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Re: BBC 4 Stonehenge and Alisce Roberts

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Richard Evans

Feb 14, 2021, 11:20:24 AM2/14/21
On 13/02/2021 13:31, Martin wrote:
> If the stone age Brits really dragged Blue Stones weighing between 1 and 3 tons
> from Prescelli ( spelling) to Salisbury plain, why did they not limit maximum
> size to one ton? and why oh why does Prof Alice Roberts keep dying her hair red.
> This time it was so read that she wore a woolly hat to hide most of it.
I haven't got around to watching it yet, but it should be waiting on my

Interestingly I saw something recently about music from stones. I can't
remember where. Certain types of rock resonate in ways that sound
pleasing. They thought perhaps the Blue Stones at Stonehenge may have
been percussion instruments. So maybe Stonehenge was some type of
ancient music theatre.


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Stephen Wolstenholme

Feb 15, 2021, 10:00:40 AM2/15/21
On Sat, 13 Feb 2021 14:31:39 +0100, Martin <m...@address.invalid> wrote:

>If the stone age Brits really dragged Blue Stones weighing between 1 and 3 tons
>from Prescelli ( spelling) to Salisbury plain, why did they not limit maximum
>size to one ton? and why oh why does Prof Alice Roberts keep dying her hair red.
>This time it was so read that she wore a woolly hat to hide most of it.

Is "Blue Stone" a term for non local stone? It is not blue.


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