For example : When Jamie Oliver dies, maybe we could use his ashes in the
non-stick surfaces of frying pans ?
Personally, I want to be melted down, and made into women's soap products
Anyone else have any wishes for their remains ?
> Anyone else have any wishes for their remains ?
I want to be put out with the bins on Monday night. I can't really be
bothered with all that funeral stuff.
> For example : When Jamie Oliver dies, maybe we could use his ashes in the
> non-stick surfaces of frying pans ?
How do they stick non-stick material to frying pans?
> Personally, I want to be melted down, and made into women's soap products
And probably end up washing the arse of some hairy fella using his wifes
I never wish I was not what I was not when I didn't wish what I was not was
not what I am not.
> I want to be put out with the bins on Monday night. I can't really be
> bothered with all that funeral stuff.
So you can wake the neighbourhood up on Tuesday morning ? ;-)
> How do they stick non-stick material to frying pans?
Ummm, that's a good question....
> And probably end up washing the arse of some hairy fella using his wifes
> soap.
True, bad idea
I wonder if Sharon Stone lends her bicycle saddle out
> We all know what Prince Jug-Ears of Wales wants to be ......
They should turn him into porno-mags
Coz he's not worth a "toss" while he's alive
They bake it on.
> They bake it on.
But then we bake things in non-stick surfaced baking trays
how come it doesn't come off on our food ?
Ci Du
Allan Webber <> wrote in message
> At the office, we are currently discussing the recent craze in Hollywood,
> having your ashes shot into space. I say, what a waste! Surely we could
> these ashes to better use.
> For example : When Jamie Oliver dies, maybe we could use his ashes in the
> non-stick surfaces of frying pans ?
> Personally, I want to be melted down, and made into women's soap products
> Anyone else have any wishes for their remains ?
> Allan
> --
> I would like to be recycled as varnish.
> I know it means a sticky end, but what a lovely finish !
Oh lordy.............
I mean, who wants to come back as a tin of condensed milk ?
What's that ?------------ Well I said you wouldn't, isn't it?
Ci Du
Allan Webber <> wrote in message
>Tim Gordon wrote:
>> I want to be put out with the bins on Monday night. I can't really be
>> bothered with all that funeral stuff.
>So you can wake the neighbourhood up on Tuesday morning ? ;-)
>> How do they stick non-stick material to frying pans?
>Ummm, that's a good question....
Do you really want to know?
They etch the bare metal pan with acid, and the Teflon clings onto the
little pits.
Oh you didn't really want to know? Sorry.
Wasn't there a member of the House Of Lords who recently said he
wanted his body to be donated to Battersea Dogs Home? I suppose being
put out with the bins would probably amount to much the same in the
> Do you really want to know?
> They etch the bare metal pan with acid, and the Teflon clings onto the
> little pits.
> Oh you didn't really want to know? Sorry.
Thanks - You learn something every day.
Perhaps you can also explain why women spend hours plucking out their eyebrows,
only to draw them back in afterwards with a pencil ?