Pink champagne.
All ready for tomorrow...
House rebuilt, redecorated, refurnished. Cleaned within an inch of its life.
Christmas tree, decorations and lights up.
Just time to collapse in a heap.
#Ta daa da daaa...#
Please take time to read the Charter & FAQs for
Bev, you being the group hexpert on matters of libations, can you please
recommend a rich, fruity and *not* dry red?
Ta. I feel a trip to the other side of Ipswich coming on :-}
Bev wirritied:
> Gottan Asda near you? Currently Lindemann's Shiraz Cabernet (2007
> 'vintage' - haahaaaaaaa!) which usually costs around £8 a bockle is
> included in their 'any 3 bockles for £10' deal.
Hooray! But too late for a rabit chaplin. I was given the use of a
frairy car to take some of my (too much) stuff to go into storage in
the local seminary. Afterwards, decided to pop into Sainsury's in
Cranleigh (who cares about giving away names of places now!) and
bought a bottle of Rioja Campo Viejo Crianza 2005 for £4.99. Is that
Silly question. Like the chap who was offered eight legs of venison
and asked, "Is that two deer?"
( ' )
Sheel wirritied:
> I'll be gutted - not - in my centrally-heated, lice-free mansion.
But I'll be much happier on account of... er... <thinks> bein a
vagabond. No. <zizz paws> How does it go? Oh yes, the good news
for the paw. <zizz one paw> Which one was it anyway? <zizz the
other paw> Well, who cares..? <flop>
Just been huggin a nice Irish girl in a pub. They wos sympathetic
because all the others were intimidateried into not comin out for a
last drink with yer rabit. (Why does everyone suddenly start smokin
at 11 o'clock now?) Good way to finish a time in a godforsaken
frairy. (I mean the huggin not the smokin.) Catwot seems to have
( ' ) Wot was that all about, eh?....
Bev wirrits:
> I see you as more haiku than rap. Where is themost important parcel (the
> rabit himself) going immediately before and after the pilgrimage?
( ' ) (Got the T-shirt)
The catwot turns out to have been a spy all along who was reporting back
to the postulant master on your various activities.
It was. We had the most amazing day.
Can't believe it's all over (but thank the Lord it is!!)
> I bet Christmas will seem like a rest after that.
So true.
> -Bikini-0.jpg
Aarrgh - Noooo! - Take it awaaaayy!!
Bryn - I blame the Tea Chairs -
S'not me.
You can't see the goose pimples.