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It's Wednesday, its MWC!

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James Luff

Oct 19, 2005, 7:09:21 AM10/19/05
Okay, this is my attempt to get another weekly thread started. It may fail
miserably but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained! At the moment
Monday is PWB and Friday is PWG, but Wednesday is feeling a little left out.
This will put that right if it takes off.

So what is MWC I hear you ask? ......... Oh, well I'll tell you anyway, it
stands for Mid-Week Challenge. This is how it works. It's not about setting
a challenge that other people have to complete. I thought about that but it
isn't going to work to well in practise. So instead, you each set yourself a
personal challenge to complete by the following week. For example, you may
have given up on a game because you got stuck on a certain level. Make it a
MWC to complete that level by the following Wednesday. With the groups
support you might manage to finish a game that you have been meaning to do
for along time but just never got around to it. With a MWC to spur you on it
may just happen!

All MWCs should be gaming related to remain on topic for the group, but it
could be anything related. So you might want set yourself a challenge to
play all the games in your collection before the next MWC or something
similar. The following week you post how you got on and set yourself a new
challenge, simple! You can set as many challenges for yourself as you like,
but they should only run one week. The next week you have either succeeded
in completing your challenge, or failed.

Obviously this relies on your own honesty, there are no checks in place. But
as my Mum always said, you're only cheating yourself if you lie to us.

I'll set the ball rolling and see what happens:

This week:

1) To complete GTA : SA final mission, I've been putting it off for ages but
now is the time to put the story line of the game to rest.

2) To try and get Gold on Burnout Legends crash event "Paradise Peril", it's
been bugging me for weeks. But this week I am determined to manage it!

Last week:

Well there wasn't a MWC last week so nothing, but normally your progress
will be posted here.

Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
Anyone else want to join it?

regards, James Luff
remove 'nospam' to e-mail
"There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those that understand binary, and those that don't."

Chris F

Oct 19, 2005, 7:21:31 AM10/19/05
James Luff wrote:

> This week:
> 1) To complete GTA : SA final mission, I've been putting it off for ages but
> now is the time to put the story line of the game to rest.
> 2) To try and get Gold on Burnout Legends crash event "Paradise Peril", it's
> been bugging me for weeks. But this week I am determined to manage it!

not to rub it in, but i did this one first time.......



Oct 19, 2005, 7:52:03 AM10/19/05
James Luff has fallen from outer space. Launch them back to defend the
planet and maintain peace!!!

> Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
> Anyone else want to join it?


Okay then.

2 main challenges:

Finishing Paper Mario

Getting another piece of Wildheart stuff in World of Warcraft.

Finishing Paper Mario will be easy, the wildheart thing depends on
getting the groups together but I think we're all up for it so it's
doable. The 4 pieces left to get (out of the 8) need are 2 in LBRS, 1 in
UBRS, and 1 in Scholomance. Everyone in my guild I think wants to go to
all of them, though the UBRS hting can wait since it's easier to get a 5
man group than a raid. At least, of people that you want to play with.

Bow to the Cow!
Gaming Diary:


Oct 19, 2005, 8:04:13 AM10/19/05
On 2005-10-19 12:09:21 +0100, "James Luff"
<> said:

I like this idea. Although I suspect most of mine will be 1. Play a
game. Last week: 1. Play a game = Failed. However, I will set myself
some challenges:

1) Actually play AW:DS which I've had for over a week and not looked at.

2) To at least install the following games I have never played on my
PC, even if I don't play them:
AOE3 demo (downloaded the day it came out, two months ago or more)
Rome: Total War (bought it about 3 weeks ago because it was Ł14)
Trackmania Sunrise (bought it about 2 months ago when Game first
started doing it for a fiver)

3) To complete the F.E.A.R. single-player demo. I really wanted to buy
it yesterday but it seemed stupid since I can't even beat the demo on

And if all goes to plan with the new screen getting put up next Monday:

4) Start ICO again. Bought it about eight months ago. Played about an
hour into it. Turned off and never went back, I think I owe it a chance.

Extended challenges for next few months:

1) To not start more than a few new games. I keep buying games, playing
a level (or not, sometimes), then moving on to the next one. I'm skint
with too many games. My new rule will be:

No more than five incomplete game saves at any given time.

No new game purchases unless I realistically have time in my schedule
in the near future to give them some quality time.

Stop collecting. I can't afford to. If I buy a game and I don't like
it, it needs to go. If I don't see myself playing it in the near
future, it goes. If I finish it and don't have a burning desire to play
through it again immediately, it goes. Only exceptions are very rare
classics like Shenmue or Sonic Adventure which I can happily not play
for six months then run through again several times, and games with
exceptional multiplayer modes.

To make a list of games I have to play through (that I actually intend
to, so won't sell on my current binge) in the order I want to play
them. Then actually do it, rather than doing my usual, which is to say
'I've only got an hour, not worth starting up a story-based game like
RE4, I'll just play a few more matches on Pro Evo or get a few new
costumes on DOAU'. These are probably the two games I've put most time
in to (GT3 excepted) this generation, just because it's so easy to dip
in for ten minutes. Problem is, I start them up and play for hours.
Like the way I always piss off Mary by telling her I can't be bothered
watching a film because I don't want to stay up for another two hours,
so we put on a sit-com DVD or something and end up watching six
half-hour episodes!

Sorry, The last 10 paragraphs or so are completely off topic, I'm so
tired I don't actually remember what the post was about now.


The Rev

Oct 19, 2005, 8:17:59 AM10/19/05
James Luff wrote:
> This week:

To get past the bloody spikes in Castlevania.

To NOT give in and buy FEAR.

To get my Game Boy Micro.

Xbox Live Gamertag: Prinny
(You know, like the exploding penguin doods. No?)

Matt Hook

Oct 19, 2005, 9:08:43 AM10/19/05
This week:

1) Get round to actually playing F.E.A.R. as when I do play it I like it, I
just find it an effort to start playing when I get home knackered from work.
Still, there's always the weekend, and due to this thread I'll make more of
an effort! Yay for MWC!

2) Get my DS back off my mate I foolishly lent it to, and finish Ouedan on
normal difficulty, I can only have one or two songs left but I'm pretty
stuck where I am as I remember.


Oct 19, 2005, 9:55:59 AM10/19/05
This Week:
Finish RE:4



Oct 19, 2005, 10:38:57 AM10/19/05

"James Luff" <> wrote in message

> Okay, this is my attempt to get another weekly thread started. It may fail
> miserably but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained! At the moment
> Monday is PWB and Friday is PWG, but Wednesday is feeling a little left
> out. This will put that right if it takes off.

James this sounds like a great idea, I'm all for it. As a gamer I tend to
say to myself "I'm going to do this!" but I never do and weeks pass by, so
maybe this'll motivate me.


This week:

Nintendogs! I got it for my birthday. It was quite cool, my brother picked
me up at the airport and said "can you get my radio out of the glove box?"
and he had wrapped up Nintendogs in there for me, and he even brought my DS
along. I haven't played it yet though as I was too tired. So I shall play
it and enjoy it. arf arf.

Final Fantasy VII: I will start it again. I've been having cravings. Am I
the only RPG nut who gets cravings for particular games? They almost call
out to me...


The Rev

Oct 19, 2005, 10:47:24 AM10/19/05
Sprite wrote:
> James this sounds like a great idea, I'm all for it.

I agree.

> Am I the only RPG nut who gets cravings for particular games?

For years I've been wanting to reply Chrono Cross. But I want to play
Chrono Trigger first and just can't get it into it.

Partly, I think, because I've only got it emulated and a remember years
ago a SNES emulator broke at a certain point near the end of the game,
so I always subconsciously worry I'll get so far and then have to stop.
At least, I can't see any rational reason why I can't seem to play for
more than ten minutes, so there must be an irrational reason.

GBA version of Chrono Trigger please, Square!

Sir Chewbury Gubbins

Oct 19, 2005, 10:57:09 AM10/19/05
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:09:21 +0100, "James Luff"
<> wrote:

>This week:

I shall defeat the end of game boss in The Beamish Cap. Oh yes I


El Dave

Oct 19, 2005, 11:22:56 AM10/19/05
James Luff wrote:
> With the groups
> support you might manage to finish a game that you have been meaning to do
> for along time but just never got around to it. With a MWC to spur you on it
> may just happen!

Sounds like a great idea James! I know I probably need spurring on to
complete games more than most, because I'm the kind of lazy bastard for
whom even turning the Xbox on is a bit too much like hard work...

> This week:

Play the old PC games that have been staring at me on the shelf for far
too long: Deus Ex, Flight Unlimited III, and the Wing Commander fan game
(Standoff) I downloaded ages ago.

This shouldn't be especially hard as I don't have access to my Xbox or
Gamecube, and my PC is so exceptionally shite that it can't run much
else (even DVDs). Still, I've managed to get this far without even
touching any of the games I meant to. Bah.

So, like Zo, my challenge is to actually play some games for next week.


Oct 19, 2005, 12:01:09 PM10/19/05
James Luff's in the noose, hang loose kid.

> Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
> Anyone else want to join it?

Break 1,000,000 in Simple Mode in Star Trip on Meteos

Beat my mate's arcade score on Outrun 2 - (I've been putting this off
for ages)

"Also, I can kill you with my brain"


Oct 19, 2005, 11:15:38 AM10/19/05

"James Luff" <> wrote in message

> 2) To try and get Gold on Burnout Legends crash event "Paradise Peril",

> it's been bugging me for weeks. But this week I am determined to manage
> it!

Glad I am not the only one. Its a horrible crash.


Oct 19, 2005, 12:45:17 PM10/19/05
Soni tempori elseu romani yeof helsforo nisson ol sefini ill des Wed, 19 Oct
2005 12:09:21 +0100, sefini jorgo geanyet des mani yeof do, yawatina tan reek esk "James Luff"
<> fornis do marikano es bono tan el:

> So you might want set yourself a challenge to
>play all the games in your collection before the next MWC or something

If I spent 10 seconds on each game I have, it'll be 6543 years before I've
played them all. And that's assuming I buy no more in the meantime, which I
currently am doing at a rate of one game every four milliseconds.

+ Lofi Gaming: [Gamertag: deKay 01]
|- Gaming Diary:
|- My computer runs at 3.5MHz and I'm proud of that
|- CSS Crap Games Comp 2005:


Oct 19, 2005, 12:45:56 PM10/19/05
Soni tempori elseu romani yeof helsforo nisson ol sefini ill des Wed, 19 Oct
2005 13:17:59 +0100, sefini jorgo geanyet des mani yeof do, yawatina tan reek esk The Rev
<> fornis do marikano es bono tan el:

>To get past the bloody spikes in Castlevania.

Which spikes?


Oct 19, 2005, 1:08:57 PM10/19/05

"James Luff" <> wrote in message

> This week:

Digest a certain James Chen's "Capcom Vs SNK 2: Systems And Combo Guide Version

It's an awesomely anal work of 2D fighting FAQ-ishness.



Oct 19, 2005, 1:41:56 PM10/19/05
Nathan has fallen from outer space. Launch them back to defend the planet
and maintain peace!!!

> Finishing Paper Mario

hey I like this MWC thing. I'm doing well already. Just completed Paper

Nils Tanner

Oct 19, 2005, 2:16:36 PM10/19/05
Why is a mushroom called mushroom? As usual, "James Luff"
<> got it all completely wrong and

Nice idea!

-Finish Planescape Torment. I think I might fail this one, but as it's
supposed to be a challenge...


Oct 19, 2005, 2:27:31 PM10/19/05
James Luff wrote:

To find the moolah to buy a new dual processor dual core PowerMac. I
could spend hours playing on that ;-)

The Rev

Oct 19, 2005, 2:50:12 PM10/19/05
On 2005-10-19 17:45:56 +0100, deKay
<> said:

> Soni tempori elseu romani yeof helsforo nisson ol sefini ill des Wed, 19 Oct
> 2005 13:17:59 +0100, sefini jorgo geanyet des mani yeof do
>, yawatina tan reek esk The Rev
> <> fornis do marikano es bono tan el:
>> To get past the bloody spikes in Castlevania.
> Which spikes?

The spikes.

THE spikes!


ALL I CAN SEE ARE THE SPIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gaming diary -
Xbox Live Gamertag: Prinny


Oct 19, 2005, 3:06:53 PM10/19/05
Soni tempori elseu romani yeof helsforo nisson ol sefini ill des Wed, 19 Oct
2005 19:50:12 +0100, sefini jorgo geanyet des mani yeof do, yawatina tan reek esk The Rev
<> fornis do marikano es bono tan el:

>The spikes.

(reads diary)

FFS, mang. *Those* spikes?! I'm sure two solutions were posted here, after
I'd figured one of them out myself. And I think I've found a third way too...

Chris Whitworth

Oct 19, 2005, 5:26:27 PM10/19/05
On 2005-10-19, James Luff <> wrote:
> This week:

1) Get a second animal form (WoW)

2) Teach my puppy enough tricks that it can win an obedience competition.

3) Get gold on Paradise Peril. Someone else also said this. You are so right.

4) Play something other than Burnout, Nintendog and World of Warcraft

"back when I was young, we had to travel back in time to put the tape
in so the game would load before we died."

Chris Whitworth

Oct 19, 2005, 5:28:07 PM10/19/05

I swear it's not actually possible.

That and some of the later road rage challenges - 25 takedowns? Pffft.

The Rev

Oct 19, 2005, 5:49:49 PM10/19/05
deKay wrote:
> FFS, mang. *Those* spikes?! I'm sure two solutions were posted here, after
> I'd figured one of them out myself. And I think I've found a third way too...

Ah, but I want to work it out myself.

And it seems I'm thick as pigshit.

But, hey, it's giving me extra play time from the game. Over fifteen
hours so far.

Tim Miller

Oct 20, 2005, 4:56:31 AM10/20/05
James Luff wrote:
> Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
> Anyone else want to join it?
Yes. Since it'll spur me onto doing things, knowing that reporting
failure will be humiliating.

However, it's tricky to know how much of a challenge to give myself.
Anything too easy and it deffeats the point. Anything too hard, and
I'll get discouraged. Hopefully the following strike a medium balance.

Three challenges this week.

Get past mission 20 in Advance Wars: DS. I've just finished mission 17,
so this means I've got to complete three missions in a week. Not too
strenuous, but I do get a bit turned off the campaign sometimes when the
missions seem to big or I can't work out an A-rank strategy stright away.

Four levels of Sonic Heroes. It's taken me around a year and a half to
do six ...

To at least attempt to get past the Elite Four again on Pokemon
LeafGreen. I won't set myself the challenge of actually doing it, since
it's impossible, but the game's not been in my SP or DS for ages.

Tim (tm)

[ste parker]

Oct 20, 2005, 6:02:05 AM10/20/05
James Luff wrote:
> Okay, this is my attempt to get another weekly thread started. It may fail
> miserably but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained! At the moment
> Monday is PWB and Friday is PWG, but Wednesday is feeling a little left out.
> This will put that right if it takes off.

I was going to say "finish one of my PC games" seeing as I have so many
on the go (Tron 2.0, HL2, HL2 Metastasis, Dungeon Siege, Fable, GTA:SA
etc. etc. etc.) but I'm so far from the end of any of them it's not
going to happen, so I'm going old skool instead with:

1. Finish taking game snaps and title screen snaps for my MAME set.
2. Decide whether it's worth moving to a slightly newer version of MAME
just for the sake of two games.
3. Beat my highscores on Flying Shark, Star Force, and 1942.

Your Play Rank: MADAMADA ikuyo-


Oct 20, 2005, 6:47:05 AM10/20/05

This week:

Not play Nintendogs for one whole day. That may seem odd but I want to check
that it hasnt taken over my life.

Play one entire match of Pro Evo 5 without going off in a huff because I'm

Game are doing 25% extra on trade-ins this week so I'm going to take back
some old GBA games and save up for my 360.

Play one home-console game that is not Pro Evo 5. That excludes PC aswell.



Oct 20, 2005, 7:07:19 AM10/20/05
James Luff wrote:
> Okay, this is my attempt to get another weekly thread started. It may fail
> miserably but as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained! At the moment
> Monday is PWB and Friday is PWG, but Wednesday is feeling a little left out.
> This will put that right if it takes off.

Mine is definately to beat the last level of Ouendan on hard mode. I'm
gradually getting there. I always get screwed over by the really odd
change of timing mid-way through the chorus. I can currently just about
reach the second chorus.

Wish me luck! Let's hope MWC is a Dai Sei-Kou!

Russell Marks

Oct 20, 2005, 9:49:20 AM10/20/05
"James Luff" <> wrote:

> So what is MWC I hear you ask? ......... Oh, well I'll tell you anyway, it
> stands for Mid-Week Challenge. This is how it works. It's not about setting
> a challenge that other people have to complete. I thought about that but it
> isn't going to work to well in practise. So instead, you each set yourself a
> personal challenge to complete by the following week. For example, you may
> have given up on a game because you got stuck on a certain level. Make it a

> MWC to complete that level by the following Wednesday. With the groups

> support you might manage to finish a game that you have been meaning to do
> for along time but just never got around to it. With a MWC to spur you on it
> may just happen!

This is... a strange idea. But what the heck.

> I'll set the ball rolling and see what happens:
> This week:

Finish off the Psycho levels on Ape Escape 2's excellent Monkey
Climber minigame. Only four levels left, but it's probably more of a
challenge than it sounds. :-)

Go back to GTA3 and see if I really gave it a fair chance (though it
looks like I was only a few missions from the end, so I probably did)
- it seems a bit suspicious that I liked GTA:VC so much and was so
"meh" about GTA3. If nothing else, the fact that I rarely used body
armour seems completely insane now, given how essential it was in

And, well, maybe I should give R-Type Final more of a go if only to
unlock more continues. But I doubt I'll get around to that.


neil h

Oct 20, 2005, 12:08:05 PM10/20/05
James Luff wrote:

> 1) To complete GTA : SA final mission, I've been putting it off for ages but
> now is the time to put the story line of the game to rest.

If you haven't already done so, completing 12 levels of the fire engine
missions will make this mission a lot easier ...

> Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
> Anyone else want to join it?

I'm going to have a go at the final mission in Vice City ... :-)

neil h.
"Here's something to think about: How come you never see a headline like
'Psychic Wins Lottery'?" - Jay Leno

The Reverend Bob

Oct 20, 2005, 1:32:28 PM10/20/05
On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:17:59 +0100, The Rev
<> decided to reveal their innermost
thoughts to by sending the following:

>To NOT give in and buy FEAR.

I suggest that you lose this particular challenge. Damn fine game and
it has quite possibly the best explosions you've ever seen. It's like
watching footage from one of those million frames (or whatever) per
second scientific cameras they use for recording tests on explosives.

Last night, at one point, I go charging into an area only for several
of the baddies to overturn a large table (probably scripted but it
looked impressive enough) to try and give themselves some cover. I
keep barrelling forward, lob a grenade then flip on the slo-mo and
start firing at the bad dudes. The grenade lands near them, I hear the
baddies shouting in slo-mo at each other that there's a grenade
then... BOOM!!!

Still in slow-mo, I see the grenade detonate and the shockwave flow
outwards and around, the table and glass shattering and the bodies
getting mangled. Seriously impressive as hell.

"Human history becomes more and more a race between
education and catastrophe."
AIM/MSN: rev9of8 Yahoo: ICQ: 215573269

The Rev

Oct 20, 2005, 2:13:19 PM10/20/05
On 2005-10-20 18:32:28 +0100, The Reverend Bob <s...@the.sig> said:

> On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:17:59 +0100, The Rev
> <> decided to reveal their innermost
> thoughts to by sending the following:
>> To NOT give in and buy FEAR.
> I suggest that you lose this particular challenge. Damn fine game and
> it has quite possibly the best explosions you've ever seen.

I've got too many games right now.

And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the
recommended spec on the back of the box.

James Luff

Oct 20, 2005, 6:36:49 PM10/20/05
The Rev wrote:
>> I suggest that you lose this particular challenge. Damn fine game and
>> it has quite possibly the best explosions you've ever seen.
> I've got too many games right now.
> And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the
> recommended spec on the back of the box.

REALLY? Hell that's scary, I have a 9800 pro, it's not even a year old! Is
it me or do you have to upgrade quicker and quciker these days? It won't be
long before the games come packaged with the gfx card that is required to
play the damn thing!

regards, James Luff
remove 'nospam' to e-mail
"There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those that understand binary, and those that don't."

Gunther Gloop

Oct 20, 2005, 7:15:10 PM10/20/05
James Luff wrote:
> The Rev wrote:
>>> I suggest that you lose this particular challenge. Damn fine game
>>> and it has quite possibly the best explosions you've ever seen.
>> I've got too many games right now.
>> And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet
>> the recommended spec on the back of the box.
> REALLY? Hell that's scary, I have a 9800 pro, it's not even a year
> old! Is it me or do you have to upgrade quicker and quciker these
> days? It won't be long before the games come packaged with the gfx
> card that is required to play the damn thing!

I have a 128mb 9800 pro, with only 512mb ram. The demo ran *very* well. Ok,
I didn't try higher settings, but I really don't see a point in going higher
than I had it set anyway. ...Ok I would if I thought my system could handle
it, but I know it couldn't and it wouldn't bother me. :)

Hopefully I'll pick up F.E.A.R. over the weekend.


Reply to:

The Rev

Oct 21, 2005, 1:54:56 AM10/21/05
James Luff wrote:
> The Rev wrote:
>>And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the
>>recommended spec on the back of the box.

Yep. I was shocked. But the demo ran fine on my machine, anyway. Maybe
it didn't have all the effects that I've read about in reviews, but
unless the demo is easier to run than the full game it should be fine.

I'm not one of these people who needs to run in 1600x1200 or anything.
640x480 with some AA looks nice enough, if I have to drop down. Games
that don't support widescreen resolutions (which seems to be most of
them) are annoying, though.

> Hell that's scary, I have a 9800 pro, it's not even a year old! Is
> it me or do you have to upgrade quicker and quciker these days? It won't be
> long before the games come packaged with the gfx card that is required to
> play the damn thing!

The most annoying thing is that a decent upgrade to the 9800 Pro still
seems to be about £300. Of course, having an AGP slot doesn't help these

[ste parker]

Oct 21, 2005, 4:18:08 AM10/21/05
James Luff wrote:
> The Rev wrote:
>>>I suggest that you lose this particular challenge. Damn fine game and
>>>it has quite possibly the best explosions you've ever seen.
>>I've got too many games right now.
>>And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the
>>recommended spec on the back of the box.
> REALLY? Hell that's scary, I have a 9800 pro, it's not even a year old! Is
> it me or do you have to upgrade quicker and quciker these days? It won't be
> long before the games come packaged with the gfx card that is required to
> play the damn thing!

Just because *your* 9800 Pro is only a year old doesn't mean the 9800
Pro is a year old - they've been available for over 2 1/2 years now!

[ste parker]

Oct 21, 2005, 4:24:08 AM10/21/05

Just to add, the 9800 Pro is still a decent card though, and I very much
doubt you'll have to upgrade for maybe even a year. I use a 9500 Pro
and I'm not overly concerned about upgrading (though I'm continually
tempted by a passivley cooled 6600GT), I can play pretty much everything
recent in 1024x768 medium detail (well, except Doom 3, which I had to
drop a bit).

The Reverend Bob

Oct 22, 2005, 10:14:20 AM10/22/05
On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 19:13:19 +0100, The Rev

<> decided to reveal their innermost
thoughts to by sending the following:

>And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the

>recommended spec on the back of the box.

I'd double-check the back of the box. On mine it says for the
recommended hardware: P4 3.0GHz or equivalent; 1GB RAM; Geforce 6600
or 256MB Radeon 9800 Pro or equivalent card with hardware T&L and
PixelShader 2.0 support. So it's definitely there.

However, it should be pointed out that once the new ATi parts actually
hit the market (the review cards are all out there) then the 9800 -
which is still a damn fine card - will be two generations old.

The Rev

Oct 22, 2005, 11:13:21 AM10/22/05
On 2005-10-22 15:14:20 +0100, The Reverend Bob <s...@the.sig> said:

> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 19:13:19 +0100, The Rev
> <> decided to reveal their innermost
> thoughts to by sending the following:
>> And it's the first PC game I've seen where my 9800 Pro doesn't meet the
>> recommended spec on the back of the box.
> I'd double-check the back of the box. On mine it says for the
> recommended hardware: P4 3.0GHz or equivalent; 1GB RAM; Geforce 6600
> or 256MB Radeon 9800 Pro or equivalent card with hardware T&L and
> PixelShader 2.0 support. So it's definitely there.

Mine's a 128MB 9800 Pro.



Oct 23, 2005, 8:48:27 AM10/23/05

"The Rev" <> wrote in message

Rev - I have often wondered - do you have a job? How do you get so much
free time to play all of the games you buy?

The Rev

Oct 23, 2005, 9:42:25 AM10/23/05
On 2005-10-23 13:48:27 +0100, "Revok"
<> said:
> Rev - I have often wondered - do you have a job? How do you get so
> much free time to play all of the games you buy?

Yes, I have a job.

I don't think I play as much as some other people here. Because of
handheld consoles I've had a lot of play time lately - GBA on
trips/commute/toilet and DS at home - but my actual console/PC play
time isn't that much.

Looking at my diary, I've not played a PC game since Monday and I've
not played a console game for over a week. I might try Football Manager
2006 later today, but I'm scared of it.


Oct 23, 2005, 4:13:24 PM10/23/05

"The Rev" <> wrote in message

> On 2005-10-23 13:48:27 +0100, "Revok" <>
> said:
>> Rev - I have often wondered - do you have a job? How do you get so much
>> free time to play all of the games you buy?
> Yes, I have a job.
> I don't think I play as much as some other people here. Because of
> handheld consoles I've had a lot of play time lately - GBA on
> trips/commute/toilet and DS at home - but my actual console/PC play time
> isn't that much.
> Looking at my diary, I've not played a PC game since Monday and I've not
> played a console game for over a week. I might try Football Manager 2006
> later today, but I'm scared of it.

Oh right - fair play.

Dr. Boggis

Oct 24, 2005, 2:16:12 PM10/24/05
In article <>,
"James Luff" <> wrote:

> I'll set the ball rolling and see what happens:
> This week:

> 1) To complete GTA : SA final mission, I've been putting it off for ages but
> now is the time to put the story line of the game to rest.

> 2) To try and get Gold on Burnout Legends crash event "Paradise Peril", it's
> been bugging me for weeks. But this week I am determined to manage it!

> Last week:
> Well there wasn't a MWC last week so nothing, but normally your progress
> will be posted here.

> Nothing too strenuous for the first week, want to ease into it gently.
> Anyone else want to join it?

Me likey.

Here's my challenge to myself for this week (except of course since I'm
reading this on Monday I've only got 2 days left - eek!):

Pick up GTA:LCS which I've preordered from a games shop nearby. I should
probably take some old games to trade in for it too. Think it's out
tomorrow here.

Get my Nintendog (Bollox, a Germang Shepherd) to win a competition. He's
a bit rubbish.

That's it for this week, I'll set myself something more challenging for
next week. It is shitty weather (for) here at the moment, so at least I
won't be stuck outdoors and will be able to play some games....
-Take out Ron to reply-
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