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Forensic recording of webpages

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pensive hamster

Feb 13, 2024, 10:19:19 AMFeb 13
Forensic recording of webpages

Is it possible to record a webpage in such a way as to be able
to prove that it is a genuine record of the webpage (on a particular

It is possible to take a screenshot / screengrab of a webpage, but,
as I understand it, a screenshot is just a digital image, recording the
pixels that were on the screen at the time. So it could be argued that
such a screenshot could be edited, or even entirely forged, in a
programme such as Photoshop, and therefore a screenshot couldn't
be considered proof of anything. (Unless perhaps there is some hidden
code in the screenshot image file.)

I am thinking of the sort of situation whereby a company might advertise
a product on their website, and state that it had certain capabilities. But
if turned out that the product didn't actually have the advertised capabilities,
and if a disappointed purchaser wished to make a claim against the
company, the company could surreptitiously amend their webpage to
remove the questionable description of the product's capabilities, and so
the disappointed purchaser would not be able to use a screenshot as
evidence that the company had made any such description of the product's

Equally, a company could surreptitiously alter their terms & conditions, as
published on their website. Or a news source could remove a potentially
libelous statement from their website.

I had a look at the Wayback Machine / The Internet Archive

'Information Requests
'The Internet Archive's Policy for Responding to Information Requests

'The following sets forth the Internet Archive's policy with regard to requests
for documents or other records for use in legal proceedings. [goes on to
specify payments required].'

However, Wikipedia says:


'In Europe, the Wayback Machine could be interpreted as violating
copyright laws. Only the content creator can decide where their content
is published or duplicated, so the Archive would have to delete pages
from its system upon request of the creator.[84] The exclusion policies
for the Wayback Machine may be found in the FAQ section of the site.[85]
[I haven't actually been able to find the exclusion policies so far.]

'Some cases have been brought against the Internet Archive specifically
for its Wayback Machine archiving efforts.'

So I am thinking that a record of a webpage from the Internet Archive,
might not be useable proof that it is a genuine record of the webpage,
at least not in the UK.

So I am wondering if anyone has any insight about how to establish a
provable record of a webpage?

Alan J. Wylie

Feb 13, 2024, 3:12:29 PMFeb 13
pensive hamster <> writes:

> Forensic recording of webpages
> Is it possible to record a webpage in such a way as to be able
> to prove that it is a genuine record of the webpage (on a particular
> date)?
> It is possible to take a screenshot / screengrab of a webpage, but,
> as I understand it, a screenshot is just a digital image, recording the
> pixels that were on the screen at the time.


> So I am wondering if anyone has any insight about how to establish a
> provable record of a webpage?

Assuming you want a free service, lots of options here:

In particular


Alternatively, in Firefox, "File", "Save Page As", "Web Page Complete"
saves the page.

Zip up the files/directory, then generate the SHA512 sum/hash of the zip
file and post it here. Your post to which I am replying has this header,
presumably added by the moderating NNTP server.

Injection-Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:56:53 +0000
Alan J. Wylie
Dance like no-one's watching. / Encrypt like everyone is.
Security is inversely proportional to convenience


Feb 13, 2024, 3:17:25 PMFeb 13
pensive hamster <> wrote:
> Forensic recording of webpages
> Is it possible to record a webpage in such a way as to be able
> to prove that it is a genuine record of the webpage (on a particular
> date)?

Do you want to do it for a contemporaneous web page, or one at some date in
the past?

Web pages don't have any kind of authenticity mechanism; the HTTPS
connection does (so if you recorded that you can prove it was sent from
their server within certain time parameters) but once it lands on your
machine you just have files, with no proof you didn't modify them.

If you want to prove they hadn't been modified after the day of access, then
usual timestamping mechanisms apply (post them to yourself by sealed
registered letter, or seal them in a vault, or take a cryptographic hash and
publish it in an ad in The Times).

'Blockchain' is another cryptographic way to prove state of something at a
given point in time: take a hash of the data, append that hash to the chain.
Its position in the chain between dated transactions from other people
proves that you were in possession of that data at that point in time.

> It is possible to take a screenshot / screengrab of a webpage, but,
> as I understand it, a screenshot is just a digital image, recording the
> pixels that were on the screen at the time. So it could be argued that
> such a screenshot could be edited, or even entirely forged, in a
> programme such as Photoshop, and therefore a screenshot couldn't
> be considered proof of anything. (Unless perhaps there is some hidden
> code in the screenshot image file.)

The above applies here as well; take a screenshot, seal it in a bank vault,
if you've never since opened the vault you can prove that what was in the
vault was what went in on that date.

> I am thinking of the sort of situation whereby a company might advertise
> a product on their website, and state that it had certain capabilities. But
> if turned out that the product didn't actually have the advertised capabilities,
> and if a disappointed purchaser wished to make a claim against the
> company, the company could surreptitiously amend their webpage to
> remove the questionable description of the product's capabilities, and so
> the disappointed purchaser would not be able to use a screenshot as
> evidence that the company had made any such description of the product's
> capabilities.

If you want to go back in time and see what they were offering in the past,
you need somebody who took a capture at that point in time, and to warrant
their capture is a true record. It seems like the Wayback Machine offer
that service. It is possible the page was not captured at the time, or the
capture has since been deleted for reasons such as copyright claims - ie the
absence of a record says nothing, but the presence of a record would be a
true record. I don't see why this would disqualify them for providing
evidence in a court - the court likely isn't concerned with them infringing
copyright of some third party (it may well be fair dealing anyway). The
defendant could counter-sue, but good luck suing them in San Francisco.


Roger Hayter

Feb 13, 2024, 3:17:58 PMFeb 13
On 13 Feb 2024 at 13:56:52 GMT, "pensive hamster"
Take a screenshot in the presence of a disinterested (or legal professional)
party with a reputation for probity and get him to sign it at the time, keep a
copy of his own, and be able to act as a witness if necessary. I doubt if any
kind of cryptography can help in the absence of a reputable human witness.

Roger Hayter

Roger Hayter

Feb 13, 2024, 5:13:18 PMFeb 13
On 13 Feb 2024 at 18:24:11 GMT, ""Alan J. Wylie"" <> wrote:

> pensive hamster <> writes:
>> Forensic recording of webpages
>> Is it possible to record a webpage in such a way as to be able
>> to prove that it is a genuine record of the webpage (on a particular
>> date)?
>> It is possible to take a screenshot / screengrab of a webpage, but,
>> as I understand it, a screenshot is just a digital image, recording the
>> pixels that were on the screen at the time.
> ...
>> So I am wondering if anyone has any insight about how to establish a
>> provable record of a webpage?
> Assuming you want a free service, lots of options here:
> In particular
> See
> and
> Alternatively, in Firefox, "File", "Save Page As", "Web Page Complete"
> saves the page.
> Zip up the files/directory, then generate the SHA512 sum/hash of the zip
> file and post it here. Your post to which I am replying has this header,
> presumably added by the moderating NNTP server.
> Injection-Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2024 13:56:53 +0000

The flaw in all these methods is proving you did not tamper with the data on
the day you downloaded it, before securely recording it.

Roger Hayter

Owen Rees

Feb 13, 2024, 5:49:43 PMFeb 13
Theo <> wrote:
> pensive hamster <> wrote:
>> Forensic recording of webpages
>> Is it possible to record a webpage in such a way as to be able
>> to prove that it is a genuine record of the webpage (on a particular
>> date)?
> Do you want to do it for a contemporaneous web page, or one at some date in
> the past?
> Web pages don't have any kind of authenticity mechanism; the HTTPS
> connection does (so if you recorded that you can prove it was sent from
> their server within certain time parameters) but once it lands on your
> machine you just have files, with no proof you didn't modify them.

That is a very significant issue. Can you prove that the system you used to
fetch the data had not been compromised? Can you prove that the browser had
not been compromised and was truly rendering the pages it had fetched? Can
you prove that what you saved is a true record of what the browser
displayed? Can you prove that the saved data you are presenting is a true
copy of what was saved and at what time it was saved.

Other posters have addressed some of these issues but depending on what you
need to prove to whom in the face of what challenges, you may have a
difficult task.

Involving a trustworthy third party at the outset and having them do the
recording, timestamping and signing may be the simplest approach.

There are technological solutions to most of the issues I gave above but I
am not sure if the necessary mechanisms have been implemented in practice
rather than being theoretical ways in which the relevant devices could be

Perhaps a way to start will be to consider who will be the judge and to
what level of confidence do you need to prove your case to them. I
mentioned a trustworthy third party. It is not sufficient for you to trust
them. The judge must trust them in the relevant matters if they are to be
any use.


Feb 13, 2024, 7:16:54 PMFeb 13
Your screenshot will contain meta data and clearly shows origin date and
if the image has been modified...

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

John Levine

Feb 13, 2024, 8:22:43 PMFeb 13
According to TTman <>:
>> So I am wondering if anyone has any insight about how to establish a
>> provable record of a webpage?
>Your screenshot will contain meta data and clearly shows origin date and
>if the image has been modified...

So mess with the page, then take a screenshot. There's no way around
the gap in the chain of custody. And I have bad news for you: it's no
harder to edit the metadata than to edit anything else.

Since courts are based on law, not software, they usually accept
Internet Archive pages because the Archive has well documented
practices, a good reputation, and no reason to mess with random
sites' web pages.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

Simon Parker

Feb 14, 2024, 7:20:19 AMFeb 14
On 13/02/2024 13:56, pensive hamster wrote:
It depends on how "provable" you need it to be "establish[ed]" and how
much you are willing to invest to 'establish' that 'proof'.

We had a case where we needed to do precisely what you request here,
(i.e. to adduce a certified copy of a given web-page taken at a fixed
point in time), and we resorted to a third-party solution as we knew it
would work and it had the backup of an organisation for whom this was
their "day job" and upon whom we could depend, and call as a witness, if

We used a company called "Foxton Forensics" and their product
"PageRecon" [1].

You can read about it here:

They offer a "Free Trial" of the product but I do not know if it is
limited in any way.

The full version is £199 per annum (which is what we used).

I am not nor have I ever been employed by Foxton Forensics or any
associated companies or organisations and I will not receive anything
from this mention of their product, (other than the warm all over glow
that comes from attempting to help someone).

I'm sure other comparable products are available. This is what we used
with great success.

As others have said, you could theoretically do what it is doing
yourself but then the issue of tampering is introduced.

The "best" solution will depend on considerations such as the amount at
stake, in which court / track the hearing is likely to take place, the
likelihood of the claim being defended and the resources the defendant
is likely to invest in their defence.





Feb 14, 2024, 8:17:51 AMFeb 14
Simon Parker <> wrote:
> It depends on how "provable" you need it to be "establish[ed]" and how
> much you are willing to invest to 'establish' that 'proof'.
> We had a case where we needed to do precisely what you request here,
> (i.e. to adduce a certified copy of a given web-page taken at a fixed
> point in time), and we resorted to a third-party solution as we knew it
> would work and it had the backup of an organisation for whom this was
> their "day job" and upon whom we could depend, and call as a witness, if
> necessary.
> We used a company called "Foxton Forensics" and their product
> "PageRecon" [1].
> You can read about it here:

That looks like a good solution for capturing how a page is at the current
time. Perhaps it's something browsers should do as a matter of course (it
wouldn't be hard to add), but having an organisation willing to stand behind
it and its output is very helpful.

It might also be something the Internet Archive or similar could do when
capturing pages for archival purposes, to be verified later. Although the
assertion by the Archive may be sufficient without the crypto.

(I do have some files that were on the Internet Archive in the early days
but had become corrupted, but I guess that's been fixed long since)


Alan J. Wylie

Feb 14, 2024, 4:59:56 PMFeb 14
Roger Hayter <> writes:

> On 13 Feb 2024 at 18:24:11 GMT, ""Alan J. Wylie"" <> wrote:

[much snippage]

>> In particular

> The flaw in all these methods is proving you did not tamper with the
> data on the day you downloaded it, before securely recording it.

Not the one quoted above. If the hash anchor doesn't work, scroll down
to the section "URL screenshot online". The third party visits the
website, downloads it, converts it to a PDF and signs that.

Roger Hayter

Feb 14, 2024, 5:50:04 PMFeb 14
On 14 Feb 2024 at 19:03:36 GMT, ""Alan J. Wylie"" <> wrote:

> Roger Hayter <> writes:
>> On 13 Feb 2024 at 18:24:11 GMT, ""Alan J. Wylie"" <> wrote:
> [much snippage]
>>> In particular
>> The flaw in all these methods is proving you did not tamper with the
>> data on the day you downloaded it, before securely recording it.
> Not the one quoted above. If the hash anchor doesn't work, scroll down
> to the section "URL screenshot online". The third party visits the
> website, downloads it, converts it to a PDF and signs that.

Which is precisely the method I proposed. We are in fierce agreement.

Roger Hayter


Feb 15, 2024, 7:27:02 AMFeb 15
On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 19:03:36 +0000, Alan J. Wylie wrote:

> Roger Hayter <> writes:
>> On 13 Feb 2024 at 18:24:11 GMT, ""Alan J. Wylie"" <>
>> wrote:
> [much snippage]
>>> In particular
>> The flaw in all these methods is proving you did not tamper with the
>> data on the day you downloaded it, before securely recording it.
> Not the one quoted above. If the hash anchor doesn't work, scroll down
> to the section "URL screenshot online". The third party visits the
> website, downloads it, converts it to a PDF and signs that.

I do this as a matter of course.

pensive hamster

Feb 21, 2024, 9:14:11 AMFeb 21
Thanks to everyone who answered about forensic recording of webpages,
I have taken note of all the suggestions. I don't need to do anything at
present, but I now have plenty of information available for future reference.
S.P.'s suggestion about "Foxton Forensics" looks like the most reliable,
but I will investigate a number of the other suggestions as well. Many
thanks to all.

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