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Interest Of Justice

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Mar 18, 2005, 2:04:22 PM3/18/05


FAO: Lord Charles Falconer, Lord Chancellor

Department for Constitutional Affairs

REGINA -v- CHARLTON HARRIS – URN: 06/A3/0832/04. T2004/0535

We are enclosing the following correspondence, attachments and websites,
which are self-explanatory and warrant an immediate investigation at the
highest level.

There is manufactured and perjured evidence on the Court File.

Mr. Harris is guaranteed a fair hearing under Article 6 (1) of the
Council of Europe Convention, which is impossible under these

Thank you in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Human Rights Caseworker and Victim of British State

PS. How can a jury make an informed decision on Mr. Harris’s case
without seeing ALL the IBRG submissions on this document, which were
prepared on his behalf to protect his interest?

PPS. We will be submitting this document in its entirety to Manchester
Crown Court on 8 March 2005 as our submission on behalf of Charlton
Harris. Therefore, there must be NO obstruction from any Judge to keep
this submission from the jury. Charlton Harris’s liberty is at stake
once again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 07 March 2005 05:42
To: Paul Horrocks, Editor MEN
Cc: Lord Charles Falconer:MCA; Tony Blair - PM; Sue Bretherton, Court
Servi; Sir Ian Blair,Police Commiss; Noel O' Gara - Ireland; John
Holt,Chief Crown Pros; David Dodd, Court Service; CharltonHarris,Police
Importance: High



FAO: Paul Horrocks, Editor

Manchester Evening News


We are enclosing the following correspondence, attachments and websites,
which are self-explanatory and warrant the attendance of a first class
investigative reporter at Manchester Crown Court on 8 March 2005 to
cover Charlton Harris’s “Trial Hearing”.

You will note from the attached, “IBRG – Charlton Harris, Crown Court
Trial –1.doc” dated 29 November 2004, that Judge Ensor was put on notice
that there was manufactured and perjured police witness statements
submitted by Jim Plumbly of the CPS for Charlton Harris’s trial.

Again on 21 February 2005 at Mr. Harris’s Pre Trial Hearing we pleaded
with Judge Ensor to deal with the manufactured and perjured evidence on
the Court File: This has NOT been done to date.

On 8 March 2005, we will be asking Judge Ensor to stand down if he is
not prepared to deal with the manufactured and perjured evidence of,
Sergeant John Francis Gavin, who directed operations at Mr. Harris’s
peaceful protest on 30 March 2004. It is incontrovertible from Sergeant
John Gavin’s statements that he is suffering from delusional beliefs and
cannot tell the truth.

Why have Jim Plumbly, Caseworker for the CPS failed to see this? Is he
also suffering from delusional beliefs?

At the moment, Mr. Harris has the same chance of getting a fair hearing
on 8 March 2005 as a snowball has in hell. It is nothing short of a
full-blown conspiracy that has enabled this case to get through the
doors of Manchester Crown Court for a ‘Trial’.

The Press and the Media in the UK owe a duty of care to Charlton Harris
as the Courts have already doctored tapes and done him serious harm,
while bent ‘Judge’ James Goss, sent him to jail for five years for an
impossible crime. Please see Mr. Harris’s website below for the facts.

Neither has Mr. Harris got a case to answer on 8 March 2005. Therefore
this is yet another malicious prosecution to silence Mr. Harris, like
Arnold Lowe McCardle RIP, was silenced when he was murdered in Carstairs
State Hospital on 26 December 2004 for trying to expose corruption in
the Police, Courts, Doctors, Solicitors and Psychiatrists etc, etc.
Please see his website below for the facts.

Mr. Harris and his supporters will be looking forward to meeting one of
your investigative journalists in Court on 8 March 2005.

Thank you in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Human Rights Caseworker and Victim of British State


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 20 February 2005 18:17
To: Sue Bretherton, Court Servi; David Dodd, Court Service
Cc: Weekly Telegraph, Editor; UnitedNationsOfficeGenev; Tony Blair - PM;
TheMilitant Editor NewYork; TheBostonGlobe,News,US; The Times - Home
News; The Daily Express, Editor; Thai Embassy - London; Suzon Forscey-
Moore; SureshGroverMonitoringKB; Sunday Telegraph, Editor; Sunday Mirror
UK; Sunday Express News UK; Spectator Magazine, Editor; Sir Brian Cubbon
- PressCC; Siobhán Healy - Website; Roger J P Jones - Pig Farmer; Roger
Gale MP, Margate; Richard Castle,re,Dr Pelling; Raymond Fox, Police
victim; PoliceWatch, Mail on Sund; Phillip Inman, The Guardian; Peter
Wright, Editor: M O S; Peter Herbert,Barrister,MPA; Paul Warren - Dr.
Pelling; Paul Darce - Daily Mail Edit; Patrick McGrath Irish Victim;
Pang Ying - JP; Pam Thamu, MHAC, NHS; Noel O' Gara - Ireland;
NewYork,TimesNewspaper; News of the World -NewsD; News desk
LimerickLeader; New York, Observer; Mike Stanton,Seattle Times; Mike
Freer, Con Councillor; Mhjn Ashok - Victim; MauriceKirk,VeterinarySurg;
Mark Metcalfe, Reporter; LordGoldsmith AttorneyGen; Lord Charles
Falconer:MCA; Leo Boland - Barnet, Chief; Kim Gold, Reporter, M-Star;
JoseBorrosoPresident,EUC; JoMakosinskiContentEditor; John Singh -
Solicitor; John Randall MP, Uxbridge; John McDonnell MP-Hayes; John
Holt,Chief Crown Pros; JamesMurrayExpressNews; James Todd - VOMIT;
J.Taylor Trading Standards; InternationalCourt ofJustice; Independent
Letters- Editor; Helmut Sydow - EU - Comm; Helen Bailey,Chief Islington;
Harrow Parking-Enforceme; Gerald Mulder; Gavin Forward - IPCC; Gareth
Thomas MP-Harrow; Fathers Fighting for Justice; European Ombudsman;
Editorial - The Irish World; Dr. Rudi Vis MP; Dr LindsayThomson,Psychi;
CourtHumanRightsStrasbo; Commission Racial Equality; Colin Peters; Cliff
Carlson, Editor: IAN;; Bradford, Steve; Bill
Rammell - MP; Barry Gardiner (my) MP; Ann Mallaby - Victim; Amanda
Costello, IPCC; DianaMitch,Corrupt Judges; Con Dee - Chairman Lim;
CharltonHarris,Police Victim; Channel 4 News - HELP!
Importance: High



FAO: Judge Ensor

Crown Court at Manchester

Crown Square

Please accept this correspondence, attachments and websites as IBRG’s
submission on behalf of out client Charlton Harris, for his pre trial
hearing on Monday 21 February 2005.

Once again we request an order from the Court that Charlton Harris’s
case is struck out, on the basis that he has NO case whatsoever to

Furthermore, we ask the Court to address the manufactured and perjured
evidence on the court file, and issue an order that the Court sees fit.


Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG.
Charlton Harris - Victim

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 20 February 2005 16:27
To: John Holt,Chief Crown Pros
Cc: UnitedNationsOfficeGenev; Tony Blair - PM; TheMilitant Editor
NewYork; Suzon Forscey-Moore; Sir Ian Blair,Police Commiss; Raymond Fox,
Police victim; PoliceWatch, Mail on Sund; Phillip Inman, The Guardian;
Paddy Cowan - Irish World; Noel O' Gara - Ireland; Frank Murphy -
'Irish' Post; Bridget Joyce: Irish Victim; Brendan Halligan - Editor;
News of the World -NewsD; News desk LimerickLeader;
MikeThomsonRadio4,Doct; Michael Grade - BBC; Mhjn Ashok - Victim;
MauriceKirk,VeterinarySurg; MauriceKellett,Police Victim; Mark Metcalfe,
Reporter; MargaretBrown: Irish Victim; LIBERTY,HumanRights UK; Kirsty
Kirk - Vet; Kim Gold, Reporter, M-Star; Kamlesh Bahl, Justice4;
JoMakosinskiContentEditor; JoseBorrosoPresident,EUC; JohnSmith MP,Vale
of Gla; John Illingworth,Councillor; JamesMurrayExpressNews; James Todd
- VOMIT; Iva Pocock - Irish Journalist; Irish EU Parliament - Dublin;
'Irish' Embassy - London; European Union - Direct; European Ombudsman;
European Court of Justice; CourtHumanRightsStrasbo; Chris Fogarty - IAN;
LordGoldsmith AttorneyGen; Lord Charles Falconer:MCA;
CharltonHarris,Police Victim; David Dodd, Court Service; Sue Bretherton,
Court Servi
Importance: High



John Holt
Chief Crown Prosecutor

P.O. Box 237
8th floor
Sunlight House
Quay Street
Manchester M60 3PS

Dear John Holt,

REGINA -v- CHARLTON HARRIS – URN: 06/A3/0832/04. T2004/0535

We request a FULL investigation into the above case, which was processed
by Jim Plumbly, Caseworker for the CPS.

Having perused the documentation, and witnessed the shenanigans on 29
November 2004 in the Crown Court, Manchester; it is our submission that
Jim Plumbly has colluded with the Police, the Court and Clifford Johnson
& Co. Solicitors, and submitted manufactured and perjured evidence to be
used “in a court of law” in order to fit-up Charlton Harris, and Jail
him for trying to expose, judicial, legal and police corruption, which
is endemic in the UK. Please see Mr. Harris’s website:

Now please see the attached document, “IBRG – Charlton Harris, Crown
Court Trial”. Yes, this is another malicious prosecution by the CPS and
the police to silence Mr. Harris. The Press and the Media are his ONLY
hope now.

Mr. Harris was peacefully protesting, using a scaffolding to unfurl his
30 FOOT X 10 BANNER in the hope of attracting the Press and the Media to
highlight his plight; having spent five year in Jail, for a crime that
he did NOT commit. Not alone was Mr Harris protesting for the injustice
that happened to himself, he was also protesting to highlight the
biggest cover-up in police history in the UK: The Real Yorkshire Ripper,
Billy Tracey. Please see Noel O’Gara’s website: Author of The Real
Yorkshire Ripper

Can anyone imagine how Mr. Harris felt when he came across Mr. O’Garas
website, after spending five years in Jail himself, for a crime he did
not commit, and then learning, that the Real Yorkshire Ripper, Billy
Tracey, was left to prowl the streets of England a free man? Mr. Holt,
would you let the Real Ripper get away with mass murder? Please see the
attached document, “Charlton Harris, Court leaflet”

Jim Plumbly, Caseworker for the CPS should have prosecuted the Police
for submitting manufactured and perjured evidence to nail and jail
Charlton Harris. Mr. Holt when you have peruse the documentation you
will see that it is the Police who have a case to answer, and NOT
Charlton Harris.

Mr. Harris should have been put forward for a Knighthood, instead of
being fitted up again with perjured evidence to silence him. Does the
State want to do the same to Mr. Harris as it did to Arnold Lowe
McCardle, RIP? Please see Mr. McCardle’s website: May you rest in peace NOW, Arnold Lowe

In support of Mr. Harris’s case we are also enclosing the following
documentation, which is self-explanatory and warrants an immediate

It is imperative that Jim Plumbly, is made, to FULLY outlines the part
(s) of, “The Code for Crown Prosecutors” that he relied on to take
Charlton Harris’s case to a five day Crown Court Trial. And moreover,
an outline of the evidence he seen that warrant the prosecution of Mr.

You will see how many principles Jim Plumbly has when you peruse the

There is nothing whatsoever under “General Principles” that allowed Jim
Plumbly to use perjured evidence in order to incarcerate Mr. Harris to
do him harm. How did Jim Plumbly know that, perjured evidence would be
readily accepted by Mr. Harris’s (corrupt) legal team and Judge Ensor at
the Crown Court?

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it.

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it.

Mr. Holt, you will see when you have perused the documentation in Mr.
Harris’s case that the Crown Prosecution Service and the police work SO
closely together that they are now like pack of hyenas, with total
disregard for the law. They are targeting and destroying decent honest
people. When they get their teeth into you, they won’t let go.

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it. This is also the incontrovertible evidence of the
conspiracy that has enabled this prosecution. It speaks for itself,
does it not?

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it. Jim Plumbly is fully aware, that the only ‘realistic
prospect of conviction’ in this case is a bent Judge, and a firm of
solicitors like Clifford Johnson & Co, who did NOT prepare a defence for
their client, Charlton Harris. Mr. Harris would be in jail now only for
the IBRG intervening and preparing a documented defence to the
manufactured and perjured Police evidence. Please see attached
document, “Charlton Harris, Crown Court Trial” for the evidence of this.

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it. How many Judges operate in accordance with the law in the
UK? Please visit Mr. Harris’s website and the websites of ALL the
victims below, and then judge for yourself? What has Judge Ensor done
about the manufactured and perjured evidence that, IBRG brought to his
attention on 29 November 2004?

Remember, twelve High Court ‘Judges’ robbed me of my home and
possessions, and seventeen police officers put me onto the street at
7.00am in the morning. Please see The Guardian Web Pages below for the
evidence. Would a jury be aware of such Judicial and Police corruption
without seeing The Guardian’s Web Pages? How can any Jury make an
informed decision in any case without being aware of the endemic
corruption in the UK?

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it. Is manufactured and perjured evidence reliable? Mr.
Plumbly, obviously thinks it is.

If a bent Judge keeps relevant evidence from the Jury, how can they make
an informed decision? IBRG will fight tooth and nail to get ALL this
correspondence before the Jury. Adequate PCs must be made available in
the Court for the Jury to open up Mr. Harris’s website and all the other
websites. How can Mr. Harris get a fair hearing if the Jury are not
aware of the skulduggery the CPS, the Courts, the Police and Solicitors
get up to – including murder?

Mr. Holt, the law was there to protect Mr. Harris, but Jim Plumbly never
applied it. What did Jim Plumbly see when he looked closely at the
evidence? It can only be a corrupt legal team and a bent Judge.

Mr. Holt, as Chief Crown Prosecutor, it is both in the public interest
and the interest of justice that you do your duty and investigate this
case fully and produce a written report on your findings. And then
prosecute the real criminals in this case.

Why has Jim Plumbly failed to supply me with his e-mail address?

Why has Jim Plumbly failed to supply me with the log of complaints
against the police officers involved in Mr. Harris’s case?

Why did Jim Plumbly say that, you would not be very pleased if I wrote
to you?

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please acknowledge the safe receipt of this correspondence, by e-mail.

Thank you in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG, and Victim of British State

PS. We will copy this correspondence to Judge Ensor for the court file:
to be shown to the Jury, hearing Mr. Harris’s case. How can Mr. Harris
get a fair hearing otherwise?


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 18 February 2005 16:21
To: UnitedNationsOfficeGenev; TheMilitant Editor NewYork;
TheBostonGlobe,News,US; The Daily Express, Editor; Suzon Forscey-Moore;
SureshGroverMonitoringKB; Sunday Telegraph, Editor; Sunday Express News
UK; Spectator Magazine, Editor; Sir Brian Cubbon - PressCC; Siobhán
Healy - Website; Roger J P Jones - Pig Farmer; Roger Gale MP, Margate;
Richard Castle,re,Dr Pelling; Raymond Fox, Police victim; PoliceWatch,
Mail on Sund; Peter Herbert,Barrister,MPA; Paul Warren - Dr. Pelling;
Pang Ying - JP; Pam Thamu, MHAC, NHS; Paddy Cowan - Irish World; News
desk LimerickLeader; MikeThomsonRadio4,Doct; Mhjn Ashok - Victim;
MauriceKirk,VeterinarySurg; Martin@; Mark Metcalfe,
Reporter; MargaretBrown: Irish Victim; Kim Gold, Reporter, M-Star;
JoMakosinskiContentEditor; JohnSmith MP,Vale of Gla; John Singh -
Solicitor; John McDonnell MP-Hayes; John Illingworth,Councillor;
JamesMurrayExpressNews; James Todd - VOMIT; Iva Pocock - Irish
Journalist; Irish EU Parliament - Dublin; 'Irish' Embassy - London;
Independent Letters- Editor; Gerald Mulder; Gavin Forward - IPCC; Gareth
Thomas MP-Harrow; Frank Murphy - 'Irish' Post; Fathers Fighting for
Justice; Dr. Rudi Vis MP; DianaMitch,Corrupt Judges; Daily Telegraph,
Editor; Con Dee - Chairman Lim; Colin Peters; Chris Fogarty - IAN;
CharltonHarris,Police Victim; Channel 4 News - HELP!; Bridget Joyce:
Irish Victim; Brendan Halligan - Editor; Ann Mallaby - Victim
Cc: Dr LindsayThomson,Psychi
Importance: High


Dear ALL,

Charlton Harris has a pre trial ‘hearing’ on Monday 21 February 2005 in
Manchester Crown Court.

Please make every effort to come and support Mr. Harris on the 21
February at Manchester Crown Court – especially the Press and the Media:
It is Mr. Harris’s only chance in a corrupt court. We have seen the
‘evidence’ for the prosecution, and Mr. Harris has NO case whatsoever to
answer. Why hasn’t the CPS seen the collusion and PERJURY in the Police
statements? Why has this case been allowed to get this far?

Please visit Mr. Harris’s website for the evidence of why the Police and
the Courts want to silence Mr. Harris: like they did Arnold Lowe
McCardle, RIP:

Mr. Harris and myself will be looking forward to seeing you on Monday

Thank you in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG.


-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 18 February 2005 13:34
Cc: Ann Mallaby - Victim; CharltonHarris,Police Victim;
CourtHumanRightsStrasbo; European Court of Justice; European Ombudsman;
European Union - Direct; Helmut Sydow - EU - Comm;
MauriceKirk,VeterinarySurg; Noel O' Gara - Ireland; Sir Ian Blair,Police
Commiss; Tony Blair - PM; Phillip Inman, The Guardian;
Importance: High

FAO: Sue Bretherton

Court Service


Dear Sue Bretherton,

We are enclosing the correspondence and attachments that we sent to
David Dodd, which is self-explanatory and warrants your immediate

When I spoke to David Dodd on the phone yesterday, he informed me that
he had passed my e-mail on to Cath O’Gorman. I then spoke to Cath
O’Gorman who informed me that she had passed the matter on to you, Sue

Can you please e-mail me with an update, as IBRG are determined to
protect Charlton Harris’s interests?

Thank you in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG.

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Cullinane []
Sent: 15 February 2005 15:31
Cc: Ann Mallaby - Victim; CharltonHarris,Police Victim;
CourtHumanRightsStrasbo; European Court of Justice; European Ombudsman;
European Union - Direct; Helmut Sydow - EU - Comm;
MauriceKirk,VeterinarySurg; Noel O' Gara - Ireland; Sir Ian Blair,Police
Commiss; Tony Blair - PM; Phillip Inman, The Guardian
Importance: High



42 Augustine Road

Harrow Weald


Middlesex HA3 5NP

FAO: Mr. David Dodd,

Court Service


Dear Mr. David Dodd,

Further to our recent telephone conversation regarding our client
Charlton Harris, we would appreciate if you could furnish IBRG with a
copy of your correspondence or any documents that you sent to Mr.
Harris, forthwith.

We attach IBRG’s submissions on behalf of Charlton Harris to demonstrate
that we are on the court records.

Mr. Harris sacked his legal team because they had failed to prepare his
defence, and were working for the other side. Mr. Harris was set-up to
be walked straight into jail (again) only for the IBRG.

This endemic corruption is due to the, “MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING

We look forward to hearing from you soon with the said documentation.

Please acknowledge the safe receipt of this correspondence by return of

Thank you in advance,

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG, and Victim of British State

PS. For further evidence of the damage that the Memorandum of
Understanding is doing to members of the public we enclose the following
IBRG correspondence and websites, which is self explanatory, and begs
the question: How can Charlton Harris get a fair hearing in the UK:

Please substitute Maurice J Kirk’s name for Charlton Harris as you read
IBRG’s submission on behalf of Mr. Kirk below:

We have received the distressing postings below from Maurice J Kirk
BVSc, which is self-explanatory and warrants full exposure in the press
and the media in the UK, and elsewhere.

With NO expectations of justice in the United kingdom’s lawless Courts,
the Press and the Media have a duty to head a campaign on behalf of
Maurice Kirk, to have the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against
him, brought to justice – before they murder him; like they did Arnold
Lowe McCardle in Carstairs State Hospital on 26 December 2004.

Otherwise when and where are the ECHR Article 3 violations of Mr. Kirk’s
Human Rights going to end? Are the British PRESS and MEDIA going to
allow Mr. Kirk to be murdered by the British State also?

My friends you are witnessing the modern day Holocaust in full
production in the UK: Persecution by Prosecution in ‘our’ lawless
Courts and Tribunals up and down the UK. Where has the Irish Community
in the UK gone? The British State, which is a European Union Member
State, is guilty of the genocide of an ethnic migrant Catholic

For the incontrovertible evidence of the modern day Holocaust at work,
visit Mr. Kirk’s website and the websites below, and see for yourselves
how murderous oppression is applied by the Police, Courts, Solicitors,
Doctors, Psychiatrists and Borough Councils, etc:

Did you know that the British Police hold a secret Irish blacklist?
This is the smoking gun evidence of where the Irish Community has gone –
It is nothing short of a miracle that the writer is still alive today,
is it not?

The Local and Central Government have defrauded the Irish Community of
billions of pounds over the years. What have the British Police and the
British Press done about these blatant discriminatory crimes against an
ethnic Catholic migrant community? The ‘Irish’ Embassy, ‘Irish’ Post
and ‘Irish’ World have ignored ALL these blatant crimes against the
Irish Community by the British State - for decades. When are, The Post
and The World going to run a campaign for the Irish community to have
equality with the Asian Community in the UK? Is it legal to call a
paper Irish if it is working against the interests of the Irish
Community? The Post and The World are covering-up big crime against the
Irish Community in the UK. Who are these so called ‘Irish’ papers
working for?

Quote from The Guardian Photographer, “ What has happened to you would
have killed twenty (20) men”,,952455,00.htm



Why have the Press and the Media allowed our Courts get to this?,6903,1391537,00.html

Why have the EU Commission allowed our Courts in the UK get to this?

“Dear Doctor,

I have made it absolutely clear that I have held the steadfast belief
that I was sent here in 2002 to be silenced, PERHAPS MURDERED, nothing
that has taken place here since my arrival has given me cause to alter
my beliefs. - Andy McCardle”

Arnold Lowe McCardle RIP wrote the chilling letter above, shortly before
his death. Dr Thomson refused to put anything in writing to Mr.
McCardle. Now Dr Lindsay Thomson, Consultant Psychiatrist, again
remains silent and failed to address IBRGs letter of 6 January 2005. It
speaks for itself, does it not? Arnold McCardle has spoken in his
letter that Dr Thompson has murdered him. Here again you see the modern
day Holocaust in full swing with Dr. Thomson ensuring that there is NO
escape from her ‘caring’ murder Chamber at Carstairs State Hospital.
Please see Arnold Lowe McCardle’s website for the evidence of the
‘caring’ murderous State that Britain is: May you rest in peace NOW, Arnold Lowe

Now please visit Noel O’Gara’s websites for ALL the rest of the evidence
that you need to prove that the UK, which is a European Union, Member
State: is totally LASWLESS. Such a mammoth cover-up could only happen
in a lawless country like the UK. Kerry MacGill got promoted to Crown
Court ‘Judge’ for leaving Billy Tracey, the Yorkshire Ripper to prowl
the street of England a free man. These are the handpicked Bastards
that are implementing the ‘law’ in the Courts of lawless Britain:

(Charlton Harris was protesting to highlight his and the Ripper’s case)

Author of The Real Yorkshire Ripper

The Shredding Machine is also a major player in the modern day Holocaust
in the UK. As reported in The Independent on 23 December 2004:
“Shredded: Hundreds of thousands of government documents are destroyed
in the great Freedom Of Information Act scandal” - Again this scandal
could only operate in a lawless country. What more evidence does the EU
Commission want before it takes action in the European Court of Justice
against the UK Member State? Visit website:

If ALL the above lawlessness isn’t enough, we also have a, “MRMORANDUM
ENGLAND AND WALES AND THE LAW SOCIETY” - Hence the reason why seventy
(70) Solicitors refuse to take Maurice Kirk’s instructions to prosecute
the Police. It is also the reason why over five hundred (500)
Solicitors refused to take my legitimate instructions to prosecute the
Inland Revenue, the Police and the High Court ‘Judges’ who robbed me of
my home and possessions. What can you do about continuous violations
of ECHR Article 6 (1) and 6 (3) (c) in a lawless country?

Can anyone explain how one would exhaust her or his “domestic remedies”
in a lawless country? The Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg will only
accept a case after ALL domestic remedies have been exhausted. But how
can you do this in a lawless country like the UK? Will the Court of
‘Human Rights’ in Strasbourg address this question for us please?

Article 19 of the European Convention of Human Rights states: “To ensure
the observance of the engagements undertaken by the High Contracting
Parties in the present Convention, there shall be set up: A European
Court of Human Rights”. It is crystal clear that the European Court of
‘Human Rights’ is a total failure, and continues to violate Article 19:
on behalf of the UK High Contracting Party. Just like the European
Commission, which had to be closed down because of corruption.

It is the duty of the Press and the Media to expose the failure of the
European Court of Human Rights. The European Commission in Strasbourg
had to be closed down because of corruption; Ms. K. Reid and Mr. R.
Phillips were blocking applications from the UK, which illustrated
legitimate Article 6 violations. When the Commission was closed down,
Ms. K. Reid and Mr. R. Phillips were moved to the Court and continued
with their obstruction, blocking and loosing applicants’ files from the
UK. You will note that Maurice Kirk’s large box of files have been
conveniently lost inside the Court. What more evidence does the Press
and the Media want? Look at the lawlessness in ‘our’ Courts in the UK?
Is the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg doing its duty under Article

On 9 February 2005, in the Royal Courts of ‘Justice’, you have the
opportunity to see for yourself:

Maurice Kirk v The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Judicial Review Applications 9th February 2005

Maurice and his supporters will be looking forward to meeting the
Investigative Journalists from the Press and the Media at the High Court
on 9 February 2005.

Everyone has a duty to do their duty. Will you please do your duty?

See you at the High Court.

Thank you ALL in advance.

Yours truthfully,

Patrick Cullinane, Caseworker for the IBRG, and Victim of British State

PS. Please see Maurice Kirk’s correspondence below:



Maurice J Kirk BVSc

51, Tynewydd Road, Barry CF62 8AZ



01446792109 Mobile: 07966523

January 2005

FAO: Patrick Cullinane

42 Augustine Road,

Harrow Weald,


Middlesex HA3 5NP

Dear Mr. Cullinane,

I was struck off as a Veterinary Surgeon: not just for catching a
burglar, nor for crossing over a single white line in the middle of the
road to overtake cyclists at 4mph, OR for delivery of my motor insurance
to the ‘wrong’ police station: But because I Appealed the above
(malicious) ‘convictions’.

Please note; this ban has nothing whatsoever to do with my work with

I am at my wits end as to guessing what they are going to throw at me
next, after 40 years of litigation that has revealed nothing but
wickedness in our courts, police stations and local borough councils. I
have witnessed countless Court Orders, defying all rules of logic, with
lying little lawyers, smirking in the background, knowing they are all
immune to prosecution.

I have maintained my sanity by treating it all as a story out of Enid
Blyton. They refused me witnesses of fact at the Royal College Hearing
in January 2002, which is a clear violation of ECHR Article 6 (3) (d).

In September 2004, the European Court in Strasbourg informed me that, my
great box of files, which was delivered to the Court in July 2004, had
been “lost” inside the Court. How convenient. Who is pulling the
strings at the European Court?

Now The College says I have “disrespect for authority”! They said,
“Your having appealed to Judicial Review, some 40 times, mainly on
motoring convictions and un-represented, was most unprofessional”.

But I cannot get independent legal representation. I have just been
refused a civilian jury in the ongoing 12-year civil action involving
malicious prosecutions, when they lost over 120 charges against me, with
at least 10 false imprisonments to be considered. Why am I being denied
a civilian jury?

What is it all about, and why now affect my family’s Profession?

I need help urgently from Investigative Journalists within the PRESS and
the MEDIA to get to the root cause of what lies behind all of this; and
for Press Reporters and observers to come to my Appeal Hearing on the 9
February 2005, at The Royal Courts of Justice, as I hope (this time)
justice will be seen to be done.

If you can assist me in any way Mr. Cullinane to get the Press
interested, or if you could be a witness to the proceedings on the 9
February 2005, I would be more than grateful to you.

Yours sincerely,

Maurice J Kirk BVSc



Maurice Kirk v The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Judicial Review Applications 9th February 2005

1. I am a veterinary surgeon and/or veterinarian by virtue of my
degree in veterinary science (University of Bristol 1968) Such a
qualification cannot be removed. I therefore have a right to work using
this qualification, provided that during the time when my name does not
appear in the Register of Veterinary Surgeons, I do not engage in the
practice of veterinary surgery.

2. The Privy Council judgement (19 January 2004 at paragraph. 35)
is unambiguous. Their Lordships clearly wished me to apply for
reinstatement at the earliest permissible date (10 months thereafter).

3. The Royal College reasons to strike my name off the Register and
to refuse my Applications for Reinstatement do not relate to the
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.

4. The Disciplinary Committee ruled, without the benefit of advice
from the Learned Legal Assessor, motoring offences were “criminal
offences” and ‘any one of which would render Maurice Kirk unfit to
practise as a veterinary Surgeon’.

5. The Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Practitioners
(Disciplinary Committee)(Procedure and Evidence) Rules, Order of Council
2004 at para. 20.5, as interpreted by solicitors for the College, amount
to a breach of Human Rights in that I was required to comply with the

‘Provide evidence that you accept the findings, judgment and full
reasons of the Disciplinary Committee dated 29 May and 10 June 2002

Provide evidence that you accept the judgment of the Lords of the
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council delivered on 19 January 2004

Acknowledge that the matters found against you by the Disciplinary
Committee rendered you, in respect of the convictions, unfit to practice
as a veterinary surgeon, and in respect of the misconduct, guilty of
disgraceful conduct’

6. The Rules, as modified in 2004, differ significantly from the
1967 Rules, which were applied in the 2002 Hearing and included the
requirement that charges be considered separately and statements
disclosed. The 2004 Rules and the significant changes therein have not
been promulgated to the profession, leading to potential injustice.

7. A statement given by a magistrate and her sister in relation to
the incident of the dog on the beach, confirming that they ‘had no doubt
of his concern for the dog’ were withheld from me at the time of the
original hearing, and their letter dated 4 January 2005, enquiring as to
why this had been the case was withheld from the Committee on 6
January2005 despite assurances that it would be so produced to the
Committee and for the European Court.

8. The College continues to withhold documents relevant to this
application concerning the Disciplinary Hearing, the County Court and
the European Court of Human Rights, contrary to the law relating to
discovery, data protection and Freedom of Information Act 2005.





51 Tynewydd Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan,

MAKE OATH and say as follows:
I wish to say that everything I have referred to in my application to
the High Court today, on the Form 86a is true. Annexed hereto.

At the Taunton Crown Court on the 8 June 1999 Counsel for four Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA) employees and one ex employee opposed witness
summons' to attend and give evidence at my appeal on the 17 July 1999.

The policeman and two clerks of the court witness summonses were also

The learned judge cancelled all eight witness summons' despite they all
being relevant to the appeal as follows:

Mr J Gibb - Investigator for the CAA

Before the magistrates hearing he confirmed that my landing in a field
in a similar manner to that in the charge did not constitute a breach of
the law because it was a landing under Rule 5(2)d of the Air Navigation
Order (ANO) dated February 1981.

Mr G Sharp - Ex Head of CAA Enforcement Branch

His article enclosed, published in various aviation magazines confirms
the interpretation of the law as the CAA operates it.

Rule 5(2)d of the ANO applies to aircraft overshooting on condition it
'touches down'.

Mr Morgan-Davies - Tendered as CAA Expert on the expression 'in
accordance with normal aviation practice'

He made a statement giving his view as to whether my landing in the
field was 'in accordance with normal aviation practice'.

Just before the magistrates hearing they withdrew him as a prosecution
witness the excuse being that they considered my landing was due to an
emergency and therefore under Rule 5(3) the landing could be done not
necessarily in accordance with normal aviation practice.

The magistrates court heard no evidence of an emergency landing, the
barrister having persuaded the magistrates that I was not entitled to
give evidence, he knowing full well what was likely to be given on oath
by the accused.

Mr D Payton and Mr T Smith - CAA Licensing Department

These heard the full account of what occurred after conviction and
suspension of flying licence unlike the magistrates and have stated that
should I win my appeal my licence would be reinstated. They have
received documents from the prosecution department of the CAA containing
facts and innuendo at gross variance to what was said in open court. I
apply for the court to order their release to the appellant.

The counsel in the absence of Price, the prosecutor, admitted to the
judge that he was not aware that my defence was that I was entitled to
land and did land in accordance with normal aviation practice.

Under Article 6 of the European Charter I am entitled to have these
witnesses and appeal against the decision of the Judge especially as he
said that I should find experts who would come voluntarily even though
Price insisted there were no experts being called having told the Judge
yet again that the CAA accepted I landed BUT not in accordance with
normal aviation practice.

Why is it then they took a statement on the 6 May 1998 from Simon
Wright, a pilot who had been standing in the field when I landed, to
give an opinion whether the landing was in accordance with normal
aviation practice?

Why then does the transcript of the previous hearing of the 9 April 1999
before the same judge record the judge asking the obvious question with
Price replying on line 3f stating that I have to prove that I landed?

Detective Sergeant S Banks

He boasted in the witness box that he took no statements, seized no
documents from the eye witnesses, the clerk of the court or the other
police dealing with the arrest of the barrister, admitting that he did
not hand over the information to the CPS.

He also boasted he made no written record of the two hour interview I
had with him on a Saturday afternoon, shortly after the criminal conduct
of the CAA barrister and solicitor, and CP Ebbs' perjury.

He in particular stated he did not interview or take copies of the press
reporters records in the light of my warning him, which he admitted to
the judge, the clerk would deliberately shred the court records.

Mr Allan and Mr Clark - Clerk's of the Court

I apply that the Press Reporters notes be copied due to the absence of
the Clerk of the Court's notes as there may be a record of the refusals
by the magistrates needed for the divisional court application.

The Clerk's of the Court to attend to give evidence as to what they
heard in court and their conduct with both the magistrates and the
prosecution in the absence of the accused.

The magistrate admitted taking advice from Mr Allan leading to his
reversing the decision to withdraw from the case.


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