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Letter from Patients Support Trust

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Mar 24, 2005, 8:41:21 AM3/24/05
Dear Mr Sayer

Thank you for your 2 e-mails. The reason that you can no longer find
our web-site is that there was a Conspiracy
to Steal this asset from us and destroy it. The Patient Support Trust
lost £50,000 and patients were losers too.

At last, I have found a firm of solicitors that I can trust ie in West
Wales. The Law Society have made it clear that its members are not
responsible for their 'mistakes'.

The MP that I have referred to is Julian Brazier MP, but I have since
also contacted Chris Pond MP (Pensions Minister and promoter of new
Domestic Violence legislation).

I have compiled a document (below) which may assist in answering your e-

Kent Masons Conspiring to Rob and Conspiring to Defraud

The freemason movement is aware that some of their members ganged up to
conspire to rob and defraud their own Charity Funds (and fellow
freemasons) via the Sale of the Royal Masonic Hospital. Have any of
these 'robbers' been brought to justice?

Why did freemasons approach Geoffrey Scriven, President of the Litigants
in Persons Society to act on their behalf in the Liverpool Courts to
retrieve their Charity Funds?
Why was a non-freemason Litigant in Person trusted in preference to a

The Province of East Kent masons are aware that some of their members
have ganged up to conspire to rob and defraud (and destroy) our 2
charities ie the Kent Business Network (which was launched in July 1999
at Brands Hatch and has now been destroyed) and the Patient Support
Trust (founded in May 2000). These rogue masons are the enemies of
patients, children, businesses and the Community.

Kent Business Network was set up as an ethical business network to
restore the Community's faith in business in Kent, following the
bringing down of the Kent Chamber of Commerce & Industry in 1998 (and
the ensuing conspiracy to rob and defraud the 3,000+ KCCI members &
creditors). The KCCI Liquidators were
McCabeFordWilliams (Province of East Kent Masons Auditors); moreover
what they did is publicly recorded in the Kent Business Press. Peter
Frowde was the Liquidator.

McCabeFordWilliams are involved in the Conspiracy to rob the Patient
Support Trust.

The 2 main beneficiaries in the Conspiracy to rob and the Conspiracy to
defraud the Patient Support Trust, have now come forward as being David
South (fronted by Michael Parkes and Penningtons) and Richard Pym of the
Alliance & Leicester.

I am fully up-to-speed in the full range of criminal activities that the
Province of East Kent mason organised crime ring engage in. I know who
many of them are.
I know that they target freemasons and non-freemasons alike in their
Conspiracies to Rob and Conspiracies to Defraud. I know that every
family and business in Kent pays higher Council Taxes because of what is
going on in Kent, via 'rogue freemasons'.

I can appreciate why freemasons ganged up to bring down former POEK
freemason Malcolm Denyer's competitive mortgage business, and stab him
in the back. Did he not raise concerns over the sale of the Royal
Masonic Hospital? Was his business (Money Movement Ltd) selling
repayment mortgages in preference to endowments?

Those in the 50+ age group will now have concerns about health matters,
pensions & endowments and for the safety of their grandchildren.

The POEK Lodge Secretaries know that former POEK freemason Malcolm
Denyer and myself, combined for the benefit of all. We came up with
ways of protecting patients, children and the NHS etc. Malcolm Denyer
is our Company Secretary.

Politicians from both of the main political parties have lost the trust
of the people where health matters /the NHS are concerned. The Patient
Support Trust can be trusted with sorting out medicine/ the safety of
patients in the UK.

Our web-site, fronted our independent patient
safety agency; it was the most successful of its kind in the World for
4 years (2000-2004).
With us out of the way, sales of private medical insurance have grown to
be a 4.1 billion pound industry and medical accidents have continued to

There are now nearly 400,000 homeless people in the UK, at a cost of 1.6
billion pounds. The profits of the banks /financial institutions have
reached record levels.

My 'fake' trial in the Folkestone Magistrates Courts in May 2004

1 BMI Credit Card/ NHS fraudsters/ sales of private medical insurers /
Maidstone BC/ the HSE et al, who had let MRSA into the Mid-Kent NHS via
myself (from the BMI Somerfield Hospital in Maidstone)

2 Endowment /Pension Fraudsters (including those at Sheerness Steel)

3 The Kent Chamber of Commerce & Industry fraudsters

On 26.11.2004, I acted to progress my 2 tests cases that would have
opened the floodgates to compensation claims for victims of MRSA and
Endowment/Pension Fraud.

The letter that I faxed to the Court of Appeal et al on 26.11.2004 was a
catalyst for other extreme reactions, including possibly (from
information supplied to me by a Kent Magistrate) the murder of John
Monckton of Legal & General on 29.11.2004?

On 26.11.2004, Maidstone Police laid siege to me in my home; they
wanted to arrest me after I feared reprisals/ revenge crimes following
my faxed letter. There have been 2 promotions at Maidstone Police
Station for those who have willing to commit criminal acts against my
children and 1/ the Patient Support Trust to protect others.
Tony Wallis(Wallace) was promoted to Inspector (2001) and Christopher
Benson was promoted to Sergeant (2005). The interests of Maidstone and
Ashford Police are the protection of the profits of medical businesses
and banks, not their victims.

The IRA received protection via an office in Dromad Police Station; the
Province of East Kent organised crime ring receive protection via
offices in Maidstone and Ashford Police Stations. I had to be removed
from Ashford Police Station by ambulance on 27.6.2003 and taken to the
William Harvey Hospital (where freemason Dr Rodney Ledward had once
worked). The Medway Money Lenders in the Conspiracy to Rob and Defraud
the Patient Support Trust travel to Ireland for business purposes?

For details of the relationship between Legal & General and the Alliance
& Leicester, please read the bottom of any Alliance & Leicester letter.

Where there is a conspiracy to rob and defraud, it is the bank/
financial institution that compensates the victim and then seeks to
recover its loss from the 'robber'. The 56 day Complaints /Disputes
Process between myself and the Alliance & Leicester comes to an end on
29.3.2005. I have asked the Chief Executive of the Alliance & Leicester
to locate the proceeds of an Endowment that was taken out on 28.7.1978
ie at the time of a new mortgage with them. I have asked the Chief
Executive of the Alliance & Leicester to compensate us for our frauds
since we took out a new mortgage with them on 29.3.1999, and related to
our first mortgage/my divorce.

I note that in yesterday's Daily Mail, Richard Pym - the Chief Executive
of the Alliance & Leicester took home £1,300,000 in pay + bonuses in
2004, whereas in 2003 he only took home £996,000.

In the battle to destroy the Patient Support Trust, the conspiracy
between the Alliance & Leicester and a Province of East Kent Mason
organised crime ring has been proven. The conspiracy to rob and defraud
was established in the Maidstone County Court on 15.3.2005 and supported
by documents received last week. DJ Millward confirmed that we/ the
Patient Support Trust had been given the concession of an interest-only
mortgage. The solicitors of the Alliance & Leicester confirmed that
this concession/ award had been given to us. We therefore have a
'breach of contract' with the Alliance & Leicester when they revoked
their decision a year ago. We are currently calculating the size of our
losses via independent assessors/ 3rd parties.

The Alliance & Leicester and David South (et al) have conspired to
damage our credit rating and therefore increase the costs of any
borrowing. The Alliance & Leicester lent us £15,000 in July 2001 to
increase our security measures at home because of the criminal
activities of the Province of East Kent organised crime ring; those
involved in the Conspiracy at that time were Grouts - and unknown to us
they generated a CCJ.

In the aftermath of the gas explosions which killed 3 Medway tenants
last week,
a Superintendent of Police in Medway is studying reports re: gas leaks
and explosions at both the Patient Support Trust properties (Little
Caring Farm and Unit 6 The Oaks Business Village). Kent Police were
involved in a gas leak at Unit 6 The Oaks Business Village on 1.3.2005,
when I acted for the safety of tenants in Unit 7. The emergency
services have been involved at Little Caring Farm ie 9.1.2005 et al.
There has been interference with gas linked to Court Cases since

If there is no resolution to the dispute between us and the Alliance &
Leicester by 5pm on Tuesday 29.3.2005, we shall commence legal
proceedings in the Ashford Magistrates Court on Wednesday 30.3.2005
against Richard Pym, CEO of the Alliance & Leicester.

The Patient Support Trust expects the support of all decent freemasons.

After 5 years of investigating medical accidents and medical scandals,
The Patient Support Trust is in no doubt that the current NHS Crisis and
the fear in the Community about MRSA and rogue doctors/ medication etc
has been brought by the role of organised crime and freemasonry.

I am of the opinion that there are medical-legal cartels in Kent (and
elsewhere) and that they should be broken up by the Office of Fair
Trading et al in the interests of patient safety. Clinical Negligence
Solicitors act as one across the UK to stuff a good case and to protect
a rogue doctor; rogue doctors and medical businesses have the support of
the Kent CPS Solicitors, the Kent Police Solicitor and the Kent Coroner.

I have now read the book 'The Brotherhood' and it is gives an accurate
description of activities in Kent. I have no doubt that freemasons in
Kent are involved in:-

1 organised crime
2 profit at any price
3 ganging up to asset strip and smash up businesses
4 ganging up to asset strip and smash up charities
5 protecting rogue doctors
6 'fake' bankruptcies
7 asset stripping
8 spreading MRSA for 'profit' (private medical sales and profits)
9 police corruption
10 judicial corruption
11 burglaries with keys
12 health sabotage
13 pension and endowment fraud
14 intelligence gathering
15 suspicious car crashes
16 phone tapping
17 public sector fraud
18 fraudulent accounting/ winding up
19 operating cartels eg property 'price fixing' cartels
20 phone tapping
21 'back stabbing'
22 undermining reputations of those who threaten the corrupt

On 21.2.2002, Rochester Police advised us of reports being filed with
NCIS that we are a target of a Province of East Kent Mason 'organised
crime ring'. NCIS have since written to us with crime references. (NCIS
= National Criminal Intelligence Services).

The Patient Support Trust is available for 'after-dinner' talks and

Abbey National Business are the Patient Support Bankers and we have
asked to act for us in connection with the Alliance & Leicester, Nat
West Bank plc, HSBC and the BMI Credit Card. We will keep you updated
as to progress.


Yolande Lindridge (Mrs) Kent Businesswoman of the Year 1995

Senior Trustee of the Patient Support Trust
Unit 6 The Oaks Business Village
Revenge Road
Kent ME5 8UD

NB Our Residential Trauma, Rape Crisis Counselling & Stress Centre is
located at:-

Little Caring Farm
Caring Road
Nr Maidstone Kent ME17 1TH 01622 862244

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