"John Rumm" <see.my.s...@nowhere.null> wrote in message
> On 09/03/2012 16:53, Weatherlawyer wrote:
>> On Mar 9, 8:46 am, NoSpam<
nom...@hursley.ibm.com> wrote:
>>> It never ceases to surprise me that some people are prepared to be
>>> offensive on forums for no reason, just because it is anonymous. Would
>>> you like to add some value by explaining why you feel my suggestion was
>>> not worthwhile?
>> I beg your pardon. I just read as far as:
>> "I bought this mortar gun with s..."
>> and switched off.
>> It is a piece of cake amounting to about as much work as sweeping the
>> patio to repair the pointing with a dry mix of sand and cement.
>> I have no idea how much work your "one of these" would be but I
>> assumed it would be a daft sight more work.
> More work certainly, but if you are after nice shaped fillet pointing to
> match slabs with wide gaps, then you really need to use mortar for
> pointing and not a dry mix. That is when the application guns come into
> their own.
I have just spent the last couple of hours pressure washing some of my paved
areas. I have noticed that the areas where the gaps were filled with dry
sand and cement (I did some like this myself about 4 years ago) most of it
needs doing again. The areas I filled with very wet mix using the mortar gun
then tooled off are all fine, those I didn't tool off are 30% in need of
doing again.
So I will use the mortar gun again but will make sure I tool it all off and
not just leave the natural bead.