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Freemason false god lucifer aka "lord of the flies"

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Feb 14, 2015, 3:11:03 PM2/14/15
Freemason false god lucifer aka "lord of the flies"

R50. Latest Update. Yes, some of the earlier parts of Refined were condescending. It was mostly written for the masons. It was also written for your comfort. Do not worry as everything is meant to be. It is not you who failed the test, it was the satanic masons. I have completed my three and a half years (42 months) in the Kirk that I was sent to. This Kirk has lots of dark masonic secrets going back several decades. I love those with a genuine heart but understand that I have to go for a walk. Father's timing is always perfect. Sometimes I feel like Elijah all over again as I have to hand out or write messages for you. Most of my time here is not pleasant but I will do anything that our Father desires (and I mean anything). I have much to teach and keep in mind that I am not into hatred or revenge. I have no hand in what happens next as I can only follow guidance. Father's Karma is real as I shall show you. Satan - lucifer's attempts to defeat me are very real and futile. I can see you have no patience and you want it all today. Bide your time, for you are still on the top of the first page.

R51. Fly, Flie and Flies..... Message to all Christians and righteous people worldwide. It is very important that you learn about these 3 words "Fly, Flie and Flies" and how the satanic masons use these codewords. I know that "Flie" is not a word but it is a huge satanic mason code-word-name. The satanic cult of freemasonry will use words as they sound, i,e. fly - flie. These secretive 3 words are also used to curse non-masons. They are all in reference to "lord of the flies" (search online).

R52. The satanic masons use aircraft to psychologically terrorise their chosen victims. This is secretly known to the luci lovers as a Flypast. The fart catching masons revere their lord of the flies and this flypast is also done to cast an imaginary curse on their victims. These masonic perps always carry out their curses on satanic - occultic dates including lucifer's cubit of 3 (CO3). More later. You have to understand that you are dealing with a satanic cult and their mind controlled puppets.Checkout this link to see how the criminal elite mind control young people

R53. More on Flies, this is how the satanic masons worship and use "lord of the flies". Take note, the freekmasons (research "Ban Freekmasons online) are very crafty in their use of anagrams. Remember I have the media to back up everything I say. Recently, on a satanic date (Sunday the 8/2/15 = 39th day of the year and a quadruple CO3), I came home from Church to see a big white vehicle with "M1 Flooring Services" (Flies) parked next to our back gates. He parked there for about 3 hours and was visiting his pretend brother (my long term perps). They might not even know each other but this is how the criminal masons operate. Around the same time I got another couple of Flypasts as a royal navy sea king helicopter flew overhead as we were taking our grand daughter back to her mum. The second Flypast (same chopper?) a couple of hours later was directly over our heads. What purpose the flight? and where was it as we travelled 16 miles and back home again?. It was a nice clear day and a Sunday afternoon. I have it secured it onto SD cards from my vidcam which has a 10X optical zoom and extra digital zoom if I need it (brilliant clarity).

R54. More Flies. Recently, my other masonic neighbour had some building (separate private job) work done by local gang-stalking masons. They kept parking their normal works van at the front and rear of our house. The company name on the van was "Select Facilities" (Flies). These dodgy masons also used the local council vehicle to take away the big trees that they cut down. Your tax paid for this. No, I don't want these guys investigated, I want you to investigate the masons. If you do nothing, they win and we all go down. Here is the most logical question in the UK (or world wide), "Why don't the Police investigate the satanic freemasons? the answer is..... All of our promoted police are freemasons. Wake up you fools.

R55. More Flies in Faifley. A while ago, two pretend friends of our family drove me 3 miles down the road to Faifley (Flie). We sat in the car for about 15 minutes, after some smalltalk they dropped me back home. I asked one of them what was that all about, he just kept waffling and side tracking the issue. He has been living there 10 years and lots of masons do because of their childish secrets and altered beliefs. It is clear they both had a good laugh after they dropped me off, all I did was trust them. I had documented it. I done some masonic set-up plumbing jobs in Faifley. Masons do not hire non-masons. The Secret Societies destroy our normal society for the benefit of the criminal elite (fact).

R56. Flypasts. I live semi-rural and have had hundreds of aircraft directly overhead when I am out with the dog or away fishing. It is way beyond coincidence. I have documented most of it, date, time, conditions, location and flight direction. I have had an abnormal amount of helicopters overhead wherever I go. You have to understand where we live, there is no populated areas North of our small town. I know about flight routes, logic, purpose of flights and previous routes along the River Clyde or up the West coast to the Highlands and Islands. This is not London, we just don't have the population, the flight paths or very many helicopters. This is all easily provable unless the criminal masons won't show you the books, surely not?. Lets do this transparently, it was all done in the past and is certainly no threat to any masonic security issues.

R57. Air show Flies. I used to take my kids to the big Air shows in England. We went to a show (approx. 1987) where five Lockheed Starfighters (Flies) flew very fast and low over our heads and everybody hit the deck. The noise was deafening and all the children were terrified and crying. People dropped everything and pushchairs were lying on their side. These Fighter Jets had flown in from behind the trees and over the crowds. This was totally against the flight plan for the show. The organisers kept apologising and apparently, the pilots were told off. Incidentally, royal air force (Flie) and the queen of crooks flypasts. I know you think the royals are wonderful, see if you can work out the ceramic poppies aka field (flie) of blood. They can tell you anything..... and they do. More later.

R58. The weaving Flie. We went fishing up North with a pretend friend of our family. His whole family and relations are heavily into the gay lord lucifer. They think they are invisible. Anyway, he had his waders on and was standing in the water Fly-fishing. We were on the bank next to him and I was trying to talk to him. He was sending or reading some texts and not making sense with his verbal conversation. Then a helicopter came flying low and slow towards us, it was weaving from side to side. It flew directly over our heads and disappeared over the hill. I could see clearly that our pretend friend was full of glee and his face was beaming full of pride. He turned his back on us and carried on Fly-fishing while he quietly revelled in his luci worship. See how easily he was impressed (conned?). This guy stuck to me like glue and all of his family have been my perps. How can I tell them It's all a lie?, they only listen to masonic numpties who haven't got a clue. Research "The Protocols of Zion". The false jews want to rule the world using selfish masonic dummies who refuse to research the truth. Can't read, won't read, just gimme the tickly bit.

R59. Royal Air Force (Flie). As a teenager, I was thief. I started off by stealing lead from derelict buildings and was locked up for it. In 1968 when I just turned 13, I was sent to Balgowan Approved School in Downfield (Flie), Dundee. I will never forget the constant stream of RAF fighter jets that flew directly over that school (since demolished). The predominant RAF Jets overhead was the very loud English Electric Lightning (you can read in the beautiful Bible about lightning and lucifers fall). The luci lovers are absolutely bananas about anything "Lights" (more later). These RAF Jets were all coming over from RAF Leuchars (Luce - as it sounds) in Fife. Sometimes, they would skim the school rooftop and nobody would complain in those days.

I decided to run away (escape) from this Balgowan Approved School with another guy and we walked across the Tay Bridge into Fife. We did not have a clue and we had no money or food. We started to argue and split up. I was hungry and decided to make the long journey back to the school. As I walked across the Tay Bridge on the return trip, a massive RAF Vulcan Bomber flew very low (approx. 300ft) over my head. It had it's bomb doors open and I could clearly see a huge white bomb hanging under the aircraft. It flew low and slow across the River Tay towards the South of Dundee. Then it flew in a wide circle possibly back towards RAF Leuchars. It takes a lot of effort and fuel to get that beast up into the air, surely not for the benefit of a few drivers on the road bridge?. I later found out that that huge bomb was called the Blue Bomb. The satanic masons are crazy about the word Blue and the colour Blue (it's all to do with Lu = lucifer and I am serious).

R60. More royal air force (flies). Around 1970/1, I was making furniture in the Joiner's shed at the Kibble Approved School. Suddenly, there was 3 loud thuds then a noise/vibration that shook the whole building. We ran outside to see that the royal air force (Flie) red arrows were doing a display at Glasgow Airport. These 3 planes flew very, very low over our heads as we were in the shed. We ended up sitting on the roof to watch some of the display. They only flew over us once. I later found out, it was clear that most of the teachers employed at these Approved Schools were masons. The criminal elite will give you a job for life if you will only bow down and kiss their ass, i,e. become a mason. They will even make you a detective chief super duper top cop and teach you their language, no qualifications necessary.

R61. Even more RAF (Flie). On a hiking trip, 4 of us got up early at a campsite (up North). As we washed and got our breakfast ready, an old RAF (Flie) Buccaneer fighter jet flew low and fast up the glen and directly over our heads. There must have been over a hundred people shaken to the bones with the noise. The pilot would not have been allowed to do that unless he was told to. Another time I was riding my motorbike past Loch Lubnaig (luci), I heard a loud noise and thought the engine was packing up. I looked up and saw a RAF Tornado flying low directly above and in front of me. Yes, I could tell you lot's more and easily prove it all. I just need you to wake up to the satanic cult that controls this world. Checkout Dr Henry Makow's book online

R62. Filey (Flie). More than 4 decades ago, a family from Filey in North Yorkshire moved next to us in old Maryhill, Glasgow. Our families became friends? and I knew early on that something was not right. Also, I did fully not understand my gift of seeing peoples hearts. To cut a long story short and to balance a delicate situation, I will keep it brief. This family do not understand God's Karma or the generational curses it tells you about in the Bible. This family have all lost loved ones and have suffered many ailments and addictions. One member of this family told me it was all about divide and conquer (by masons for the elite) which blew me away. Another member of this family has recently suffered badly but still he performs for lucifer. I have tried to get him into the Church but he is really impressed by the police uniform. Police stations are masonic fusion centres. Let this be an advanced warning to all infected trees and its branches. I have had no hand in any of this but the secret societies do not understand Psalm 2. Do not upset God, or your pain (and your family's pain) will be everlasting.

R63. Field = Flie. I had previously written about the word "Field" and I had misread the real meaning. It was a crafty manipulation by luci and his lovers. It most definitely means "Flie" as in lord of the flies. I will do this in a nutshell and update more later. My mind-controlled family were moved (1976) from Hopehill Road in old Maryhill to Mayfield Street (Flies) in Ruchill (Luci), Glasgow. I survived glass poisoning at number 119 (Psalm) in Ruchill by one of my own family. I went to a masonic victims meeting in Bristol and was later invited to stay overnight in Sheffield (Flies) by an eastern star mason family whom I trusted. Next day they paid for my return to Glasgow, nice masons, they got a result, all I did was trust them. I had to leave my favourite Church because a family of pretend Christians from Blanefield (Flie) have plotted against me. My Mother in Law (not a mason) lived long term (30 years) in Field (Flie) Road, Fulham, London. I frequented this address and the luci lovers knew I would. The luci lovers listen to everything I/we say indoors or in my car. When we lived in London, we had enough of the rat race and we went for an exchange to Glasgow. The masons manipulated us to swap with a couple in Cloberfield (Flie), Milngavie near Glasgow. Lots more to follow.

R64. Dunfermline (Flie). I will keep this brief as well and more later. We went fishing up the West coast of Scotland and found a rural isolated spot. This was about 20 miles from civilisation. We pitched our tents and lit our fire. This stranger drives up and parks about 100 feet away from us. Unusual, because people or fishermen don't invade each other's space. Anyway, we were friendly and would go over to chat. This guy kept saying he was from Dunfermline and we noticed he had no fishing or camping gear. He just watched us for 3 days and nights but would not socialise with us. He slept in his car. Same thing happened at a Loch nearer home. Some guys from Dunfermline pitched their tent right next to us and we had an argument, but things panned out. I noticed my friend from the previous weaving helicopter fishing trip was constantly on his mobile. You get the picture?, I still have these guys phone numbers. I went to a pretend victims help group in Glasgow called "IBTL" or Injustice by the Law. I later find out it was run by masons, it should have been called "In before the Law". Anyway, this pretend victim sticks to me like glue and she is from Dunfermline. She starts to play the masonic mind games (gas-lighting) and I ditch her. More later

I can show you mountains of concrete evidence on the satanic masons that has to be shown transparently. This will never happen because the taxpayer refuses to research the criminal elite tax collectors. Wake up you fools. Most of these masons are dressed up as professional people within society. Evil always dresses up as good, research the duke of kent. Research "Is lucifer the god of freemasonry?"

Research as much as you can about "lord of the flies". Message to the masons who are living a lie, you have been conned. You are no more than a free slave to the criminal elite. Most masons pay membership fees to be brainwashed. Did you know that flies feast on dung?. Everything about freemasonry has been stolen and twisted from the Bible. More later on the gay lord of flies.

Listen to me, if satan/luci can shake my hand, smile, welcome me and pretend to be my best friend, that's fine. What you don't know is that I can see your heart and I will convince you that I am just another fool who has fallen for your deceit. I wish you could grasp God's power and the chances that God gives you. We are in the end times my friends, make your minds up. I can tell you that all the dead false jews and their masonic dupes shall receive the second death. You have a choice to make. The masons murdered our son and the masons in the crown and police are clearly covering it up. All satanic masons are in the same gang that killed our son and every other murder that the masons have done. God is as real as I write for you now. I am still humble.

Welcome to Refined part 7 (Friday 13th Feb 2015). Jesus gave up his power and his life for you. I can tell you that my supernatural life is all part of God's plan. The One and only God of the Bible is giving you a chance. God does not need you if truly believe you don't need God..... Joe Christie
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