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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it’s going to be close quarters

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Nov 30, 2010, 2:54:19 AM11/30/10
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it’s going to be close quarters
Well, last night’s episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills wasn’t quite as good as last week’s, but with such a heavy emphasis on Kim, how could it have been? She is the wet blanket to end all wet blankets, and nearly half the episode was dedicated to her simmering insecurity and codependence on her children. If I wanted to hear about that, I’d watch Dr. Phil.

Still, though, we got a shirtless male model doing sit-ups, Adrienne’s general distaste for her husband and more of Camille Grammer than anyone ever wanted to have (Did you know she’s married to Kelsey Grammer? Because she would like to make sure that you know.), demonstrating again how incredibly loathsome and lacking in self-awareness she is. When you look at it from that angle, the episode was actually sort of great.

The episode started with Demi Moore Kyle packing for an Easter trip to Palm Springs with her family, which naturally included Kim and her kids. Kyle had also invited Lisa and her family, except they would be staying at a hotel down the street instead of in the Richards’ house. Kim and Kyle ended last week’s episode fighting, but in the grand tradition of sibling disagreements, they had at least nominally moved on and were prepared to spend the weekend together with non-family guests and a camera crew or two and behave themselves. As far as having actually moved on…well, we’ll talk about that in a minute.

Across town, Adrienne had lunch and arguments with her husband. Even ordering food was kind of an ordeal, what with Adrienne’s aversion to turkey and her husband’s endless questions about the contents of his chopped salad (apparently he hasn’t eaten enough of those to know that they all taste the same, no matter the contents). After the food arrived, the couple made plans to meet up for an evening without the kids on a trip to Vegas, even though Adrienne repeatedly told Paul that there was no reason for him to go on the trip with her in the first place.

Over in Lisa’s neck of the woods, she dropped by her neighborhood chocolatier (you have a neighborhood chocolatier too, right?) to pick up a pair of solid chocolate Louboutins that were actually sort of fantastic. Most chocolate objects tend to be kind of silly looking, but these were very shoe-like, down to their bright red soles. Also, they were probably delicious. Lisa also took the opportunity to order a giant chocolate rabbit for the Easter weekend, and for some reason, she thought it should wear a backpack. Sure! Why not. Rabbit with a backpack. That makes so much sense.

Before we knew it, it was time for the trip to Palm Springs. Kim the Wet Blanket didn’t really think Lisa should have been invited because it was a family trip, but Kim is clearly an awkward individual and seemingly had no idea that joining this show would force her to interact with people other than her sister and children. For their part, her kids didn’t really seem all that amused by her either, and I get the impression that Kim is trying to perform the part of a perfect mother for the cameras. I guess that’s the risk of casting an actress on a reality show – she’s too aware of her performance to actually act like a human being. Even her kids seemed baffled.

Things didn’t even let up when they all got to the vacation house, because Kyle had decided that she and Kim should make dinner for the dozen or so people who were going to show up for Easter. She and Kim headed to the grocery store, at which point they acted out their frustrations with each other by arguing over which salsa was Mexican enough and whether or not fake butter was appropriate. At some point, Kim lost the ability to have a conversation and just responded to everything with “Kim’s famous potatoes!” for the rest of the episode.

At the Grammer household, Camille was just so busy. She calls herself a producer, and it’s just so adorable that Kelsey lets her continue in that delusion. She just has all these meetings to deal with and ideas to think of and things to do (according to her), but you would think that her four nannies would create some free time for whatever it is that she does during the day. For the benefit of the cameras, she met with a writer/producer to discuss a show about a kid and her nanny, which seems like it’s not going to fly with Nickelodeon, and then she took credit for having Patricia Arquette cast on Medium. I’m pretty sure that Camille didn’t discover Patricia Arquette, but based on how she told it, you really wouldn’t know that. Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed that whenever Camille mentions her husband, she almost always calls him by his full legal name?


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