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(Islam: "Kill any American because they burn the Quran") - Islam will however be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth - {HRI note 20100909-V1.1}

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Koos Nolst Trenite

Sep 11, 2010, 12:07:02 AM9/11/10
Islam: "Kill any American because they burn the Quran" - Islam will
however be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth

9 September 2010
{HRI note 20100909-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 11 Sept 2010)


Islam will be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth. *


I quote Mohammad Mukhtar, cleric and candidate for Afghan parliament
in Sept. 18 2010 upcoming election:

"It is the duty of Muslims to react. When their holy book Quran
gets burned in public, then there is nothing left.

If this happens, I think the first and most important reaction
will be that wherever Americans are seen, they will be killed.

No matter where they will be in the world they will be killed."

Source: 'Petraeus: Quran burning is like Abu Ghraib - U.S. news
- Security -'


Before, the excuse was, 'to draw a cartoon of the (mass-murdering,
hate-filled and blasphemous, torturing) prophet of Islam, Mohammed.

He educates Islamists into being Criminals, by the very means
of this "holy" Quran (Koran, book). *

I personally would be very ashamed to bear that name,
much like others who changed their name to Hilter, after
the greatest German hero of the 1930's, was defeated
in 1945.


Again: "When their holy book Quran gets burned in public, then there
is nothing left," says the Islamist to be Afghan government.

Just another excuse he finds, to go on or agree to a
mass-murder rampage.

That is how the Criminal Mind works:

'Find ANY excuse that the group might accept or has
already been indoctrinated to accept,

to commit murder and torture.'

And it is the philosophy of prophet Mohammed himself, as
found in the Quran (Koran). *


You are supposed to STAND UP TO THE CRIMINAL IMPULSE, the Criminal
Impulse IS that "prophet's" "book of God,"

which is not a book of God at all, but THE VERY OPPOSITE:

the Quran (Koran) is an entirely psychotic, and viciously
blasphemous book.

General Petraeus and Secretary of State Clinton failed to stand
up to it, failed to point out its content and nature.

So they failed all Muslims, who still follow Mohammed or
his Imams, Ayatollahs and what have you.

Conservative columnist counters this. *(1)

I remind you, that only BECAUSE the British Prime Minister
Chamberlain wanted "peace," in Munich with Hitler, did the
German military with Witzleben fail then to remove Hitler and
prevent the World War.



I have, after studying most other religions, most thoroughly and over
many years, finally come around to studying Islam. The well-founded
result is, my prediction, that

'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'

which I expounded in Human Rights Issue {HRI 20100812-V1.2.1}

after writing

'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
{HRI 20100718-V1.4}



I consider, that Muslim organizations and Muslim countries, should pay
for the REBUILDING of the Twin Towers, and should pay, what they call
'Blood money,' to the relatives of the thousands murdered, at the
Twin Towers, in the airplanes, and at the attack on the Pentagon.

Further, they must pay damages, caused at the same time, to the
various companies and institutions, that suffered from the attack,
including the costs of cleaning up the '9/11' mess they caused and
that they cheered in the streets of their respective countries.

That is still without mentioning the staggering global security costs
due to Islam and the violent, mass-murdering teachings of the prophet
Mohammed, as graphically alive today:

"It is the duty of Muslims to react. When their holy book Quran
gets burned in public, then there is nothing left.

If this happens, I think the first and most important reaction
will be that wherever Americans are seen, they will be killed.

No matter where they will be in the world they will be killed."

Mohammad Mukhtar,
cleric and candidate for Afghan parliament

Source: 'Petraeus: Quran burning is like Abu Ghraib - U.S. news
- Security -'


I made it very clear to Muslims, that their "religion" is a fake and
can not work at all, other than to bring about doom:

' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}

and that exposing the Evil of Islam, for their own eyes to see,
is - of course - CARING for them,

'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}

not unlike telling starving people in India, that there is nothing
"holy" about a cow, more than a chicken or a pig is holy.


Islam also vehemently opposes religious freedom, and is already from
that point of view a false or fake "religion," quite apart from its
prophet being intensely and persistently blasphemous with all the
attributes and intentions he assigns "to God or Allah."

When you define 'God' correctly, as in

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC) {HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}

then you can determine what a religion is, and also, what its
opposite is.


Beauty, Love and Truth are - obviously - heavily oppressed by the
prophet of Islam,

yet Beauty, Love and Truth - in the absence of Ugliness, Hate and
Lies - Beauty, Love and Truth are the qualities of the Source Energy
of The Creation, of God.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'God gave Solomon wisdom
and very great insight,
and a breadth of understanding
as measureless
as the sand on the seashore.'

1 Kings 4:29


(1) 'Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, on her blog:

Michelle Malkin

"Gen. Petraeus says (Jones') provocation endangers the troops.

But what's in the Koran is far more of an inflammatory threat to
American soldiers, than any match with which to light it.

What's in the Koran, has inspired decades of bloody warfare by
Muslim operatives targeting our troops, civilians, and Western
infidels around the world.

... Instead of burning the Koran, Americans need to be reading
it, understanding it, and educating themselves about the Koran
passages, Islamic history, and jihadi context that brought us
to this 9th anniversary year of the 9/11 attacks."

(*) (see References)


'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)


'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)


' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
(21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)


'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
{HRI 20100718-V1.4}
(18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)


'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.1}
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)


Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at

Charles Babbage

Sep 11, 2010, 12:17:26 AM9/11/10
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote

> Islam will be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth. *

I think that Baptists from the Wesboro Baptist Church who protest the
funerals of US soldiers are very evil.

I guess I should be like you and see all Southern Baptists as evil like Fred
Phelps is.

But being an ardent atheist, I don't see that as funny or as a resolution.

A good atheist respects moderate faith in all Gods.

It's only weirdos like rabid atheist Richard Dawkins who freak me out!

They're as bad as rabid assholes like Pat Robertson!

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of
the last priest" -Denis Diderot

Charles Babbage

Sep 11, 2010, 12:18:36 AM9/11/10
Koos Nolst Trenite wrote

> Islam will be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth. *

I think that Baptists from the Wesboro Baptist Church who protest the

Mike Jones

Sep 11, 2010, 6:53:18 AM9/11/10
Responding to Charles Babbage:

> Koos Nolst Trenite wrote
>> Islam will be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth. *
> I think that Baptists from the Wesboro Baptist Church who protest the
> funerals of US soldiers are very evil.

No such thing as "evil", but carry on...

> I guess I should be like you and see all Southern Baptists as evil like
> Fred Phelps is.

Ok, a good point there...

> But being an ardent atheist, I don't see that as funny or as a
> resolution.


> A good atheist respects moderate faith in all Gods.


> It's only weirdos like rabid atheist Richard Dawkins who freak me out!

? Dawkins, possibly the most polite man on earth, = "rabid" ?

> They're as bad as rabid assholes like Pat Robertson!

You don't really know what "atheist" means, do you? Admit it!

What are you smoking?

We need to know so we can avoid it.

*=( For all your UK news needs.


Sep 11, 2010, 6:56:40 AM9/11/10
Muslims happen to have resources
that profiteers want to steal.


Sep 11, 2010, 7:49:01 AM9/11/10
On Sep 11, 7:56 pm, * US * wrote:
> Muslims happen to have resources
> that profiteers want to steal.
9/11 conspiracy theories

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The collapse of the two World Trade Center towers and the nearby WTC7
(in this photo, the brown building to the left of the towers) is a
major focus of 9/11 conspiracy theories.

9/11 conspiracy theories allege that the September 11 attacks in 2001
were either intentionally allowed to happen or were a false flag
operation orchestrated by an organization with elements inside the
United States government.[1] A poll taken in 2006 by Scripps Howard
and Ohio University showed that, "More than a third of the American
public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist
attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go
to war in the Middle East."[2] The most prominent theory is that the
collapse of the World Trade Center and 7 World Trade Center were the
result of a controlled demolition rather than structural weakening due
to fire.[3][4] Another prominent belief is that the Pentagon was hit
by a missile launched by elements from inside the U.S. government[5]
or that a commercial airliner was allowed to do so via an effective
standdown of the American military.[6][7]


Motives cited by conspiracy theorists include justifying the invasion
of Afghanistan and Iraq, and geostrategic interests in the Mideast,
including pipeline plans launched in the early 1990s by Unocal and
other oil companies.[8]


Sep 11, 2010, 9:59:24 AM9/11/10

Thanks for posting that.


Sep 11, 2010, 12:38:40 PM9/11/10
<* US *> wrote in message

> Muslims happen to have resources
> that profiteers want to steal.

Tell that to:

i. the Armenians who were dispossessed of their land, lives and property by
Turkish islamonazis
ii. the Jews who have been dispossessed of their land, lives and property
throughout the Mid-East and N. Africa
iii. the kufars/infidels who have been dispossessed of their land, lives,
property and freedom throughout the Sudan/Darfur
by muslime baboons
iv. the E. Timorese who similarly have been dispossessed of their land,
lives and property by Indonesian islamopigs
v. the Cypriot kufars/infidels who have been dispossessed of their land and
property by Turkish islamopigs

then stick your head in a working wood chipper for allah and bumhammad.


Sep 11, 2010, 5:42:14 PM9/11/10
On Sat, 11 Sep 2010 09:38:40 -0700, "Doug" <andx...@gmail.invalid> wrote:

>... dispossessed of their land, lives and property ...

"Shock and Awe" is a war crime
against the Iraqis.


Sep 11, 2010, 7:35:47 PM9/11/10

"Charles Babbage" <> wrote in message

Greg Carr

Sep 11, 2010, 7:55:47 PM9/11/10

I met a 9/11 kook once. He had bad teeth and smelled like a
methamphetamine user.


Sep 11, 2010, 8:28:09 PM9/11/10

>I met a 9/11 ...

You sure don't know any of the victims or survivors.


Sep 14, 2010, 5:52:06 AM9/14/10
"Greg Carr" <> wrote in message

It is bizarre how fanatical they are in their belief that the
Jews/Mossad/CIA crashed
planes into the WTC, Pentagon and a field in Virginia. Funnily enough, the
one I debated
on this subject had no explanation for the planeloads of people that
disappeared on 9-11,
nor the cell phone calls they made -- they were "in on" the conspiracy.

The one I debated focused his argument completely on the Pentagon and the
pictures of the damage
that didn't show any airplane debris. He also repeated
the rumor, supported by supposition, that a bunch of Israelis were filming
and celebrating the
crashing of the planes into the WTC (I don't know if this is true or not).


Sep 14, 2010, 5:52:45 AM9/14/10
<* US *> wrote in message

R U a parrot? Or merely muslime scum?


Sep 14, 2010, 8:48:14 AM9/14/10
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 02:52:06 -0700, "Doug" <andx...@gmail.invalid> wrote:

>... no explanation for the planeloads of people that
>disappeared on 9-11...

Bush and Cheney have no problem murdering Americans.


Sep 14, 2010, 8:48:14 AM9/14/10
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 02:52:45 -0700, "Dumb Doug" <andx...@gmail.invalid> wrote:


You support the terrorism of "Shock and Awe"
because you lack courage and intellect.

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