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Wake Up Call

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Mar 28, 2005, 5:07:14 AM3/28/05

Read this wake up call from the link below.

Both Tony Blair (New Labour or Old Conservative in reality) and William
Haig (Conservative) were contestants in the 1997 General Election. Both
these men are also said to be members of the Bilderberg Council which to
many is the world's leading elitist Secret Society. While it was
commonly accepted that the chances of William Haig being elected as
Prime Minister were probaby slightly just above zero still he hung on
until Blair got his landslide victory. There had been no real choice for
the electorate in the circumstances.

Are we now heading for a similar situation coming up to the next General
Election? With the present Conservative Party wrangle presently taking
place, the likelihood of a similar situation to that of 1997 seems to be
emerging. Blair will again in the circumstances be the likely winner.

Not a sheet of paper would fit between the present New Labour and
Conservative policies.

Any political Party who employs a Party Whip is not democratic. The
Party Whip is there to control Members of Parliament who may speak out
against A Party line. In other words, MP's may in some situations be
free thinking, but they are not free speaking. The Party Whip system of
government and opposition is a significant reason showing that our
alleged Democratic system of government is a lie and a blatant one at

Its time for free thinking and speaking people to govern the UK. People
who are not held by a Party line and can express their views and ideas
upenly be that in Parliament or to the General Public. Please think
about casting your vote for someone who is indendent of the present
Party System.

Tony Blair holds a huge responsibilty in what was the apparent murder of
thousands of the people of Iraq. There never was any weapons of mass
destuction in Iraq as was alleged by both Blair and his pal Bush.
Dr.David Kelly was obviously aware that the UK had gone to war on a lie.
It seems that he may have paid the ultimate price for being a potential
whistle blower in that matter. Who gained by his death? It is credible
medical opinion that Dr Kelly did not die in the way it was claimed that
he had. In those circumstances its more than likely that he was

The world under Blair and Bush is more dangerous now than at any time in
recent history. They are the largest contributers to this situation.
Human Rights in the UK are now almost none existent. Such rights exist
on paper but not in reality. The rising number of UK victims will bear
witness to this fact. This situation gets worse as time goes on.

Why not look up the European Human Rights Covention websites and see
what we are entitled to under it and what what is being denied to us in

Since 1997 Blair's feet have barely touched the ground. Much of his time
has been spent in other countries. His intersts have not so much been
the UK, but in him trying to become a world statesman. Iraq has shown
him to be the man that he really is. The UK is now paying for the
massive cost of joining forces with the USA in becoming the worlds
policemen. People should see the cost of these thing's rising now on an
almost daily level. Removal of State Benefits,fines and penalities etc.
being increased and added to in fact just about anything to get the
revenue from the public to pay for their illegal wars are now the norm.
It is the British public who are paying for these wars. If Blair was to
get back into Public Office,its more than likely that things will get
much worse.

Its time for a change before the Blair and Bush's of this world make it
worse than it is already and there will be no turning the clock back.

Human Rights Worker.

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