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Re: Inside the Factory

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Jim the Geordie

Apr 12, 2023, 1:29:39 PM4/12/23
In article <>,
pe...@parksidewood.nospam says...
> Interesting that the pie factory in this week's programme has gone
> bust. I wonder if the programme makers give a company's accounts the
> onceover before deciding to feature it, especially one that's family
> owned.
> While the production process didn't put me off pork pies the finished
> product didn't look very appealing. Anyone know who they supply?

I suspect the grinning buffoon presenting what is otherwise an
informative programme didn't help. Vale of Mowbrey must have been
pushing their luck too.

Jim the Geordie

Arthur Conan Doyle

Apr 12, 2023, 3:33:14 PM4/12/23
Jim the Geordie <> wrote:

>Vale of Mowbrey must have been pushing their luck too.

Spouse and I both noted as we were watching that there was far too much
production labor required and that a number of the processes could easily have
been automated. Especially the placement of the dough in the cups. Easy to see
how material cost increases and labor shortages killed the company.

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Mike Swift

Apr 12, 2023, 7:54:12 PM4/12/23
In article <9m1e3i9db5l4hbvb83fmtv27mriojpar33@None>, Arthur Conan Doyle
<> writes
>>Vale of Mowbrey must have been pushing their luck too.
>Spouse and I both noted as we were watching that there was far too much
>production labor required and that a number of the processes could easily
>have been automated. Especially the placement of the dough in the cups.
>Easy to see how material cost increases and labor shortages killed the

I suspect gas prices didn't help either.


Michael Swift We do not regard Englishmen as foreigners.
Kirkheaton We look on them only as rather mad Norwegians.
Yorkshire Halvard Lange

Peter Johnson

Apr 13, 2023, 11:09:12 AM4/13/23

Since they were at the jaffa cake factory, the previous episode, the
pack size has been reduced from twelve to ten.

Jim the Geordie

Apr 13, 2023, 2:43:26 PM4/13/23
In article <>,
pe...@parksidewood.nospam says...
> Since they were at the jaffa cake factory, the previous episode, the
> pack size has been reduced from twelve to ten.

Morrison's own brand are much cheaper and identical.

Jim the Geordie

Gordon Freeman

Apr 15, 2023, 11:42:17 AM4/15/23
Jim the Geordie <> wrote:

But are they cakes or biscuits?

Jim the Geordie

Apr 16, 2023, 6:22:18 AM4/16/23
In article <XnsAFE7A9F...@>, Gor...@freeman.invalid

Jim the Geordie
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