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Will the lying DNC gash call it quits once she in blown out in her home state ?

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Feb 19, 2024, 4:14:16 PMFeb 19
Doubtful - As long as she is being funded, she'll do her part to cause
division, just as she is paid to do.

Problem for deep state is, if her game is to lure Trump votes, she
already failed, and independents, she is just as likely to lure them
away from the senile kiddy sniffer, or whoever they might appoint to run
in his place, as Trump.

The damage she can do to Trumps standing in his voting base is very very
minimal, everyone has seen right through her like a plate of glass for
months, people actually get more determined once they figure out what
her game is ... But since the DNC strategy for the last 5 years has been
death by 1,000 cuts, they calculate any damage is good damage, and they
go with what they got.

She has adopted the Bolshevik Russian strategy to a T, pouring out
crocodile tears by the barrel for the dead Russian guy [whats his name
again ??],, And slamming Trump for not condemning Putin for his alleged
murder and his anti NATO remarks - Pretty clear she is reading from the
DNC script, in fact is couldn't be any more clear.
Realizing this, and for the few empty headed people who may be
undecided, they toss in a few lines that people might expect an actual
Republican to say, like she would pardon Trump if elected [oh yeah sure
you would bitch, and I believe in the tooth fairy too !]

So insultingly transparent and condescending these people are, and I
think with her, they have reached a tipping point where their desperate
efforts at damaging Trump are going to start damaging them.


Trump 71 POINTS ahead of final rival Nikki Haley in Texas: Frontrunner
gains more momentum with five days until do-or-die South Carolina
primary despite his fraud verdict and court battles
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for
light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

The Happy Hippy

Feb 19, 2024, 6:57:03 PMFeb 19
On Mon, 19 Feb 2024 16:14:07 -0500
JeSSe <> wrote:

> The damage she can do to Trumps standing in his voting base is very
> very minimal, everyone has seen right through her like a plate of
> glass for months

Strange then that you should waste so much of your time telling us how irrelevant she is.

I guess it's just another case of you wasting your life away, telling everyone what they already supposedly know.

Or you are shit-scared she may actually win.


Feb 20, 2024, 3:22:40 PMFeb 20
JeSSe wrote:
> Doubtful - As long as she is being funded, she'll do her part to cause
> division, just as she is paid to do.

"Haley said she will still be running for president on Sunday no matter
the results of the South Carolina primary on Saturday. She pointed out
in the 10 days after South Carolina, another 21 states and territories
will vote."

DING [again] Even when blown out in her own home state, the farce will
DNC funded gash has no intentions of conceding the defeat that has been
staring at her for months, so just long as the funds still come in, just
so long as there is damage to do.

She has adopted the Bolshevik angle of "Trump is old and nuts, too" and
cannot shut up about Russia, even comparing Trumps primary victories to
"Soviet style 1 candidate rule".

Cannot be any more obvious who is crafting her talking points.

Dumb whore refuses to talk about her romps with other men while her
husband was deployed, she says that is immaterial to her campaign - If
only men were allowed slack like that when their romps come up, and they
say they want to be treated equally LOL


Nikki Haley says Trump is at 'at risk of dementia' as she REFUSES to
drop out: Accuses Republicans of wanting a 'Soviet-style primary' and
gets tearful when saying she wished her husband Michael was back from

Haley's 'state of the race' speech comes as she is trailing Trump
in her home state by double-digits with four days until the primary
Haley vowed to stay in the race past Saturday's primary no matter
the results
She called Trump unhinged and unstable in passionate speech

The Happy Hippy

Feb 20, 2024, 5:55:03 PMFeb 20
On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:22:33 -0500
JeSSe <> wrote:

> DNC funded gash

You really do talk shit.

Loose Cannon

Feb 21, 2024, 1:59:27 AMFeb 21

In article <20240220225...@ntlworld.invalid>,
The Happy Hippy <the.happy....@ntlworld.invalid> wrote:

> You really do talk shit.

From posts by "Happy Hippy" -- he checks "yes" in all the following

1) Rabid, blood-thirsty antisemite who wrote "I can deliver you a veritable
bloodbath of dead Jews", and suggested to murder the entire family of a poster.

2) A fascist who tries to silence the opposition.

3) A fascist who suggests that politicians he does not like should be executed.

4) Rabid hater of children, whom, he claims, are "fair game" for something their
parents have allegedly done.

5) A colossal moron and liar, who claimed that George Santos is "White"
(obviously, as part of his hate campaign against White people).

Amusingly enough, this very stupid and utterly evil person had this
to say about himself:

"a very principled and respectable person, and a published author" [chuckle]

Here goes -- prepare the barf bag!

1) "I can slaughter Jews if you want, and I can do it far nearer to home. I can
deliver you a veritable bloodbath of dead Jews if you want; men, women and
children,. Even their pets too, if that's what you want. How about we start
with your wife ?

Or maybe you are hoping that Israel will be your proxy killing machine ?

Well fuck you George. I know you are sick in mind and body and maybe that's
because the God you don't believe in has chosen to lay you low like the
worthless piece of shit you are. You want to see blood flowing ? That can be
arranged. Maybe I should come round and wipe the whole sickening stain of
the Yates family away, and show you and your Zionist war-mongering buddies
exactly what this death and destruction you are cheer-leading for really
means ? What do you think Ron ?"


2) "I am pretty sure such egregious libellous defamation that I could not and
would not condemn Hamas, a proscribed terrorist group in the UK, is actionable."

"But it's a lot of effort. Probably the best course is to just forward what our
interactions have been to those who do deeply care about such things. I'll have
to ask my acquaintance who works at Hendon Training College who that would be."


3) "Robinson should consider himself lucky. It wasn't that long ago it was
government policy and the will of the British people to kill fascists. Many
did, and Britain thanks them for that.

If the government, authorities, the law, won't deal with a problem then the
people have to take the matter into their own hands."


4) "It's a universal encompassing opinion I have on all parents who drag their
kids into the public spotlight. Don't do it. Don't make your kids fair game
for a backlash to selfishly advantage yourself. Because once they are in the
spotlight they become fair game. That's just how it is."


5) "Lying white Republican expelled from Congress" (about George Santos(!!))

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