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Yahweh lives in Milngavie

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Apr 16, 2015, 3:06:56 AM4/16/15
Yahweh lives in Milngavie

Welcome to Refined.

1. Now that "You know who I am". You clearly see that I sit on my own but I am never alone. I am in a model Church that Father designed. There are a hand-fool of luci-lovers who think they are invisible. I am not phased. The Beautiful Bible tells me to let the bad be bad and let the good be good. The bad do not believe in Judgement, neither did Pharaoh. I will not be a burden to the Kirk. Stay firmly on God's path "The Jesus Way" not the West Highland Way (see below). Message for those with ears, I am with you all the way (eternally).

2. REFINE..... I will refine my previous teachings from The Christ Messenger and The True Church of Jesus Christ (and other). I shall also get personal with you and write about things you do not yet know. I will keep it very simple (numbered) to help you cross reference. I will teach you how the satan/lucifer/lovers operate, using their tactics, codes, words, symbols and numbers, etc. Fact, the luci-lovers fully intend to destroy Christianity. I give you my Word that I shall not fabricate anything or lie to you. This is a live (in the flesh) journey. I will provide updates, messages and guidance as it comes through. I will build my (our) Church (Kirk) to the glory of God the Father. Rejoice (feel good) and remain humble. This applies to You (all Christians and Righteous people) wherever you are on God's Earth. Your heart is known to God.

3. LUCI-LIGHTS..... Understand that we (God's family) are "Passin' the time till Father's Sign". I tell you again, do not worry. Also take on board that I/we are being made ready. You must know your enemy satan (which the satanic elite prefer to call lucifer). I shall teach you and with each lesson we will tear strips from luci's illuminated delusion (smile). False god lucifer is also known as the light carrier or light bearer, etc. The luci-lovers are instantly hypnotised just by the code-words "Light, Shine, Torch, Bright, Illuminate", ditto carrying the satanic elite's baton/torch. I refer to them as "luci-lights". The much talked about satanic "Illuminati" just means illuminate (light up), don't be fooled by the rothschild media hype and disinformation about these elitist twats who want total control. It is all just luci-lights tosh. The masons are conned into believing they have to search for the light, hear me, there is only one light and His name is Jesus. More later.

4. APOCALYPSE..... On 3rd June 2014 a messenger (human) timely gave me a used copy of Mel Gibson's movie "Apocalypto". I seldom watch satanic hollywood movies. The Spirit of God and satan can easily use people or angels as messengers and other. This is why I await guidance on each message as I know how evil and crafty the slitherer is. It is so easy for satan and legion to steer humans down the wrong path, take heed.

5. HIGH (lucifer)..... The Spirit of God (my older twin brother) recently showed me what the meaning of the word "High" means. You see, satan who is aka lucifer is known to the luci-lovers as the Most High. The One and only God of the Bible is the Most High, there are no other Gods. This idiotic plan by satan/luci to exalt himself is strongly believed by his idiotic followers. The word "High" is 100% code used by masons to recognise each other and to curse non-masons. Don't worry, the curses do not work. It is just clever psychology (hypnotism) by the educated satanic elite on the low level masons who haven't got a clue (useful idiots). Now I told you that the luci-lovers have stolen and reversed everything from the Beautiful Bible. High Visibility jackets and vests are used, they will also drive with them on or leave them as a visual in their vehicle. They will not get a parking ticket from their masonic pretend brothers and sisters. I told you that the letter "V" is associated by the luci-lovers as venus/satan/luci. The High Visibility has a double coded meaning to the satanic criminal masons, High V (luci most high) is what it means.

Now do you understand why I sprayed "Psalm 119" on the back of my High Visibility jacket to fight the satanic masons. Do not think I am joking when I tell you that the "High Five" is masonic code. I will prove to you that God and satan designed Milngavie (New Kilpatrick Parish - Ki =119) and sent me here as part of God's plan. About 35 years ago, some pretend friends (eastern star masons from London) and I attempted to do the West HIGHland Way (WHW). We had just got past Inverarnan (top of Loch Lomond) and on the side of a hill, my achilles heel strained (bruised heel) and I had to hobble back to Ardlui (Lui) Train Station. The other guys completed their walk and later, they over emphasised the bit about the Devils Staircase at Kinlochleven (Ki=119). Even today, my heel still gets painful while out walking the dog. Incidentally, at the start of the WHW in Milngavie, there is a stone obelisk engraved with the masonic order of the thistle. The masons are crying with laughter at you with your blinkers on. Yes, the masons who constantly search for the light (there is no true light for evil, only eternal darkness) and worship luci on the the WHW. Do your research on satanic hollywood's Highlander movie and series, just type in "Occultic Highlander" or "Esoteric Highlander" into different search engines. Jesus loves you, satan hates you. More later.

6. CREATOR..... On Tues eve 13th May 2014 at around 11pm, I took our dog Grace into the back garden for a pee. I looked up at the full Moon and suddenly I was told "Father, you made this". I replied "What, I made this?" as I was still looking at the Moon. The Messenger (divine) said "Yes, you made this, write it down". I no longer argue or ignore messages as I have learned to follow guidance. Anything is possible with God.

7. YOU KNOW WHO I AM..... When I was about 15 years old in 1970, I just did not get this message. But I now know that I wasn't ready and neither was Father. I stole a guy's record collection (yes, I was a thief and I still feel bad about it). There was Leonard Cohen's first two albums (records). When I played these (over and over), I was totally mesmerised by his haunting voice and sublime lyrics. Cohen is Jewish and I knew nothing about the Bible then. But Leonard Cohen's songs and lyrics had me hypnotised for 40 years. I checked him out recently and read that he is not a Christian but has real knowledge of God's Word. It is strange how God works because this Jewish guy sang about "Jesus walked upon the water" (in Suzanne) and the beautiful song "Story of Isaac". Also the lyric "He was just some Joseph looking for a manger" (in the Stranger song). He has many other references to God but the one lyric that haunted me for 40 years is " You know who I am, You've stared at the Sun, For I am the one who loves changing from nothing to one". The song is called "You know who I am" and in the Bible satan is associated with the Moon and Jesus is associated with the Sun. Trust me, our Father knew I would tell you this in 2014, so did gay satan and he is not a happy chappy (grin).

8. THE END..... I have recently told you, this is the end for all evil. I have foretold evil to run to the hills. Not one of them shall escape Judgement. Of course I also have to let the mockers have their last mock, take it away, enjoy your day.

9. TRUMPET..... The Messenger (human) gave me a brass trumpet last week. I have placed it beside my Lamp on my bedroom window. I managed to get a single note from it. I may try again. I am more used to playing stringed instruments.

10. BLACK HORSE..... On 9/9/09 (999), it was a strange day. God gave me a Black Horse (Suzuki - ki - 119) associated with the scales of Justice. The local mockers no longer mock, they instantly cringe when they see the Black Horse. Incidentally the English Gematria on our Suzuki registration plate adds up to 109 (19 = Creator) and starts with an X and ends in an X. The Greek letter X = Chi = Christ the First and the Last. It also has two V letters trapped inside (no escape). As I was just intuitively connected about the gift of the Suzuki as my Black Horse, a young woman on a Black Horse rode past our back gate. She was on the opposite pavement and this was a rare sight. This was on my day of rest, Saturday 19th April 2014 at 14:05. My wife spotted them first and asked me to have a look, the Black Horse and rider would have been seen by hundreds. Now, was it masonic theatre or the Hand of God?. I shall explain the numbers 773 on the Reg, later. God communicates by numbers.

11. STONE..... This is one of the best kept secrets in the satanic cult of freemasonry. The masons are very crafty in their use of this big code word. Here is the truth in a nutshell about Stone. It simply means Stonemasons = Freemasons. Research this "in your face" word Stone (stone obelisks everywhere) for yourselves. I went self-employed and my first plumbing job (manipulated by masons) was in Stonehouse, South of Glasgow.. The pagan masons just adore Stonehenge. Search online "The Stone Cutters Song". Ditto the Georgia Guidestones (the satanic freemasons 10 commandments). Robert Green (Hollie Greig's advocate) falsely arrested in Aberdeen by masonic Police Scotland on trumped up charges. The masons in authority had Robert Green tried in rural Stonehaven (Stone-Heaven). Do you get it yet?.

I have made it known to all politicians and newspapers in the UK that the satanic cult of freemasonry (planned) murdered our son 2 years ago. The main suspect is an eastern star mason from local KeyStone Ave, our son's body was supposedly (masonic Police will not show us the cctv from the Forensic Team or Police Helicopter) found at the Stone y Bridge. The Police sniffer dogs were supposedly used to find a small bit of blood on a Stone 500m away from the Stone y Bridge. The sniffer dogs did not find crucial evidence 3m away from the 5 Police Forensic vehicles. Then on the 2nd anniversary (May 2014) of our sons death, the Stonemasons have rearranged all the Stone work around the Stone y Bridge. They have placed lots of new Stones and moved the large stones at the base of the Bridge. It's OK we have the original video footage and so should the Police. The stream used to be shallow but the masons have created a deep pool (you must see it) in the middle, why?. We spoke to local businesses and they are baffled. Nothing was ever done to that bridge for 100 years. I do know that stones are used by masons as a memorial (twisted satanic freekmasons). Don't forget, the freemasons can tell you anything (from behind closed doors) and they play god everyday (fact). Give me a platform (Temple) and I will blow all evil away.

About 4 years ago, our son was caught up in a fight where the Hospital said there was a small green Stone found in his head injury (more masonic bull). I need you to understand that a lot of this is supernatural, satan/luci is involved (not against the flesh and blood). Briefly, the only suspect had a large black plaque of lucifers face with horns on the wall beside his front door. The suspects middle name is Abad (abaddon), more later. Stay focused on the word "Stone". I have documented how my pretend friends (stonemasons) think they are invisible when they talk and move. I saw them in their Lodges celebrating our Son's death. The Freekmasons cry with laughter (behind closed doors) when I say God is on our side. My Son had pretend friends too but he was too young and trusting to see them. You should always listen to your Father (smile). All masons hide behind the curtains and dress up as good people. Many brave soldiers died for their lies, God will bless them soon. God shall tear the curtains again and show you all evil in their nakedness. Good advice, you must always keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

My long term pretend friend was moved (with masonic help and planning) to Goldstone Crescent, Dunstable and he attempted to (with zest) throw me to the wolves (masons). I did not know much about masons then but I intuitively knew something was wrong. In 2008, I told you I got lost (dumbed down by Father) on the way to Rochester and ended up in a small place called Stone. While I was there, I had problems with my two mobile phones (different networks). Even the people I contacted all got electrical anomalies. I told you that two eastern star masons manipulated me to share a house in Livingston (Living Stone) near Edinburgh (approx 1973). Have you got it yet? satan/luci has stolen God's Word again. The luci-lovers believe that conman luci is the Living Stone. The truth is that Jesus is the "Living Stone and satan/luci is The Clown Prince of the power of the Air. This Clown even gets his freemason army to dress up as Clowns (masonic regalia). My statement, no, I do not hate masons, only ignorance, selfishness and derangement (cults). More later on Stone.

12. The satanic freemasons have developed a real hatred of Jesus without ever reading the Beautiful Bible. This is not about the low level masons, they are too lazy to read truth for themselves, their elite educated puppet masters know this. Yet, the top criminal masons are living a lie but clearly in denial of that very fact.

13. Give a lowly person a uniform or a glorious title and that person transforms into self, just ask any mason (he will disagree).

I am struggling to keep you informed online. My old Apple Mac computer is playing up and the masons are playing every dirty trick to block me. So, in case they succeed. I need you to know that satan/luci is also associated with Air, Wind, Mo, Lord, Man, Rome, Mars, Morning, Pipes, Prince, Saltire flag, Dragon, Santa, Sun, St. George, Rupert, The Way, Wickerman, The letter V. Also numbers 27-39-195. Another big secret is that stonemasons aka freemasons call themselves Roman Soldiers The same ones that killed Jesus via the pharisee masons of their day. The EU is all about the new Roman Empire, wake up you fools. You are only on the top part of the first page.

14. God is amazing. As I am just writing for you now. The masonic Glasgow Police Helicopter just flew directly over our house. It was heading South back towards its Heliport on the River Clyde. This flypast was at exactly 11am this morning and today is 6/6/14 (66 is one of luci's numbers). Today is also "D-Day". This comprehensively proves the freemasons celebrate death and memorials. Dear Father, thank you for this timely flight and vision, luci thought he was in control. And Shrek says "Hey Donkey". Read online "masonic donkeys only eat masonic carrots" (smile again).

By your fruit God shall know you, please pass this revelation on to your brothers and sisters in Christ. The best way to do this is to print it off and take it to work or a social place. You may also give it to the enemy, nothing can stop Father's perfect plan. The Truth shall set you free.

I had emailed this to the Kirk as "Deer Jesus". I had also posted it to the forums under the title "DEATH TO A SNAKE".

15. GOD'S CAUSE AND EFFECT. I used to use the term synchronicity but I now call it "God's cause and effect". I've had a lifetime of this and I shall teach you how God works. I shall also teach you how satan/luci throws a few spanners into God's work.

16. JESUS AS THE DEER. On Sat morning 24/5/14, I had read psalm 42..... "As the deer pants for streams of water" . This Psalm means "A thirst for God" especially if you feel down or are taking the hits from satan.

Later on the same Saturday morning, we drove to pick up our grand-daughter. As we were returning home on the M8 motorway, there was a warning lit up on the big electronic display sign. It said "High risk of deer on road". I did not give it much thought except that it was unusual. I was intuitively told I should have got some footage of it.

Sunday lunchtime 25/5/14, I came home from our Kirk's main worship and sermon. We were getting ready to take our grand-daughter home about 1:15pm. Then we had a surprise visit from some family friends who have the surname Deer??????. This was the second anniversary of our son's death but really good to see them and they said their daughter will come through to see us tomorrow on the bank holiday Monday. Later, we took our grand-daughter home. On the return journey, the motorway warning sign again read "High risk of deer on road". This time I took some footage. Was this warning sign the work of God or was it the luci-lovers playing their usual psychological games? (don't forget the word HIGH, see Refined No5).

God's cause and effect. On Sunday evening I went to the Kirk again. I give you my Word, I did not speak to anyone about psalm 42 or the motorway sign or our visitors. I did not even say anything to my wife about the cause and effect. We sang Mission Praise 37 (which is about Psalm 42). Then our Pastor read out (as part of his sermon) Psalm 42 "As the deer pants for streams of water". This was just impossible (but not with God) and I had tears in my eyes. At the end of the service, I spoke briefly with our Pastor about my recent cause and effect and he said I believe you. I know he has had similar experiences.

Later on Sunday evening, I read online that the Hebrews would not attempt to paint God/Jesus so as to not break God's Law. They would paint a deer as a reference to God/Jesus.

On Mon 26/5/14 (2 years to the day) a young miss Deer????? came to visit us. She was a long term partner/friend of our son. We visited the cemetery to celebrate life. Our son will be 33 until the 119th day of 2015. On the 27/4/08 in Rochester, Jesus knocked on my door. So I felt compelled to write "Jesus today, Jesus tonight, Jesus beside me..... Inside me..... Jesus". On the 27/4/2015, it will be exactly 7 years since I opened the door to Jesus. God is as real as I am writing for you now.

About 10 years ago, a group of us would go fishing/camping at Loch Arkaig (Fort William). The masonic land owners and shooters of defenceless animals dumped a headless Stag (male deer) on our regular camping spot before we got there. God was teaching me even then and satan clearly hates me.

On my travels, I was reluctantly made a member (they only want masons) of the Deerfields working men's club (1978) in West Hendon, London. Even these depressing dens are controlled by masons. The Spirit of God has been teaching me to teach you. Understand God's cause and effect in your life, God is calling you, turn off satan/luci's noise.

17. SEA KING HELICOPTER. Now, I just told you about God's cause and effect. Have a look at Refined No 14 about the masonic police helicopter. As I am writing to you now, a royal navy sea king helicopter (lower case deliberate) just flew fast and very low directly over our house. This being Saturday 14/6/14 at exactly 16:00 (number of baal/satan). It flew from North to South and across Glasgow. It would have been seen by half of Glasgow. Incidentally, the masonic police helicopter flew over Milngavie at 15:07.

The masonic sea king (ki=119) chopper flew over our house today because of the time/number 16 (baal) and the occultic date. They have their own evil codes using their secret numbers. Today is the 165th day of the year and the luci-lovers see it this way 1/65 = 1/11 = 111. The Twin Towers satanic sacrifice on 9/11 had 111 days left in that year. The EG for helicopter = 111. The luci-lovers have stolen and twisted evrything from God's Word. Have a look at Hebrews 11:10 (zeros don't count), where it says "Who's architect and builder is God". The masons are talking about the "great architect of the universe" (GAOTU). This is the bit of scripture that the luci-lovers (masons) have reversed. This is satan/luci, the false god who wants to be exalted 5mm above the Paisley sewage works (next to Glasgow AIRport). In Deuteronomy 1: 3-18, God communicates to Moses on the 1st day of the 11th month (111). Lots more later on 111, focus on todays date.

I have documented numerous times (way beyond coincidence) the sea king and police helicopter intimidation. Now, for this sea king today, what purpose the flight? where was it when it had to get the time right to fly over our house at exactly 16:00?. I have done this with all of my notes. I can put the details of each into an envelope so that we can do this transparently. Sometimes I would keep my video running (after filming the chopper) and show several different TV stations or I would carry a radio and record some different stations. I am not bothered if the masons doctor their flight logs.

Today is the queen of crooks birthday (don't forget the flypast by AIRcraft). Today she also gave a load of gongs to the ignorants. This is not about the old glove puppet queen. This is about evil dressed up as good. I have already told you that the queen of crooks is the head-patroness of world freemasonry. In the early hours of this morning, our dog started barking. I looked out into our back garden and saw a young guy take off. He went across the road and disappeared into the long grass and dense trees. If it was nothing, then why not walk down the pavement?. Don't forget, I've had a lifetime of satanic persecution. All before God knocked on my human door 6 years ago. You see, God has a plan (smile). Tony goslings link bilderberg.....

18. SATAN = AIR. I do not jest when I tell you that the word "Air" refers to satan/luci. The Beautiful Bible calls satan "the prince of the power of the air". That's why the masonic monkeys use AIR- craft to persecute non-masons. Even the Airth Hotel is used in masonic code. Occultic Led Zeppelin (Airship) song Staiway to Heaven is actually Air-way to Heaven, do your research on satanic jimmy page. Read how that evil song evolved. The old musical "Hair" is luci "Air" worship, all of the eastern star masons know this secret. The New Age is 100% lucifer. More later. Put a link to JC9?


Comfort to all who in me abide,
as the wicked dodge from side to side.
Death to the sidewinder upon the sand,
how safe you are in the palm of my hand.

I have a message to all good and bad, read Psalm 94.

20. SEVEN - GOD'S NUMBER. The Jews returned to Jerusalem in 1948. Seven years later, I was born on the 27th Feb 1955. They will wage war against the Lamb and it is happening right now. Seven is the number of God regardless of the false jewish-masonic interpretation of numbers. Most of my persecution comes from human luci-lovers. Now, where are you luci?, stop hiding like the masons do. Seven from Heaven is gonna get you, I am coming to take you away, ha ha, ho ho, hee hee. Just for some deserved fun, I shall chase your low level masonic fart-catchers into the hills.

21. BOILING JESUS. I do not apologise for my derogatory use of words against satans army of evil. You can read online how they want to destroy Jesus by boiling him in excrement. Be still and know that I am God. Listen to me, God the Father has 4 clocks, past, present, future and heavenly. Tick, tock, tick.

22. LIVING WATER. Message to all evil, No Water - No Life. Jesus is the Living Water.

23. Avoid the rothschild's masonic media (father of all lies).....

By your fruit God shall know you, please pass this revelation on to your brothers and sisters in Christ. The best way to do this is to print it off and take it to work or a social place. You may also give it to the enemy, nothing can stop Father's perfect plan. The Truth shall set you free.

25. The only way to stop freemasonry is to chop its head off. Here is the truth in a nutshell. All freemasons were conned when they joined. They have no idea how clever the false jews are. The false jew's false god is satan/luci and the only way they could get loyal soldiers (useless eaters) was to con them. Do you think anyone would have joined when they were told they would be threatened with violence (if you tell our secrets we will kill you slowly). No, not one person would have joined, unfortunately the same trick is still used today.

The fact is, all masons are living a lie (in fear for their lives). It is clever bullying by the false jews who have an agenda. This is why the crafty masons enrol anyone who believes in a god of square sliced sausages or a stone or wood carving or Sauron the all seeing eye or lady gaga ha ha, they can tell you anything in THEIR media, etc. Just give us your membership money and loyalty and we will help you get to the tickly bit (money, sex, promotion, self) as long as you perform. If you refuse, we will dispose of you.

Should any of our high profile masons (royalty) have an opulent wet fart, it is your duty (at your own expense) to go and lick it clean. My name is Jesus and I am talking to you in your own language and understanding. I have been asking you for almost 7 years to wake up. God want's to save all of you but not those who are as thick as a giant redwood or a rabid dog.

Warning, do not tar all Jewish people with the same brush. I need you to go to..... and educate yourselves. Henry's website has a search facility for your enquiries and he gives most logical people a chance to speak.

I get masonic persecution every day even though I have done absolutely nothing to any of them. I fight for the masons and their families but they clearly want me dead. They even murdered our son and the masons in the police are actively covering up the investigation. I am not phased as the Beautiful Bible tells me this is exactly what the luci-lovers want and how hatred will manifest. The fools will think they are doing satan's victims a favour.

Welcome to Refined Part 3 (14/7/14) It is important that you know today is the 195th day of the year. This is a big occultic/masonic curse. More later, just know that all numbers belong to our Creator God.

24. GOD'S KARMA. I do not want to scare you but this is something the Spirit has compelled me to write down and especially on this date. Today 23rd July 2014 from 6pm onward. I told you that I no longer plan anything as I can only follow guidance.

God the Father has seen everything I see and hear. I told you that God knows your every thought and action since before you were born. God gives everyone a chance to turn from their evil ways. You have to understand that God's Karma is very, very real. All of my enemies have suffered (or will suffer) disputes, ailments, business collapse, accidents, addictions and death in their persecution of me. As for the masonic puppet-masters, God knows they are living a totally dark, deranged and miserable life (same as Gollum). The tickly bit has a price to pay and pay ye shall.

I had no hand in any of it. I am the One and only mediator between God the Father and men.

I get messages and connections everyday and in every way, ordinary man could never understand. I tried to tell you that Heaven threw a chopper to the ground. The message was clear to the lovers of the "prince of the power of the air". I have comprehensive documented proof of my enemies demise and/or downward spirals. It does not stop there, you will be judged, alive or dead.

Some rabid dogs (masonic controllers) will not listen. Do not believe that ye can take your crimes to the grave. I know that the perceived important people (corrupt rich leaders) strongly believe they are safe behind their 39 foot thick walls (Fort George). Death is nothing, judgement is everything. Where did I put that Scroll?. Now before the atheists and humanists (dead trees) try to point their dirty fingers at God, what would you do if the freemasons planned and murdered your Son?.

How many chances should God give you?. The message here is not to harbor hatred or revenge in your hearts, leave everything to God. I have previously told you that none of us will ever get human (luci-lovers) justice. Hear me closely, there is absolutely Nothing that happens without it being part of God's plan. Most of it is not pleasant, just remember we are "Passin the time till Father's Sign". God's Law will prevail.

25. Refined part 3 UPDATE, I posted R3 as No 25 as the Spirit left me a couple of hours that evening to post R3 out on that date. Some days the battle is more intense than other days. When I was a thief, the money did not mean much to me. I really loved the adrenalin. Thank you Father for preparing me for the Day (smile).

26. SPORTS. Why do the royal freemasons attach themselves to sports? Why the well-planned carrying of the false light (baton)?. Why take it to the uninhabitated St Kilda islands (Ki=119). Why take it to the freemasons Rosslyn Chapel. Why take it to an oil platform called St Clair (air). Why 39 days in Scotland before the opening? which coincidentally happens to be the 23rd July (161 days to the end of the year 161=119). I could give you much more. Checkout online about young Rik Clay (murdered by the establishment for exposing the occultic sport connection).

Lots of sports whack a round object, tennis ball, football, cricket, rugby, golf, snooker, etc. God could just whack the Earth clean out of the Universe that He created. I know He won't do that, He promised and besides, He has a family to look after. I tell ye again, do not be afraid.

27. MO = MOLECH = satan/luci (fact). More later.

28. HOLD YOUR TONGUE. Awaiting my half of one, I was writing notes about my personal rules. I wrote down an old Glasgow saying "Wheesht yer geggae" (hold your tongue). I asked the Spirit what to read today (8/7/14) and was intuitively told Psalm 34. I read from my KJV and verse 13 says "Keep thy tongue from speaking evil and thy lips from speaking guile" (deceit). Verse 14 also stood out "Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it", another timely message. Then on Thurs eve (10/7/14) at the other Kirk Prayer time, the spiritual atmosphere was strong. I had spoken humour 3 times but nobody heard me. It was as if I wasn't there. It was clearly the work of the Spirit and the message was "Never become proud and/or become over confident". Hold your tongue and let the Spirit of God do His work. Do not hold your tongue against evil ways.

29. LORD OF THE FLIES aka satan/luci and we all know that flies feast (and lay their eggs = baby satans) on dung. Don't forget that satanists dress up as good in the community.

30. POLICE - CASH GENERATORS. Our? Police in the UK have changed their name to Cash Generators. They cannot solve serious crimes but they actively hide to catch you speeding. They scan every vehicle to look for a fine (no seatbelt on = using mobile?). Their cctv only works if no brothers (masons) are involved (fact). They play god by dropping crimes to save money. How come the police never investigate the criminal freemasons?. I do not hate the police, only the back scratching (masonic brotherhood) tactics.

If you think I have got it wrong about the masonic police/brotherhood then search online about the hundreds of people killed in police custody and not ONE conviction, do you understand criminal freemasonry yet?.

Here in Masonic Scotland, the police have started carrying guns in the Highlands and Islands (read online) where there is nominal crime. This move by Police Scotland was part of a very calculated long term plan by the top masons in the police (fact). If you remove your blinkers, you will see an agenda. The taxpayer posts their wages through the letterbox but this secret society will never open the door. Our? feral Police Force has become untouchable. They serve and protect their masters, the criminal elite. These freemasons swear allegiance to the queen of crooks (research duke of kent), not the taxpayer. It is not just a few bad apples in the barrel, the whole system is rotten. The freemasons are a human virus and is destroying society faster than we can repair it. The mason's motto is "To make good men better (crooks)".

Our? Police Force have become a huge sophisticated criminal organisation. They know all the answers and have a large legal team to protect themselves. How do we know this? our son was murdered over 2 years ago (still unsolved) and we recorded all of our calls. Seven promoted Policemen have refused to have a transparent, recorded meeting with us, why?. I mean our Son's murder is a no-brainer, 3 guys go for a drink and 2 come back. Then we witness masonic theatre (cover-up) in action right in front of us. Wakey wakey, you could be next. Police world wide are controlled by legion (satan entered Judas), I have seen this with my own eyes. If you do nothing - they win.

31. GOD'S GRACE. I have been telling people for decades that I love dogs. They are almost human and give unconditional love. I especially love dogs because you can trust a dog, it has become harder to trust a human. Also, if you spell "dog" backwards you have God. When we walk, I can talk to my dog and our God. I know they both love and protect me. They regularly warn me of hassle ahead (luci-lovers) so I change direction. My dog (Grace) is a gift from God. You may not own a dog but you can still have God's Grace with you every day. Don't just read the Beautiful Bible, hug, kiss and study it to get closer in your walk with Jesus. Sing "Just a closer walk with thee, grant it Jesus this my plea".

32. DREAMERS THRONES. Everything I write for you comes from the Spirit of God. Most of it has two or more meanings. Some of it is written for the satan/luci lovers who sit on dreamers thrones. The ways of evil men watch Joseph in the flesh, Joseph leads them to nowhere for evil men only understand the ways of men. But I tell my family, do not lean on your own understanding. The archers have sorely grieved but know this, there is no reward without commitment. Stay on the Jesus Way for there is no other Way. A Jewish man wrote a song called "You know who I am".

Take nothing personal and educate yourselves, satan/lucifer is very real and very crafty.

I was born on the 27th Feb 1955 at 27 Waddell Street, Glasgow. This was in the poverty stricken Gorbals area of Glasgow. This area was heavily populated by Jewish people at that time. I do not know of any Jewish ancestry in our family. My human parents married on 27th Sept1947, this is when Israel became a statehood (they made it official in 1948).

I was one year old in 1956 (1911) when our family moved from 27 Waddell Street to Castlemilk, in Glasgow. I spent my childhood playing in the Cathkin (Ki=119) Braes park. Every Easter we would roll our painted hard boiled eggs down the hill, next to St Mary's Well on the Cathkin Braes park. I previously told you about the large helicopter hovering above our heads while we rolled our Easter eggs (1963). This was my first obsevation of "Lord of the Flies". The luci lovers know who I am. I also told you about the violent thunderstorms and forked lightning (lucifer aka the light bearer-light carrier). Jesus is the only Light of this world.

Did you notice the three 27's?. I was born on the 27th at number 27 Waddell Street and my parents married on the 27th Sept. I have these three 27's on my birth certificate. At the end of the 27th book of the New Testament, Joseph is everything to do with the second coming of the "One and Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ". I told you about the Suzuki (Ki=119) that we bought on 9/9/09 = 27. Our son's grave number C227. God is on His Throne and fully in control.

My human father was John Joseph Stirling and my mother was Elizabeth (both deceased). Bear in mind John the Baptist who was born before Jesus Christ. John the Baptist's mother was Elizabeth. Joseph was the step father/guardian of Jesus. My oldest brother John was born before me (i,e. I became Joseph Christie). My human father John Joseph Stirling died in 1959 (pnuemonia) when I was just 4 years old, yes I can remember him. I use the term "human" because I cannot prove the supernatural life I am living. The luci lovers use No 27 as a curse on Christians, more later. Do not be afraid, all numbers belong to God (simple logic).

My mother remarried James Christie around 1963. Then in May 1965 (1911), our family moved to the Maryhill (Joseph and Mary) area of Glasgow. I went to my new school and I became Joseph Christie. I kept and used this name for around 10 years. In the Beautiful Bible, Joseph was the step-father of Jesus. When I had my encounter with Jesus in Rochester (chest) on the 27th April 2008, I started using my family name Joseph Stirling Christie which adds up to 272 (27/2). By the great work of God's hands, James Christie became the step father of Joseph (me). My real brother Jxxxs Stirling became Jxxxs Christie (1965) and still has the nick-name "JC" who lives in Kirk Street (Ki=119).

In my human family the first child born was Jxxx (now deceased), then came Gxxxxx, Jxxxx, Exxxxxxth, Joseph (me), Axxxxxxxx and Txxxxs. My mother then gave birth to my two half brothers Jxxxx and Rxxxxx Christie.

I suffer constant persecution and masonic theatre/skits every week. This is to teach me to teach you. One of these skits was when 3 young masons knocked on the door of an office that I rented in Finnieston, Glasgow. They said they were looking for a Mr John Story who wanted an ariel fitted. I instantly knew they were luci lovers as the Spirit shows me their hearts. I cannot prove this gift to you. This office was surrounded by high tenement buildings so no chance of a TV reception and the other 2 offices were unoccupied. I closed the door to them (as I shall to all evil). I told you about the despicable catholic mason from St John Street, Coatbridge. I told you the freemasons revere St John because they twist and reverse everything in the Beautiful Bible.

Much later I get this intuitive message about this fabricated John Story incident in Finnieston. It came across as John's St-ory (St John). My earthly father was John St-irling (St John) and obviously I was born Joseph St-irling (St Joseph). There is another part to this John's Story that is not ready to be unfolded. It involves another John who was sent to the New Kirkpatrick Parish. The message is clear that God always turns luci's bad into God's good.

According to JAH our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has to come back as Joseph. Read this link..... to JAH (John Anthony Hill) who has a strong connection to God. He has great knowledge of the Word. He also believes he is the Messiah (I would say Prophet-Messenger). He also fights to bring you truth (7/7 Ripple Effect). He has great knowledge of the Irish-Scottish connection to the Christ. This John (JAH) also suffers constant persecution. I have previously tried to contact him but the luci-lovers have blocked everything.

There is a spiritual battle going on for the New Kilpatrick Parish (New Ki-iK=119/911) i,e. Psalm 119, God's Word, Law and blueprint for mankind. The great pretender (satan-luci) has tried to make out that he is some sort of a god (ha ha ha, slappin the floor and crying with laughter, stop it Joseph, behave yourself).

God always uses small numbers to defeat large numbers of evil. I previously told you that luci and his human lovers planned and set up camp here in the New Kilpatrick Parish (NKP). They sowed their names and numbers locally. They even had two long term bus routes to Baljaffray (Baal) within the NKP. These bus routes were the 109=19 (Psalm 19 Creator God) and the 119 (Psalm 119 God's Word). Yes, God sent me here so that both routes stopped at our back door (smile). The luci-lovers have recently changed both bus route numbers. They also put an open ended security fence round our favourite fishing spot (God's Water Works). The satanic dupes even tried to get their puppet dupes to believe it was all possible. Only luci knew I was coming and luci thought he could somehow twart me. Like I say, I cannot prove my supernatural life (not yet) until Father is ready.

As I am writing this for you, someone close to me asked where the path to the Old Kilpatrick Hills was. These hills used to be called the Old Kirkpatrick Hills about 100 years ago. Old means West and New means East. Anyway I told this person how to get there and they (2 of them) took refreshments and went up there this afternoon, Saturday 27th Sept 2014. Do not even suggest that Our Father is not in His office today, every second of everyday and night. The great "I Am" has a big family to look after.

I just read online some doubts about the Holy Spirit of God. In Genesis 1, you can read " and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" (KJV). In the flesh I am very closely watched 24/7 by the luci lovers, so I cannot be the Spirit. The Spirit is inside everyone who believes in Jesus. I have told you many times that the Spirit is writing for you now. There is not a nano particle of doubt in my mind that the Spirit of God has protected me since the 27th Feb 1955. Why listen to false christians who have ulterior motives?. I feel that I have wasted far to much time trying to save dead trees. I have seen enough, I will now concentrate on our Father's work.

Psalm and number 119 is all mine, to the Glory of God the Father. I have made all of you God's Police and I now make you Keepers of God's Earth. Your roles are to expose-eradicate corruption and to heal this planet. If ye doubt my Word, understand ye are of no value to God's family. I was told of my long term partner 4 years before I met her. Her name is Ki =119. It is no secret that the luci lovers planned and murdered our son who was born on the 119th day of the year. I told you about my supernatural incident on a crimson memorial bench up the local water works. The name on that bench is Evelyn Law (Evyl Law) and the EG adds up to 119. I am the only person (in the flesh) on this planet to have gone through all of this (again) to teach you Truth. All other beliefs in luci's 119 are false. I am here to complete our Father's plan for you.

The luci lovers plan evil by names and numbers. The Scottish Independence vote was planned for 18th Sept 2014 (18=666). Think this was a long shot? the next day when the votes and result was announced 19th Sept = 19/9 = 616 which is the same as 666 (search online). The luci lovers thought they had won. Mr Salmond had his Eye on a castle and had his victory helicopter ready to Fly. Scotland is controlled by a satanic elite and their gang is called the Speculative (luci) Society.
Go to and research your criminal controllers. They dress up as good and they control the media that says they are creditable. All of their corruption is brushed under the carpets by masonic lawyers that you pay for, without question. Closed doors is their MO.

Hear me closely..... There are luci-lovers (freemasons and eastern star masons) in every church world-wide. Yes they worship the Lord and sing side by side with you. They thrive on the abuse of your Christian trust. These luci-lovers are actually worshipping a counterfeit Jesus. They are praising THEIR lord and THEIR saviour who is satan-lucifer. They are worshipping "LORD OF THE FLIES". Research this online or in your Book. These luci-lovers are in your church to destroy and distort the real Truth about the Word (Jesus). To my dearest friends and family, fear nothing but God. Only divine intervention can stop satan-luci, here I am.

I have recently completed 4X spiritual 27 hour Fasts. The first one had me dehydrated as I took no water. I drank water during the other three. I shall continue with my Fasts for as the Deer pants for streams of water (God), there I am.

I thought I needed a Temple, I do not require one for I am the Temple. I can do nothing without Father. If I have to go to historical Jerusalem, it will be by Father's will. If I have to stay in the New Kilpatrick Parish, it will be by our Father's will. Do not forget the luci-lovers are just as eager for my next teaching (they know nothing) as you are. It is clear the luci lovers will always believe satans lies (father of all lies). Much has to happen and is happening (the seeds have been watered). God's clock, tick tock..... tick tock.

Refined part 6 (Tues 16th Dec 2014). The numbers 42 - 49 was not posted online. It was handed out to 7 people in the Kirk that Father sent me to. More than two (but not all) are working for satan. Refined part six turned out to be a test.

R50. Latest Update. Yes, some of the earlier parts of Refined were condescending. It was mostly written for the masons. It was also written for your comfort. Do not worry as everything is meant to be. It is not you who failed the test, it was the satanic masons. I have completed my three and a half years (42 months) in the Kirk that I was sent to. This Kirk has lots of dark masonic secrets going back several decades. I love those with a genuine heart but understand that I have to go for a walk. Father's timing is always perfect. Sometimes I feel like Elijah all over again as I have to hand out or write messages for you. Most of my time here is not pleasant but I will do anything that our Father desires (and I mean anything). I have much to teach and keep in mind that I am not into hatred or revenge. I have no hand in what happens next as I can only follow guidance. Father's Karma is real as I shall show you. Satan - lucifer's attempts to defeat me are very real and futile. I can see you have no patience and you want it all today. Bide your time, for you are still on the top of the first page.

R51. Fly, Flie and Flies..... Message to all Christians and righteous people worldwide. It is very important that you learn about these 3 words "Fly, Flie and Flies" and how the satanic masons use these codewords. I know that "Flie" is not a word but it is a huge satanic mason code-word-name. The satanic cult of freemasonry will use words as they sound, i,e. fly - flie. These secretive 3 words are also used to curse non-masons. They are all in reference to "lord of the flies" (search online).

R52. The satanic masons use aircraft to psychologically terrorise their chosen victims. This is secretly known to the luci lovers as a Flypast. The fart catching masons revere their lord of the flies and this flypast is also done to cast an imaginary curse on their victims. These masonic perps always carry out their curses on satanic - occultic dates including lucifer's cubit of 3 (CO3). More later. You have to understand that you are dealing with a satanic cult and their mind controlled puppets. Checkout this website to see how the criminal elite mind control young people

R53. More on Flies, this is how the satanic masons worship and use "lord of the flies". Take note, the freekmasons (research "Ban Freekmasons online) are very crafty in their use of anagrams. Remember I have the media to back up everything I say. Recently, on a satanic date (Sunday the 8/2/15 = 39th day of the year and a quadruple CO3), I came home from Church to see a big white vehicle with "M1 Flooring Services" (Flies) parked next to our back gates. He parked there for about 3 hours and was visiting his pretend brother (my long term perps). They might not even know each other but this is how the criminal masons operate. Around the same time I got another couple of Flypasts as a royal navy sea king helicopter flew overhead as we were taking our grand daughter back to her mum. The second Flypast (same chopper?) a couple of hours later was directly over our heads. What purpose the flight? and where was it as we travelled 16 miles and back home again?. It was a nice clear day and a Sunday afternoon. I have it secured it onto SD cards from my vidcam which has a 10X optical zoom and extra digital zoom if I need it (brilliant clarity).

R54. More Flies. Recently, my other masonic neighbour had some building (seperate private job) work done by local gang-stalking masons. They kept parking their normal works van at the front and rear of our house. The company name on the van was "Select Facilities" (Flies). These dodgy masons also used the local council vehicle to take away the big trees that they cut down. Your tax paid for this. No, I don't want these guys investigated, I want you to investigate the masons. If you do nothing, they win and we all go down. Here is the most logical question in the UK (or world wide), "Why don't the Police investigate the satanic freemasons? the answer is..... All of our promoted police are freemasons. Wake up you fools.

R55. More Flies in Faifley. A while ago, two pretend friends of our family drove me 3 miles down the road to Faifley (Flie). We sat in the car for about 15 minutes, after some smalltalk they dropped me back home. I asked one of them what was that all about, he just kept waffling and side tracking the issue. He has been living there 10 years and lots of masons do because of their childish secrets and altered beliefs. It is clear they both had a good laugh after they dropped me off, all I did was trust them. I had documented it. I done some masonic set-up plumbing jobs in Faifley. Masons do not hire non-masons. The Secret Societies destroy our normal society for the benefit of the criminal elite (fact).

R56. Flypasts. I live semi-rural and have had hundreds of aircraft directly overhead when I am out with the dog or away fishing. It is way beyond coincidence. I have documented most of it, date, time, conditions, location and flight direction. I have had an abnormal amount of helicopters overhead wherever I go. You have to understand where we live, there is no populated areas North of our small town. I know about flight routes, logic, purpose of flights and previous routes along the River Clyde or up the West coast to the Highlands and Islands. This is not London, we just don't have the population, the flight paths or very many helicopters. This is all easily provable unless the criminal masons won't show you the books, surely not?. Lets do this transparently, it was all done in the past and is certainly no threat to any masonic security issues.

R57. Airshow Flies. I used to take my kids to the big Airshows in England. We went to a show (approx 1987) where five Lockheed Starfighters (Flies) flew very fast and low over our heads and everybody hit the deck. The noise was deafening and all the children were terrified and crying. People dropped everything and pushchairs were lying on their side. These Fighter Jets had flown in from behind the trees and over the crowds. This was totally against the flight plan for the show. The organisers kept apologising and apparently, the pilots were told off. Incidentally, royal air force (Flie) and the queen of crooks flypasts. I know you think the royals are wonderful, see if you can work out the ceramic poppies aka field (flie) of blood. They can tell you anything..... and they do.

R58. The weaving Flie. We went fishing up North with a pretend friend of our family. His whole family and relations are heavily into the gay lord lucifer. They think they are invisible. Anyway, he had his waders on and was standing in the water Fly-fishing. We were on the bank next to him and I was trying to talk to him. He was sending or reading some texts and not making sense with his verbal conversation. Then a helicopter came flying low and slow towards us, it was weaving from side to side. It flew directly over our heads and disappeared over the hill. I could see clearly that our pretend friend was full of glee and his face was beaming full of pride. He turned his back on us and carried on Fly-fishing while he quietly revelled in his luci worship. See how easily he was impressed (conned?). This guy stuck to me like glue and all of his family have been my perps. How can I tell them It's all a lie?, they only listen to masonic numpties who haven't got a clue. Research "The Protocols of Zion". The false jews want to rule the world using selfish masonic dummies who refuse to research the truth. Can't read, won't read, just gimme the tickly bit.

R59. Royal Air Force (Flie). As a teenager, I was thief. I started off by stealing lead from derelict buildings and was locked up for it. In 1968 when I just turned 13, I was sent to Balgowan Approved School in Downfield (Flie), Dundee. I will never forget the constant stream of RAF fighter jets that flew directly over that school (since demolished). The predominant RAF Jets overhead was the very loud English Electric Lightning (you can read in the beautiful Bible about lightning and lucifers fall). The luci lovers are absolutely bananas about anything "Lights" (more later). These RAF Jets were all coming over from RAF Leuchars (Luce - as it sounds) in Fife. Sometimes, they would skim the school rooftop and nobody would complain in those days.

I decided to run away (escape) from this Balgowan Approved School with another guy and we walked across the Tay Bridge into Fife. We did not have a clue and we had no money or food. We started to argue and split up. I was hungry and decided to make the long journey back to the school. As I walked across the Tay Bridge on the return trip, a massive RAF Vulcan Bomber flew very low (approx 300ft) over my head. It had it's bomb doors open and I could clearly see a huge white bomb hanging under the aircraft. It flew low and slow across the River Tay towards the South of Dundee. Then it flew in a wide circle possibly back towards RAF Leuchars. It takes a lot of effort and fuel to get that beast up into the air, surely not for the benefit of a few drivers on the road bridge?. I later found out that that huge bomb was called the Blue Bomb. The satanic masons are crazy about the word Blue and the colour Blue (it's all to do with Lu = lucifer and I am serious).

R60. More royal air force (flies). Around 1970/1, I was making furniture in the Joiner's shed at the Kibble Approved School. Suddenly, there was 3 loud thuds then a noise/vibration that shook the whole building. We ran outside to see that the royal air force (Flie) red arrows were doing a display at Glasgow Airport. These 3 planes flew very, very low over our heads as we were in the shed. We ended up sitting on the roof to watch some of the display. They only flew over us once. I later found out, it was clear that most of the teachers employed at these Approved Schools were masons. The criminal elite will give you a job for life if you will only bow down and kiss their ass, i,e. become a mason. They will even make you a detective chief super duper top cop and teach you their language, no qualifications neccessary.

R61. Even more RAF (Flie). On a hiking trip, 4 of us got up early at a campsite (up North). As we washed and got our breakfast ready, an old RAF (Flie) Buchaneer fighter jet flew low and fast up the glen and directly over our heads. There must have been over a hundred people shaken to the bones with the noise. The pilot would not have been allowed to do that unless he was told to. Another time I was riding my motorbike past Loch Lubnaig (luci), I heard a loud noise and thought the engine was packing up. I looked up and saw a RAF Tornado flying low directly above and in front of me. Yes, I could tell you lot's more and easily prove it all. I just need you to wake up to the satanic cult that controls this world. Checkout Dr Henry Makow's book online

R62. Filey (Flie). More than 4 decades ago, a family from Filey in North Yorshire moved next to us in old Maryhill, Glasgow. Our families became friends? and I knew early on that something was not right. Also, I did fully not understand my gift of seeing peoples hearts. To cut a long story short and to balance a delicate situation, I will keep it brief. This family do not understand God's Karma or the generational curses it tells you about in the Bible. This family have all lost loved ones and have suffered many ailments and addictions. One member of this family told me it was all about divide and conquer (by masons for the elite) which blew me away. Another member of this family has recently suffered badly but still he peforms for lucifer. I have tried to get him into the Church but he is really impressed by the police uniform. Police stations are masonic fusion centres. Let this be an advanced warning to all infected trees and its branches. I have had no hand in any of this but the secret societies do not understand Psalm 2. Do not upset God, or your pain (and your family's pain) will be everlasting.

R63. Field = Flie. I had previously written about the word "Field" and I had misread the real meaning. It was a crafty manipulation by luci and his lovers. It most definitely means "Flie" as in lord of the flies. I will do this in a nutshell and update more later. My mind-controlled family were moved (1976) from Hopehill Road in old Maryhill to Mayfield Street (Flies) in Ruchill (Luci), Glasgow. I survived glass poisoning at number 119 (Psalm) in Ruchill by one of my own family. I went to a masonic victims meeting in Bristol and was later invited to stay overnight in Sheffield (Flies) by an eastern star mason family whom I trusted. Next day they paid for my return to Glasgow, nice masons, they got a result, all I did was trust them. I had to leave my favourite Church because a family of pretend Christians from Blanefield (Flie) have plotted against me. My Mother in Law (not a mason) lived long term (30 years) in Field (Flie) Road, Fulham, London. I frequented this address and the luci lovers knew I would. The luci lovers listen to everything I/we say indoors or in my car. When we lived in London, we had enough of the rat race and we went for an exchange to Glasgow. The masons manipulated us to swap with a couple in Cloberfield (Flie), Milngavie near Glasgow. Lots more to follow.

R64. Dunfermline (Flie). I will keep this brief as well and more later. We went fishing up the West coast of Scotland and found a rural isolated spot. This was about 20 miles from civilisation. We pitched our tents and lit our fire. This stranger drives up and parks about 100 feet away from us. Unusual, because people or fishermen don't invade each other's space. Anyway, we were friendly and would go over to chat. This guy kept saying he was from Dunfermline and we noticed he had no fishing or camping gear. He just watched us for 3 days and nights but would not socialise with us. He slept in his car. Same thing happened at a Loch nearer home. Some guys from Dunfermline pitched their tent right next to us and we had an argument, but things panned out. I noticed my friend from the previous weaving helicopter fishing trip was constantly on his mobile. You get the picture?, I still have these guys phone numbers. I went to a pretend victims help group in Glasgow called "IBTL" or Injustice by the Law. I later find out it was run by masons, it should have been called "In before the Law". Anyway, this pretend victim sticks to me like glue and she is from Dunfermline. She starts to play the masonic mind games (gaslighting) and I ditch her. More later

I can show you mountains of concrete evidence on the satanic masons that has to be shown transparently. This will never happen because the taxpayer refuses to research the criminal elite tax collectors. Wake up you fools. Most of these masons are dressed up as professional people within society. Evil always dresses up as good, research the duke of kent. Search online for "Is lucifer the god of freemasonry?"

Research as much as you can about "lord of the flies". Message to the masons who are living a lie, you have been conned. You are no more than a free slave to the criminal elite. Most masons pay membership fees to be brainwashed. Did you know that flies feast on dung?. Everything about freemasonry has been stolen and twisted from the Bible. More later on the gay lord of flies.

Listen to me, if satan/luci can shake my hand, smile, welcome me and pretend to be my best friend, that's fine. What you don't know is that I can see your heart and I will convince you that I am just another fool who has fallen for your deceit. I wish you could grasp God's power and the chances that God gives you. We are in the end times my friends, make your minds up. I can tell you that all the dead false jews and their masonic dupes shall recieve the second death. You have a choice to make. The masons murdered our son and the masons in the crown and police are clearly covering it up. All satanic masons are in the same gang that killed our son and every other murder that the masons have done. God is as real as I write for you now. I am still humble.

Jesus gave up his power and his life for you. I can tell you that my supernatural life is all part of God's plan. The One and only God of the Bible is giving you a chance. God does not need you if truly believe you don't need God.....

65: Unmasking the devil. Jesus identifies satan as beelzebub. I need you to understand that my journey is supernatural and human. I want to show you that the freemasons in uniform (boys in blue = Lu) and government know exactly what they do. The English Gematria for Lu is 33, I told you No 33 is associated with satan/luci. Think about that, this means that the wicked freemasons are not mind-controlled as they most definitely know what they do (for self gain). There are some low level hidden branches of freemasonry that are definitely mind-controlled, research MK-Ultra.

The gay lord has many guises over the centuries. Know your enemy, research beelzebub, black donald, the green man, moloch, asherah, jack in the green, ashteroth, pan, lord of the flies, the wind, the man, old scratch, rupert (German for beelzebub), the dragon (masonic dragoon guards), set (Egyptian name for satan), el diablo, old nick. jack o' lantern. So you don't believe that evil dresses up as good? get online and type in "The occultic Lucifer Trust". More later as I show you how the lose poof operates. I have deliberately used lower case (down below) letters for the wicked as upper case titles belong to "Up Above" (Heaven).

66: Are you serious about Jesus?. Wait till you find out that the luci-lovers actually believe that the gay lord is really their real Jesus and that luci was somehow wronged (you could not make this up). Listen to me, these luci lovers have been promised much by con man luci. These fools actually think they are chosen to go to luci's heaven and will be rewarded..... stop..... stop. Can you believe this? the freemasons are this world's biggest gang of pedophiles, drug dealers, murderers and war-mongers. They destroy innocent people and society (and breed more sprogs to do likewise) while they are here and they expect to be rewarded?????. So, does that mean that luci will renew them and turn them into "good" when they get to luci's dungheap?. Wake up you fools, luci's heaven is just a con, it does not exist. It's the criminal elite who are privately educated from the age of 2 (on how to con the gullible via secret societies and Egyptian mythology). They are using you to keep their bankers and royal families in power and opulence.

67. Save mr. mason?. Even the low level freemasons know all about about lucifer and his all seeing eye (a hollywood fantasy). The masons will absorb any old dross without reading truth. The rich people call these masons "useful idiots" and give them big stupid titles like "the most grandworshipful master moron mason". I am trying to help you mr. mason, you can be saved. "Freemasonry is a criminal organisation"...

68: Beelzebul (aka lord of the flies aka the gay lord luci). There are various spellings of Beelzebub (but after much research and much persecution) I can confirm that the satanic freemasons prefer "Beelzebul". The wicked luci-lovers use words with bel/bell and bul/bull to refer to beelzebul in their masonic codes and imaginary curses. I have lots of back up. I want to show you how the criminal satanic elite use low level freemasons to destroy normal society. More later.

69: Number 6-66-666, the satanic freemasons love their sixes. Research "6 is the number of Man" (luci-satan is aka the Man, more later). A local Eastern Star Mason (ESM) who lives at No 66 and had a vehicle with 666 in the Reg plate. Previous pretend friend freemason moved into No 66. Local FM garage 956 66?? Other local ESMs with car Reg plates 666 (or 66) love to drive slowly past me (psychological terrorism) when I walk our dog. Before you judge me, I know where these masons live and I know their tactics and other masonic symbols within their car and house.

My half of one had keyhole surgery at Stobhill Hospital to remove painful gallstones and within 2 hours of the operation, the luci lover's gang had my her transferred to the royal Hospital, Glasgow. They put her into the masonic queen elizabeth building and Ward 66, yeah rite (research Scottish rite or York rite?). Her Consultant and local Doctor both said this was crazy, she should not have been moved. I have documented this and their masonic perps at both hospitals. The masonic police fusion centre coordinated everything. Those who believe in the gay lord will try to live or trade from 66 or 666, or have these numbers in their landlines/mobiles, open your eyes.

70: The criminal elite's cheap eyes and ears. Next time you are in the supermarket car park, have a look at the disney icons on car ariels. Also look for cuddly toys/shoes inside the car. Checkout what is hanging from their rear view mirror. They are all eastern star freemasons (ESMs). They are not very bright people, just controlled donkeys. Some are bullied, some rewarded but all are protected. Every ESM has the phone number of a police inspector should they ever get a problem (fact). The ESM will lie by saying they have an auntie or uncle in the police.These feeble minded slaves are the eyes and ears of the criminal elite. Do not feel sorry for them, they are also ruthless gang-stalkers who psychologically terrorise innocent people (all coordinated by the masonic police). These ESMs are rapidly destroying society. I wish no harm on these traitors, God will deal with them.

71: Freemasonry is the Anti-Christ (fact). Know your enemy, just type this in and research. Do not pay for information and watch out for the masonic disinfo merchants. Do not read or listen to the criminal elite news (bbc-itv-fox-cnn).Trust me, here are 3 of the best long-term truth websites for your daily news..... or or

72: JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR. So far it all sounds very depressing, doesn't it? boo hoo, what are we Christians going to do? Ha Ha. Did I tell you not to worry? Jesus Christ "Superstar" is here and you'd better believe it. I told you JC Superstar was my favourite album but mostly because of the title. The original record/lyrics were totally cruel, blasphemous, derogatory and always mocking Jesus. The false jews who wrote it did not think that they would actually educate people to truth. See how Father uses luci's bad and turns it into good?. Have I not told you that it is over for the wicked?, O' yes, I told you they know who I am and they now know what happens next. I believe every Word of what the Holy Spirit writes for you. I am not here to be Hollywood Holy.

73: Message to all the luci lovers. You can perform daily for the gay lord but ye cannot escape God. What I want to know is "where is the poof?". Where are you luci?. I have seen your sad satanic minions but where are you hiding?. The only place must be the Paisley Sewage Works for the smell is the same as the lord of the flies feasting on dung (cheap gas masks on ebay). The masons use the code-letter "C" as it sounds i,e. C = See, Luc = lucee (as it sounds). Can you just tell us what happened to the flie swotted from the sky into the clutha (clu-luc) on a 333 (hint..... millennium). I wish you could grasp the power of God, before it grasps you (repent). I am just the messenger, my previous perps (or their partners) are dropping like flies lately.

74: GOD'S NUMBER IS 7. I told you that the twin towers (controlled demolition) on 911 was a sacrifice to satan. There was another controlled demolition to bring down Building 7. This was a direct attack on God by dumb luci-lovers who thought God had vacated His throne. It is divine knowledge that God's number is 7 (read about 7 in Revelation). I cannot force things to happen, nor would I wish death upon anyone (God gives everyone many chances). But God sees the wicked and their deeds. God warns them but they insist on playing satan's tune. Do you trust the BBC?.....

75: Offer to the masons. None of this is fabricated, I/we can back up everything. I/we will only do this in a transparent, filmed environment. I have asked the self titled top freemasons in the UK for seven years now without reply, do you think the freemasons know what they do?. God knows your every thought and action since before you were born. Repent or lament, there will be no human viruses (false jews or freemasons) in the New Jerusalem.

The Beautiful Bible must be true, the prophesies are unfolding in front of you. Love, Peace and FR33DOM (from the satanic freemasons).

Yahweh lives in Milngavie.

The world's most accurate Bible (Rotherham's Emphasized Bible) says God's name is Yahweh. The name Jehovah was not used until 1520. I am not here to divide you, read for yourselves.....

Checkout Yahweh's updates at
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