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VOMIT UK 11/05

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Mar 18, 2005, 8:06:13 AM3/18/05
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VOMIT UK 11/05

Victims Of Masonic Ill Treatment 12 March 2005

Before relying upon anything attributed to VOMIT please check with us
for accuracy. Our Web page was sabotaged by people who put cash
before principle.
Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications or in VOMIT web
pages has an absolute right of reply. JMF stands for the
Judaeo/Masonic Faction which is similar to the former P2 lodge in Italy.
The ordinary Mason and Jew are just as likely to suffer from the
machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Most
institutions in the UK are corrupt. Everything we publish is aimed at
the detection, exposure and prevention of crime especially in the public
sector. We act in the public interest.
This document is not an unsolicited offer of goods or services. Any
individual not in the public service will have his or her name deleted
from our circulation list on request. Don't let us waste your time.

ALMOs: Arms Length Management Organisations are invariably formed to
conceal corruption between the responsible authorities and their friends
in the commercial world.
OSTRICHES: are authorities responsible for fair dealing who sever
connections with complainers when they run out of excuses for condoning
unfair dealing and serious corruption
QUANGOS: are Quasi Autonomous Non Government Organisations which are
supposed to look after the interests of the ordinary members of the
public. Invariably they do exactly the opposite. Where pricing is
involved they effectively create a cartel which ensures that there is no
competition. They are festooned with overpaid parasites whose main
strength is their ability to lie, lie and lie again.
GCP: God's Chosen People or God's Chosen Person.

The Murder of Arnold McCardle in Carstairs State Hospital on 26 December

WE have still not heard anything about police enquiries into Mr
McCardle's demise. Was anything published in the newspapers
particularly by the Sunday Mail? Why has Brave Heart clammed up?
AOL has again succeeded in cutting us off from the Internet with the
assistance of its Indian technical advisers. There follows a letter
we wrote to Cathy Jamieson, the Scottish Justice Minister, who financed
her nephew when he was on the run from the police after murdering her
To: Ms Cathie Jamieson, MSP, Justice Minister, Scottish Parliament
Dear Ms Jamieson, Your fax number 0131 348 5582
You again passed our letter of 18 February 2004 to another cover-up
merchant in the form of Rebecca Robinson of your Scottish Executive
Health Department. As you and she know Arnold McCardle is being
detained in Carstairs State Hospital as a result of serious corruption
of the legal process, It is a matter for you and not for your health
Once again we must ask what malign influence Lord Cullen has over the
Labour Party following the Dunblane enquiry and the unnecessary and
unlawful 100-year embargo on information. Cullen is alleged to have
heard two of Mr McCardle's petitions in his absence but Mr McCardle has
not received a court order substantiating what would amount to a serious
violation of law and human rights and the rejection of a foolproof case
against named doctors..
We refrain from expressing an opinion about you and Robinson.
Robinson gives neither a fax number nor an email address. Email to you
is now blocked.
Yours faithfully, pp VOMIT

Last week in the SUN newspaper the Queen Victoria School was again in
the news over the paedophile rings and the Dunblane killer Thomas
Hamilton's connections. Four teachers at the school have been
suspended and are likely to face criminal charges if the Ministry of
Defence does not intervene to hush matters up. There was also a
reference to the visits by the higher echelons of Scottish society who
would visit the school at the weekends in their limousines and pick up
boys whom they ravished. Omerta was the rule of the day because the
boys were the sons of service officers. Bear in mind what happened to
Doctor David Kelly when he blew the whistle,
The Duke of Edinburgh is a patron of Queen Victoria School.

The Quislings

We are still interested in information about Gosling of the NUJ and
Marshall Rice. We do not propose to waste time on the Plympton woman
who appears to be suggesting that whoever faxed us 30 pages of material
in the middle of the night used her telephone without her knowledge.
The nut cases from North Wales and Bournemouth are still seeking

The Ulster Merry Go Round

Students of the different dirty tricks campaign waged against Sin Fein
and the IRA have known since 1997 that there was never any intention to
have power sharing in Ulster. The plan was to stop the violence and
disarm the IRA when the pre Blair status quo would have been restored.
Now we have the tale of the £26 million robbery (initially £22 million
and all of it wastepaper) Now Chief Constable Orde and his merry men
have gone on a trip to America where they may join the St Patrick's Day
parades in New York and even persuade the Americans to lend them a space
shuttle to enable them to search the space station for the missing
In view of the recent propaganda coup for the Orangemen in connection
with the murder of Robert McCartney one must question the motives of the
vociferous McCartney sisters. Was he murdered because he was working
for British Intelligence? The IRA has always been infiltrated by
enemies. Who knows who was responsible for the threat to shoot the
McCartney murderers?
How convenient the latest dirty tricks are in enabling the UK
government to deprive Sinn Fein Members of Parliament of their
Parliamentary salaries and expenses.
We now hear that British Intelligence attended the interrogation of
United States prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantamino Bay where
they witnessed the inhuman treatment of prisoners.
What has Michael Mansfield, QC, to say about that and about the Bloody
Sunday enquiry where he represents the victims of that massacre. He
is sharing in the spoils of that enquiry, has just put his one million
pound house up for sale and is negotiating for a grander house. How
much longer must the public purse be robbed by the Saville inquiry which
should have lasted not much more than one week. Who was responsible
for locating the sniper in a warehouse above the walls of Derry with
instructions to shoot to kill. That was the signal for shooting to
start at the civil rights marchers.
Maurice Kellett, the scourge of Masons, claims that Prime Minister
Blair is a Mason. It is difficult to see why he can persist in what he
is doing to the country if he wasn't a Mason. Mr Kellett also found
that Prince Charles who was at one time opposed to Freemasonry was
initiated at a major event at Buckingham Palace. At Roslin Chapel,
West Lothian, Mr Kellett met members of the family of a palace servant
who witnessed the initiation celebrations. The Queen is also alleged
to be a patron of the Masons and Prince Philip was a Mason.
Masons and Orangemen have the same goals and treat Catholics as the
profane. Aherne is in a different category. He fears Sinn Fein
because it intends to unite Ireland and govern Ireland.

Crime Detection Rates at less than 1 in 5 of crimes committed

So decided the Home Affairs Select Committee under the chairmanship of
John Denham who as might be expected muddied the waters and was
supported in this by Hazel Blair at the Home Office.
The reason why this country is making crime pay is attributable to the
fact that the police are meddling in politics. There are three top
cops whom we believe should be put out to grass. They are former
Metropolitan Commissioner Stevens, the present one Sir Ian Blair and
Chief Constable Paul Neyroud of Thames Valley Police. The same
probably appliies to every chief constable in the country.
Stevens hails from the Labour bad lands where T Dan Smith, Cunningham,
John Poulson. allied with Reginald Maudling, were convicted of
corruption. According to the Daily Express and the Mail on Sunday he
is Lord Stevens and a favourite of PM Blair Elsewhere he is referred
to as Sir John Stevens.. For many years he conducted the shoot-to-
kill inquiry in Northern Ireland and nobody appears to have been hanged
for that. When PM Blair required cover for misleading the country
over the need to invade Iraq he sent the tanks out to Heathrow Airport
to deal with the terrorist rocket launchers which surrounded the
airport. As Blair tries to force the anti-terrorist bill through
parliament Stevens is also giving credence to the Blair lies about
hundreds of terrorists roaming loose in the UK.
Steven's successor Ian Blair is playing the same game. Neither he nor
Stevens mentions the reason for the terrorism which was Blair's
misleading the country to justify war in Iraq or that there is now a
probability that Blair (PM) will be indicted for war crimes.. Blair
(the actor) should have followed his youthful ambition to go to
Hollywood and become an actor. Three dangerous terrorists were
arrested In Coventry. The shoe bomber who refused to use the bomb was
arrested timeously in Gloucester. In between times Blair (actor) is
able to arrange a photo shoot with a motley gang of foreigners who form
part of the Metropolitan Police force.
Blair(actor), like his namesake, doesn't half fancy himself. On his
right breast pocket there is emblazoned "Commissioner Sir Ian Blair" and
on his left breast there are medal ribbons. Whatever for? His face
exhibits the arrogance of a bigot. He has just decided to squander
£300,000 on making his office more comfortable. Shades of that other
big head , former Lord Chancellor Cupid Irvine! In this connection it
is worth noting that fears grow for the pound as the trade gap widens.
Overall, the trade balance in goods and services - which was level in
1997 - was a record £39.3 billion in 2004. The fear is that, as the
country has been living beyond its means for eight years, the pound -
currently at $1.92 - could come under critical pressure. Britain's
current account deficit, at 2.3 per cent of gross national product, is
the worst of any major European currency other than Spain. Established
companies are fleeing to Europe causing loss to the GNP and
unemployment. What is Blair's (PM) view on the state of the country's
finances? He mounts a propaganda exercise on his commission to solve
the problems of Africa. ‘Physician! Heal thyself'!
Blair (actor) has not responded to questions under the Freedom of
Information Act. His arrogance is mind boggling.
The third top cop, Paul Neyroud of Thames Valley Police, was co-author
of a book entitled Policing, Ethics and Human Rights. Neyroud claims
that the worst feature of modern policing is, for example, the vicious
circle whereby the police are put in the forefront of the war against
crime and are then dogged by scandal and the exposure of corruption.
He certainly changed his tune after his appointment to Thames Valley.
When he received a detailed report about cocaine distribution in his
catchment area a police constable left a message on an answering machine
to the effect that he, the lowly constable, was sitting on the fax and
was responsible for the day-to-day running of Thames Valley Police.
Neyroud ignored also reports about serious corruption in High Wycombe
County Court.

The Jowell/Mills Mafia

Letter dated 10 March 2005 to the Information Commissioner

The Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel. 01625 545700 Fax 01625 524510 Email

Dear Sir/Madam,
WE send again copies of letters dated 21 February to Mills, her reply
dated 2 March to us and our reply dated 3 March to her. With these we
send her latest reply date 8 March 2005.
In view of the nature of the Mill's reply coupled with the fact that
she is again hiding behind one of her underlings we have to question
your impartiality.
We therefore ask you under the Freedom of Information Act to inform us
of your name and title, the nature of your previous employment, who or
what appointed you to the post of Information Commissioner , whether you
applied for the post and whether you are a Mason (Freemason).
Yours faithfully, VOMIT (Victim Of Masonic Ill Treatment)

There follows Mills' latest reply which enables her to plead innocence
in event of exposure.

"Thank you for your letter dated 3 March 2005.
I did indeed read your letter of 22 February 2005. We have complied
with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We are not
obliged to enter into further correspondence with you regarding the
actions of the Inland Revenue. So I will not be responding to the
issues raised in your letter.
I would refer you to the details in my previous letter if you are
unhappy with the way this office has handled your request under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Yours sincerely, Jane Carey, Manager responsible for information."

Comment: ‘Authority without responsibility; the prerogative of the
Wh-re from time immemorial'
This women wrote that she did not have a dead telephone number when we
asked Mills why she took no action when Inland Revenue crooks refused to
divulge a dead number provided by two liars and why, on the basis of the
calls made by the two liars, she condoned six different Inland Revenue
offices harassing us for three years.

Health Service Lies

In our local area two operations were postponed because the patients'
notes had been lost.. In one case the patient had been marked where
the incisions had to be made during surgery. We believe that the same
excuse will be trotted out again and again.
The other matter of concern is the money squandered on agency nurses
who are well paid compared with NHS nurses who are leaving the NHS in
droves to become agency nurses. On top of the agency nurses' salaries
there is the profit made by the agency.
The Health Minster is a former Communist who was also secretary for
Northern Ireland. He is a mixed up kid but he spins a good yarn.
We do not believe anything he says but that is pretty well true of all
Labour ministers. The prognosis is good since he lost his head when
confronted by Jeremy Paxton on TV. He left Northern Ireland when he
found himself up against people who refused to be deceived or bullied.
Perhaps he should look into the behaviour of a hospital in his own
backyard. We refer to Law Hospital, Carluke, where mortuary attendants
refused to let the next-of-kin view the body of Arnold McCardle who was
murdered in another state hospital not far from Wishaw, Carstairs State
Hospital. The whole McCardle scandal, including murder, was
facilitated by the National Health Service.

The minimum wage farce

Blair (PM) boasts about increasing the minimum wage. Workers in the
food industry, especially Asians, invariably work long hours on the
minimum wage. Following the recent increase in the minimum wage there
was an immediate disproportionate surge in food prices from corner shop
to supermarket.. At the same time rents and council tax were increased
in order to finance the widespread corruption in local government.
Demands for pay rises will follow as sure as night follows day. Nobody
benefits from increasing the minimum wage and the minimal increase in
old age pensions causes further hardship for pensioners.
There is another aspect to this which can cause serious problems.
Many of the corner shops are owned by Asians. The shops are supplied
by Asian wholesalers who are as greedy as the indigenous capitalists.
They make a donation to the Labour Party and get away with murder.
The ordinary working class Asian becomes a figure of hatred and Enoch
Powell's forecast could become a reality. Blair (PM) and his party
are motivated by short term policies during which they amass wealth.
Another party is left to sort out the Labour mess.

Read "The Real Yorkshire Ripper" by Noel O'Gara available from Patrick
Cullinane Phone 07950 672816 Email Price £10 plus £1 for post and

More information from and Noel O'Gara email and Web

Published by the VOMIT UK Group Contact
Faxes by arrangement to 020 7727 5300 Anonymous communications are


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