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VOMIT UK 12/05

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Mar 20, 2005, 8:13:42 PM3/20/05
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VOMIT UK 12/05

Victims Of Masonic Ill Treatment 19 March 2005

Before relying upon anything attributed to VOMIT please check with us
for accuracy. Our Web page was sabotaged by people who put cash
before principle.
Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications or in VOMIT web
pages has an absolute right of reply. JMF stands for the
Judaeo/Masonic Faction which is similar to the former P2 lodge in Italy.
The ordinary Mason and Jew are just as likely to suffer from the
machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Most
institutions in the UK are corrupt. Everything we publish is aimed at
the detection, exposure and prevention of crime especially in the public
sector. We act in the public interest.
This document is not an unsolicited offer of goods or services. Any
individual not in the public service will have his or her name deleted
from our circulation list on request. Don't let us waste your time.

ALMOs: Arms Length Management Organisations are invariably formed to
conceal corruption between the responsible authorities and their friends
in the commercial world.
OSTRICHES: are authorities responsible for fair dealing who sever
connections with complainers when they run out of excuses for condoning
unfair dealing and serious corruption
QUANGOS: are Quasi Autonomous Non Government Organisations which are
supposed to look after the interests of the ordinary members of the
public. Invariably they do exactly the opposite. Where pricing is
involved they effectively create a cartel which ensures that there is no
competition. They are festooned with overpaid parasites whose main
strength is their ability to lie, lie and lie again.
GCP: God's Chosen People or God's Chosen Person.

The Murder of Arnold McCardle in Carstairs State Hospital on 26 December

Will someone please write to Dr John Reid, Secretary of State for
Health, and explain how his NHS doctors at Carstairs State Hospital and
Royal Edinburgh Hospital, by corrupt practices facilitated the murder to
Arnold Lowe McCardle on 26 December 2004 at Carstairs State Hospital and
how staff at Law Hospital, Carluke tried to prevent next-of-kin viewing
Mr McCardle's body in the mortuary? You might also ask the doctor if
he can ensure that the police investigate the murder and the
professionals who, by misconduct, bear responsibility for the murder.
WE would appreciate receiving a copy of your letter, to Dr Reid, for

By Andrew Chapman and Keith Beaby in the Mail on Sunday of 13 March

AN OPERATION to arrest 25 suspected illegal immigrants using bogus
identities was stopped at the last minute to avoid embarrassing the
Government in the Election build-up .immigration sources have told the
Mail on Sunday.
Police and officials from the Immigration Service had identified
properties on a council estate occupied by Africans whose National
Insurance numbers did not match the names they had given to the housing
But as the trap was set to spring, Immigration Service investigators
say they were told by senior managers not to proceed - for fear of
causing problems for Mr Blair.
The operation which should have taken place within the last month, was
scheduled for the Kirkholt estate in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, where
residents have noted a large influx of African and Afro-Caribbeans in
previously empty council properties. (CUT)

Comment: Where we are located the problems arise from Asians, East
Europeans, Australians and Middle East immigrants with only an
occasional problem from Africans and Afro Caribbeans. The racket went
completely out of control while Labour spent all its time protecting
foxes and badgers and waging war in Iraq. Let us give you an example
which, while related to someone from the Dominican republic, illustrates
how uncontrolled immigration is also a source of wealth for corrupt
members of the local government authority. A council estate in
central London is"managed" by a churches housing association. The
managers, by false representation in Central London County Court, evict
tenants from their homes. At the same time the managers acquire
ownership of property on the estate. The managers instal a young
single parent with a 4 year-old son in a 2 bedroom flat with a large
sitting room. The lady occupant who is on housing benefit and social
security lets a room for £50 per week. She often returns home at
midnight dressed to kill and is probably employed. Her former husband
is resident in USA. Her passport is in her maiden name. She
decides to seek a visa for her two brothers so that they can attend
communion for her son. One brother is allegedly a half brother and
has a different surname from her. At least one of the brothers
arrives in UK. It is difficult to tell if there are two because one
is seen outside her flat after midnight waiting for her to return home.
The brothers are not seen during the day. The housing association
probably charges an exorbitant rent paid out of the public purse.
Three doors away from the Dominican there is a property owned by a Mr
Ahmad who lives in council property and may own more than two council
properties. There are several Poles living in his rented property
but they are rarely seen because they leave at around 6a.m. and return
very late. Ahmad claims that he discusses asbestos and other matters
with Andrew Dismore, a Labour MP.

Chief Constable Green of Nottinghamshire

This man claims that he is so underfunded that he cannot investigate
murders in Nottinghamshire. What he doesn't say is that most if not
all of the murders and criminal activity are connected with the
distribution of Class A drugs by dealers who do not have official
approval. We repeat that Dr Coleman, a former MI6 operator, now
resident in USA has written a book which claims, inter alia, that UK
security services deal in drugs to finance covert operations. There's
private enterprise for you. Our experience is that police forces
condone approved drug dealing while clamping down on unofficial dealers
in order to maintain the high street cost of drugs. It is well
established by experts who have nothing to gain financially from the
drug trade that decriminalisation of class A drugs would rid this
country of most of its serious crime. Cocaine should be available like
alcohol or by prescription.
Linked with this is the finding of a select committee that for every
£100 of laundered money only two pence is seized. The banks are
blamed for this failure to curb crime. Tessa Jowell's husband, one
of the Mills brothers, is accused of money laundering on behalf of
Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister. When the banks are
finally forced to conform Jowell hopes to have American style casinos up
and running. These are the ideal vehicles for money laundering and
organised crime. In order to promote a drug distribution centre in
the Thames Valley Police area the Inland Revenue harassed us mercilessly
and ignored contradictory statements made in High Wycombe County Court.
When we complained to the Inland Revenue Adjudicator Dame Barbara Mills,
sister-in-law to government minister Tessa Jowell, she ignored our
complaint and is currently not addressing questions asked of her under
the Freedom of Information Act.
We ask yet again if the money which enabled Compagnie Generale Des Eaux
(renamed Vivendi) to buy Rickmansworth Water (renamed Three Valleys
Water PLC) and the money which enabled Electricite De France to buy
London Electricity (renamed London Energy) was laundered.

The Budget - the good and the bad

The good aspect is that a massive amount of money is to be allocated to
education. The first casualty of education will be the Labour Party.
The bad is the fact that the first casualty of the Labour party is the
truth. Believe not Chancellor Brown. We are sickened by the news
media reporting that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has tried to buy
the votes of pensioners by making one payment of £200 next December to
compensate for the increase in council tax. Who pays for the increase
in the prices of water, gas, electricity, rents and, above all, food?
What about the increased balance of payments deficit which is the worst
since Labour took over in 1997 and is second only to Spain in Europe.
Only USA has an even greater deficit. However the incompetence of
Labour is exhibited in all sorts of ways. One man from the Midlands
phoned a radio programme to say that he hoped that the Olympics went to
Paris rather than London because it was cheaper to fly to Paris than to
take a train to London. No doubt the accommodation in Paris would be
better and cheaper as would the food.
Please note that heavy borrowing by Chancellor Brown in recent years
has seen a cumulative surplus of £49.6 billion between 1999 and 2002
turn into a cumulative deficit of £36 billion.

Sinn Fein /IRA and Robert McCartney murder

Nobody is claiming that the murder of Robert McCartney was other than
the foulest of deeds but was it any worse that the murder of thousands
of Iraq civilians arising from the ill conceived actions of Bush and
Blair. Surely the visit to Bush by the McCartney sisters is a
betrayal of the Nationalist cause. Many brave men died in that cause.
What would Bobby Sands think of the McCartney sisters who claim "We are
not ignorant". Perhaps not but certainly misguided.
There are criminals in the IRA and amongst the Loyalist paramilitaries
and we have learned that there are criminals in the British army notably
with their shoot-to-kill policy. However even criminals do not take
it upon themselves to murder a man who has been having a convivial
evening in a public house unless there is a cause if not a
justification. What did Robert McCartney do to cause others to attack
and kill him?

Yet another independent complaints commission

This formation of the Independent Military Complaints Commission is
recommended following the deaths of four young soldiers in an army
barracks in Surrey. The Ministry of Defence, as usual and under Hoon,
again covered up deaths which were more than suspicious. We have
seen, with the Independent Police Complaints Commission, that bodies
like that are anything but independent and simply compound felonies.
What is required here is a public inquiry even if these are usually
carried out under a chairperson who is less than impartial. (The Hutton
inquiry). At least there is some satisfaction in knowing that the
downfall of Hutton will encourage others to be more circumspect. Lord
Cullen is another man who should have his wings clipped.
This week the BBC published a documentary on Dr David Kelly. It
demonstrated clearly that whether Dr Kelly committed suicide or was
murdered, the Ministry of Defence (Hoon) was responsible for his death.
The cause of death is still a secret and two of the paramedics who
arrived at the death site were of the opinion that there was
insufficient blood from Dr Kelly's wounds. The hounding of Dr Kelly
was the result of an attempt to cover up the fabrication of an
intelligence report.

Blair (PM not the actor cop) running with the hares and hunting with the

Blair, with an eye on the election is even scratching for the votes of
farmers and farm workers after subjecting them to the harmful effects of
the badger and the fox. The main exploiters of farmers are
supermarkets Sainsbury and Tesco which are favourites with Blair.
Lord Sainsbury is employed by the government and is promoting
genetically modified crops. Tesco heiress, Dame Shirley Porter, has
not been extradited from Israel and prosecuted for corrupt practices and
wilful misconduct in public office. The Attorney General attended a
meeting in Israel sponsored by Porter before she agreed to pay £12
million of the £27 million she owed to Westminster City Council. We
are of the opinion that she paid more than £12 million to parties which
agreed the settlement including her immunity from prosecution. While
she was in office in the UK she was protected by Andrew Dismore, the
Labour MP, who kept attacking Abu Hamza, the Muslim cleric, until the
police finally arrested him.
Sir John Krebbs, of the Food Standards Agency, should have tackled the
exploitation of farmers and other suppliers by the supermarkets on the
grounds that price and quality are indivisible.

Bribes and Commission and Hoon's Chinook Helicopters
By Jack Gee of the Mail on Sunday , 13 March 2009

"THALES, the French partner in a multi-million pound aircraft carrier
contract for the Royal Navy, is to pay £260 million to the Taiwan
government in a row over kickbacks.
Taiwan says the money was part of a £1.3 billion deal for six gunboats.
According to a source at Thales, it was pocketed by a representative of
the former Thomson-CSF company, which changed its name to Thales in
Thales wants to split the bill between its shareholders and go-between
Andrew Wang, who helped negotiate the contract and collected the money
as commission to pass on to Taiwan officials. Wang, 78, has denied
wrong doing."

Comment: By coincidence the figure of £260 million is the same amount
as Secretary of State for Defence Hoon has wasted on Chinook helicopters
which cannot be used and which leave our armed services seriously short
of operational helicopters. This bribery/commission aspect of
contracts for military equipment explains also why Hoon and his Ministry
of Defence advisers have placed contracts with America for aircraft
carriers costing billions of pounds. Be reminded that Hoon's wife owns
his constituency office registered in her maiden name and that when she
increases the rent thereof she writes "Dear Mr Hoon. The rent for
your constituency office is increased to enable us to improve the
quality of our dolce vita. While you are still at the MoD you may not
need my help but when the commissions dry up we will be able to leave
our savings untouched and tax free courtesy of the Inland Revenue and
Dame Barbara Mills. Cheers and to Hell with Deepcut. My regards to
smarmy barmy Tony."

David Shayler, MI5 Whistleblower, to stand against windbag Blair at

David Shayler intends to stand as a ‘clean-hands' parliamentary
candidate against the gargoyle Prime Minister. Said Shayler "It is a
case of lions led by donkeys. The British people are lion-hearted but
they always end up with donkeys like Tony Blair."
Comment: Repeat after us, "The people who vote Labour are not the
scum of the earth. The scum are the people they vote for."
Unhappily the same applies to Tories and so-called Liberals. It is
time for a fundamental change. Vote, vote, vote but NOT for the
current three main parties.

Letter dated 15 March 20050
To: Chief Executive, Paddington Churches Housing Association Limited,
Canterbury House,
Canterbury Road, LONDON NW6 5SQ

Dear Chief Executive,
Under the Freedom of Information Act we are requesting your name, your
operating address, your email address, your fax number and your
telephone number. Also please state whether you are or have ever been
a Mason (Freemason).
Please find enclosed copy correspondence
1. Letter dated 8 March 2005 to Ann White 2. Letter dated 9 March
2005 to Ann White.
3. Letter dated 15 March 2005 to E Alexander.
The two ladies may require your assistance in completing their answers.
Yours faithfully, VOMIT (Victim Of Masonic Ill Treatment)

Comment: This Freedom of Information Act is a joke. One gets the
impression that the Blair government has undermined the rule of law and
made the Human Rights Act secondary to the wealth of its members. In
fact all three political parties have their snouts in the same trough.
In Westminster Council, arguably the most corrupt local authority in the
country, Labour and Tory act together. Two Labour MPs, Karen Buck and
Andrew Dismore, were Westminster councillors and refuse to do anything
to expose people like Dame Shirley Porter and former District Auditor
John Magill. The present District Auditor is believed to be Steve
Bundred who was one of Derek Hatton's ultra left group in Liverpool.
A leopard changes its spots?

Published by the VOMIT UK Group Contact
Faxes by arrangement to 020 7727 5300 Anonymous communications are


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