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Hugh Grant: British Media Is Above the Law

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Jul 10, 2011, 12:14:13 AM7/10/11
Hugh Grant:

Thanks Hugh for the insight.

But aren't the media strong advocates of the Tough on Crime principle?
Or do they want the amended principle: Your crimes should be
prosecuted but not theirs.


Jul 10, 2011, 5:06:35 AM7/10/11

It is impossible to work in the mainstream media and remain morally
clean because the very least you have to do is turn a blind eye to the
misbehaviour of others. RH


Jul 10, 2011, 5:38:33 AM7/10/11

My gripe is that the Sun controls who lives in Number 10.


Jul 10, 2011, 5:51:03 AM7/10/11

"Logician" <> wrote in message

No, that would be the electorate.


Jul 10, 2011, 5:57:26 AM7/10/11
On Jul 10, 10:06 am, RH <> wrote:

What I would like to know is what happened when the auditors turned up
and looked at the huge sums handed out in cash. False accounting might
be another issue in this. Who signed off the payments - it must have
been somebody very high up to convince the accountants within the
Company to part with huge sums in cash. A journalist or even his line
manager would be unlikely to be of themselves the correct number of
signatures on the requisition.
The accounts office must have been quite used to turning down
extravagant expense claims from journalists - so whose signature was
on these claims?


Jul 10, 2011, 6:06:00 AM7/10/11

With a big influence from the Sun.

(E.g. will the last person to leave please switch off the lights.)



Jul 10, 2011, 6:16:05 AM7/10/11

Since when did the electorate put Cameron in number 10?

He hasnt even got an overall majority, so it has nothing to do with
the electorate.

The electorate could have had more say in their preferences for
individual candidates, which would have helped - but Cameron
campaigned against that and secured a large majority for what he


Jul 10, 2011, 6:16:35 AM7/10/11

"MM" <> wrote in message

Maybe it's just that people buy the Sun because they agree with the paper's
position. Did the Sun create these people, or did these people create the
Sun? It's difficult to imagine the Sun and NOTW having such a commanding
share of the market if they didn't reflect the views of the majority of

The Mirror is similarly pro-Union pro-Labour, yet that doesn't seem to
bother most of the people who are anti-Murdoch.


Jul 10, 2011, 6:22:16 AM7/10/11

"sutartsorric" <> wrote in message

On Jul 10, 10:51 am, "Mentalguy2k8" <> wrote:
> "Logician" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 10, 10:06 am, RH <> wrote:
> > On Jul 10, 5:14 am, Logician <> wrote:
> > > Hugh Grant:
> > > Thanks Hugh for the insight.
> > > But aren't the media strong advocates of the Tough on Crime principle?
> > > Or do they want the amended principle: Your crimes should be
> > > prosecuted but not theirs.
> > It is impossible to work in the mainstream media and remain morally
> > clean because the very least you have to do is turn a blind eye to the
> > misbehaviour of others. RH
> >My gripe is that the Sun controls who lives in Number 10.
> No, that would be the electorate.

>Since when did the electorate put Cameron in number 10?

>He hasnt even got an overall majority, so it has nothing to do with
>the electorate.

It has everything to do with the electorate! It was the electorate that
rejected Labour, hence we were left with Con/Lib.


Jul 10, 2011, 6:58:22 AM7/10/11

Only with insidious Information/Persuasion Operation style help from
tabloids and news media owned by Murdoch.



Jul 10, 2011, 7:26:05 AM7/10/11
On Jul 10, 10:51 am, "Mentalguy2k8" <> wrote:

In a democrary even the most unintelligent and infertile person can
vote. The Sun seizes on this failing by printing highly provoking a
misleading articles so the people least able to comprehend the issues
are influenced. These people then vote. The Sun could put a cat into
Number 10.


Jul 10, 2011, 7:28:31 AM7/10/11

"ColdWarDinosaur" <wynnehenry!> wrote in message

If you want insidious, watch the BBC. I don't know if Murdoch has ever
pretended to be impartial, but the BBC has tried to pretend it is impartial
for years, without ever being so.


Jul 10, 2011, 7:41:14 AM7/10/11

"Logician" <> wrote in message

Rubbish. Rupert Murdoch is a clever businessman and backs the party most
likely to win the election.

It's typically dismissive for people to write tabloid-readers off as idiots
who can't think for themselves. If Murdoch puts his money on a party to
reach Number 10, it's because people are *already* minded to vote for that
party (or against the other), he's adjusting his output to reflect that, not
the other way around.

The Todal

Jul 10, 2011, 8:23:57 AM7/10/11

They are wrong to do that . Like pornography, tabloid stories are read by
many people, rich and poor, intelligent and stupid.

The problem is not the readers but the stories. The stories are generally
misleading or at least, they over-simplify a more complicated picture. But I
agree with you - when the Sun boasted "it was the Sun wot won it" it was
just one of many lies from a paper whose own journalists once boasted
"welcome to the lie factory".

> If Murdoch puts his money on a
> party to reach Number 10, it's because people are *already* minded to
> vote for that party (or against the other), he's adjusting his output
> to reflect that, not the other way around.

It is nevertheless worrying that our senior politicians spend a
disproportionate amount of their time wining and dining the tabloid editors,
giving them a false sense of their own influence.


Jul 10, 2011, 8:45:04 AM7/10/11

"The Todal" <> wrote in message

I agree totally, I understand that people may not like the tabloids and
that's their choice... but is Murdoch to blame? If we knew of a few checkout
assistants in Tesco pocketing money, would we call for the resignation of
the Tesco board, assume that they were complicit and want to see them
prosecuted? The leaders of the main parties didn't resign when their MPs
were fiddling.

It seems to me that Murdoch is the new "bogeyman" and must be destroyed
along with his entire empire according to some. And this scandal has played
into their hands.

Whatever, the NOTW will reappear shortly with a different name, and the
world will keep turning.


Jul 10, 2011, 9:22:24 AM7/10/11
> the other way around.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

So when did the Sun or any journal support Labour aside from when
Blair led Labour? The fact is that the Sun has always supported the
Conservatives (Blair was a Conservative).

Notice how now the Sun is cooling to Cameron after his led huge tax
increases, especially in Capital Gains Tax which hits the real
interests of the Sun. I suspect the Sun is struggling with its own
conscience now, wondering who to elect next to Number 10.


Jul 10, 2011, 10:07:00 AM7/10/11

"Logician" <> wrote in message

You've said it yourself, the Sun supported Blair (at first) but is by
default a Tory-supporting paper. Murdoch supports whoever is most likely to
win the next election, and in our country it doesn't take a genius to

>Notice how now the Sun is cooling to Cameron after his led huge tax
>increases, especially in Capital Gains Tax which hits the real
>interests of the Sun. I suspect the Sun is struggling with its own
>conscience now, wondering who to elect next to Number 10.

I don't read the Sun but I would imagine it's heading to the right again,
thanks to the recent union militantism.

I'd be surprised if any newspaper that wasn't far-left, supported Milliband
to any extent for the next election. The man is suicide for the Labour

Mel Rowing

Jul 10, 2011, 10:35:40 AM7/10/11
On 10 July, 12:26, Logician <> wrote:

> In a democrary even the most unintelligent and infertile person can
> vote. The Sun seizes on this failing by printing highly provoking a
> misleading articles so the people least able to comprehend the issues
> are influenced. These people then vote.

So that's your excuse!


Jul 10, 2011, 11:13:04 AM7/10/11
> party.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

You are so predictable - like a child. You lose the agrument and then
just insult.

You get a mind feed from the Sun?


Jul 10, 2011, 11:11:40 AM7/10/11

James Murdoch's name is in every single headline around the world as
having a future address of HMP.


Jul 10, 2011, 11:21:52 AM7/10/11

you are politically naive...
there are fools that vote for both parties...

the opinion isn't formed by the sun or any other media...

the real opinion formers just advise the fools who to
vote for...and the media is just a conduit...

like most fools you believe the self aggrandisement of
the media hacks...

the hacks are in the main totally irrelevant beyond lowering
and corrupting the culture...

the only person at news international who is of any relevance
is rupert....who clearly is an opinion former....

an opinion former who clearly backed bliar against the
leftist coup who invaded the leadership of the tory
bliar was merely the best option from a very poor platter...

fortunately the tory party once more has serious leadership....

as in the past when that is the case...the uk will never vote
for the socialists of fascist 'new' labour..

it isn't bliar who was the tory party which lost...

bliar was merely lucky to be faced with very poor opposition....

unfortunately the country had no luck at all....

web site at - news comment service, logic, economics
energy, education, politics, etc over 1 million document calls in year past
all that is necessary for [] walk quietly and carry
the triumph of evil is that [] a big stick.
good people do nothing [] trust actions not words
only when it's funny -- roger rabbit


Jul 10, 2011, 11:31:27 AM7/10/11

"Logician" <> wrote in message

How exactly did I insult you?


Jul 10, 2011, 11:31:57 AM7/10/11

"Logician" <> wrote in message

No it's not.


Jul 10, 2011, 12:58:00 PM7/10/11
On Jul 10, 1:45 pm, "Mentalguy2k8" <> wrote:

> I agree totally, I understand that people may not like the tabloids and
> that's their choice... but is Murdoch to blame? If we knew of a few checkout
> assistants in Tesco pocketing money, would we call for the resignation of
> the Tesco board, assume that they were complicit and want to see them
> prosecuted?

What a pathetic analogy.

Do you honestly think that a few tabloid journalists conspiring to get
exclusive front page stories for a Sunday newspaper with a circulation
in excess of 4 million, and probably read by twice that number is on a
par with a few Tesco checkout assistants pocketing money?

Just remember that each days branch supermarket takings are not
scrutinised by the Chief Executive for signs of misdemeanour, but one
would hope that at the very least the editor of a Sunday newspaper
would have some knowledge of the story being exposed on the front page
most weeks. If not, what the f*ck are they doing as editor?

And if that front page is an exclusive report concerning personal
information about the private lives of individuals, one would also
hope that the editor may inquire into where these amazing scoops
originate, because they would need to run things past the legal team
in order to ensure the paper is not going to be served a libel writ in
the very near future.

I really do despair at the level of ignorance shown by the children
and mentally subnormal who have taken over this ng.

Nurse! I found another one for the institution.


Jul 10, 2011, 7:18:56 PM7/10/11
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011 13:45:04 +0100, "Mentalguy2k8"
<> wrote:

>I agree totally, I understand that people may not like the tabloids and
>that's their choice... but is Murdoch to blame? If we knew of a few checkout
>assistants in Tesco pocketing money, would we call for the resignation of
>the Tesco board, assume that they were complicit and want to see them

Not if the checkout staff were pocketing money, no. That is not for
the benefit of the supermarket.

But if we found that it was a widespread practice of staff to
forward-date the sell-by dates, water the milk and put a thumb on the
scales when weighing fresh produce, *then* we might well do so.



Jul 11, 2011, 1:15:52 AM7/11/11
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011 09:58:00 -0700 (PDT), sutartsorric
<> wrote:

>Nurse! I found another one for the institution.

Trouble is, following a previous government's Care in the Community
programme, they're allowed to run around amongst us!


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