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Rape of UK Human Rights

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Mar 25, 2005, 8:41:59 AM3/25/05

Any one of you who supports arrest of Mr Modi first look into their own
evil conscious and tell me what they have done about the Human Rights
violations in the UK.

Indian Courts at least have the decency to find that Mr Modi did not do
enough to stop the violation what worse than Nazi Courts of the UK and
you all are doing about it? Shame on you all.

This superman Imran Khan who is said to be contemplating Pinochet Type
arrest of Mr Modi is nothing more a than a greedy pompous begot who
gives s shit to Human Rights because he has found a way to rob public
funds. Will he look it his evil ways first?

Here is some evidence, which is not even a tip of the iceberg, of the
so-called Human Rights in worse than Nazi Regime of War Criminal Blair
and lawyers like you.

Are you not ashamed that:

* Court do not even issue applications of the ethnic minority
courts users

* Judges by their evil ways, telling lies and falsifying
evidence have turned courts into justice prostitution centres

* Police, Law Society, Bar Council and even Obstructer/pervert
of justice Criminal Falconer’s departments do not take action against
the evil members of the legal/judicial fraternities

* Corrupt Attorney General has loyalties leaned towards fellow
Jews than nation or justice

* Even Senior Law Lord Bingham and likes of Hope and Hale rape

than serve it

Look into your criminal minds before you accuse someone else of Human
Rights violations


THE prime minister blair’s regime AGAINST

Ashok Mahajan of 20 Ammanford Green London NW9 7SA,

* This is just summary of the crimes committed against me by the
British Authorities in the past 7 years only in Prime Minister Blair’s
regime. To record full details of all the crimes committed against me I
would require writing at least 10 volumes of a books

1. On 6 December 2004, while I was complaining to the Assistant
Commissioner of Police, now Commissioner, on telephone, three policemen
behaving like gangsters entered my house through my window assaulted me,
physically hurt my right hand and falsely imprisoned me.

It was a calculated crime to physically harm me as the
public authorities do in the UK, [Latest example of which is the murder
of unlawfully imprisoned Mr Arnold McCardle whose eyes had been gouged,
lips glued and jaws broken], obviously aware that they are untouchables
as Judges and Police get away with murder in the UK [Judges have been
caught taking bribes, womanising, perpetrating frauds, manufacturing
evidence and even paedophilia and racist crimes but they have never been
brought to justice or even sacked]. After 7 hours of arrest my blood
pressure was found to be 240 [Prison doctor recorded 220], which could
only have been the result of some unlawful poisonous injection as a
result of which, my blood pressure has become too high and my kidneys
are failing. I never had blood pressure and kidney problems.

2. To assist the Jewish director of my former Employer Company
thieve me of my remuneration and the monies she owes me personally the
Courts in England and Wales perverted justice against me [attached
summary of crimes reported to Lord Phillips MR and Parliamentarian
against Court of Appeal Judges and staffs who are just a fraction of the
number of perpetrators involved in crimes against me]

3. I gave evidence of frauds and perversion of justice to the
Police but the Police dishonestly protected the criminals obviously they
could not have got a ‘go ahead’ from the Jewish Attorney General to
bring his fellow Jews and institutionally racist and corrupt judges to

4. When I issued proceedings for Fraud, Perjury, falsification
of evidence, Conspiracy to obstruct justice, malicious prosecution and
malicious bankruptcy against the director of my former employer company
and her legal MAFIA who had even presented a witness under false
identity, not only the Judges ganged up against me but all sorts of
perpetrators started harassing me and a Jewish firm of solicitors even
made a false claim against me which it concluded with the help of fellow
Jews sitting as judges.

5. To cause me to give up my plight for justice the perpetrators
started making written threats to me threatening in such terms as
follows: -


* “ We are A very proud race we will destroy you slowly but


6. I made complaints to the Police, but in spite of the fact
that the Police have found DNA evidence the Police did not investigate
the matters properly, obviously, the Police protect the influential
criminals in the UK assigned to torturing the ethnic minorities.

7. To spite on me some Jewish solicitors and judges conspired to
make my then 6 years old child homeless by assisting the robbing, thief
Jewish freeholder of the leasehold flat of my estranged wife steal her
flat. The perpetrators made nearly £8,000 bills against her, which she
did not owe. When the Jewish Judge, who had also been instrumental in
dirty tricks against me to pervert the course of justice for his fellow
Jews, the director of my former employer company, found my evidence as
overwhelming defence for my estranged wife from whom my marriage broke
down due to the racist crimes committed against me by the British
authorities, my estranged wife was blackmailed that if she allowed me
give evidence she will me made to lose her flat. The corrupt Jewish
judges made her pay around £12,000, which she did not and does not owe.
As a result my estranged wife had to sell her flat and move to new place
from where the child has to travel nearly 2 hours in the buses to go to

8. I lodged an appeal but the Willesden County Court, which
together with Central London County Court is a centre of organised crime
and is assisting some rich Jewish people and lawyers operating like a
MAFIA in North West London rob, thieve and manipulate ethnic minorities,
has not listed my application for over 2 years now.

9. From the day I moved in the LB Borough, after my marriage
broke down due to racist crimes committed against me by British
Authorities, predominantly Jewish controlled council staffs have been
trying to make me homeless and have broken every rule in the book to be
nasty in a manner which is akin to ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ as in the LB
Southwark and is reminiscent of what the Jews claims they were accused
of doing in 1930s, hiding their identities and assisting their fellow
Jews thieve non-Jews, which is frequently happening in the courts
including in the Royal Courts of Justice.

10. I reported the LB Barnet to the Local Government Ombudsman but
through its racist staffs in spite of clear evidence of unlawful acts
dishonestly dismissed my complaints as he does.

11. Disclosure of evidence that the racist and corrupt Local
Government Ombudsman attempted to hush-up revealed that the racist
perpetrators within the LB Barnet systematically had been instrumental
in my character assassination.

12. I took legal action against the LB Barnet for Racial
victimisation and libel but corrupt judges displayed such bias that they
even disregarded a counsel for the LB Barnet impersonating as who he is
not and perverted justice against me which led to my issuing a claim
against the Department for the Constitutional Affairs, the Head of which
is non else but Prime Minister Blair’s former flat mate Lord Falconer.

13. In another matter Court of Appeal officials abused a Muslim
staff to be nasty and refused to issue my lawful applications to the
Court of Appeal, which again led to my issuing another claim against the
Department for Constitutional Affairs for violation of my fundamental
and statutory Human Rights by incompetent, corrupt, dishonest and
institutionally racist judges.

14. In November/December 2003, Attorney General Lord Goldsmith
conspired with the Court of Appeal to maliciously assassinate my
character, which further led to my issuing a claim against the
Department of Constitutional Affairs for violation of my fundamental and
statutory Human Rights by incompetent, corrupt, dishonest and racist

15. I issued all three claims against the Department of
Constitutional Affairs with the permission of Master Tenant and Master
Ungley of the High Court who are very senior members of the Judiciary
with many years of legal/judicial experience who clearly found merit in
my complaints against the Judiciary.

16. To obstruct Justice Prime Minister’s Blair’s former flat mate
Lord Falconer abused his office, for unlawful favours of Master Tennant
to sweep the crimes committed against me by the Judiciary in England and
Wales under the carpet and eventually stayed all my claims for 2 years.
Through his solicitor he lied in attempt to deny the evidence, which
shows his abusing his office to pervert justice.

17. As soon as Prime Minister’s Blair’s former flat mate Lord
Falconer had the crimes by the Court of Appeal committed against me, LB
Barnet and the Job Canter started stealing money from my minimum
allowance to persecute me. I again reported the matter to the Ombudsman
and yet again with disregard to clear evidence of falsification of
evidence even by the solicitor of the council he fraudulently and
dishonestly swept evil deeds of the LB under the carpet. For over one
year I have been living on nearly half the amount of money that the law
states a single person requires for his/her basic necessities. I have
complied with all legal requirements but the British Authorities under
the direct control of Prime Minister’s Blair’s former flat mate Lord
Falconer continue their criminal activities of obstructing/perverting
the course of justice.

18. Upon the Court of Appeal perverting justice for Prime
Minister’s Blair’s former flat mate Lord Falconer I made 6 Petitions to
the House of Lords but in the name of the controversially appointed Lord
Bingham, chamber mate of Prime Ministers Blair’s former flat mate Lord
Falconer, the Judicial Office clerk sent me decisions which essentially
mean that setting right the wrongs done to me is not of public
importance which could only lead to the conclusion that racist crimes in
the United Kingdom are State Sponsored in Blair regime.

19. Lord Bingham is also chamber mate of Brooke LJ who lied,
imported evidence and displayed blatant incompetence to obstruct justice
to me. Law requires that an independent Tribunal give me a fair hearing.
Clearly Lord Bingham and his conduct did not and do not fit into that
category. Under the same precedents under which a Petition Re Pinochet 2
case was not only admitted but also allowed by 5 Law Lords I made a
petition against the decision attributed to Lord Bingham but the clerk
of the Judicial Office is obstructing justice. He again is acting
outside his jurisdiction

20. I made a formal complaint to the Clerk of the Parliaments
against the Principal Clerk of the judicial office, who appears to be
manufacturing evidence in the name of the Law Lords, but he is failing
to respond to my correspondence and is not even replying my letters,
obviously aware that the criminals are influential

21. Out of fear of the wrath of the judges involved in crimes
against me no solicitor takes on my case and when I act in person judges
behave like gangsters. Any lawyer I consulted s/he found that I have
been wronged.

22. The Labour MP of my constituency is anti Asians pro Jews
racist. He blatantly told me that he is not prepared to hear a word
against any Jew. He refused to carry out his parliamentary duties
because my barbarian tyrants are Jews who are responsible for the most
white-collar and racist crimes, which often leads to the British
Authorities committing violent crime against the victims of the Jews as
they committed against me and many other victims of the Jews in the
United Kingdom.

23. I gave clear documentary evidence to the Parliamentary
Commissioner, which shows that conduct on part of the MP of my
constituency amounts to Racial Discrimination but he dishonestly put a
lid on the racist crime by the Labour MP.

24. I reported the matter to the Labour Party Executive Committee
but it proved to be as dishonest as its leader has been about Weapons of
Mass Destruction and legal opinion about attack on Iraq.

25. For six years two hospitals including the so-called world
famous Moorefield Eye Hospitals continually tried to make the replica of
the contact lenses that my private practitioner had made in 1998, whom I
cannot afford now because British authorities have assisted the Jews
thieve me, but when they could not make even the replica they made up
false stories and denied me treatment. Even after my 7 years of agony
and complaints the Health Service Ombudsman finds that I have not
completed the NHS complaints procedure because the perpetrators know
that Judicial MAFIA is obstructing justice against me and Asians do not
have the right to ‘Due Process of the law’ and decisions according to
the law and evidence.

26. When the anti Asians pro Jews racist Labour MP of my
constitutively had racially discriminated against me I managed to have
the support of a decent MP who forwarded my complaints to the
Parliamentary Ombudsman, the same Ombudsman who dishonestly refuses to
investigate my complaints against the NHS, but my 2 complaints were not
even allocated to the investigators until March 2005 [Made in September
2004] and one investigator is playing every dirty game on the earth to
be nuisance, who I suspect may have her loyalties divided for her Jewish

27. I reported lawyers to their disciplinary Committees but those
are only unions of the solicitors and barristers and behaved unlike
disciplinary bodies of which Law Society is well known as Crime Society
of England and Wales.

28. Mere a summary of these crimes committed against me shows what
kind of Democratic State United Kingdom, which claims to be champion of
Human Rights, is which supports assassination of over 100,000 innocent
children, women and men for regime change in the name of Human Rights.
Britain under Blair is the most notorious Human Rights Offender State
worse than any barbarian State ever known to the history. I believe
Blair personally is allowing Jews rob, thieve and manipulate Asians
because his fund campaigner gets donations from his community and in
return British Authorities let them commit all white-collar crimes.
Evidence shows that this Human Rights Offender State abuses its position
in the European Court of Human Rights, which is covering up State
Sponsored crimes Committed against the ethnic minorities in the United

Victim of the Crimes by
The British authorities
In Prime Minister Blair’s Regime

Crime Committed by Lord Falconer

1. On 27 February 2004, with the permission of Master Ungley of
the High Court, sitting as Practice Master, I issued a claim for
violation of Human Rights against the DCA under High Court reference

2. On 9th March 2004, Master Tennant allegedly on the court’s
own motion struck out the claim under rule 3.4(2)(b) as an abuse of the
Court’s process for the reasons, which are not lawful reasons.

3. Upon inspection of the court file I found that on 8th March
2004 a secret discussion took place between some Court staffs and the
DCA staff of which no record was kept by the court. Through his
solicitor Lord Chancellor lied that he instructed solicitors only on
10th March 2004 and denied that secret discussion whereas I have
documentary evidence in my possession that the DCA not only discussed
the matter secretly but also gave some undisclosed documents to the
court and conspired to violate my Human Right of a fair hearing.

4. As per practice my case ought to have been assigned to Master
Ungley who gave me permission to issue a claim.

5. Evidence suggests that the DCA summoned Master Tennant to
Lord Chancellor’s office. Thus the order attributed to Master Tennant is
not an order made on court’s own volition but the result of a criminal
conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

6. While my application to set aside the order of Master Tennant
was still pending, which in law Master Tennant should have heard,
Criminal Falconer took out a date of hearing before one of his gang
mates McKinnon J for the hearing of a non-existent application who raped
justice instead of serving it.

7. I appealed to the Court of Appeal where on 28 June 2004
Criminal Falconer’s chamber mate incompetent, liar, perverter/obstructer
of justice, fraudster criminal Brooke LJ admitted that the matter was
not ready for hearing and adjourned that. Subsequently I found that
about a week before the hearing Criminal Brooke had made an order and
designed a judgement for a website to which I did not and do not have
access. Thus after playing the drama of an adjournment the MAFIA had
struck out my appeal fraudulently.

8. I made a petition to the House of Lords. Under S 9 of the
Human Rights Act 1998 I have right to petition but another chamber mate
of Criminal Falconer wearing the mask of Lord Bingham raped justice.
Evidence shows that my Petition has never been considered yet the
Judicial Office says it was considered.


By Fax 0207 276 0128
20 Ammanfird Green

Sir Andrew Turnbull – Cabinet Secretary
London NW9 7SA

Cabinet Office

70 Whitehall

London SW1A 2AS
9 March 2005

Dear Sir Turnbull


I write to formally ask your office to investigate: -

A. Whether or not conduct on part of Attorney General Lord
Goldsmith was lawful and/or inappropriate in the circumstances,

B. If you find that conduct on part of Attorney General Lord
Goldsmith was not lawful and/or appropriate in the circumstances, how
far consideration of the fact that the ultimate beneficiaries were his
fellow Jews was responsible for his conduct

C. Could and should a person of such propensity, as my complaints
disclose, be allowed to occupy the office of the Attorney General of the
United Kingdom?

Facts giving rise to my complaints are as follows:-

1. Between 19 October 2003 and 15 July 2004 I wrote 23
letters to his/his office, which were letters specifically addressed to
him/his office and are in addition to the copy letters that I sent to
him, complaining about criminal offence of obstruction/perversion of
justice committed and being committed because of institutionalised
racism and corruption prevalent in the Courts.

2. In my various letters I specifically brought to his attention
that some judges are systemically perverting justice in cases where a
party to the case was Jewish.

3. My complaints are founded on my personal experience over a
period of nearly 7 years and knowledge about experience of other

4. I believe as the highest Law Officer of the land let alone as
a good citizen it was and remains his duty not to ignore such serious
complaints as of criminal offence of perversion of justice.

5. Despite my persistent correspondence Attorney General Lord
Goldsmith took no action at all and he turned a blind eye on
institutionalised racism and corruption within the judiciary.

6. As opposed to dealing with my complaints in
Novermber/Deceember2003 Attorney General Lord Goldsmith conspired with
Brooke LJ, who in my personal experience is an incompetent and a
dishonest judge, and assisted Court of Appeal presided by Brooke LJ to
make an Extended Civil Restraint Order against me fraudulently.

7. Under the Human Rights Act 1998 and European Convention on
Human Rights I was and remain entitled to a fair trial and in an attempt
to have a fair hearing I had made an application to the Court that I be
provided legal representation because out of fear of many corrupt
judges’ involvement no solicitor takes on my case and even if someone
takes on my case s/he is denied legal aid. [Any lawyer I contacted s/he
has found me wronged by the Courts]

8. Court of Appeal wrote to me that it has asked the Attorney
General to appoint and advocate but did not reply my various letters in
which I made enquiries about the appointment of the said advocate.

9. On 10 December 2003 a counsel Mr Adam Tolley from the
Fountain Court Chambers of Lord Goldsmith, appeared in the court and it
emerged that he was there to advise the court. Just a few minutes before
the hearing, Mr Tolley handed over to be a bunch of documents in a ring
binder, which I never had an opportunity to read. On occasions when I
saw Brooke LJ shaking his head I saw Mr Tolley communicating with Brooke
LJ in sign language. I was unable to keep tracks of all their actions
because I was acting in person and was on the bench designated for the
lay litigants and Mr Tolley was sitting behind me.

10. On 10 December 2003 Mr Tolley fully aware of the fact that the
Court presided by Brooke LJ was proceeding unlawfully he continued to
support the Court in its lawful conduct although in his written advice,
about which I leant after the hearing, he had advised the court that the
court will be acting unlawfully and violating my Human Rights if it
proceeded with the hearing without giving me a fair opportunity and
notice is its motion, as it did.

11. Purpose of the order that the Court of Appeal presided by
Brooke LJ was to prevent me from pursuing my three claims (1) of Fraud,
Perjury, Falsification of Evidence, Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice,
Presenting witness under false identity, Malicious Bankruptcy and
Malicious Prosecution that I have issued against eight defendants of
whom 2 are barristers and 2 solicitors and are predominantly Jewish, (2)
False claim made against me by a Jewish firm of solicitors; and (3)
British Gas misconduct amounting to blackmailing and falsehoods about
the court orders , which will expose many corrupt and institutionally
racist judges in the Courts, including in the Royal Courts of Justice.

12. A fair hearing will expose some fanatic racist Jews
systematically robbing, thieving and manipulating ethnic minorities with
active support of various judged and courts staffs.

13. I believe unlawful conduct on part Lord Goldsmith was motivated
by racial bias.

14. My belief that the conduct on part Lord Goldsmith was
motivated by racial bias and his loyalties are inclined towards his
fellow Jews first then to the United Kingdom and its residents is also
precipitated by the fact that: -

A. I understand that he misled the Cabinet and made a false case
for attack on Iraq which ultimately militarily and security wise
benefits his Jewish State of Israel.

B. He has been dubious about his advice about attack on Iraq the
correctness of which has been questioned by various senior lawyers.

C. I find it amazing that Lord Goldsmith conveniently fails to
give such basic advice that the Cabinet Rules required a copy of the
full legal advice to all the Cabinet members when it suited his desires
to benefit his Jewish State.

D. In North West London some Jews are behaving like al-Capone.
With the help of Jewish judges and solicitors they are thieving
financially poor people and even stealing their homes but the police
refuse to bring the perpetrators to justice because to bring such
powerful criminals they require go ahead right from the top and the
Attorney General has been supporting such crime by inaction.

E. Various judges in the court of Appeal are committing criminal
offence of perversion of justice unchecked and unhindered. [Please see
attached copy letter to Lord Phillips]

F. Even in the House of Lords, Attorney General’s chamber mate
Lord Bingham is covering up crime and evidence suggest that he is
rubber-stamping any perverse decisions made by the bureaucrats that they
require covering up serious criminal improprieties by the lower courts
and Blair Government.

G. In all cases known to me the ultimate beneficiaries are

I shall be grateful if you would please acknowledge receipt of my
complaint and advise me the course of action followed by you.

Yours sincerely,


Ashok Mahajan

Encl Copy letter to Lord Phillips

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