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The Metropolitan Police, Arhag Housing Association, Hammersmith & Fulham Council 200124 Riverside Housing

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You For It

Jan 20, 2024, 1:25:03 AMJan 20
The Homophobic Hate campaign is still continuing.

The authorities know who I am, but they think it is acceptable for a group of people to run a homophobic hate campaign.

Not only do I say I am suffering from a hate campaign – but when other people take time to look at the evidence they come to the same conclusion.

Apparently, I am informed it is called Gaslighting.

See :-

I don't think these people got the message – at the end of the day I will get a full criminal investigation into this hate campaign and I will not shut-up until I get to the bottom of everything these criminals have done - I mean everything and in the process I will clear my name which my Tormentors have elegantly blackened.
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