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The internet is just mind blowing these days.

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May 24, 2021, 4:34:39 PM5/24/21

The fathers of ARPANET are powering whole cities with their fast skeletal rotation inside their graves. That may be good for quite a few "green credits".

- Javashit interferes with normal web operations on mobile _EACH AND EVERY TIME_. Just now, I was trying to copy+paste into a field by long pressing into it, only to have it promptly disappear. "YOINK! No C&P for you!". Expect more and weirder 'bugs' to follow as time goes on.

- It used to be 3D AAA games forced users into a hardware upgrade treadmill. Now it's bloated, disgustingly huge websites that provide no more content and features than HTML/php based sites did 15, 20 years ago. Of course, if you are stuck with an "Obama phone", with a measly 2GB data cap, and need to access critical, life saving services, you are SOL.
'Not that it matters' because a phone like that is "socalism", and as all Americans have been monstered into thinking, will cause us to be under the hammer and sicle and addressing one another as "comrade".

Even those of us with All American 100% Capitalist phones feel the sting, because every mobile company has (slightly higher) data caps as well.

- Websites are getting bigger and bigger and bigger, loaded up with MEGABYTES of Javashit frameworks, bloating up pages to an extreme size.

What would've been 20 kilobytes text only, ballooning to maybe 40 kilobytes when HTML formatting is in use, 20 years ago, is now a WHOPPING 5 megabytes or MORE. And the byte size only goes up while actual useful content is actually DECREASING. Add that to the increasing number of companies that are implementing data caps, and it's clear this is ripe for abuse by ISPs and websites who are likely in cahoots with each other to profit off of this scheme (in addition to the Javashit ads that are a big attack vector for malware).

- The general web experience has become much more and more combative to the point using the web makes me feel stressed and exhausted.

- Every website wants to spam you with "notifications". Every. Single. Website. (Rant Rampage being one of the very few exceptions). I am to the point now I am ready to look up methods of ripping the notification subsystem out entirely from every Android and Windows device I own.

- I am shocked and horrified that when companies insist on shoving ads through every vector they can find, right down to the _OPERATING SYSTEM ITSELF_ people defend this behavior with "well the companies have every right to make money" and even launch an attack on the complainer, accusing him or her of "wanting something for nothing". The fact that most people alive nowadays have been monstered into this kind of thinking scince birth should cause people to vomit out their insides with disgust.

- According to the book of Slashdot, expect more invasive advertising in vehicle "infotainment" systems that cannot be disabled, with the cameras used for the drive system being used to scan roadside billboards and "provide more info".

- Everything is an "app" these days. Every modern computer, every tablet, every phone has a web browser that is 100% percent capable of doing everything these "apps" do and more, but we are expected to fill up our devices' memories with "apps" that are nothing more than a stripped down and specifically tailored web browser for the sites that want you to "get the app". But this is not for our convenience (that's just a side effect), but to control content, closing the "disable Javashit right click/long press disabler" hole, and add additional telemetry (privacy invasion)

- Google is the king of the Captcha Cartel. Yes, click on the buses, blue cars, street signs, etc, so they can further enhance their "driverless AI". What a wonderful racket they got going on here- free labor through monstering users who just want to get to the content they seek. Of course "iTz fOr tEh sEcUrItY". People will kneel down and suck dick when they are told it's helping to stop terrorism, so why not take advantage of this sheeple mindset? (their thinking)

- Everything is Javashit these days, offloading the work to the user's device or computer. This gives the benefit to companies of forcing the user to have Javashit enabled to view even text-only content, and thus monster them with abusive overlays, notification spam, and every other user hostile experience these companies can dream of. What does the user get out of all this? Slow interfaces, fast draining batteries, wasted metered data, and devices that heat up.

- Everything needs to be "protected" these days, because every user is seen as a dirty, rotten, filthy content pirate.

- Recently, Google Groups changed from an interface that was 100% useable on mobile devices. But then they announced that they were "improving" the groups (gulp). I'm sure a lot of you know what "improved" actually means, and feel your heart drop a bit into your stomach whenever you hear that word. Predictably, the nags came to "switch to the new groups" which I kept ignoring and ignoring. Of course, the nags came with a little *suggestion box, to make people falsely believe they have any say in this, but in reality, anything typed in those boxes gets sent to /dev/null.

Of course, 'doomsday' came, the change was forced upon everybody, and now what was a clean, fast interface became a total cluster fuck of enlarged text, less useable screen real estate, and of course, everything is much slower. As the icing on this shit cake, you now have to use "request desktop site" to actually post anything. And there is the weird jumping around when trying to post through mobile that turns GG into a video game I never wanted to play.

GG on an actual desktop isn't really much better.

- * If you believe anybody reads what's posted through "feedback" forms, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you cheap...

- Growing up, I thought the point of computers were to make tasks easier, not to mention computers were not supposed to be able to be impatient. The whole core of computing is automation.
At some point, that all changed. The amount of clicks required to anything, even the simplest of tasks shot up dramatically over the years. Forget automated scripting of anything, that just makes you a filthy, evil hacker. You are expected to click, click, click, click, like a monkey, in order to get your 'treat' (and so they can shove useless garbage into your face while doing so). Time outs have also increased dramatically.

- It seems epilepsy has been cured in this world, yet somehow I was not informed. The amount of zooming, warping, sparkling, and other useless animated eye candy in even a basic GUI, not to mention the web these days is enough to test the most hardy, non seizure prone among us.


Feb 19, 2023, 11:29:32 AM2/19/23
even more so now.
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