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Stuart Adamson update - BBC Radio Scotland Tribute 1600 GMT New Years Day

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Alec Downie

Dec 23, 2001, 7:09:16 PM12/23/01
BBC Scotland have produced a 50 minute tribute to Stuart - 'A Flower in the
Desert: The Story of Stuart Adamson, which will TX on New Year's Day at
1605 (The Brian Morton Show). Those taking part included fellow Big Country
star Tony Butler, Eddi Reader, Scots music journalist Billy Sloane, Bruce
Findlay, The Proclaimers, Carol Laula and Dunfermline football manager Jim

Laughing Boy

Dec 24, 2001, 11:34:42 AM12/24/01
"Alec Downie" <> wrote in message news:<a05rnc$nsm$>...

> BBC Scotland have produced a 50 minute tribute to Stuart - 'A Flower in the
> Desert: The Story of Stuart Adamson, which will TX on New Year's Day at
> 1605 (The Brian Morton Show). Those taking part included fellow Big Country
> star Tony Butler, Eddi Reader, Scots music journalist Billy Sloane, Bruce
> Findlay, The Proclaimers, Carol Laula and Dunfermline football manager Jim
> Leishman.

It might come as some surprise to you, but I always thought he was a
wanker.the news that he took his own life only confirms my gut feeling
was a correct one.


Dec 24, 2001, 12:29:30 PM12/24/01

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

you really should grow up

Nigel Jones

Dec 24, 2001, 12:45:47 PM12/24/01

How does taking your life make you a wan*er ?

You may feel that you have nothing left to live for one day. Depression is a
horrible illness and it can strike almost anyone. I've found that the most
likely to suffer from it are the most intellectual of us, people who use their
brain power more than others, especially before they speak !


Nigel's Golden Days


Dec 24, 2001, 5:56:05 PM12/24/01

Nigel Jones <> wrote in message

Indeed. Most of history's greatest luminaries have been afflicted by some
form of clinical depression at various points in their lives. My favourite
poet, Robert Fergusson, died in an asylum. Newton, Beethoven, Abraham
Lincoln - Christ the list is endless.

Laughing Boy

Dec 25, 2001, 3:01:27 PM12/25/01
How does taking your life make you a wan*er ?
My reply is below this line.

You may feel that you have nothing left to live for one day.
Depression is a
horrible illness and it can strike almost anyone. I've found that the
likely to suffer from it are the most intellectual of us, people who
use their
brain power more than others, especially before they speak !

Take 50 plus paracetamol, walk into the casualty department at Glasgow
Royal Infirmary and then tell me how many of the Health Professionals
in there describe you as a Genius or intellectual?

I think you will find they will describe you as I would "A WANKER"

Gordon Keenan

Dec 26, 2001, 6:21:56 AM12/26/01
I know where you are coming from in your comments, and I also know where the
others are as well, but based upon what have read, it would appear that I
am a closet talented person, possibly bordering on genius, but with the
potential to be right big wank*r as well.
It sorta gives me a real glow inside knowing that I am something special in
my own way, but to anyone out there who is thinking of killing themselves
over Xmas or New Year, please do not do it.... why? Here's why!

1) You will be making someone very happy, so stay alive and keep them
pi**sed off.
2) You will take the great guys of the Fire, Police and Ambulance service
away from their staff food and drink.
3) You will give newspapers a free story and some hack will make money from
your death.
4) Think of the people around you that you love (if you have nobody, well
ignore this and go back over points 1,2,3)
5) If you happen to be a Big Issue Seller, please ignore 1,2,3,4 and make my
Xmas and New Year something special!

*** No plant life was hurt in the creation of this manure ;) ***

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

wiz of aus

Dec 26, 2001, 8:26:51 AM12/26/01
From my own experience, (my cousin did himself in)..
YES you are a wanker if you decide to cop out and do it (nothing to do with
how much intellect you have).. As much as life can suck from time to time,
it is only a coward that hurts all around and opts for the easy way out!!
Dont get me wrong situations have made me think across the same lines but
fortunately I understand the suffering that others would go through if I was
to do it.. Sure some people may not have others that care for them.. but
still..... there is help there for everyone that needs it.. all you have to
do is ask..

Laughing Boy <> wrote in message

Laughing Boy

Dec 26, 2001, 1:48:39 PM12/26/01
"wiz of aus" <> wrote in message news:<>...

> From my own experience, (my cousin did himself in)..
> YES you are a wanker if you decide to cop out and do it (nothing to do with
> how much intellect you have).. As much as life can suck from time to time,
> it is only a coward that hurts all around and opts for the easy way out!!
there is help there for everyone that needs it.. all you have to
> do is ask..

Quite right Pal, Mr Adamson had a lot more than many people in
Scotland could even dream of, yet it didnt stop him topping himself.
I'm confused as to why some people would want to hero worship someone
who just couldn't hack it. we've all been fed up and skint on more
than life but topping myself was never something I considered, I just
got the heid down and got on with it like most of us would do.

Gordon Keenan

Dec 26, 2001, 1:55:02 PM12/26/01
There is one major difference though, you ain't in the public eye and that
in itself must be a helluca pressure to be under.
You or I can go out and have a beer, shop etc, but for these people, I guess
they must feel that when they go out they are like fish in a bowl.. everyone
watching them!

We can only guess to his reasons, but in the end, he will have caused the
world a real problem as everyone will now want to buy his records, we will
hear them on the radio all the time, and no doubt some other person won't be
able to handle is and they will top themselves!!!!

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

Laughing Boy

Dec 26, 2001, 4:44:01 PM12/26/01
"Gordon Keenan" <gordon@(delme)> wrote in message news:<a0d6e5$1u3$>...

> There is one major difference though, you ain't in the public eye and that
> in itself must be a helluca pressure to be under.
> You or I can go out and have a beer, shop etc, but for these people, I guess
> they must feel that when they go out they are like fish in a bowl.. everyone
> watching them!

I'll go along with you a bit of the way, but as for the goldfish bowl
? naw, we have to disagree on that one, nobody put him in a goldfish
bowl, I suspect it was his quest for fame that brought him into the
bowl.this guy was a sort of icon to many people and I see it as a let
down to all thise people who looked up to him.
what kind of example is he sending out to all the youngsters who chant
his song ? "in a big country ?" Big Countries are for Big Boys Mr
Adamson, you let a lot of fans down with your actions, you are not a
big country boy to me, I still think you are a wanker, albeit a dead
and I know what its like to work Xmas Argggg, I've been working all
Xmas , my taeacher told me to stick in at school, I did and look at me

Laughing Boy

Dec 26, 2001, 7:13:55 PM12/26/01
also taught me to spell teacher :0(((((or is it teechir ?


Dec 29, 2001, 2:30:30 PM12/29/01
"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

I am involved in the suicide prevention community, and I can assure you that
no health care professional would think such a thing, much less say it.


Dec 29, 2001, 2:32:36 PM12/29/01
"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

> I've been working all

> Xmas , my taeacher told me to stick in at school, I did and look at me
> now,

Yes, look at you now, a sad lonely loser, ostracized everywhere, even on


Dec 29, 2001, 2:43:10 PM12/29/01
"nick-durie" <> wrote in message

> Nigel Jones <> wrote in message

There was a US study a few years ago, which noted an increase in suicide
rates in African-Americans (who, traditionally, do not have a particularly
high suicide rate), however there was no concomitant increase in depression.
Further investigation revealed that there was an increase in *despair* in
that community. There are 3 crude categories of suicide 1)Helpless (
incapaciated by depression) 2)Hopeless (incapacitated by despair & 3)
Hapless (suicide unintentional - person meant to be *found* in time, or
suicide inadvertent - risky behaviour, drug & alcohol abuse).

Laughing Boy

Dec 29, 2001, 8:20:37 PM12/29/01
> Yes, look at you now, a sad lonely loser, ostracized everywhere, even on
> usenet.

no more than you fuckface.

Laughing Boy

Dec 30, 2001, 7:42:58 AM12/30/01
> > Take 50 plus paracetamol, walk into the casualty department at Glasgow
> > Royal Infirmary and then tell me how many of the Health Professionals
> > in there describe you as a Genius or intellectual?
> >
> > I think you will find they will describe you as I would "A WANKER"
> I am involved in the suicide prevention community, and I can assure you that
> no health care professional would think such a thing, much less say it.

you must work in a different health service from me, we might not say
it in public but behind closed doors I can assure you we do say it.


Dec 30, 2001, 11:31:10 AM12/30/01
> >
> > Take 50 plus paracetamol, walk into the casualty department at Glasgow
> > Royal Infirmary and then tell me how many of the Health Professionals
> > in there describe you as a Genius or intellectual?
> >
> > I think you will find they will describe you as I would "A WANKER"
> I am involved in the suicide prevention community, and I can assure you that
> no health care professional would think such a thing, much less say it.

Me wonders :::::: what is the Suicide Prevention Community ? let me
guess. a self appointed body with no real idea of what they are doing
or where they are going, do they seek out the suicidal ? loiter on the
Kingston bridge waiting for a jumper ?
you were a little vague on that one, me thinks you made it up to sound

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Dec 30, 2001, 12:13:17 PM12/30/01

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

> you must work in a different health service from me, we might not say
> it in public but behind closed doors I can assure you we do say it.

Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
I hope I never have the misfortune to find myself in the uncaring hands of
such an unfeeling, uncaring person as yourself. I just hope your position in
the health care service is in the capacity of, cleaner, porter or Mortuary
Attendant. You do seem to have the right aptitude for such posts.

Having a sister who was a Hospital Matron, A wife who was a nurse and a
mother who spent most of her life employed in the health care sector I know
most were not like that in the past. Could your attitude, perhaps, point us
as to why the NHS is in such crisis now?
Aefauldlie, (Scots for Sincerely),
Ae Blithesome Yule Day
an ae guid Hogmanay
tae ane an aa,
frae Auld Bob Peffers.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Dec 30, 2001, 12:26:51 PM12/30/01

"Zipwrinkle" <> wrote in message

> Me wonders :::::: what is the Suicide Prevention Community ? let me
> guess. a self appointed body with no real idea of what they are doing
> or where they are going, do they seek out the suicidal ? loiter on the
> Kingston bridge waiting for a jumper ?
> you were a little vague on that one, me thinks you made it up to sound
> important.
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Looks like this person has never heard of the Samaritans, Covenant House,
Cruse or any of the many mental health professions who deal with these
problems on a daily basis. Neither do they seem to realise they could be
requiring such services just as easily as they might need medical help to
deal with a virus or other illness. They are no more immune from mental
health than anyone else.

Nigel Jones

Dec 30, 2001, 7:23:37 PM12/30/01

I suppose that you also hate Blacks, Queers and short people.

The health professionals would have done some of their training in psychiatric
wards, and so would know that depression is an illness. Just because it isn't
an illness that you can actually 'see' the effects of (ie cancer, broken bones
etc), doesn't mean that it isn't an illness at all.

There is so much stigma attached to mental illness, and people like you play a
big part in it. For your sake, I hope that you don't have first hand experience
one day.

Laughing Boy

Dec 31, 2001, 9:19:32 AM12/31/01
> The health professionals would have done some of their training in psychiatric
> wards, and so would know that depression is an illness. Just because it isn't
> an illness that you can actually 'see' the effects of (ie cancer, broken bones
> etc), doesn't mean that it isn't an illness at all.
> There is so much stigma attached to mental illness, and people like you play a
> big part in it. For your sake, I hope that you don't have first hand experience

I have had more first hand experience than you could imagine . Pal.

try really hard to get this into your head, Health Professionals do
have a private face and a public face, just like everyone else.
anybody who takes an overdose and appears at casualty will get the
public face. but when off duty and away from these wankers who try to
top themselfes we call them wankers.
there is enough to do in a busy casualty department without wankers
coming in and wasting our time. genuine cases have to go on hold while
we treat these wankers with their self inflicted injuries.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Dec 31, 2001, 10:28:40 AM12/31/01

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Like the police force the people who work in casualty have a job to do. Also
like the police it is not their job to be judge, jury and executioner. Their
job is to treat people who have been injured and, just as the police cause
miscarriages of justice when they overstep their authority, so the health
professional who judges whether, (to use your objectionable term), they are
wankers or not is also guilty of a miscarriage of justice. To put it in a
nutshell. You cannot rightly call yourself a Health Professional and hold
the unprofessional view that you do. Again to use your own objectionable
term the wanker is none other than yourself. The fact you sink to using such
terms points to you not being the sharpest scalpel in the box.

Nigel Jones

Dec 31, 2001, 11:41:33 AM12/31/01
On 31 Dec 2001 06:19:32 -0800, (Laughing Boy) wrote:

>> The health professionals would have done some of their training in psychiatric
>> wards, and so would know that depression is an illness. Just because it isn't
>> an illness that you can actually 'see' the effects of (ie cancer, broken bones
>> etc), doesn't mean that it isn't an illness at all.
>> There is so much stigma attached to mental illness, and people like you play a
>> big part in it. For your sake, I hope that you don't have first hand experience
>I have had more first hand experience than you could imagine . Pal.

You've suffered with depression ?

>try really hard to get this into your head, Health Professionals do
>have a private face and a public face, just like everyone else.
>anybody who takes an overdose and appears at casualty will get the
>public face. but when off duty and away from these wankers who try to
>top themselfes we call them wankers.
>there is enough to do in a busy casualty department without wankers
>coming in and wasting our time. genuine cases have to go on hold while
>we treat these wankers with their self inflicted injuries.

So, the little old man who comes in with serious wounds after being unable to
cross the road quick enough is also a wanker ?

After all, it's his own fault for getting old isn't it ?


Dec 31, 2001, 1:20:45 PM12/31/01
"Robert, \(Auld Bob\), Peffers" <> wrote in message news:<a0q07i$b0a$>...

> "Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
> snip
> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> Like the police force the people who work in casualty have a job to do. Also
> like the police it is not their job to be judge, jury and executioner. Their
> job is to treat people who have been injured and, just as the police cause
> miscarriages of justice when they overstep their authority, so the health
> professional who judges whether, (to use your objectionable term), they are
> wankers or not is also guilty of a miscarriage of justice. To put it in a
> nutshell. You cannot rightly call yourself a Health Professional and hold
> the unprofessional view that you do. Again to use your own objectionable
> term the wanker is none other than yourself. The fact you sink to using such
> terms points to you not being the sharpest scalpel in the box.

Hey, get a life auld yin, they burnt the fucker on Saturday. we all
have many different views on all the subjects up here. we dont want to
upset some of the poor wee souls who post here and have them killing
themselves, now do we.
just calm down will you,

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Dec 31, 2001, 6:45:21 PM12/31/01

"Zipwrinkle" <> wrote in message

> Hey, get a life auld yin,

Ah hae ae life ye glaikit geck.

> they burnt the fucker on Saturday.

Aye! weel Ah ken it ye donnert gowk..

> we all
> have many different views on all the subjects up here.

Whaur ir ye like? On tap o ane o the Auld Dockyaird cranes or, aiblins, yir
ae Heilander?

> we dont want to
> upset some of the poor wee souls who post here and have them killing
> themselves, now do we.
> just calm down will you,

Ah wad speir Ah wiz muckle mair quatelike nor ye ir.

Ye maum bi afu thirled tae pittin doon ae deid man. Haes thi puir chiel dun
ye ony herm?, (or ir ye jist ae scunnersome, sklent, gommeril fir ordnir?

Aefauldlie, (Scots for Sincerely),
Ae Blithesome Yule Day
an ae guid Hogmanay
tae ane an aa,
frae Auld Bob Peffers.

Frae Auld Bob Peffers:

Laughing Boy

Jan 1, 2002, 7:25:59 AM1/1/02
> So, the little old man who comes in with serious wounds after being unable to
> cross the road quick enough is also a wanker ?
> After all, it's his own fault for getting old isn't it ?
How can you treat both scenarios the same ?
The little old man you describe would in most peoples eyes be a
genuine accident victim.
The Wanker who takes 50 paracetamol would in most peoples eyes not be
a genuine accident victim.

Perhaps if your Mother or child had to wait on a trolly in a cold
corridor while the paracetamol victim was treated you attitude would
change. Imagine your old Mother even dies on the trolly while we deal
with the wanker with the paracetamol ?

I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 1, 2002, 7:42:02 AM1/1/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
If, as you claim, you are a Health Care Professional, then you are not paid,
(By the Public), to give sympathy. You are paid, (By The Public), to give
health care. The fact that you are making judgements on the people you are
paid to treat, (By The Public), show you to be in neglect of your duty, (To
The Public). Ergo- you are unprofessional. That in most people eyes makes
you, *THE WANKER*.

Nigel Jones

Jan 1, 2002, 9:51:25 AM1/1/02
On 1 Jan 2002 04:25:59 -0800, (Laughing Boy) wrote:

>> So, the little old man who comes in with serious wounds after being unable to
>> cross the road quick enough is also a wanker ?
>> After all, it's his own fault for getting old isn't it ?
>How can you treat both scenarios the same ?
>The little old man you describe would in most peoples eyes be a
>genuine accident victim.
>The Wanker who takes 50 paracetamol would in most peoples eyes not be
>a genuine accident victim.

No, not an accident victim, but a genuine victim of an illness. Maybe what I'm
saying would have been clearer to you if I had said a little old man with heart
disease who'd had an attack in his home.

>Perhaps if your Mother or child had to wait on a trolly in a cold
>corridor while the paracetamol victim was treated you attitude would
>change. Imagine your old Mother even dies on the trolly while we deal
>with the wanker with the paracetamol ?

That would be unfortunate but I would not hold it against him, I DO have
sympathy for such people. I've been through it myself and it's worse than any
other illness I've suffered. I have also known many others to have suffered
with depression and a few have succeeded with their death wish.

>I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.

I can find little belief in you being employed by the health service.


Jan 5, 2002, 10:02:42 AM1/5/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
> >

I'll have more to say to you later, now, I'm on my way to the funeral of a
dear friend who hung himself on New Year's Day.


Jan 6, 2002, 12:38:42 PM1/6/02

"ZsaZsa" <> wrote in message
know the feeling -- was he arguing on Usenet with Auld Bob Peffers???

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 6, 2002, 3:05:16 PM1/6/02

"westender" <> wrote in message

> > I'll have more to say to you later, now, I'm on my way to the funeral of
> > dear friend who hung himself on New Year's Day.
> >
> know the feeling -- was he arguing on Usenet with Auld Bob Peffers???
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
It takes, at least, two to have an argument but you can be a smart-arsed
total idiot all by yourself.

Aefauldlie, (Scots for Sincerely),
Auld Bob Peffers,
Web Site, *The Eck's Files*


Jan 6, 2002, 7:50:45 PM1/6/02

"Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers"

> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> It takes, at least, two to have an argument but you can be a smart-arsed
> total idiot all by yourself.
> --
> Aefauldlie, (Scots for Sincerely),
> Auld Bob Peffers,
> Web Site, *The Eck's Files*

Apparently you know all about it!

Laughing Boy

Jan 6, 2002, 8:56:28 PM1/6/02
> > know the feeling -- was he arguing on Usenet with Auld Bob Peffers???
> >
> >
> Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
> It takes, at least, two to have an argument but you can be a smart-arsed
> total idiot all by yourself.

And of course comments from a man who knows wxactly how to be a smart
arsed total idiot all by him wee self.. watch this now, he will start
rabbiting on in a funny language now that some one has upset him.
awaya wee scukkiging beastie ye !hoots ma knob is croakin fur a puiil.

Laughing Boy

Jan 6, 2002, 8:58:08 PM1/6/02
> >I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.
> I can find little belief in you being employed by the health service.
Could'nt really care less what you or anyone else thinks, goodbye, you
are the weakest link.

Laughing Boy

Jan 6, 2002, 9:00:30 PM1/6/02
> >
> > I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.
> I'll have more to say to you later, now, I'm on my way to the funeral of a
> dear friend who hung himself on New Year's Day.

Thank god he managed to topp himself before he wasted the time of the
Doctors and nurses. anyway, you said a dear friend ? not that "dear" a
friend if you left him alone on New Years day to do him self in, now
are you ?
Shame on you.


Jan 7, 2002, 10:30:19 AM1/7/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
> > >
> > > I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.
> >
> > I'll have more to say to you later, now, I'm on my way to the funeral of
> > dear friend who hung himself on New Year's Day.
> Thank god he managed to topp himself before he wasted the time of the
> Doctors and nurses.

Why do you think that no doctors or nurses had to see him? In this country,
only an MD can pronounce death. Except in obvious cases (ie decapitation,
advanced decomposition etc.) the person has to be seen by a doctor.

>anyway, you said a dear friend ? not that "dear" a
> friend if you left him alone on New Years day to do him self in, now
> are you ?

He wasn't alone. His wife was at home asleep.

> Shame on you.

No, shame on you, you lowlife, although I doubt that you have the decency to
feel shame.


Jan 7, 2002, 11:07:44 AM1/7/02

"Zipwrinkle" <> wrote in message

The suicide prevention community includes professionals and
para-professionals who work in health care, social work, mental health,
education. It also includes police officers, trained lay people, and people
who have lost a loved one to suicide. If you are *truly* interested in what
they do, here are a few links . This is the main US umbrella organization , this one is from where I live One very important thing that they do is suicide
aftermath counselling. Sometimes, in this field, when someone is referred
to as a suicide survivor, it doesn't mean that they survived a suicide
attempt, but that they surviving after the suicide of a loved one. Such a
person has a 5 times greater risk than the general population of
subsequently committing suicide themselves. Communities that run Survivor
or Aftermath programs have demonstrated reduced suicide statistics, as have
communities with prevention, outreach & education, crisis intervention
programs, and suicide hotlines. I am assuming that you are a male, did you
know that you have a 4X higher risk of ending up as a suicide than I do? It
is the suicide prevention community who maintain such statistics and promote
efforts to reach high-risk individuals & groups. So despite your scorn,
many of these people are working on your behalf, and a lot of them are
volunteers. As for yourself, what have you done for your fellow man today?


Jan 7, 2002, 11:10:15 AM1/7/02

"wiz of aus" <> wrote in message
> From my own experience, (my cousin did himself in)..
> YES you are a wanker if you decide to cop out and do it (nothing to do
> how much intellect you have).. As much as life can suck from time to time,
> it is only a coward that hurts all around and opts for the easy way out!!
> Dont get me wrong situations have made me think across the same lines but
> fortunately I understand the suffering that others would go through if I
> to do it.. Sure some people may not have others that care for them.. but
> still..... there is help there for everyone that needs it.. all you have
> do is ask..

Unfortunately, it is still counter-cultural for many men, especially
middle-aged men to ask for help, and they comprise the majority of suicides.

Mike MacKinnon

Jan 7, 2002, 12:16:15 PM1/7/02

"ZsaZsa" <> wrote in message
I still find it really strange that people who commit suicide are accused of
copping out. Can you imagine the situation where you can see absolutely NO
light at the end of the tunnel? It must be hell.

As a person who once thought about it, I feel sorry for these people and
would never accuse them of copping out. Staying alive is easy, deciding when
to die is much harder.



Jan 7, 2002, 12:27:06 PM1/7/02

"Nigel Jones" <> wrote in message

> On 1 Jan 2002 04:25:59 -0800, (Laughing Boy)
> >>
> >> So, the little old man who comes in with serious wounds after being
unable to
> >> cross the road quick enough is also a wanker ?
> >>
> >> After all, it's his own fault for getting old isn't it ?
> >>
> >How can you treat both scenarios the same ?
> >The little old man you describe would in most peoples eyes be a
> >genuine accident victim.
> >The Wanker who takes 50 paracetamol would in most peoples eyes not be
> >a genuine accident victim.
> No, not an accident victim, but a genuine victim of an illness. Maybe what
> saying would have been clearer to you if I had said a little old man with
> disease who'd had an attack in his home.
> >Perhaps if your Mother or child had to wait on a trolly in a cold
> >corridor while the paracetamol victim was treated you attitude would
> >change. Imagine your old Mother even dies on the trolly while we deal
> >with the wanker with the paracetamol ?
> That would be unfortunate but I would not hold it against him,

It's a bullshit premise anyway. Emergency/casualty departments have a
triage protocol which ensures that all incoming cases are prioritized. How
many people have you heard of dying unattended on a trolley? I live in a
city of over 2 million people, and as far as I can recall, that has happened
maybe twice in the last 10 years. It is so rare, that it causes a big
sensation, and becomes front page news. Somebody needing a dose of Ipecac
or a stomach pump because of 50 paracetamol would not require a high level
of departmental resources, or any treatment that is labour-intensive, and
would certainly be slated *behind* someone who was moments from death.

> I DO have
> sympathy for such people. I've been through it myself and it's worse than
> other illness I've suffered. I have also known many others to have
> with depression and a few have succeeded with their death wish.

It's not so much a death wish as a disordered form of thinking resulting in
a form of tunnel vision that can't see any other solutions. Not all
suicides are depressives either, some have other mental illnesses, others
may be in crisis.

> >I can find little sympathy for wanker with paracetamol.
> I can find little belief in you being employed by the health service.

I second that.


Jan 7, 2002, 12:32:19 PM1/7/02

"Mike MacKinnon" <> wrote in message

Absolutely, when you think it *all* they way through. As a fleeting
thought, death may seem like a way out, but to take action on that thought,
well, I'd be too terrified to follow through.


Jan 7, 2002, 12:37:46 PM1/7/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message

Well, I don't think anyone here believes that you are a "Health
Professional", but we have no trouble believing that you are two-faced,
however that doesn't mean that everybody is.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 7, 2002, 12:51:49 PM1/7/02

"westender" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
I sure do. I find them replying to my Usenet posts quite a lot.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 7, 2002, 12:57:01 PM1/7/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Who me? Na! I leave those kind of things to Health Service low life wage
earners who think of themselves as Health Service Professionals but who are
not professional at all. They cannot write in decent English never mind in

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 7, 2002, 12:59:19 PM1/7/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
> >

Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Wow! What a wonderfully well thought out retort. Must have taken at least a
mortuary attendant or a porter to have though that one up.

Robert, (Auld Bob), Peffers

Jan 7, 2002, 1:04:56 PM1/7/02

"Laughing Boy" <> wrote in message
> > >

Frae Auld Bob Peffers:
Wow! Look at that retort! You have to admit the English spelling and grammar
are getting better. Good God! If he keeps up this improvement he may even be
able to sort himself out all by himself.


Jan 7, 2002, 2:42:06 PM1/7/02

"westender" <> wrote in message

To each his/her own I guess. I happen to think that Auld Bob rocks!

Laughing Boy

Jan 7, 2002, 3:27:09 PM1/7/02
> Why do you think that no doctors or nurses had to see him? In this country,
> only an MD can pronounce death. Except in obvious cases (ie decapitation,
> advanced decomposition etc.) the person has to be seen by a doctor.

What I meant was he didnt take up too much of the doctors time, they
didnt have to spend hours trying to revive him.

> >anyway, you said a dear friend ? not that "dear" a
> > friend if you left him alone on New Years day to do him self in, now
> > are you ?
> He wasn't alone. His wife was at home asleep.

Yes now let me guess, he was such a nice guy he went down the woods so
as his wife and kids wouldnt have to find him ? no ? you mean this
good guy topped himself in the family home, so the wife and kids could
get a good look at him in the morning, they were given the gift of
having this image burned into their minds forever ? well well, what a
really nice friend you have Madam.

> > Shame on you.
> No, shame on you, you lowlife, although I doubt that you have the decency to
> feel shame.

No shame at this end