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Re: They are kicking out the wrong immigrants

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Max Demian

Feb 20, 2024, 6:30:06 AMFeb 20
On 19/02/2024 17:40, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

> "The explanatory memorandum says that the immediate closure of the
> Ukraine Family Scheme was to “prevent a rush of applications to pre-empt
> the changes to the rules which have, in part, been made to mitigate
> risks of misuse of the generosity of the schemes”. By way of a reminder,
> the Ukraine Family Scheme is the one that allows people in the UK to
> bring Ukrainian family members to safety here. The most recently
> published quarterly statistics (table UVS_02) show that in September
> 2023 the UK was granting around 100 visas a week to people under this
> scheme.
> Over the weekend, various papers reported on the 18 months’ extension of
> leave that Ukrainians will be able to apply for next year, (described in
> this Economic Note as the “Ukraine Permission Extension” scheme). The
> Minister’s written statement also focusses on this and it is clearly
> where the government would like attention to be, rather than on the
> immediate closure of the Ukraine Family Scheme. "

Welcoming the Ukrainians into this country was a knee jerk anti Putin
reaction on the assumption that the Ukrainian war would be over by
Christmas (or even Easter) 2022.

Most British people would only have heard of Ukraine as the origin of
chicken Kiev (which probably isn't even a Ukrainian dish).

The only other thing I knew about Ukraine is that they don't like being
called *The* Ukraine. This was also true in the Soviet era (and is odd
as there isn't a definite article in the Ukrainian language).

Max Demian

Ian Jackson

Feb 20, 2024, 9:17:06 AMFeb 20
In message <ur22fn$2fe8k$>, Max Demian
<> writes
The Ukrainian/Russian name is (logically, I suppose) simply Ukrainia
(ook-ra-eena), which we would (logically) pronounce as you-crane-ee-a.
Aims and ambitions are neither attainments nor achievements

Max Demian

Feb 22, 2024, 9:25:27 AMFeb 22
On 20/02/2024 14:47, Ottavio Caruso wrote:
> Ok, you've convinced me now. It was indeed right to kick them out.
> Or is it just because they are a little bit too white and too Christian?

They're just not all that special, just because Putin doesn't like them.

Max Demian

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