On Sun, 17 Apr 2016 15:03:25 +0100, Andy Cap
snruwf...@trashmail.net> wrote:
>On 17/04/16 14:15, T i m wrote:
>> No, the bottom line and I don't think an sane person would argue
>> otherwise ... 'most people' would consider and prefer their grass,
>> flower or veg bed not to be covered in any animal cr*p (other than
>> horse probably) and especially so for those who are working close to
>> such things on a daily basis (especially those who don't own the
>> offending animals in the first place!). ;-)
>Fundamentally what you're saying is ban cat ownership because they are
>roaming animals and are not suitable to be locked up all day and
(I'm not sure that's 100% true but I'll go with it)
> and once out and chipping would be pointless, the owner has no
>control over them.
I'm not saying that but many people would.
> That's a bit sad because they give a lot of people a
>lot of pleasure.
Sure, but are you then saying that the pleasure of someone doing
something (owning a cat) should have the right to outweigh the rights
(and freedom from consequence) of someone who doesn't?
Does someone's right to own a cat and have it cr*p in MY garden
outweigh my right to not own a cat and not only not suffer that but
not inflict it on anyone else?
It's just the same of me riding a motorcycle and doing to
'considerately and me owning a motorcycle with the exhaust
questionably loud and revving it late at night or early in the
morning. Very few people could (or would) complain about the former
whereas I would fully expect people to care and complain about the
> I have badgers and foxes and cats crossing my garden
>all the time and can't say it's ever been an issue, though admittedly I
>prefer shrubs to flowers and vegetables.
And of course that's 'fine' for you because (as you have just said) it
doesn't impact you. But what if it did, what if you stood in some cat
(/fox/badger) mess on your way in and had walked it round the house
before you realised. What if your grand kids ill because when helping
with the flowers they touched some infected faeces? Al I'm saying is
no one (including me) generally 'bothers' about anything until it
affects them or their friends and family, and there seem to be enough
people here (even) that are affected by even cats cr*pping on their
property to suggest that it's no a 'non-issue' for many.
The problem with cats is that more people have them than keep foxes or
badgers <g> and may non-cat owners suffer because of their roaming and
fouling (even to the point where their owners state they DON't foul in
their own gardens!) and the lack of equality / balance between the
responsibilities of dog versus cat ownership.
Like I said, I might get a 'Cat / sh1te hawk' (called that because of
it's appetite for cats and the amount of (toxic) cat-based waste it
produces) and 'keep' it here (where 'here' is wherever the feck it
want's to go killing it's prey (that's 'nature' after all) and dumping
it out all over the place (but not here)). ;-)
I wonder how soon the cat owners would want me to place more control
over my 'pet'. ;-)
Cheers, T i m