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Honest Dutch culture, versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus "prophet" Mohammed (Mahommad) - plus References - {HRI note 20100919-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 19, 2010, 5:06:33 AM9/19/10
Honest Dutch culture versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus
"prophet" Mohammed (Mahommad)

19 September 2010
{HRI note 20100919-V1.1}


'Everyone has the right, audibly or visually to
communicate constructively - and in an educated,
or informed, or observing way - to others and
to the society, about any matter and about any
person; and doing so, will by its very nature
offend some individuals and some, possibly even
large, groups.'

The First Correct Human Rights Declaration
ARTICLE TWO - {HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}



The Islamists - fundamental or orthodox Muslim "believers," as in
Muslim dominated countries - believe, that "God speaks," and that
"his words are those of Islam's 'prophet' Mahommad,"

the verbiage of which, is recorded in the "holy" Qur'an (Quran,
Koran) book.


Much like claiming "God has told you, that 'the moon is square'," and
then demanding, that everyone believes that,

"because God has said so himself," and

"he talks to no one else, so this is the final truth:
The moon is square - and that some see it round, is
just a dangerous illusion, and is 'proof' of such a
person being a destructive unbeliever."



The Dutch believe, that Saint Nicholas - riding on his horse to visit
every Dutch household in December - knows all about you, and brings
presents accordingly, on the 5th of December

- this is possible, because he has a fast horse, and a lot of
(black skinned, Spanish-dressed) helpers.

The Dutch have the decency, however, to clear their children up about
the truth of the matter,

usually when these, the Dutch children, have reached the age of
casting off make-beliefs - around age six or so.

And so also I was cleared up, and stopped arguing with class
mates in school, who had become unbelievers in the beliefs
that children were kept in and delighted in.




So I clear you - you having passed the age of six - I clear you up
now, about the fallacy of "the brotherhood" of Islam, and of the
"holy" Koran book, to END THE MAKE-BELIEF.

'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
{HRI 20100718-V1.4}
(18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)

'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)


Indeed, God is not an individual, and DOES NOT TALK, intend, organize,
look, remember, etc. etc.:

INDIVIDUALS DO, and there are those, who manage to be looked up
to, so much, that people call them "a God," or even "God."


By its very definition, though, God is NOT an individual, and DOES
NOT TALK etc.:

That is called monotheism.

God is NOT an individual, but rather, is the Source Energy of
The Creation,

which Energy is characterized by Intense Love, Soul-baring
Truth, and Aliveness-causing Beauty,

and WITHOUT the opposites of these:

NO 'revenge,' NO Ugliness, NO punishment, NO judgment, etc.,

and NO TALK.



Someone can - someone may very well be able to - talk to
someone WITHOUT using the body for it

- as you know.

This does NOT mean, that "the other person IS GOD."


OK? Now tell that to all those who claim or claimed "to talk
with God."

They ALL are deceived BY AN INDIVIDUAL, whom they 'talk' to or
'listen to' without using a body,

they are talking to a very dishonest individual INDEED,

or - sporadically - they are the liars themselves,

such as in the case of 'the "prophet" Mohammed,'

who MADE UP all the stories and phrases of the
"holy" Qur'an (Koran) ENTIRELY BY HIMSELF, while
borrowing heavily from earlier sources.


'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)


But the Islamists - fundamental or orthodox Muslim "believers" -

aided by earlier such very debilitating and ENTIRELY FALSE

that "God speaks," and they believe,

that "his words are those of Islam's 'prophet' Mohammed,"

the verbiage of which is recorded in Arabic, in the "holy"
Qur'an (Quran, Koran) book,

"which you can not understand by yourself,"

because it is psychotic gibberish, and blasphemy from beginning
to end, but you can memorize these, and then

"you need Imams" or other religious fanatics, out to dominate and to
sour the lives of others, who "need Imams"

"in order to explain to you, 'what God's will and command is'."



Much like claiming, that "God has told you, that 'the moon is
square'," and then demanding, that everyone believes that,
"because God has said so himself."

And "he, God, talks to no one else (than to whoever claims to be
a 'prophet' of God), so this is the final truth:"

"The moon is square - and that some do see it as being round, is
just a dangerous illusion, and is 'proof' of such a person being
an unbeliever."

"Do not befriend unbelievers!" These might tell you, that the Moon is
actually round, and thus these make you into an un-believer.

Now you (again) know why " must not befriend unbelievers."


'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)





Again: God DOES NOT TALK, etc. - only INDIVIDUALS DO.

Extremely dumb religious authorities of indeed very questionable
intentions for you, do protect the various charlatans within
their group,

who are claiming "to talk with God",

because those charlatans exactly PROVIDE these religious
fanatics, who are out to dominate others, with "the
authority" "of God,"

in order to 'explain and enforce' that, "what God wants
or says," onto the religious group,

meaning, that, what the loudest charlatan - speaking "with
God himself," says.


It is INDIVIDUALS ONLY, like Saints, and like Jesus Christ did in the
extreme - INDIVIDUALS, with or without body, do perform what you call

and INDIVIDUALS were able to create things, know things, heal things,
etc., using the Source Energy of The Creation (God defined correctly)

- but you say 'miracles,' because you HAVE BEEN MADE to not
understand anymore how it works, how miracles are performed:

In that, you are AS barbarian as those very individuals,
whom YOU accuse of "being barbarian" when

these assign all thunder and lighting as "caused by God."



If you DO again want to understand 'miracles' in any field, then of
course you have to study Life, and Life's Energy, as in

The Introduction to Fine Particle Physics {iFPP}


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29

(as indicated)


' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
(21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)

(and further as applicable)


'The Origin Of Veiling The Women In Islam And Its Present Role'
Author: Dr. R. Brahmachari
Thursday, January 03, 2008
... /index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1679


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at


Sep 19, 2010, 8:49:38 AM9/19/10
Islam isn't a threat.

The Peeler

Sep 19, 2010, 9:14:45 AM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:49:38 -0400, * ANUS * wrote:

>Islam isn't a threat.

Who needs it? This is the 21st century not the 7th.


Sep 19, 2010, 9:50:31 AM9/19/10
Islam isn't a threat.

Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.


Sep 19, 2010, 10:11:25 AM9/19/10

"* US *" wrote in message

> Islam isn't a threat.
> Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.
Russia, Israel sign long-term military cooperation agreement

06.09.2010, 14.51

MOSCOW, September 6 (Itar-Tass) -- Russia and Israel have signed a
long-term military cooperation agreement, Russian Defence Minister Anatoly
Serdyukov reported on Monday.

"We have just signed a long-term agreement on military cooperation between
the two defence ministries. We have discussed a number of issues of
military-technical cooperation," Serdyukov said after talks with his
visiting Israeli counterpart Ehud Barak.

The particulars of the document have not been made public but a Russian
defence ministry spokesman told Itar-Tass that it was a framework agreement
spelling out general directions of military cooperation between the two
countries. "It will create a legal basis for further agreements on
cooperation in specific areas and for contracts in the area of military
technical cooperation," he said.


Sep 19, 2010, 10:20:07 AM9/19/10
On 19/09/2010 14:50, * US * wrote:
> Islam isn't a threat.
> Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.

And why would these people who disagree with you, be cowards?

The Peeler

Sep 19, 2010, 10:23:15 AM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 09:50:31 -0400, * ANUS * wrote:

>Islam isn't a threat.
>Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.

You are both a dupe and an ANUS. Islam belongs back in the 7th


Sep 19, 2010, 10:26:11 AM9/19/10

As do most other religions too, but I agree, especially Islam.


Greg Carr

Sep 19, 2010, 12:39:50 PM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:49:38 -0400, * US * wrote:

>Islam isn't a threat.

Radical Islam is a threat as 9/11, the Bali bombing, the London train
bombing and the Mumbai massacres show.


Sep 19, 2010, 12:45:26 PM9/19/10

I don't think that 'US' reads or watches the news.



Sep 19, 2010, 3:36:21 PM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:23:15 +0800, The Squeeler <squeel...@invalid.admin> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 09:50:31 -0400, * ANUS * wrote:
>>Islam isn't a threat.
>>Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.

>... a dupe ...

The neocons fooled you too easily.


Sep 19, 2010, 3:36:21 PM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 15:20:07 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>On 19/09/2010 14:50, * US * wrote:
>> Islam isn't a threat.
>> Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.


You fear imaginary things.


Sep 19, 2010, 3:36:21 PM9/19/10

As if the American taxpayer would get a discount ...


Sep 19, 2010, 3:36:21 PM9/19/10
Islam isn't a threat.

Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.

9/11 was an inside job.


Sep 19, 2010, 4:14:10 PM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 17:45:26 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>I don't think ...

That's why you got fooled by the neocons' lies.


Sep 19, 2010, 4:14:13 PM9/19/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 16:39:50 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:49:38 -0400, * US * wrote:
>>Islam isn't a threat.

>Radical Islam is a threat as 9/11 ...

9/11 had nothing to do with Islam.

Ray Fischer

Sep 19, 2010, 4:48:28 PM9/19/10
Koos Nolst Trenite <> wrote:
>Honest Dutch culture versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus

Bigot logic...
[Extremists] are [Muslims] so [Muslims] are dangerous and evil

Same logic ...
[Nazis] are [Christians] so [Christians] are dangerous and evil

Ray Fischer

The Peeler

Sep 19, 2010, 5:42:41 PM9/19/10

Shut up, ANUS.

Greg Carr

Sep 19, 2010, 6:43:54 PM9/19/10

Your a kook. The NYPD and NYFD which lost scores of ppl in the 9/11
incident believe it was Osama Bin-Laden who did it and he took
responsibility for it. He is also a Muslim.

Greg Carr

Sep 19, 2010, 6:45:38 PM9/19/10

Without Islam 9/11 wouldn't have happened nor the London bombing, the
Bali bombing and the Mumbai massacre.

The Peeler

Sep 19, 2010, 8:31:35 PM9/19/10

Where'd you hear that, ANUS? Al Jazeera?


Sep 19, 2010, 9:14:16 PM9/19/10
The Peeler wrote

9/11 had everything to do with radical Islam.

That Christian jackass, book burner Terry Jones lost his Church's tax free
status because he was using the members of his congregation as unpaid
"slaves". That's why he was so desperate. Even right wing Reverend Pat
Robertson condemned his actions.

Reverned Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church has a congregation of
about as many, and they protest the funerals of the brave and the few, US
soldiers because they hate fags.

Jim Jones, well his was a Christian "Church" as well.

Radical Christians fomenting hate and mass suicide.

But you'll never see that side of the story discussed on Hannity, O'Reilly
or Beck. That's too politically incorrect and might hurt their feelings!

Nobody in their right mind supports extremists.


Sep 19, 2010, 9:30:01 PM9/19/10

"* US *" wrote in message

Even if that were true (which I don't believe for one moment), how do you
account for the Bali bombings?

(I noticed you left it out in your response.)

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of those who shoot the
best". Voltaire..

Chandler Bing

Sep 19, 2010, 9:34:15 PM9/19/10
On Sep 19, 9:30 pm, "Spartan613" <> wrote:
> "* US *" wrote in

> > On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 17:45:26 +0100, bod <> wrote:
> >>I don't think ...
> > That's why you got fooled by the neocons' lies.
> > 9/11 was an inside job.
> Even if that were true (which I don't believe for one moment), how do you
> account for the Bali bombings?
> (I noticed you left it out in your response.)
9/11 was no more an inside job than Obama was born in Kenya.

But there are certainly crazy people from opposed political sides who
agree with either one or the other statement.


Sep 19, 2010, 9:46:44 PM9/19/10
Spartan613 wrote

> Even if that were true (which I don't believe for one moment), how do you
> account for the Bali bombings?
> (I noticed you left it out in your response.)

Far more victims of radical Islamist terrorism are Muslims than are not.

Before 9/11 happened in the USA, the biggest terroist action against North
American citizens was McVeigh in 1995, and before that the record was the Air
India bombing of a 747 where around 270 Canadians died, most of them were of
Indian heritage. Canadians didn't go out and make life bad for Sikhs,
because Canadians realized that the perpetrators were radicals.

On the other side of the story, the Air India bombing that killed so many
didn't create outrage because the people who died were Canadians, but of
Indian heritage. Not from the traditional founding ethinic groups.

Seymour Bush

Sep 20, 2010, 3:58:02 AM9/20/10

So are white, christian American ex-servicemen, as Timothy McVeigh showed.




Sep 20, 2010, 4:38:10 AM9/20/10

You believe in imaginary things.



Sep 20, 2010, 4:38:53 AM9/20/10

You are a nutjob.



Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:43:54 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>... a kook...

You believe all the lies Bush and Cheney told, don't you.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:12 AM9/20/10
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 07:58:02 +0000 (UTC), Seymour Bush <> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 16:39:50 +0000, Greg Carr wrote:

>> ...a threat ...
>... white, christian American ex-servicemen, as Timothy McVeigh showed.

At first, he found it difficult to kill Iraqis.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:12 AM9/20/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:45:38 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 16:14:13 -0400, * US * wrote:
>>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 16:39:50 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:
>>>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:49:38 -0400, * US * wrote:
>>>>Islam isn't a threat.
>>>Radical Islam is a threat as 9/11 ...
>>9/11 had nothing to do with Islam.

>... 9/11 wouldn't have happened ...

Not without Bush and Cheney.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On 20 Sep 2010 03:46:44 +0200, Norm <> wrote:

>Far more victims ...

Bush and Cheney are mass murderers.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... the Bali bombings...

Al Qaeda is CIA.

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 17:45:26 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>I don't think ...

That's why you got fooled by the neocons' lies.

9/11 was an inside job.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:34:15 -0700 (PDT), Chandler Bing <> wrote:

>9/11 was ...

It was an inside job.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:12 AM9/20/10


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 09:38:10 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>...believe in imaginary things.

You wouldn't do that if you were more healthy.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:23:15 +0800, The Squeeler <squeel...@invalid.admin> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 09:50:31 -0400, * US * wrote:
>>Islam isn't a threat.
>>Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.
>... a dupe ...

The neocons fooled you too easily.

You hate Americans for their freedom
of expression, don't you.


Sep 20, 2010, 8:48:11 AM9/20/10
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 09:38:53 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>... a nutjob.

You even believe Bush when he claims God speaks through him.

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:43:54 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>... a kook...

You believe all the lies Bush and Cheney told, don't you.

Islam isn't a threat.

The Peeler

Sep 20, 2010, 8:56:15 AM9/20/10

You use freedom of expression to disseminate lies, don't you, ANUS?


Sep 20, 2010, 11:11:35 AM9/20/10
On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:23:15 +0800, The Squeeler <squeel...@invalid.admin> wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 09:50:31 -0400, * US * wrote:
>>Islam isn't a threat.
>>Only cowardly dupes believe otherwise.
>... a dupe ...

The neocons fooled you too easily.

You hate Americans for their freedom
of expression, don't you.

Notice how even the most desperate bushkultie can't dispute it.

Greg Carr

Sep 20, 2010, 12:19:43 PM9/20/10

9/11 wasn't an inside job it was done by foreigners who were all
Muslim. The London bombing was done by Muslims, the Bali bombing was
done by Muslims and the Mumbia massacre was done by Muslims. Muslim
insurgents in the Philippines continue to kill ppl.


Sep 20, 2010, 2:23:14 PM9/20/10
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 16:19:43 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>9/11 ...

Inside job.

The Peeler

Sep 20, 2010, 6:34:46 PM9/20/10

Shut up, ANUS. Go back to the 7th Century.


Sep 20, 2010, 10:49:22 PM9/20/10

"* US *" wrote in message

> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613" <>
> wrote:
>>... the Bali bombings...
> Al Qaeda is CIA.

Let me see if I can illuminate your delusion.....

Amrozi and those other shitskin monkeys were a CIA Agents?


Sep 20, 2010, 11:14:16 PM9/20/10
Spartan613 wrote:
> "* US *" wrote in message
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613"
>> <> wrote:
>>> ... the Bali bombings...
>> Al Qaeda is CIA.
> Let me see if I can illuminate your delusion.....
> Amrozi and those other shitskin monkeys were a CIA Agents?

Didn't you know? The CIA put bringyagrog in charge of recruitment in
their S.E. Asian arm? ROTFLMAO!


Sep 20, 2010, 11:55:46 PM9/20/10
See "Tim Osman".

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... the Bali bombings...

Al Qaeda is CIA.

On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 17:45:26 +0100, bod <> wrote:

>I don't think ...

That's why you got fooled by the neocons' lies.

9/11 was an inside job.!


Sep 20, 2010, 11:55:46 PM9/20/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:49:22 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... delusion...

You believe every lie Bush and Cheney told, don't you.

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... the Bali bombings...

Al Qaeda is CIA.


Sep 20, 2010, 11:55:46 PM9/20/10

Notice how even the most desperate bushkultie can't dispute it.

The bushkultie doesn't deal with reality.

Peter Webb

Sep 21, 2010, 12:43:46 AM9/21/10
Do you believe there were hijackers on the planes?


Sep 21, 2010, 2:27:19 AM9/21/10
Your inability to give a straight answer to a simple question has been

You have no credibility, and your posts should be ignored.

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of those who shoot the
best". Voltaire.

"* US *" wrote in message


Sep 21, 2010, 3:11:15 AM9/21/10

Get some help.


The Peeler

Sep 21, 2010, 5:56:57 AM9/21/10

Prove it, ANUS.

Plato Been

Sep 21, 2010, 8:16:02 AM9/21/10
(About sociopaths "responding," with their typical, intense
and revulsive, spiritually blinding Ugliness, their REVERSE
conscience, and their morbid, malevolent reversal of every-
thing true, to describe nothing BUT themselves)



Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION
to talk to me (rev 2.0.3)

7 December 2007
{Note 20071207-V2.0.3}

(Version 2.0.3
on 26 Nov 2009)


Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures, etc. have NO permission
to talk to or speak with me,

unless specifically asked by me, and then only on the question
asked of them by me or by someone for me.

This has always been so, wherever and whenever I could recognize them.

This is how it is in the street, and it is not at all different
in the Usenet newsgroups.



You can think of these Demonic creatures as street bums,

as to how their soul is, and

as to how the Energies they emanate, are.

Some even claim, that (their and) any soul, and
(those and) any Energies, (also those THEY emanate)

so that they are not recognized as the source
of Evil Energies,

nor recognized as Evil souls (that are obvious
from their past-lives).


Their only purpose is to destroy life,

and the only reason for their shouting to get a connect-
ion, is, to try and get (to steal) Energy from others,

as they are Energy-vampires too,

and it is not hard to imagine, what THEY would use that
Energy for.



Do these Hate Beauty, Love and Truth?

Certainly, they so do hate very intensely, very forcefully, with
tremendous rancor. (rancor: 'The deepest malignity or spite;
deep-seated enmity or malice; deep-rooted hatred.')


They abhor and are disgusted by genuine Beauty, Love and Truth,

which they may try to approach and "admire" IN ORDER TO
DESTROY IT and to obtain and pervert and subvert the
Energy of.



Me being fully and wholly their opposite, my communications are so
Strong in Beauty, so All-embracing in Love, and so Rich in Truth,

that these my communications (my Energies) do literally 'burn the
soul' of any Demonic creature, sociopath or mental street bum and
the like:

To such individuals, any communication of mine acts as
'Holy Water,' it burns their soul

- and they react accordingly... some sort of 'explode,'

others, feeling forced to have to feel and to face the
actuality of how people really are,

including feeling the existence and thus the
Energies of demons like l. ron hubbard, and of
his evil soul mates,

will go onto a 'killing spree,' a 'knife-stabbing' "fest"
for them,

AND TO 'DICTATORIALIZE' their lies and false
feelings onto others,

to eradicate and exterminate decent people, and

to kill those who emanate the Energy of pure, penetrating
Truth, of pure, penetrating Beauty, and of pure, and
equally penetrating Love.


Therefore - being KIND to them - they are ordered to filter out
of their perception, any communications

not meant for them, not written for them and not posted
or published for them,

that are written by me.



Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably by far the most Intelligent, by far the
most Beautiful and by far the most Caring philosopher known, and on
top of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known on
Earth and beyond.

KNT hrp&p


'l. ron hubbard is a 'demon' pretending to be "good" '
(21 April 2008)

Copyright 2008, 2009 by KNT hrp&p
Copyright Conditions as usual ('learnware')



Independent, Objective Definition of Evil

10 August 2009
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}

(Version 1.1.2
on 11 Aug 2009)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Objective, independent definition of Evil:

Taking away, hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility
or ability of people actively to enjoy Life.

The (hidden) Joy of taking away, hindering, preventing or
destroying the possibility or ability of people actively to
enjoy Life.



Actual or true Definitions, are based on life itself, and that action
of defining, does include the ability and desire, to observe and
experience and to connect to life.

So we observe, that Good and Evil are values that are native to
(the soul of) people:

People strongly wish others to enjoy life, and desire to
enjoy life, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this,

people experience what we call a conscience,

and from that, natural law ensues, which intends (law-
makers intend) to protect those natural wishes of people
towards each other and towards themselves:

to be able actively to enjoy life with each other.


We observe further, that it is exactly THE OPPOSITE in a small, but
very forcefully hidden, often loud and demanding, and sometimes
charismatic part of the population - on Earth certainly -

who are Criminal Minds:

Statistically, in every hundred people, one is most
intensely, totally and irreparably bent on ENJOYING
to take away, to destroy or hinder people's ability to
enjoy life. (see HRI 'The Nature of War')

That IS the nature of their immortal soul, whether you
like it or not, and it dictates - to themselves and to
others of the same nature - to seek and follow that JOY,

(and they keep each other reminded of their JOYS,
should you manage to show one of them, that there
are other joys than those that have been burnt
indelibly into their soul):

These ENJOY, in one way or other, to take away, hinder, prevent or
destroy the possibility or ability, actively and fully to enjoy Life.


It is the existence and presence of THAT part of the population, that
necessitates a Definition of Evil in the first place,

much like there was NO necessity to define 'disease,' in a
society where naturally disease never existed.

(And, by the way, all disease stems directly or indirectly
from, and has been created by, or is being inflicted by,
Criminal Minds.)


These ENJOY hindering, preventing or destroying the possibility or
ability - in particular of others - actively to enjoy Life.

In order to bring that about, in order to get support and
cooperation, and to develop their being trusted by you or
by others, they will have to claim the opposite, of course,

as in various belief systems, and including their "sciences,"

where the current, crippling medical "sciences" and the
not less crippling "science" of theoretical physics, are

at present more effective than religion or politics
or art are,

to bring that about: *(2)

Whatever is the most effective and most convincing tool or method,
to force, or by their teachings to "guide," people into hindering,
preventing or destroying the possibility or ability to enjoy Life;

people "must restrict themselves, and let their own life be

and in particular they "must allow, or help to bring about, more
and more 'restriction and domination' in the life of others,




So only due to the presence - and in particular due to the very
forcefully and very intelligently HIDDEN presence - of Criminal

which I am constantly exposing for you, and teach you about in
the Human Rights Issues (HRI's),

does it become necessary, and indeed vital, to Define objectively,
what is Evil.


This definition then also results in all kind of practical
things (which are now the titles of Human Rights Issues)
such as *(1)

The Rights of Criminal Minds,

The First International Law,

The First Law of Human Rights

The Second Law of Human Rights

The Definition of Sanity,

The Definition of Insane,

The Definition of Peace,

Defining God Correctly,

Penetrating Buddhism and Hinduism

Religious Freedom

Introduction to Journalism Course,


Introduction to Fine Particle Physics,

to name some basic issues that stem from the very strong, basic,
innate, natural desire, to defend and increase values that are
native to (the soul of) people

enjoy life themselves, especially with each other.

From the feelings connected to this, people experience
what we call a CONSCIENCE, and from that, then,

NATURAL LAW ensues, which intends to protect those
natural wishes of people towards each other and
towards themselves.

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(1) These are Titles of Human Rights Issues, or of HRI subjects.

(2) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)

(further footnotes to be added, as indicated)


'Info on 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries'' (on {FPP 20070331-V2.2} {HRI 20070331-V2.2})
(8 April 2007)

'Iran has become a Nazi State' - (includes
'Criminal Minds ENJOY LYING, And THEY Know
They Intentionally Lie' {HRI 20050527-V3.5.2})
(1 April 2007)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(further references to be added, as applicable)

Issue note:

An 'Independent, objective Definition of Evil,' was requested
by Tom Davidson of Richmond, VA, "tadchem" <


Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at




On Sep 19, 11:06 am, Koos Nolst Trenite
<> wrote:

> Honest Dutch culture versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus
> "prophet" Mohammed (Mahommad)
> 19 September 2010
> {HRI note 20100919-V1.1}
> '
> 'Everyone has the right, audibly or visually to
> communicate constructively - and in an educated,
> or informed, or observing way - to others and
> to the society, about any matter and about any
> person; and doing so, will by its very nature
> offend some individuals and some, possibly even
> large, groups.'
> The First Correct Human Rights Declaration
> ARTICLE TWO - {HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}
> '
> '
> The Islamists - fundamental or orthodox Muslim "believers," as in
> Muslim dominated countries - believe, that "God speaks," and that
> "his words are those of Islam's 'prophet' Mahommad,"
> the verbiage of which, is recorded in the "holy" Qur'an (Quran,
> Koran) book.
> '
> Much like claiming "God has told you, that 'the moon is square'," and
> then demanding, that everyone believes that,
> "because God has said so himself," and
> "he talks to no one else, so this is the final truth:
> The moon is square - and that some see it round, is
> just a dangerous illusion, and is 'proof' of such a
> person being a destructive unbeliever."
> '
> '
> The Dutch believe, that Saint Nicholas - riding on his horse to visit
> every Dutch household in December - knows all about you, and brings
> presents accordingly, on the 5th of December
> - this is possible, because he has a fast horse, and a lot of
> (black skinned, Spanish-dressed) helpers.
> The Dutch have the decency, however, to clear their children up about
> the truth of the matter,
> usually when these, the Dutch children, have reached the age of
> casting off make-beliefs - around age six or so.
> And so also I was cleared up, and stopped arguing with class
> mates in school, who had become unbelievers in the beliefs
> that children were kept in and delighted in.
> '
> '
> '
> So I clear you - you having passed the age of six - I clear you up
> now, about the fallacy of "the brotherhood" of Islam, and of the
> "holy" Koran book, to END THE MAKE-BELIEF.
> 'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
> only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
> FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
> {HRI 20100718-V1.4}
> (18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)
> 'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
> {HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
> (12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)
> '
> Indeed, God is not an individual, and DOES NOT TALK, intend, organize,
> look, remember, etc. etc.:
> INDIVIDUALS DO, and there are those, who manage to be looked up
> to, so much, that people call them "a God," or even "God."
> '
> By its very definition, though, God is NOT an individual, and DOES
> NOT TALK etc.:
> That is called monotheism.
> God is NOT an individual, but rather, is the Source Energy of
> The Creation,
> which Energy is characterized by Intense Love, Soul-baring
> Truth, and Aliveness-causing Beauty,
> and WITHOUT the opposites of these:
> NO 'revenge,' NO Ugliness, NO punishment, NO judgment, etc.,
> and NO TALK.
> '
> '
> Someone can - someone may very well be able to - talk to
> someone WITHOUT using the body for it
> - as you know.
> This does NOT mean, that "the other person IS GOD."
> '
> OK? Now tell that to all those who claim or claimed "to talk
> with God."
> They ALL are deceived BY AN INDIVIDUAL, whom they 'talk' to or
> 'listen to' without using a body,
> they are talking to a very dishonest individual INDEED,
> or - sporadically - they are the liars themselves,
> such as in the case of 'the "prophet" Mohammed,'
> who MADE UP all the stories and phrases of the
> "holy" Qur'an (Koran) ENTIRELY BY HIMSELF, while
> borrowing heavily from earlier sources.
> '
> 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
> Monotheism' (DGC)
> {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
> (6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)
> '
> But the Islamists - fundamental or orthodox Muslim "believers" -
> believe,
> aided by earlier such very debilitating and ENTIRELY FALSE
> beliefs,
> that "God speaks," and they believe,
> that "his words are those of Islam's 'prophet' Mohammed,"
> the verbiage of which is recorded in Arabic, in the "holy"
> Qur'an (Quran, Koran) book,
> "which you can not understand by yourself,"
> because it is psychotic gibberish, and blasphemy from beginning
> to end, but you can memorize these, and then
> "you need Imams" or other religious fanatics, out to dominate and to
> sour the lives of others, who "need Imams"
> "in order to explain to you, 'what God's will and command is'."
> '
> '
> Much like claiming, that "God has told you, that 'the moon is
> square'," and then demanding, that everyone believes that,
> "because God has said so himself."
> And "he, God, talks to no one else (than to whoever claims to be
> a 'prophet' of God), so this is the final truth:"
> "The moon is square - and that some do see it as being round, is
> just a dangerous illusion, and is 'proof' of such a person being
> an unbeliever."
> "Do not befriend unbelievers!" These might tell you, that the Moon is
> actually round, and thus these make you into an un-believer.
> Now you (again) know why " must not befriend unbelievers."
> '
> 'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
> {HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
> (12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)
> '
> '
> '
> '
> Again: God DOES NOT TALK, etc. - only INDIVIDUALS DO.
> Extremely dumb religious authorities of indeed very questionable
> intentions for you, do protect the various charlatans within
> their group,
> who are claiming "to talk with God",
> because those charlatans exactly PROVIDE these religious
> fanatics, who are out to dominate others, with "the
> authority" "of God,"
> in order to 'explain and enforce' that, "what God wants
> or says," onto the religious group,
> meaning, that, what the loudest charlatan - speaking "with
> God himself," says.
> '
> It is INDIVIDUALS ONLY, like Saints, and like Jesus Christ did in the
> extreme - INDIVIDUALS, with or without body, do perform what you call
> miracles,
> and INDIVIDUALS were able to create things, know things, heal things,
> etc., using the Source Energy of The Creation (God defined correctly)
> - but you say 'miracles,' because you HAVE BEEN MADE to not
> understand anymore how it works, how miracles are performed:
> In that, you are AS barbarian as those very individuals,
> whom YOU accuse of "being barbarian" when
> these assign all thunder and lighting as "caused by God."
> '
> '
> If you DO again want to understand 'miracles' in any field, then of
> course you have to study Life, and Life's Energy, as in
> The Introduction to Fine Particle Physics {iFPP}
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'God gave Solomon wisdom
> and very great insight,
> and a breadth of understanding
> as measureless
> as the sand on the seashore.'
> 1 Kings 4:29
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (as indicated)
> __________
> References:
> ' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
> {HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
> (21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)
> (and further as applicable)
> ________
> External:
> 'The Origin Of Veiling The Women In Islam And Its Present Role'
> Author: Dr. R. Brahmachari
> Thursday, January 03, 2008
> ... /index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1679
> '
> ____________
> Verification:
> Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
> and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
> who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
> to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
> specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
> of life and about themselves).
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
> and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
> about any organizations or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at

Leonardo Been (Plato)

Sep 21, 2010, 8:32:52 AM9/21/10
(About sociopaths "responding," with their typical, intense
and revulsive, spiritually blinding Ugliness, their REVERSE
conscience, and their morbid, malevolent reversal of every-
thing true, to describe nothing BUT themselves)



Criminal Minds, sociopaths, Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION
to talk to me (rev 2.0.3)

full text:




On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 20:48:28 +0000, Ray Fischer wrote:

> Date: 19 Sep 2010 20:48:28 GMT
> From: (Ray Fischer)
> Lines: 13
> Message-ID: <4c96771c$0$1610$>
> NNTP-Posting-Date: 19 Sep 2010 20:48:28 GMT
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> Newsgroups:,talk.politics.misc,aus.politics,can.politics,uk.politics.misc
> Organization:, Inc.
> Originator: (Ray Fischer)
> Path:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!not-for-mail
> References: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: Honest Dutch culture, versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus "prophet" Mohammed (Mahommad) - plus References - {HRI note 20100919-V1.1}
> X-Complaints-To:
> X-Newsreader: trn 4.0-test76 (Apr 2, 2001)
> X-Trace: DXC=2MZTo46]`S?>;;8NdMNWb;m4K\QM1CV^01OYf0H`?;X1@XdeC[j?Ho449JS04A7<J2R867Z3;^3a=mSOgLjd;L7>
> Xref: talk.politics.misc:2952796 aus.politics:1497844 can.politics:1350199 uk.politics.misc:1879385
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain

> Koos Nolst Trenite <> wrote:
>>Honest Dutch culture versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) versus

> Bigot logic...
> [Extremists] are [Muslims] so [Muslims] are dangerous and evil
> Same logic ...
> [Nazis] are [Christians] so [Christians] are dangerous and evil
> --
> Ray Fischer


Sep 21, 2010, 8:40:02 AM9/21/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 08:11:15 +0100, bod <> wrote:


Your neocon idols betray you.

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 16:19:43 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

>9/11 ...

Inside job.


Sep 21, 2010, 8:40:22 AM9/21/10

Notice how even the most desperate bushkultie can't dispute it.

The bushkultie doesn't deal with reality.

The bushkultie has only lies.


Sep 21, 2010, 8:40:46 AM9/21/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:43:46 +1000, "Peter Webb" <>

>Do you believe ...

I prefer facts. You should, too.


Sep 21, 2010, 8:41:14 AM9/21/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 16:27:19 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>...inability to give a straight answer ...
>...have no credibility...

You're not the subject, though.


Sep 21, 2010, 10:07:25 AM9/21/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 05:16:02 -0700 (PDT), Plato' Beans <> farted:

>... sociopaths ...

You are filled with hate.

You're not healthy.


Sep 21, 2010, 10:29:41 AM9/21/10
On Sep 19, 8:49 am, * US * wrote:
> Islam isn't a threat.

Taken literally, it is.

The Peeler

Sep 21, 2010, 10:30:38 AM9/21/10
And so they should!


Sep 21, 2010, 2:12:44 PM9/21/10
Islam isn't a threat.

The terrorists are those who
orchestrated "Shock and Awe".

Greg Carr

Sep 21, 2010, 7:14:50 PM9/21/10

Osama Bin-Laden is a terrorist that needs catching.


Sep 21, 2010, 7:20:11 PM9/21/10
"Greg Carr" <> wrote in message

> Osama Bin-Laden is a terrorist that needs catching.

He's been dead for years. Americans just need an excuse to beat up on muslim countries.


Sep 21, 2010, 7:20:30 PM9/21/10

All islamofascists are terrorists and need catching.


Sep 22, 2010, 12:21:12 AM9/22/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 16:20:30 -0700 (PDT), AStext <> wrote:


Loon Lingo Alert!


Sep 22, 2010, 12:21:11 AM9/22/10

You've misspelled "Tim Osman".

It'd be closer to civilized to put Bush and Cheney on trial.


Sep 22, 2010, 12:21:11 AM9/22/10

PNAC wanted a "New Pearl Harbor"
as their excuse to steal oil and money.


Sep 22, 2010, 12:26:48 AM9/22/10

Dickhead dances . .


Sep 22, 2010, 12:43:00 AM9/22/10

"* US *" wrote in message

> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:43:46 +1000, "Peter Webb"
> <>
> wrote:
>>Do you believe ...
> I prefer facts. You should, too.
> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:49:22 +1000, "Spartan613" <>
> wrote:
>>... delusion...
> You believe every lie Bush and Cheney told, don't you.

As an Australian, I tend to ignore septic pollies.

So explain to me, how Jemaah Islamiya is a component of the CIA and Amrozi
and Mukhlas were CIA agents.

Your evidence in support of your delusions is............?

"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of those who shoot the

best". Voltaire..


Sep 22, 2010, 12:44:21 AM9/22/10

"* US *" wrote in message

You're full of shit.


Barry Bruyea

Sep 22, 2010, 6:16:32 AM9/22/10
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 23:14:50 GMT, Greg Carr <>

>On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:12:44 -0400, * US * wrote:

bin Laden is either dead or laying on cot in a cave somewhere
drooling. If not, why no videos for years? Only Audio.


Sep 22, 2010, 9:29:13 AM9/22/10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:43:00 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>As an Australian, I tend to ignore ...

Aussies are involved in the illegal invasions.

On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:43:46 +1000, "Peter Webb" <>

>Do you believe ...

I prefer facts. You should, too.

On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 12:49:22 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... delusion...

You believe every lie Bush and Cheney told, don't you.

On Mon, 20 Sep 2010 11:30:01 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:


Sep 22, 2010, 9:29:13 AM9/22/10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:44:21 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... full of shit.

You're not the subject, though.

On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 05:16:02 -0700 (PDT), Plato' Beans <> farted:


Sep 22, 2010, 9:29:13 AM9/22/10

Benway (original non-Zionist)

Sep 22, 2010, 11:06:03 AM9/22/10


This is Multiculturalism:
Scenario 1 - Acquiescence and Surrender.

What does multiculturalism mean to us Australians?
It means that these alien billionaires are telling
us that they want our country, and we are in their
way. Their cultural agenda wants a homogeneous
plastic mental mass that can be moulded at will.

Multiculturalism does not seek an average
intelligence; it hungers for mediocre dullness
that finds comfort and submergence in the
shuffling conformist mob, surrounded by oneness of
mind, with lemmings that ooze like-thinking

The cynical observer would notice the docility of
the multicultural masses - their pliability
beneath the thumb of globalist propaganda, their
credulity that makes them believe almost any
positive spin promoting plague immigration and

It is important to observe the insane pathology of
multiculturalism that persecutes dissenters like
Pauline Hanson, and to realize that it was in a
hysterically deranged period of cultural history
that the witch hunts flourished.

Rejoice in globalist stupidity, look upon your
ignorance as a badge of honor, condemn everything
you don't understand in national character. Then
you will be a true citizen of the world, and a
pushover for multicultural propaganda and plague


Benway (original non-Zionist)

Sep 22, 2010, 11:07:53 AM9/22/10

> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:34:15 -0700 (PDT), Chandler Bing <> wrote:
> >9/11 was ...
> It was an inside job.



Greg Carr

Sep 22, 2010, 2:10:38 PM9/22/10

If you think 9/11 and the Bali/London bombings were some kind of
inside job your probably a paranoid schizophrenic.


Sep 22, 2010, 2:11:41 PM9/22/10

"Greg Carr" <> wrote in message


Sep 22, 2010, 2:22:45 PM9/22/10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:07:53 -0700 (PDT), "Benway (original non-Zionist)"
<> wrote:

> * US * wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 18:34:15 -0700 (PDT), Chandler Bing <> wrote:
>> >9/11 was ...
>> It was an inside job.

>... they want our country, and we are in their

The Abos are rather tolerant, actually.

>... mediocre dullness

That explains xenophobia.


Sep 22, 2010, 8:41:27 PM9/22/10

Dance, dhimmi dickhead!


Sep 22, 2010, 9:07:38 PM9/22/10
Yep. You're a fucked up full-of-shit dickhead with nothing to say.


"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but of those who shoot the
best". Voltaire..

"* US *" wrote in message


Sep 22, 2010, 9:08:57 PM9/22/10

"* US *" wrote in message

Better that, than shit.


Sep 23, 2010, 1:00:16 AM9/23/10
On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:07:38 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... a fucked up full-of-shit dickhead with nothing to say.

You sure are, but it's not about you.

Message has been deleted


Sep 23, 2010, 1:00:17 AM9/23/10
On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:08:57 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:


That's the best you can do, isn't it.

On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 14:44:21 +1000, "Spartan613" <> wrote:

>... full of shit.

You're not the subject, though.

On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 05:16:02 -0700 (PDT), Plato' Beans <> farted:

>... sociopaths ...

You are filled with hate.

You're not healthy.


Sep 23, 2010, 1:00:17 AM9/23/10


Sep 23, 2010, 1:00:17 AM9/23/10
On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 18:10:38 GMT, Greg Carr <> wrote:

> think...

Your turn.

Bush and Cheney lied about 9/11.

Peter Webb

Sep 23, 2010, 2:10:28 AM9/23/10
So, do you believe the planes were remote controlled?

Peter Webb

Sep 23, 2010, 2:10:39 AM9/23/10
So, do you believe the planes were remote controlled?

I believe that only a complete idiot would believe they were. However, as
you have never said whether you believe the planes were remote controlled,
for all I know you agree with me.

Peter Webb

Sep 23, 2010, 2:10:56 AM9/23/10

Peter Webb

Sep 23, 2010, 2:11:09 AM9/23/10


Sep 23, 2010, 7:32:35 AM9/23/10
On Sep 19, 10:49 pm, * US * wrote:

> Islam isn't a threat.

Tell that to the 7-year old that their prophet Mohammed raped.

Or the 186 children they killed with grenades, knives and small-arms
fire at Beslan.

Islam is a barbaric movement intimately associated with violence,
invented by a mass-murdering thieving paedophile and which is utterly
incompatible with civilisation.


Sep 23, 2010, 11:11:21 AM9/23/10
"“There is no such thing as "Islamofascism". That is a word made up
by people too lazy to educate themselves about either Islam or fascism.”


Sep 23, 2010, 11:11:21 AM9/23/10


Sep 23, 2010, 11:11:21 AM9/23/10

> think...

Your turn.

>... full of shit.

>... sociopaths ...

You're not healthy.

Get well soon.


Sep 23, 2010, 11:11:21 AM9/23/10


>... full of shit.

>... sociopaths ...

You're not healthy.

Get well soon.

Liberals would help you with that.


Sep 23, 2010, 11:41:31 AM9/23/10
On Thu, 23 Sep 2010 04:32:35 -0700 (PDT), CraigZ <> wrote:

>On Sep 19, 10:49 pm, * US * wrote:
>> Islam isn't a threat.

>Tell that to the ...

Do you have anything to say to the
children victimized by Cheney and
Bush in Iraq?

>... children they killed ...

Cheney and Bush have killed a lot
of children, but you don't mind.

Peter Webb

Sep 23, 2010, 12:04:11 PM9/23/10
Were the planes on 9/11 remote controlled?

Ray Fischer

Sep 23, 2010, 1:22:01 PM9/23/10
CraigZ <> wrote:
>On Sep 19, 10:49 pm, * US * wrote:
>> Islam isn't a threat.
>Tell that to the 7-year old that their prophet Mohammed raped.

Your insane hatred doesn't make Islam a threat.

It makes YOU a threat.

Ray Fischer

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