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Unable to Stay Alive Without Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter) - {FPP Note 20120810-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Aug 11, 2012, 12:52:57 AM8/11/12
Unable to Stay Alive Without Life Energy Fluctuation Meter (LEF Meter)

10 August 2012
{FPP Note 20120810-V1.1}

dedicated to expose all Sociopaths, who
want their Energetic Violence on your
body, to remain unknown and falsely
understood and most of all, un-remedied



'To Stay Alive' means here, very simply:

to keep (my) body alive.


While there are many Sociopaths

- a hundred million living on Earth, to be more precise -

let's concentrate on who appears to be the most VIOLENT, the most
underhanded and insidious, the most treacherous and the most
persisting Sociopath,

that I am looking at and exposing:

l. ron hubbard (as he is known by his last life time)


This individual is 'The Father of Sociopaths,' you might like to
say, [HRO]

and all Sociopaths want in various ways to HIDE their
inflictions on people, (and also his inflictions),

where the mentioned individual makes up the most
extreme, most insidious source, of the infliction
of Drugged Ugliness and Hate, and of the infliction
of hypnotic Unconsciousness (hypnotism), [WIHPS] to
hide the inflictions from conscious awareness.

Pretty grim, isn't it. [HRPK]


Keeping such inflictions on you hidden, not understood,
not connected to their source (not knowing who inflicts

makes it difficult and certainly at times impossible,
to remove these inflictions

- meaning, in this case, to remove these inflictions from
your body, and thus to stay alive.


So we are talking about keeping (my and also) your body alive, and I
limit this data at the moment,

to what that biggest Sociopath does (to my body, and at times maybe
also to your body):

I already told you [HRPK] about the four MAIN types of Harmfully
Altered Life Energy PARTICLES (feelings), that any Sociopath
creates, radiates and inflicts onto and into the body of other

1. Drugging Energy - which consists of PARTICLES
2. Ugliness Energy - which consists of PARTICLES
3. Unawareness Energy - which consists of PARTICLES
4. Hate-Pain Energy - which consists of PARTICLES

5. Lies that make these understood FALSELY (like "you have
eaten something bad, not slept enough, etc. etc. etc.")
(thoughts equally are Life Energy PARTICLES) {iFPP}

they inflict lies (like "you deserve this," "you caused
this yourself somehow," "your body caused this," "you
were not careful enough," etc., etc., etc. not to
mention the horrendous but for the Sociopaths "normal"
lie, that "someone ELSE did inflict it," complete with
a picture of that person, even - lies, ideas inflicted)

together WITH the Harmful feelings inflicted,

lies that are INTENDING to somehow make you not remove
or even unable to remove the inflictions from you body.

The typical places where the mentioned Sociopath in particular, does
inflict these Energies at and into my body, are:

ALWAYS into my eyes and into my forehead - to diminish and block
my perception and my direct communication to and from others.

Always behind my nose (pituitary etc.), or also in a nose hole,
to create enough concentration of Ugliness Energy Particles, so
that the body reacts with sneezing etc., which breaks loose a
whole lot of core Energy (Beauty Energy) from my soul - if he
succeeds in that infliction.

Such vampiring actions of course ALSO diminish my body's
Life Energy and my soul's Life Energy, necessary for
defending my body.

Always at and into my throat, to diminish or incapacitate my
command over my vocal cords, also to try and breach there and
remove my Life Energy from there (for being able to speak).

Always at my heart, either hitting the heart from my back, or
from the front. The intention is twofold in particular: to try
and disrupt and damage its biological functioning, and also, to
block or disperse the flow of Love Energy from me via my body
to others.

That is of course somewhat critical, and is best removed
as soon as possible.


Then there are, as many inflictions as there are places in the
body: body parts, organs, bones and their joints, the ankles,
the wrists, places of skin practically anywhere, and inside the
ears, the neck, in the chest, lungs, shoulders - anywhere really

and of course in various places at and in the head, that cause
headaches, and that cause perceptional difficulties in the eyes
(with pretty medical names)

- these charlatans have not a clue, THANKS TO THE
SOCIOPATHS (including Mr Hippocrates himself), [TPAT]

and then there are the inflictions with Deadening Energy on the
top center of the head, to disconnect you generally from your
feeling 'Joy of Life.'



Rather than suffering these ailments, I look at their nature (what is
inflicted) and at their source (WHO inflicts it),

and thus these inflicted Harmful Energies DISAPPEAR INSTANTLY.

Truth is absolute - it is only the DEGREE of Perception,
that makes truth SEEM "relative," "personal," or even

Which is where the Life Energy Fluctuation Meter or LEF meter
comes in - preferably using it instantly too. [IPA]

Of course the attacker can resume his attacks with Harmful Energy,
but then removing the new infliction again, always has discouraged
the Sociopath from keeping it up,

and on the other hand, by remedying these inflictions, I do
learn, more and better to recognize attacks,

and thus to halt these well in time: BEFORE they have
(to make their inflictions effective) injected sufficient
Unawareness Energy and Drugging Energy and Lies with it,
to surround and camouflage the main infliction that
brings about the actual harm, disability or blocking.

Also, I do not like to suffer all those Pains etc., that Sociopaths
do inflict on me and on anyone - so I do take the effort rather
quickly, to remove it - even when the infliction is done in the
middle of the night (remember, that Sociopaths have no conscience
at all, but rather a 'reverse conscience'), like also the mentioned
Sociopath DOES inflict his harm when I or someone is the most

And when the infliction is most severe, it might take up to an
hour of hard looking with the meter, to look at and thus remove
the inflicted Energies (Harmful Energy Particles) and to restore
my body's health.

Hence the subject title of this {FPP} Fine Particle Physics

'Unable to Stay Alive Without Life Energy Fluctuation Meter'


For further information, see:

'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(see under References)


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


[IPA] 'Innovation: Perception Aid, also for the Blind to Photons'
{FPP 20110422-V4.0} [IPA]
(22 April 2011 - Version 4.0 on 8 July 2011) ...
... msg/3a38dd286c235b9b?dmode=source
{FPP 20110422-V4.0-t} (with tabbed layout)


[HRO] 'Human Rights Order on l. ron hubbard (Satan as the individual)
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')'
{HRO 20081017-V3.2} [HRO]
(17 October 2008 - Version 3.2 on 15 Mar 2012)

[HRPK]'Human Rights Philosopher Knowledge Extends Very, Very Far Above
Any Person And Institution - the Human Rights Issues And You'
{HRI 20100728-V3.3} [HRPK]
(28 July 2010 - Version 3.3 on 27 Mar 2012)

[TPAT]'The Two Parts Of Any Therapy (incl. Definition of Living Body)'
{HRI 20110703-V1.1.1} [TPAT]
(3 July 2011 - Version 1.1.1 on 4 Jul 2011)

[WIHPS]'What is Hypnosis - What is Perception - (and what is the
hypnosis in 'Scientology')'
{HRI Note 20120809-1-V1.0} [WIHPS]
(9 August 2012)



(a) The first time I found this actually out, he had created and was
inflicting, Pain Energy PARTICLES into my right upper jaw.

I have told you also about that, the very long time faithful
reader may remember.

It was intended by him to prevent me from traveling to Munich to
inspect his 'Org' ('Scientology' place) where I then definitely
would find out, that he had been very seriously lying to me,
while I had been trusting his words and intentions, up to that
When I arrived at the outskirts of Munich, he decided, that I
there WOULD find out his true nature and his true intentions
towards me, and that he had been doing nothing but deliberately
lying to me, in order to discredit me towards others and to make
me spend my efforts wrongly indeed.

At that moment, then, he stopped inflicting that Pain into my
jaw. And he confessed to various things on the matter, when
later queried about it.
(see RI-462i 'Corpses in L. Ron Hubbard's Cupboard - IMPORTANT'
of 25 January 1996)



Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
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