Anyone else admit to watching Doctors - and think it's gone very weird
in the last week or so? That lunch with the chilis, _and_ today's VR
thing - one or other, but both in a short time seems very odd. Couldn't
help wondering if this was part of an attempt to put off the audience,
given that they'd decided to axe it (presumably just working through the
ones they have in the can).
The series _can_ (OK, could, as it's dead) be very good; I remember one
episode which was almost a one-hander with the policeman happening to be
in the health centre and answering the 'phone from a little girl saying
"Mummy's not moving" or similar. (Haven't fount that one on iPlayer, but
there are so many episodes there that it's difficult to search. It was
first on before about July 2022, possibly some time before.)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)Ar@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
Veni Vidi Vacuum [I came, I saw, It sucked] -, 1998