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Lidl battery charger - flashing red light

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Timothy Murphy

Nov 6, 2009, 5:56:35 AM11/6/09
I have a Tronic KH980 charger, from Lidl,
which seems reasonably good.
Is there any point in paying more
for a so-called intelligent charger?

But I was wondering what it means
if you get a flashing red light when a battery is inserted.
Does it mean that the battery is useless?
I get it occasionally even with new batteries.

Timothy Murphy
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

Dave Plowman (News)

Nov 6, 2009, 6:25:34 AM11/6/09
In article <hd0ve2$5q0$>,

Timothy Murphy <> wrote:
> I have a Tronic KH980 charger, from Lidl,
> which seems reasonably good.
> Is there any point in paying more
> for a so-called intelligent charger?

Don't know - but they are excellent chargers at a good price.

> But I was wondering what it means
> if you get a flashing red light when a battery is inserted.
> Does it mean that the battery is useless?


> I get it occasionally even with new batteries.

Same here. Lidl ones. ;-)

*Stable Relationships Are For Horses. *

Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.


Nov 6, 2009, 6:30:10 AM11/6/09
On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:56:35 +0000, Timothy Murphy
<> wrote:

>But I was wondering what it means
>if you get a flashing red light when a battery is inserted.
>Does it mean that the battery is useless?
>I get it occasionally even with new batteries.

It means that it thinks the battery is dead. Mine does the same from
time to time, I have to put them in an old Uniross charger which
brings them back to life as far as the Lidl charger is concerned.

Dave Liquorice

Nov 6, 2009, 7:10:32 AM11/6/09
On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:56:35 +0000, Timothy Murphy wrote:

> But I was wondering what it mean if you get a flashing red light when a > battery is inserted. Does it mean that the battery is useless?

It means the charger isn't happy about that battery. Had it this
morning on one from a set of three AAA's. Took it out, counted to
ten, put it back in and it was happy.

Consistent flashing red would indicate a battery that really is "past
its best". Before rejecting a battery as truly dead I'd use a normal,
simple, constant current, charger for an hour or so then try the
clever one again.



Nov 6, 2009, 7:29:02 AM11/6/09
On 6 Nov, 12:10, "Dave Liquorice" <>

If a battery has been left in something switched on, it's terminal
voltage goes below a certain value that the charger would regard as
dead. In fact it's partially right as rechargeables do not like being
discharged that low, but I find that if I stick them momentarily onto
a 'simple' charger it brings them up above the trip voltage and they
recharge OK.

Interestingly I've another intelligent charger that does a battery
refresh over several days showing in the end what the capacity of the
cell is, and even these apparantly abused cells come back to near
enough their stated mA-hrs.


Message has been deleted


Nov 7, 2009, 11:41:00 AM11/7/09
On Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:56:35 +0000, Timothy Murphy
<> wrote:

>I have a Tronic KH980 charger, from Lidl,
>which seems reasonably good.
>Is there any point in paying more
>for a so-called intelligent charger?
>But I was wondering what it means
>if you get a flashing red light when a battery is inserted.
>Does it mean that the battery is useless?
>I get it occasionally even with new batteries.

From the "manual":-

1. The LED blinks alternatively red and green : the batteries are
being disharged for max. 10 minutes (Refresh-Function)

2. The LED blinks green : the charge of the batteries is being
checked and afterwards being charged with a battery-sparing impulse
loading for ca. 3 minutes at a reduced charging current.

3. The LED glows continuously red : the batteries are being charged.

4. The LED continuously glows gree : Batteries are fully charged.

5. The LED blinks red : the inserted batteries are not positioned
correctly in the charging slot or are defective.

Note : should type C or D batteries be charged in the outer charging
slots, the operating condition is displayed by the inner LEDs.

Clint Sharp

Nov 6, 2009, 1:40:43 PM11/6/09
In message <>, CD <n...@way.ok>
I have another type of intelligent charger that does a similar thing,
flashes the LED when ti detects a battery it doesn't like, however, it
still pulses a small charge into the cell so if I leave the offending
cell in the charger it will pulse enough into it to initiate the full
charge routine after varying periods of time. Perhaps it would be an
idea to leave the 'duff' cells in the charger and see if they recover?
Clint Sharp

Timothy Murphy

Nov 7, 2009, 2:06:43 PM11/7/09
no-one wrote:

> From the "manual":-
> 1. The LED blinks alternatively red and green : the batteries are
> being disharged for max. 10 minutes (Refresh-Function)
> 2. The LED blinks green : the charge of the batteries is being
> checked and afterwards being charged with a battery-sparing impulse
> loading for ca. 3 minutes at a reduced charging current.
> 3. The LED glows continuously red : the batteries are being charged.
> 4. The LED continuously glows gree : Batteries are fully charged.
> 5. The LED blinks red : the inserted batteries are not positioned
> correctly in the charging slot or are defective.

I have of course long ago mislaid the manual.
I did try googling for it, but didn't have any luck.

Dennis Junk2

Nov 29, 2009, 3:45:03 AM11/29/09
On Nov 6, 12:10 pm, "Dave Liquorice" <>

... and yet my (3 year old) Uniross charger has decided, starting
about a month back, that every one of my Uniross/Duracell/Sony
rechargeable AA and AAAs is suddenly past its best, based on the
flashing red light criterion.
I have just ordered a new (Sony) charger to put that to the test.

Dec 4, 2013, 11:39:27 AM12/4/13
My tronic charger flashing red light continued without battery inside. If I put battery inside start to charge for 1min. and after stop again and start flashing the red light again. I try with many battery with the same prob. What is the problem and how can I fix it ? Thanks.

Bob Minchin

Dec 4, 2013, 1:50:22 PM12/4/13
to wrote:
> My tronic charger flashing red light continued without battery inside. If I put battery inside start to charge for 1min. and after stop again and start flashing the red light again. I try with many battery with the same prob. What is the problem and how can I fix it ? Thanks.
Get the manual from here
It will give contact details of service agents.

Most of their stuff has a 3 year warranty so you should get it fixed
under that.

Dave Plowman (News)

Dec 4, 2013, 6:23:00 PM12/4/13
In article <l7ntgq$ebn$>,
Hope you have the receipt.

*My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery, people would stop dying.

Dec 5, 2013, 11:59:14 AM12/5/13
Thanks guys. I sended today back to service office and he say to me he will replace with new one.

Del boy 18

Jun 13, 2021, 11:02:39 AM6/13/21
Had the red light flashing on Lidl battery, which was feeling warm. Put it In the freezer for 5 minutes and now charging ok.

For full context, visit


Jun 13, 2021, 11:14:36 AM6/13/21
On 13/06/2021 16:02, Del boy 18 wrote:
> Had the red light flashing on Lidl battery, which was feeling warm. Put
> it In the freezer for 5 minutes and now charging ok.

Before answering a 11 year old post from a broken website, please read
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