No, sir, it is not (and that was obvious).
Next question.
> By definition, those who join political
> protests are not "ordinary people" but "perpetrators" and ordinary people
> relinquish that status whenever they might choose to protest against their
> government?
Protest - that is, mere protest - certainly does *not* have to
inconvenience, delay or otherwise harm innocent persons who are simply
living their lives and going about their lawful business, whether that
involves journeys to work, schools, hospitals or anything else.
You can protest by writing to the press or other media. You can write to
your MP or even visit that person at their local surgery or lobby
him/her at the House of Commons. You can go to see, or otherwise
contact, your local councillor. You can enlist the aid of your trade
union. There are many ways to protest without harming innocent others.
That is the *correct* meaning of "protest": making your views known when
opposing something you don't like (but always bear in mind that not
everyone will share your views on the matter and that you have no
God-given right to prevail and even less to cause them harm).
> Because political protests will "always" cause inconvenience to
> ordinary people if only "ordinary" police or "ordinary" politicians.
It doesn't inconvenience me if you write to the Guardian. Or the Radio
Times. Or send an email to your MP. I would encourage you to protest all
you like by... er... protesting in a way that does not harm me or anyone
else. You have NO right to do that. And if the situations were reversed
you'd be saying the same thing (not that I would attempt to harm others).
> So no "ordinary" person will protest because they will inconvenience others
> and become a criminal.
IF they harm others or otherwise break laws as a part of their protest,
they ARE criminals. That's the way that law works. There should be no
need to point that out here, of all places.
> Had your worthy proposition been firmly enforced by the Soviet Communist Party
> then we would still have the Soviet Union.
That is nonsense. The Soviet Union was not brought down by popular
protest. It collapsed of its own accord because of the inherent
contradictions within the "system" of socialism.
But citing the Soviet Union and its internal politics is what we call
"scraping the barrel". Isn't it?