could anyone
>>> have done a better job than Phoebe? I don't think so. Rachel was
>>> exhausted and too emotional, and Joey was too interested in his movie,
>>> so Phoebe was the best choice.

>> She was - when Phoebe puts her mind to it, she can be rock-hard logical,
>> albeit with a sideways slant, an ideal combination when obvious lines of
>> investigation have been exhausted - and we saw how well she complements
>> Ross. You're right about Rachel, (by the end of the finale we knew why
>> she was like that), but I think you've been a little hard on Joey, for
>> making movies is his career & his dream, not just an interest.

> Yes, it was his career, but I don't think he would have been better at
> finding Chandler than Phoebe was.

AJ - I already agreed that Phoebe was the best choice.

>>> Joey? Joey? Okay, I knew they were leading up to something with these
>>> two... And I know many people will hate me for saying this, but I can
>>> totally see it happening, especially now.

>> I knoww!! The foreshadowing is as strong as ever.

> Yep, even though no one else believes us...

Well, for now we'll just have to be content with being smug together. :)

>>> The absolutely best way to convince Chandler that he and Monica are
>>> going to be just fine.

>> That's right. Ross is a real brick when he gets the chance, and here
>> he confounded Chandler's fears directly from their source. The only
>> thing that worries me is that this was such a clever way to proceed
>> that Ross might have lied - and it would be fun if it were true.

> I'd be willing to take almost anything as long as Chandler's parents
> return. They were so hilarious, and yet they weren't a big part of the
> finale. I can't really see Ross hooking up with Chandler's dad
> (perhaps he's still seeing Mr Garibaldi),

Well, Mr.Garibaldi is still in the show...

> but Ross could hook up with Chandler's mom - again...


>>> I was expecting Monica to find out what was really going on at this
>>> point. I didn't really think she would stay oblivious for the rest of
>>> the episode, and it was terrible to imagine her freaking out over a
>>> lost groom, when she nearly flipped out over a missing vest. Phoebe
>>> and Rachel did some great thinking here, though.

>> I know, there are some splendid "nick of time" moments in the finale,
>> and for me this was the best. It was very funny to see Monica freak at
>> the excuse, quickly quashed, yet it left one cognisant of how she would
>> have reacted to the dreadful truth, without spoiling the comedic flow.

> Yep, it was all building up to either a heartbreaking climax or a
> lovely, romantic wedding. Monica's reaction was hardly surprising, and
> I think it was for the best that she didn't have Chandler losing an
> item of clothing on her list. It would have made her prepared for it,
> and that hadn't been as funny to watch.

Absolutely. It was all very well done - a lovely romantic wedding, ending
with a tingle in the spine that just hints at heartbreak to follow...

>>>> The whole wedding party gathers at the hotel where the ceremony will
>>>> take place, and though the ladies are dressed up, they can't compete
>>>> with the bride who looks stunning in her gown. But at that moment,
>>>> Joey phones from the studio to warn the Maid of Honour that he's
>>>> been held up, and can't officiate.

>>> "I'll marry you and me right now, I have the power..." Another hint,
>>> perhaps?

>> It was, it was!! :)

> Seems like very few people believe that, though.

Well, even quite ardent R&R fans are allowing that the baby may not be
Ross's, and they are pinning their hopes on him marrying Rachel to give
the child a father. It's certainly a possibility that she is pregnant
but we do not learn who the real father is for a long time. However, as
you say, the foreshadowing hints at a Joey & Rachel story to come...

In some ways it's a shame that Ross can't form an Abbott-style couple
with Phoebe *and* Rachel - they made such a lovely trio walking down
the aisle arm-in-arm.

>>> And did you hear the gasp from the audience? I think almost every fan
>>> watching it on TV did the same thing. This had to mean a lonely bride
>>> crying over a lost groom who has freaked out and run off... I had been
>>> waiting for the wedding for over a year, and this was it?

>> Well, it was Phoebe's revelation that made everyone gasp - but as you
>> say, at that moment we simply did not know how Chandler would react to
>> this latest piece of news. If it had made him break his promise to Ross,
>> then Monica would have been desolate. The plot hung by a thread...

> In the beginning, when he popped his head out the door, it wasn't that
> bad. But then he started looking terrified and shocked, and ended up
> with the cigarette hanging from his lip. Something was wrong...


>>>> Rachel finds a Greek Orthodox wedding just ending, so by lying that
>>>> Chandler & Monica are also Greek Orthodox, she persuades the priest
>>>> to officiate. Meanwhile, Ross frets that he's lost Chandler, but while
>>>> Helena hits on him, and Nora recalls her marriage when the groom wore
>>>> a wedding dress, Monica appears in her full regalia, and she is so
>>>> beautiful that Ross's breath is taken away - but when she asks about
>>>> Chandler, he breaks into a sweat, and has to pretend that the drops
>>>> are beads of joy!

>>> Awww... And even her trademark: "I know!!"

>> Yes, this was so lovely - and structurally it was very clever to break
>> the tension with these moments of light relief.

> I agree. Especially the parents' conversations..

Yes, poor Jack thinking his boy was playing hide-and-seek. Ooh, there's
a thought, I wonder if Phoebe felt left out of the game?

>>>> When Ross encounters Chandler in the corridor, he easily throws him
>>>> to the floor, and prepares to give him the ass-kicking he warned
>>>> about, and this time nobody is laughing, especially not Phoebe. But
>>>> Chandler hurriedly explains that he did not run away, but went to
>>>> the hotel's gift shop, where he bought a "I heart NEW YORK" romper
>>>> suit for the baby, since anything small enough to fit it could not
>>>> be scary, and Ross embraces him.

>>> I know I'm a sentimentalist, and perhaps that's a bad thing,

>> Marita, sweetheart, never worry about being a sentimentalist, it shows
>> that your heart is in touch with your soul.

> Grin. Thanks.


>>> but OMG, how adorable was this? Now I *know* there will be lots of
>>> Little-Bings in the future.

>> Yes, this was another of those times where Chandler is so adorable that
>> even we guys can see it - and if you think about it, we owe it all to
>> little baby girl Chandler in 605 "TOW Joey's Porsche".

> Awww... What if baby girl Chandler had been a boy? Would they have
> bonded as easily as they did in 605?

I don't know. She certainly resembled her namesake.

>>> But how did Chandler know the priest was Greek Orthodox, unless he
>>> knows a lot about the religion, that is? At first he thought the
>>> priest was Joey in disguise, and when Monica walked up to him a few
>>> seconds later, he suddenly knew who the priest was. This puzzles me...

>> There might well be a cut line where Rachel filled him in, but for now
>> we can assume that the priest simply looked Greek Orthodox, especially
>> with a name like Father Karabetsus, and that any other possibility would
>> be even more peculiar. Chandler was just checking that it was not Joey
>> in disguise, after all the guy is an actor.

> I reckon he must have talked to Rachel or Phoebe to find out why there
> was a Greek priest standing there, and to Phoebe about the pregnancy
> test. If Rachel told him both, she would have to be an incredibly
> talented actress. (Rachel, not JA. JA was magnificent in this episode.)

The pair probably told him together, but since Phoebe found the test and
Rachel found the priest, the explanations would divide up naturally.

>>>> When Joey arrived at the studio, the director was not interested in
>>>> the truth or any of his excuses, but assured him that there was only
>>>> one scene to do - except Crosby turned up drunk. They began filming,
>>>> but despite Joey's attempts to fill in, Crosby was hopeless, yet the
>>>> director was determined to continue until it was in the can.

>>> "Slippery little bugger!" I laughed out loud at that one. This story
>>> was much better than the spitting.

>> That's very interesting, since although I liked this story, I preferred
>> the first one. But I can't accuse you of being in a different mood for
>> the second one, since you watched both parts at a single sitting.

> Yes, I think of it as one story. It's rather hard not to.

If you look carefully, you'll see a beginning-middle-end to the story
in S7-23, and then another beginning-middle-end to the story in S7-24.

>>>> The director was fully aware that Crosby was hammered, but stubbornly
>>>> insisted on continuing, so Joey cleverly told his co-star that they
>>>> were done for the day, and as he tossed Richard over his shoulder to
>>>> carry him off, the triple Oscar nominee looked down in puzzlement
>>>> that he could see his own arse!

>>> Lol!

>> Yes, I was delighted to hear the full-blooded English English word with
>> its ripe vowel, rather than the flat American English "ass". I must add
>> it to my imaginary list of British words heard on US sitcoms.

> Did you get a lot of entries for that list when Emily was around?

Oh yes, in her first minute she said "flat" and "bum".

>>>> Back at the hotel, just as the priest begins, Joey rushes down the
>>>> aisle to take over, and apologises to the dearly beloved for being
>>>> late and still in his WWI uniform! Beginning the proceedings before
>>>> the groom can escape again, which startles the bride, Joey delivers
>>>> a sweet yet short speech (since he left his notes in his dressing
>>>> room) then invites Monica to say her vows.

>>> So do you think she bribed him? ;)

>> That's a very difficult question to answer, unless it turns out
>> that Joey is the father...

> If Joey is indeed the father, I think it could give us tons of funny
> storylines in season 8. I'm not saying that I think Rachel and Joey
> will start dating or anything, but the two of them having a child,
> while still being just friends (if that scenario makes any sense),

That makes a great deal of sense. R&R were very good at unrequited
love while it lasted, but boring as a settled couple. C&M went from
good friends to lovers in one fell swoop. Here would be a totally
new situation, two people who are not a couple, not in an intimate
relationship, yet with something very strong in common. It would
also resonate with their 'relaxed' lifestyles in high school...

> sounds hilarious. The kid could be the result of a wild night of
> partying or the sperm bank.. There are lots of issues they need to
> sort out: Joey dealing with parenthood, Rachel dealing with
> parenthood, the living arrangements, whether Rachel will let Yasmine
> and Dick babysit,


> how Monica will handle it, if Chandler will start
> feeling a certain pressure, Ross trying to cope with the idea of his
> ex-girlfriend having a baby with his friend, Phoebe realising Joey has
> been taken away from her etc...

Exactly, a long story that involves the whole group, yet does not
centre around C&M any more (they've had long enough), which is full
of possibilities for new plot-lines, exactly what the writers need.

As for how it happened, I don't buy the sperm bank idea, my money is
on a drunken fling, since this was set up for us in the Melissa story,
see? By the end of the finale, Joey was the only one who had not been
told about the pregnancy test, which could be very significant.

>>>> Monica's speech is so beautiful that Chandler dispenses with his,
>>>> simply telling her how much he loves her - whereupon they kiss too
>>>> early which throws Joey off track, they complete the proceedings
>>>> almost in reverse! As Joey declares them to be husband & wife,
>>>> Chandler & Monica kiss again, and everyone applauds.

>>> Is it just me, or was it a bit weird that Monica didn't mention the
>>> word "love" in her vows at all?

>> I guess so, although to be honest it didn't strike me like that at
>> the time. Here is how often each character has said the word "love"
>> throughout all seven seasons...

>> 128 Rachel

> Not surprising.

Oh, I though that Monica would be top.

>> 107 Monica

> I always thought Chandler has said it more to her, than vice versa.

Don't forget this is "love", not "I love you".

>> 101 Chandler
>> 92 Ross
>> 86 Phoebe
>> 62 Joey

> That's not a big surprise either. He rarely falls in love.

And when he does, he gets hurt. Which has just reminded me of Erin, and
how Rachel took him to her bosom because he mentioned having kids...

>> ..which might, or might not, surprise you.

> It surprised me, actually.

There you go. I presented an exhaustive analysis of "I love you" in
the S7-16 thread (April 11th at 4:36) which I can repost if you like,
but the current score is Chandler 13 Monica 16 (excluding clips).

>>> Don't get me wrong, her vows were beautiful, but I expected an "I love
>>> you" in the middle of it. Perhaps they needed her not to say anything
>>> like that to make his vows more powerful, I don't know.

>> Well, I reckon you have explained it neatly right there. :)

> Guess so.


>>> Chandler was great here, though, as he realised he had to make her
>>> understand that him running off had nothing to do with her and that
>>> he still loved her more than anything.

>> Yes, Monica was getting ready for fight or flight, and it was up to
>> him to convince her that he was worthy of her just-spoken vow.

> Take it or leave it, so to speak.

No, it was a challenge. Monica had just been rocked back on her heels
(remember how she reacted to a vest getting lost) but at this critical
moment, that she had waited for her entire life, she was exercising
enormous restraint by concentrating on what she had to do - make her
vows. Now was the time for Chandler to prove himself, and he did.

>>>> But when Chandler whispers to Monica that he knows about the baby,
>>>> she denies all knowledge of it. So it is that as Chandler asks his
>>>> wife who did take the pregnancy test, Phoebe is telling Rachel how
>>>> happy she is that the newlyweds are going to have a baby - and
>>>> Rachel looks very very worried...

>>> I did not see this one coming.

>> In all seriousness, I am so happy for you that you fell for the
>> plot - whereas I was holding two possibilities in mind, and merely
>> had one of them confirmed.

> Awww... Poor you. I was stunned.

Well, that's what comes of having time to think at the halfway stage,
instead of being swept along - but then I had 3 extra cliffhangers.

>>> I was sure there would be a little Bing running around in the near
>>> future when Phoebe found the pregnancy test, but now it turns out
>>> it's Rachel's test?!

>> How exactly did you feel at the moment when Monica queried his
>> mention of a baby, and then specifically denied that she had
>> taken a pregnancy test?

> I was so sure she was the one, that the thought of it being Rachel's
> didn't even enter my mind. I knew there had to be some kind of
> cliffhanger, and I had already seen that they would reach the altar
> (due to the stupid commercial they showed in the middle of 722), so I
> expected him to run off as soon as Monica revealed to him that she was
> pregnant. But then he found out before the ceremony, and I was even
> more baffled. What was going to happen next? After the revelation in
> the hallway, I was so engrossed in the wedding ceremony that I think I
> forgot about the pregnancy test for a couple of minutes.

> But when Chandler started talking about "any surprises that come our
> way" and Monica smiled with tears in her eyes (?), I started to think
> about it again. Awww... They're going to start a family right away..

What then? Did you reel?? Did you think that Monica was lying???

> Hey, what?!?! Rachel's pregnant? I think the first word I said was
> "HÆH?!?!", which means "huh?" in Norwegian..

Lol, "HÆH" makes a pretty pattern...

>>>> This was an hilarious episode to close the season (which has now
>>>> become my second favourite out of all seven) with a startlingly good
>>>> ensemble plot for Ross, Phoebe, Rachel, and a razor-sharp Chandler -
>>>> while as the innocent party, Monica was necessarily left with rather
>>>> less to do, except light up the screen with her charm & beauty.

>>> If I have to point out two stars in this episode, it would have to be
>>> MP and JA. The two of them were brilliant, but as you say, they were
>>> all great.

>> Ahah - we agree. :)

> Good.


>> For my money the finest bit of acting came in the last five seconds,
>> when Jennifer Aniston did *not* look worried - she looked like a woman
>> who was trying not to look worried.

> Yep, she was amazing. :)

Emmy material?

>> For the whole 44 minutes, the prize was effortlessly carried away by
>> Matthew Perry, for the main plot rested on his shoulders. Thankfully
>> he was back on form after his travails.

> I wouldn't say he was the star of 723, though. Mixing the old and the
> new sides of his character, Ross was great in the first half of the
> finale. Besides, Chandler disappeared, and was nowhere to be seen in
> the last half of 723.

Okay, I'll go with that.

>> But yes, once again this was a superb ensemble effort. This *should*
>> answer those cynics who claimed that now the cast are so well-paid,
>> they merely phone in their performances.

> It was great, and ten times better than last year's finale.

Ooh, I *loved* last year's finale, since I totally fell for the plot...

>>>> Ross was a real brick in this episode, such a good friend to Chandler
>>>> that it made up for his bad deeds in college. Okay so occasionally he
>>>> was a tad Mental Geller, but I reckon that he had every right to get
>>>> annoyed, especially since he had been up all night. When you consider
>>>> his stress level, he was actually quite calm & controlled.

>>> I know. Who wouldn't be stressed in this kind of situation? He only
>>> had a couple of hours to make sure there would be a wedding, find the
>>> groom and secure his sister's happiness.

>> Yuppity. Who said it was easy to be Best Man?

> Perhaps that's why Joey wanted to be the minister... He was after all
> taught by bitter experience.


>> Back in 1998, Joey lost the ring - here, Ross lost the groom. :)

> Chandler has probably had the easiest job of them all. All he had to
> do was to arrange a bachelor party in the basement of the Pizza Hut
> and call a stripper.

Ah yes, but he wasn't living in a sitcom at the time.

>>>> Once again, Joey was the singleton carrying the lighter side, and
>>>> his sparring with Crosby was delightful.

>>> Yep. It was good, but not great.

>> Oh, the way I look at it, two of the best episodes ever were 412
>> "TOW the Embryos" and 514 "TOW Everyone Finds Out", and yet their
>> singleton stories were an irksome distraction from the glorious
>> antics of the other five. But in the finale, "TOW Enunciation" and
>> "TOW Two Belts" complemented the main story, while fulfilling the
>> main function of allowing events to proceed while we were away.

> True. I always push ffwd when Ross starts hanging out with UNG.

There you go, then.

>>>> Meanwhile, though we had a second helping of
>>>> Nora & Charles, I would have liked so much more, as well as the
>>>> hotly anticipated cat-fight between Nora & Judy. Maybe this will
>>>> happen during the reception at the start of Season Eight - if a
>>>> certain mother-to-be manages not to steal Monica's thunder...

>>> Oh, definitely. I'm all for more fighting, just not between the
>>> newlyweds.

>> Exactly, that's why I do not share some fans' concerns that Rachel
>> stole the limelight at the end - I wanted the couple to finish as
>> boringly happy as possible.

> Me too. I never thought they would break up in this episode, but there
> was always that possibility of wedding jitters which would mean no
> wedding at all.

Or that they would get to the church, to find Joey & Phoebe marrying.

> As a result of that, I had a big smile on my face when Joey pronounced
> them husband and wife.


>>>> Rachel took the trash out? If Phoebe had thought about this, would
>>>> she have realised that Rachel was lying to her, right there?

>>> Could be. She seemed to be pretty convinced it was Monica's though.

>> But of course this was the Phoebe who baked the best oatmeal raisin
>> cookies in the world to convince her friend that she always told the
>> truth, now totally unsuspecting Rachel's bare-faced lie.

> I still think it *might* be Phoebe's pregnancy test. She's sly enough
> to come up with a scheme like this.

Yes, but she wouldn't have acted the way she did afterwards.

Don't forget that any of them can be pregnant without knowing just yet,
or they do know but that wasn't their test in the trash.

>>>> Ross has already kissed both Nora & Chandler, and since Helena quite
>>>> clearly fancies the boy, does he have any chance of completing a Bing
>>>> hat-trick there?

>>> Eh.. That's plain weird to think about.

>> Yup - but as a bloke, I'd rather kiss Chandler's dad than Chandler! ;)

> That's fine by me, as long as I get Chandler. ;)


>>>> When Rachel first got dressed, and wore that blue top & denims, she
>>>> looked really lovely. So why was she all dowdy again at the wedding?

>>> I thought she looked beautiful! The hairdo, the flowers in her hair,
>>> and that beautiful gown. I thought you should be the one who gushed
>>> about her since you're a male... ;)

>> Weeeeeel sweetheart, you've heard me say this before. Rachel just does
>> not look as good with her hair pinned back like that. She doesn't have
>> the bone structure or the neck for it, while Phoebe can carry it off
>> beautifully. Remember 718 "TOW Joey's Award", where I wanted to cut
>> Rachel's head off that bathrobe, and plonk it onto the red dress? Or
>> where her actress dressed almost exactly as I was asking for?

> I know, but I've always thought she looked nice with her hair up.
> Phoebe looks great too, but her hair is often so spiky (as it was
> here), that it is not as sophisticated as Rachel's beautiful French
> twist.

Phoebe had the same style as at Monica's 30th, and she looked great,
but the French twist looks like something you'd clean house in.

> I think that maybe it was all planned. Think of it this way; Some
> brides want to wear their hair down on their wedding day. (It looks
> more natural, and you're not supposed to wear lots of jewellery or
> make-up on your big day either.) Monica did this, and she pulled it
> off beautifully. Perhaps they wanted to show the difference between
> the bride and her bridesmaids, by giving Monica the natural,
> "innocent" look, while her bridesmaids were more dolled up. Don't get
> me wrong, Monica was the woman they were staring at... Eh... Do you
> understand what I mean?

Yes indeed, I agree.

>>>> There was an apparent continuity error in the first part of the
>>>> finale. Monica's ansaphone message said the wedding would be on a
>>>> Saturday, but in 717 "TOW the Cheap Wedding Dress" she gives the date
>>>> as May 15th, a Tuesday. At the time I was at a loss to explain it,
>>>> and no-one else could help, but now a possible reason is apparent.
>>>> Since that earlier episode was written, the finale's plot required
>>>> that Chandler be able to hide at his office, so the writers were
>>>> forced to alter the date.

>>> That's a possibility. I guess we're supposed to discard the obvious
>>> error.

>> Think of it as a changed premise. The show is written & rewritten right
>> up to the filming, so by the time they decided that the best place for
>> Chandler to hide was his office, the writers were caught out by having
>> mentioned the actual date months before. So what should they do? Anally
>> stick to an obscure reference that only we obsessed fans would notice,
>> or deliberately place a new reference in the first half of the finale,
>> and get on with it? Sadly, the fact that a script can become snagged
>> by casual details in past episodes is one reason why they give us so
>> little background information unless it's needed for a good story.

> I guess so. Not to mention the fact that 717 was filmed in December (?).

Could be, but anyway the production order was...

717 - 713 - 715 - 716 - 718 - 720 - 722 - 719 - 723 there were 7 episodes in between instead of only 5.

>>>> When the subject of successful Hollywood marriages last came up in
>>>> 413 "TOW Rachel's Crush", their examples were Susan Sarandon & Tim
>>>> Robbins (not legally married though they have two children), Alec
>>>> Baldwin & Kim Basinger (filed for divorce on January 12th),

>>> And are supposedly getting back together now and planning to adopt a
>>> baby.

>> You qualify your reply with "supposedly", how sure are you?

> I'm not sure at all, but that's what E!Online announced last week.

They get stuff wrong, don't they?

>> My information comes from my private copy of the IMDb, last downloaded
>> on May 12th, so I could be a few weeks out of date. However, Alec & Kim
>> already have a child, their daughter Ireland, born October 1995. Could
>> your information be about one of the other three Baldwin brothers?

> Nope, the article was about Alec and Kim.

Well, why are they adopting if they can have children?

>>>> Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman
>>>> (separated on February 5th), and Mel Gibson & Clint Eastwood (but we
>>>> won't go into that right now). Anyway, Paul Newman is a better example
>>>> since he has been married to Joanne Woodward since 29th January 1958 -
>>>> but did you know that she is his *second* wife?

>>> I didn't know she was his second wife, but I do know that their
>>> marriage is supposed to be the best in Hollywood.

>> Yep - which would be good news if Monica was previously married... ;)

> But Monica and Chandler don't live in Hollywood... ;)

Don't blame me, it's Chandler's metaphor, not mine. :)

>>>> For any British & European fans who are puzzled why Monica should be
>>>> so concerned about Chandler's vest, that is the term Americans apply
>>>> to a waistcoat.

>>> I wasn't. It's called "vest" in Norwegian too, so... :)

>> Oh, how Americanised you Norwegians are... j/k

> We are, to a certain extent... n/k

Yes (said he, refraining from a "yep").

>>>> And how come Helena, Nora & Judy also wore dresses with the same
>>>> sort of golden/silvery sheen?

>>> They were the golden girls... ;)

>> Lol!!

> Ross was mesmerized...

Exactly! He could have a fantasy about Rachel, Phoebe & Nora as the
golden girls, and then his mom comes in again, with Chandler's dad!

>>>> How come the wedding took place at a hotel, and not at the Morgan
>>>> Chase Museum, as arranged in 622 "TOW Paul's the Man"? Anything to
>>>> do with Megan Bailey?

>>> I cannot come up with a good reason why. Having said that, the hotel
>>> was more beautiful than the museum.

>> Since writing that, I realised that one good reason would be Monica
>> having to make a drastic cut in her budget.

> Could be.

What with that & a hired dress, she's been very economical without the
script making much of a fuss about it. She really wants those 4 babies.

>>>> Why was there a closet for storing ice in the residential part
>>>> of the hotel?

>>> There's always a room for ice machines in big hotels.

>> All the hotels I've stayed at had mini-fridges in each room.

> But did you get the ice from the fridge, though?


>>>> Did you know that "Anastassakis" is the original Greek family
>>>> name of Jennifer Aniston? Are there similar in-jokes with
>>>> Papasifakis, Stephanopoulos & Acidofolus?

>>> Yep, I knew. As for the other names, Stephanopoulos was because of the
>>> handsome neighbour who the girls were spying on in 104.

>> Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not spotting that.
>> Did you like the way "Anastassakis" rolled off her tongue?

> It sounds very Greek indeed... Straight from Zorba or something.

Yes, almost as magical as White Plains.

>>> When Rachel called Chandler "Assodofoulos" (I had no idea how they
>>> spelled it when I watched the finale), I reckoned it had something to
>>> do with him running away from his own wedding and his behaviour... Oh
>>> well, another dumb misunderstanding. :)

>> Well, now we know it's "Acidopholus", your benign intestinal flora.

> It should have been on ER, not Friends... ;)

Ah, but in ER the priest would think Rachel Greene was trying to
infect him, shoot her, and then the doctor would misdiagnose it.

>>>> Why does Monica tell Chandler her wedding dress is no longer new?

>>> Perhaps it was another superstition? When you've worn it down the
>>> aisle, it's no longer new?

>> Err, no darlin', I crapped up. Chandler started to chatter, asking
>> Monica if her dress was new, and she said "not now" to shut him up,
>> either because it was inappropriate to the occasion, or because she
>> was embarrassed to be wearing a hired dress.

>> For some reason I got it into my head that her inflection clearly
>> indicated that the dress was not new now, but as the gang lapped up
>> the finale on Saturday night, I suddenly heard her differently...

> I thought she was just joking about the dress to make him shut up.

No, she was just 'advising' him to shut up.

>>>> Did American soldiers in WWI really carry swords?

>>> Hehe. Having swords in the trenches doesn't sound very practical.

>> But what if they were on horseback?

> I've never heard of swords being used in WW1.

Well, they still had cavalry back then.

>>> What would happen if Joey brought him along to the wedding, and he
>>> "insulted" a devastated bridesmaid at the reception?

>> RPGOL!!!!

>> Who would she go to for comfort, and who would she end up with? What
>> if she thought she was pregnant, but wasn't, and then became pregnant?

> I knowww! The possibilities are endless... She might even end up
> giving birth to a Richard Crosby Jr, who will speak perfectly when he
> is three months old.

While spitting on anyone who leans into the crib?

>> When Joey tells the dearly beloved that they won't be confused by
>> Memorial Day 2002, (an American holiday at the end of May), is that
>> when his movie comes out, and if so will it change his life?

> The big break comes three years after it was supposed to?


>>>> Did you prefer the dress that Monica lost in 717 "TOW the Cheap
>>>> Wedding Dress", which was actually supposed to be perfect?

>>> I thought the one in 717 was absolutely gorgeous, but this one was
>>> beautiful too. It was more classic and plain, but to tell you the
>>> truth, I'm not sure.

>> I like the idea that the final dress was less than perfect, not just
>> because it showed that Monica really stuck to her budget, but because
>> it exemplifies the unselfish sacrifice she made.

> Absolutely. Looking at some of the posts I wrote right after the
> finale, I was leaning towards the one from 717 back then as well. It
> was indeed more elegant.

That was the point, but it was too subtle. Maybe we'll see more on the
DVDs in September. BTW, as I predicted (against cynics who told me I
was wrong) 709-716 will be out on DVD on July 9th, all with extended
versions of the episodes on the other side of the disc.

>>>> What was Monica's something old, something new, something borrowed,
>>>> something blue?

>>> Ah, let's see. Her engagement ring is old (it's from the 1920s), and
>>> her dress was new. I thought the pregnancy test could count as her
>>> something blue until it was revealed that it wasn't hers, so perhaps
>>> we can say it was Chandler's eyes? ;) (He only had eyes for her when
>>> she walked down the aisle.)

>> Doesn't the bride have to wear the four somethings, so his eyes would
>> not count? But *hers* would!

> Lol, good point.


>> I like that about the 1920s engagement ring, so how about her wedding
>> ring? Could it be the ring that her grandmother wore as she first came
>> to America, when that ring & the clothes on her back were all she had
>> with her, which has been in her family for generations, and every bride
>> who has worn it has had a long & happy life?

> It could be, if Emily gave it back after the wedding.

She should have done, shouldn't she?

> However, I would rather have Chandler pick one out for her and vice
> versa, so that the rings were more personal.

Well first of all, remember that they were on budget - and second of
all, given its history that ring was already very personal.

>>> Borrowed? Hmmm... Tricky one. She already had it in the beginning of
>>> the episode, so perhaps it could be that beautiful necklace of hers?

>> Ooh, I don't know about the necklace, but if the wedding dress was
>> hired then that would be the something borrowed, leaving us to find
>> the something new...

> The veil, perhaps?

Yes - or the garter...

>>>> Have the Tribbianis been delayed at their niece's christening? Will
>>>> we see them in S8-01?

>>> I don't think so. People won't remember them from 113 ("Who were
>>> they??"), and most people will be too interested in the pregnancy
>>> cliffhanger to remember them.

>> Well, I agree that if they don't turn up then there's no error, they
>> would just be late or no-shows, but I always felt that the Joey/Monica
>> story was a bit pointless, so it would be nice to have a fruition.

> I guess the biggest problem for the writers was to come up with
> something they could do.

Yes indeed.

Hmmm... I'm just thinking that we may not see the reception. Some fans
have already speculated that S8 could begin months later, but this was
dismissed on the grounds that the cliffhanger could not be left in the
air, or forgotten about. But the show could begin in the vestry where
all this is thrashed out, and then leap forward in time. Nei?

>>>> What about Cassie & all the other Geller aunts & cousins we've seen?

>>> I know! It would have been fun to have some Barry White music at the
>>> reception. However, I can tell you that Kathleen Turner's young
>>> daughter played one of the guests.

>> Oh yes? How do you know? Which one was she?
>> Kathleen's only child is Rachel Ann Weiss, but I don't know what age
>> she is. However, if born in wedlock she'd be 18 years old or less.

> Kathleen Turner said it in an article at Her daughter,
> Rachel Ann, was recruited to appear in a scene. She's 13 years old and
> a huge fan of the show, so she was really excited to play a part on
> the show. The article does not say who she is, though.

Ah. Quite often when guest stars talk about their appearance on the show,
they remark how much it has elevated their credibility with their kids.

>>>> Joey's speech "I've known Monica & Chandler for a long time, and I can
>>>> not imagine two people more perfect for each other" was indeed similar
>>>> to what he said in 716 "TOW the Truth About London", part of which was
>>>> "you guys are perfect for each other", while he did not mention having
>>>> & giving or sharing & receiving.

>>> I know! His speech was so sweet! I was stunned by how short the wedding
>>> actually was, but as long as they're married for real, then I won't
>>> mind. Besides, it was so romantic...

>> Yes, it certainly was, but it was also great fun watching Monica almost
>> pop her clogs every time another revelation came up. I loved the way she
>> ended her vows with a challenge to Chandler to confound her fears.

> "Take me or leave me", so to speak.

That's right, she was very courageous.

>>>> Come on, be honest, when everyone applauded, did you join in too?

>>> Absolutely! We had a big round of applause, and my cheeks hurt because
>>> I kept grinning from the moment "A Groovy Kind of Love" started to
>>> play and Chandler came walking down the aisle to the end of the
>>> ceremony... Sigh. So beautiful!!!

>> Awww, it was, wasn't it!

>> Did you by any chance recognise the other Beatles tunes in the medley?

> Monica walked down the aisle with "My Love" by Paul McCartney playing
> in the background, while they played "Everlong" by the Foo Fighters in
> the end. Were there any other songs?

I'm not sure, but thanks for that.

>>> (Okay, so I gush about this episode...)

>> You gush away sweetheart, it's your right & your privilege to do so. :)

> Fortunately, I'm not the only one who thinks this episode is a
> classic. :)

Oh, it was very very good. :)

>>>> In case anyone is in any doubt, it's quite clear that it was meant to
>>>> be Rachel who is pregnant

>>> Yeah, but I won't quite believe it until I hear her say so herself. I
>>> don't know, something isn't right here. The writers have fooled us
>>> before..

>> Absolutely. I didn't say she was pregnant, but that it was *meant* to
>> be her that was pregnant. Although it all depends on what happens to the
>> actresses, there are only 7 combinations, so you can be sure the writers
>> are even now beavering away on a storyline for each one, and their brief
>> is to avoid being predictable.

> Yep, I agree. It can be any of the three women.

Or any pair of the women. Or even all three.

It could also be none of them, but that wouldn't require an 8th storyline.

>>>> - one in the eye for all the cynics who so
>>>> yawningly predicted Monica would be pregnant by the end of the season.
>>>> But who is the father? Ross?

>>> Nope. I don't believe it is. I mean, there is a theoretical
>>> possibility, but I can't see it happening. That must have happened
>>> after 719 and before 723, and there wasn't any spark between the two
>>> during these few weeks.

>> Unless you can believe that they made out in the back of a Porsche,
>> after he had betrayed her to the cops...

> I thought about that possibility, but I doubt it. Rachel must have
> been pretty hammered to find Mental Geller attractive anyway.

That's what it took two years ago.

>>>> That's what they want you to think, but
>>>> the key word here is 'history'. Joey? The most likely, especially as
>>>> he's the only one who didn't know about the baby by the end of the
>>>> finale, and they deleted the scene where Rachel caught him with her
>>>> knickers.

>>> I hope so! That would be so much fun!

>> Yay, me too - but do you take my hint that Joey still doesn't know?

> Yes, and I believe he doesn't have a clue about the pregnancy yet,
> regardless of whose baby it is.

That's right, and that could be the most important hint for Season 8.

>>>> Chandler? The least likely, but remember the golden rule
>>>> of murder mysteries.

>>> If it's his, Monica will never forgive him, and we'll end up with a
>>> show that everybody hates. Both the R+R fans *and* the C+M fans would
>>> be furious!

>> We were debating a Rachel pregnancy many months ago, and it was my
>> theory that it would have to happen at a drunken party, and therefore
>> it would have to be Chandler with his proven track record.

> Theoretically, Chandler is capable of seducing hammered girls, but I
> cross my fingers and hope that he has never cheated on Monica.

If he was not of sound mind at the time, it wouldn't be cheating. I'm
beginning to think that S7-20 was foreshadowing, and it will turn out
they all got very drunk, so now all Rachel knows is that the father is
one of the three guys. She refuses to take a test to find out because
she's afraid of the possibility that it might be Chandler.

>>>> Officer Hanson? Nah. Mr.Zelner? Could be. That
>>>> guy whose name escapes me? Hope not, and 3 months is a *long* time.

>>> Ugh, don't even say it. Perhaps they wanted to keep the option open in
>>> case his new show bombs. But Mini-Tags? Ewww....

>> We were discussing this last night, and on the subject of this option,
>> I was suddenly minded of Paolo. He & Rachel were together for a couple
>> of months before she dumped him. But later, when she ran into emotional
>> difficulties, she invited him back into her bed - and we were not shown
>> anything of their reunion until afterwards...

> Fortunately, she didn't run back into his arms after dumping Ross in
> 316 and in 502 when she realised that she and Ross couldn't be
> together when he was still married to Emily. And there was no Paolo in
> 715, so I don't think we'll see him again.

Neither do I, but I wasn't thinking about Paolo.

Who has Rachel most recently broken up with?

>>> Yep, you're right. It all boils down to this. I believe it can be any
>>> of the three girls. I mean, Phoebe looks rather unlikely, but you said
>>> it yourself that the most unlikely suspect could be the one. She has a
>>> boyfriend now, Jake, and she could have set the whole thing up.

>> Maybe Phoebe is off somewhere with Jake, and we've been watching Ursula.

> If that's the case, then I hope Jake has a normal twin brother who
> won't be scary every time he smiles.

If you like, but that wasn't my point.

Maybe Phoebe got pregnant, and couldn't face the others, so Ursula took
over for her, for they've been bonding ever since turning 31, but they
never told anyone. Maybe you'd like to guess in which episodes out of
Seasons 5/6/7 were really Ursula masquerading as Phoebe...

>>> Rachel is the most obvious choice, of course (the tissues she used
>>> when she blew her nose, she was very emotional (even more than usual),
>>> the "ONS" with Joey, she was *very* careful when she "fell down", and
>>> the look on her face in the end).

>> Yep - and Rachel catching Joey with her knickers was deleted from S7-22.

> Yep.

We may see more of that in an explanatory flashback in S8-01...

>>> Monica could also have a bun in the oven. If you check out their
>>> glasses at the rehearsal dinner, Monica is not drinking the same
>>> drink as the others.

>> Isn't she? <checks> Gosh, yes! Wow, EE Marita strikes again! Yes, Monica
>> has an amber drink, the others are clear with a slice of green fruit.

> Yep, so she could have known something was up the day before the
> wedding...

Hence the list she was writing...

>>> Could this mean that she was suspecting something and didn't want to
>>> drink any alcohol? It would be terrible if we found out that the first
>>> thing she did as Mrs Bing was to lie to her husband, but in all
>>> fairness, she had just found out that he had run off the day before
>>> their wedding. Perhaps she was afraid he would do it again.

>> If you look at the dialogue, Monica did not specifically deny that she
>> was pregnant. When Chandler said he knew about the baby, it was valid
>> for her to ask which baby he meant. When he said it was their baby, her
>> reply was most misleading, and certainly evasive, but even so to ask
>> if they have a baby is not the same as saying that they do not have a
>> baby. And then her final statement that she didn't take a pregnancy
>> test could be absolutely true, if the one in the trash was not hers.

> No, that's true.

See? All doors are ajar, even if not wide open.

>>> I guess all I'm saying is that the writers can make anyone pregnant
>>> and get away with it. And another thing: I don't really believe we'll
>>> get to find out who the father is in 801 if it is indeed Rachel's
>>> baby. They will save that revelation for sweeps.

>> I quite agree, let's hope it's the November sweeps, not February, else
>> the speculation will drive us mad! But as to who is pregnant we only
>> have to wait for an official announcement. Or two. Or three.

> Yep, I believe there will be a big ratings winner in November called
> "TOW The Big Announcement" or something like that.

How about "TOW the Blood Test"?

>> I'm so glad you loved this episode, Marita - probably even more than I
>> did. And thankyou so much for such an entertaining & informative reply.

> Yes, and it's rather strange that I was more surprised by the ending
> than you were, considering that I had actually overheard a few
> spoilers before I watched it. :)

Writing a review really makes you think about what you've just seen,
especially when you have to do it halfway through a finale.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:40:43 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

>>> That hinting with R&J is like the hinting with any other character. Is
>>> Chandler gay? No. Are Joey and Ross gay together? No. Is Rachel gay?
>>> No. Is Phoebe gay? No. Did Monica leave Chandler for Joey? No. It's
>>> there for a joke. At least that's how I look at it.

>> They hinted that Chandler & Monica would get together for four years,
>> and for the first three of those years nobody would believe me.

> I agree. Nothing is impossible at this point.

It's up to real life now, and what the writers make of it.

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:42:40 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jun 2001 14:20:23 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>>>>> 724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"

>>> Yes, you're right, but my point was that Rachel, Phoebe or Ross must
>>> have told him that Joey was not going to be there, and they had found
>>> another minister, who was Greek Orthodox. This probably happened after
>>> Ross and Phoebe found him in the hall (and when Phoebe told him how
>>> she had discovered that Monica was preggers), but that doesn't explain
>>> why he said "are you Joey?" which indeed sounded like "who the hell
>>> are you?". He looked too confused to be his usual sarcastic self IMO.
>>> It just doesn't make sense.

>> It probably will make sense when we see the uncut version on DVD.

> Let's hope so. :)

The DVD of the finale is due out in September, so that could be before
S8-01 airs. What if it contains a restored scene revealing the father?

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:45:29 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 00:41:59 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>> Snipped from S7-22...

>>>>>>> Chandler's dad read some of Nora's books, and he wanted to meet
>>>>>>> her in real life. Perhaps he was a fan.. He was of course forced
>>>>>>> to hide his, what shall I call it, feminine habits, while they
>>>>>>> were dating, though.

>>>>>> Why couldn't he have been as ignorant of his sexuality as Carol was?

>>>>> I don't think he was.

>>>> How can you say that? The only evidence we have is that that both of
>>>> them entered into heterosexual marriages, later deciding they were
>>>> gay, and that they both produced a child.

>>> Hmm. No comment. Let's move this discussion to the 724 thread.

>> Okay, here we are. You go.

> Charles had to have some sort of knowledge about his, how shall I put
> it, unusual sexuality rather early on in their relationship. When the
> parents of the bride and groom were gathered in Monica's room at the
> hotel, the Bings said:

> Mrs. Bing: As I recall when we got married, I saw the groom in the
> wedding dress.
> Mr. Bing: But that was after the wedding, it's not bad luck then.
> Mrs. Bing: Honey, it isn't good luck.

> I guess you could argue that this doesn't have to mean that he knew he
> was gay right after they tied the knot, but it certainly is a sign of
> his hidden passion for women's clothing.

I'd guess that most transvestites are heterosexual, although they tend
to keep it in the privacy of their bedrooms. Certainly both Chandler &
Joey have worn female underwear, and Ross used to dress up as a woman.

>>>> Maybe he's the answer to a future riddle.....................

>>> I think I know what you mean, and yes, he could be.

>> I'm thinking that we rarely see Jake because he is the surprise father.

> Oh, I hadn't thought of that possibility (him being away because they
> want to keep it a surprise, that is).


>> If so, who is the mother?????

> It could very well be Phoebe. Her dress wasn't nearly as tight
> as Rachel's.

Unless Monica went further with Jake than we were shown.

>> Snipped from S7-23...

>>>>>> I'm worried that Nora & Judy will get on.

>>>>> I'm more worried about Jack and Charles...

>>>> Oh yes?

>>> Somehow I don't think Jack is particularly thrilled by the fact that
>>> his little Harmonica's future father-in-law is a drag queen.

>> But we saw at the rehearsal dinner that he was trying as best he could
>> to come to terms with an unfamiliar situation.

> Yes, that's true. I just wish we had seen the moment when the two of
> them first met.

That was it on the screen, their first meeting. Wasn't it?

>>>>>>>> When Ross showed Chandler's note to the girls, the hair on the
>>>>>>>> back of my neck stood on end...

>>>>>>> Ooh.. I wish I had had the chance to be stunned by his
>>>>>>> disappearance.

>>>>>> I'm so sorry for you.

>>>>> Nah, never mind. I was shocked by other things. :)

>>>> Oh? Tell me about them when you reply to my S7-24 review.

>>> I have. :)

>> Sorry, but I'm not sure which part that was...

> I was shocked by the fact that it probably was Rachel's pregnancy
> test.


>> Also, when Ross showed Chandler's note to the girls, Rachel took him
>> strangely seriously, didn't she? A hint of something going on?

> What are you implying? Chandler and Rachel? I hope that's not the
> case.

It could be, but I was implying Ross & Rachel had put their silliness
behind them. Notice how only Phoebe laughed at Ross once Rachel had
seen that she was pregnant (if she had done).

Tennant Stuart

Jun 28, 2001, 7:50:19 PM6/28/01
In article <>, (Marita
Bakken) wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 00:32:03 BST, Tennant Stuart
> <> wrote:

>>>>>>>>>> 724 "TOW Monica and Chandler's Wedding (part 2)"

>> I've now seen the front covers of some magazines. One particularly bad
>> spoiler had a big picture of Chandler, with a headline indicating that
>> he takes fright, and another had a photo showing an event that would
>> be about a minute *after* the end of S7-24!

> How on earth is that possible?

It's quite simple. It shows Chandler & Monica posing for their wedding
photos while standing in the aisle, with extras sitting behind them.

I'll post it to you.


Jun 28, 2001, 10:55:59 PM6/28/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <tuo_6.7534$>, "Mardi"
> <> wrote:
> > Whoops--those citations attributed to "Hill" should have been
> > "Parshall"--sorry about that!
> And I've just noticed you sneaked in a question about SIA - it
> means Sorry In Advance.

I can be pretty sneaky sometimes. ;)

Anyway, NOTATF (No offense taken after the fact)--okay, I admit I made that
up just now.


Jun 28, 2001, 11:04:44 PM6/28/01

"Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message

> In article <d%s_6.9878$>, "Mardi"
> <> wrote:
> > "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> In article <oen_6.6526$>, "Mardi"
> >> <> wrote:
> >>> "Tennant Stuart" <> wrote in message
> >>>
> > Oh well, whether one agrees or not, those are the rules in standard
> > American English. There was recently a long thread on this issue on one
> > of the English usage newsgroups (I don't remember whether it was
> > alt.usage.english or alt.english.usage). Most people, I suppose, prefer
> > the system they've been taught in school. I understand the logic behind
> > the UK rules, but if you follow them in the U.S., it's considered
> > incorrect (and in school it'll be marked wrong). As for they "why"
> > behind it, I don't think it had anything to do with making rules for
> > people who don't know what they're doing. One explanation I've read is
> > that it had something to do with moveable type--periods and commas
> > outside of the quotation marks were somehow more troublesome than
> > inside. It's been a while, so I'm not too sure about the details.
> It's probably like your arcane "two spaces after a period rule".

Yes, probably--good call. ;)

I guess you noticed that I do this. It's actually falling out of favor, but
I still do it out of habit. Pounding those two spaces at the end of a
sentence just has this nice sense of finality, and old habits do die hard.

> Isn't it about time that America moved into the 20th century at least?

Maybe we will, kicking and screaming, in another 100 years!

> > Hey, if nothing else, it gives you an immediate clue that the writer is
> > from the U.S. (if there weren't any "colors" or "neighbors"--or other
> > spelling differences involved). ;)
> I suppose, but you can usually tell from the email address.

But that's not very sporting, and doesn't help you with ex-patriates or with
students studying abroad. ;)

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