Turns out it is a two person job.
One person holds door, rotates outwards into the room to about a 30 degree
angle, then pushes up.
This takes the tension off the spring loaded top rollers and gives them
enough angle to clear the top guide.
Person up the step ladders eases them out and the door comes free.
Thanks for the responses.
For one the 'lever something and see what gives' approach has worked, as
opposed to a crack, followed by later information on the lines of "you just
need to turn the concealed screw exactly 37 degrees anti-clockwise then
sacrifice a pidgeon or you will break it and never get it working again".
Putting it on Freecycle in a bit.
This is the first stage of our DIYing things that we can do ourselves so we
don't have to pay the builders.
Next stage is removing the kitchen then removing most of the central heating
ready for a combi to be fitted.