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Jan 4, 2013, 2:26:47 PM1/4/13
Sábado, 29 de Diciembre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO 2013 lleno de amor, salud,
prosperidad y grandes riquezas departe de nuestro Padre celestial, de
su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo para cada uno de todos…

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to each one of you in
the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ…)


I will meet you by the rock that I will show you at Mount Sinai, our
heavenly Father said to Moses, so he with Israel may obey Him thus to
carry out His perfect will to the letter. Strike it, and water will
come out pouring as a river of fresh water, our heavenly Father
commanded to Moses. Then the people will be able to drink living water
from the rock to calm the thirst. (Moses did exactly as our heavenly
Father had commanded him before the people; while the Israelite elders
looked on, then the people with their livestock drank from it to the

Here is where Israel became satisfied from the hellish thirst that was
not only drying their throats and entire body as well but also it was
tormenting them just as the lost souls in hell that are tormented day
and night by demos because they cannot get a glass of water to calm
their infernal thirst for the fruit of life. Certainly, this is the
place where our Lord Jesus Christ as Yeshua HaMoshiach had manifested
to Moses over Mount Sinai that after he had pulled them from Egypt
then they will all gather liberated at the foot of the injured rock to
serve our heavenly Father through His Son’s glorious life of the
continuous celestial sacrifice of the atoning-blood.

For this is the place where our heavenly Father had chosen not only to
sacrifice His Son’s life as His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to
be shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the eternal
rock, but also it will be the place where people will drink from the
cup of the atoning-blood to seal their salvation forever. Here is
where everyone’s name was written in our heavenly Father’s book that
He would later manifest to Moses, and this is book of life where the
names that have partaken from the Lord’s Table have their names
written down, so they may escape death and darkness in hell to become
alive to the light of the eternal life in heaven forever.

Truly, this is the cup of the atoning-blood from our heavenly Father’s
Supper Table that the King of Salem, Melchizedek (God’s
Righteousness), served to Abram and his companions to start a Pact of
Life for Israel to become a nation born from the Holy Spirit on earth
and in heaven with the rest of the saved nations, of the entire world.
Here our heavenly Father was transferring His Son’s atoning-blood
filled with the glorious life from heaven above that has always
existed through eternity that not only Him with His blessed Son Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit will continue to enjoy through the ages but
also every saved man, woman and child thus to become one glorious
family kingdom forever blessed.

Surely, it is here where our heavenly Father has called every one
within Israel and the nations, too, through Abram and his allies, so
they may become born from the Holy Spirit by the power and authorities
given or written within this ancient Pact of Life that did not only
give us Isaac but also our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach for eternal
salvation. Certainly, here is where you should be with your loved
ones, immersed within the powers and authorities of this ancient Pact
of Life that our heavenly Father started with Abram for Israel and the
nations, so our Father could live and feel very happy with your faith
that pleases His righteous heart, so everything may go well with you
on earth always.

Meaning that, if you make our heavenly Father’s righteous heart very
happy because you are indeed honoring His Pact of Life to be born from
the Holy Spirit that He personally initiated with Abram and his
friends, then you will live your happiness on earth as never before
with your loved ones, because our Father’s happiness is your happiness
too, forever. In other words, if our heavenly Father is happy with you
because of your personal faith centered in His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach or Melchizedek (King of Righteousness), then your
heart will know it, because it will burst immediately with the
glorious happiness that our heavenly Father is feeling for you, by the
power of the Holy Spirit in heaven.

Meaning also that if our heavenly Father is unhappy because of your
lack of faith in the glorious Pact of Life to eat and drink from His
Son’s bread and cup that He personally initiated with Abram and his
partners at Salem’s gate, then you are unhappy and terribly miserable
always lacking all things in life to provide for your loved ones.
However, if you are obedient for the things that our heavenly Father
has done for you to become forgiven, healed, and saved from curses,
infirmities, problems, and torments in hell, then you will be living
in the Holy Spirit because, whether you know it or not, you have been
born into the heavenly world thus to enjoy life richly always with
your loved ones.

Historically, this is the blissful life that our heavenly Father
granted initially to Abram and his allies over His Supper Table, so
they may become filled with this glorious life that will never end,
because it is a pristine life coming into each one of us, through the
magnificent sacrificed life of His blessed Son’s atoning-blood, in
heaven and over Mount Sinai. Therefore, it was important for our
heavenly Father to liberate Israel from Egypt to cross the Red sea in
dry ground to baptize them with walls of water on both sides, through
a new way that not one has ever walked before to stand at Mount
Sinai’s rock and drink directly from Melchizedek what Abram drank with
his allies on his day.

At Mount Sinai’s foot Moses struck the rock that our heavenly Father
manifested to him that He was going to show him, because He is the
only One that knows where the rock is, so every one within Israel may
stand before it and under our Lord Jesus Christ with his arms extended
towards them to drink living-water abundantly to satisfaction. On this
day, our heavenly Father as soon as the Israelites crossed the Red sea
to stand in firm land, then He made sure that they will never find
drinkable water, so they may thirst for water as no human being has
ever thirst for it until that day—here, our heavenly Father needed
Israel to feel the need for Jesus Christ’s living-water.

Nevertheless, our heavenly Father did this to the Israelites because
as they walked through the desert He wanted them to sweat every drop
of water that was in their bodies from Egypt, so He could finally give
them to drink from the real water that will never cease to satisfy
their thirst on earth and in heaven forever into eternity. Now, by the
Israelites perspiring every drop of water that they had drunk while
living in Egypt, then our heavenly Father could fill them with the
water that comes out directly from our Lord Jesus Christ’s ancient
wounds, and this is the Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood shed since
Creation day to create the world and all things, including man.

For the day our heavenly Father created the heavens and earth with all
their things, including every man, woman and child, then He poured
over the earth the Holy Spirit of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
thus He may be able to subdue all darkness everywhere, so man may be
born from His image to live according to His likeness perpetually. And
our heavenly Father did this glorious act of mercy to pour His blessed
Son’s Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood all over the earth to subdue
darkness because He wanted not only to liberate every human being from
darkness from under the earth but also saturated them with power and
authorities to live a fruitful life for the glory of His name.

Now, our heavenly Father needed to create a new world for the
Abraham’s children that He had just liberated from Egypt, and for Him
to be able to do this great task successfully and without Adam’s ill
blood that had been stained with lies from Satan through the old
serpent, then He needed to give every one to drink from the sinless
atoning-blood. And at Mount Sinai’s foot where our heavenly Father
showed Moses the rock then he struck it with Aaron’s staff, so it
could burst with living-water from it thus to quench the Israelites’
thirst and replenish them with new blood throughout their bodies, so
they may become the children that He dreamed to have finally through
Abraham and his allies.

Really, it is here where our heavenly Father transplanted, by faith,
His divine-genes through the glorious life and atoning-blood that His
blessed Son Jesus Christ has shed since Creation day to create the
world and the first man, Adam, so they may take His Son’s genes into
the Promised Land thus create a new people of Gods and priest obedient
to Him forever. Definitely, this was a glorious moment for our
heavenly Father because after so long, since our Lord Jesus Christ was
slain within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s rock
thus to become the continuous celestial sacrifice from heaven above,
then He had only dreamed that someday He will seal a Pact of Life with
every man, woman and child.

But, now our heavenly Father’s dream to live with people within His
Pact of Life that He started with Abram and his friends through the
priesthood ministry of His blessed Melchizedek as King of Salem, then
He was ready to create new things for every man, woman and child
coming into heaven forever saved by the power of the atoning-blood.
And this is a Pact of Life that He sealed personally with Abraham and
his companions as they were served by Melchizedek from His Supper
Table the bread and wine, so the children may gain the privilege to
drink from His Son Jesus Christ the atoning-blood, and this is the
atoning-blood that erases sin to restore life with an endless divine

That is to say that this is the atoning-blood that will eventually
give us back our divine body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and
atoning-blood that our saved souls will dress forever after we abandon
to the grave the sinful body that we inherited from Adam and Eve thus
never to know sin, curses, and death forever into all eternity to come
in heaven. This is the glorious divine-body that we received from our
heavenly Father through the celebrated life of His blessed Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, that not only lay down entirely within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s rock to create the
world with all things, but also over Jerusalem’s holy hill to grant
eternal life to every one.

Meaning that we only have one bloodline, and this is the blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ shed initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven
and over Mount Sinai to create the world for every man, woman and
child, so as we die due to sin then we can return to heaven not with a
sinful-body but with a celestial-one. That is to say, also that the
bloodline that Adam and Eve initially received from our heavenly
Father the day they were born in heaven, then they both received their
individual blood from our Lord Jesus Christ, because he had shed
initially his atoning-blood since Creation day to create the world but
also every man, woman and child.

That is why that only Jesus Christ can save us from the power of sin
that had come into our lives because Adam and Eve believed in Satan’s
lies through the old serpent from paradise as they both ate from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil—a tree that our heavenly Father had
commanded to everyone never to touch. Furthermore, our heavenly Father
commanded Adam and Eve never to eat from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil because the day they will eat from it then they will both die
unavoidably—meaning that they could not continue in paradise but they
will both had to descend to earth to die in the grave, on the last

For our heavenly Father had warned Adam and Eve that they will
certainly die in their sin for having eaten from the forbidden fruit,
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, therefore they must
return to the dust from where they were taken initially, as they
became living human beings in the midst of the holy angels in heaven.
Now, our heavenly Father was not been cold-blooded with His words to
Adam and his descendants as He told Adam and Eve from the dust I took
you in the day of your creation to the dust you must return, but,
instead, He was been merciful because if they will stay in paradise to
die there then they will die forever cursed.

However, if Adam and Eve descended peacefully to die on earth thus to
return to the dust from where they were taken in the day of their
creation in our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His
likeness, then He could resurrect them back into paradise with a new
glorified body and an atoning-blood that will never die forever into
eternity. This was our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation not only
for Adam and Eve but also extended to every one of their offspring, so
they may return to heaven with a new divine-body running with a fresh
transfusion of the atoning-blood from our Lord Jesus Christ that he
initially had given to Adam to become the first living human being in

Meaning also that the atoning-blood that we have received initially
from our heavenly Father and His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
continues to be the same in each one of us, but the only difference
here is that with the new transfusion of blood received from our Lord
Jesus Christ this time, it is without sin, lies and Satan’s wilds to
live a better life on earth and in heaven forever saved. And with this
new atoning-blood transfusion that we have received through our Lord
Jesus Christ because we believed within our hearts for justice to
confess with our lips for salvation that he is our Father’s priest and
continuous sacrificed-Lamb with the atoning-blood to create the world
and humankind, since Creation day of all things until now, then we can
enter eternal life today.

That is why that our heavenly Father had to make a Pact of Life with
Abraham and his friends by eating from His Dinner Table the bread and
wine served by Melchizedek (King of Salem and God’s Righteousness), so
Abraham may carry our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood for his
children to be born with the right to drink from the atoning-blood,
too. That is to say, also that by Abraham partaking from the Lord’s
Table the bread and wine then he could have a child from heaven above
born, by the power of the Holy Spirit at our heavenly Father’s
command, because Sarah his wife could not have a child since her womb
was barren already due to old age.

Divinely, as time came for Sarah to have a child, then our heavenly
Father visited Abraham to let him know that in nine months his wife
Sarah was going to embrace and nurse a child, because what was going
to be born from her it is from the Holy Spirit, and the birth of a new
way of Life on earth, too. Moreover, as Isaac was born from the Holy
Spirit through Sarah’s barren womb, then our heavenly Father reminded
Abraham that His Pact of Life is through Isaac his only son, and not
with Ishmael, because what was going to come from Isaac it was going
to be a nation with the seed of the King Messiah to enter human life

Therefore, it was with Isaac that our heavenly Father established (or
reaffirmed) His Pact of Life that would enter into the world by the
birth of our Lord Jesus Christ through David’s virgin daughter, by the
same Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac through Sarah’s
barren womb, so we may reenter eternal life by only believing in his
salvation-work perpetually. And for our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to be
born from David’s virgin daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit,
then Abraham’s children had to carry the seed into the Promised Land,
and that is why that our heavenly Father mustered Israel at Mount
Sinai’s injured rock so they may serve Him there by drinking His Son’s
atoning-blood turned into living-water.

That is correct: each time you eat the bread and drink from the cup of
our heavenly Father’s Supper Table, then you are serving Him because
it is our Lord Jesus Christ serving you just as he personally served
the bread and said: this is my bread, eat it, and you will never
hunger again. This is my blood, drink it, and your living souls will
never thirst again for water in this life and in the next one to come
from heaven above forever into all eternity to come, because by you
eating the bread and drinking from the cup of the atoning-blood turned
into living-water, then you have become holy and perfect before our
Father everlastingly.

This was a moment of great miracle that our heavenly Father had waited
for through the years, because Abraham had eaten from the bread and
wine at His Supper Table served as usual by our Lord Jesus Christ at
Jerusalem’s gate, but this time Abraham’s children had to drink from
it to the full thus to take it through the desert into the Promised
Land. Now, Israel had to take the atoning-blood turned into living-
water at Mount Sinai’s injured rock through the desert by defeating
enemy nations, so our Lord Jesus Christ could finally enter into our
human life through the virgin womb of David’s daughter, by the power
of the Holy Spirit that initially gave birth to Isaac through a barren
womb thus to fulfill His good promises.

Therefore, Israel had to drink from our Lord Jesus Christ’s cup of the
atoning-blood just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had done it in their
days because they were born into the world to take the atoning-blood
into the Promised Land, so through David’s virgin daughter she will
give birth to everyone’s eternal life, pure and holy unrelated to
Adam’s ill blood forever. That is the reason that we are called by our
heavenly Father to eat the bread and drink the cup of wine that the
ancients had to do at our heavenly Father’s Supper Table served by
Melchizedek, so we may also enter into this eternal Pact of Life that
will erase our sins moreover keep us safe-and-secure away from hell

That is to say, that the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father had
the Hebrews drink from Mount Sinai’s injured rock turned into living-
water not only carry the seed of the virgin birth of the King Messiah,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, but also the sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones, and the atoning-blood for everyone’s eternal salvation thus to
return to heaven forever saved any giving day thereafter. Therefore,
it is from this glorious atoning-blood shed since Creation day within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured rock that
had to turn into living-water for the Hebrews to drink it, so they may
take it into the Promised Land for our King Messiah to be born from
the Holy Spirit and for everyone else on earth, too.

Meaning that each time you eat from the bread and wine then you are
entering before our heavenly Father into the ancient Pact of Life that
calls you to be born from the Holy Spirit thus to become a new person
before our heavenly Father, and this new birth it will be just as
Isaac was born initially from his mother’s barren womb. Otherwise, you
will never truly enter legally into our heavenly Father’s Plan of
Salvation that He personally started with Abraham and his friends as
they all ate together from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that
comes directly from our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred body slain since
Creation day, so the world could be founded and you may be born into

That is correct: the Pact of Life that our heavenly Father started
with Abraham and his friends it was a Pact to be reborn from the Holy
Spirit by eating from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine: the bread
that is our Lord’s sacred-body and the cup that is his atoning-blood
that gives us life on earth and in heaven forever. Unquestionably,
this is a Pact of Life to be born from the Holy Spirit immediately
that caused Abraham to be born from God in a moment of faith and
prayer, furthermore brought into the world his son Isaac that he had
waited through many years, and Isaac was born by the power of the Holy
Spirit through Sarah his mother’s barren womb.

Definitely, this is the unfolding of our heavenly Father’s Plan of
Salvation that He had personally sealed with Abraham and his
companions as they ate from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine served
by Melchizedek, God’s salvation-Righteousness, our Lord Jesus Christ,
at Salem’s gate (modern Jerusalem), so the old sinful-flesh could be
bury to receive the divine-flesh heavenly bound forever. That is
correct: Abraham with his companions as they ate from the Lord’s Table
the bread and wine served as usual each day (or at anytime) by our
Lord Jesus Christ, then we were called divinely to be born immediately
before our heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit to begin to
live a brand new life forever into eternity.

Undeniably, our heavenly Father is calling you just as He called Moses
and Israel to abandon Egypt to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to meet His
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood turned into living-water to drink
it to start on a new journey through the desert of your life into the
Promised Land, and today’s Promised Land is the New Jerusalem from
heaven above. This is the place that our heavenly Father has prepared
for you with the salvation-work of His Holy Spirit and of His blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and this place is filled with
amazing mansions paved everywhere with streets of gold that will lead
you each step of the way to the door of your sweet home, in eternity.

It is here where you will live with your loved ones and friends, too,
that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is the savior of
Israel from Egypt, and the one that wrote the Ten Commandments with
his finger for Israel to take it into the Promised Land. For these
precious commandments were to be fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ as
he would be born from the Holy Spirit with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones, and atoning-blood that will do it for our heavenly Father’s
eternal glories, so Israel with the nations could be saved from sin
thus to inherit a new land with glorious skies in heaven for

Surely, it is here where our heavenly Father granted salvation to
Israel and the nations, too, so they may receive a new glorified body
from our Lord Jesus Christ ready to be worn by every one on earth thus
to reenter heaven forever saved, never to know sin and death again but
only love, peace, prosperity, and endless happiness into eternity. And
our heavenly Father could do this amazing salvation-work with our Lord
Jesus Christ for the new body and eternal life of every one within
Israel and the nations as well, because our Lord Jesus Christ is the
one that provided originally the atoning-blood not only for the
creation of the world but also the birth of Adam and Eve in heaven.

Therefore, what our heavenly Father is doing with His Son Jesus Christ
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai’s injured rock
and over Jerusalem’s holy hill, it is to restore everyone’s eternal
life with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood thus to
enter heaven everlastingly saved anyday now to live a new wonderful
life unrelated to sin forever. And our heavenly Father has done this
great salvation-work first for Adam but also for each man, woman and
child from all the nations, because no one can ever live a delightful
life with Him without His Son’s blessings of the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood running through our new divine-
bodies’ veins ready to live in a new earth with amazing skies forever

Therefore, that is why that our heavenly Father needed Israel to drink
from the eternal rock the living-water that actually is forever into
eternity His Son’s atoning-blood that not only gave life initially to
Adam in paradise but also to every man, woman and child on earth, so
they may live to know His blessed Son’s love, grace, and never-ending
merciful-salvation. Nevertheless, since Adam and Eve’s bloodline were
stained with Satan’s lies by eating from the forbidden fruit, which
our heavenly Father warned them earlier that if they eat from it then
they shall surely die, then they needed to have a blood transfusion
but not from man but from our Lord Jesus Christ himself thus to become
holy again for eternity.

Lawfully, this atoning-blood transfusion can only take place within
over Jerusalem’s holy hill as within the Holy of Holiest in heaven,
where Jesus Christ laid down his holy-life nailed to Adam and Eve’s
crossed trees so they may receive the much needed atoning-blood
transfusion that not only save them but also the nations thus to
return to heaven’s eternal life forever saved. And this is a glorious
atoning-blood that will never die as Adam and Eve’s ill bloodline
normally dies within every one because of sin, however, with our Lord
Jesus Christ atoning-blood living within our hearts, souls, and entire
human bodies then we will become alive before our heavenly Father, for
this glorious ancient blood is our start of life in heaven.

This glorious atoning-blood is Adam’s and Eve’s blood initially,
because they both received it by default from our Lord Jesus Christ as
the tree of life, at paradise’s epicenter the day they were born, so
we may live our normal life in our heavenly Father’s image thus to
prosper according to His glorious likeness into eternity on earth and
in heaven forever. This is the reason that our heavenly Father can
forgive our sins these days just as He personally forgave the ancients
their sins, because they all drank from Mount Sinai’s injured rock the
living-water coming out from our Lord Jesus Christ that was standing
with his arms stretched out towards Israel, so they may carry his
genes into the Promised Land.

Moreover, this is something that only Israel could do because the Pact
of Life that our heavenly Father started with Melchizedek as His
Righteousness at Salem’s gate, so Abraham may eat and drink from his
divine genes that will eventually not only replace his children’s
bloodline and sinful-bodies with the sacred-one from heaven above but
also grant them eternal life abundantly. And this is the bloodline of
perfect holiness dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and
atoning-blood from our Lord Jesus Christ for every one that believes
today within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for
salvation that he is Lord of lords and the only way, truth and life to
enter into our heavenly Father’s glorious presence forever saved.

As ever, our heavenly Father will insure that every one that believes
within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation
that His Son Jesus Christ is Lord of lords, then his name is written
in the book of life to receive daily power and authority from heaven
above thus to live on earth liberated from Satan’s lies forever. And
this salvation-work could only start at Salem’s gate with Melchizedek
serving bread and wine from the Lord’s Table to Abraham and his
companions to celebrate the Pact of Life that will eventually give
birth from the Holy Spirit to Isaac through a barren womb, moreover
later give birth to the King Messiah by the same Spirit, through a
virgin womb for every one’s salvation.

Therefore, these days we have received a wonderful salvation that
descended as a rainfall from heaven above as the world was founded (Gn
1:2) thus later to give birth to every man, woman and child, beginning
with Adam in paradise, so we may drink from his atoning-blood
converted into living-water, replacing our ill blood and sinful bodies
with a never-ending divine-body. Certainly, it is within this new
glorious divine-body that our heavenly Father has granted to each one
of us, through the fruitful life of His Son Jesus Christ, is where our
Father is amazingly happy in heaven, and because He is happy then we
can truly know happiness on earth and in paradise as well into all
eternity to come.

This is an amazing life filled with miracles and great wonders from
the tree of life that our heavenly Father loves to see every man,
woman and child live every day of their lives on earth and in heaven
as well, so they may glorify His glorious name just as the angels have
done it through the ages until now. This is the holy and perfect life
that our Lord Jesus Christ had to be born into the world by the power
of the Holy Spirit and through David’s virgin daughter finally to have
our heavenly Father declare officially from heaven above to Israel and
the nations, too: This is my Son in whom I am well pleased. Do as he
commands you to do all things, because only through him you will find
my favor in this world and in the next one to come in heaven above.

(This was an amazing manifestation of our heavenly Father from heaven
above as He personally said words that He had never said to any one
else before in heaven and on earth, and this is that He is well
pleased with the life that our Lord Jesus Christ has lived every day
of his entire life within Israel. And this is a glorious life born
into the world through the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Holy Spirit of
the Ten Commandments and of His blessed name as well, so every one may
follow him throughout the earth and into eternity in heaven thus
finally to see our heavenly Father face-to-face just as He is since
all eternity.)

Truthfully, our heavenly Father is a glorious life in perfection and
holiness, and only the divine-life that each one of us has within our
Lord Jesus Christ today we can truly walk into His glorious presence
finally to see Him face-to-face just as the Holy Spirit has always
known Him since early eternity and until now. And as we can stand
before our heavenly Father these days, then it will be because of the
wonderful salvation-work that our Lord Jesus Christ has performed
successfully within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount
Sinai’s injured rock finally to manifest victoriously against Satan
and his lies within Adam and Eve’s lives crossed to each other over
Jerusalem’s holy hill.

Because, it is over Jerusalem’s holy hill where our heavenly Father
had to have our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood due to the
nailed wounds that integrated his sacred-body perpetually to Adam’s
and Eve’s dead bodies as the crossed trees that received him as their
personal savior, so his atoning-blood may destroy their children’s
sin, hell, and death forever into eternity. For this is the gate to
heaven for Adam and Eve, and anyone else willing to believe with his/
her heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit that our Lord Jesus
Christ is God’s high priest with the atoning-blood running throughout
his sacred body thus to spill it over his/her entire life to erase sin
immediately and fill him/her with eternal life.

Otherwise, it will be impossible for anyone on earth to regain life
much less reconcile with our heavenly Father and His glorious eternal
life in heaven, so he/she may return to live in the glorious celestial-
paradise prepared for them to live forever into eternity only to enjoy
the Holy Spirit of love, peace, prosperity, and never-ending happiness
with our heavenly Father. For anyone that wants to live eternal life
then that one must be born these days within the lawful terms of the
Pact of Life that our heavenly Father concerted with Abraham and his
friends that sat at His Table to eat the bread and wine that granted
them the power to be born again from the Holy Spirit into a new

This is Israel’s main problem these days, that is why of the wars,
conflicts, violence just about everywhere and all the time that seems
never to leave them along, and it is because they have failed legally
to honor the terms of the Pact of Life to be born from the Holy Spirit
that our heavenly Father legally concerted with Abram at Salem’s gate.
For this Pact of Life that our heavenly Father established with
Abraham is an eternal pact to be born from the Holy Spirit, because
Abraham needed to be born from the Holy Spirit, too, thus to enter
perfection and holiness with our Father forever, so Isaac could be
born soon from the Holy Spirit through Sarah’s barren womb to enter
eternal life.

This means these days that anyone that needs eternal life from heaven
above then that one, whether he is a Hebrew or Gentile, then, he must
still have to honor the Pact of Life that our heavenly Father
concerted with Abraham and his friends at Salem’s gate, and this is to
be born immediately from the Holy Spirit for perfection and holiness.
Otherwise, they will never see much less receive our heavenly Father’s
favor through the glorious life and atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus
Christ, so they may enter to enjoy anyday now eternal life on earth
and in heaven forever thus to live the glorious life with its
blessings that our heavenly Father has prepared with love for them to
enjoy always since eternity.

Divinely, our heavenly Father has provided a perfect and very holy
salvation to every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam and Eve
that were the first ones that believed Satan’s lies to eat from the
forbidden fruit that eventually removed them with their children from
paradise to live on earth until their last day. These days our
heavenly Father will meet you in person at the injured rock spilled
since Creation day with His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, so you
may drink from it just as the ancients did, beginning with Abraham and
his allies, to enter into a Pact of Life with the Holy Spirit to be
born into perfection and holiness for eternal life.

It is at the injured rock, whether this is at Mount Sinai’s foot or
Jerusalem’s holy hill, where our heavenly Father is ready to meet you
in person with His blessed Son Jesus Christ to drink from him your
share of eternal life before you pass anyday now into eternity thus to
face our heavenly Father eternally saved or condemned. That is to say,
if you have drunk your share at the injured rock spilled with our Lord
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, then you have passed from darkness to
light—from death to life filled with miracle blessings—meaning that
you can walk on holy ground even though you are sill living your life
on earth always bound to heaven forever saved.

These days, the meaning for you to drink from the injured rock at
Mount Sinai or Jerusalem’s holy hill can only mean to you and your
loved ones, including your friends, too, forgiveness of sin to heal
your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to go through the gate
of heaven into a new life that will never end. Because the way, truth
and life that leads the way through the gate of heaven still is our
Lord Jesus Christ that led initially Israel out from Egypt to drink
from him the atoning-blood that would eventually enter into the
Promised Land for the blessed seed that started with Abraham into
Isaac will give us now the King Messiah in our hearts forever.

Unquestionably, this is our heavenly Father’s Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
that ministers before Him and each one of us as God’s Righteousness,
God’s only Son with perfection, holiness, priesthood, and Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood to expiate for our every day sin, so we may
live our lives loved, blessed, and eternally saved thus to enjoy
everlasting happiness in heaven right now. These days, our heavenly
Father not only needs to meet you through His blessed Son Jesus
Christ, but also He needs to make amendments to all your sins by the
power of the Holy Spirit of his Son’s atoning-blood, so you may become
born from the spirit of error into the Holy Spirit of love, power,
peace, prosperity and never-ending richness.

That is correct: you have been born unfortunately into the spirit of
error that is not only the spirit of sin, lies, curses, and eternal
death on earth and in hell but, it is the reason or beginning of your
problems, difficulties, infirmities, sickness, and terrible poverty
that is leading you with your loved ones, including your friends, into
eternal destruction. However, if you become born from the Holy Spirit
that our heavenly Father started at His Supper Table with Abraham and
his friends that were served the bread and wine by Melchizedek, or
drink anytime freely from Mount Sinai’s living-water, then you will
abandon Satan’s poverty to become rich as our Lord Jesus Christ is
forever on earth and in heaven.

This can only mean to you and your loved ones, including your friends
from everywhere, to become born from the power of the Holy Spirit into
the world, from heaven above that is many times more rich than the
earth today, where we have all been born, except Adam and Eve, so we
may know life, peace, prosperity, and blessing at last. That is
correct. For anyone to enter heaven these days then you have to be
born from the Holy Spirit into the perfection and holiness that our
heavenly Father diligently required Abraham to possess with his
children, otherwise, life was going to be terrible for them and for
the entire earth as well until they would eventually acknowledge the
Holy Spirit in their lives.

Right now, the Holy Spirit is ready to enter into your heart and
entire life as well, so you may become born from darkness into the
world of light from heaven above, where your eternal mansion is
waiting for you with streets paved with gold to walk directly to the
door that will open to receive you with everlasting love for eternity.
For you to delay the coming of the Holy Spirit within you, it means
that you will delay our Lord Jesus Christ to intercede for you before
our heavenly Father so the blessings that He has personally assigned
to you may never descend one after another each day into your life on
earth and in heaven forever into eternity.

Unfortunately, this is a terrible thing to do for yourself these days,
because the blessings that our heavenly Father has for you may never
enter into your life to bless you furthermore to bless your loved ones
and friends, too, with miracles from heaven above and abundant
blessings from the earth below, in the name of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ. Certainly, our heavenly Father needs to bless you these days
with mighty miracles but first you must drink from the injured rock at
Sinai or Jerusalem’s holy hill the living-water that it is emanating
from our Lord Jesus Christ as His supreme celestial sacrifice that
creates worlds and things but also saves men, women, and children for
the new Kingdom of heaven.

From now on, you will have daily miracles to enjoy because you are
walking through the way, truth and life of our Lord Jesus Christ that
he personally established on earth as Israel left Egypt to cross the
Red sea in dry ground where no one has walked before, except God
himself, so you may live the amazing life of abundance these days.
Without delay, our heavenly Father will meet you in person with His
blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, ready to minister to you as God’s
Righteousness, high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to
cause the injured rock to burst into living-water for you to drink to
the full, so you may live an enriched life with your loved ones and
friends, too. Amen!


Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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