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A clarification

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Tim Minear

2001年11月27日 晚上11:34:242001/11/27
Just wanna be clear about something -- when I said that David Hines' praise is
"invalidated" I didn't in any way mean that his point of view is not valid or
that he's "wrong." I happen to think he's a very smart guy who has terrific
perception. My comment was meant strictly and only from *my* point of view --
in terms of what he says having validity *for the guy that he's criticizing.*

If that makes the least bit of sense.

Let me see if I can use words to transmit ideas...

From the point view of the writer, me, since I don't agree with what he's
saying in his latest review which happens to be a slam, it sort of obligates me
to season with salt any head-swelling praise from him for past efforts. To not
be sober about this, as the writer, would be crazy making.

I kind of have a unique relationship to his reviews of my own work that others
would not have. And no matter what any viewer's individual tastes may be, I
gotta just keep churning out the junk food.

Niall Harrison

2001年11月28日 中午12:02:042001/11/28
Previously, on - Tim Minear wrote:

> Let me see if I can use words to transmit ideas...

You know, I reckon you've got quite a talent for that. Getting your point
across clearly 'n stuff. Ever thought of turning pro? :-)

> From the point view of the writer, me, since I don't agree with what he's
> saying in his latest review which happens to be a slam, it sort of
> obligates me to season with salt any head-swelling praise from him for
> past efforts. To not be sober about this, as the writer, would be crazy
> making.

Indeed. And not that we want your head to swell, or anything, since that
sounds painful - but for the record, most people I've shown that review to
have gone 'huh?'. With, say, 'That Old Gang Of Mine' it was like, 'OK, I
see his point'. But here? People wonder if they saw the same episode.


Burn baby burn.

Tim Minear

2001年11月29日 凌晨1:50:282001/11/29
Spoiler space, I suppose

>>With, say, 'That Old Gang Of Mine' it was like, 'OK, I see his point'.<<

Know what? Me too. In fact, David seemed to like that ep A LOT more than I
ever did. Interesting, that.


2001年11月29日 上午11:46:312001/11/29

"Tim Minear" <> wrote in message

you know, it's conversations like this, that make it really hard to hold off
on S3 discussion until January.
i really need more patience.


Loz Pycock

2001年11月29日 下午5:37:202001/11/29
And I would like to add that just because I ummm... personally didn't
li- ahhh, found that the direction that later seasons of 'Lois and
Clark' took was not to my liking that in no way was meant to suggest
that Tim Minear, the male Glorificus, was in any way to blame.

And when I say 'the male Glorificus', I don't mean to suggest that Tim
keeps small hobbits enslaved to attend to his merest whim or does
weird things with snakes.


"She'll be male and female and in-between, she'll preen, then crack
her mirror, crack a beer and watch Love Connection." Alix Olson- Daughter.
"I hate Nazi sex midgets." Channon, Transmetropolitan #49.

Niall Harrison

2001年11月30日 清晨5:35:152001/11/30
Previously, on - Tafka wrote:
> (Tim Minear) on 29 Nov 2001 06:50:28 GMT in
> said:

>>>>With, say, '[TOGOM]' it was like, 'OK, I see his point'.<<

>>Know what? Me too. In fact, David seemed to like that ep A LOT more than I
>>ever did. Interesting, that.

> Tim; just a quick question...
> Of the episodes of Angel you've written and/or directed... is there
> any kind of order for your favourite episodes?

Well, we know that back in april he was particularly pleased with


I've got a dragon here, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Mattia Valente

2001年11月30日 清晨5:54:112001/11/30

Yep. And still was in late September, so.... And there's 'Darla', as
well, also linked to somewhere on one of those transcript-y pages.

"My beagle went swimming today and now he's typing on my keyboard with
his ample nose. Oh, and he's the bestest handsomeest beagle EVER."
--Tim Minear,, May 2001

Niall Harrison

2001年12月2日 下午4:08:042001/12/2

Tell me about it. It's taken all my willpower not to say anything. :-)


I want to be someone else or I'll explode.

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