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Ian Vincent

Dec 27, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/27/96

Anybody see this film last night? Looked very much like a Pilot to me, if so
did anything more come of it? For anybody that didn't see it, it was very
much the same premise as Sliders but more entertaining.

_ Ian "Vinny" Vincent <>
>(o) RnD designer to the stars (and chickens).
( //) Accessing the internet on an A1200 ('030 50MHz)

Dr Morbius

Dec 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/28/96

In article <>, Ian Vincent
<> writes

>Anybody see this film last night? Looked very much like a Pilot to me, if so
>did anything more come of it? For anybody that didn't see it, it was very
>much the same premise as Sliders but more entertaining.

Did see and thought it had more scope than sliders. As far as I am aware
this was NOT taken up.

Dr Morbius

"Then I'll tell the Truth. We're allowed to do that in emergencies.
We can't plan for everything, you know."
Colonel Hyrum Graff - Enders Game.

<-Alan S. Ward, London, Uk----> <ALTAIR 4 -- Home of the KRELL>

Simon H

Dec 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/28/96

In article <>, Dr Morbius ( writes:
>In article <>, Ian Vincent
><> writes
>>Anybody see this film last night? Looked very much like a Pilot to me, if so
>>did anything more come of it? For anybody that didn't see it, it was very
>>much the same premise as Sliders but more entertaining.
>Did see and thought it had more scope than sliders. As far as I am aware
>this was NOT taken up.

I suspect that it got rehashed as 'Sliders'. Anyone know whats
happening with that show? I heard something about one of the major
characters died in an accident or something.



-- ________________
Simon H | ,o888b,`?888 Nature says only a few words: | ,88( )888 ?8 High wind does not last long.
Tel. no. 0973 618774 | 8888888P' 8 Nor does heavy rain.
| 888P' 8 If nature's word do not last
| `88 (*) d8 Why should those of man?
|___`?._ _.o888 (Lao Tzu)


Dec 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/29/96

IV>: >>Anybody see this film last night? Looked very much like a Pilot to me, i
>: >>did anything more come of it? For anybody that didn't see it, it was ver
>: >>much the same premise as Sliders but more entertaining.

>: >>
>: >
>: >Did see and thought it had more scope than sliders. As far as I am aware
>: >this was NOT taken up.
>: I suspect that it got rehashed as 'Sliders'. Anyone know whats
>: happening with that show? I heard something about one of the major
>: characters died in an accident or something.

The movie was the pilot for a series, it was the brainchild of
George R R Martin, multi award winning sf writer and graduate of the
Beauty and the Beast TV series. In short, it was an excellent, well
thought out, coherent concept, with interesting and believable
characters which could have become a real sf tv classic. Suffice it to
say that the suits beat it to death with large sticks, as is their
standard policy. What is interesting is that Mr Martin was putting
together a writing staff and story concepts for a possible series, and
was approached by the guy who went on to pitch and get backing for
Sliders. Mr Martin rejected ALL of his ideas as derivative, contrived,
or just plain dumb.... after the Sliders pilot got green lighted, Mr
Martin posted a fairly vitriolic note about the background to all this.
As far as i know, Mr Martin is no longer pitching ideas to TV

Some days, there really ain't no justice......

Cheers, PJP

* 1st 2.00 #339 * Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!


Dec 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/30/96

(Continued from previous message)
the pilot to Fox after ABC chose to go with LOIS & CLARK. Fox passed at
that time. The six back-up scripts were also shown to Fox, but I have no
idea whether they read them.

DOORWAYS has been released in many foreign countries on video, but not in
the US. Nor has ABC screened it. Someone above posted that they had
scheduled it for ninety minutes but cancelled it when they realized it was
two hours long. This is _almost_ correct, except for the lengths. ABC
paid for and has the rights to telecast the ninety-minute version. They
scheduled it for a _one hour_ slot, well over a year ago, and had to pull
it. Ninety minute slots are very hard to program. A two-hour version of
DOORWAYS does exist; that is the version released in Europe, Mexico,
Australia and elsewhere on video. ABC does not have rights to that
version, as they paid only for the ninety-minute and refused to up the
ante when we ran over budget and Columbia asked them for more money.

I hope that DOORWAYS will someday be seen, but I can't say how or when.
The chances of it becoming a series are extremely remote. It pains me
vastly to say that, since I believe DOORWAYS is as good as any work I have
ever done, and had it aired, it would have bid fair to be one of the best
SF series in the history of television. The writing was damn fair too.
We had six back-up scripts ordered -- a very high number, ABC was _very_
gung-ho about this show once -- by some very fine writers, including
Michael Cassutt, Edward Zuckerman, and Steve deJarnett, and our lead
actors were sensational. George Newbern is a very fine and likeable young
actor, as those who have seen in FATHER OF THE BRIDE and DESIGNING WOMEN
and his many other roles can testify. And Anne LeGuernec was simply
magic, a French actress utterly unlike anyone on television. If DOORWAYS
have gone, I believe Anne would have become a major star.

SLIDERS is utterly unlike DOORWAYS in its characters, stories, tone, and
general intelligence level. SLIDERS is relentleslly dumb; DOORWAYS tried
at least to be smart. DOORWAYS had humorous moments -- I believe humor is
essential in television -- but we strove to be witty and quirky, and the
main thrust of the show was drama and action/adventure. SLIDERS has a lot
more humor and that humor is broader, louder, and, well, dumber. If we
were trying for a touch of Woody Allen, they are trying Benny Hill. That's
avery crude metaphor, but it give you the idea.

They are two very different shows, but the _concept_ is pretty much
identical. Each week the lead characters travel to another alternate
world. Unfortunately, in television, concept is all. If I did a show
about a pair of FBI agents investigating paranormal activity, the
characters and tone would likely be utterly different from X-FILES, but
the series would still never get on the air, because the executives look
only at the concept. In that sense, SLIDERS has effectively killed
whatever small chances I have remaining to launch DOORWAYS... but those
chances were one in a million anyway.

I said that the concepts were "pretty much" identical. There _is_ a small
difference. In DOORWAYS, the heroes were being pursued by a bad guy from
Cat's original world. On SLIDERS, I guess they are just adventuring
around, without the pursuit element. Alas, in the judgment of people I
trust, the distinction is not sufficient to distinguish the two shows in
the minds of executives.

There is currently no lawsuit. At one point I strongly considered suing,
and a number of lawyers felt I had a good case, but I was finally put off
the thought of the time and money involved. Subsequently, I have been
told that Torme was "thinking and talking" about SLIDERS well before I did
DOORWAYS. If indeed he could produce sufficiently witnesses to prove
that, he would likely win in court... and it would be wrong of me to file.
If he could not prove it, my lawyers say I would likely win. I am
presently disinclined to gamble $50,000 to $100,00 on the result.

I have met Tracy Torme only once in my life, at a panel we were both on at
the WRiter's Guild. I have no idea how truthful he is. We have one
mutual friend who assures me that Torme is a "stand-up guy" who would
never do anything unethical. We have another mutual friends who thinks,
well, quite otherwise. Me, I don't know what to think.

I will go back and check and see if I've corrected all the mistatements.
If not, I'll add a few further remarks to get the facts straight. If so,
however, let this be my last word on the subject. I know that people are
curious, and I do appreciate all the support I've gotten from friends, but
I feel like a recently bereaved mother whose friends keep saying, "So,
could you tell us again how your baby died?" I will be glad to discuss
DOORWAYS, but I am sick unto death of SLIDERS. I hope it goes away soon.


David Strauss <*> Administrator, N.Y. Islanders Mailing List
Why are many scientists using lawyers for medical experiments
instead of rats? a) There are more lawyers than rats; b) The
scientists don't become as emotionally attached to them; c) There
are some things that even rats won't do for money.

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* 1st 2.00 #339 * Putting your foot in your mouth makes you talk through your


Dec 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/30/96

IV>: >>Anybody see this film last night? Looked very much like a Pilot to me, i
>: >>did anything more come of it? For anybody that didn't see it, it was ver
>: >>much the same premise as Sliders but more entertaining.
>: >>
>: >
>: >Did see and thought it had more scope than sliders. As far as I am aware
>: >this was NOT taken up.
>: I suspect that it got rehashed as 'Sliders'. Anyone know whats
>: happening with that show? I heard something about one of the major
>: characters died in an accident or something.

PP> The movie was the pilot for a series, it was the brainchild of

>George R R Martin, multi award winning sf writer and graduate of the
>Beauty and the Beast TV series. In short, it was an excellent, well
>thought out, coherent concept, with interesting and believable
>characters which could have become a real sf tv classic. Suffice it to
>say that the suits beat it to death with large sticks, as is their
>standard policy. What is interesting is that Mr Martin was putting
>together a writing staff and story concepts for a possible series, and
>was approached by the guy who went on to pitch and get backing for
>Sliders. Mr Martin rejected ALL of his ideas as derivative, contrived,
>or just plain dumb.... after the Sliders pilot got green lighted, Mr
>Martin posted a fairly vitriolic note about the background to all this.
>As far as i know, Mr Martin is no longer pitching ideas to TV

And other days, the only reason i open my mouth is to change
feet.... I seem to have suffered what can only be described as a major
brain fade and have perpetrated a grievous injustice. For this i
abjectly apologise, and herewith present the CORRECT original post to
which i incorrectly alluded above. Excuse me now, I have to go mash my
typing fingers to a pulp....

Subject: Re: What happened to "Doorways" ?
From: (David Strauss)
Date: 1996/01/17
Message-Id: <>
References: <4cn4ft$l...@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> <vl.821170210@access> <4cuc4r$>
Organization: Psi_Corps_Council_of_Elders

In article <4cuc4r$>,
Gharlane of Eddore <> wrote:
>Oh, grow up. GRRM was the first to set it up for a *TV SERIES*, and
>the series concept was rightfully his; it is a matter of record that
>Tracy Torme requested a copy of the "DOORS" series format and wanted to
>write for the series. It is also a matter of record that Torme
>came up with his watered-down, less-well-conceived, "SLIDERS" a
>year or two later.

Here, for the record, is GRRM's comments:

SFRT II RoundTable
Category 15, Topic 18
Message 244 Mon Apr 17, 1995
G.MARTIN15 [GRRM] at 22:11 EDT

I had vowed not to discuss the DOORWAYS/SLIDERS situation any further, but
a great deal of rumor and misinformation is getting passed around here,
and the more things get repeated, the more distorted they become. GEnie
and the Internet obviously function like the old game of "telephone" here,
with people paraphrasing bits of news they've heard, and the facts
malforming further with every repetition.

So... sigh... let me set some facts straight.

I have never been asked to write for SLIDERS. For obvious reasons... at
least they are obvious to _me_. My reply, if asked, would likely be

Tracy Torme, the writer/creator of SLIDERS, was never involved in
DOORWAYS, nor did he ask to write for the show... at least not directly.
At the time when it appeared that DOORWAYS would be on the ABC Fall 1993
schedule, Torme's _agent_ approached me while I was visiting my own agent
(we are both represented by ICM) and said that his client had read the
script, loved the concept, and would be interesting in writing for the
show if we went to series. A mutual friend (named Harlan Ellison) has
subsequently told me that Torme says he has "never" read the DOORWAYS
script and never expressed any interest in writing for it. I have no way
of knowing, one way or the other. I have a great deal of respect for
Harlan and if he says that Torme says this, I believe that Torme says
this. It was not Torme who approached me: it was Torme's agent, speaking
on behalf of Torme. I have been in the business long enough to know that
agents sometimes, well... emrbroider if they smell a job.

At any rate: I was never involved in any aspect of Torme's show and he was
he was involved in any aspect of mine.

DOORWAYS was pitched to the Fox network on the samek day it was pitched to
ABC; at that time, the Fox execs told me they loved it, it was very
original, they'd think about it. ABC bought it before they finished
thinking. Almost two years later, when DOORWAYS was complete, we showed
(Continued to next message)

Ian Vincent

Dec 31, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/31/96

PETER POOLE ( wrote:


Thank you Peter, very informative.


I Ian "Vinny" Vincent <> I Say NO to the ID card!!! I
I Accessing the Internet on an AMIGA I I

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