I wonder if it got chaps in cricket flannels?
Abuse report sent.
|I wonder if it got chaps in cricket flannels?
Hmmmm, chaps in cricket flannels :)
On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow | Niles
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief | ICQ UIN 12724766
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(Music to beat your wife to #2)
All day the Waggle's wail resounds,
For, though he's good and dutiful,
He'd give you quite a thousand pounds
If you could make him beautiful.
>From "The Zoo That Never Was"
whose gig would that be, i wonder? would minimalist music or some
thrashing repetitive pop stuff be uniform enough?
>Abuse report sent.
we never get to do that, since the university news spool correctly
identifies twaddle such as this as spam and junks it.
Robin Fairbairns, Cambridge
>Mike Brown <mi...@mb21.co.uk> wrote:
>|I wonder if it got chaps in cricket flannels?
>Hmmmm, chaps in cricket flannels :)
Hmmmmmmm chaps out of cricket flannels:-) :-)
A girl can dream.
Topple Pip,
Mike McMillan, Mike Sounds, Digital Sound Recording, Editing and CD Production
Tel: (+44) 0118 9265450 - Fax: (+44) 0118 9668167
Website: <http://www.mikesounds.demon.co.uk>
Did anyone else see Outside Edge on tv yesterday? It was on Granada
Plus I think. An old film I had seen before, and I'd seen the play
too. It is very funny and has a cast packed with familiar faces.
All about a Sunday afternoon at a suburban cricket club.
Telegraph poles only hit cars in self-defence.
Why, has she been LUHGWAF ?
>Did anyone else see Outside Edge on tv yesterday? It was on Granada
>Plus I think. An old film I had seen before, and I'd seen the play
>too. It is very funny and has a cast packed with familiar faces.
>All about a Sunday afternoon at a suburban cricket club.
I think I saw it on TV first time round - was it the one with Josie
Lawrence playing one of the long-suffering wives? I enjoyed it.
Tony Gardner
It was Maureen Lipman in the film.
None of your business,but I do like to laugh in bed.
Douglas Adams memorial sig
"Sadly, the cat dies." Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
I'll just get out of these clothes then.....
Never heard that quote before but he's entirely correct.
Swerving towards the subject line, what's the attraction of uniform sex? I
always think its diversity and unpredicability are amongst its major
attractions. Making it homogenised, standardised and uniform will take a lot
away from it.
Stephen Tilley - Ordinary Person - um...@aol.com
"Only small dogs in cages and guide dogs will be accepted on connecting bus
services" - Silverlink
The Sam Brown belt.
>Swerving towards the subject line, what's the attraction of uniform sex? I
>always think its diversity and unpredicability are amongst its major
>attractions. Making it homogenised, standardised and uniform will take a lot
>away from it.
It is no longer socially acceptable to be anti-homogenised.
Cheers, Kimbo
Best of umra at www.totternhoe.demon.co.uk & click on the chicken!
BT winner FAUX award 2000 & Special Distasteful Category Award 1999
GULP & PHIL - Strumpet Extraordinaire & Founding FONT
I see Mr Barrymore is being held by the fuzz. Apparently he didn't understand
the rules of pool.
got him by the short and curlies?
chris harrison
Depends on the uniform
That should bring tears to his eyes
You wear your green wellies in bed?
Forty reasons why a dog is better than a woman: number 41
A dog can't read your payslip.
umra Nicknames & Abbreviations http://www.bigwig.net/umra/nicks.html
A cruel and unusual treatment, shirley?
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Trust me, I'm a webmaster......
>On Tue, 05 Jun 2001 20:16:08 +0100, Elizabeth
><numb...@freedombird.net> stopped me and said...
>>On Mon, 04 Jun 2001 08:36:11 +0100, BrritSki
>><Brri...@inameNOSPAM.com> wrote:
>>>Why, has she been LUHGWAF ?
>>None of your business,but I do like to laugh in bed.
>You wear your green wellies in bed?
We all have our kinks,let's see what the BBC makes of that :-)