On 24-Nov-23 20:45, Serena Blanchflower wrote:
> On 24/11/2023 18:01, Sally Thompson wrote:
>> Serena Blanchflower <
nos...@blanchflower.me.uk> wrote:
>>> On 23/11/2023 18:20, Sam Plusnet wrote:
>>>> On 23-Nov-23 13:25, Clive Arthur wrote:
>>>>> On 23/11/2023 12:05, Serena Blanchflower wrote:
>>>>>> Although I have a feeling that it may be superseded by the Miles (or
>>>>>> possibly, Bruce) storyline, as Rob's family want control of the only
>>>>>> Titchener grandchild.
>>>>> In the admittedly unlikely event that Rob died intestate, Jack would
>>>>> get the lot, whatever that is, I think.
>>>>> There's certainly room for mischief-making from beyond the grave.
>>>> Bequest conditional on a name change to Gideon?
>>> That does sound all too believable. He'd probably want him to be a
>>> Titchener, as well as being Gideon.
>> IANAL but I don't think such conditions are enforceable.
> Like you, IANAL, but I'm sure you're right. Even if you weren't able to
> simply ignore such condition, I'm confident that it's a term that the
> court would be happy to strike out. Either way, and especially with
> Miles stirring things, as executor and trustee, it would greatly add to
> Helen's angst.